• Congratulations to the railway workers on their professional holiday. Congratulations on the day of the railroad worker in your own words


    Night, afternoon, ringing morning
    They rush along the rails of the trains:
    It's hard to imagine your life
    Without the familiar work.

    Dear miracles,
    Congratulations by saying:
    Let them fly even faster
    Trains, giving delight.

    And there will be no obstacles
    And fate will not fail.
    We are happy to repeat a hundredfold:
    Thank you people !!!

    We are sincerely grateful to you,
    That trains are rushing along the rails
    And where you need to go
    During the domchat without difficulty.
    Let no obstacles meet
    Fate will never fail
    And may the rewards be worthy
    And everyone will find their own path of happiness!

    Happy Railwayman Day

    Congratulations to railway workers today
    Your hard work is very respected,
    After all, you drive trains during the day and at night,
    You carry people and goods with care.

    At home, and in a foreign land,
    You spend day and night in the cockpit
    So we wish you a happy journey,
    Find your health and love.

    Life is woven from partings
    Meetings, tears, roads and distances.
    The conductor waved a flag -
    Parting shadow fell on the faces.
    Buildings flash like a bird
    The train rushes towards the sun,
    The conductors carry tea
    Beeps rush through the window
    Steel tracks weave -
    Hello, piece of iron! Happy Birthday!

    Railways -
    Arteries of the country!
    Many people understand
    How important they are!

    And the railwayman -
    Profession of people
    Reasonable, careful
    In responsible work!

    And the summer gathered again
    Friends of steel machines
    So that this good holiday
    Mark from the bottom of my heart!

    And I congratulate you,
    Health for a hundred years!
    And I sincerely wish
    In business - the green light!

    Railwayman! On this day
    Your passengers - everyone in the world -
    We are not too lazy to praise you,
    Odes to sing and these praises

    Your heroism cannot be understood by the enemy,
    But under the sound of wheels they penetrated fate:
    You carry us through the rain, blizzard, taiga,
    The machinist, the tracker, whether the guide!

    May your days be happy
    And annoyances and resentments are small
    Green lights are burning for you
    And the arrows do not turn on you !!!

    Railroad Day

    Railways are like veins
    The whole country is covered with a network.
    Thank you for your hard work
    We appreciate you very much, believe me.

    Day and night, and in heat and cold
    Always stay at your post!
    We wish you on schedule
    Meet and see the trains!

    Your work is not easy, very important
    The country celebrated a wonderful holiday!
    So let your every day be happy!
    And the highway is as ringing as a string!

    Your destiny is a railroad
    And on your holiday we say to you:
    You saw, did a lot of things
    In his very short destiny!
    You live, to the Fatherland, helping people,
    Having goodness and honor in your luggage,
    And you don't need another fate,
    When already one - such - is!
    Let the world of love be cheerful, eternal,
    May you have a house and money
    And every train, the farthest, oncoming
    Greetings, buzzing with all the rings!

    Congratulations on the day of the railway worker

    Congratulations, railroad workers,
    Happy holiday that has come.
    Peace of mind for you
    We wish and a lot of strength!

    So that life stretches like a road
    With turns until endless
    To have happiness and joy in her,
    So that hearts burn with love!

    Romance of the railways!
    Stewards of obedient rails, sleepers!
    A beautiful summer day was named after you
    Happy railway workers of all countries!

    Railroad - like destiny
    Like a road chosen in life,
    Wherever she runs
    Let it end at your doorstep.

    May your house always be your full cup,
    May his happiness never diminish,
    Everything works out the way you dreamed
    And the houses were looking forward to you!

    Happy Railwayman's Day

    And day and night trains rush
    The whole country spun in motion.
    You are the lords of the steel roads
    Without you, all life would have stopped.

    Machinist, dispatcher, conductor,
    Technician and station manager -
    Congratulations on the holiday,
    We want life to spoil you more often.

    We wish you good health,
    Let your eyes always shine with happiness.
    We are so grateful to you that without fail
    Trains rush day and night.

    Railwayman day holiday

    Wagons, rails, sleepers and aprons
    Trains have their own laws.
    They are racing at full steam
    At your own risk and fear.
    Congratulations to railway workers today
    We respect your work.
    Carry people and goods with care
    And you will definitely not find a better profession!

    Employees of our railways,
    We wish God to help you today,
    We always wish you good luck in your work,
    So that only green light meets the trains.

    We want to congratulate all services today,
    And send all this to you by telegram.
    Your wishes in hard work,
    You live in friendship with the railway.

    Dispatcher and switchman, our guide,
    After all, everyone penetrated the work with their soul.
    The walker, the tracker, and the foreman of the brigade,
    We are very glad to congratulate you today.

    Happy birthday greetings to the railwayman

    The horn was once a locomotive
    Woke up our slumbering station
    Now electric locomotives
    Long dragging composition!
    Behind all that complex organism
    There is a reliable person -
    Our Russian railway worker,
    Be healthy and glorious forever!

    On the first Sunday in August, Russians celebrate one of the oldest holidays, Railroad Day. It was established in Tsarist Russia at the end of the 19th century. The holiday was timed to coincide with the birthday of Nicholas I on June 25. Later, the railway workers were forgotten, reviving the holiday only after the October Revolution. For many years, the celebration was celebrated on July 30, and later postponed to the first Sunday in August. On August 7, 2016, more than one million employees of Russian Railways will receive congratulations on the Day of the Railwayman, colleagues will congratulate each other on their professional holiday. If in your family or among friends, there are people for whom the word "train" means something more than just transport on rails, congratulate them on the holiday. It can be simple, artless congratulations in prose, and romantic poems, and cool SMS... Children can draw pictures depicting a mother-guide or a father-train driver in large numbers.

    Solemn and official congratulations to colleagues on the Day of the Railwayman in prose

    On August 7, 2016, all employees of Russian Railways will be officially congratulated. At the highest level, colleagues will be congratulated by the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation and his deputies. In the field, these will be the chiefs of the staff, senior guides. In honor of the solemn date, festive events and concerts will be held. On this day, the best and distinguished employees of Russian Railways will be awarded. Their awards will be not only praises and certificates, but also prizes and material rewards. Train workers long distance will be specially noted. Their hard work will be rewarded and honored.

    Railwayman. The profession is very necessary. No one even imagines his life without a train, without the pleasant sound "chukh-chukh", without tea in a glass glass and without casual acquaintances. You, in your own way, provide all of us with our trips. Thanks to you, I visit my relatives and friends.

    Your profession is essential for all of us. Therefore, I wish you a good mood, so that it would be more pleasant to go to work, which no one and nothing can spoil, neither bad weather, nor displeased faces of passengers. Happy Railroad Day!

    Everyone has their own holiday a year, some even have two. So you, railway workers, have your professional day. Thank you and I want to wish that you always have a job that would bring you money, good mood and pleasant memories, so that later there was something to tell grandchildren, while resting in retirement.

    You and I have known each other for eternity, but I will never forget how proudly you told me on the day of our first meeting that you were working on the railway. For me it was something of a mystery, that is, there was a man in front of me, thanks to whom the train moves on the rails, and I can get to any destination without any problems. And on this summer day, I want to wish you that the optimism that I saw in your eyes that day never leaves you.

    Funny congratulations to drivers, conductors, railway station workers on the Day of the Railwayman

    Conductors and machinists who have worked all their lives "on wheels" know a lot of comical and humorous situations that occurred during their work. Spending more time outside the home and family, but among other people, they become more attentive and notice all the nuances in the behavior of passengers. Often, it is the conductors who are the first to notice the threat posed by people who boarded the train. However, most often, it is with trains that many anecdotal situations and jokes are associated. Going on the rails to another city, especially if it is not a few days away by express, people stock up on food and alcohol. Usually, during a few hours of a joint trip, passengers drink, get closer, share life stories with each other. The main witnesses of the events taking place in the cars are the conductors. Each of them remembers funny stories related to trains. Railwaymen also treat themselves with humor. On a holiday, they send to colleagues cool congratulations, remind of the curiosities that happened to them, have fun from the heart!

    Congratulations to the railwayman

    Your whole life is under the sound of wheels

    May this day bring a surprise!

    Today we want to congratulate you:

    Happiness to deliver wagons to you!

    You visit home more often

    Get tired less on the road.

    We wish you a happy path

    And congratulations on the holiday!

    Cool congratulations to the locomotive driver

    Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers,

    The train is coming late

    Our driver is sitting in it,

    He is no longer a chimney sweep.

    He is in a decent suit,

    Presses buttons personally

    Educated and smart

    He was born for the road!

    Congratulations to the driver,

    We wish you happiness, joy,

    To make him the best

    And he lived healthy for a long time!

    Congratulations on the day of railway workers

    On the Day of Railway Workers

    We congratulate you!

    Train of happiness and victories

    We have fun.

    There are health and dreams

    Let it come true

    So accept from fate

    These are all riches!

    We wish you every day

    To spend with a smile

    Has fun so that the soul -

    Like the strings of a violin ...

    It sounded, but to the family

    Brought gifts -

    Joy and harmony

    Make life bright!

    Short sincere SMS congratulations on the Railwayman's Day

    Probably each of us used the trains. Many people remember the aching feeling of the last minutes before the departure of the train and that unusual state of "motion sickness" after a long journey, when you go to "solid ground". Guides and machinists spend most of their lives on the road. Many of them will meet the Railway Worker's Day on the way. Do not be discouraged if you cannot congratulate your relatives personally: send them short and sincere SMS!

    Trains leave in the distance

    Carrying away worries

    Only you always know

    The subtleties of work.

    On the day of your profession

    I sincerely wish

    Happy days ahead

    Well, in my heart - May!

    The horn was once a locomotive

    Woke up our slumbering station

    Now electric locomotives

    Long dragging composition!

    Behind all that complex organism

    There is a reliable person -

    Our Russian railway worker,

    Be healthy and glorious forever!

    By rail

    The trains will run

    Let sorrow, anxiety,

    Will be carried away forever

    Be happy in life

    Thank you for your work!

    May all over your homeland

    Praise is handed out!

    Wonderful congratulations on the Day of the Railwayman in verse from relatives

    Despite all the hardships of working on the railway and difficulties with the work schedule, the hearts of Russian guides, machinists, all employees of Russian Railways are with their families and loved ones. Even being at a distance of thousands of kilometers, you can congratulate your relatives and friends on the Day of the Railwayman. Send them a wonderful verse with kind words... Say that you always love and look forward to their return. Most conductors today use the mobile Internet. Send them a verse to their email address, congratulate them on social networks or send an SMS.

    My glorious railwayman,

    I congratulate you on this day!

    May the roads be in good order

    Happy are our sunrises.

    Let the nights be together

    And long, the rails seem to be.

    I love you very, very much

    Stronger every minute!

    When the train arrives at the depot,

    Then all our technical staff

    He doesn't go home at all,

    To give out the next morning!

    From the heart of all of you: engineers,

    Both craftsmen and locksmiths,

    Everyone who does business for us in the depot

    For a holiday you pour a stop!

    Let the path be bright, straight,

    Our son, assistant

    Let's raise a toast for you


    Let the carriage of your fate

    Rushing past troubles

    And at the station of love

    The conductor will wake up!

    Pictures with original friendly greetings on the Railwayman's Day

    Today, millions of compatriots use the railway services every year. The train is still considered the safest form of transport. For many, the train has also become the most comfortable way to get to another city and even a country. If your family has a Russian Railways employee, congratulate him original postcard with funny picture on trains and roads. Children can draw an unusual drawing and present it to their mom or dad working on the railway.

    The morning of August 7, 2016 will begin with official speeches of colleagues in honor of all employees of Russian Railways. Join them and you: send short congratulations Happy Railwayman's Day to your friends and family. It can be SMS or a postcard with cool pictures, poetry or even a song.

    In many countries of the former USSR, Railway Workers' Day has a long history - the tradition of celebrating the first Sunday in August as a professional holiday of railway workers dates back to the 19th century. In Russia, this holiday was approved in 1896 and is timed to coincide with the birthday of Emperor Nicholas, who began to develop railway communication. Until the October Revolution, the railway worker's day was celebrated on June 25. In the whirlwind of revolutionary events, it was forgotten to be re-established in 1936. Railways are of great importance for every country; they have been and remain one of the main transport arteries linking the entire territory of Russia together. Only with the advent of railroad communication did people get the opportunity to quickly cover long distances. We celebrate Railwayman's Day - the first Sunday in August.

    Your destiny is a railroad
    And on your holiday we say to you:
    You saw, you did a lot of things
    In his very short destiny!
    You live, the Fatherland, helping people,
    Having goodness and honor in your luggage,
    And you don't need another fate,
    When already one - such - is!
    Let the world of love be cheerful, eternal,
    May you have a house and money
    And every train, the farthest, oncoming
    Greetings, blowing all the rings!

    We are sincerely grateful to you,
    That trains are rushing along the rails
    And where you need to go
    During domchat without difficulty.
    Let no obstacles meet
    Fate will never fail
    And may the rewards be worthy
    And everyone will find their own path of happiness!

    The fast train flies like a bird
    The driver is leading the train.
    Sleeping so sweetly under the sound of steel wheels
    After all, looking out the window for a long time, I'm tired.
    Happy railwayman day, I congratulate you
    I wish you an easy, always open path.
    Let good partners meet
    So that you can safely go on a flight with them.

    A friend made a date for me -
    Will be as scheduled.
    A minute late
    Answers with his head.
    He's a railroad worker
    Not an empty talker,
    A word of carelessness
    You won't hear from him.
    He comes on a date -
    God, what a punishment ?!
    With bruises under my eyes
    Dirty from head to toe:
    "Fast", walking on a collision course,
    I ran into my friend in the forehead,
    He turned over into a ditch,
    But he showed up right on time.
    He refused coffee,
    Addicted to cognac.
    Guy after a disaster
    I can understand him.

    Night, afternoon, ringing morning
    They rush along the rails of the trains:
    It's hard to imagine your life
    Without the familiar work.
    Dear miracles,
    Congratulations by saying:
    Let them fly even faster
    Trains, giving delight.
    And there will be no obstacles
    And fate will not fail.
    We are happy to repeat a hundredfold:
    Thank you people.

    Trains go on the road
    So that they hurry along the rails there,
    Where people are eagerly awaiting them
    And the distant ones are waiting for the city ...
    Under the iron wheels clatter
    Lights ahead meet us.
    Your strong, strong hands
    Our peace is guarded along the way.

    Your life, friends, is a railroad
    You connected your fate with her at once.
    And hurries somewhere far from the threshold
    The locomotive is restless in early dawn.
    Mountains and valleys with the wind overtaking
    He will pass villages, rivers, cities.
    Measuring miles and days and years
    The happy train of life rushes you through the year.
    May your work bring you satisfaction!
    Souls inspire, always calls into the distance!
    Every day gives rise to the joy of surprise
    And the steel rails are running briskly forward!

    Serves a lot:
    Driver assistant,
    Cashier and Deputy Minister,
    And also a machinist,
    And also the minister himself,
    And also an auditor,
    And also the controller,
    Plus a lineman
    Dispatcher, conductor.
    The composition will not rumble
    Without each of them.
    For the fact that the train runs
    We bow to them in the belt!

    Today we celebrate Railroad Worker's Day.
    We wish you happiness, prosperity and love.
    So that the mood never goes away
    And so that the money floated to you in wagons.

    So that they do not know the lack of anything in their life.
    Let the fast train bring you to the world of happiness.
    And so that life's path is always free and smooth.
    Live happily without troubles, problems, worries.

    Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers ...
    The holiday has come to us!
    On the day of the railway - your glorious holiday,
    We wish you every success!

    So that the train of your life goes
    Only on happy tracks
    We wish you happiness, a sea of \u200b\u200blaughter
    And life is just fun for you!

    We can't imagine life without trains,
    There are railways all around.
    And congratulations on the holiday today
    All those who are familiar with the train.

    Conductors, railroad workers, machinists,
    Metrologists ... We can't count all of them.
    Let life be like the sun, radiant.
    Today, toasts are only in your honor!

    If you work in the railway,
    You are iron in spirit and in body.
    You don't care about the ways,
    Walk through life firmly, boldly.

    Though semaphores blue light
    You've seen a lot already
    Go quickly to your dream,
    Like a steam locomotive flies to the station.

    I wish dreams come true
    So that the wagons don't lag behind
    On a long life path
    So that everyone is loved and respected.

    I wish with all my heart
    More sunny days for you.
    Let, if your train is in a hurry,
    Wheels knock more fun.

    Let it rarely be difficult for you,
    Anxiety is bypassed in life.
    Let your position sound proudly -
    Railroad worker!

    By rail by road
    Their legs are used to wandering:
    Who is on foot and who is in the car,
    Someone is standing on the platform.
    Driver and conductor,
    Whose face always sparkles
    At the station ticket holders
    And in the car the controllers -
    All were united by a sleeper
    And the rail sank into my soul.
    A friendly family together.
    Happy holidays, friends!

    Wheels knock, the train rushes
    To congratulate you on a bright day.
    Let joy settle in the house
    Opening the door wide in life.

    We give you congratulations,
    Wishing a good journey
    May happiness have no edge
    Will not let the disease get out of the way.

    On the rail on the road
    All the work is hard.
    Happy holiday to all of you -
    We need urgently.
    People are full of courage
    All of them know the matter.
    Therefore, we wish them:
    In the light of the sun and moon
    Long, happy you live.
    All dreams come true.
    For travel conditions
    They will thank you.

    The railway runs over the horizon
    Wheels knock their eternal motive
    There are so many goodbyes ahead and meetings
    And the locomotive rushes forward like an arrow.

    And your destiny is bound forever
    With a cheerful song of wanderings and wheels,
    On your holiday, I sincerely congratulate you!
    I wish that work brings happiness!

    Let life go smoothly on the rails
    Without going too fast
    And only good neighbors
    They shared oxygen with you.

    Firemen, dispatchers, guides,
    Train drivers, linemen, cashiers -
    Railway workers, in one word,
    How much sometimes depends on you.

    Thank you for your care and work:
    Consistency, clarity in work always.
    For the fact that they take us to any region
    Cozy, clean trains.

    So let the train of life fly ahead
    And does not meet congestion, interference.
    And let the stops along the way
    There will be "Health", "Love" and "Success".

    Transport is the safest -
    This is the miracle of the train
    Let the railways
    Never fail!

    Congratulations to the drivers
    And more - dispatchers,
    And the chiefs of the stations,
    And simple guides!

    Good luck! For this purpose
    All resources are good!
    Be happy, healthy!
    Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

    For more than a hundred years, every year the whole country thanks the railway workers for the merits! They celebrate this momentous date only with a sense of pride and respect, since over the years everything has changed, but not the high-class and hard work of railway workers. May life give them strength and health, loved ones - their love and support, and leadership - understanding and care. Happy Railwayman's Day!

    By railways everywhere
    Trains rush by night and day.
    They carry goods and people,
    And the planet is nowhere without them.

    So let's seriously congratulate you today
    Those who hold our life in their hands,
    To cheerfully knock the locomotive ...
    Driver! Be healthy and hold on!

    Railway Worker Day -
    This holiday is known to everyone around.
    May you not meet anxiety!
    We hear a beat familiar to the heart ...

    Trains and rails are the element
    From which you will not get tired!
    Happy Railwayman Day,
    And let your dreams come true!

    Railwaymen! How much depends on you, on your precise, well-coordinated work. The railway is not just rails, platforms, stations. This is a special world of meetings and partings, business trips and heartfelt conversations. So let your work always please you. We wish you calm passengers, decent wages and a happy, even life path.

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