• Vysotsky is an avalanche. So - better than vodka and colds


    Here you are not a plain, here the climate is different -
    Avalanches go one by one.
    And here behind the rockfall the rockfall roars, -
    And you can turn, go around the cliff, -
    But we take the hard way
    Dangerous as a military trail !.

    Who has not been here, who did not risk -
    He did not test himself,
    Even though below he grabbed the stars from heaven:
    Below you will not meet, how not to stretch,
    For all my happy life
    One tenth of such beauties and wonders.

    There are no scarlet roses and mourning ribbons
    And does not look like a monument
    The stone that gave you peace -
    As an eternal flame, sparkles during the day
    The summit of emerald ice -
    That you never conquered

    And let them say, yes, let them say
    But - no, nobody dies in vain!
    It's better - than vodka and colds.
    Others will come, replacing comfort
    At risk and exorbitant work, -
    You will pass the route you have not traveled.

    Sheer walls ... Well - don't yawn!
    Don't rely on luck here -
    In the mountains, neither stone, nor ice, nor rock are reliable, -
    We only hope for the strength of our hands,
    On the hands of a friend and a hammered hook -
    And we pray the insurance won't let you down.

    We cut the steps ... Not a step back!
    And knees tremble from tension
    And the heart is ready to run from the chest to the top.
    The whole world in the palm of your hand - you are happy and dumb
    And only a little envy of those
    Others - for whom the summit is still ahead.

    You "re not plain, the climate is different -
    Avalanche go one by one.
    And here in the rockfall rockfall roars -
    And you can fold, open round the -
    But we choose the hard way
    Dangerous as military trail!.

    Who here did not happen, who did not venture -
    He himself has not experienced,
    Even if it is at the bottom of the star snapped from heaven:
    At the bottom can not be found, it does not tyanis,
    For all your happy life
    Tenth of such beauty and wonders.

    No red roses and mourning ribbons,
    And not like a monument
    The stone that the rest gave you -
    As the Eternal Flame, sparkles in the afternoon
    The top of the emerald ice -
    That you have not won.

    And let them say, yes, let "s say
    But - no, no one dies in vain!
    That "s better - than from vodka and colds.
    Others will come, succeeding comfort
    On risk and excessive labor -
    You will be unclimbed route.

    Steep walls ... Well - do not yawn!
    You are not relied on luck -
    The mountains are not reliable nor stone, nor ice or rock -
    Hopefully only a fortress hands
    On the other hand hammered and hook -
    And pray that the insurance did not disappoint.

    We chop stage ... Not a step back!
    , And voltage knees tremble,
    And my heart is ready to run to the top of the chest.
    The whole world in the palm - you "re happy and it
    And just a little bit jealous of the fact
    Others - in which the vertex is yet to come.

    muses and lyrics V.Vysotsky

    This is not a plain for you,
    Here the climate is different -
    Avalanches go one by one
    And here behind the rockfall the rockfall roars, -
    And you can turn, go around the cliff, -
    But we take the hard way
    Dangerous as a military trail.

    Who has not been here, who did not risk -
    He did not test himself,
    Even though below he grabbed the stars from heaven:
    Below you will not meet, how not to stretch
    For all my happy life
    One tenth of such beauties and wonders.

    There are no scarlet roses and mourning ribbons
    And does not look like a monument
    The stone that gave you peace -
    As an eternal flame, sparkles during the day
    The summit of emerald ice -
    That you never conquered

    And let them say, yes, let them say
    But - no, nobody dies in vain!
    It’s better than vodka and colds.
    Others will come, replacing comfort
    At risk and exorbitant work, -
    You will pass the route you have not traveled.

    Sheer walls ... Well - don't yawn!
    Don't rely on luck here -
    In the mountains, neither stone, nor ice, nor rock are reliable, -
    We only hope for the strength of our hands,
    On the hands of a friend and a hammered hook -
    And we pray the insurance won't let you down.

    We cut the steps ... Not a step back!
    And knees tremble from tension
    And the heart is ready to run from the chest to the top.
    The whole world in the palm of your hand - you are happy and dumb
    And only a little envy of those
    Others - for whom the summit is still ahead.

    Farewell to the mountains
    author V. Vysotsky

    Into the bustle of cities and into the streams of cars
    We are returning - there is simply nowhere to go! -
    And we go down from the conquered peaks,
    Leaving in the mountains, leaving your heart in the mountains.


    I've already proved everything to myself:

    I haven’t been to yet.
    I haven’t been to yet.

    Who wants to be alone in trouble
    Who wants to leave without heeding my heart?
    But we descend from the conquered peaks, -
    What to do - and the gods descended to earth.

    How many words and hopes, how many songs and themes
    The mountains awaken us - and call us to stay! -
    But we go down - some for a year, some at all, -
    Because always,
    Because we must always return.

    So leave unnecessary arguments -
    I've already proved everything to myself:
    Better than mountains can only be mountains,
    Which nobody has been!

    Song about a friend
    author V. Vysotsky

    If a friend was suddenly
    And not a friend, and not an enemy, but so ...
    If you can't tell right away
    Good or bad, -
    Pull the guy to the mountains - take a chance! -
    Don't leave him alone:
    May he be in tandem in one with you -
    There you will understand who he is.

    If a guy is in the mountains - not ah,
    If you immediately become limp and down,
    A step stepped onto a glacier and - wilted,
    He stumbled - and in a cry, -
    So, next to you is a stranger,
    Don't scold him - chase him:
    Up such do not take even here
    They don't sing about such people.

    If he did not whine, did not whine,
    Even though he was gloomy and angry, he walked
    And when you fell off the rocks
    He moaned, but he held
    If I followed you as if into battle,
    Standing at the top - intoxicated, -
    So, as on yourself,
    Rely on him!

    Ballad of Alpine Arrows
    ed. V. Vysotsky

    The sunset flickered like the steel of a blade.
    Death counted its prey.
    The fight will be tomorrow, but for now
    The platoon buried itself in the clouds
    And he left along the pass.

    Leave conversations aside -
    Onward and upward, and there ...
    After all, these are our mountains
    They will help us!
    They will help us!

    And before the war, this slope
    The German guy took with you!
    He fell down but was saved
    But now, maybe he
    He prepares his machine gun for battle.

    The platoon climbs up, and by the river -
    The one with whom you previously paired.
    We are waiting for an attack to the point of longing
    And here are the alpine arrows
    Something is not in good shape today.

    You are here again, you are all collected,
    You are waiting for the coveted signal.
    And the guy is here, too.
    Among the shooters from "Edelweiss".
    They must be thrown off the pass!

    Rock climber
    ed. V. Vysotsky

    I asked you: - Why are you going to the mountains?
    And you went to the top, and you were eager to fight.
    - After all, Elbrus and the plane can be seen great! -
    You laughed and took it with you.

    And since then you have become close and affectionate,

    Pulling me out of the crack for the first time,
    You smiled, my climber.

    And then, for these damn cracks,
    When I praised your dinner,
    I got two short slaps -
    But he was not offended, but said:

    My climber, my rock climber!
    Every time looking for me through the cracks,
    You scolded me, my climber.

    And then on each of our ascents -
    Why are you distrustful of me ?! -
    You insured me with pleasure
    My climber is gutta-percha.

    Oh, what a distant, unfriendly you are,
    My climber, my rock climber!
    Pulling me out of the abyss every time
    You scolded me, my climber.

    I reached out for you with the last force, -
    You are already within my reach.
    I'll climb up and say: - Enough, dear! ..-
    Then he fell down, but managed to say:

    Oh, how close and affectionate you are,
    My climber, my rock climber!
    We are now tied with one rope -
    We both became rock climbers.

    V. Vysotsky

    Each person has his own grievances -
    Time passes - and forgets
    And my sorrow is like eternal snow, -
    Doesn't melt, doesn't melt.
    It does not melt even in summer
    In the midday heat, -
    And I know: this sadness, longing for me
    Age to carry with you.

    Here you are not a plain, here the climate is different -
    Avalanches go one by one.
    And here behind the rockfall the rockfall roars, -
    And you can turn, go around the cliff, -
    But we take the hard way
    Dangerous as a military trail !.

    Who has not been here, who did not risk -
    He did not test himself,
    Even though below he grabbed the stars from heaven:
    Below you will not meet, how not to stretch,
    For all my happy life
    One tenth of such beauties and wonders.

    There are no scarlet roses and mourning ribbons
    And does not look like a monument
    The stone that gave you peace -
    As an eternal flame, sparkles during the day
    The summit of emerald ice -
    That you never conquered

    And let them say, yes, let them say
    But - no, nobody dies in vain!
    It's better - than vodka and colds.
    Others will come, replacing comfort
    At risk and exorbitant work, -
    You will pass the route you have not traveled.

    Sheer walls ... Well - don't yawn!
    Don't rely on luck here -
    In the mountains, neither stone, nor ice, nor rock are reliable, -
    We only hope for the strength of our hands,
    On the hands of a friend and a hammered hook -
    And we pray the insurance won't let you down.

    We cut the steps ... Not a step back!
    And knees tremble from tension
    And the heart is ready to run from the chest to the top.
    The whole world in the palm of your hand - you are happy and dumb
    And only a little envy of those
    Others - for whom the summit is still ahead. You "re not plain, the climate is different -
    Avalanche go one by one.
    And here in the rockfall rockfall roars -
    And you can fold, open round the -
    But we choose the hard way
    Dangerous as military trail!.

    Who here did not happen, who did not venture -
    He himself has not experienced,
    Even if it is at the bottom of the star snapped from heaven:
    At the bottom can not be found, it does not tyanis,
    For all your happy life
    Tenth of such beauty and wonders.

    No red roses and mourning ribbons,
    And not like a monument
    The stone that the rest gave you -
    As the Eternal Flame, sparkles in the afternoon
    The top of the emerald ice -
    That you have not won.

    And let them say, yes, let "s say
    But - no, no one dies in vain!
    That "s better - than from vodka and colds.
    Others will come, succeeding comfort
    On risk and excessive labor -
    You will be unclimbed route.

    Steep walls ... Well - do not yawn!
    You are not relied on luck -
    The mountains are not reliable nor stone, nor ice or rock -
    Hopefully only a fortress hands
    On the other hand hammered and hook -
    And pray that the insurance did not disappoint.

    We chop stage ... Not a step back!
    , And voltage knees tremble,
    And my heart is ready to run to the top of the chest.
    The whole world in the palm - you "re happy and it
    And just a little bit jealous of the fact
    Others - in which the vertex is yet to come.

    I have two bad habits, and it seems that, in the opinion of others, these are the most terrible and bad habits in the world. For my friends zadolbali zadolbalyat me in connection with them.

    My first bad habit is eating chocolate. I can safely eat two milk chocolates in a row, but I usually limit myself to one a day. Yes, I know that it is harmful, but I love chocolate and am not going to give it up. But if someone finds out about this love of mine, they immediately attack from all sides.

    You will get fat, - a friend who watches her weight tells me.

    Yes, I, damn it, have a body mass index of only 15. This is not enough, I need to gain at least 10 kg to a normal weight, I would gladly recover and even take your extra pounds, so this is no argument.

    Diabetes will develop, says the second friend, taking another drag on her cigarette. I do not exclude such a possibility, but you, dear, are not stopped by all these "Ministry of Health warns" on every pack of cigarettes. You still smoke one pack a day. So why should I give up chocolate?

    It's not clear what you spend money on, ”one friend chuckles. Yes, I do. But I also earn them. I even manage to postpone, and not borrow from everyone I can.

    You will spoil your teeth, '' another friend shakes his head, who has long spoiled his liver with constant drinking and continues to drink as soon as he gets money for another bottle. Well, I'll spoil them. What do you want? I'm not going to spoil yours - mine. And I won't take money for a crown instead of a tooth destroyed by caries, honestly. I didn't take it this winter.

    My second bad habit is a cat. Why harmful? Because I am allergic and every month I pay for the opportunity to keep my pet at the pharmacy by buying an allergy remedy.

    Well, I love to return home and squeeze this cute furry creature. I love to play with him, feed him, stroke him, listen to him purr. And you don't need to make such round eyes, I take all measures that allow me to keep the cat and not be afraid of dying from Quincke's edema.

    First, it is castrated, which is why it produces fewer allergens. Secondly, I take the aforementioned allergy pills, because I know that if I miss a dose, my eyes will start to itch, my throat too, cough, runny nose, skin spots and so on. Third, I keep the cat out of my bedroom, letting him reign over the rest of the apartment. Fourth, I constantly clean the house so that there is as little wool as possible on the furniture and on the floor.

    And seriously, in the four years that I have had it, it became even easier for me: before, my eyes began to itch almost immediately after I stroked him, and now I can even lie with him on the sofa in an embrace for three hours.

    So please stop telling me that I have to give my cat to someone. I love him, he is a member of my family, I don’t want to give him up!

    Yes, I know that chocolate is harmful, like a cat for an allergy sufferer. But I love to hug the cat and eat chocolates. You say I'm killing myself so slowly? But you, too, are slowly killing yourself with smoking and alcohol. And if it comes to that, then I choose a sweet and cute death.

    Top - muses. Vysotsky V.S. / sl. Vysotsky V.S.


    From Vysotsky's memoirs about the mountains:

    “... The atmosphere in the mountains, especially among climbers, is completely different than on the plain. There is some freedom to choose the path - how to go? The freedom to choose the people with whom to go. Do you understand? No one will stop, the police will not say: "You cannot cross here - red light", - the doctor will not forbid, the family will not hold back, which is dangerous, and so on. Everything depends on you. You, nature and your friends - there is no one else. The word "friendship" there, in the mountains, has been preserved in its original sense. Probably in other places too, but especially in the mountains. This is not the name of a cafe, or a club, or a wall newspaper. Here this word really is what it should be. It is impossible otherwise. You walk with him in one bundle, and everything depends on him, and you - on him.

    ... I was present on one occasion when, during the ascent to the Volnaya Spain peak, a group of CSKA team of five people fell under a rockfall and killed one to death. We helped the rest of the group down. For three days, while the weather was bad and the helicopter could not fly up, two comrades of the deceased stood on a cornice thirty centimeters deep, tied to a rock to help lower the body of a deceased friend. And this is not a feat, no - this is a normal demeanor in the mountains.

    There are, of course, exceptions. So, one of my mountaineering songs - "This is not a plain for you" - probably the only one that is written about a specific case. This incident struck me, and that is largely invented. If a person really writes, he, of course, has to invent a lot, invent by association, generalize. And if even from the song it seems that this is a really natural story that happened to me or to someone - no, almost all of this is fiction.

    Then I composed songs for the film "Vertical" directed by S. Govorukhin. At first we wanted them to be credited. But I am against this use of songs. The audience reads who is the make-up artist, who is the director, and at this time some important lines that you tortured at night sound off-screen. It's a shame. The song that we were going to play on the credits - "Here you are not a plain, here the climate is different", I wrote after almost before our very eyes a group of five climbers - the CSKA team - suffered a disaster. One of them was killed, and we helped two of his wounded comrades down. And I wrote a song that has a sequel. Her life is extended, oddly enough, in deaths. Because the words of this song are written on the graves of the dead climbers:

    Others will come, replacing comfort,
    At risk and exorbitant work ...

    They send me photographs of these places, they are kept at my home. And, of course, it is a pity if such a song will simply disappear, go somewhere in the background. "



    Em Here you are not a plain, here the climate is different - There are avalanches one after another, Am7 D7 G E7 And here, behind the rockfall, rockfall roars. Am And you can turn, go around the cliff, Em But we choose the hard way, Am6 H7 Dm E7 Dangerous, like a military path. And you can turn, go around the cliff, But we choose the difficult path, Dangerous, like a military path.
    Who has not been here, who has not risked, He has not experienced himself, Even below he grabbed the stars from heaven. Below you will not find, how not to stretch, For all your happy life One tenth of such beauties and miracles.
    There are no scarlet roses and mourning ribbons, And it does not look like a monument The stone that gave you peace. As an Eternal Flame, the Summit sparkles with emerald ice in the daytime, Which you have not conquered.
    And let them talk, yes, let them talk ... But no, no one dies in vain! It’s better than vodka and colds! Others will come, replacing comfort At risk and exorbitant work, - You will pass the route you have not passed.
    Sheer walls ... Well, don't yawn! Do not rely on luck here: In the mountains, neither stone, nor ice, nor rock are reliable. We hope only for the strength of our hands, On the hands of a friend and a hammered hook And we pray that the insurance does not fail.
    We cut the steps ... Not a step back! And the knees tremble from tension, And the heart is ready to run to the top from the chest. The whole world in the palm of your hand! You are happy and mute And you are only a little jealous of those Others, whose peak is still ahead.

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