• Negative social habits. Negative social habits Speak politely think like


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    In our time, it is customary to refer to other people and society as a whole. To behave as convenient, not to pay attention. But the fact that should be itself is not at all that it can be behaved as it wanted. There is one interesting phrase: "Speak politely, think as you want." It is ideal for the disclosure of the chosen theme, since it does not contradict the principles of common person. You can not recognize many social norms, you can even be in the soul of the Buntar, but this does not mean that it is not necessary to follow the language and behavior.

    Want to influence them and seek to communicate more - reread the next list and notify what negative social habits have you.

    Get paid by complaints

    Yes this the best way Attract attention, but the worst way to position the interlocutor. A person can come to the rescue, but if it continues once at once, such behavior will begin to perturb and annoy it. He will begin to think what gives more than getting, and this is one of the reasons why people stop communicating.

    Even if you complain, try to speak out so that it does not seem like it. Use humor and self-irony. But best to try to solve problems yourself.

    Focus on the internal dialog instead of external

    During the dialogue, it is quite difficult to completely concentrate on a person and his words. There are thoughts, not even related to the topic discussed and the interlocutor, not without reason, the impression arises that he does not listen to him.

    If you are next to a person, be with him not only physically. It is more useful than to communicate at this time with yourself. Time to reflect and you can allocate later.

    Distracted during dialogue and even online communication

    Imagine the situation you in the cafe, communicate. The interlocutor tells an important story from his point of view, and you are constantly distracted by other people or occurring events. Such an attitude can hardly be called respectful. You can distract hundreds of things, but attention should be sent only to something one. Therefore, participate in the dialogue with the whole soul.

    The same rule works in online communication. It seems that there is time to distract and engage in your affairs, but still, with this approach, it is impossible to completely concentrate. Your answers will be superficial and banal. Therefore, either do not respond if you are busy or now and now even during communication on the Internet.

    Not pay attention to the closest people

    We often talk about how important family and loved ones are important. But the majority do not pay time to those who are close to them. Even if you think that a person normally refers to the fact that you have been not talking to him for several months, it may be delushing.

    People want attention and nothing can be done about it. All time do not give, so do our best for at least the closest.

    Constantly hunt for compliments

    We all love to teach our pride and sometimes even persistently some compliments. First, it seems funny, then causes bewilderment.

    Believe me, most often the best compliment may be what a person spends time with you. Let him not say a pleasant word, but is near, and this is the main thing.

    Don't be able to take compliments

    When a person makes you a compliment, it wants to make a pleasant. Ineptly responding, you can cause a feeling of resentment. Take compliments with all the soul, it will not tell you badly and snob you will not seem.

    Show the person that you are pleased with what he noticed your progress.

    Interrupt the interlocutor

    Everyone knows that this is a bad habit and still few follow this rule. Even if you do not fully agree with the person, it is still worth waiting for the end of the monologue. Perhaps this will allow you to hear something that reconciles you.

    Do not be able to maintain and empathize

    Improving emotional intelligence gives great advantages: the opportunity and even get the work of your dreams.

    Having learned to support a person, you will become enjoyable for him and it will appreciate it.

    Try to please all

    All many, and the time is not enough. In addition, people often pursue their own interests, and you will not be able to please everyone. Sometimes you need to say "no" in response to one request to help other people. Find out who appreciate most and first give time to them.

    We wish you good luck!

    Russian speech is filled with polite (magical) words that are serving good, joy, hope of humanity. The pronunciation of useful phrases makes people responsive, softer, cultural. Suppose the lack of polite expressions of the Russian language. Instantly follow significant changes. A decent act will be unnoticed, a simple request will become an order, the usual speech seems to be bold, will cause discontent, spoil the mood ...

    Children, adults trained by magical words, are aware of the strength of spoken speech, reinforcing personal, business success. It is important to be able to timely, sincerely talk good words.

    Greeting and handling

    1. Hello (you live healthy, I wish the health)
    2. Good morning (good afternoon, good evening)
    3. Hi (Greetings, Hello, Salute, Hello)

    When meeting each other

    1. Hello
    2. Presentation: Name, Surname, Patronymic
    3. Pleased to meet you
    4. Nice to meet you

    Words of gratitude

    1. Thank you
    2. Thank you
    3. Designable
    5. Our respect

    Words with apologies

    1. sorry
    2. Sorry
    3. I apologize
    4. Sorry

    Words with request

    1. You are welcome
    2. ask
    3. Promotivity, generosity

    For farewell

    1. Good Bye! See you later)
    2. All good (good one)
    3. All the best
    4. Good luck

    When talking on the phone

    1. Hello
    2. Good morning (good: day, evening)
    3. Hello
    4. Do you have time to talk?
    5. Is it convenient to lead a conversation now?
    6. Thank you
    8. Goodbye (meeting)

    List for children

    • hello;
    • from good morning, Good afternoon good evening;
    • excuse me, please;
    • thank you;
    • good night;
    • bye;
    • you are welcome;
    • let me;
    • let me ask, find out, ask;
    • bon Appetit;
    • let me help;
    • please either take, please;
    • nice to meet you.

    Is it important to speak polite words?

    People live surrounded by magic, reflected in natural phenomena, art, everyday life. The power of magic is lighted in words that have pronounced constantly in infinite quantities. Amazing, phrases, expressions, the interlocutor can hurt, offend or inspire, to delight, cheer.

    How to make a communicating individual receive positive energy?

    People want to hear pleasant words. The pronunciation of polite phrases fills the soul with warm, light, hope, calmness.

    Adults, kids, teenagers have verbal magic

    It is important to skillfully use the magic, teach children good, useful phrases, competently apply magical expressions. A sufficient number of polite phrases is used daily at the moments of meetings, dating, requests, farewell, telephone conversation. It is necessary to remember the "magic" phrases, on time and correct them.

    Thanks to polite words, people are able to create good, to produce a pleasant impression when meeting, find a faithful friend, girlfriend, satellite life, business partner.

    People are constantly convinced of the magical strength of a polite expression, regardless of destination. In the morning, meeting with a neighbor, girlfriend, fellow students, a young man, a girl, a pensioner greet, uttering "Hello", "Hello" and be sure to hear a warm greeting. People are inspired, charged by positive energy, the warmth of the words instills a positive, a smile appears.

    Farewell is necessarily accompanied by phrases "before the meeting," "goodbye", which is confirmed by the importance of communication. The interlocutors are expressed by friendliness, give hope for new meetings.

    What to do if you need help?

    It should be asked, sincerely pronounced, "Please help", "help a courtesy." The interlocutor, to whom the good phrases are addressed, will pay attention, goodwill will definitely show.

    What words do you use during your dating girl, a guy or a leadership?

    It is important to impress the impression to notice, decently appreciated, wanted to continue communication, invited to work. Of polite expressions, at the acquaintance, a lot - "let me introduce themselves to", "nice to meet", etc., the main thing is to pronounce sincerely as possible. The interlocutor will definitely be interested, the intellect will appreciate, will understand how nice to communicate.

    More difficult to apologize

    It is required to correctly pick up polite words, say them with a sense of greater regret. This will help resume the former relationship with a partner, friends, relatives. Phrases apologies facilitate the spiritual state of people. The interlocutors are softened, goodwill manifest.

    The importance of the use of polite words is indisputable

    Magic expressions, phrases help arrange the interlocutor, cause positive emotions, attention. People useing useful words, phrases, expressions, pleasant, attractive, are interesting when communicating. Polite words raise the mood, allow you to enjoy peace of mind, regardless of age, gender, status, employment.

    Words of politeness must be speaking constantly, they are the key to successful activities in everyday life!

    What do the rules of courtesy in talking?

    Rules of politeness - The most basic canons of a brought up citizen. Polite person - a true friend, Pleasant interlocutor, welcome guest.

    There is a lot of laws of courtesy during communication of a large number of people or two people. The main thing is not to forget to pronounce magical words correctly and in a timely manner.

    Plus to knowledge, use of good phrases, expressions: the need to exercise competent tactics of behavior when talking with the interlocutor:

    1. When contacting an unfamiliar person with a request, it is necessary to postpone the case, to show the maximum respect, take an active part in the conversation.
    2. Interrupt the lead's leading conversation - an uncompatory. It is necessary to listen carefully, to show patience, wait until the end of the conversation. There are inappropriate comments, tips, the statement of opinions during the story of the interlocutor.
    3. Conversation is conducted surrounded by people? Culture should be shown, it is impossible to respond to speech facing a person sitting nearby.
    4. The tactless behavior of a common person must be gently stopped, stop the conversation.
    5. Are there a discussion, or insult people? Try to translate the topic of the conversation.
    6. The bad tone is considered a long conversation.
    7. Communication involves the manifestation of courtesy, care, tact. The interlocutor needs to urgently leave? You must complete the conversation in a timely manner. It is required to change the topic of the conversation, if the people present are not interesting to listen.
    8. Non-standard phrases should be excluded. The values \u200b\u200bof expression to the interlocutor may be unknown, incomprehensible.
    9. Communicating with a friend, familiar, relative, can not be criticized, discuss, to negotiate missing people. Otherwise, an unpleasant situation will be created. There is no good about missing, or just silent.
    10. Communicate, swinging with hands - a sign of bad tone, showing the unpretentiousness of the individual. It is necessary to clearly clearly express your own thoughts.

    The information provided will help to understand the importance of polite expressions. Giving magic phrases, people make the world around the world, kind, rich.

    Speak politely. Think as you like.

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