• We teach the color green and yellow. How to teach a child to distinguish colors? Games and tips. Effective and gaming techniques


    In this section you will find benefits and cards for studying colors with baby, starting from two years.

    Poems about colors with pictures

    Card-puzzles "Learn Color"

    Print puzzles, cut into 4 parts. Suggest the baby to collect puzzles to get a rectangle of the same color.

    Visual Cards "We Learn Mix Colors"

    First acquaintance with color

    First of all, the child must remember the main colors: red, yellow, blue and green. Teach the baby to distinguish colors must be consistently and gradually.

    Red color

    Find red items

    Consider the baby pictures. Name them. Do not rush to find in pictures of red items. Then, together with the child, look for red items around: at home, on the street. And only when the kid will clearly find and call the items of red, you can move to yellow.


    Learning to distinguish red and yellowbut

    Ask a child to show in pictures the subject of a certain color, for example: - Show a red pencil. Now show the yellow pencil, etc. Explain the baby why chicken is drawn only yellow.

    Green color

    Learning to distinguish red, yellow and green colors

    Ask a child: "Show me that in the picture of a red color? Find that green. Choose that yellow. " Offer baby more complex game option. Showing on the picture, ask: "What? What kind of pear? ", Encouraging the child to pronounce the names of flowers.

    Blue colour

    Learning to distinguish green and blue

    Ask a child: "Show what is blue. Find all green. "

    Learning to distinguish red, yellow, green and blue colors

    Ask a child: "Show and name what is red. What is blue? What is green? What yellow? Say, what color is a cube. What color scoop? "

    Spread on boxes

    Consider the baby pictures. Ask to find a red, green, blue and yellow boxes. Pay attention to the child on the subjects in the frame. They must be removed in place. Ask the baby: "What do you think, where do we put a bow?" If the child shows true (red bow in a red box), take a pencil and join the line of a bow and a box together. If the task causes difficulty, show the kid bow and ask: "Where is the same box?"

    Pick up clothes clothes

    Tell your child: "Let's help doll doll." Please note the baby on a doll with a red bow and ask: "What do you think that this coat will put on this doll?" Connect the pencil doll and coat of the corresponding color. Thus, "wear" coats, boots and caps of all dolls.

    At what age does the child know the colors?

    In one and a half or two years old, the child is already well distinguished by colors visually. In the interval from two to three years, when the child begins to speak, it makes sense to begin to learn the names of the colors.

    How to teach a child to distinguish colors?

    Simple I. effective method - Make focus on colors in everyday life. While walking, playing, reading - pay attention to colors. Start with the most basic, avoiding shades. During the game with the child, mark that the machine is blue, a cube yellow, a ball of red. Ask him to submit one or another item defined. AT gaming form You can start searching in the room all the items of green.

    And what will help learn colors?

    Multicolored cubes, balloons, crayons, colored paper or cardboard, pencils, educational books. With older children (about 4 years and older) you can paint the coloring with markers.

    Anything else?

    Engage with the child regularly. Affectionately correct his mistakes, mark the progress. Be patient and success will not wait long.

    Rainbow colors for children

    Rainbow - an incredibly beautiful natural phenomenon. It looks like a multicolored arc made up of flowers (from the outer edge: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple). These are seven colors that are made to allocate in the rainbow in Russian culture. Below are visual pictures for learning the child in basic colors.

    The order of colors is easy to remember with the help of a mnemonic phrase: " TOage abouthad j.eleet z.nat g.de withidit f.azan. There are other options: " TOaK aboutlady J.ak- z.vonar g.orodist withbroke f.onar. ( TOaK ABOUTlady J.an. Z.vonar G.tin WITHnes F.onar) "and" TOfrom aboutcase j.irafa z.ike g.ovubye withshive f.ufaika. " In these suggestions, each first letter in the word indicates primary letter colors.

    Rainbow colors cards

    The poem about colors

    I'm a grandmother in the garden
    Many red will find:
    It's red raspberry
    Near - Red Kalina,
    And ripened at the fence
    Two handsome tomatoes.

    Orange apricot
    On the tree grew.
    Rose, ripe,
    And I ate him.

    These are yellow chickens.
    Look, run somewhere.
    Seen mom in the yard
    The worm found in the grass.

    Here are green frogs
    And green grass.
    On the swamp
    A friendly "Kva-Kwa!" Is heard.

    In the summer of the sky above you
    Bells under it
    Draw blue.

    Blue ball over the track
    Fit clouds.
    Has her palm:
    - Goodbye! While!

    Eggplant lies in the garden -
    Purple barrel.
    And inside plum sweet
    The worm settled.

    For a long time I promise to write an article about how to teach a child to distinguish between the colors and about how we did it with Taisia. Judging by the number of questions that come to me, this topic is interested in many moms. This is not surprising, because knowledge of flowers is an integral part sensory development kid. Acquaintance with color significantly expands the ideas of a child about the world, allows him to classify all the surrounding items in another way - in color. In addition, the ability to distinguish colors opens a new reservoir for interesting educational games in front of a child.

    When does a child begins to distinguish between colors?

    Experts argue that for the child the world acquires paints for the first 3-4 months of life. Indeed, the child can pay attention to the contrasting drawings, it is not possible to react to rattles of different colors, but about the conscious separation of colors at this age, of course, to speak early. The ability to find a certain color among the others and even more so to call the colors appears at the kid much later not earlier than 1-1.5 years . Well, the exact deadlines depend solely on whether you will pay attention to the study of colors with the child.

    Call the colors on time with the baby can already be up to the year, it will not harm from it. Well, after a year, you can enter special "color" games that will be discussed in this article. These games are suitable for kids for 2-3 years, which are still confused in the names of flowers.

    Child readiness to memorize color names You can very just check. Playing, with cubes (designer, balls in a dry pool ...), take, for example, a red cube and ask the kid to find exactly same, same. If the child understood you and coped with the task, it can be argued that the colors he distinguishes and is ready to study their names.

    Learn color during everyday games and walks

    Generally speaking, I am convinced that in order to teach the child to distinguish between the basic colors, there is no big necessity in special occupations, it is enough to regularly call colors during your ordinary games. - Be sure to pronounce the colors of the pencils, build from cubes, designer or mosaic - also do not forget to remember the shades of the details. The same applies to dressing, walks, and other your favorite activities - in conversation constantly call the colors of the objects around you and game materials.

    Just remember that "teach colors" is not at all that it is necessary to constantly examine the child "Tell me, what color is it," show, where red ", etc. A child, like any other person, does not like too much when he is satisfied with the test of knowledge, so at first just call the colors and answer your questions "Where is the yellow cube? There he is!" "Let's draw the grass with a green pencil."

    How to teach a child to distinguish colors? Games

    In the "sorting" games from the child you need to divide objects into groups, focusing on their color, you are required constantly voice the names of flowers So that they postponed in the head of the baby. What can be sorted? Here are some game options:

      From any unnecessary box, you can make a color sorter, it is enough to puncture the box with colored paper and make a few slots. You can push in the slot to the details of mosaic, multicolored paper clips, buttons, etc. Our sorter is made of box from tea and mosaic details. Occur sometimes I. ready options.

    • We lay out on the floor toys and other small binding items and offer the baby to sort them on the boxes of the corresponding color. Instead of boxes, you can prepare a large sheet of paper with multicolored sections. Our game was much more dynamic when we distributed color sections between Taisia \u200b\u200band her favorite toy. For example, Tasya selected all the red items, and Masha doll is yellow.
    • We find mom-zea for each egg, focusing on the color.

    All the testicles fold into the cropped plastic cup attached to the chicken.

    Options for color sorting can be invent a huge amount, all of them are not listed here. You can lay out multicolored butterflies on flowers, fruits and vegetables in baskets, and multicolored animals to settle around houses ... By the way, in Pigs of games from readers There are still good.

    2. Games from the series "Pick up a couple"

    Games from the category "Pick up a couple" are well applicable and to study colors. You can select covers for houses, caps for gnomes or clowns, housing for multicolored men, etc.

    You can try this version of the game: decompose in front of the baby in advance the wrong option and ask it to correct the errors.

    3. Color lotto.

    Games on the Lotto principle are becoming interesting to children about a year with a little. Of course, while the kids do not play for adult rules, but simply pick up the cards to the playing field with pictures.

    In a color lotto on each playing field, only one color has pictures. (An example of a color lotto can Download here ). Therefore, to collect such a lotto, the child needs to select the cards of the specified color among the rest and correctly place them on the field.

    In a more complicated version, you can simultaneously use 2-3 game fields, as well as learn to compare colored and black and white images, as in the game « Dwarfs and houses» (Ozon., My-Shop., Read.) From the School of Seven Dwarfs.

    4. "Colored" days

    This method of acquaintance with color is now very popular. It consists in the fact that within one day (and some even stretch this pleasure for a whole week) The child very often "comes out" on the same color, regularly hears his name and, accordingly, quickly remembers. So, on the day of red you with the baby you can dress in red clothes, find all the red toys and even eat red fruits and vegetables. Of course, all this time you will remind a child about what color is on your way. Here is an exemplary list of what you can do in the "Color" day:

      We look at along with the baby in advance selected toys studied color;

    • We put clothes of the appropriate tones;
    • We go around the apartment in search of toys and other objects of the studied color;
    • For a walk, finding the cars we need coloring;
    • Play with color;

    • We consider a book or card with pictures of the color we need ( download Example Cards);

    • We play in the lotto of the specified color (see Higher);
    • Include in the menu products of the studied color (for example, for red Day Suitable: berries, tomatoes, red apples, grenades; for green : grapes, green olives, salad, polka dots, green apples, podlock beans, kiwi, avocado; for yellow : banana, corn, yellow apples, lemon, oil, cheese, pineapple; for white : rice, cottage cheese, manna porridge, milk; for orange : Carrots, Apricot, Pumpkin, Orange)

    5. Domana Cards "Colors"

    To be honest, I believe that the study of flowers is the easiest and at the same time effective method , especially if we are not talking about too "running" tones. At home classes require minimum effort and time, and the colors are remembered almost guaranteed, especially if earlier kid Already had the experience of interaction with cards. Just remember, so that in the month of learned colors did not fly off the child from the head, their names are necessary fasten through other games (Sort by colors, play in lotto, etc.).

    What else is important: learn only those shades that you yourself distinguish and the names of which you are really ready to use in your games and conversations. Do not get involved in sets like "100 colors" from "clever". What is the point of learning, for example, a purple shade, if having met him in life, you yourself will most likely call him violet. It only confuses the child.

    My daughter and I got for the study of colors on cards in 1 year 4 months (by that time, Tasya had already knew and showed four main colors). According to the cards in a few days, we remembered another 14 colors (total in our arsenal was 18) and began to mention their names in their games. Those who are skeptical about the Domana technique, I can assure that Taisiya still did not forget any of the colors studied then!

    Read more about the methods of Domana and about the principles of classes. "Colored" cards can Download here, and buy HERE.

    6. Board games

    After 2-2.5 years, you can use board games to secure knowledge about colors. For example, a good option:

    (Ozon., My-Shop.) and its analogue - game "Figures"I wrote about them before.

    Educational cartoons

    A good help in learning colors can be developing cartoons. Couple of cartoons on this topic:


    Do not forget about books. In the poetic artistic form about the color you can read, for example, in the "Multicolored Book" Marshaca, or at Sheyev in the story "Rooster and paints" (as a rule, published in collections of SUYEEVA).

    System early Development Children suggests to form the ability to distinguish colors already in the first year of life. Supported printed products are available with the "0+" sign, they are engaged in six-month kids educational centers. Moms, regularly visiting the Cabinet healthy child In the clinic, they receive a recommendation to study the basic colors when the baby marks a year and a half. This is a sufficiently meaningful age, and you should not postpone the training of up to three years or wait until the kid speaks.
    Color learning is available and non-corrosive children. If a child shows a finger called items, makes a request to bring something, to do, it means he is ready to learn and color. All the difference is that the speaker calls the color, and the "silent" pokes his finger or takes the object in hand.
    Mamam-shortaghogs have to be not easy, the mass of questions immediately arises: why to teach, is it not too early to teach how to understand that the child knows? This article will tell you how to train the child independently, without making special efforts and without spending money.
    For mom, who is with the child all day, classes - a good reason to diversify your life and entertain your son or daughter: in children under three years old excellent memory and high thrust for novelty. Not necessarily to divert a certain time. You can do with the child during the day in accordance with his regime, when the baby slept, it was in a good mood.
    To begin with, it is recommended to learn four colors: red, yellow, green and blue. Material for learning can serve as any items of these colors: toys, fruits and vegetables, special cards, pencils, clothes, plasticine, colored paper, paints, plants (yellow dandelion, green grass), cars in the yard, swing, slides, sports commits (their tend to paint red, yellow, blue, green paint).
    Specialists advise you to start a familiarity with one bright color - red or yellow. Once, show the baby's red object (cube, typewriter, ring from the pyramid) and tell me: "Red Cube". Ask questions: "Where is the cube? Where is a red cube. What color is a cube (Show a red cube). " So do with various items in every home situation: When you give a red apple, you put on red clothes (blouse, dress or jacket), draw a red pencil and so on. In the same way, introduce the child with yellow.
    Now pick up the pair items of two colors: two rings, two cubes, two pencils, two details of the designer, two cars, two cups-liner. We offer interesting games with them: Ask to fold everything in one box, to another - all yellow, remove more superfluous in red (yellow) row. Using cards and pictures, ask to find the subject of the same color. So you secure the concept of color and make sure that the child confidently distinguishes the color items.
    The next stage is the urge to action in different everyday situations: while cleaning toys, dressing, feeding, walking, drawing, modeling, reading books. Calling color, say - take, give, bring, show, put, put on, do, draw, put - according to circumstances. Reading books, discuss illustrations - what kind of color. At this stage, the storage colors is brought to automatism: the child is focused in the color world without a hint.
    In the same order in the dictionary add green and blue. The child learns to distinguish three and finally, all four basic shades.
    If, having learned with a child with a child, not to return to this topic for a long time, it can happen that the child is in a large stream of information that makes it in preschool agewill begin to be confused. Therefore, adding new colors, studying the bill, teaching a diploma, expanding the horizons, during games, creative classes and in everyday life from time to time, interest the color of the subject.
    Success in teaching kid is based on the principles of sequence, systematic, repetition. Sequence - studying colors in turn, and not all at once. Systemity is to draw attention to the color at each other case, and not at certain hours. Repetition is a kind of testing, a way to check knowledge.

    When is it better to acquaint a child with flowers? How to teach the kid to distinguish one color from the other? And can the child be too small for this? Our author-expert, teacher-speech therapist, blogger and young mother Alevtina Korovkina recommends starting as early as possible and shares with readers of the "first Lipetsky" interesting techniques.

    In my work, I often had to deal with an amazing phenomenon that children in 5 years not only did not distinguish colors, but did not know their names. It is sad that some parents adhere to the principle: "You are a specialist - this is your task to teach my child." Of course, for the baby there is nothing better than familiar with the world through joint games and classes with mom and dad. Personally, I started studying the colors when my daughter was 5 months old. The earlier start this process, the more effective. No matter how much you were at the moment your baby is 6 months, a year or one and a half - start right now! Learn to distinguish colors well, group them and call a child must up to 3 years.

    Studying colors should always be started with basic. These include red, blue, yellow and green. While the child will not learn to recognize these colors - to others it is better not to move. Magic Cubes and Cards Since with my daughter I began to teach the color very early, and she was not even sitting, then my favorite cubes of Batat went first in everyday life. I have no goal to make them advertising, I will only say one thing that I have not met the cubes yet. They can be bored, and swim with them in the bathroom, and they resemble our Soviet rubber cubes. We start learning from red. We take a red cube and show the baby with the words: "Look at what an adorable cube. He is red". We tell the rhyme and keep a cube in front of the baby, twisting him in his hands: "Red - it is very bright.
    Sweet tomato and pepper
    Apple. Watermelon inside
    Red, red - look! "

    Then we give a cube to the baby, he examines him, tries on the "taste." We take the crumb on the handles, go around the room and we consider everything around, find the red items, add them. Next, together we consider the cards where red items are drawn. Naturally, all this should be done not in one day, but gradually. Next, a few days later we show a child 2 cubes - one red, other than any color. We ask the baby the question: "Show where the red cube is?". We do it until the baby will show right. Then go to the next color. We start learning blue.We do the same as with a red cube, just tell another poem: "Blue sky, over the blue river,
    Blue Sea, behind the blue mountain
    Blue kitenk is waving a tail.
    Blue waves - his native home! "

    Pictures, respectively, also with blue objects. Just like red, we study everything that is blue in the house. Then after some time, we carry out a finite experiment with a blue cube and a cube of another color. If the baby shows correctly, then proceed to the next color. Next goes yellow. Everything in the template with the colors studied above. Washing: "Yellow is the brightest color!
    Like the sun, primrose,
    Bright yellow waterway,
    And in the chamomile - the middle.
    And the chicken-nasal
    As if dandelion kids "(T. Krasuk)

    Green color. Washing:

    "All green around:
    Here grows green onions,
    Green cucumbers -
    Long fighters.
    Rustle in green maples
    And the grasshopper, the whole green.
    Song sings us out loud
    He, having risen on the burdock.
    And with eyes on top
    Complete green frogs.
    Climbs in the garden
    And green grapes.
    And the knees are all in the green
    Neighborhood at Alenka "(S. Gals)
    When a child begins to distinguish one color from the other, go to the next stage. Put four cubes in front of the child and ask you to call one or another. Over time, the kid will learn not to confuse colors. We try the following method. We study color with the help of associations A associative thinking prevails in a child up to 3 years. Associate any color with something, it is easier for him to remember. This type of study for older children. Take the album and color pencils and start drawing a picture with the child. Yellow - Sun, Blue - Sky, Red - Flower, Green - Grass. And it is not necessary to be an artist at all - the most important thing for a child, which is understandable and remember. Over time, the child will remember all the associations and will easily find the desired color. Draw more often and more. And for children still older, I would recommend plasticine.With it, it is not less interesting to study colors. Take cardboard, colored paper. Cut off a piece of plasticine on a piece. Draw on colored paper or cardboard tree or something else. We had a tree. And then I sculpt on it with red plasticine apples. This game not only helps to memorize colors, but also develops small motor. Another direction of work with plasticine. Draw on white cardboard clouds, sun, grass, flower. Then they sculpt the corresponding piece of plasticine on each drawing and smear it with his fingers. Be sure to help the baby.

    Very help in learning the books of the book.And no matter, they are specialized or not. My daughter and I studied including the books in which you can press on the color and hear how his name is pronounced by voice color and what items there are of this color.
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