• Wedding decoration in Eco Rustic style. Wedding styles: Provence, Rustic and eco-style. Wedding in eco-style: in harmony with nature


    Naturalness is the main trend of this season, and what can be more natural than nature itself? Natural themes in the decor are so popular that the variety of wedding decor styles speaks by itself: Eco, Rustic, Botanist, Country, Tropical, etc. We will analyze the basic natural styles of the wedding decor - Eco style.

    Eco style (eikos- habitat, house) - This is the modern direction of the decor, aimed at creating space, harmonizing with the environment and giving a person a feeling of unity with nature. In a deeper understanding of Ecosil is associated with the concept of ecodisayne, focusing on the protection of nature, including the stages of production, use and disposal of objects.

    Ekodisin, on a par with basic requirements of beauty, prices and amenities, focuses on the consumption of resources, the origin of materials, safety in their use and disposal, the possibilities of their reuse with minimal damage nature.

    There is no long-term history of development in eco-style, form and techniques are borrowed from other styles, both classic and modern, and yet, this style is interesting to be born by the natural desire of a person to return to the origins of nature itself.

    He was talking about him at the end of the last century, when a person was tired of the problems of ecology, attempts to create a "clean" world in the interior. The founders of the style consider the Scandinavian and Japanese designers, which posted the beginning of the combination of natural materials and conceptually new forms.

    The desire for health and environmental preservation is capturing an increasing number of people on the planet, so Eco-style fans every year becomes more and more.

    Presenting their collections on the Spring-Summer 2016 season, leading fashion designers used a natural theme for registration of the podium space. This gives us a reason to assume that Eco style will remain relevant in the near future.

    To display the Moncler Gamme Rouge SS 2016 collection, Jambattist Valley, created an unusual podium that imitates the flowering meadow.

    Karl Lagerfeld, inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200becology, presenting a collection of Chanel Spring-Summer 2016, created on the podium the atmosphere of wildlife: mirror ponds, green lawns, wooden arbors and abundance of natural materials.

    RAF SIMONS, Creative Director of the Dior House, demonstrated at a high fashion week in Paris a collection of Christian Dior SS2016 against the background of the flowering fields of the dolphinium, for which 400 thousand living colors were used.

    The main idea of \u200b\u200beco-style is the maximum naturalness, simplicity and naturalness of forms and proportions, colors and materials.

    Characteristic features of eco-style

    • Color: Gray, Beige, Brown, All Green Shades, Heavenly Blue, Pastel Tone, Blue Tints of the Sea
    • Materials: Wooden Spikes and logs, cones, ceramic dishes, clay pots, wicker baskets, as well as stones, glass.
    • Floristics: succulents, potted plants, branches, moss, wildflowers.
    • Textiles: cotton and flax, rough rope, sisal and jute, coarse lace
    • Forms: Maximum simple, straightforward
    • Lighting: Maximum natural, lamp luminaires

    And although in the wedding decoration, Eco-style variations are more common in combination with other stylistics, let's deal with the difference between Eco-style from the styles of Rustic and Country.

    Compared with Eco style, (rustic - rough, rustic) It is much more brutane and certainly minimalized. The color palette is discreet. Unprocessed natural materials are involved.

    We all know the traditional way to organize a wedding, that is, the classic style of its design and holding. However, there are many other styles that have become very popular in 2017, because they attach an event of individuality, a certain atmosphere and incredible beauty.

    If you want you to have, Eco-Rustic style will be perfectly suitable for you. This style is also called rustic, because its main characteristic is simplicity and naturalness in all its manifestations. The wedding in Eco-Rustic style involves the use of only eco-friendly and natural materials, natural design, organic forms and textures.

    By the way, if you plan a photoset in addition to the usual wedding photo session at the very celebration, then you may find a beautiful, which, like no other shooting perfectly fits into the concept of an eco-rustic wedding. Nature itself will become an excellent decoration of your unsurpassed photos. So this is an excellent opportunity to create unusual, original and at the same time natural photos that will be bright and stylishly express your character and image.

    Registration Wedding in the style of Rustic implies the use of a variety of shapes of trees, vintage troughs, wheels, drawers, many burlap, bark and hay - that is, all sorts of options that emphasize the village stylistics. The decoration of the outbound ceremony or the banquet hall is performed in the natural color scheme with a predominance of brown, yellowish-white - that is, those shades that are characteristic wood.

    Sewing a wide variety of ideas on professional photographs of the wedding of an eco-friendly rustic style. Special honorable place in it occupy wildflowers, which will cost a pair at all inexpensive, but as cool they will decorate the ceremony, which beautiful photos will be and how cool they will emphasize the tonality of the event.

    If you plan to make a wedding in Eco-Rustic style, then pay special attention to your wedding outfits and a wedding dress in general, because this style has certain requirements, without performing the cleanliness of the style will not be achieved. Let your wedding be wonderful, and its photos are simply magic and fabulous!

    Keyword in almost any wedding style - "tenderness". After all, the wedding is a very trembling, touching and soulful moment. And mutual feelings are manifested, first of all, in your excitement "yes", in pleasant surprises for each other and favorite parents, in the first glance, who looks at her beloved princess bride. So not in the decor! But wedding decor and floristry are able to emphasize that very tenderness. Especially if you have made your choice in favor of Shebbi-Chic, Provence, Rustic, Country or Eco-Style. Someone would prefer to combine all these topics in the decor together, but they have the same differences as similarities. Tell me.

    Obvious similarities:

    • rustic scenery;
    • natural materials;
    • natural colors;
    • field floristry;
    • the best place of sale is nature;
    • natural and ease in wedding images;
    • easy to menu: internal and external.


    Often Shebbi-Chic, Rustic and Provence combine the style in the country. And this is an etymological explanation. Country is a rustic flavor, and Provence, in essence, the French village, as well as Shebbie, - the village of English. But in fact, each of these topics have its own unique series of features. Country is still an American history. For the bride, ready on top of the wedding dress, throw a denim jacket, and the groom in a cowboy hat and boots. Country in pure form, of course, not for the wedding, but for Love Story is quite suitable. Wedding themes are made to designate as "Country Chic" - a combination of wild west rudeness with the concepts of beauty in a rustic. Leather and tight lace, tree and wildflowers, twine and complex weaving.

    The colors of the cloth-style natural, in the warm range - brick, brown, ocher, corn, pumpkins, brown palette. Accordingly, the perfect season for a Country Chic Wedding is, without a doubt, autumn. The decoration is relevant to use wooden boxes and barrels together with textiles - denim, flax, lace. In addition to the field colors in a bouquet of a country bride and a floristry of a banquet zone and field registration, you can add a real hay and cereals. Harmonious in the wedding printing will look at the posters of old Westerns. Wedding photo session It is logical to turn to an equestrian walk or a picnic with charming lambs, chickens and rabbits. Country has to experiment in the image of the groom - it can be sand pants, a cage shirt, a blue club jacket and a wooden butterfly.

    Eco-style - from "Ecology", this is the pristine nature. The ideal picture of the wedding in eco-style is a forest edge or blooming glade, where the main decor created the nature itself, and the human hand only adjusted sharp corners - the flowers turned into wreaths, the tree into the most simple elements of the furniture, and the moss in the tablecloth and the rings pad . Eco-wedding is actually a whole philosophy, and in our urbanized century is very conceptual. The eco-wedding can be carried out with a minimum budget, but also to invest in an eco-wedding can also be significantly. Very important! Eco-wedding is, first of all, the playground, and this a priori cannot be a restaurant, but only fresh air, respectively, the eco-wedding season - summer. Instead of a classic arch in Eco-out-in-country registration, constituted doors are often used, instead of seating - windows, but also an empty tree will perform the role of Arch perfectly.

    Eco-style is a minimum of color, nothing screaming, only shades of brown, gray and green. Only organic materials are going through: a lot of wood, greenery, stone, flax and burlap. Everything should be as simple, uniform and in its place, as in the wildlife. Eco-floristry Forest, in its own way exotic, extraordinary - some succulents are worth. Little sprouts in pots or even seeds are suitable as gifts for guests. Candy Bar Eco-concept turns into a fruit or even a vegetable table. As for the image of the bride, this is a light, air, translucent nymph dress, can be with a shade - olive or pistashkov, for example. The bridegroom is better replaced by a vest. And if the place allows, go at least barefoot.


    The word "Rustic" is also translated as a rustic, but already from French. And from the bourgeois French Provence Rustic style is distinguished by the eclecticity inherent in any village. "And for taste, put the half of what you want" - here it is a rustic style recipe. Due to the fact that in Rustic a lot of bright color (relatively), this style is completely uncharacteristic seasonality, moreover, if Rustic turn into a Russian-French village, in the winter wedding he will fit perfectly. Rustic palette - natural shades interspersed with scarlet, orange and lemon, turquoise and bottle-green. By the way, Rustic encourages the use of glass and aged metal. Old kerosene lamps and curly flasks from under the jam instead of flower vases, wine bottles with table numbers and carved sollets with great-grandmother times.

    The role of a chest for wedding gifts on a rustic wedding can perform the most real wooden chest. A bouquet of bright meadow colors of the bride will perfectly complement the vintage brooch-camoy. The dress of the rustic bride is still easy, can be complicated by heavier details, such as bolero or poncho of coarse lace; A large-scale collar necklace from the same lace or openwork stockings is thickening. Rustic image for the bride is very close to vintage. The final stroke will be retro decoration in hairstyle and dark lipstick for lips. Groom Look for an unusual hat and ancient clock on a chain.


    "Shabby Chic" is an English expression that literally meaning "shabby chic" or "visible glitter." Shebbi-Shik is a classic English tea party in a country house in an elderly in the past titled pair. Family silver darkened, paint with wooden garden furniture places launched, and lace lost to the former whiteness. But in all this unmistakably guessed the taste of the owners, their elegance and the same vintage chic. Shebbi is precisely country England. These are fabrics in a small and large English rose, the English roses or roses of David Austin and, of course, English porcelain, can also be rose. The color gamut is the same "pink" - dairy, peach, powder pink, crimson.

    In the decor of Shebbi-Chic, we use everything that would have found in the very imaginary English house of Elderly Mrs. - lace and tapestry, including in the format of upholstery, pearls and coral, carved boxes and bird cells, massive candelabra and gold-plated frames. Wedding invitations can be made in the technique of scrapbooking, or even the text of the invitation will be embroidered on a lace napkin or a nose handkerchief. Such a handkerchief can look out from the groom's jacket pocket. Bride dress in Shebbi-chic style with vintage raid. Perhaps with a neck, long manual, with a turn of buttons along the entire length, direct. It can be any of the powdered shades or also to the English rose.


    With Provence is the easiest. All of the Southern France of France is associated with this style that each of us is associated with each of us. Laconic architecture, endless fragrant vineyards, olive groves, and, of course, endless lavender fields. The style of "Provence" in the wedding is not only not so much lilac color. Although it is his combination with milk, olive, graphite, lemon creates a warm olive flavor. Provence is the soul of France. Wedding in the style of "Provence" - elegance itself, whose apogee will serve as a cheast cake to a good red wine. The season of "Oboven" weddings is definitely summer, the season when lavender blooms. And why not to hold the marriage ceremony right in the midst of the lavender field, in Provence itself ... Only imagine what a fragrance should be there!

    The Decor "Provence" diversify the "French" details. As gifts, guests can offer lavender sachets or lavender honey. All materials used should be extremely simple - wood, laconic forged and wicker elements, sitherium with unobtrusive print. The bride in the style of Provence is simplicity and old. In other words, a modern classic with a raid retro, fashion echoes the Shebbi-Chic, but more open, free. The hair is dissolved either intertwined into the hairstyle from the brass with a lavender, eye makeup also in lilac colors. The groom will perfectly look in the vest instead of a jacket and negligent clouds.

    Did you plunge into any of these styles at your wedding completely or applied only some details, regardless of this, your celebration will be held at the height. After all, each of these topics is looking for and emphasizes beauty in simplicity, without distracting attention from the main heroes of the day and their love.

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