• Are travel benefits canceled for pensioners? All about benefits for pensioners for travel on long-distance trains. What documents need to be collected in order to obtain a concessional pass


    In everyday life, the word "pensioner" is usually used when talking about people who have achieved retirement age and receiving an old-age pension. But according to the law, this category of citizens, in addition to the elderly, includes people with disabilities (regardless of age) and. That is, a pensioner is a person who receives an allowance from the state, since he himself, due to various circumstances (age, health), cannot earn his living.

    Not all retirees are eligible for travel benefits

    Russian legislation applies unevenly to different categories of pensioners, guaranteeing only one monthly payments from "personal pension capital", and to others - supplementing regular benefits with additional payments, benefits and compensations.

    This circumstance must be taken into account when it comes to "benefits for pensioners." This phrase itself, most likely, indicates that we are not talking about all those receiving state support, but only about selected categories pensioners.

    Travel privileges are precisely in the category of “privileges” granted by the state only to certain types of pension recipients. There is one more circumstance due to which one and the same benefit, declared by Russian legislation, is implemented in different ways in different subjects of the federation. The fact is that the regional authorities are empowered to make adjustments to the list and cost of preferential services, forming their own local register of types of budget aid and categories of beneficiaries.

    A number of laws mention the travel benefit for a certain category of pensioners: about veterans, about the disabled, about the provision of social guarantees to representatives of certain professions (army, Ministry of Internal Affairs, aviation, etc.). Therefore, in order to find out exactly whether a particular pensioner is entitled to a benefit, and if so, to what extent, it is necessary either to carefully read the relevant law, or contact a lawyer for an explanation.

    The travel allowance is provided to pensioners who fought or worked in the rear during the Great Patriotic War, blockades, during the Second World War, heroes of labor of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, disabled people and, participants in hostilities and those who were involved in eliminating the consequences of disasters. Special preferences for the use of public transport are provided to pensioners-northerners and residents of places equated to the Far North.

    In some regions of Russia, single mothers, orphans, illegally, etc. have been added to the list.

    The same benefits that a pensioner himself receives are also provided to those who accompany them on the road. If free travel is not an actual aid for a pensioner, he has the right to replace this benefit with monetary compensation.

    Discount travel for pensioners: where and on what

    The general principle of providing travel benefits is the same: pensioners have the right to use city and suburban transport (buses, trolleybuses, trams, metro) free of charge, and also not to pay for travel to and from the place of treatment.

    Discount travel is provided either on a social or transport card (if they are introduced in the region), or on a pension certificate. The privilege can be applied directly (free travel upon presentation of appropriate certificates), or the cost (or part of it) of travel is compensated by the social security authority after presentation of already paid travel documents.

    Taxi services (including a route taxi) can be discounted only if they were financed from the budget. If taxi drivers do not receive such subsidies, then one should not expect free trips from them.

    Federal and regional travel benefits for retirees

    Federal beneficiaries in cities can use free travel in all types of passenger transport (excluding taxis), and in rural areas they have the right to travel free of charge on commuter and intercity public transport. In addition, they are given the opportunity to enjoy a seasonal discount of 50 percent on suburban rail transport.

    For regional beneficiaries, either a discount on public transport can be provided, or they can be completely exempted from the need to pay for their travel. The possibility of preferential travel is not available everywhere. On the other hand, in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the travel benefit allows pensioners to buy discounted train and plane tickets.

    Pensioners living in the Far North and in places equated to it are given the opportunity to receive compensation once every two years for travel to a vacation spot in Russia and back. Reimbursement of travel expenses is made in accordance with the cost of cheap tickets - reserved seat on the train, cabin of the third category / fourth-fifth group (river / sea transport), economy class on an airplane or a seat in a shared bus (except when the route is served only by buses enhanced comfort). And one more condition: the benefit is intended for those who do not work and receive a pension or.

    So far, the government and the President of the Russian Federation have not said anything about the abolition of benefits and compensations in 2016 due to the difficult economic situation in the country. All federal benefits remain in full. However, regional authorities may reduce the number of benefits provided due to the inability to finance them in full. So, back in mid-2015, it was announced that the travel concessions for pensioners in Moscow and the Moscow region were canceled.

    Changes are possible, therefore those pensioners who have “every penny in their account” need to constantly monitor news about social programs of federal and local authorities and respond to all innovations in time.

    Recently, prices for travel in public transport have been steadily growing, which does not allow pensioners to once again use the services of urban, suburban and intercity transport. At the same time, a pensioner is often physically unable to walk even a short distance. In order not to restrict the movement of elderly people in this way, the state has provided them with travel benefits in the form of subsidized travel tickets. Until now, not many people know how to get a discounted travel pass for retirees in 2019.

    Who is entitled to reduced fare on public transport?

    The right to concessional travel in public non-commercial transport is not granted only on the basis that a citizen has reached retirement age and retired.

    More recently, the law on the provision of travel benefits was revised, as a result of which some privileged categories of citizens were deprived of the right to free travel. At the moment, the following categories of pensioners can take advantage of the privilege:

    • disabled people and combatants, relatives of servicemen who died while on duty, suffered from radiation;
    • donors who received the award - the badge of the "Honorary Donor" of the USSR or the Russian Federation;
    • family members with a certificate of large families;
    • victims of radiation radiation during the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident and facilities equated to it;
    • residents of besieged Leningrad;
    • disabled people of any group (See also article ⇒.);
    • rehabilitated persons and victims of political repression;
    • families raising a disabled child and citizens caring for disabled children;
    • home front workers (See also article ⇒.);
    • heroes of labor and their families.

    Documentary evidence of the right to provide benefits will be a certificate of belonging to the relevant category of citizens.

    How to get a discounted travel ticket for seniors

    In order to issue a concessional ticket, you need to prepare the required package of documents, apply to the authority authorized to issue the privilege, register in the Unified Citizens Database (it will also be available to enterprises providing services for the transportation of citizens) eligible to provide them with benefits. When approving the application, you need to contact the cashier of the transport depot with a pension certificate and a passport.

    If a travel discount is not eligible, but it is possible to receive a discount on the payment of a travel card, you must also contact the cashier of the transport depot, presenting your passport and pension certificate.

    What benefits can pensioners get in Moscow and St. Petersburg

    Taxis and commercial buses and minibuses are not eligible for concessions on public transport.

    If a pensioner is the owner of a Muscovite social card, he is entitled to free travel on any type of public transport within the boundaries of the city of Moscow. As for the residents of St. Petersburg, they cannot get free travel without being entitled to this benefit. However, the following can count on a discount when paying for a pass:

    • citizens of retirement age who have reached the age of 60, registered in St. Petersburg;
    • women of retirement age (55 years old) who do not work and live in St. Petersburg on a permanent basis.

    Participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War, heroes of labor, residents of besieged Leningrad, as well as home front workers have the right to issue travel on suburban electric trains without charging a fee from May to December.

    Regional specifics of granting preferential travel to pensioners

    In view of the fact that the benefits have recently been massively reduced due to the economic crisis in the country, the authorities of certain regions of Russia have decided, instead of providing free travel tickets, to set the maximum possible number of free trips to public transport per month.

    For example, in the city of Kostroma, pensioners have the right to travel free of charge 50 times a month, while in the city of Oryol the number of free travels is only 20.

    Where to apply for a reduced travel ticket

    Citizens of retirement age belonging to one of the above preferential categories have the right to apply for a ticket to the regional department of social protection of the population or the Multifunctional Center, where their documents will be checked, advice on the required benefits and an application form for issuing a preferential ticket issued.

    If the application is approved and the eligibility for the benefit is confirmed, the ticket must be collected at the ticket office.

    What documents need to be collected in order to obtain a concessional pass

    To apply for a benefit, you will need to collect the following set of documents:


    Where to get

    The form will be issued at the place of filing
    Passport with photocopy

    Extract of permanent registration at the place of residence in the region of application

    Passport Office
    Pensioner's ID

    PFR RF

    OMS insurance policy

    Insurance company office
    Conclusion of a medical and social examination on the assignment of a disabled group

    ITU Bureau

    Certificate of a participant or disabled person in battles and war (for those who participated in hostilities)

    Honorary Donor ID (for donors)

    Department of Health Committee

    Identity a large family(for family members with 3 or more children)

    Home front worker's certificate

    PFR RF

    Monetary compensation for refusal to travel concessions

    If a pensioner has the right to receive a reduced travel pass, but he does not need it, the citizen has the right to apply for monetary compensation for its value. You can submit an application to the regional department of social protection of the population.

    Legislative acts on the topic

    Typical mistakes

    Error: A pensioner who has issued a Unified travel ticket counts on free travel on ground and underground transport.

    The Great Patriotic War or hostilities in other territories (Chechnya, Afghanistan, Syria);

  • I-III groups including children with disabilities and their families;
  • orphans;
  • old age pensioners;
  • minor children from low-income and having more than three children.
  • Social support measures for the listed categories are established by laws in force throughout Russia:

    It is important to understand that the article describes the most basic situations and does not take into account a number of technical points. To solve your particular problem, get legal advice by calling the hotlines:

    The general list of benefits includes tax, medical and social benefits. The latter include travel benefits, which are established independently by regional authorities and operate only on the territory of the region.

    Types and procedure for granting benefits

    List of travel benefits may differ depending on the category of the beneficiary and the area of ​​residence, however, the general list is as follows:

    • free travel once a year(or two) to the place of spa treatment and back. For accompanying disabled people of group 1, disabled children or veterans of the Great Patriotic War, travel is also paid;
    • 50 to 100% discount on fares by surface or underground intracity transport. Exceptions are taxi rides, but people with disabilities can use social taxis at a discount;
    • travel discount intercity bus transport;
    • travel privileges to electric trains and suburban rail transport.

    Travel discounts in 2018 or schoolchildren are only granted during school year... On children under 5 years old there is no need to buy a separate ticket for intracity or rail transport if the child does not take a separate seat.

    Carriers themselves can establish additional concessions to popularize certain destinations or attract customers. For example, they can be provided in the following forms:

    1. Discounts of 50% for veterans, disabled people and retirees.
    2. Air travel benefits in certain areas... The state subsidizes expenses for transportation to long-distance destinations: the Far East, Siberia, Kaliningrad, Crimea. In this regard, companies have the opportunity to sell tickets at a reduced up to 50% of the price.

    To take advantage of travel benefits no additional documents required... When buying a ticket, a citizen only needs to present his passport and a document confirming his status. Such securities may include:

    • Pension certificate or certificate of the appointment of a pension.
    • Veteran ID.
    • Certificate of a large or low-income family.
    • Certificate of the appointment of a disability group.
    • Certificate from the school about training.
    • Birth certificate for a child under 5 years old.

    Regional benefits

    The Russian government is doing its best to support pensioners and provide them with a dignified old age. This category of citizens of the Russian Federation can count on a variety of benefits that really simplify many everyday moments and allow you to save money. However, one should not forget about the crisis and the worsening economic situation in the country, which forces the state to save money as a whole.

    Due to negative trends in the economic plan, the Moscow government had to make a decision to deprive pensioners of the right to reduced fares on the Moscow metro, trams and trolleybuses this 2018. This action in aggregate should save at least 4 billion rubles, which will go towards the primary goals of the Moscow annual budget.

    But retirees shouldn't despair. In connection with this decision, they will receive allowances to the amount of their pensions. If they do not use the metro and other social transport too often, then there is a good chance to get out of this situation with a plus, slightly increasing the amount of their monthly income.

    Partial return of benefits for retirees in 2018

    According to the latest news, one can understand that such a decision of the capital's officials did not satisfy local pensioners and even caused a wave of discontent. This outrage did not affect the decision, but judging from the latest statements, the authorities want to make a small compromise.

    Experts began to develop a new project for the implementation of privileges for pensioners, which still will not be able to return the original amount of benefits, but will allow them to be realized in a certain amount. A system will be introduced that will make up to 10 free metro rides per month.

    Such a decision does not cancel the additional payments to pensions, the decision on the payment of which was made earlier. As a result, retirees will receive discount coupons and additional payments. Everyone can spend additional amounts to their pension on travel, if they need it so often, or simply use it for other purposes, which is undoubtedly a plus for the monthly consumer budget of a Moscow pensioner.

    Although, not everyone is happy with the amount of additional payment, because 400 rubles, in the opinion of most pensioners, is too small an amount that will not be able to fully cover the cost of travel if they need it regularly.

    As a result, we have a smoldering conflict between pensioners and the Moscow authorities, because it is impossible to return the benefits due to a lack of money in the budget. And pensioners, in turn, now take on the burden when they use public transport more than 10 times a month.

    The state strives to support pensioners. A list of benefits is provided for this category of citizens. However, the crisis forced the capital's authorities to think about saving.

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    Because of this, pensioners were deprived of benefits for the right to travel on the metro in Moscow in 2019. The action made it possible to save more than 4 billion rubles.

    However, the state has not forgotten about its citizens. Pensioners received a subsidy in the form of a supplement to their pension.

    Initial information

    Before dealing with the issue of free rides in the capital's metro, it is worth finding out what benefits are provided to pensioners.

    Ticket price

    The deprivation of benefits forced pensioners to buy metro tickets at a cost that is relevant to ordinary citizens. Since January 1, 2019, there has been another increase in the cost of travel.

    It increased by about 7.5%. The price of a metro ticket in Moscow depends on the number of trips that a citizen purchases at a time. If he wants to buy:

    Additionally, there are tickets that allow you to purchase trips around Moscow on all types of public public transport.

    The cost of the pass depends on its validity period and ranges from 210 to 18,200 rubles. The number of trips is not limited.

    What transport benefits are provided additionally

    When the benefits were canceled, a special subsidy was assigned. It is paid as a supplement to your pension. Its size is 400 rubles.

    In practice, pensioners will only have to pay for the metro ride. Today, a regional carrier is operating in the Moscow region.

    It allows retirees to travel on some types of public transport for free. Veterans of labor and military service will be able to move around without paying a fee and by electric trains.

    Today the following types of transport benefits are available to retirees:

    • free movement by suburban transport, including electric trains;
    • providing a discount of 100% if a pensioner travels to Moscow to visit medical institutions;
    • free use of public transport, such as a bus.

    If the situation does not fall into the category of the above, the pensioner will have to pay the fare on his own. Privileges do not apply to private route carriers and taxi services.

    All categories of citizens must pay for their services, including pensioners who previously worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, deputies and disabled people.

    Consequences of the cancellation of the State Service

    By reducing the number of benefits, the Moscow authorities were able to save a large amount of money.

    They were aimed at financing other social campaigns for the elderly. However, retirees say that the cancellation of the right free travel the metro is very unprofitable.

    The authorities of the capital are trying to compensate for the fare by increasing the size of the pension and providing the Moscow allowance.

    Having moved to the capital for permanent residence, a pensioner will be able to count on an additional increase in his pension.

    The cancellation of benefits for free rides on the metro hit the pockets of Moscow pensioners hard. The compensation provided by the authorities is inadequate to move smoothly around the capital.

    However, the decision made made it possible to significantly reduce the costs of the region. The authorities saved more than 4 billion rubles, which were used to implement other programs for pensioners.

    No changes are expected in the near future. The authorities do not plan to return the benefits in their original form.

    However, retirees can access a limited number of free rides provided monthly.

    Video: how the prices for travel on public transport in Moscow have changed


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