• How to make a stretched suede boots sat down. More radical methods - only for natural skin. Several effective ways


    By purchasing a new pair of shoes from suede, you need to pay sufficient attention to the fitting. But if after purchase it will be found that the shoes are small and deliver discomfort, do not despair. More difficult than leather, but perhaps at home. The main thing is to remember that the suede requires a special approach, since it is a very gentle and capricious material. In order not to handle the workshop on the repair of shoes, you should be patient and abide by the stretching of suede boots.

    First you need to understand that stretch the suede shoes can be insignificant both in length and in width. Often it is enough for boots comfortably sit down. However, you should not wait for a miracle - to make shoes from suede for several sizes no longer succeed. The material simply will not stand this stretch and deform.

    The most logical option that immediately comes to mind is. If you wear close shoes for 3-5 days, it will slightly change the shape and becomes comfortable.

    However, a significant disadvantage of this method is discomfort during socks. Unbelievable shoes can cause a lot of suffering and lead to the appearance of corns. Therefore, it is recommended to use other methods for stretching suede shoes.

    If still the choice fell on unblinking, then you can take places that are rolled up the strongest, adhesive plaster. Handler shoe is preferably smeared with a petroleum.

    It is also worth noting that the shoes from artificial suede stretch more complicated than boots from natural materials.


    Another well-known method of stretching boots from suede is moisturizing with water.

    Algorithm of actions:

    • mocked cotton socks with water;
    • put them on your feet and pull the boots that are hiring;
    • then you need to walk in the shoes until the socks are completely drying.

    If it is necessary to speed up the process, then you can moisten with hot water to thick wool socks and look like in them, shoes suede boots.

    This method is imperfect, since the legs can suffer from carrying close shoes.

    Therefore, you can just score a sock with paper, moisten it with water and shove into suede boots. After a few hours, check if shoes stretched. However, the effectiveness of this method is lower than the effectiveness of independent vapor.


    Close boots from suede can be stretched with steam. To do this, you will need:

    • hold shoes over boiling in the kettle or saucepan to moisturizing the material;
    • put on the legs thick socks;
    • behind the boots for several hours.

    You should not keep shoes too low, otherwise you can get a burn and damage suede.

    If winter suede boots are small in the legs, you can use the iron.

    Stages of the procedure:

    • unbutton boots;
    • play the greenboard on the ironing board internal up;
    • on top of putting a soft cloth moistened with water;
    • stroking the boilers with an iron, exposing the average temperature;
    • then you need to wear boots and fasten them completely;
    • to be as follows for 1-2 hours, while shoes do not sit down the leg.

    Instead of ironing, you can handle the top, turning on the steam feed function.

    Folk recipes

    Solutions based on alcohol will be accelerated.


    • mix medical alcohol with water in proportion 1: 2;
    • apply the resulting solution on the inner part of the boot;
    • wait 15 minutes;
    • after the allotted time, wear socks made of natural fabrics and walk in shoes for a couple of hours.

    Alcohol can be replaced with vodka, but in this case it does not need to be brewed with water. In addition, sometimes they advise to handle pasty beer shoes.


    If you do not want to smear the shoes on the legs, you can resort to freezing.


    • inside the shoe insert a plastic bag;
    • fill it with water so that he blooms, but was not filled to the edges;
    • remove shoes with package inside in the freezer;
    • leave for night.

    If on Winter Street, you can put boots on the balcony.

    Special means

    Without harm to the material, stretch suede boots with special means. Allocate aerosols and devices for "dry" stretching.

    Understand the aerosol is easy. It is enough just to treat them shoes from the inside and put them on your feet. Spray softening suede, and shoes comfortably sit down.

    For mechanical stretching, a sliding wooden shoe is used, which is inserted into a close boot. The length of this device can be adjusted depending on how much you need to increase the size of the shoes.

    Stretch shoes from suede can be at home. However, it will not be possible to increase it into several sizes without harm. It is possible only to make shoes that are slightly scolded, comfortable in the sock.

    Suede shoes are popular among the majority of fashionistas and fashionists. It is not surprising, because it looks elegant and noble. In the modern market, you can find suede shoes of various colors: blue, yellow, red, etc. Such models are suitable for all occasions. Choose the perfect combination of clothing and shoes will not make problems.

    But sometimes it happens that after buying shoes it turns out to be unlikely. This may happen for various reasons. Perhaps you did not carefully reacted to the fitting or choose shoes in a hurry. As for girls and women, nothing will prevent them from acquiring the thing you like, even an inappropriate size.

    What to do, if, coming home, did you notice that the suede update tighten and prevents from going? You need to try to stretch new shoes or boots at home. There are several ways to solve the situation. It is about them that we will talk in this article.
    Natural suede is easily exposed to deformation, so it will not be difficult to stretch the shoes in width. To do this, it is necessary to gain patience and observe maximum caution. The fact is that the suede is considered a rather soft and gentle material. Neacking attitude and neglect of precautionary measures will result in damage. If you want to stretch suede shoes at home, remember that methods for increasing the size of leather products in this case are inappropriate.

    How to quickly stretch suede shoes

    If you bought suede shoes for some solemn case, and there is still enough time, new shoes or boots are desirable to spread. Dress them as often as possible. Doing so better at homeThereby, the shoes will not lose its commodity look. Walking in small shoes in the street will cause discomfort and lead to the formation of corns and natopy. Wear suede shoes at home enough for an hour. During this time, it definitely stretches in width.

    What to do, if new shoes Need already the next day? This case has an effective and affordable way:

    1. We take ordinary polyethylene packages. It is important to make sure of their integrity.
    2. Gently put inside the shoes or boots.
    3. Fill packages with ordinary cold water.
    4. Tied so that inside the package there was airspace.
    5. We place a couple of suede shoes in the freezer for all night.
    6. In the morning we take out and let me hurt a little frozen water. So it will be easier to get ice packs.

    The whole essence of this method is that when freezing water is expanding. The ice will stretch suede shoes throughout the night. This method is considered the fastest and convenient. You do not need to make any effort.

    Method 1

    Another way to quickly increase the size of suede shoes is the use of ordinary hot water. To do this, you need to take socks from a natural material, for example, cotton. Wet them with hot water. Temperature should be such that it does not burn hands and legs.

    Next we wear shoes on moisturized socks and walk around the house for some time. This option will definitely help to increase the size of suede shoes. Socks can be taken from more dense fabric - wool or plush. The denser and the volume of the material, the more effective there will be a result.

    Method 2

    The second method is similar to the first and also implies the use of water. Only in this case it is not necessary to make socks, but the inner surface of the shoes. We take a sponge or cloth, urine in hot water and carefully process those places that most hisery and corn. Then we put on shoes or shoes on thick sock and do not remove them for about an hour.

    Some use ethyl alcohol instead of water. It is bred by water in a 1: 1 ratio. If you use vodka, it is not necessary to breed it.

    Method 3.

    Increase the size of suede shoes using steam. Boost a large saucepan of water. In the process of boiling, hold the shoes over the ferry each within a few minutes. As a result of light moistening, the suede will become soft and elastic, it will stretch it easier. You can ask to put on the shoes of someone from the close-size foot. At the same time, you need to be careful, because suede things are easily deformed and for a long time do not take the original form. Shoes can be spoiled by achieving the opposite result.

    It is important to ensure that the shoes do not become too wet. Put the tight socks and do not remove the shoes to complete drying them.

    For this method, the saparler or iron will fit well. Direct the pair stream inside the shoes and process each boot for a few seconds. You can repeat the procedure repeatedly.

    Method 4.

    There are cases when it is in the field of fingers. This case has the following way to expand your shoes toe.

    Take old newspapers or any other paper, moisten warm water. Form a small ball and place inside every shoe for a short time. This method will help to give a shoe toe necessary shape. The main thing is not to distort the paper, otherwise the shape of the sock can completely break.

    Suede shoes are practical in any season, and it is quite capable of refuting the myth that it is good in care, it requires an individual approach. Women, men, senior children, younger generation love to wear shoes from suede, since her darling surface looks elegant, attractive and beautiful. In addition, suede, like the material, allows the skin to breathe, preventing the formation of sweat, perfectly evaporates moisture from the surface, has high ecology. Buying shoes from this material, for sure, everyone came across such a problem as a close block. This is typical of a new, not yet walked shoes. Therefore, trying on the next pair, it is necessary not only to choose the right size, but also try to walk in her meters five around the perimeter of the store, thus check for convenience. There are situations when the store remains the only pair of favorite suede shoes, suitable in size, but close in the heel or fingertips area, and an acceptable cost only warms the desire to make a purchase. Then the question arises in the head of each second buyer: can I stretch suede shoes?. You can answer it an optimistic outlook that it is not only really done, but maybe without applying special efforts.

    How to stretch suede shoes at home?

    The easiest way to make new shoes are more free, Swiss them, taking care of a room from one corner to another. It is necessary to do it even when you operate in the kitchen, for example, or make cleaning at home.

    Three days later, such training, the shoe will take the right form, will allow comfortable wearing. To avoid inconvenience during unwinding, it is necessary to do it within the limits of our own square meters so that at any time you can remove a close pair, changing it on home slippers. Thanks to the elastic structure, suede piety, shoes are quite quickly spread. The main thing is not to overdo it and prevent the formation of unnecessary chances, bends.

    The "freezing" method of close shoes is also proven. Type in dense polyethylene water packs and place each in shoes. Check that the packets are really durable to water. A couple of shoes with such a content. Put on a day in the freezer. In the process of freezing, the liquid will begin to expand, and with it and close places.

    The third recipe is no less efficient. Here you will need any cereal, which has the property to swell on the volume twice the greater, rather than in untouched form. Perfect rice, buckwheat. Take two bags, pour grass in them. Packages should be comfortably placed in each of the close pads. In each pour some water to the cereals, sweeping, gradually stretched shoes. Packages must be tied up, but not tight so that the croup was where to "grow." Leave this case for the night. In the morning you will be pleasantly surprised: shoes gently stretched half or one size.

    How to stretch suede shoes on size more?

    There is nothing complicated if applying the wetting method. To do this, you need to take socks: for winter boot Middle density, woolen, for summer - linen. Moching them in the water, slightly pushing, put on both legs, after the shoe boots. In a close pair you need to go until the socks evaporate all moisture. Also, stretch the suede shoes on the size will help that person who has a one for 1-1.5 cm. To do this, you just need to ask you to put on a close to wear new shoes, boots to give them the desired parameter. In this regard, it is important to be extremely attentive, because if you overdo it, suede can be stretched for a long time, without the right to restore. A closure "familiar" in this case will not only do not solve the problem, but also aggravate the situation, allowing the shoes to lose its form. Using steam, you can also solve the problem. This method is applicable to the types of shoes:

    • Winter, demi-season boots with natural wool inside.
    • Men's shoes, female, children's native suede.
    • Boots Autumn-Spring.

    To fulfill the conceived, most importantly - to be a moderate, patient man, since extra efforts can lead to a damage yet not used pair. Hang boots over a water bath or bathroom filled with boiling water. Under hot evaporations, it is necessary to hold them to such a state when the surface is slightly moistened, but will not wet. Boots should be put on, to resemble them throughout the house for two to three hours before the moment it becomes clear that the block is much spacious than before. To increase the latitude of the highest part of the boot - the shin, you can use this method. Disseminate zipper on a vertical seam, with an inside of a wet wipe from flannel. Here to walk the Iron platform.

    For the procedure, a solution of forming, medical, food alcohol is successfully suitable. If the last is in its pure form, it should be diluted with water in proportion 2: 3, that is, two parts of the alcohol for three portions of water. Must get the middle fortress liquid, which will be the most optimal for the processing of "narrow" places. The resulting means, with a sponge, you need to moisten the areas of boots that are closer. Often, these are the sides. It is important to carry out the internal processing of shoes. The external can damage the fibrous structure of the suede, spoil her color. After the inner side of the "cleaned" shoes should be applied, unwind about 2 hours. The same diet has a table vinegar. It is necessary to take 9% solution so as not to damage the integrity of the suede. If you use acetic acid, it should be diluted with water, according to the bottle instructions. In the same way, as in the first case, moisten the narrow edges from the inside, swallow.

    How to stretch suede shoes in length?

    If new shoes approached the contour of the foot, but the paper will give them the right form to give them the right form. You need to take some clean sheets, mock, wet tool in the shoe sock, leave overnight. Already the next morning you can see pleasant changes. The main thing is not to use newspaper waste paper, since typographic paint can be imprinted on a light insole, and then on my leg itself.

    To perform the next method, you will need a hairdryer. Dress the wet socks, then shoes. Turn on the hair dryer and start heating the surface. Under the action of heat, moisture, the natural suede will certainly begin to expand, repeating the contours of your foot. The main thing is to follow the precautions, do not bring close to the hairdryer so that hot air does not pay the naval material.

    The following methods are good in stretching both natural material and its artificial analogue. You can, of course, apply the methods described above, but, if such did not bring the desired effect, try others.

    1. Beer. A funny drink must be mixed in the inner surface of the shoe, start wrinkling around the house, the apartment, as in the examples above. IMPORTANT When choosing a beer, give preference to light, natural varieties, without dyes. This drink will not spoil the aesthetics of the species, will not paint the shoes in an unnecessary shade. Before putting a close pair, processed by beer, put on the feet of cotton socks. You need to walk until all the moisture evaporates. The only lack of such a "alcoholic" method is a beer smell that can entitle in the structure of suede matter. Eliminate it will help the flavoring of the store for shoes or acetic evaporation. The second option is more troublesome, but budget. Pour boiling water in the bath, adding a glass of vinegar. It is necessary to achieve such a fluid concentration in order to clearly felt the specific odor of the acid. Therefore, you may need two, or even three acetic glasses. After breeding the solution, shoes need to hang over evaporation, for 3 hours.
    2. Boiling water. Pads of cramped shoes, boots fill with hot water, instantly draining it. Such thermal impact has an extensive effect, so without waiting until the shoes will cool down, dying, spread. The main thing: the amount of boiling water should be very small. It is important not to overdo it, it is not allowed that water gets on glue seams.
    3. Potatoes. Cleaning the root of the root, pre-washed, lay in the pads, leave for several hours. This method is less efficient, but its use takes place.

    How to stretch suede shoes by professional techniques?

    In shoe stores today there are plenty of fixtures, tools to increase the volume of close shoes. The most famous is stretching. It has the appearance of an improvised wooden track with the size adjustment. Special screw, scrolling, changes its size in length, thus stretching suede material. It is worth such a decament of a certain amount, but this thing will be able to serve its owners for a long time. So, with her, you can stretch shoes from miscellaneous material, all appointment, size, children's options, adults.

    Lovers do not bother, applying folk recipes, perfectly fit sprays, gels for stretching. They are sold in specialized shops, it is inexpensive, the effect of their acts is indisputable. To take advantage of a similar spray, it must be applied to the surface of the non-Crazy shoes, put it on, go on his affairs, to work. We need to use the means in consent with the recommendations on the package.

    Special aerosols - Again, well-known weapons for expanding each newest shoe. And no matter what material it is sewn. The use of such an aerosol is easier than the operation of mechanical stretching - it is quite only to spray the means on the wrong side of the shoes, put it on. Spray, drinking an inner suede part, makes it plastic, obedient, thereby losing the process of stretching. Like any other sprayers, you need to use outdoors or in a thoroughly ventilated room.

    Provide close shoes in due condition is not so difficult. It is only important to understand that the result of any illiterate manipulations can be spoiled appearance, Structure, after which shoes can not be returned or exchanged in the store. In order not to create additional problems, still choose shoes in size. And if it happened that the new shoes began to rub, it is better to contact the specialists, especially if the purchase is not included in the group of cheap things.

    Suede products are in great demand from buyers due to stylish appearance, durability and practicality. However, the joy of the acquisition of a new pair of sneakers or shoes can zoom to discomfort when sock. The material is elastic, but he needs time to take the shape of the owner's foot. If, after a few "outputs", the thing is still taking and rubs, you can contact the shoe workshop, where a specialist will easily decide the problem. If you want to save a family budget, you can try to stretch the suede shoes on your own at home. This will help proven ways and simple remedies.

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      Effective ways to stretch suede

      The shoes just purchased in the store are recommended to unwound at home. It is necessary to wear new shoes or sneakers daily, slightly moistened from the inside, and wearing them for 2-3 hours. For several days, the maximum of the week is enough to ensure that the product acquires the shape of the foot. If you need to wear shoes in the near future (for example, on a solemn event or party) or stretch the product natural way It does not work, it is recommended to use proven methods. They are suitable for both genuine and artificial suede.


      It is necessary to wet thick socks with hot water, squeeze well and wear shoes on top. Moisturized from the inside suede will become more elastic and rapidly spread. Another way: to moisten a sponge with water and treat it the inner surface. Next, you need to wear shoes on thick socks (if not woolen, you can use several pairs of cotton) and resemble 2-3 hours.

      It is not recommended to ask a person with a large leg size to cut shoes that is tuned. The likelihood is great that the material is too far crushed and lost the form. Then the attractive appearance will be impossible to return the product.


      If only a sock is recommended, it is recommended to use the old proven method: to moisten and minimize old newspaper In a lump, then insert into a problem place. The ball in size should not be too big, otherwise the product may lose the form. After a while, you should wear shoes and stay in her hour or two in the house.


      This is an effective way to quickly stretch suede shoes. It is necessary to boil the water in the kettle (preferably in the usual, and not in electrical) and direct the jet of steam from the nose on the inner surface of the shoes. You can use a hand saparler for clothes or steam iron. After the shoes have become slightly wet from the inside, they must be put on and be like for half an hour.

      Processing the steam shoes should be not more than 15 seconds, since with a long-term exposure of wet hot air, the product will quickly wet. It is impossible to allow this because suede reacts poorly to water. Subsequently, after drying on the surface, the shoes may appear white spots and divorces, which will spoil an attractive appearance.


      Stretch shoes in width will help alcohol or vodka. In order to prepare a solution, it is necessary to mix in equal proportions alcohol and water. The resulting liquid should be mixed with a cotton swab or disk and gently treat the surface of the product from the inside. It is necessary to act carefully that the drops of the solution did not fall on the velvety surface. After the shoes have become slightly wet, they should be put on a barefoot and get 15-20 minutes. It is not recommended to wear socks, because they quickly absorb alcohol remains, and the product does not stretch.

      Instead of alcohol, you can use beer, but only bright varieties. Otherwise, the stains will remain on the shock. After processing from the inside and a shortbring, the product must be used on the balcony or on the street.


      Expand the top of the winter boots or autumn shoes with the castle on the ankle will help the table vinegar. It is necessary to mix with water one tablespoon of substance and to be treated with a suede product from the inside. Thanks to folk prescription Wear shoes will become much more convenient.


      Stretch shoes in length and width will help an unusual, but effective way. You need to take two durable polyethylene package, Fill them on a third (maximum half of half) and firmly tie so that the liquid does not flow out anywhere. Each package should be put in shoes so that they fill out all the space inside. After that, the shoes must be put in one package, send to the freezer and leave for the night or 5-6 hours. When the water turns into ice, it increases in volumes, affecting the walls of the product. Thus, the suede is stretched. Outline, after the ice melts a little, you can try on updated shoes and make sure the methods proven by the years.

      Professional means

      Modern manufacturers offer effective stretchers in the form of sprays for products from suede. They are sold in shoe stores in aerosols. The principle of use is simple: it is necessary to spray a bit of a substance on the inner surface of the shoes and get a couple of hours around the house.

    Sleep suede easy. The material is soft, elastic, over time it sits down her leg and acquires the desired shape. But when the purchased shoes will be hidden, there is no less or full of the pad on the floor, the suede shoes will have to stretch additionally.

    Safe method to dismiss suede shoes that will

    Season all for shoes and your feet stretch a pair of block. Wooden devices with a screw mechanism gradually and gently stretch suede. Material retains technological strength and appearance. Pads - reusable devices. They will be useful for quick and neat stretching not one pair of shoes, not only from suede, but also from smooth or varnish skin. Sold in online stores for footwear care and cost relatively inexpensive - up to 1,500 per pair.

    The same mechanisms enjoy shoemakers in shoe workshops!

    To cut suede shoes at home with a helical strut:

    1. Treat shoes from the inside and outside the stretching agent. Any foam or spray Collonil, Silver, Twist, Salton, Salamander or Tarrago is suitable.
    2. While the tool absorbs, secure orthopedic elements on the strut. Manufacturers are offered in addition to the strut several auxiliary linings: to the scaffold area, on the "bone", on the rise. These overlays help more effectively stretch suede in those places that are most often clutch and pumped.
    3. Set the strut to the shoes and spin the screw until the linings come on the outside of the material.
    4. Leave a pair on the strut for 8-12 hours.

    Mechanical stretching of suede shoes, which is vending, can be carried out as many times as it is necessary for a comfortable fit of shoes.

    How to quickly deal with suede shoes at home: classic method

    So that suede boots or sandals are quickly dreamed, they need to go to them. For a start, try to look at home. To quickly blast the suede shoes, which will not give discomfort, soften the skin. Castor \\ coconut oil, glycerin, 3% vinegar solution, paraffin or soap are suitable for softening. Pre-process the maizins and the heel area with a sticker or a pencil from corns. As an alternative - hydrocoleloid plasters. They will protect the fingers and the heel from scuffs and corns.

    Such a process of stretching suede shoes at home is extremely simple:

    1. Lubricate the toughest places from the inside by glycerin, a solution of vinegar, paraffin or soap.
    2. Put the shoes and do any home affairs. The main thing is not to sit, but walk.
    3. Foot has become wounded? Remove the shoes and wipe it from the inside with a soft napkin to remove the remnants of glycerol, oil, paraffin or soap.

    The variant with warm water is even easier. It is enough to moisten the socks with warm water, put them on their feet and go for a 2-3 hours to carry out suede shoes, which ride and tert. Previously check the back and the insole. If they have a cardboard, "wet scene" is not recommended: the paper is breeding from moisture.

    Do not swear in wet socks, with butter or glycerin shoes, shoes and light suede sandals. Water, oil substances and glycerin leave ugly divorces on dumplings.

    Special funds work faster. In the assortment of any shoe store there is always a set of leaving cosmetics for stretching suede shoes of any color. But, of course, if there is nothing of the special funds, you can quickly cut shoes from suede and with a home arsenal.

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