• Child psychology from A to Z. A child doesn’t want to go to training: should he quit or force him to? A 5-year-old boy does not want to play sports


    I often hear parents complain about their children because their child does not want to go to the section.
    Have you ever noticed that your child is very fickle, sometimes he gets carried away with one thing, then another. Today he declares his desire to go to football (dancing), tomorrow he says that he wants to play volleyball (tennis).

    How not to extinguish passion and enthusiasm in a child, and at the same time cultivate determination in him?

    Passion and enthusiasm are important states in life when a person gets excited or passionate about something.
    But on the other hand, enthusiasm and passion are always short-lived and are mainly associated with a moment of pleasure.
    To achieve success in life and good and deep relationships, it is important to have these qualities within yourself, but it is also important to understand that the state of infatuation is short-lived and mostly brings pleasant sensations.
    Success and deep relationships arise when a person can take his passion and passion further.
    And then, as a rule, the road is not very interesting, sometimes boring, sometimes full of disappointments, sometimes uninteresting... in a word, it has nothing to do with pleasure.
    And it is not least important to understand this moment in life.
    The ability to achieve success and the ability to enter into close and deep relationships depend on these things.

    Returning to the children. What to do if the child does not want to go to the sections?
    When you see your child’s inconstancy in his desires to attend any section, you begin to scold him, saying that the work he has begun must be completed.

    What to do in this case?
    Continue to insist on your own and force the child to continue going to the section he started going to, or allow him to flutter from one section to another.

    Many of you are familiar with the situation when your child comes running to you and excitedly talks about some section or about his desire to go there, you begin to take appropriate steps so that he starts going there.
    You go to the coach, talk to him, start thinking and looking for an opportunity to take him there, involve the grandmothers.
    And then, after a few months, all your efforts go down the drain, your dear child declares: I don’t want to go to this section anymore.
    And then a general nightmare begins, for you and for your child.

    Here, in my opinion, there are differences in the approaches to raising a boy and a girl.
    If we take into account the difference between the feminine and masculine principles, it is obvious that the masculine principle implies determination and achievement of success.
    Obviously, success doesn't come easily. Success is always the result of everyday work and effort; the result does not come quickly.
    Therefore, the boy must be raised based on this position.

    When a boy becomes interested in something and then quickly loses interest in it, it is quite possible that he has not found himself.

    In general, it is quite normal for a person to try different options.
    When you go to a store, you prefer to have a choice. Likewise, in your child’s life, there are a lot of things that he can do, but it is very important to find what he has a passion for.
    This process sometimes takes time and involves changing many sections.
    If your son declares that he wants to be a football player, and a few months later he says that he wants to be a swimmer, then try to understand what motivates him, what is hidden behind his desire to change classes.
    Sometimes this may be due to poor relationships with peers, sometimes other reasons.
    Children very often just want to be famous; after watching enough films or receiving some other information, they become interested in this particular sport. If your son is driven only by the desire to be successful and famous, it is important to explain to him that this, first of all, should be a business that he loves study.

    Nowadays there is a lot of talk about how important it is to find your calling in life.
    Do you know what a calling in life is?
    This is a business that you can do for a long time and for free, without receiving anything.
    The only criterion is that you like doing it.

    In this regard, your son needs to explain that success first of all begins with finding what HE likes to do.

    Remember this, what HE likes to do, not you, not what you dreamed of as a child, but him.
    Don't force your wishes on him.

    I remember how, as a child, my mother really wanted me to play the piano, and I, completely lacking hearing and talent, stubbornly strived to enroll in a music school.
    I was not accepted due to my lack of hearing, but apparently I wanted to please my mother so much that I continued to achieve my dream, but when I was finally accepted into school, only because the teachers were already tired of me coming every day, music lessons turned into torture for me.
    Then I started thinking, why did this happen? Wanting to study music and dreaming about it, why did I free myself from school with such pleasure?

    Only now I know the answer to this question - it was not my desire, it was my mother’s desire.

    Therefore, be very careful with your children and do not fill their heads with your desires and your unfulfilled dreams.

    Returning to the conversation about boys.
    It is important to understand why he does not want to go to this section - the desire for success and the impossibility of getting it quickly? Or is it just a lack of interest?
    It is important to understand and feel with your maternal instinct what motivates your child.
    If the reason is lack of success, for example, you have to sit on the bench, they choose others... Then all your tact, support and patience are needed.

    In this case, it is very important for the boy to continue studying in this section. Explaining to him that success does not come quickly, that you need to continue doing what he is doing, the more he likes it.
    It is necessary at this moment to reorient him from the goal to the process itself, let him go to this section for his own pleasure, just because he likes it, let him not think about success and you do not show him your interest in his success.
    Be happy that he is doing what he likes to do.

    In any case, suggest that he wait a few months to make a decision.
    By inviting him to wait, you thereby express your respect for his desires and feelings, but give him time to check their truth.
    If, after the agreed period, your son also continues to insist on leaving, then look for another section.
    Remember, it is important to set a deadline for him, because perhaps some internal fears are starting to arise and it is very important to go through them.
    In this case, time is only beneficial.
    Either he will go through his fears and reluctances and then get involved in the process, or indeed time will show that this is not HIS.
    If the scenario repeats with another section, he also wants to leave and this will coincide in time, then increase the agreed upon period in this section to a year.
    Allow him to change sections after a year.

    During this time, it is quite possible that he will go through some of his internal barriers and his first results will begin, which will become an incentive for him to continue what he started.

    For boys, it is important to bring what they started to a result, no matter what, so that they understand the connection between work and successive steps leading to results.

    This way he will understand how to achieve his goal and not give up what he started; this is very important for a man.

    With a girl everything is different. It should not be result-oriented. A girl should love the process...

    Therefore, if a girl changes many sections, this is in tune with female nature. She is looking for herself, looking for something that would be interesting to her.

    Explain to her that it is very important to find something that she would like to do.

    Let her try herself in many endeavors, support her even small successes, let her change sections, let her flutter like a butterfly in search of herself, and maybe learn a little of everything.

    A woman and impermanence, this is her inner nature, this is her inner state.
    It is important for a girl to find exactly what she will be happy in, where her soul will play with all its fibers...

    It is important to try and change, to find YOURS, when you can say: I love and want to do this.
    You shouldn’t worry too much, and you shouldn’t force your daughter to finish what she started; it’s not a woman’s business to shoot at targets...

    Let him jump and flutter and look for himself...

    Today she is interested in dancing, tomorrow she is interested in drawing, the day after tomorrow she enrolls in the sports section - this is normal.

    Of course, you can demand results from what you started, but by doing so you will feed her masculine side and kill her feminine side.
    From my practice, I have observed the opposite reaction from mothers; mothers are more demanding of their daughters and try to unknowingly instill in them masculine qualities, nourishing their masculinity.
    And with boys, on the contrary, they are softer and more indulging in their weaknesses, thereby developing the feminine principle.
    The most important thing is not to lose touch with your child, feel his real desires and needs.
    Then you will know the answer to the question: What to do if a child does not want to go to the section?

    Catherine! I have two twin sons, now 18.5 each. I have been practicing Taekwon-Do since I was 7 years old. They sent me to the section because it was at the school where we were on an after-school program. About a year later we moved to another club, where we thought the coach was better. Personally, I didn’t intend to do anything professional with my children in terms of sports, and I don’t like any kind of scuffle (((. But it often happens that parents realize their failed hopes and plans through their children. So my husband, apparently, followed this way... He personally took them to all the training sessions, went with them to all the competitions, wherever they took place, in short, he didn’t let them down. There were failures, and tears, and it didn’t work out, and they injured their arms and legs. ..In short, there are plenty of reasons to quit. But my father stood behind them and not a step back... Today we are multiple champions and prize-winners of championships and cups in Moscow, Russia and Europe))) And I, as the most devoted fan, am always on the podium! !! And now there is no question of giving up classes, although it is difficult to combine with studying at the university. On the contrary, the children found a coach for themselves so that they could also take up acrobatics and some kind of youth trend - tricking. Why am I all this? It’s easy to quit something you’ve started, there’s always a reason, at this moment it seems like I’ll instead be doing my studies or something else... In reality, it doesn’t work out that way (((All previously occupied time turns into sitting at the computer or basic laziness. On in my opinion, try to find the strength and the right words in yourself, convince the child that he personally spent a lot of effort to come to a good result, that it’s just a pity to give up halfway. Unfortunately, at this age, few children know what they really want. And their parents have to make this decision for them. Good luck to you!

    Thank you very much for your feedback 😍 So many of my thoughts were confirmed in your words. I also don’t dream of a sports future, but rather I want health, strengthening strength and spirit for my child. You have wonderful children and husband. The boys are already adults and can decide what they want, so they set new goals for themselves, achieve them, and partly sport taught them this.
    When children are small, our arguments about the future are incomprehensible and funny to them. I, like you, am sure that the time that we now spend on classes (now we study in the second shift, so classes are from 8.00 to 9.00) will simply be spent on sleep, and in the evening he will play until late to the computer, because in the morning you can sleep as much as you want. Thanks for your support😍

    And I have this story: When my son was 8 years old, we thought about what he should do, we “tortured” him for a long time (he didn’t know what he wanted), the choice fell on basketball. At first we had fun, we moved to the sports class, they persuaded us to transfer to another school, we traveled a lot around the country, the skills for basketball are simply amazing, but at the age of 15 I said I DON’T WANT, both the coach and we persuaded us for a long time, it was all in vain, I gave up, I transferred in the 10th grade to another school (our studies had slowed down by that time). As a result, he became interested in drawing, now he is 18 studying to become an architect and does not regret that he quit basketball (for this reason, dad still cannot accept that his son did not become a basketball player 😄). I didn’t let my daughter (she’s 12) play sports, at the age of 5 she expressed a desire to play the piano, now we’re already in the 5th grade of music school (last year I also wanted to play the guitar), of course we’re lazy, but we’re fighting laziness together with teacher (by the way, a lot in sports and not only depends on coaches and teachers).

    Elena, despite the fact that your son asked for basketball at the age of 15 (at this age a person already makes his choice more consciously), I think that he learned a lot in sports - for example, to achieve a goal and not give up, to work and not to be lazy. These qualities will help him in his studies and future work. Another important factor (for me) is that children who are doing something serious (except for school) are busy during the transition period, they do not have time for nonsense. You say that he doesn’t regret that he quit, ask him if he regrets that he studied at all, I think he will answer NO (maybe not now, but when he becomes an adult and has his own children).
    About the daughter: when a child expresses a desire to do something, this is wonderful for parents - there is no need to rack their brains about where to take the child. Good luck to you and your children😍😍😍

    Katyusha, my son is 11 years old, he has been playing tennis 5 times a week for 4 years, at first he liked it, then he suddenly stopped liking it, because the coach forced him to work, and not kick the fool in the ring.... accordingly, there were debates about whether to go or not ... I remember myself at the same age, when I was sent to the skating rink, and swimming, and aerobics, and dancing, and I went everywhere for no more than six months, I’ll be honest, I blame my parents for this, I had to force it, because at this age children do not understand. what is good for them and what is not! Nowadays, modern children have so much entertainment, I mean technology, iPods, iPhones, PlayStations, that, of course, they want to do it after school, and not something useful... So, back to my child, that’s it - I insisted on his classes and he went and studied honestly. Then we connected him to watching tennis matches on TV and he became so involved in this story that now he knows the names of all the tennis champions, who is which racket in the world, who won and lost how much... And he attends classes with great pleasure! That's why. My advice to you is, don’t give up, don’t give up, but find convincing arguments, it’s much easier to give up, give up and let the child do what he wants, but as my experience shows, it doesn’t work....🌹

    Once upon a time there lived a father and mother, and they had three children. The parents and older children were sporty people - they all did exercises together, rode bicycles, mom and dad played tennis on weekends, the eldest child regularly went to the pool from the age of four, the middle child took part in the hockey section from the age of five. But the youngest turned out to be completely unsportsmanlike. Whatever his family did to introduce him to a healthy lifestyle...

    Do as we do

    It was customary in the family to do exercises in the morning, no matter what. As soon as the baby began to walk, the parents, by their example, tried to awaken in the child an interest in doing the exercises. The eldest, and then the second child, willingly joined their parents, at first awkwardly and ineptly imitating the movements of their relatives, and then they got used to it and began to do exercises every day, choosing exercises on their own. And the Unsportsmanlike child every time lay down on the sofa or carpet and watched his family with pleasure, even gave them advice, but did not want to join in at all. Neither suggestions to portray funny little animals to music, nor the example of older children, nor exhortations about the health benefits of exercise, nor the belief that one can become stronger this way, nor the films, cartoons, or fairy tales read on the topic helped.

    Parents tried to teach an unsportsmanlike child to ride a bicycle. However, neither the three-wheeled one, nor the four-wheeled one, much less the one with two wheels, aroused in him the slightest desire to learn how to ride it. The kid shouted that he was afraid, tired, and it was hard for him. All attempts to get him on a bicycle ended in a scandal: the parents got angry, the child fell and cried.

    So the boy remained an eternal passenger on the trunk of his parents’ bicycles.

    Let him be taught

    “Since we cannot introduce him to sports ourselves,” the parents decided, “then let professionals take care of his physical education.” And they took the youngest child to the sports section. We started with the pool, firstly, so that he would be under the supervision of a senior, and secondly, swimming is good for both posture and the nervous system. But the Unsportsmanlike child turned out to be allergic to chlorine; after working out in the pool, he became lethargic and sleepy, and not at all cheerful, and with the onset of cold weather he began to catch colds often.

    Then the parents took the little one to the hockey section, reasoning that since the middle one liked it there, then maybe the youngest one would be interested. While the newcomers were taught how to skate and practiced the basic techniques of the game, the Unathletic Child agreed to attend classes. But as soon as team training began, the boy began to cry and refused to practice. The coach explained to the upset parents that hockey is a team game in which the player must always take into account the situation and adapt to his comrades. And the Unathletic child is unable to cope with the demands placed on him, and, feeling that he is letting others down, he is constantly stressed. And it would be better for him to try himself in another sport, an individual one.

    After thinking a little, mom and dad decided to send the Unathletic child to the wrestling section, reasoning that knowledge of the techniques would be useful in life, if anything, he would be able to stand up for himself.
    But, despite the suitable physique, according to the coaches, the unathletic child did not stay there. The coach asked the parents to take the child away because he constantly violated discipline: he was very bored with repeating the same exercise over and over again.

    In general, this same kid attended several more sports sections, but not even a month passed before he was asked to stop attending classes or he himself refused to go to them. In complete despair, the parents turned to a child psychologist for advice.

    The optimal time to exercise is early morning or evening. In the morning it is better to go to class on an empty stomach, in the evening - at least an hour and a half after eating and at least two hours before bedtime.
    Do not let your child go to the section if he has even a slight rise in temperature or other signs of an inflammatory process.

    On a note: A child with chronic diseases should not be sent to the following sections:

    -American football

    Where do unsportsmanlike children come from?

    In the last ten years, the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle has so captured the minds and hearts of people that it has even become somehow indecent not to engage in any kind of sport for one’s own health. And modern parents strive to introduce their children to sports as early as possible. For example, for newborns there are not only special exercises, but also a program of developmental activities in the pool, and for older children a whole range of sports activities is offered. But what to do if he responds with resistance to all attempts to introduce a child to sports?

    I often hear complaints from adults about their children’s reluctance to play sports. The boys' parents are the ones who worry the most about their child's lack of athleticism. It is believed that a boy must play sports - this affects the formation of masculinity and masculine personality traits. But what’s wrong with a boy gravitating toward quiet activities that require thought and silence? Playing sports alone will not make children more responsible and reliable.

    Parents also worry that the child loses interest in classes as soon as something stops working out for him or it turns out that he needs to make an effort to achieve a result. On the one hand, I understand the anxiety of mothers and fathers: after all, if a child already at this age gives in to difficulties and does not strive to achieve success, then what can be expected from him next. On the other hand, you can understand a child. In preschool and primary school age, children are faced with many “difficult” tasks even without playing sports: studying at school (and for many, studying begins much earlier - from 3-4 years old), acquiring communication skills with peers, a growing body also adds difficulties. Therefore, children often perceive sports as another unpleasant responsibility.

    For many children, sport is important as an opportunity to get rid of pent-up energy and give vent to emotions, and only for some is it a way to assert themselves by achieving some success. It often happens that the types of sports activities offered by parents do not correspond to either the interests or temperament of the child. Conventionally, several types of unsportsmanlike children can be distinguished.

    Parents send their children to sports clubs to:

    They grew up strong, strong, and healthy;
    - there was a place to throw out excess energy;
    - were able to set goals and achieve them;
    -develop will and endurance;
    -learned to overcome fear;
    -learned to communicate in a new team;
    - met the expectations of parents;
    - acquire a highly paid profession in the future.

    He wants quick results and a constant change of activity. This child is not suitable for sports that require hard and long training, such as gymnastics or figure skating. Such a child will be suitable for activities that allow him to be in constant movement, for example cycling, some team games. If a child is successful in his studies, then he is captured by the spirit of competition, excitement and a desire to achieve more appear.
    Exercise for a little fidget should consist of many non-repetitive movements, for example: jumping, turning over, climbing a ladder, hanging on rings, jumping, crouching, stretching - and all this to cheerful music.

    If a child is thoughtful and calm from birth, he is not interested in running somewhere or achieving something. Lost in thought, he misses balls while playing volleyball and crashes into a tree with his bicycle, having been staring at something interesting. He likes to observe and think, so it is best for him to engage in tourism, such as kayaking. The most important thing is not to allow the contemplator to sit hunched over for hours at a computer or with a book in a stuffy room - you can read in the fresh air. And as a warm-up, traditional seasonal activities, such as swimming in a river in summer or skiing in winter, are well suited. It doesn’t interfere with thinking and is good physical exercise.

    This child is stubborn and self-willed, does not like to obey the demands of others, and refuses to do “like everyone else.” Even if he is attracted to the proposed sport, he may refuse it if his parents insist on classes. He dreams of standing out and distinguishing himself. Some extraordinary sport is best suited for him - fencing, horses, orienteering or activities that include physical training: martial arts, circus studio, sports dancing. It is advisable to simply let such a child know about the opportunity to study in one or another section, and not lead him there by the hand and not insist on studying.

    Jonah. If a child is used to not being able to do anything, if he has low self-esteem and a high degree of self-doubt, then he will give in to any difficulty and, fearing further failures, will not even want to try to do something. But if a loser feels successful, then he will study with pleasure and strive to achieve more. When choosing classes for him, you should first of all focus on the personality of the teacher and the atmosphere in the team. Relationships between children should be friendly, not competitive, and the teacher should not be too demanding and know how to support his students. For a loser, individual sports are better than team sports, so that there is no fear of letting others down. And at first it is better to avoid competitions and praise the child for the slightest achievements and even their absence.

    Buy your child a sports complex: it develops dexterity and allows you to independently manage your skills. And the baby is happy to demonstrate his achievements to all family and friends who may come;

    Encourage your child's active play from an early age. Play tag and snowballs with him;

    When teaching a child to ski, skate, roller skate, bike, etc., be friendly, lenient and not very persistent. Don’t expect great success from your child, praise him as often as possible;

    Encourage your child's seasonal activities (swimming and cycling in the summer, skiing and sledding and ice skating in the winter). Ride and swim with your baby, it’s more fun and safer, and during the game it’s easier to teach your child;

    When choosing a sports section for a child, you should always take into account the child’s talent and interest, and not give free rein to your vanity. A little person will only benefit from activities that give him pleasure.

    If the child does not want to play sports

    As practice shows, you can always choose activities for your child that will allow you to maintain good physical shape and improve health. You can do this without torturing yourself or your child. The main thing is to decide for yourself whether you want your baby to be just healthy and strong, or whether you want to make him a professional athlete. In the second case, you need to be very careful in choosing the type of sport and place of study.

    Many children themselves sooner or later come to the idea of ​​the need to play sports, if they are not discouraged from all interest in sports activities in early childhood.

    For example, one unsportsmanlike boy in the fourth grade wanted to play volleyball with his friends, and he enrolled in a section at school. And another girl, only in the ninth grade, thanks to a new teacher, became interested in tourism and not only made new friends, but also got rid of the annual debilitating colds. And another sickly and unathletic boy was so tormented by his peers in the yard that at the age of 10 he himself found and enrolled in a boxing section.

    There is nothing wrong with a child not playing sports at all. If he does not have sports interests, it is enough that he leads an active lifestyle, for example, walking a lot, walking, and doing physical education at school.

    One day, returning from another unsuccessful training session, an unsportsmanlike child said to his mother: “If I could decide for myself what to do, I would go dancing...” And at the age of six, this unsportsmanlike child began to enjoy ballroom dancing, where he I had to watch my posture, do exercises and warm-ups, and participate in competitions. But the main thing is that he really, really liked it all. And sports parents stopped worrying and began to be proud of their unsportsmanlike child.

    Author: Marina Kravtsova, child psychologist.
    Graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University.
    Author of the books: “If a child tells a lie”, “If a child takes other people’s things”, “If a child fights”, “If a child does not like to read” - Eksmo Publishing House, “Outcast Children. Psychological work with a problem” Publishing house “Genesis”.



    09.02.14 14:00

    Every parent does everything to ensure that their child grows up physically strong and healthy. To make such a dream come true, many parents begin to force their child to play sports from childhood. Very rarely do they give it to the exact sport in which the child is interested. Most often, parents force them to attend exactly those sections that they would gladly attend if not for their age.

    A number of questions arise: should parents force their child to play a certain sport? If yes, then at what age should this be done? How to make sure that the child does not resist the wishes of his father and mother? First things first.

    Should you force your child to play sports: simple basics

    Getting used to sports

    Parents should know that love for sports does not happen overnight. If you want your child to become interested in some kind of sport, he should be taught it from childhood.

    Perhaps one of the parents is interested in football. Don’t forbid your child to sit next to you when you watch the next football match, talk to him about sports topics, tell him that playing sports improves a person’s health.

    Child's independent choice

    You should not force the sport that you like on your child. Ultimately, it must be his own choice, even if it is athletics or boxing. Even if a child takes up sports under duress, nothing good will come of it.


    You should praise your child for every achievement in sports, which will motivate him for further activities. Let it be even small achievements, for example, he was able to kick a soccer ball on his foot not 5, but 10 times.

    Setting goals

    When a child is still very young, the main thing for him is to be involved in sports, but over time, when he grows, every single victory and achievement is important to him. During this period (10-11 years) it is worth talking with the child and determining the goals that he sets for himself.

    No criticism

    Parents should not voice any criticism regarding their child’s play. Believe me, he will have enough criticism from his coaches. If you really want your child to continue playing sports, never criticize him.

    Joint activities

    Children often copy the behavior of their parents. If dad decides to go jogging in the morning with his son, then that will be just great. In future sports education, this moment will only help the father get closer to his child.

    You should also take an active interest in your child's activities, where and when competitions are held, and who is participating. Seeing the interest of their parents, children strive to achieve even greater results and want their dad and mom to be proud of them.

    Remember that it is easy to force your child to play sports, but this will not bring any benefit, but will only cause an even greater aversion to sports. You must motivate your child, accustom him to sports from childhood by personal example and interest in a particular sport. Do not forget to repeat that sport is a huge benefit for the body, it is something that helps you survive even in the most difficult situations.

    Sports play a very important role in a child's life. Active exercises not only develop the baby’s physical abilities, but also reveal his creative potential. In addition, sport develops character traits such as determination, courage and self-confidence. But what if the baby does not show interest in active activities? And is it worth involving children in sports from the cradle? Elena Cherenkova, coordinator of children's programs at the Sky Club fitness club, helped us answer these and other questions.

    Getting a child interested in sports is often not so easy. Nowadays children are more interested in gadgets than in active games. First of all, your own example will help to instill a love for active activities. Usually in families where parents are passionate about sports and lead a healthy lifestyle, children are also very well developed physically.

    In addition, joint bike rides, roller races, team games and other activities not only have a positive effect on well-being, but also bring people closer together emotionally. This is a wonderful chance to get to know your child from a different side, while for the baby it is a reason to see you as a friend and ally.

    If the baby flatly refuses to participate in such events, do not force him. Explain to your child that the game will not work without him, make it clear that he is the most important member of the team. Or go on vacation without your child, and when you return, tell them in as much detail and as colorfully as possible how much fun you had. Next time he definitely won't want to stay at home.

    It often happens that the baby is not attracted to the sports known to him, and he simply does not know others. In this case, tell your child about the variety of training, show him books, videos and websites dedicated to different sections. This will help you find something to do for your little one. The main thing here is not to interfere with the choice.

    It is important to approach physical activity carefully to prevent injury. In addition, if adult children are already quite independent, then the little ones need an eye and an eye. In this case, children's classes in fitness clubs can be a good solution. There, children can play sports in parallel with their parents, who will be in the gym at this time.

    Classes for children in fitness centers have appeared relatively recently. And if previously young visitors were offered only hip-hop dances, now a wide variety of specialized areas have appeared: from stretch and martial arts to belly dancing. Typically, children's groups in fitness centers are small, which means that the trainer is attentive to each little athlete.

    “Unusual sports programs that will be perceived as an exciting activity will help to interest the child. Now there are many such classes,” comments Elena Cherenkova. “While parents are engaged in fitness, their children will be able to master developmental gymnastics, take part in interesting outdoor games and even try themselves in martial arts - in a word, they can easily find something they like.”

    Tip four: do not immediately demand sports feats from your child

    Don’t rush to send your child straight into big sports. What is suitable for a 7-year-old child may not be suitable for a 3-year-old.

    Swimming is an ideal activity for little ones. This sport helps strengthen the skeleton and muscles, improves the functioning of the nervous system and blood circulation, and also hardens well. At the same time, there are practically no contraindications to swimming, except for a possible allergy to chlorinated pool water. However, many pools now use more modern methods of water purification.

    Will fit well children 3–6 years old and gymnastics classes. Children are incredibly flexible, so success is guaranteed here, which means the child’s interest will not be lost. Such training will form a slender figure and correct posture, develop grace, endurance and flexibility. Gymnastics will especially appeal to artistic children.

    Child 4–5 years old You can send him to the figure skating section, especially if he loves winter fun. This sport strengthens the musculoskeletal system, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthens and develops creative abilities. But it is worth considering that figure skating is a rather traumatic and expensive activity.

    The athletics sections, which include running, long and high jumps, race walking and other activities, include: children from 5–6 years old. True, so that the child does not get bored, such activities must be really interesting to him.

    Whatever section you choose for your baby, it is important that training brings him pleasure and is not a punishment. It’s not scary if, having started with one, the child wants to switch to another. Don't stop him. Support the search. Only what you love can be done for a long time and successfully.

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