• Sew baby rug for games. Developing rug with arcs with their own hands master class. Playing role-playing games


    The developing rug appeared in everyday life relatively recently and has already gained wide popularity: in care of the child and his upbringing at an early age, he is able to replace a whole set of things and at the same time practically does not take away the useful housing area. Accordingly, the prices of these items are clearly overestimated, so those who want to do with the scratch the developing rug do their own hands, especially since at home it is quite possible and does not require any significant cost.

    However, if you view widely well-known guidelines for the manufacture of developing rugs, they are reduced mainly to the instructions, what to take the material, how to cut, lead a line, stuff, etc. And otherwise - something like "parents can show their fantasy and express individuality." His? But the rug should help the child to form a person, and in adults it is such as it is. Then, Mom, most likely, sewing is already able, once watches sites for needlewomen, and not trade catalogs. In this publication, we will try primarily to give readers an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich developing rug for children in which case will be better and how to make it based on the features of children's psychology. Although the cutter with sewing will not remain aside.

    Technologically, most of the developing rugs are equivalent to the seganos, although other versions options are also possible, see below. Actually developing elements in it - all sorts of appliqués, pockets, valves, bulk soft lining. How to reduce all this in a single product, see for example Master Class:

    Video master class: developing rug do it yourself

    And we will try to figure out how to come up with a useful for the baby and an entertaining composition for him. More precisely, what frameworks should be adhered to, fantasizing the future homemade developing rug.

    Note: When reading further about the composition of the rug in the master class, questions may arise, which we will talk about.

    From 0 to 7

    Recall briefly the main stages of the development of young children. Consider only that the specified age limits are conditional; Individually, they can differ significantly. So:

    • 0-6 months - Miffensant. Feelings are almost completely organic ("internal" dictated by the condition of the body). Basics of view are formed: a clear vision (the look becomes meaningful), adaptation to lighting. Feedback with the outside world instinctive: Creek, smile, unfinished movements.
    • 0.5-1 year - Slider, learns to recognize information from the senses and dispose of it, which is still unsure. Around the year, developing toys and items will be beneficial for him, incl. Rug, giving tactile and visual sensations. The color vision is still imperfectly, the blue gamma is perceived darkened and with poorly distinguishable thin shades, and red and yellow tones are overly bright, "brazing."
    • 1-3 years - Walker, child learns to manage the limbs and make targeted movements. In vision, we gradually type "juice" blue tones and fit warm. The accuracy of the "rangeference" of binocular vision is gaining, but its geometry is still distorted: items seem huge, plump. At the age of 2-3 years, the child needs a developing rug with game elements. The first accurate feedback in the world appears - speech.
    • 3-5 years old - The most important "evolutionary leap": a person begins to think, compare the causes with consequences, to make elementary conclusions about the causes of what is happening and forecasts for the future on the basis of the analysis of the current situation. Motorika, the senses and speech are improving, but there is no distracted thinking yet: the world of the baby is his belongings and the nearest surroundings, and his center is Mom. Causal relationships are aware of simple direct.
    • 5-7 years old - develops figurative thinking. A normal developed child is capable of tracking 2-4 steps of causal relationships and, accordingly, perform targeted movements from the same phases. Color vision - almost adult, and in all other things the child is no longer a kid. Following the rule of ontogenesis, this is the transition from primitive wildness to civilization: the child already understands that the world is not only what he directly feels, but something huge, but quite learned, transformed and suitable for use. A rug may be will be born, but for some other purposes: in development he did his job, it's time to school.

    Note: The rule, or principle, ontogenesis in biology states that any living organism in its individual development (ontogenesis) to some extent repeats the biological history of its evolutionary ancestors (phylogenesis). The rule is true for a person. For example, the human embryo in the initial stages of pregnancy appear for a while ... Zhabra. Then, in the womb of the mother, they disappear and replaced with light.

    Does he need it at all?

    Teachers, pediatricians and children's psychologists have not yet come to a common opinion, a developing rug is useful. There is agreement only in one: the developing rug for kids is beneficial, only if the mother regularly and as much as possible of the child's gaming activity, it works with him or at least carefully looks after. Otherwise, the whole world of the child can be closed on the rug, and he can grow an intrahert, or, even worse, an autistic, who cannot organically fit into human society and adequately react to the circumstances of life. Simply put: Mom rug will not replace, although it can make it easier to facilitate its concerns. If the mother throw his own on the rug to develop, as can, and itself will become somewhere, it will only be worse.

    What a rug is needed

    "Mishke Paw / dropped a bear on the floor / still not bother him / because he is good!" Everyone knows how tight children are tied to their favorite toys. The basis of this effect is impenetrable: instinct self-preservation. Loss or damage to the usual thing, safety, reliability and benefit from which, from the point of view of small, tested - a signal about some danger. Especially terrible, which is unknown. That is why, not because it will have to be altering, a children's developing rug is extremely desirable to do so that it becomes loved by the moment of the need for him to his pension pore - appeals to the bedside or just to the game rug. Reincarnation is possible for future new family members. Then the developing rug should be interesting to play with younger and the child is no longer small.

    Successful samples of this kind of amateur creativity are presented in the photo. We will talk about materials for them below, but still pay attention to:

    1. Diverse detail, but not too small and not very large: the little things the slider cannot be seen as it should, but very large homogeneous fields walker if they do not seem to be clearly threatening, then sympathies will not cause;
    2. The color scheme is not screaming, the bright details are small, so that and very crumbling in comparison with them did not seem large. Elements of blue colors in the composition do not dominate;
    3. For the slider stage there are many details with a variety of textures - there are all the possibilities to draw the touch;
    4. Walkers they give the opportunity to exercise in the account. It is not yet consciously, but then understand that 1 is not 2 and not 3 and that "a lot" can be considered as much as it will be easier;
    5. Pockets, valves, ties, clasp - learn exactly moving with your fingers;
    6. For thought stages - zoning, implicit left and clear right. By organizing order in our Mirka, we are taking care of it.

    Note: Even before the stage of substantive thinking, it is possible (maybe with the help of a children's psychologist) determine what the child's temperament will be. In some cases, this is possible for newborns, for example. Using the rules of inheritance temperament. For choleric and melancholic, preferably implicit zoning, and for sanguits and phlegmatics - explicitly.

    About materials

    Make a developing rug best of all natural fabrics, Hypoallergenicity of which (inability to cause allergies) Verified: Atlas (for smooth, but not slippery), felt, bosy, bikes, denim. Wool is not suitable, she is an allergen. Weak, for adults safe, but the skin of children is more sensitive. For the same reason (gentle skin) does not fit silk, it is very easily electrified and gluits a strongly polarized light, see below.

    Modern synthetic fabrics for children's things are not inferior to natural, but only and only with acc. certificate from verified manufacturers. If the synthetics of unclear origin seems to be at all worse than x / b, it still does not say anything: it can be made of cheap plastic obtained using toxic catalysts. The fibers of the tissue fiber catalyst can be released in quantities, an ordinary laboratory analysis of non-captured, but with long-term effects of harmful to children.

    Filler is better to take a sintepon, He is hypoallergen and practically does not accumulate static electricity. Furniture foam rubber from 35 is not so good, in a dry room, it is noticeably electrified. It would be great for the most ordinary batting - but, alas, before the first washing. As for the thread, the best option is propylene. They are durable, racks, not allergenic. By themselves slightly electrified, but if the entire rug is an anti-static, charge accumulation is detected.

    What is not necessary

    The above rules for constructing the composition of the children's rug give a wide fantasy of parents, so it is necessary to outline the boundaries, it is impossible to pass. Completely unacceptably mirror on a developing rug, pos. 1 In fig. Than, by the way, sinters a lot of expensive promoted products. The point is not that the child can be afraid of his reflection, not at all. The fact is that the direct light reflected from the mirror (and how to avoid it for sure?) Polarized to 100%. For the rapid visual apparatus, this is very harmful; Mirror is strongly not recommended in children for large children.

    Note: Volumetric parts in this sample is just an accident. From them there will be no loud.

    Next rough error - monotonous items for feeling, pos. 2. Tactile feeling should develop comprehensively, as well as others. And on the pos. 3 - Too big brilliant field of saturated blue. What it is bad - see above.

    Next in fig. There are examples of errors already a little bit of prosperous. On pos. 4 Blue field is muted, on pos. 5 Its area is relatively small. On pos. 6 The location of the cold color actually unsuccessfully affects the T. Naz. The effect of dominance of the top, but the pale blue kel is significantly leveling. Here the main error is too detailed and complex composition, calculated already on a fairly developed figurative thinking.

    Note: To completely refuse blue in the color of the developing rug, of course, too bad. The child must learn to distinguish him. It makes sense, except for the choice of soft shades, bent the blue to the center of the rug, where it will be psychologically neutral, see for example. Video below.

    Video: Developing rug "Underwater World"

    Initialness rug on pos. 7, it is necessary to believe, clear in the light of the above: it is too small and deprived of clear meaning detailing zones. How to understand these patterns to a person who thinks the categories of "Bolya - Hurt", "Wet-Buk"? Also on pos. 8: The rug is clearly for the girl, but what's there to what in each sector? If children, due to the undeveloped still figurative thinking, pragmatics, then the girls pragmatics are doubly. And most of them remain all life. The same flames, obscure meaning, on Pos.8: zones of suitable size, are clearly expressed, but, purely children's question: why is it here? We can explain to your own way?

    Right rugs

    Rugs for girls

    Detailing a developing rug for a girl can be quite detailed as, for example. In the master class at the beginning. But provided that the entire composition is semantically transparent and is focused in a certain direction. If the circle of interests of daughters is still unclear, the zones need to be larger, clearly pronounced, and with the details they also do not smack, to the left in fig. Girls generally prefer round rugs; The range of interests for the future hostess is not distracted concept. Interests for successful management of the economy requires a lot of different, and in this case zoning a round rug needs to sectors, in the center. If the rug is rectangular, then in the middle there must be a free space for the lady of this Mirka, on the right; In women, the desire for Avtarkia remains for life.

    Other special workers

    For a child-fidget, which is so pulling where it is not necessary, a rug with a soft barrier will fit well, on the left in fig. A large children's carpet can be supplemented with a separate barrier, in the center. It does not have to be with a filler, a completely low barrier from pomponov is suitable. How to sew a baby rug from pumps, see the roller down partition, but in the same way you can make a border on any developing rug.

    Children's educational rugs with special features

    The mild barrier and psychologically soft, unlike the fencing of the children's playman, and keeps the child in his legal operational zone unobtrusively. Suddenly, the Favorites will fall like Skoda on the side, something like: "Uh-uh ... Mmm ... Based on the analysis of the aggregate of existing factors, by trivial conclusions we conclude that, in principle, unauthorized activities Objectively, it is possible, but only very likely - mom will burn. "

    For girls, very, very economic, in a good sense of the word, a rug with large deep pockets and valves will be suitable on the right in Fig. Being a kopeck for the same future hostess and homework not such a sin; In life can come in handy just like courage for the boy.

    Video: Pumps rug for a child with their own hands

    About Avtokhockrikov

    Developing auto-shocks are predominantly boyish, although in modern life knowledge of traffic rules and the ability to manage vehicles are needed to all. Therefore, a narrow specialization of the rug on road traffic can not be considered its disadvantage. In the end, where it is said that only one beloved toy should be? Or that the Avtokhonik cannot be sewed another, generalizing?

    If a child plays with machines on a raw rug alone, it is advisable to make it somewhat stylized, detailed and invalid, as described above, on the left in Fig. If his discipline driving controls the traffic police inspector in the form of an elder brother, the detail is allowed more detailed and approximate to reality in the center. But in any case, to put a traffic light from each transition-zebra, or leave all zebras without traffic lights, do not. It is best to depict traffic lights in 1-2 transitions, to the right there, to assume: Zebra she and in Africa Zebra, with a traffic light or without.

    Rugs with arcs

    Educational mats with arcs are more than replaced by the children's playpen, without preventing explicit prohibitions at the same time in the form of its fence:

    • Virtually, but unequivocally define their own side of the child, without creating physically insurmountable obstructions at the same time; This contributes to the development of self-discipline from an early age.
    • For arcs and toys suspended to them, much more capable of grabping, learning to walk than for the Playa barrier.
    • On the rug with arcs for the child, the likelihood of slapped with a scope of Jumping (which, by the way, the playpen does not prevent) minimal.
    • Being already quite a qualified walker, with the help of the same toys it is convenient to make dull-sick-faithful, pos. 1 in fig.

    Arcs for the homemade children's developing rug can be made differently. The most durable and inexpensive are obtained from a plastic gymnastic hoop, covered with synthet and a cloth-covered. It is only necessary to decide how to make them folding to clean and hide the need for the permissions.

    In industrial products of this kind of arcs, it is often put in the clock and supply hidden hinge, pos. 2. Make it with your own hands, taking into account the soft covering of the arcs, it is difficult, and to tie the crossroad with a cord (pos. 3) or a bow - unreliable.

    The easiest way to make ards by tangent and junction tight tape or rubber, pos. 4 and 5. If the legs of the arc connect the plywood band with a thickness of 3-4 mm, then the tent of them will be no less durable and convenient for assembling-disassembly than the hinge. The legs of the doug plywood are connected too. It is easy: wooden tubes are drunk in their ends, and the band is attached to them with self-draws. Next, the visible wooden parts are ekrive and color.

    In cramped housing conditions or, let's say, with a long-term leaving the whole family to the country, a developing rug and one arc can be useful. In this case, her legs put in the nasty outside on the sidewalls of pockets. For sleep, a child is to make a relief of the rug, put the mattress.

    On rug figures

    Figures for the developing rug, as already mentioned, sew. Patterns of several species are given in Fig. Tree, on the left at the top - simple applique. The specified parts are navigated on the green flap in the form of a crown. But so beloved by little Hippo is already something like textile camouake: it is a 3-layer of the same colors from the same flap. In the next, from the bottom up, flaps, windows are cut through which the previous or bottom layer breaks. Figures from the dialing on the right are performed in one or another technique.

    Each mom is already 2-3 months after the birth of a child thinks how to take the kid. A developing rug will help in this. It can be bought or do it yourself. There are such things relatively expensive, and from an acceptable price range sometimes do not like anything. Then, armed with the desire, fantasy and free time, you can make a developing rug for children with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions proposed in this article will help it.

    From two months, the waking gaps in the child are becoming more, respectively, the mother's free time is less. It's still about a month later, and even before, a thought comes: "As it was good, if Kroch could do himself," because everything is added toys and rattles, but he almost does not pay for attention. How to interest him? This is possible, the main thing is to understand the features of the newborn in the newborn and properly organize a game space for it in the form of a developing rug.


    The child is the first months of life attract major contrasting objects. Black and white pictures are interested in it more than colored, and the broken or straight lines it prefers wavy. Accordingly, the main background of the rug is selected. More often use light fabric, with subsequent placement on it dark contrasting objects. But you can do on the contrary, make a dark night sky and bright stars on it.

    FROMbirthday child sees badly. Space and objects, its surrounding - these are blurry discolored outlines from the shadow and light. From two months, the baby is already inspected on the sides and recognizes the silhouette of the mother. From 3 months, the child begins to distinguish between colors, and the first one is red. However, black and white large forms still attract it more than color.

    If the fabric is a shot with red, green, the blue tones - the crumb at first it will seem almost homogeneous gray, and if you also make toys to make the same colors - curiosity does not cause a mat. And also in the fader-gray spot, blue, pink and lightweight tones are alive. This is very important, because such a thing is necessary in the first months of life. Because when the baby crawls - his attention is entirely switched to other surrounding items, it will not hold it within the rug.

    On a note: Now there are LED toys on batteries that begin to glow from skin contact or light up from shaking. If you come up with how to safely implement a similar glowing element in the game zone - success will be provided!

    Tactile sensations

    As soon as the child understands that the handles can take various things - a new stage of knowing the surrounding world will begin. In the developing rug, you need to place objects from a variety of materials.

    You can use various smooth and fluffy fabrics, beads, buttons, as well as small plastic toys and teethers. Another child will love "surprises", pockets and objects hidden in them, and better if this thing is rustling or luminous.


    Associate the subject and sound coming from it, the baby also learns not immediately. But when he understands it - noise - becomes his favorite activity. He rumbles with rattles, knocks them about everything, and even crawl to musical electronic toys. Therefore, on a developing rug, it is necessary to place something, eating sounds.

    It can be removable elements on the "velcro". Or a small plastic ball with a full-fledged chicken, or a rustling piece of packaging or a fantasty from candy-covered cloth. Or all that still comes to mind. The main thing at the same time, do not forget about security. You can also attach some existing rattles and squeakers to the rug.

    M.scarlet children are all strive to try to taste, you need to remember this, securely fixing all the details on the rug. Also, removable items should be made of the size no less than the chuck's cam so that the baby can not shove them in the mouth and accidentally swallow. And if the item is small, it is better to "bind" it.

    Thus, to make a developing rug, which is really interested in the kid, it is important to take into account all the features of his age. The elements placed on the rug must be contrasting the background, to have a harmonious variety of forms, colors, sizes, textures and sounds, attracting the attention of the child, prompting to reach them. The game space can be made from different local zones, for example: Blue sky with black birds on it, green meadow with white flowers, and a dark blue gun, with blond fish in it.


    The easiest option of the rug that does not require special material costs and time is if used for the base the usual blanket, plaid or bedspread and simply embelling over toys. In this case, it is not even necessary to have a sewing machine, all items can be attached manually.

    But if it wanted to go seriously and make a high-quality thing - it will require more snarling, time and means. Below is a sequence of basic steps to achieve a better result.

    This video shows an example of a rug made with your own hands. In the process of viewing, you can learn several original ideas, how interesting it is to organize and place the gaming sites.

    If, time to make the perfect gameplay, too much went too much, so the baby is already crazy and almost not interested in the rug - you do not need to upset. After a while, the child will be saturated with his freshly interested opportunities, learn how to stand, and will explore everything at its new level of reach. So, the resulting developing rug, with many locks, "surprises" and other interesting zones - can be suspended to the wall at the level of the baby, it will be a kind of entertaining bizeboard.

    Natalia Ivanova

    Developing rug

    In closed form mat Looks like a sunshine. Can "change" The mood of the Sun, twisting in different directions of the mouth, you can braid pigtails and learn to tie a bows. All this developing motility.

    Each petal is thematic and fastened to the button.

    1 topic - "Rural house": All flowers, vegetables and fruits are removable. Mixed on velcro. Door of the house opens, there "Lives" a family. Brothers are wooden buttons, tomatoes - rosters. On this page you can work out the account within ten, play various situations, developing a speech of a child.

    Second topic - "Mezhok": There is a lake with removable frogs (velcro, a bush, in which you can hide any little animals. On this page it is also possible to work.

    Third topic - "Forest": Bunkers, bears, ladybugs are hidden behind bushes. All these are buttons with sliced \u200b\u200bbacks and glued on velcro. You can find here and calculate mushrooms and flowers, learning to distinguish trees made from different materials. Any rustling material is placed inside the crown of the tree.

    Fourth topic - "Road": There is marking, traffic lights, cars. On the lake float the opener. You can work out the score, such concepts as "further", "nearer", "on right", "left", "above", "below" etc. The door door opens (a lock with a magnet, there are pockets, in which the driver is planted. The same pocket has in the body. Wheels of the machine - covers from juice, which are unscrewed and removed. You can "repair" Machine.

    And finally, the fifth page "Ship": Fish in the sea, on the deck - the little men. Birds are removable. Anchor, bell and boat away - metal. On the staircase of the plank can be moved. All fabrics of different textures.

    Granddaughter playing with pleasure rug(now she is 5 years old, and she got him on his third birthday). We work out the score, various concepts, develop speech and motility and just played: hide than animals, walk by rug with princess, Prince, catch fish, etc. The main thing is, your fantasy and love.

    Publications on the topic:

    The designer consists of a plurality of wooden plates painted in various colors, circles, rectangles with holes. Fasten.

    Consultation for parents "Develop the small motility of the hands of children 2-3 years old" Consultation for parents Games for the sensory development of children What is a small man's hand. These are actions that perform small muscles.

    Practical lesson for parents and children "develop a small motorcy" Form of carrying out: practical lesson. Purpose: familiarization of parents with games aimed at the development of small motility in children. Tasks:.

    The goal is to develop the mobility of the fingers of the hands, orientation on the sheet of paper. Objects in different angles or sides are drawn on the sheet of paper. Friend.

    In preparing the younger group to the new school year, I really wanted to make a puppet room bright, attractive, cognitive.

    Here is such a wonderful mat-layout acquired our parents for the development of shallow motility. On this mat: lacing, zipper zipper, belt.

    This is my first job on the topic of a developing rug on a shallow motor with your own hands. I made it compact, so that the children could.

    The moment that all young parents are waiting - the firstborn appeared in the family. From this point, this tiny miracle is surrounded by love, attention and all the best. The baby is growing and developing, and the parents invented the great many modern techniques and expensive toys inventing the parents to help, so that Choo grew and everyone pleased every day. Among the diversity of didactic toys should pay attention to the developing rugs for the karapusov, the modern industry offers them for every taste and wallet.

    But is it worth spending considerable money on a thing that every loving mother is able to do on their own? A bit of fantasy and simple manipulations with a needle and threads (if you, of course, not the owner of a sewing machine) - and in front of your baby a developing rug for children made by their own hands.

    Appointment of rug

    Touch rug - This is a didactic toy for kids of different ages for the development of motor activity and sensor engine skills, as well as hearing. With the help of a rug for children with different surfaces of a child during the game, you will try to crawl, then sit, distinguish the shapes and colors. Based on a colorful material on which the developing elements are in the form of a sun, road, fruit garden or so on. In addition, rodents and rattles are attached to them.

    FirstlyIt is worth remembering that the material must be used high-quality and natural. This requirement is not only for fabric, but also to all components to avoid allergic reactions and all kinds of irritation at the kid.

    SecondlyThe integrity of the material used is required, refers to the lack of low-quality seams, cracks and chips on the corners, and decorative elements and accessories must be firmly sewn.

    ThirdlyThe babies grow quickly, and the need to constantly improve the rug, that is, in addition or replacing toys (parts). Ideal models with folding soft corners and mounted arcs, which, if necessary, makes it possible to upgrade the canvas and increase the play area.

    The more rustling, sensor, ringing, luminous elements that differ in texture, form and sizes, the faster the child will be interested in the game and will be passionate for the longer until the parents are finished by home. Conveniently, if the rug will be mobile to be able to transport it if you can be able to transport it. All items should be removed, because the canvas periodically will need washing.

    As a result, the search for such a rug, which would meet all the requirements can "fly" to a penny. But there is a way out - sew a developing rug do it yourself. Ideas on the spaces of the Internet are a great set, and the benefit for the baby from such a product is obvious and clear. If the choice is already made towards the manufacture of a children's developing rug with her own hands, it is worth thinking how your toy will look like, and that there is a list of prohibitions.

    Possible mistakes

    You decided to sew a touch pad for children with their own hands, giving the will of fantasy. Note that the creative process is an interesting business and fascinating, but there is a step-by-step instructionSo that the master class did not drag on and did not turn into burden.

    Step-by-step work plan

    We hope parents dropped doubts that the developing rug is better made independently. After all, someone as not parents know the preferences of their baby. We hope that the spent time and strength will be rewarded with smiles of small ducts.

    Developing rug for a child with their own hands

    Any mom wants her child to be comprehensively developed from childhood. Now there are many different games for the development of children, but very often they are not affordable to parents.

    There is a way out of this situation - you can sew a developing rug with your own hands. Miles who can sew, knit, can independently make a rug for the development of a baby from the materials of children's development benefits.

    We will analyze how and from what you can build a rug for a child from 0 to 2 years on their own. This article will help mommies, which were only fond of needlework, create a developing rug with their own hands for the baby, and make it a very worthy individual, game type of toys.

    From this article you will learn

    The essence of the technique

    My moon, a multicolored rug with a huge number of developing elements is used for classes with a baby. How many months does it fit the child?

    Krochu 3-4 months put on him on the tummy. Kroch gradually learns to focus its view on different objects, fabric patterns, trying to raise your head and hold it.

    Such an item causes a huge hobby in children. Thanks to the additional hanging modules, being on the back, the crumb has the opportunity to look at a variety of items, trying to touch them.

    At the same time, he begins to develop coordination of movements. Gradually developing, the child is trying to turn over to the toy you like, touch it with handles, trying to her, and finally, take it in the handles and study on.

    The baby at this age studies the world around the world. His tiny handles is the most complicated mechanism for studying that it surrounds. When feeling different tissues, he develops a touch view of perception.

    They are a whole complex not only for the development of small motility, but also the large, visual and tactile perception of the surrounding world with the help of rustling components, for the development of hearing and phonetic memory of the baby using music components.

    The kid will grow up and mastering the next stage, which helps to expand him logical knowledge. The baby already understands that if it is touched upon a certain part of the rug, this music will play or a certain sound will be played.

    Being even older, the baby begins to work more on the shallow motility of the hands: unbuttoning different locks, butchers, opens pockets and other elements.

    He learns to think and seek his first goals. When the child has grown, then interest in him is already disappeared, so it is perfect for the game on the floor.

    Suitable age

    The advantage of such mats is that it is possible to use them almost after the appearance of the light. And its use time depends exclusively from parents.

    If you are going to build a developing rug with your own arms to the year, then you need to make more sensory and tactile items, small details to develop a motorcycle.

    If the rug for children is older, then it becomes the subject of training and development. The harder to sew a rug, the longer it will serve as a means of learning.

    He will become an assistant not only when studying various forms, colors and sizes, but also during the study of those about animals, continents, numbers, beaks. The boy will be delighted with machines, technology, and a girl from flowers, dolls.

    Some children and 5, 6 years old do not want to stop playing with him. It is important to remember that with small age, the baby needs to reduce the time of working with the rug.

    He will cause many emotions, interest and therefore may soon bother. But the older baby, the more you need to do on the carpet, so the larger number of different games will appear.


    Children's developing rug includes various ideas for its use, it all depends on the presence of imagination and ideas of your crumbs.

    By a personal example, you will help you understand the baby, how many things can be found interesting, exciting only with the help of easy use of ordinary elements of the developing rug with your own hands. So you can help develop him imagination.

    Options for games on the rug, you can later add this list:

    • Consider, observation. At the very beginning, it will be quite enough for the child to recognize new knowledge.
    • Acquaintance. Demonstrate to the child that can make sounds that can open, run away.

    Doing it, tell the poems, sweat, patter. Over time, crumb to learn all these actions.

    • Secrets and surprises. This will help the child faster learning to work with different locks.
    • We collect a crop. Velcro items can be removed. For example, flowers in bouquets, vegetables or fruits in the basket.
    • Studying color, shapes and sizes.
    • The account is how many triangles, how many flowers, red items, and the like.
    • Role-playing games.
    • You can also compose your own fairy tales, play later together. After some time you will be surprised by his fantasy and imagination.

    We sew a children's developing rug with your own hands. To do this, you need:

    • the foundation
    • material to cover the rug and decorate it
    • additional components

    The basis of the developing rug with their own hands, as a rule, is used by the foam rubber, an old children's blanket, soft but tight fabric.

    For the basis of the tightness, take natural fabric, because the crumb will play a lot of time on the rug. The fabric should not provoke the occurrence of any allergies, irritation.

    The color scheme can be saturated. It all depends on your desire. But too bright and neon colors are better not to take.

    To make additional components of the rug you will be useful to you:

    • Buttons are different in color and size. You can take them in the form of animals, transport, flowerfish.
    • Colored threads to sew elements.
    • Several lightning. Choosing them, pay attention to their safety, as the baby will play them.
    • A variety of gum, velcro.
    • Laces, ropes.
    • Plastic components (rings, rattle and other)
    • Items that make a lot of noise and sound.

    We make stages

    Over how many moms thought to make a developing mat. But there is nothing complicated in this. When all the necessary material was purchased, you can start doing children's educational mats with their own hands. The work is divided into 2 half: work with large elements, and work with small details.

    Step 1

    We make the basis. It includes two pieces of fabric. For the top, usually choose a monochrome tight tissue. It is very easy to sew all components.

    For the bottom it is necessary to choose a dense fabric, for example, jeans. It is necessary so that the rug does not slip when the kid crawls along it.

    Between these segments are placed as a layer of sinteration, foam rubber or other filler. If you have a cold house, you have to warm the rug, then you need to put more than one layer so that the child is warm.

    Step 2.

    Making background. To do this, take large parts of the fabric, you can sew them to the base. The background can be any landscape, all you like what you think appropriate.

    You can simply push the parts to the base, but you can also occur. Then push the typewriter. If the cloth is glued to the base, then such a rug will last much longer.

    Then on the background we attach large parts of the fabric (flowers, house, animals and more), and attach them using the typewriter.

    Step 3.

    Prepare additional components. This is a painstaking process, since each detail is performed very carefully.

    Components should be sewed very hard. But some can be left movable so that the child can play them.

    Step 4.

    Fresh components to the background. It is better to make a sketch of the rug, spreading all the components on it. So it will be easier for you to navigate the addition of new elements, and if you change them on time.

    The elements are a bit large in size worth sewing on the machine, some of them will become volumetric. And pick up the threads in advance.

    If you take into account all these aspects, then you will be much easier to perform work.

    Step 5.

    Work with hands. At this step you will use such qualities as perfection and patience. And if you remember that it is extreme, then this can be gained.

    At this step and mom will develop a shallow motorcy, it can be done throughout life. Get all your blanks, spread on the rug, and if you like everything, it means you can sew.

    It needs constant care. You can only wash it with your hands, disconnecting all moving parts. If noted that the fabric is spread, then change it or suffer.

    A developing rug for children is good because it looks like a living being - can change with your children. What is not needed, and what will come in handy - you will decide along with the child.

    This rug is just a find for all parents. It seems that the same toy, but constantly changes, and only more benefits. And she does not bother the baby.

    This rug should be done, he will appeal to the child, he will be able to play it with friends, thereby learn and you will have a little free time to take up business or to pay this time to yourself. Therefore, do not regret time and make it.

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