• Empaths feel bad around fake people. Ikea: “people feel less at home in rented apartments with signs of a fake person that only empaths will understand


    Recent research suggests that a feeling called subjective age may reflect brain aging.

    Using MRI scans of the brain, the researchers found that older people who feel younger than their age have fewer signs of brain aging compared to those who feel their own age or older.

    This study is the first to find a link between subjective age and brain aging.

    The results show that seniors who feel older than their age need to take care of their brain health.

    We tend to think of aging as a fixed process in which our bodies and minds are relentlessly changing. However, the past years have affected everyone in different ways. Our subjective age also varies - many of us feel older or younger than our actual age.

    But is subjective age just a feeling, an attitude, or does it really reflect how our bodies actually age? This question intrigued Dr. Zhening Chei of Seoul National University in Korea.

    Why do some people feel younger or older than their real age? - asks Whose. “The reasons can be depression, individual differences or physical health. However, no one has investigated the aging process of the brain as a possible cause of differences in subjective age. ".

    People often experience some cognitive impairment as they age. In fact, the brain shows a variety of age-related changes that reflect declines in nervous health, including reductions in gray matter.

    Newly developed techniques could help researchers identify aging-related brain functions to provide an estimated brain age.

    Shay and her colleagues applied these methods to investigate the link between subjective age and brain aging. They performed MRI scans of the brain of 68 healthy people, whose ages ranged from 59-84 years, and looked at the volumes of gray matter in different regions of the brain.

    Participants also completed a survey that included questions about whether they were older or younger than their age and questions assessing their cognitive abilities and perceptions of their general health.

    People who felt younger than their age scored more points on a memory test, thought their health was better, and complained less about depressive symptoms.

    Those who were feeling younger than their age experienced an increase in gray matter in key areas of the brain. The researchers used the MRI data to calculate the estimated brain age for the participants.

    "We found that people who feel younger have the structural characteristics of a young brain.", - said Whose. "It is important to note that this difference remains noticeable even when other possible factors are considered, including personality, subjective health, depressive symptoms, or cognitive function."

    The researchers speculate that those who are feeling older may experience the aging process in their brains, as their loss of gray matter can make cognitive tasks more challenging.

    However, researchers currently do not know for sure if these brain characteristics are directly responsible for subjective age, and they will need to conduct long-term research to understand this connection deeper.

    One important feature is that those who feel younger are more likely to lead more physically and mentally active lives, which can lead to better brain health. However, for those who are feeling older, it may be the other way around.

    "If someone is feeling older than their age, it could mean they can evaluate their lifestyle, habits and activities that can contribute to brain aging and take action to improve brain health." , - said Whose.

    The study is part of a dedicated collection of articles on lifelong assessment of brain aging.

    How old do you feel?

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    I woke up, brushed my teeth, ate breakfast and set off on an unforgettable journey across the galaxy. Sounds intriguing, right? But it is precisely according to this schedule that Neil DeGrasse Tyson, the famous American astrophysicist and popularizer of science, lives. Every day, watching the stars, Neil is convinced: our life is cooler than any science fiction films, we just forgot about it. And to remember, you just need to change the angle.

    website prepared for you a selection of the brightest, funniest and most original statements of the scientist. Get inspired and don't forget to look up at the sky often!

    1. I look into the night sky and I know that we are part of the Universe, we are in it. However, perhaps more important than these two facts is that the universe is in us. When I think about it, I raise my head. Many people feel small because the universe is so big. But I feel great because the atoms that I am made of were once part of those stars.

    2. Our molecules emerged from stars that once exploded and scattered across the galaxy. Look at the Universe through the eyes of the participants in this event, and you can feel like huge, not small grains of sand in space. Any astrophysicist looking into space feels great.

    3. Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that make up these molecules, originated in the melting pots that were once the cores of heavy stars. These stars poured their element-rich interiors into the galaxy's space and enriched the primordial clouds of interplanetary gas with the chemistry of life. So we are all connected with each other biologically, with the Earth - chemically, and with the rest of the universe - at the level of atoms. It's cool, I would say!

    4. Children are not a problem. They are born scientists. The problem is always adults. They kill children's curiosity. Outnumber children. They vote. Dispose of resources. That is why, in my public work, I focus primarily on them.

    5. If there were life on Venus, we would probably call it "Venusian" - just as we call people from Mars "Martians." However, according to the rules of Latin grammar, "associated with Venus" is "venereal". Unfortunately, doctors found this word earlier than astronomers. You cannot blame them for this. Sexually transmitted diseases appeared long before astronomy, which in itself is only the second oldest profession.

    6. Newton discovered optical laws, laws of universal gravitation, general laws of motion, invented differential and integral calculus, found out that white light is a combination of all the others, and then ... he turned 26.

    7. If people one day die out due to some catastrophe, it will be the biggest tragedy in the history of life in the Universe. Not because we lacked the sense to defend ourselves, but because we did not foresee our end. The dominant species that will replace us on a post-apocalyptic Earth will have to guess, looking at our skeletons in natural history museums, why the big-headed Homo sapiens did no more than prehistoric dinosaurs with chicken brains.

    8. To decide once and for all: first there was an egg. Only it was not a chicken that laid it, but another bird.

    9. If you claim to be telling the truth, first make sure that it is not just an opinion that you are desperate to pass off as such.

    10. Science tells the truth, whether you believe it or not.


    By definition, empaths are emotionally sensitive people who absorb the emotions and feelings of others. Sounds like a tedious job, right? Imagine that you can absorb all of these feelings by being around a fake person. It is perplexing, frustrating, and tormenting.

    Have you ever spent time with someone who seemed quite nice and kind-looking, but when you were close to them or sat next to them, you felt ... terrible? You could hardly come up with a sentence. In a colloquial manner, this is because your sensitive antenna is picking up what is wrong. You know that what you see and what is actually happening do not match, and this usually means that someone is hiding something.

    Highly sensitive people need honest, deep, and meaningful relationships with others.
    Why empaths act weird around insincere people:

    Empaths are gifted with reading body language and energy. They don't put up with lies or deception.

    7 signs of a fake person that only empaths will understand:

    He acts like a weak-willed person, so others automatically accept him.

    He smiles and acts friendly, but is actually seething with anger and hatred.

    He feels vulnerable and insecure and tries to act tough.

    He forces himself to act in a certain way, which goes against his personality.

    He constantly says good things to gain recognition.

    He lies or exaggerates stories to please others.

    After recognizing a fake person, empaths behave like this:

    Avoid them. It's not that they are doing something wrong, empaths just don't get positive vibes from them.

    They form logical sentences and speak extremely difficult.

    They feel the approach of fear and discomfort around them. It only dissipates when the forgeries go away.

    Feel physically ill by spending long periods of time around them.

    NEARBY, adverb., With whom and without additional 1. One beside the other. We sat down next to each other. I stood next to my brother. Two chairs stand side by side. The table was in front of the sofa, and now it was placed next to it. 2. In the neighborhood, near someone. The garden is located next to ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    See close, about all the time ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. near close, near; near, near, near, near, near, near, near; side by side, side by side, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Didn't lie [what with what]. Spread. What L. unlike anything l., completely different. SPP 2001, 68. Don't sit next to it. Kar. Never see smb. Before SRGK 5, 609. Walk nearby. Kar. Walk down the street and sing to the accordion. SRGK 5, 609 ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings

    - (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak") ... Word forms

    - “RIDE”, Russia, YANA DRUZ, 1994, color, 68 min. Parable. The main character of the parable is a shepherd dog. The film is intended for an adult audience. Cast: Alexander Bukhartsev, Marina Neyelova (see NEYELOVA Marina Mstislavovna), Alexander Pashutin (see PASHUTIN ... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    near - see next to whom what, in the sign. preposition 1) In the immediate vicinity of someone, what l .; about, near someone, what l. School next to home. Sit next to your father. Live near the train station. 2) In comparison, in comparison, in comparison with whom, than l. Near … Dictionary of many expressions

    Adverb 1. Near, about. Mother went to her son, sat down r. The boy walked to the bus stop, p. the dog was running. Put p. with whom, than l. (also: equate to whom, l.). 2. In the neighborhood, very close. Live r. Somewhere r. the highway passed. It smelled of mint, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    nearby - adv. see also. next to 1) Near, approx. The mother went to her son, sat down next to the house. The boy walked to the stop, a dog was running near / the house. Put next to / house with someone than L. (also: equate to whom, what l.) 2) In the neighborhood, very close. Live near / house ... Dictionary of many expressions

    nearby - Quite often and (or yes) nearby (colloquial) often, almost always. Such cases happen all the time ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    Proposal with creative; \u003d next to the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova


    • Next to the priest. Memories of spiritual children of the holy righteous father John of Kronstadt,. "Near Father" is a book of memoirs about the holy righteous father John of Kronstadt, people closest to him, spiritual children who communicated with the great shepherd for many years. Thanks to these ...
    • Next to the Prime Ministers, David Schechter. "Next to the Prime Ministers" is documentary evidence of the colossal change in Israeli society that has occurred as a result of the arrival of the millionth aliyah from the USSR - CIS. Moreover,…

    About how people live and relate to certain objects in their homes. Since 2014, the company has been exploring morning routines, food, cuisine, and household odds. This year's poll took on a more existential tone, with themes of loneliness, belonging and the consequences of urban life.

    IKEA: "People feel less and less at home in rented apartments"

    Anna Samoydyuk

    Two years ago, IKEA surveyed 22 thousand people from 22 countries about where they feel "at home." 20% of respondents said that they do not have such a feeling in their apartment. Two years later, that number rose by 15% among urban respondents. In other words, 35% of urban residents do not feel at home in their apartment.

    On the one hand, people find a sense of belonging outside of ordinary living spaces - in a park or university. In fact, almost a quarter of those surveyed who live with someone feel more comfortable on the street. At the same time, living quarters are increasingly linked to the sources of people's livelihood: every fourth respondent is more likely to work from home.

    On the other hand, 53% of young families do not feel that a rented apartment is their home. Only 57% of respondents, living with family or by themselves, feel comfortable in their apartment, and this number drops to 34% if you live with friends or strangers.

    One man in Rome shared that he often hides in a car to find mental solitude. There are many such people: almost half of Americans seek solitude in their cars, 72% go to the bedroom, 55% to the bathroom. Only 45% feel comfortable and safe at home. “Life at home is changing dramatically all over the world,” the report concluded.

    This is in line with much of the early 20th century research on the changing definition of the home. But what is surprising about this report is that Ikea, as one of the world's largest furniture and home furnishings retailers, played a significant role here. The corporation has more than 400 stores in 25 countries. Last year they were visited 936 million times. Today we are more tenants than owners, so inexpensive furniture is just a necessity. The writer Sarah Amandolare noted a few years ago that the home is less permanent than ever, and as a result, we no longer see this place as an opportunity for self-expression.

    Ikea, of course, helps people create a sense of comfort and belonging no matter where the home is. The report ends with an interactive quiz where you are asked questions about how you feel at home. Your responses are flagged and then offered a personalized "manifest" on how to take the time and build a community. “Everyone should feel a sense of home comfort, this is important,” the report says.

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