• Masha's nutrition program. Electronic menu "MASHA". How much does MASHA and its individual modules cost?


    "MASHA" -

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    Automated menu compilation system.

    Using a computer program

    "MASHA "

    every day in the preschool institution a menu is drawn up-the requirement of the daily (daily) ration, which is approved by the head.

    In the preparation of the menu-requirements, within the competence, the manager, storekeeper, chef and medical worker participate.

    In the century modern technologies Surely no one is surprised at the emergence of new computer programs that make our life easier. And a man with a pencil in his hands, diligently calculating calories, kilograms and amounts on a calculator, brings a smile.

    The program made it possible to automate the daily process of making the menu. Previously, it took a lot of time - half a day had to be calculated, for example, how many kilograms of meat the storekeeper received, how many portions can be prepared from this product, while not forgetting about the number of children that parents brought to the garden on a particular day. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Today, thanks to the program with the good name MASHA, the menu is compiled quickly, without having to keep in mind a huge amount of information. It is enough to enter the necessary data, and the program itself will calculate how much the child's food costs per day, will not forget to take into account all natural norms, and will also recalculate if necessary.

    Whereas earlier it was possible to spend a full working day on calculating food menus and keeping journals, now it can be done in 15 minutes.In fact, information is entered into the system once; further calculations are automated. This greatly improves the accuracy of the calculations.

    Key features

    programs "MASHA" -

    ensures modularity of the whole application:

    Module "Recipe of dishes"

    FROM will receive cards according to the "Collection of recipes for children of early and preschool age 2003". Allows you to add and edit your own recipes. It also allows you to take into account the percentage of waste, portioning losses, recalculation factors.

    Module "Formation of a 10-day menu"

    Designed to form an approximate 2-week menu, which is a template for creating the main menu.

    Formation of the daily menu-requirements on the basis of the guide №11-14-1-2000 "Organization of rational nutrition for children in preschool institutions". It's also possible to create a separate me for dieting kids.

    In addition to the direct compilation and calculation of the menu, the section allows you to upload information as PDF files
    - product bookmark control (replaces the bookmark control log)
    - menu-requirement for submission to the education department
    - menu and special menu for parents, which is given to each group

    Module "Calculation of one day"

    Displays the resulting form to confirm the calculation of one day. It also allows you to add or remove products upon arrival or absence of children. Additionally, the system displays information about cash expenditures for the day in question, as well as the balance of funds for the current month. After verification, the calculation can be completed (close the day). After that, no changes to menus and calculations are allowed.

    Allows you to create and print a payroll for a given day, which reflects the costs of products for the day, as well as a comparison of these costs with the planned expense based on the current price of the day.

    Module "Compliance with natural norms"

    Allows you to monitor the implementation of natural norms for a month, with the calculation of intermediate cuts for 10 and 20 days. And also allows you to print a cumulative table in 10 days

    Another control parameter is the execution of the 10-day menu. The system automatically generates and allows you to print a table of compliance with natural norms and norms for chemical composition in 10 and 20 days.

    Pantry module

    This module helps you keep track of food items. The products are divided into groups for subsequent monitoring of the fulfillment of natural norms. Each product has an approved technology code. In addition, information about invoice numbers and the cost of imported products is entered into the system.

    Products module

    The system already contains a filled-out reference book of products required to form a menu according to the recipe book. The Product Reference allows you to edit various product properties as well as add new products. For each product, you can specify its chemical and chemical composition. In addition, you can set the type (category) with your own individual code. For example, the product "Juice" can be "apple", "orange", etc.

    Module "Reports and statistics"

    The module automatically generates and prints reports on the receipt and consumption of each product, as well as on the cost of products for each day and for the selected month as a whole.

    Module "Children"

    This module helps to tag children present and absent. Attendance timesheet is automatically generated.

    No, no, of course, it's not about teaching kindergarteners to program or work in any automation package. We want to tell you about the MASHA system, which helps in automating the work of preschool institutions.

    This system is Belarusian, and it was developed by the Belhard company. At first glance, it seems that the system that automates the work of a preschool institution (in Russian - kindergarten) is either nonsense or an oxymoron. You cannot replace nannies and educators with robots, you cannot automate the walks of children and the molding of Easter cakes in the sandbox. All this, of course, is true, but on the other hand, you can perfectly automate such aspects as accounting for products, drawing up menus, generating reports on the consumption of products for children. MASHA copes with these tasks perfectly, freeing up the kindergarten employees time for the most important thing - raising children.

    Detailed information about MASHA can be found on the product website. But, I think, since "Computer News" undertook to talk about this program, it will not be superfluous to mention some data from the official site.

    MASHA includes several modules. One is responsible for keeping records of products and is called, accordingly, "Pantry". When food is delivered, it can be added to the list with invoices and expiration dates, so that they can then be taken into account when creating a menu. Another module is already responsible for it - "Power". It already contains recipes for the main dishes that are fed to children in Belarusian kindergartens today, and based on information about the number of children and the output of the dish, the module can independently calculate the daily menu. But perhaps the most important module is "Reports and Statistics". Because it has long been known that "you are an insect without a piece of paper." And for each gram of product, you need to report, check that all natural norms for products, the chemical balance of the diet, as well as monetary norms are observed.

    Despite the fact that the system has a modular structure, it is somehow hard to believe that any kindergarten in their right mind will refuse at least one of these modules. However, it is possible that kindergartens, like many government organizations, are so conservative that they take any automation with hostility. Although, judging by the screenshots on the product website, MASHA modules have a user-friendly interface, try to teach even such a convenient product to a dietitian who is accustomed to paper magazines for her considerable experience!

    - How much does MASHA and its individual modules cost?

    At the moment, 250,000 Belarusian rubles per month. This amount includes all modules related to nutrition, technical support and consultation. Modules are not sold separately yet.

    - What other modules do you plan to add?

    There are plans to develop modules to make work easier personnel service preschool institutions, a module for inventory, as well as development depending on the needs of an individual customer.


    "Proper nutrition for preschoolers"

    “A person is born healthy,

    and all his illnesses come to him through his mouth with food "Hippocrates

    Food is a necessary need for the body, and a prerequisite for human existence.

    We most often eat what we like in taste, what we are accustomed to or what can be prepared quickly and easily. It is important to turn to a balanced diet in time. It is your example that will form the basis of your child's future nutritional culture. You will form his first taste norms, preferences and habits, his future health will depend on you. It is important to organize food for children correctly.

    All processes occurring inside the human body are rhythmic. Diet is important at any age, especially for children and adolescents.

    Regular nutrition is designed to provide an even load in the digestive system throughout the day. That's why in preschool age provides for 4-5 meals a day every 3-4 hours.

    Nutrition should be varied, this serves as the basis for its balance. It is important to form a diverse gustatory horizon in a child.

    • All food groups must be included in the child's diet - meat, dairy, fish, vegetable;
    • The child's food should be varied both during the day and during the week. It is necessary to help the child to “taste” the taste of different dishes. Show your imagination, fight against the child's emergence of conservatism to food. Take into account the individual characteristics of the child, possible food intolerance.

    The amount of energy entering the body with food is equal to the amount of energy expended by the child.

    Food should be fun! She serves as an important source of positive emotions. It is noticed that most of all pleasure is received not by gluttons, but by gourmets, for whom food is an adventure, who like to try outlandish dishes, get acquainted with the cuisines of different nations, master new recipes and unusual dishes.

    The pleasure of eating directly depends on the atmosphere at the table. While eating, it is strongly discouraged to discuss any kind of problem, especially of a family nature. All negative emotions should be forgotten, peace should reign at the table. Remember: "When I eat, I am deaf and dumb" and "Better to be silent than to speak." The latter concerns such an object of family love as TV. Let the child form an idea from an early age: family table - a place where everyone is comfortable, warm and, of course, delicious!

    Note to parents:

    • The home diet should complement, not replace, the kindergarten diet. Get acquainted with the menu, it is posted daily at the preschool educational institution;
    • Before the child enters kindergarten, bring the diet and the composition of the diet as close as possible to the conditions of the kindergarten;
    • It is better to exclude breakfast before kindergarten, otherwise the child will have poor breakfast in the group;
    • In the evening at home, it is important to give the child exactly those foods and dishes that he did not receive during the day;
    • On weekends and holidays it is better to stick to the children's food menu.

    Knowledge of the rules of etiquette always distinguishes an educated, cultured, worthy person, and this is how we want to see our kids. Observance of the rules of behavior at the table is also important in terms of proper nutrition. Than earlier child learns the rules of behavior at the table, the sooner they will be carried out automatically, easily and freely. What you teach your child at an early age will remain for life.

    Cultivating a culture of table behavior will be more effective if you gently but persistently explain to your child why this should not be done. For example: if you turn around, you can tip the plate over on you; if you are lounging, you will spill soup from a spoon on yourself ...

    Etiquette is difficult to teach just by constantly repeating the rules of conduct. The child watches how adults behave.

    How to properly sit at the table:

    • You can sit down at the table only with clean hands;
    • You need to sit straight without swinging;
    • Only wrists can be placed on the table, not elbows;
    • Hands should be kept as close to the body as possible;
    • Sitting at the table, you can only slightly tilt your head over the plate;
    • Talking while eating is natural and decent, especially during a festive feast, but not with your mouth full.

    During meals you should:

    • Eat measuredly, not hastily or too slowly;
    • Wait until a hot dish or drink has cooled down, rather than blowing on them;
    • Eat soundlessly, not slurp;
    • Eat everything on the plate; leaving food is ugly, but you should not wipe the plate dry with bread;
    • Pick up salt with a special spoon or the tip of a knife;
    • Pour granulated sugar into tea or other drink with a special spoon.

    Don't forget to use napkins!

    About food hygiene rules.

    "Cleanliness is the key to health!", "Wash your hands before eating!" - old calls of many generations. Set a good example for your child by taking care of yourself, keeping yourself well-groomed, and following the same habits you want to teach your child. The best remedy from germs is regular hand washing. Teach your child to wash his hands every time he comes from the street, after using the toilet and before eating, after playing with animals. When children enjoy keeping themselves clean, they develop this habit for life. Help your child learn and practice safe eating habits every day.

    Teach your child:

    • Observe the rules of personal hygiene;
    • Distinguish between fresh and stale food;
    • Handle unfamiliar products with care.

    Strong teeth are not only a beautiful smile, it is a child's health. The importance of healthy teeth can hardly be overestimated. They are needed to chew food.

    Here's what to do to keep your child's teeth as healthy as possible..

    1. brush your teeth daily in the morning and evening for at least two minutes. You should start brushing your teeth from the moment the first tooth erupted.
    2. after the evening brushing the teeth, the child should not get any milk or any other food into the mouth, otherwise the meaning of brushing is lost. Only water is allowed, naturally sugar free.
    3. increase the amount of solid foods (apples, carrots, pears, etc.). It is better to offer your child a slice of apple than puree. The apple will both clean the teeth and massage the gums.
    4. Reduce carbohydrate intake. It is much better for the teeth if the child immediately eats a whole chocolate bar and immediately brushes his teeth than if he stretches the chocolate bar all day.

    Nutrition games for kids and parents.

    Play is the most effective way for a child to learn and interact with the world around him.

    So let's play.

    “Different porridges are needed”. An adult invites the child to remember what cereals he knows and answer, what will the delicious cereals from these cereals be called? (Buckwheat porridge - buckwheat; rice porridge - rice, etc.)

    "Score useful products... “The buyer thinks of any useful product, then, without naming, describes it (calls its properties, qualities, what can be cook, how is it useful) so that the seller immediately guesses which product is in question.

    for instance:

    Customer. Give me liquid whitewhich is very beneficial for human bones and teeth. You can drink it just like that or cook porridge on it.

    Puzzle games.

    • Think of fruits (vegetables) for a given letter.
    • Name the vegetables only red.
    • Count the fruits (vegetables) (one apple, two apples ... five apples ...).
    • What products will be needed to cook ... (borscht, mashed potatoes, casserole, omelet, compote ...).
    • Name 5 healthy foods and 5 unhealthy foods. Explain what is their benefit and what is harm.
    • Remember and name 5 different ... (vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products, bakery products, etc.)
    • Name what dishes can be prepared from ... (blueberries, apples, cabbage ...).

    for instance: Blueberry can be used to make blueberry pie, blueberry jam, blueberry juice.

    Natalia Sviridova
    Children's program "Masha and the Bear"


    Masha: Hello dear guys. I Masha... And this is my friend Misha, he is a real circus bear.

    The bear starts to bow, sends air kisses, twists a hoop on his hand.

    Masha: And he also knows how to talk!

    Bear: Yes, but I didn't know. My name is, what is my name, but my name is different, you can call me honey, or raspberry, show a jar of honey or raspberry jam and I immediately come running.

    Masha: Say jam too, introduce yourself, tell me your name.

    Bear: Mikhail Potapovich, you can just Misha. What's your name? To do this, you need to shake everyone's paws (grabs everyone by the legs).

    Masha: You got it all mixed up. Not paws.

    Bear: Just shake everyone's ears!

    Masha: Well, what ears?

    Bear: Noses?

    Masha: Hands, Misha, hands, the guys have no paws, but hands, and no noses or ears. (The bear shakes hands with everyone) Well, here we are. We are all friends now!

    Bear: What are you? This is great! I love to be friends! How are we going to be friends? I know that Masha and I will tell you how we live in the forest.

    A game "Fir-trees and Birches"

    Masha: There are a lot of trees in the forest

    Bear: Guys, do you know what kind of trees there are in the forest? (Children list) Correctly birch, but show me what there are tall birches, for this pull up the arms and pull up on toes.

    Masha: Now depict Christmas trees, small and fluffy, squat down and spread the arms in different directions (children perform).

    Bear: Well, show me the birch trees again, and now the Christmas trees, again the birch trees, the Christmas trees, the birch trees, the Christmas trees (lists and confuses, children squat and get confused)

    Masha: Confused our guests.

    Bear: They themselves got confused and confused me. Let them now unravel as they want. Imagine if you get lost in a real forest, how will you get out? Only and will remain "Hey!" shout.

    Masha: And we will not get lost, because today we will learn to read the footprints of animals that live in the forest. And we will learn how to determine where is north and where is south by trees.

    A game “Trees. Winter summer Spring Autumn"

    Masha: For the next game, I need two girls. Girls wear these dresses. (Masha dresses girls with Velcro)

    Bear: My friends, there are real trees in front of you. The fact is that in the spring flowers bloom on the trees, I suggest you guys take flowers from this bag and very quickly decorate these two trees, but for fun we will unite into two teams (gathering in two teams)... Whose team is the first to decorate their tree with flowers gets a prize. Ready? Then one, three!

    Masha: Well done, yes smart! What time of year is after spring? Correctly "summer"... And in summer, trees dress in leaves, so we quickly remove the flowers and put them back in the bag. And in place of the flowers, we decorate the tree with leaves. Whose team decorates first, and she gets a prize.

    Bear: The guys coped with this task, which means let's move on! What season comes after summer? Sure "fall", and in the fall the trees bear fruit, we quickly remove the leaves and attach apples in their place! One two Three!

    Masha: After autumn always comes "winter"... And before the first snow, we need to harvest, we collect apples in this bag! We did it, well done! Frost, so that the trees do not freeze, covers them with snowflakes. And we will also decorate our trees with snowflakes.

    Bear: What a beauty guys. And now we take off the outfits of trees. And now, guys, I'll tell you a secret. In the forest, you can determine where is the south and where is the north by one feature, the moss on the trees grows only on the south side of the tree. And if you have been wandering in the forest for too long and already hungry then, with a little work, you can prepare a delicious lunch of mushrooms and berries, the main thing is to know which berries and mushrooms are edible. And learn how to light a fire. Masha is very good at lighting a fire.

    Masha: For a fire, we need firewood, any dry branches or brushwood can replace them in the forest. We will replace firewood with such bars (plastic cylinders).

    Now I will show you how to build a fire. (The bars are folded into a house, two bars are placed parallel to each other at a distance, two more bars are placed on top of them, also parallel, but across the lower ones, like a log house) Guys, let's put together the largest fire, put the bars in turn. Small twigs, dry leaves or dry moss should be placed in the center of this fire.

    A game "Lay down the fire"

    Be careful, both mushrooms and berries are under the leaves. Pick up a piece of paper, turn it over and see what's under it. Girls take only if there is a berry, and if there is a mushroom, then they again cover it with a leaf.

    A game "Mushrooms - Berries"

    Bear: Friends, many forest people live in the forest. We will study the footprints left by animals. Here are the animal tracks in this picture, try to guess whose ones? (traces are drawn on a sheet of paper on one side, a riddle on the other side, by the way, if anyone finds out their author's riddles, I bow to you, praise the Internet)

    A game "Traces"

    Jumps across the field - hides the ears.

    Will stand up - ears upright (hare)

    Angry touchy

    Lives in the wilderness of the forest

    There are a lot of needles

    And the thread is not one (Hedgehog)

    Who is from the tall dark pines

    I threw cones at the kids

    And into the bushes, through the stump,

    Flashed like a light? (squirrel)

    Rustling, rustling grass,

    The whip is crawling alive.

    So he got up and hissed,

    Come who is very brave (snake)

    Fluffy tail

    Fur is golden

    Lives in the forest

    And steals chickens (Fox)

    Piglet in front,

    Hook on the back

    In the middle of the back,

    Long bristle (boar)

    Bear: I'll sit on a tree stump, eat a pie.

    Masha: But you won't eat it, I sit high, I look far away, you would have built Misha, and you eat all the pies. It would be better to go in for sports.

    Bear: Then I propose to go in for sports and play a game called "Take a stump"while the music is playing, go out around this clearing with stumps, but as soon as the music ends you quickly take the stumps.

    Masha: Please note that the number of stumps is one less than you. And every time after completing the circle, I will remove one more stump.

    Bear: The one who did not manage to borrow the penny leaves the game and waits for the rest.

    Masha: And when only one participant remains, honor and reward await him.

    Bear: Let's start!

    Masha: So the winner has been determined, here's a bunch of bagels!

    Bear: Well, that's nice, we guys played. It's time to turn into bunnies and dance the little bunnies. (we change everyone into bunnies)

    Masha: We all squatted down. (music starts) Bunnies wake up, clean their ear first one thing then another, brush their teeth, do exercises, go to work to pick carrots ... (what you come up with is what you do)

    Polechka rabbits

    Bear: Oh yes, bunnies, oh yes, well done. You made me happy. Well, now bunnies, each of you has a carrot and let's start dancing! And we are saying goodbye, until we meet again!

    Masha: We wish you to go to the forest more often and enjoy nature! Bye

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