• How to put laundry in the washing machine. Do I need to fold bedding before washing in the machine. What for what


    If you don’t know how to properly fold your laundry into a typewriter, you can get into a lot of trouble. In the best case, the washing machine will slow down at the very beginning of the cycle, and in the worst case, it will not finish washing at the spinning stage and will give a corresponding error. All this will happen if too few things are loaded into the drum, or vice versa, if you give the machine an overwhelming load. But it is better not to experiment, but to study the rules for laying a washing machine drum in advance.

    Cooking things

    Properly placing laundry in the drum begins with storing, inspecting and sorting dirty items. Not everyone knows that soiled and stale clothes can only be stored in containers with ventilation openings, to prevent them from getting wet and long-term storage. If you neglect these rules, mold will appear, an unpleasant odor, and stubborn and old stains will be difficult to remove. But you cannot get dirty things out of the basket and immediately send them to the tank. Do not forget about the following steps.

    Checking pockets and folds should be a mandatory step. Sharp, hard, heavy and small objects, keys or coins, if they enter the drum and tank, will lead to mechanical damage, shaft wedge or clogging of the drain system. Therefore, zippers and buttons are always fastened, and underwear, scarves and baby socks are placed in special mesh bags.

    How many things to load?

    When things are sorted, you can start loading them. But you should not rush - you need to remember exactly what is the maximum permissible weight of dry laundry for a particular model. It is indicated on the body of the machine or registered in the technical passport of the washing machine.

    It should be understood that the indicated 6 or 4 kg is the weight of cotton items. Other types of fabric can be slightly heavier or bulkier. For example, a woolen shawl, when wet, becomes heavier than a cotton suit of the same dry weight. Also with volume: 1 kg of organza or veil will take up more space than 1 kg of rough work clothes.

    The machine will record overload or underload during spinning, and if there is too much deviation from the norm, it will stop working for safety reasons.

    Therefore, manufacturers recommend not to waste time and effort on constant weighing, but to be guided by the fullness of the drum. Maximum loading assumes a full tank without tamping, so it is enough to load things into the machine, leaving a little space for stock. An exception will be synthetic and woolen fabrics, which should occupy no more than ½ of a drum in the first case and 1/3 in the second. There is another option - to weigh the laundry and calculate 10 liters of water for each kilogram.

    If you do not control the weight of the loaded items, then the mistress will not be happy with the consequences. Overloading is fraught with internal mechanical damage due to the drum too heavy, and incomplete loading will lead to powerful vibrations, microcracks and imbalance. True, many modern models provide for the possibility of washing at half load, but most budget washers have a strict limitation - at least 1-1.5 kg of dry laundry.

    Let's calculate the loading rate

    We repeat that each washing machine has its own load rate, and the maximum weight is necessarily indicated in the accompanying documentation when buying a model in a store. The maximum value depends on the design, size and type of the machine. So, the units have the following standard capacity:

    • compact or portable (most often desktop) - from 1.5 to 3 kg of dry items per cycle;
    • narrow machines with a depth of 80 cm - 3-6 kg of linen;
    • full-size with a depth of 85-90 cm designed for a simultaneous wash from 5 to 10 kg.

    The larger the capacity of the machine, the more expensive its maintenance.

    Most often, buyers choose “universal” machines in terms of capacity with a maximum load weight of 5-7 kg. This run allows you not to store laundry for a long time and to cope with accumulated items in a couple of cycles. Knowing the capacity of your machine, you can approximately calculate the weight of items ready to load. A list of the average mass of popular fabric products in everyday life will help in this:

    • a set of three-piece bedding - 1.4 kg (sheet - 500 g, duvet cover - 700 g, pillowcase - no more than 200 g);
    • bath towel - 700-800 g;
    • waffle towel - about 150 g;
    • tablecloth 2 * 2 m - about 500 g;
    • men's shirt - 350 g;
    • women's blouse - 70-100 g;
    • children's T-shirt - 100 g;
    • 1 pair socks - 50-60 g;
    • jeans - 600-700 g;
    • a handkerchief - about 20 g;
    • flannel blanket or blanket - over 1 kg.

    By simple mathematical calculations, you can scatter the accumulated laundry for several washes that are safe in weight. If an error was made, the machine will report a shortage / brute force by freezing or suddenly stopping the program in the middle of the cycle. To eliminate the imbalance that has arisen, you will need to turn off the machine, wait until the hatch door is unlocked, open the drum and straighten the crumpled laundry by taking out some of the items or reporting in case of a shortage. Then close the door tightly and start the mode from the very beginning.

    Before loading things into washing machine, it is worth evaluating their weight and the capabilities of your machine. Then the wash will be completed on time and will not bring unnecessary trouble.

    What do you need to wash your laundry? Water and washing powder - any housewife will say. But the water must be warm, otherwise the dirt cannot be removed from the laundry. And if you just put the laundry in warm water with powder, there will be no result either: you need to rub the laundry with your hands. And the result cannot be achieved instantly either - you need to rub and wash off the dirt with water, and rub again. Water, chemistry, temperature, mechanics and time are the main factors of washing, which constantly interact with each other, replacing each other in a vicious circle.

    What for what


    Moisturizes fabric;

    Dissolves washing powder;

    Washes and removes dirt;

    Conducts heat.

    Chemistry (washing powder):

    Reduces the surface tension of water;

    Serves as a binding agent for hardness components in water softening;

    Is a solvent for pollution;

    Has a bleaching effect on the fabric.

    Mechanical impact:

    Provides interaction of linen, detergent powder and water;

    Serves to remove water from laundry after washing (spinning).


    Enhances the effect of the individual components of the washing powder;

    Reduces the time of chemical reactions.


    Necessary for sufficient interaction between water, washing powder and laundry.

    The washing machine contains all the factors necessary for washing. Moreover, the effect of many of them is many times stronger in comparison with hand washing. Suffice it to mention spinning: is it possible to remove moisture from it by squeezing the laundry with your hands as it happens when the drum rotates at a speed of over 1000 rpm?

    How to deal with dirt

    It is estimated that 100 kg of medium-soiled laundry contains from 2 to 4 kg of contaminants of various composition and origin. There are two main types of contamination:

    Soluble in water (salt, urea, sweat, readily soluble oils, etc.);

    Insoluble in water (grease, sand, dust, pigments, graphite, etc.).

    Soluble dirt can be washed off either with water or with a solution of washing powder. A number of contaminants can only be removed by special treatment (dry cleaning). These are stains from paints, varnishes, adhesives, pigments. Other contaminants can only be dealt with with bleach. These include age spots that are not removed at all during washing, or only partially removed. The bleaching process destroys the pigments by oxidation, making them invisible. Such stains include stains from spinach, tomatoes, carrots, wine, cognac, beer, tea, coffee, etc.

    Finally, a large group of contaminants is removed only with the help of enzymes - biocatalysts that effectively dissolve protein contaminants at temperatures below 50 ° C. These components of laundry detergents have the ability to separate long chains of protein chemical structures into individual constituents, which are then removed with water. Contaminants that are removed by enzymes include eggs, blood, cocoa, food starch, etc.

    Each fabric according to the program

    When starting a machine wash, the user must set a specific program according to the type of laundry (cotton, dyed fabrics, wool, etc.) and the degree of soiling. The program of the machine is a time sequence of those mechanical, chemical and thermal influences that are necessary in order to remove dirt from the laundry placed in the drum.

    The first stage of the program is the actual washing. Water enters the laundry in the drum, flushing the washing powder from the hopper along the way (chemical action begins). The water is heated to a predetermined temperature (thermal effect), and the drum rotates at a low speed in one direction or the other, so that the laundry lying in it is constantly shoveled and flopped down, rising up on the drum linings (mechanical effect). And this whole process lasts for a certain time, so that each of the types of influences worked with maximum efficiency.

    After the end of washing, the water is drained from the tank and the rinsing phase begins. It consists of several successive filling of the tank with water, rotation of the drum and draining the water. The task of this stage is to remove the residues of washing powder from the laundry, and at the same time the remaining dirt. There is no water heating at this stage.

    Finally, the last stage of the machine's program is spinning. The drum rotates at high speed, the laundry is firmly pressed by centrifugal forces against the perforated walls of the drum, and water escapes through the perforations.

    The above description of the program of the machine is very simplified. The program can include a number of additional actions: for example, if the laundry is very dirty, a prewash can be performed before the main wash, which is shorter and with less water heating. Conversely, it is possible to exclude certain steps from the program: if the formation of creases on the laundry is undesirable, you can cancel the spin cycle and end the machine by draining the water from the tank after the final rinse. This function is called "Cancel spinning" or "Stop with water in the tank".

    Here is a minimal set of basic programs found in modern washing machines:

    When performing each of these programs, thanks to the “auto-weighing” function, the washing machine automatically adjusts, depending on the weight of the loaded laundry, the duration of the wash cycle, the amount of water for each rinse, required amount rinses, as well as the duration of the high-speed final spin.

    In addition to the listed basic programs, many manufacturers develop their own original programs for the washing machine. For example, Electrolux has created a soak program that can successfully remove many of the contaminants that today's washing machines are not always able to handle.

    Here is just one example: a child returned from a pioneer camp. Among his things were trousers, in which he fell into the mud a week ago. How do I wipe it off? Any housewife will say - of course, for a start, soak in a solution of powder for several hours. However, the solution that most washing machines offer today is to add a “prewash” to the usual program, which lasts 15-20 minutes, and this time cannot be increased. In practice, everyone knows that after less than 2-3 hours of soaking, such contaminants cannot be washed off. So what can be done? Really soak in a basin, and then transfer to the washing machine?

    Electrolux offers a special intensive program for this task. The washing machine will not only soak the laundry in warm water for several hours, but it will also stir it every 40 seconds. No other washing machine manufacturer has this capability.

    The soak program works as follows. The laundry is washed at 30 ° C for the first 20 minutes. After that, the heating is turned off and every 40 seconds the drum spins, stirring the laundry. The carbonate tank retains heat for a long time, so the temperature does not drop to room temperature for many hours, ensuring an excellent washing quality.

    Soaking can take up to 18 hours in front-loading machines and up to 24 hours in top-loading machines, after which you can simply drain, wring out the laundry, or start any wash program.

    Anyone who has ever tried washing with the soak program notes the amazing washing quality. Someone got rid of the preliminary washing of the white collars of men's shirts, someone loves perfectly white bedding, and someone is glad that children's clothes, on which extremely persistent stains of "unknown" origin appear, are perfectly washed without any extra effort. One customer called the Electrolux hotline and said that the soak program had revolutionized her attitude towards machine washing. “Now I put any laundry in the washing machine in the morning, including the soak program, and when I come home from work I start the main wash. Surprisingly, even the most stubborn stains disappear! I just love my washing machine for that, honestly ... "

    A certain feature of the terminology should be noted. The term “soaking” is found in the descriptions of the operating programs of washing machines from different manufacturers. At the same time, soaking laundry in the truest sense of the word is not done very often. So far, the record was the soaking cycle in ASKO washing machines (2 hours). In Electrolux washing machines, soaking lasts longer and allows you to wash things that are almost impossible to wash.

    By fabric and spin

    As the reader has already noticed by the characteristics of the washing programs, each type of fabric has its own maximum permissible drum rotation speed during spinning. If for durable cotton fabrics there are no restrictions on this indicator, then high-speed spinning is contraindicated for delicate fibers. However, modern machines usually have "foolproof": the electronic control system will not allow the user to set the spin at 1000 rpm if the program is set to wash wool.

    Typical drum rotation speeds when spinning the laundry are shown in Fig. 6:

    Spinning at the highest speeds (1600 rpm and even higher) is not terrible for white and colored cotton linen. After such an intensive spin, the laundry dries very quickly;

    For white and colored laundry to be dried in a tumble dryer, spinning at 1200 rpm is sufficient;

    The drum rotation speed of 800-900 rpm is ideal for products made from synthetic fibers. The laundry is well dehydrated, but the fabric is not damaged;

    Rotation speed of 600 rpm is used for gentle spinning of items made of wool, silk, etc.

    Before washing

    Perhaps to some of the readers, the recommendations below will seem like elementary truths. But the statistics of calls from owners of washing machines to service departments suggests that not all of them follow the basic rules of machine washing.

    Items prepared for washing need to be sorted, separating heavily soiled laundry from not very dirty, and colored from white. White and colored laundry must not be washed together, as colored items can fade and stain whites. If the laundry is heavily soiled, use the Prewash program.

    Remember that the laundry should not lie stale waiting to be washed, otherwise it will not wash well. For good ventilation, it is best to store it in wicker baskets or drawers with ventilation openings before washing. The laundry must be stored dry and in a dry place, otherwise damp spots and mold will form on it. Before washing, duvet covers and pillowcases are turned inside out, and feathers are shaken out of their corners.

    Strong and fine fabrics also separate from each other as they are washed with different wash programs. Immediately before washing, the pockets are checked in things so that their contents (nails, nuts, chewing gum, candy forgotten by children) do not spoil the clothes and do not damage the parts and mechanisms of the machine. For the same purpose, metal buckles, accessories, fasteners, chains and other metal trifles are subject to seizure. Zippers, buttons and buttons on things must be fastened.

    Small items like handkerchiefs are best placed in a special machine wash bag, and terry cloth or knitwear should be turned inside out. Socks and stockings should also be turned inside out.

    The machine must not be overloaded in excess of the established norm. The maximum load assumes the weight of the cotton items. It is not necessary to weigh the laundry before each wash - it is enough to remember that a full load for coarse laundry is a completely filled, but not tamped drum. The maximum load for synthetics is a drum half full, and for wool, a drum that is one third full. An approximate calculation of the mass of things is given in the table:

    Approximate calculation of the mass of things
    Product Weight, g
    Duvet cover 600-700
    Sheet 400-500
    Pillowcase 200
    Terry towel 500-700
    Kitchen towel 100-200
    Napkin 100
    Tablecloth 250-600
    Apron 150-250
    Men's shirt 200-300
    Men's pajamas 400-500
    Men's underwear 100-150
    Socks 60
    Kids shirt 200
    Womens Blouse 100
    Skirt 300
    Evening Dress 200
    Nightgown 300
    Bathrobe 400-500
    Stockings 50
    Handkerchief 25
    Jeans 800
    Bike blanket 1300
    Choice of detergents

    Choose powder according to the type of fabric and type of soil. The main ingredients of washing powder are usually indicated on the packaging (for example, bleach, enzymes, etc.).

    Do not use detergents intended for hand washing - the resulting heavy foam will impair the washing result and may damage the washing machine. Automatic washing machines are designed to use low-foaming detergents. These powders often have the word “matic” in their names, and the packaging shows either a front-loading machine or a loading door.

    Exceeding a reasonable dosage also causes increased foaming, even when using special detergents. This could damage the machine.

    When using the powder for the first time, even if it says that it is intended for automatic washing machines, we advise you to make sure that the foam level during washing is not higher than the top edge of the door (in front-loading machines). Otherwise, stop using the powder of this brand in the future. Reduce the amount of detergent when the machine is not fully loaded. Liquid detergents are used for washing at a temperature not exceeding 60 ° C. Their use excludes the use of a pre-wash cycle, therefore the amount of detergent recommended on the package refers directly to the main wash cycle. Always reduce the amount of detergent for cold wash: cold water it dissolves worse than hot, and some of it will be wasted.


    Although automatic washing machines with a soaking function (for example, Electrolux machines) have already begun to appear on the market, owners of machines that do not have this function have to use such a traditional washing tool as conventional hand soaking. Pre-soaking your laundry is very important in removing most stains. Modern powders, such as Ariel Automat, contain a whitening and refreshing reagent to help maintain the whiteness of whites and the vibrancy of colored clothing, and sodium perborate, which removes stains from fruit juices, tea, coffee and wine.

    How long should the laundry be soaked? It is best to soak the laundry for half an hour, then drain the water, wring out the laundry and soak it again for half an hour. Two soaks are incomparably more effective than one, even if it is an hour. Long-term soaks sometimes lead to the exact opposite result. When a garment is left in stale water for too long, dirt will re-enter the fabric structure. The effect of a washed thing, known to almost all housewives, appears. In this case, the fabric, as a rule, also discolored.

    Soaking is most effective at 40-50 ° C. Here are some things to keep in mind when soaking your laundry:

    Always pay attention to the labels on the laundry. Never soak things if only dry cleaning is indicated;

    Never soak silk, wool, leather, metallic or any other similar items;

    Use a large enough container for soaking, for example, a sink or a plastic basin (only not enamelled) so that things fit freely in it;

    Use warm water (40 ° C) for soaking items with organic stains and medium temperature water (50 ° C) for other types of soaking;

    Make sure the detergent is completely dissolved in the water before soaking things.

    After soaking, immediately before washing, rinse the garments as usual.

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    Regular washing of bed linen ensures not only a clean bedroom, but also a sound sleep. What could be easier if you have a washing machine? Pressing a button and here's your kit, later a short time, shines with cleanliness and smells fresh. We will tell you how to wash bedding in the washing machine so that it does not fade, does not lose its bright color, does not break or deteriorate.


    Washing bed linen does not start with loading the washing machine into the drum, but with sorting. Often, several sets are washed at the same time. For example, a set for children and adults. So, before we talk about how to properly wash bedding, we will prepare it:

    • Wash colors separately without adding any clothing to the drum. Ignoring this rule, you will get a faded, faded thing.
    • When washing a newborn's kit, do not add any other things to the SMA, otherwise the baby will irritate the skin.
    • Do not put more in the drum. Do not forget that the washing machine has weight restrictions. If you decide to wash more items at once than necessary, the washer simply won't start. For example, a set with a pair of pillowcases weighs at least two kilos.
    • Turn things inside out before loading.
    • Another tip on how to wash your bedding: try to leave some space in the drum.
    • Linen, light coarse calico, percale, ranfors, poplin and satin are erased in any mode.
    • Chintz, bamboo, cambric, polyester and cotton require a Delicate wash.
    • Silk - Silk mode.

    Important! Some silk items can only be dry cleaned, so check the label before washing.

    Before washing machines began to appear in every housewife's house, things were washed in hot water, often even boiled. After that, disinfection was usually carried out. There is no need to spend so much time and effort today. A washing machine will easily accomplish the task if you know at what temperature you need to wash your bedding and what products to use for this. How to wash bedding made of light cotton or linen? Optimally at 60 degrees - this program will be enough for a high-quality and efficient wash. For better disinfection, do not be afraid to expose more high temperatures... But you should know that the thing will wear out faster.

    At what temperature to wash bedding with bright colors? Set the temperature to 30-50 degrees. When washing, use a product specially formulated for colored fabrics. For example, liquid shampoos are great. If it is covered with small stains, pre-soak it for several hours or spin it in the washing machine on the prewash cycle.
    The washing temperature of the bed linen that your child sleeps on can be 60-90 degrees. You have learned how many degrees to wash bedding so as not to damage the fabric and not deprive it of its attractiveness. Also, you can inform your relatives and friends about the recommendations about washing powders and conditioners - it will come in handy for them. We offer an interesting video

    It is very upsetting when a favorite thing becomes unusable after several washes. This is especially true for children's things, on which all kinds of spots appear very quickly.

    In order to keep clothes in their original condition as long as possible, and also not to suffer after washing and ironing, you need to know how to properly store a dirty thing, how and how to wash it correctly. These secrets are shared with you today by an experienced website editor. .

    Storage. Never store dirty items in bags or drawers. The air must circulate around them. Otherwise, they will become damp and become a breeding ground for various bacteria, and in addition, mold spots may appear on them, which are then almost impossible to remove.

    The best option for storing dirty laundry is a classic basket - with large openings and free access to oxygen. There are a lot of options for different baskets (from simple plastic ones to elegant wicker baskets) in modern stores. You can choose an option that is suitable in color, shape and size, which will become a real decoration of the bathroom.

    However, if your clothes are heavily soiled, do not throw them in the basket. Take 10 minutes to wipe it off, otherwise it will be difficult to remove the stain. A grease stain can be easily removed by dripping dishwashing liquid onto it immediately.

    Sorting.First, read the labels. If the manufacturer writes that the item requires gentle washing or may fade, it makes sense to wash it separately from the rest. Second, sort things by color. Moreover, it is not enough to decompose them into black, white and colored. Colored must be separated separately into pastel and bright. Finally, sort your items by type of fabric. Those that require a delicate cycle must be washed separately.

    Training. Before placing items in the washing machine drum, do not be lazy to check your pockets. There you may find many valuable things that will still be useful to you: lipstick, money, a subway token, a computer flash drive and much more. Needless to say, doing the laundry won't do them any good. In addition, they can cause damage to the washing machine.

    Velcro, zippers, buttons and other fasteners on clothes must be fastened. If there are pockets on delicate items, they can tear and deform during the wash process. To prevent this from happening, sew them with large stitches, and after the clothes are dry, remove the thread.

    Pillowcases and duvet covers must be turned out before washing, as fluff tends to accumulate in their corners. You also need to turn the socks out and put them in a washing machine. In this case, there will be no problem finding a pair.

    It would seem, what could be easier? But here, too, you can make mistakes - either underload the drum and you will have to overpay for wasted water and detergents, or (even worse), overload. Overloading damages the machine and the quality of the wash. Therefore, there is no need to jam the drum. Washing machine manufacturers indicate the permissible weight of dry laundry. But in practice, few people weigh the laundry before washing. Therefore, determine by eye. If you are washing cotton, for example, bedding, the drum may be full, but so that the laundry is free to waddle in it when dry. And when washing synthetic and delicate fabrics, it is better to fill the drum of the washing machine by half, wool - by a third.

    Mode and detergent. It will be easier to choose the correct mode if there are prompts on the clothes. Not? No problem! Remember that light-colored cotton and linen items can be washed at the maximum temperature and the same spin cycle. If the products are colored, they cannot be boiled. In this case, choose a temperature between 40 and 60 degrees. We wash synthetics from 40-50 degrees at a spin speed of no more than 900. Delicate fabrics - 30-40 degrees, spin 600. Wash all things suspected of shedding at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees.

    Choose the most gentle detergent possible. If your clothes are stained with herbs, berries, or wine, choose a powder with bleach. Powders with enzymes will cope with cocoa, blood, and egg stains. For delicate and dark items, choose liquid detergents, they rinse out better. And further


    To prevent black items from fading, turn them inside out when washing.

    To make the item you need dry faster, spin it in the drum of the washing machine on the spin mode with a large dry terry towel.

    If you have a tumble dryer, ironing can be avoided. To do this, straighten the clothes after washing and put them in the drum, put a few ice cubes in the same place and turn on the drying for 15 minutes. The ice will melt and steam things like an iron would.

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