• The secret of the success of the technique of Louise Hay. Ahlea Hadro, Heather Dens, Louise Hay Love to herself as a way to health secret success Louise Hay read


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    Heal their lives

    LOVE YOURSELF: Heal Your Life

    This small book contains unique healing methods Louise Hay. Use them and start creating a new happy life.

    Heal themselves

    There are no medical recommendations and councils in the book that could help in the treatment of certain diseases, since it is not necessary to deal with self-medication without preliminary medical advice.

    The main goal of the book is to give people a number of general councils that contribute to the preservation and maintenance of cheerfulness, good health and wonderful mood, help become rich and happy ...

    Louise L. Hay. You are worthy of success and prosperity

    Receiving Prosperity.

    Format: DVD (PAL), 1987, 58 min., USA

    Now you have a real opportunity to attract health, success, prosperity and love in your life!
    Louise tells how you can use the strength of thought and spirit to bring success and prosperity to your life.
    Methods of achieving success Louise Hay is very easy to perform. The main thing is to believe in it and not to give to practice.
    First of all, you need to get rid of all negative thoughts, such as: "I don't need anyone," "failures pursue me," "I am not educated enough," "I can't have what I want" ... it is necessary to take himself as much as you're.
    As long as the feeling of love for himself is not settled in the shower, neither confidence will come to you, nor faith in the fact that you are worthy of all the best.
    All you give, you get back. Therefore, it should be analyzed to identify negative thoughts that could create them, and immediately change them to the opposite.

    "In the world, everything is in prosperity, it is only that waiting for you to get familiar with his unpretentious wealth. Money is much more than you can spend. People - more than you met in your whole life. Joy - more than you You can imagine yourself. If you believe it, you will have everything you wish. "

    Louise Haye

    Louise L. Hay. Intimate talk

    Conversations on Living

    Format: DVD (PAL). 1987, 53 min., USA

    Louise Hay is the world-famous American psychotherapist, the head of the New Consciousness Center, the author of eighteen bestsellers translated into 23 languages \u200b\u200band published in 30 countries of the world.
    The philosophy of positive thinking Louise Haye is available for any person, regardless of its sex, age and extrasensory abilities, she helped millions of people to believe in themselves and find the forces to defeat their pain.
    According to Louise Hay, she does not heal anyone, she simply teaches people to love themselves, creates a world in which they can realize how beautiful they are.
    Louise Hay helps find the power and inner wisdom, overcome barriers and barriers to people can love themselves regardless of life circumstances.
    We very much hope that the unique technique of Louise Hay will give you health, will return youth, healed the soul, will allow doubts, will answer eternal questions.

    In this film, Louise Haya describes the emotional reasons underlying your physical problems, and shows how a change in the direction of your thoughts with a negative on a positive can help you create that life you dream about.
    Its cure technique is at the level of sensation and its main concept is as follows: "We ourselves create diseases in our body and get rid of them so easy that most people cannot believe it!". Several years ago, Louise Hay's books forced the whole world about this American.
    Why? Because she not only managed to defeat all the adversity who pursued her literally from birth, not only herself cured from the oncological disease, not only drastically changed her own life, but also helped "dig" from the abyss of diseases, failures and defeat hundreds of their patients and hundreds of thousands of readers of their books.

    Wisdom of a woman

    Inner Wisdom Heal Your Body Empowering Women

    The unique healing methods of Louise Hay are described. The power of thought, the ability to adjust oneself to a positive way and get rid of some stereotypes of thinking can heal from many diseases. This book has a table with which you can establish the cause of your diseases and use the methods of their cure. Take control over your body in your own hands - our physical and mental state depends on ourselves.

    Dar of the mother heart. Blessing training book

    How to find a conscious understanding of your emotions and feelings to attract only what you want in your life? How to level the energy so that they deliver you joy? One of the ways to achieve this state is a blessing. Bless - it means to attract the benefit of the situation, personality or conditions.
    Angelina Mogilevskaya talks about the practice of forgiveness and blessings, about nine hundred and internal freedom gains, gives exercises, prayers and affirmations that will help you in this work.


    The AIDS Book: Creating a Positive Approach

    This book is another meeting of the techniques of the famous author and developer Louise Hay. Following the methods of healing, you can get rid of diseases and complexes, change your attitude towards yourself and realize your hidden opportunities.

    Ready health recipes and well-being from Louise Hay are suitable for both body healing, mind and spirit, and for the prevention of AIDS and maintain good well-being.

    For a wide range of readers.

    Louise L. Hay. Overcome barriers and blocks

    Dissolving Barriers.

    Louise Hay is the world-famous American psychotherapist, the head of the New Consciousness Center, the author of eighteen bestsellers translated into 23 languages \u200b\u200band published in 30 countries of the world.
    The philosophy of positive thinking Louise Haye is available for any person, regardless of its sex, age and extrasensory abilities, she helped millions of people to believe in themselves and find the forces to defeat their pain.
    According to Louise Hay, she does not heal anyone, she simply teaches people to love themselves, creates a world in which they can realize how beautiful they are.
    Louise Hay helps find the power and inner wisdom, overcome barriers and barriers to people can love themselves regardless of life circumstances.
    We very much hope that the unique technique of Louise Hay will give you health, will return youth, healed the soul, will allow doubts, will answer eternal questions.

    How to detect the subconscious obstacles that prevent you from loving, be healthy and see the world in positive light?
    In the world, only one person responsible for pleasure and satisfaction you are experiencing. That you yourself! Do you want to know how you yourself prevent you from creating happy and long-term relationships? Or be healthier and successful?
    In this film, Louise Hay is responsible for these questions and helps to detect internal barriers that constrain us. It reveals the detrimental consequences of such negative emotions, as fear, feeling of guilt, indignation, envy, resentment ... they can and should be transformed into positive.
    Rejoicing from making thoughts, feelings, from making themselves and the surrounding world as we are, we will begin to build our lives and manage our future.
    The unique technique of Louise Haye offers practical methods for transforming negative sensations in love, health, positive energy and joy.

    "The point of force is here and now - in our minds. We are not helpless victims of our own thoughts, but the owners of their mind.
    Everything, including me, is fully responsible for all events in your life, and the best, and the worst. Each our thought literally creates our future. "

    Louise Haye

    The energy of life

    MediTations to Heal Your Life Heart Thoughts Colors & Numbers

    The ideas set forth in this book are designed to awaken our creative idea, they show us fundamentally new ways to solve problems. If we get rid of negative stereotypes of thinking, our life will change for the better. The book contains special meditations and spiritual research Louise Hay, capable of sending us and help in difficult life situations. Internal mood, as well as colors and numbers playing in our life not the last role. Sold down their secrets and use their energy for their health and well-being.

    For a wide range of readers.

    You can never achieve financial well-being, if you are constantly talking or thinking about the lack of money. These empty thoughts cannot lead to material supply. Thoughts about the lack lead to a lack. Thoughts about poverty lead to greater poverty. Thoughts about gratitude and appreciation will help you achieve well-being.

    Here are some negative affirmations that invariably entail financial problems: "I always miss money" or "Money disappears faster than they appear." This is the way of thinking poor man. The universe reacts to what you think about yourself and about your life. Remember all negative thoughts about money, and then let yourself get free from them. They did not serve you a good service in the past, will not serve in the future.

    Some people think that financial problems can be solved using an inheritance or lottery. Of course, you can fantasize such topics or even buy a lottery ticket for entertainment, but please do not feel seriously to this method of earnings. This image of thinking of a poor person will not lead to anything good. In any case, with regard to the lottery, then random winnings rarely bring positive changes in life. In fact, for two years, most lottery winners spend on all their money, and after they need more than before winning. The problem in acquiring money in this way is that it does not solve other problems. Why? Because you do not call for help your consciousness. In fact, you inform the Universe: "I do not deserve anything in this life, except for pure chance."

    If you just changed your mind, thinking to allow the wealth of the universe to enter your life, you would get all the benefits that are waiting for the lottery win. But most importantly, you can keep wealth in your hands through your consciousness.

    And one more obstacle to the achievement of material well-being is dishonesty. Everything you do is returning a hundredfold, always. What you take from life, life will take from you. It's simple. You will say that you do not wake, and you thought ever, how many sheets of paper or postage stamps took home from the office? And perhaps you are a person who steals time, respect or the relationship of others? All this is understood by the Universe as: "I am not worthy of good in this life. I'm thorish. "

    Determine for yourself the thoughts that can interfere with financial well-being, then change them and start a new day with a new way of thinking, which will help you become successful. Even if no one else in your family practiced similar affirmations, you will help with your consciousness to become financially secured.

    If you want to be rich, you must think as a rich man. Here are two affirmations of success that I use many years and, believe me, they work for me, they will definitely help you:

    • My income is constantly growing.
    • I am successful in everything, what I do.

    I had very little money when I was just beginning to deal with these affirmations, but consistent exercises helped me become a wealthy woman.

    I am convinced that business is the sphere where we help each other to become happy and rich. I never understood the principle of "coming to the other on the throat," when you try to deceive and substitute the other. After all, it does not seem to be joyful pastime. There are so many wealth in the world. All we need to do is to realize this fact and share wealth.

    In my publishing house "Hay House" we adhere to the principle of "honesty and nobility". We live according to the rule: to work in good faith and treat others with respect and generosity; The universe rewards you at any possible case. Today we can boast of an impeccable reputation in the publishing world, and there are a lot of proposals that we reject. We do not strive to turn into an industrial giant and thereby incorate personal relationships.

    If I am a child from a disadvantaged family that did not even graduate from school, I could do it, you can also.

    So, stand up, open your hands and say with joy: "I am open to all the good and wealth of the universe. Thank you, life. "

    Life will hear you and will answer.

    Dear Louise! I am a married man, I have just over forty years old, I have a wonderful wife, a child, a cozy home and a pretty good job. Unfortunately, I was never satisfied with my financial condition. It seems to me that all my senses of self-esteem and satisfaction are based on how much I earn money as much as I have a home or how expensive I have a car and other property compared to more prosperous people. Why can't I just appreciate what I have, without always wanting more?

    Dear friend! You are not alone. Many men grew up, believing that their dignity is closely connected with their "showing" property. Your father may have felt the same. Part of your spiritual growth will be the task to stop conducting the "account" and find a new meaning in love for yourself and to life.

    I would advise you to take three days of vacation and go to the tourist campaign to the forest in nature alone. Frame with nature - with trees, plants, animals and landscape. Ask my questions like such: "How can I get from the competition with others to connect with life?", "If I had no home and earnings, what would be the meaning of my life?", "What is really important to me?", "What should I understand in this life, and what should I find out?"

    If you do not start looking for the meaning of life now, you will find yourself on the fifth ten in full dissatisfaction. What we call the male menopause is often the depressive state of reason. I firmly believe that we should not grow old as our parents did. We are pioneers in establishing a sample of long and successful life.

    Repeat: "I am deeply grateful to everything that happened in my life." Speak so more often, and you will begin to notice all the life details that we often do not notice and consider things in the order of things.

    If you want to be rich, you must think as a rich man.

    Any work is deservedly evaluated and rewarded.

    Today is an excellent day, money come to me from the alleged and unexpected sources.

    I support others in the desire to be successful, in turn life supports me.

    Now I am engaged in your favorite job, and it is well paid.

    It's nice to deal with the money I earned today. Part I will spend, part to postpone.

    I gladly open an unlimited good that surrounds us everywhere.

    Money is a mental state that supports me. I allow welfare to enter my life at a higher level than ever.

    I change my way of thinking: I turn from thoughts about poverty to thoughts about wealth, and my finance is a reflection of these changes.

    I never regret the spent money.

    I deserve the best and accept the best now.

    I am free from all obstacles to material well-being, I let the money enter my life.

    The source of my goods is all that surrounds me, and everyone who surrounds me.

    Louise Hay. "Big book of change for the better", "Publishing house" E ", Moscow, 2017

    In 1976, Hay wrote a small brochure "healed their body." It contained a list of various diseases and their possible metaphysical causes. This brochure was significantly expanded and supplemented in her book "Heal their life", published in 1984. In February 2008, this book is still in the list of best-selling books.

    In about the same time, Louise organized support groups for patients and, which she called "Hay Rides" ( possible translation: Hay survives or hemp overwhelms). The groups were going first as part of several people in the room where Hezy lived, but gradually rose to hundreds of people who were gathered in the Great Hall in. Her work with the sick conquered public recognition, and in March Louise invited to participate in two TV shows - "The Oprah Winfrey Show" and "Donahue" - for the same week. "Heal their life" immediately won the honorable place in the list of the most weeding books. The book was separated by a circulation of more than 35 million copies on more than 30 languages \u200b\u200bof the world, and the film was removed. "Heal your life" is also included in the list of the 50 best self-help books as the main symbol of this area.

    Louise established Hay House Publishing, which became the main publisher of books and audio books and Dorin Virche, as well as many books Wien Dyer. But this is not all other than the publishing house, Hay has created a charitable organization "Hay Foundation" in.


    • "Heal their lives"
    • "Heal yourself"
    • "Power inside us"
    • "Healing forces inside us"

    Respect for yourself, to your work and time - one of the important components of success, both in business and in life as a whole. An important role is definitely playing parent education, our environment, social status. But the most important thing is the one who we consider ourselves that we allow themselves to get what vertices to reach. A vivid example of the absolute change of itself and his life is the writer of Motivating books Louise Hay.

    Born in the family of laundry and forever drunk stepfather, the little girl suffered constant beatings and humiliation not only from their relatives, but also the mid-backed neighbors surrounding it. At the age of 15, she quit school, pregnant and, abandoning his child, changed her name, place a residence, the beginning of the model career. At one of the parties a pretty Hay, I noticed a millionaire and married the model without unnecessary delay. After a couple of years, a rich husband began to change and demand a divorce.

    However, fate often presents to us unexpected surprises, capable of cooling our lives. So, by chance, by lectures on psychology, Louise Heay first began to analyze his actions and thoughts affecting her, at her environment, at her condition. At first glance, such a harmless impetus to the revision of his life, in turn, played a key role in its further fate.

    Throwing a model career and enrolling in the school "positive thinking", Louise Hay on bricks laid out his life and events in it. For her, it was a real discovery that it turns out, first of all, it is she who herself unconsciously considers himself an extra and unworthy of any awards, love and success, therefore the environment towards it respectively. In childhood, parents brought the feeling of loneliness and unnecessaries in it, and the humiliation and betrayal became ordinary and habitual. Making stunning conclusions, Louise firmly decided to change this situation, persistently and persistently repeating himself that it was worthy of the best. These were the first thought tolements that began to be called, i.e. Some positive assertions, installations that contribute to positive changes, both in the personality of a person and in his life.

    The first changes were not forced to wait long. In yesterday, a shy student was entrusted to conduct classes from noisy students, which instilled even more confidence in their own strengths and opportunities. One of the significant tests of its faith was the diagnosis of uterus cancer. Having coped with a starting panic, Louise Hay not only did not abandon his work with affirmations, but strengthened it, improved and expanded. She realized that not all childhood complexes were worked out and the wildest fears still poison her life. Revising your day, nutrition, posting to a psychotherapist, it gradually got rid of the disordeds and negative emotions deeply in the soul. Louise continued to inspire thoughts about his own health, well-being and success and, in the end, after three months, surprised doctors have shot a terrible diagnosis, confirming that the woman is absolutely healthy.

    Louise Hay: books and main works

    Now in the publisher "Alma Media Group" publishes the books of Louise Hay under unfamiliar names. But in fact, these books are nothing more than various combinations of long-stayed works. Almost all of them are in the "full encyclopedia of health."

    Some of them:

    "The secret of success. How to achieve financial well-being "consists of" healing their life "," colors and numbers "," good thoughts to achieve success today. "

    In the book "The power of thought: how to make yourself happy" enter the "power inside you", "life as it is", "heal their lives. Workbook "(new)

    "The power of a woman: how to get rid of stereotypes and complexes" - "Women's power", "Inner wisdom", "love their own body", "101 thought carrying force", "affirmation diary".

    Of the actually new books Louise Hay, you can call "coordinate your future. As the strength of thought to change fate "in collaboration with Lynn Lauber.

    We publish only some of the old books, new ones are under the author's rights of the publisher and their distribution on the Internet is still problematic. You can download the old books of Hay and compile new ones themselves. List we gave above.

    1. "Heal their lives" is a book devoted to recommendations and advice to maintain a healthy lifestyle, wonderful mood and success in affairs and business. Here you will not find medical aspects and advice. The main principle of working with you is changing your thinking, you change your life. Personal experience of the writer will not leave anyone indifferent. Louise Hay "healed their life."
    2. "Heal yourself" is a description of the influence of our covered offenses and negative emotions on our lives and health. Freed from the past, we will be able to become happy and successful in all endeavors. Louise Hay "healed himself".
    3. "Strength inside us" and "healing forces within us" - these books continue the idea of \u200b\u200bthe previously written treatise "heal their lives", pays attention to human resources, its forces that we can use to achieve our goals. The awareness of this inexhaustible source is possible for each. New ideas and interesting thoughts make reconsider their behavior and life in general. Louise Hay "Healing forces inside us."
    4. "The secret of success: how to achieve financial well-being" - will interest, first of all wishing to achieve success in our own business. Internal mood, even colors and numbers play in our life not the last role. Their secrets and energy will help you in achieving personal and financial well-being. This book consists of "healing its life", "colors and numbers", "good thoughts to achieve success today" - they can be downloaded on the Internet.
    5. "With new happiness" - not only practical advice will help to the world in this book in this book, but also examples of the visual arts of Russia, Central Europe and the United States of America of the late XIX - early XX centuries. Surrounding yourself beautiful, we attract beautiful and desired and desirable.
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