• As the New Year is celebrated in America. How they celebrate the New Year in America: traditions, gifts Do they celebrate the New Year in America


    In America? What do they give for this holiday? You will find the answers to these and other exciting questions if you read this article.
    America is the country that gave the world Santa Claus. Therefore, we can safely say that the United States honors the New Year and knows how to celebrate it brightly. Of course, numerous gifts and various garlands play the main role in creating a fabulous atmosphere. Now let's talk about how the New Year is celebrated in America, the traditions of this country will also be considered. This holiday cannot be imagined without Christmas. After all, it is from this day that winter festivities begin.

    Preparation period

    As in many European countries, Christmas is celebrated on the night of December 25th. This holiday is considered the most important in the United States.

    In the pre-holiday period, a magical atmosphere envelops everything around. On such days, the streets are practically drowned in decorations, the people around them exchange gifts with each other. The cities of America are immersed in a fabulous atmosphere. At the same time, even those who do not consider themselves to be a religion celebrate Christmas.
    There is one very important tradition among Americans - to decorate their homes to the maximum.

    And sometimes some people even decorate kennels in order to make the atmosphere around even more magical, fabulous. Of course, you cannot do without the image of Santa Claus with assistants - elves, deer and gnomes. In the courtyard, people put up Christmas trees (pre-dressed), make big snowmen. A must-have element in the interior is a festive wreath, sometimes popcorn is used to create it. It is hung on the door. There is usually a Merry Christmas wish on the wreath itself.

    Glowing garlands make you forget about the night for the period of Christmas and New Year, because even at night it is light outside. The most important illuminated place is Rockefeller Center in New York. It is there that the largest Christmas tree is placed. In addition, there is a free skating rink that operates around the clock. Another feature is that everyone rests on Christmas, for this reason, the locals stock up on food and gasoline in advance.

    Santa Claus from America

    Many people know this grandfather thanks to the famous advertisement from the Coca-Cola company. This commercial created a fabulous atmosphere.

    Therefore, he fell in love not only with children, but also with adults. In addition, the advertisement canonized the appearance of Santa Claus. Before us, this old man appeared in red pants, jacket of the same color. The boots of the American Santa Claus were black, lacquered. Also, Santa Claus has a red cap on his head. Note that the obligatory attributes of an American grandfather are a good-natured smile and a snow-white beard.

    For Santa Claus, kids always leave special red (although sometimes other colors) socks. They hang them over the fireplace. After all, Santa Claus, as you know, sneaks into the house not through the door, but through the chimney.

    How do children usually represent Santa? American Santa Claus sits on a sleigh pulled by reindeer. His faithful companions are next to him - elves or gnomes. Many guys leave sweets for Santa Claus under the tree as a token of gratitude.


    There is a tendency in America to purchase Christmas gifts in advance, not least. This becomes possible due to the advance updating of the assortment in stores.

    For many Americans, gift-buying is an important part of life. They give gifts to everyone: friends, colleagues, people to whom they are grateful. The end of the Christmas gala dinner is marked by the unsealing of gifts that have been stacked under the tree during the week. Santa Claus puts presents for children at night.


    It is popular among American citizens to do charity work during the holidays. Then they help hospitals, shelters and those in need. Despite the advanced technologies, congratulations are often sent by postcards. Note that the tradition of children dressed as angels singing Christmas carols also continues to exist. It is customary in almost all families to read a prayer of gratitude before eating.


    This state, like any other country, has its own traditional dishes that should be on the table. Such dishes include: potato pies, stuffed turkey, bean and cabbage soup, homemade sausage.

    New Year in America. Traditions

    The main symbol of the celebration is Baby - this is a baby in a diaper. He lives a whole life in a year, subsequently giving his rights to another baby.

    What date is New Year in America? January 1st, of course. The inhabitants of this country have many traditions associated with the celebration of the New Year. One fairly practical custom for Americans is to make assignments for the next year. During the planning process, they write down the goals that need to be achieved in those same 365 days. Anything can be included in this list, from the goal of quitting smoking, spending less money on things, and some more global options, such as buying a house, renovating, getting married, and so on.

    How is New Year's Day celebrated in America? Let's figure it out now. Unlike Christmas, which is considered a family holiday, New Year is spent more often in clubs and outdoors than at home with relatives.

    Usually this celebration is accompanied by dancing and fireworks. Also, everyone must drink a glass of champagne. The Scottish melody "The Good Old Times" is a very popular music of the holiday.

    So how is New Years celebrated in America? It is believed that the celebration should begin on December 31st. Since this particular day is the end of the old year. This event must be celebrated. And the next day, January 1st, is also no less important. It is also celebrated. During this period, you can see parades. The most ambitious is held at Time Square, which is located in New York.


    On average, Americans spend $ 50 to $ 800 on gifts. It can be either a cute trinket, accessories, a box of chocolates, or wine, luxury cigarettes.

    Note that, for practical reasons, New Year's gifts in America are presented along with checks.

    This is done so that the recipient can return the item to the store if the present did not fit. This, of course, leads to huge queues in stores, which is why certificates for a fixed amount have become popular lately. According to them, a person can choose the right thing for himself.

    There are Orthodox shops in the New England region. They specialize specifically in Christmas gifts. These Orthodox shops are open around the clock. Therefore, Americans can prepare for the holidays at any time, purchase gifts.

    Time Square became famous for its New Year's performance. It has gained fame all over the world since the beginning of the last century. It is on December 31, on the last day of the year, that a large ball descends from a great height (over twenty meters). He is in the fall for exactly sixty seconds. On the last ten, people start counting down. After their expiration, the ball touches the ground exactly at midnight.


    Now you know how the New Year is celebrated in America, what is given during this period. We also examined the traditions of this holiday. We hope that this information was interesting and useful to you.

    If you ask a resident of any post-Soviet state, what is the main holiday of the year? They will answer you without delay - New Year! But if you ask an American the same question, then you will probably hear a different answer, because Americans are much more looking forward to Christmas, Independence Day, Thanksgiving or even Halloween than New Year. However, this does not mean at all that the New Year in the United States is celebrated modestly. Like any holiday in the United States, New Years celebrations are accompanied by concerts, parades, sales, fairs, fireworks, etc. On the eve of the New Year, let's get acquainted with how this holiday is celebrated in America.

    History of New Year's Eve in the USA

    The Gregorian calendar was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. In the British colonies, which became states as a result, the new calendar began to be used from 1752. The celebration of the first day of the new year (January 1) in the United States came from Europe, where, by tradition, this day was associated with festivities and parties.

    American traditions of New Years celebration

    One of the New Year's symbols among Americans is the Baby in the Diaper. According to legend, Baby - New Year grows and grows old within one year. At the end of the year, he becomes an old man and transfers his responsibilities to the next New Year's baby, this happens from year to year.

    Another tradition is that many Americans make important decisions or changes that will take effect from the new year. Often these are promises to improve something in your life. For example, quit smoking or drinking alcohol, lose weight, start playing sports, make peace with loved ones, etc.

    How do Americans celebrate the New Year?

    Many Americans love to celebrate New Years at home with their friends and family. Others, on the contrary, attend public events, which are attended by thousands, and in some places tens or hundreds of thousands of people. These events are accompanied by festive shouts, car horns, explosions of firecrackers, fireworks, ringing of bells and other means by which loud noise can be created.

    New Year's ball in Times Square

    In 1907, a New Year's tradition appeared in New York, which has become known all over the world today. Every year on December 31 at 23:59 local time, a huge ball is dropped from a 23-meter height in Times Square. The ball falls within one minute, and the final 10 seconds are counted together by people gathered in the square and in front of TV screens. At exactly 00:00, the ball reaches its lowest point, which means the onset of the new year. This tradition has become very popular in New York. Scores of residents and visitors alike flock to Times Square on New Year's Eve to watch the action, and the project has over 1 billion TV viewers.

    Other cities and towns in the United States began to conduct their own versions of the fall of the New Year's ball. Only objects associated with local symbols are used instead of a ball. For example, a replica of a pet or wild animal, fruits, vegetables, cars, industrial equipment, etc. Atlanta, Georgia uses a giant peach copy instead of a ball, Raleigh, North Carolina uses a 900-pound brass acorn, and Strasbourg, Pennsylvania uses a ping-pong ball.

    Public life in the United States during New Years celebrations

    New Year in the United States is considered an official holiday, therefore, January 1, as in the CIS countries, is a day off. On this day, government offices, schools, colleges, as well as many state-owned enterprises are closed. Public transport operates according to the holiday schedule. But December 31 is not an official holiday, but in some states, such as Kentucky, Michigan and Wisconsin, the last day of the year is considered a day off.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that the United States has 6 time zones, so while New Yorkers are already sleeping soundly, Honolulu residents are just waiting for the chimes to strike.

    Happy New Year!

    In terms of its significance, the celebration of the New Year in America is significantly inferior. Moreover, if Christmas is considered a chamber and quiet, intra-family holiday, then New Year's celebrations are, rather, of a public nature. Usually New Years in America are celebrated in noisy companies, clubs, bars or in city squares. Unlike Christmas Day, December 31st is not in most states: restaurants and theaters continue to operate as usual, which means you can have an interesting evening away from home. New Year is considered, first of all, a youth holiday, older people are less likely to take part in New Year's festivities. And in conservative religious states, for example, in, it may not be celebrated at all.

    The main traditions of celebrating the New Year in the United States were laid by the Dutch settlers who founded New York, so the most magnificent New Year celebrations are traditionally held here. It is in New York, on Lower Square, next to the legendary Rockefeller Center, that the country's main Christmas tree is erected. Two hours before the onset of the New Year, a stunning laser show begins at the famous New York Times Square. Here you can also see an impromptu snowfall of confetti, performances by world-class stars, fireworks and fireworks. The culmination of the evening will be the descent from a 23-meter height of a huge crystal ball, which will touch the ground exactly at midnight. This tradition is more than a hundred years old, and in many cities, locals have come up with their own analogues of the New York ball, for example, a huge hunk of cheese in Plymouth or a peach in Atlanta.

    In honor of the New Year on January 1, parades are held throughout the country. The most famous and oldest of these are the Pasadena Rose Tournament and the Philadelphia Pantomime Parade. The idea of ​​such a carnival as the Tournament of Roses could have originated only in the mild climate of Southern California with its warm, snowless winters. All day bright platforms, entwined with garlands of roses, move around the city, and the holiday ends with a football match "Pink Ball". Meanwhile, in Philadelphia, actors, dancers, magicians and musicians parade through the streets, glorifying the King of Pantomime.

    The celebration of the New Year is of the greatest importance for the residents of Alaska, which is possibly associated with the traces of the cultural traditions of the Russian settlers. In the last week of the outgoing year, the famous music festival starts in Anchorage, attracting the attention of many thousands of tourists from all over the world. And it is in Alaska that the North Pole is located. At the end of December every year, hundreds of thousands of letters from children from all over America come to the town with such an unusual name. The messages are addressed to Santa Claus, whose residence has been here since the late 1940s. All year round, the city is decorated in a Christmas and New Year style. The names of local streets also remind of the main inhabitant of the North Pole: for example, St. Nicholas Boulevard and Omela Lane.

    New Year's Eve is the time for shopping. Shops will offer seasonal discounts, and in most major cities, numerous fairs and Christmas markets will open, where you can buy cute trinkets, decorations and traditional sweets - gingerbread, candy canes, caramelized apples.

    Some of the most recognizable symbols of the holiday in the United States are the old man, representing the outgoing year, and the baby, symbolizing the coming year. For a year, the baby grows old and on December 31, it gives way to the next baby. Obviously, the images of the old man and the baby go back to the ideas of the two-faced god Janus, one face of which was turned to the past, and the other to the future. On festive packaging or Christmas tree decorations, you can see images of white doves, meaning purity, faith in a bright future and hope. The old Scottish song "Auld Lang Syne", which is usually sung in the company of closest friends and family, sounds all day long on the streets of American cities.

    Traditional US gifts for the New Year are usually symbolic in nature, they can be notebooks, photo frames, scarves, candles and other nice little things. At the same time, practical Americans prefer to give gifts along with a check, so that if desired, an unnecessary thing can be returned to the store. Recently, gift certificates have become the most popular gifts. Also in America, the game of secret Santa is widespread. Its essence is as follows: players agree in advance about the approximate cost of gifts and write their names on pieces of paper. Everyone pulls out a piece of paper with a name and, without showing it to anyone, prepares a surprise for this person. The funniest thing starts after the participants open their gifts and try to name the person who chose this or that item for them.

    One of the most popular attributes of New Years in America is the knitted sweater. Since the end of November, special kits have even appeared in stores that make you feel like a designer; they include the sweater itself, glue and jewelry. However, even the Americans themselves began to laugh at this traditional symbol: for example, many bars hold contests for the most tasteless sweater.

    The American New Year's table is usually more modest than the Christmas one. It is customary to serve champagne with light snacks - fruits, nuts, sweets and canapes. Midnight on December 31, as a rule, is greeted with a glass of eggnog in hand, this unusual cocktail is prepared from raw chicken eggs, milk and wine. The traditional food for the New Year in the United States is, of course, oven-baked turkey and ham with cranberry sauce. However, it is customary to prepare both dishes for almost all holidays.

    Like the inhabitants of our country, on the night of December 31, most Americans take stock, plan important changes in their lives, make solemn promises to themselves, congratulate their loved ones and hope that all the troubles and sorrows will remain in the old year.

    New Years in the United States of America began to be celebrated around the 17th century. This tradition was brought to the American continent by colonists from Holland. New Year is a public holiday in the United States. January 1 is an official day off. But still, the main winter holiday for America is Christmas. The holiday of Catholic Christmas is spiritual and religious in nature. On this holiday, believers must attend church. And they celebrate the holiday with their family, most often in the parental home. Unlike Christmas, New Year is a secular holiday that is celebrated with friends in restaurants, cafes, casinos, or simply on the streets and squares.

    The brightest, most solemn and crowded celebration of the New Year takes place in New York at Times Square. For more than a hundred years, there has been a tradition on December 31 at 23.59 to lower the so-called Times Square Ball from the tower of The New York Times. This famous attraction was invented by the first owner of the tower back in 1907. New Yorkers liked him so much that since then this ritual descent, which has already become a good tradition, has been performed every year. During the last minute of the expiring year, a huge sparkling ball, secured by a special rope, solemnly descends down to the jubilant shouts of the people gathered in the square and a multi-million audience of TV viewers. It is said that the number of TV viewers following this attraction reaches a billion people worldwide.

    The Tournament of Roses and Pantomime Parade festivals are very popular among Americans and numerous tourists who come to the United States for the New Year holidays.

    The Tournament of Roses has been held annually since 1890 on January 1 in Pasadena, California. As the name implies, the main theme of the parade is the festival of flowers. This colorful and grand show was conceived by the people of Pasadena to showcase the beauty and wealth of their warm state, as opposed to the snowy January New York. Preparations for the parade are going on throughout the year, and the holiday ends with the traditional football match "Pink Ball".

    The "Pantomime Parade" was first organized in Philadelphia by expatriates from Ireland. This grand and very long ten-hour show is a colorful parade of artists, musicians, singers, clowns, mimes and dancers marching through the streets of the city and demonstrating their art to numerous spectators. Tens of thousands of tourists from all over the world come to Philadelphia to watch this grandiose bright spectacle on January 1 every year.

    The custom of celebrating the New Year with a glass of sparkling wine or champagne has taken root in the United States, but they do not give gifts for the New Year, because a huge number of gifts have already been presented at Christmas. A lot of attention is paid to decorating your home for Christmas in America. Depending on their material capabilities, Americans strive to decorate their house or apartment to the maximum, this is not limited only to the installation of a Christmas tree, they use a huge number of electric garlands, figures of the baby Jesus, the Virgin Mary, Joseph, the Magi, Santa Claus and various fairy-tale characters ... Often these figures are life-size and can move. The spectacle is fascinating and accessible to all comers, in the case when they are exhibited by the owners in front of their houses. Sometimes there are open or unspoken competitions between the owners of houses - who is better, more elegant, prettier, wittier and more expensive to decorate their house and yard for the holiday. It is clear that all this beauty remains until the New Year's holiday. Therefore, for the New Year, all of America sparkles and shimmers.

    Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

    When is New Year's Eve in America? and got the best answer

    Answer from ЇOSICH [guru]
    In the United States, New Year's Eve is closely associated with Christmas (December 25, New Style). The New Year itself is not such a big holiday for Americans, and it is mainly celebrated by immigrants from other countries (for example, from the CIS). Americans are likely to meet New Year's Eve among friends, watching entertainment programs on TV, or in theaters, nightclubs and restaurants.
    Despite the fact that New Year is officially celebrated in the United States on January 1, its celebration begins on December 31. By tradition, everyone sees off the old year until midnight, and then they greet the new one. Exactly at midnight, after the ringing of the bells, fireworks are thrown into the air, champagne corks, sirens and car horns howl announce the beginning of the New Year. People hug and kiss each other, wish happiness. Americans have champagne on their tables (it is an established tradition to have a glass of sizzling drink at midnight) and an appetizer - nuts, cheese, cookies. It is not accepted to gorge on and get drunk, and gifts are not given that night. In the outgoing year, sentimental Americans are singing an old song written in the 18th century, it is called "Auld Lang Syne" (approximate translation - "The Good Old Times"). It's a good tradition to sing about friends and about the old days.
    In some major cities in the United States, parades are held on January 1st. Admittedly, the funniest and most numerous of these is the New Year's Eve Parade on New York's Time Square.

    Answer from 2 answers[guru]

    Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: When is the New Year in America?

    Answer from Ђatiana Kolupaeva[newbie]
    New Year's Day in the USA is one of the national holidays of the country. It is celebrated on January 1 of every year according to the Gregorian calendar. rural regions, in a number of cities in the United States, their New Year traditions have appeared and are being passed on. By the way, Christmas and New Years in the USA differ greatly in their spiritual content. Christmas is an important family holiday filled with religious symbols, and the New Year is celebrated in public and often takes place in the form of a party with friends in a club, casino or city square.Most of the country's casinos offer free toast with champagne in their foyers on New Year's Eve.The English Puritans were introduced to the New Year celebrations by the more liberal Dutch colonists, the founders of New York, so it was in In this city, the celebration of the New Year is the most solemn in nature. chi is Times Square, where on New Year's Eve more than a hundred thousand people await the release of a shiny ball - a symbol of the New Year's coming.

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