• What is the name tool for removing the cuticle. How to use the kuticula to be used. The manufacturer's material is shabra


    In a manicure set, a lot of useful tools. One of them is the Pusher or, as it is also called, Shabra. The name is very unusual, but in fact you have repeatedly could see this subject among your manicure accessories or in the office at the master. What is Pusher, how best to choose and use it?

    Pusher - what is it

    High-quality manicure necessarily includes the removal of excess skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nail hole - Cuticles. To work with it, a special device is used - Pusher.

    Use the Pusher should be careful not to damage thin skin

    Use the Pusher as follows:

    1. Sterilize the tool to protect yourself from pathogenic bacteria.
    2. Carefully prepare the nail well to the procedure: immerse your hands in the bath for 15 minutes to mitigate the cuticle or apply a remedy for removing the cuticle.
    3. Wipe your hands with a towel.
    4. Put your hand on a solid surface - it will be easier to work with a tool.
    5. Take the Pusher and the end-shovel gently begin to move the damaged skin to the bottom of the nail well.
    6. It is necessary to do it with each nail.
    7. If there are pollution, use the second side of the Puster.
    8. Pumped skin is removed using manicure tongs.
    9. Next, the processed nail hole is covered with oil for the cuticle so that the skin around the nail plate looked is well maintained and neat.

    Oh, how I suffered with orange sticks ... they will crumble, they blurt out, break, and move the cuticle only in skillful hands perfectly, they do not possess. And now it happened! The perfect "gun" for manicure is found. Here he is, Shabra (blade) from Zinger (even in the most curves, handle will cope quickly and with a bang).



    Video: how to remove the cuticle

    Methods of sterilization and disinfection of manicure accessories:

    To nails look neatly, you need to take care not only behind the nail plate, but also behind the skin around it. In the care of the cuticle will help such a tool like a woven, which is used to remove roasted skin from the nail plate and modeling the nail well. Following the advice from this article, you can easily choose a good tool and use it correctly to care for nails.

    It performs a protective role, without giving foreign bodies and bacteria to penetrate the sprout zone. It is not desirable to cut it, it is better to make it gently move

    cuticle must be cut off. And this should make a master. At home only soften.

    the cuticle is really not worth cutting down. But sometimes she looks not very beautiful. Cut it in this case, you need a trimmer special for the cuticle. But better for this case, contact the salon (for inappropriate, you can bother or bring the novel into a very terrible look)

    Read the article about the structure of the nail plate and the questions will disappear.

    Cut Cut is not worth it! As a manicure officer I say, it needs to soften the specials. A tool and move up up the orange stick!

    if you do not have permission, turn to the manicure master! herself do not touch, damage

    Go Manicure Make a professional in a hairdresser. Inexpensive. Alone Well, they nafig cut off. Yes, they are not needed like nails, they are cut off with their nails during the manicure.

    Estate it quickly grows and slows down the growth of the nails, then cut off. !

    But if you have gorgeous nails and you do not carry the cuticle, then you are lucky))

    I do not even know what it is, if you interfere - cut off.

    Only under anesthesia, damn!

    Type you have never seen than cuticle cut off! Cutting to buy and go ahead.

    Cuticles - what it is, proper removal and care

    For a beautiful manicure, it is very important to have a neat and well-groomed cuticle. But this is not the only reason to pay attention to the dense skin rollers adjacent to the nail plates. The appointment of the Cuticle is to protect the nail against infection, thereby having a beneficial effect on the growth and state of the nail. Foreign bodies under its protection are protected from the penetration of foreign bodies to the Rostic zone.

    Why do you need to remove cuticle?

    Best of all the cuticle remove circumcision or ticking. It is done in order for excess skin around the nail clung to the nail plate, braking her growth. The consequence of such "braking" may be the formation of grooves and irregularities on the nail. An uneven surface is a consequence of nail disease. In addition, increasingly on the nail, the cuticle can rehabilitate or cracking, giving the possibility of infection to fall inside the organism. Inflammatory processes deform the forming part of the nail.

    Modern ways to care for cuticle

    Some experts believe that it is not worth cutting the cuticle at all. An alternative to the cropped classical manicure can serve as a European manicure, which is carried out dry (umbered way). But such a different care for the cuticle has its pros and cons, and definitely, their admirers.

    How the edged manicure is carried out

    Despite the fact that the majority goes to safe manicure methods if the cuticle is very launched, it is difficult to do without scissors. You can switch to the unedged manicure after 5-6 sessions.

    The skin should be unpiring and soften to separate the eroded cells and the living epithelium. Water can not be used.

    The maceration procedure ends with the cuticle and the side rollers of the cream capable of keeping moisture.

    Problem fingers with a large number of sowing and skin disorders need to be processed by anti-inflammatory or antiseptic healing agents. Funds with green tea oil, ginkgo leaves extract, rosemary leaves. To put the place of the possible appearance of burstles, only droplets of wheat germ, jojoba or peach oil.

    How to soften the cuticle zone

    1. An excellent cuticle care means is a hand massage that has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and is able to make the skin soft and elastic, warning the appearance of sizards. Mitigate the epidermis can be varied oils, creams or balm for nutrition and skin moisturizing. The massage of the cuticle zone prevents the appearance of a burr, helping to deliver oxygen to the border and the necessary components for growth.

    Sometimes minor redness on the cuticle arises as a result of the impact of household chemicals, and passes when changing such a means. Make sure that household chemicals do not cause allergies, try to use mitigating detergents or use gloves.

    Types of useful, effective and high-quality care products for cuticle

    Cuticle oil

    And vegetable and essential oils are well helped regardless of the health of the cuticle, providing excellent care. Successively applies oil with wheat sprouts, as well as nourish and soften castor, ray, almond, jojoba, apricot.

    To impregnate the place near the nail, it is enough to apply a couple of drops and massaging movements to launch it into the skin and the base of the nail.

    The natural reconnaissance of the cuticle is very popular in the form of a convenient, compact capillary pencil, a quickly dissolving horny layer. We are accustomed that such funds are produced in the form of a tube or bubble with a tassel, now it is possible to try something new and choose for yourself the most convenient option.

    The elixir for the cuticle is a capillary pencil, caring comprehensive, at the same time feeding the skin.

    Peeling for the cuticle is an exfoliating agent for dead skin, promoting nail light breathing.

    For shifting, skin and correction applied manicure sticks from an orange tree. (5)

    Cuticulture Care - Recipes

    1. Oil mixture for care damaged cuticle. Composition: basic oil (apricot or wheat sprouts, 1 tablespoon). Essential tea tree (3 drops), lavender oil (2 drops). Mix the ingredients to completely dissolve in warm form, apply and launched into the cuticle. Repeat every day, a week at least 5 times.

    2. Castor oil with iodine. The composition is oil (20 ml), iodine (7-10 drops). In a bubble with butter, ship iodine and mix well, shaking. Apply gently on the pillow of the fingers and carefully launched into the nail and cuticle until it absorbs. Use daily.

    3. Bath for softening. Ingredients: food soda (1 spoon), water (1 cup). Dissolve soda in warm water and dip your fingers. Move the skin with a special wand and if necessary, cut off the extra layer. Apply 1 time per week. (№9)

    4. Bath with liquid soap. Ingredients: apricot or peach oil (a few drops), liquid soap (1 teaspoon), water (glass). Apply a few drops of oil on the cuticle. In warm water, add a few drops of apricot oil and soap. Lower fingers and leave them in the solution. Then you can easily move away or cut off the extension.

    © 2012-2018 "Women's opinion". When copying materials - reference to the original source is required!

    Editor-in-Chief of the portal: Ekaterina Danilova


    Telephone Editor:

    Cutting care

    Do you know what the cuticle is? Where is she? Why is needed?

    And what to do with it, and why do it categorically impossible?

    Physiology of the Cuticle: What it is, why did we give her nature, what happens to us?

    Cuticle is a dense leathery roller that surrounds the nail plate at the bottom of the nail. It performs a protective role, without giving foreign bodies and bacteria to penetrate the sprout zone. The edge of the cuticle is dead cells. Hyd, and then peeling, this edge gives rise to burrs.

    On the sides of the nail surrounded by skin rollers. The skin here may be dried, in connection with which burrs may also arise.

    If the manicure is incorrectly executed (the use of metal tools - spatulas, scissors, etc.) can be entered into infection and as a result of the inflammation of the cuticle. In addition, if you decide to cut the cuticle, then you will note that the new skin, which appeared in return, will grow faster, it will become more dense and coarse. Such a cuticle is inclined to cracking and burrs, among the masters of the manicure, it is commonly called excessive. The inflammation of the cuticle may occur as a consequence of the effects of household chemicals or varnishes for low-quality nails. Itching and blisters around the cuticle or nail plate may occur as a result of the negative effect of methyl methacrylate, which is used when nailing. The discolored areas under the nail plate and the nail separation from the nail bed is often obvious signs of fungal infection. However, such symptoms are often observed after injury or coarse mechanical effects with a negligent manicure.

    The cuticle, which is prone to inflammation and burrs, and also sensitively responding to household chemistryLucky and creams are called problematic. Such a cuticle most often happens quite thin and increases with the films from the nail Lunula. Clinging to the nail plate in the zone of its growth, the cuticle leads to the appearance of irregularities and grooves on the nail plate.

    If you do not follow the condition of the cuticle, it will become dry, cracked and roughness will appear on it, such a cuticle is usually called rough.

    Why do the cuticle want to get rid of?

    Cuticle must be deleted. Excess skin around the nail clings to the nail plate and inhibits her healthy growth. Such "braking" can lead to the formation of grooves and irregularities on the surface of the nail, which, naturally, is undesirable. On uneven nails, the resistance of any, even the most expensive and high-quality varnish is noticeably reduced, and the matte varnishes of classical shades for uneven nails are generally contraindicated. In addition, the excessive, incurred cuticle with time will dry and cracks, in the resulting cracks can easily get an infection, which will result in the inflammation of the cuticle. Inflammatory processes in the matrix adversely affect the state of the forming nail. In this case, the nails can grow with cracks, structural disorders of the nail canvase, irregularities and other defects.

    Cutting care: why do you need to take care? Why cut it with manicure?

    It is impossible to imagine beautiful manicure Without smooth, neatly processed, well-kept cuticle. Thin skin around the nail performs a very important feature: it is a natural barrier that protects nail from infections and injuries. Cutting and processing the cuticle should be very careful, since the careless processing of the cuticle provokes the appearance of damage and irregularities on the nail plate. Dry, rough cuticle with burzs can cause grooves on the nails, and the problem growing on the nail plate of cuticle slows down the growth of the nails and can lead to the fact that the growing nail will be injured. Of the foregoing, it can be concluded that those who want to have smooth, healthy nails, It is worth paying special attention to care for the cuticle.

    Do not forget that the cuticle can be "alive" and "inanimate," and is to be removed only "non-fat". This procedure is absolutely harmless, but the "live" cuticle is just not recommended to touch, even if it is intensively overgrown. After all, this is a natural barrier that protects the nail from the penetration of infections.

    It is clear that the cuticle cannot be cut, - not quite right. Just today, the edged classic manicure is an alternative - an unedged European dry manicure. And in that, and the other has its own admirers. Supporters of the classic manicure are confident that only the classic, edged manicure gives a fast and high-quality result, which cannot be achieved by any drugs.

    The fans of the dry manicure argue that, firstly, the unedged option is safer, since with such a procedure it is impossible to infection with any infections. Secondly, cutting cuticles can injure the nail well and lead to even greater nail to the nail. And drugs for removing the cuticle are ideal even for

    manicure Cedars at home, where the use of coarse metal tools is not recommended. After all, using them, there is a risk of selling a spike zone at the base of the nail, which is why it will grow uneven and stagger. And after using a special means, the softened cuticle is simply removed with a napkin and moves out with an orange stick.

    In addition, there is an opinion that during the edged "wet" manicure lacquer on the nails is held not as long as in the case when the cuticle is removed using special means. The porous structure of nails during soaking changes the shape, and the striking, restores it. Accordingly, the varnish on such nails is also compressed and cleaned faster.

    Cut was nails natural and artificial. Is there any difference? And if there is, then what is it?

    Cute nails of natural, even if the most running, continues to keep your function badly. Cuticle under artificial nails are doomed to death. After all, it does not have the ability to breathe under artificial nails. And those who removed artificial nails, such as acrylic, know what natural nails turn into after the long wear of artificial nails. In this and the difference that your cuticles are physically eating with natural nails, and they are not artificial. After all, after a long wearing artificial nail, women have to restore their natural nails for a very long time.

    Marina Tikhomirova, BOHEMA COSMETICS

    Our company presents a lot of useful, effective and high-quality care products for cuticle.

    I would like to tell about them in more detail.

    1) Natural remover of the cuticle is a comfortable, compact capillary pencil, which not only quickly softens your cuticles, but also cares for them.

    2) Cuticle remover Capillary, which very quickly dissolves your cuticles.

    3) Cuticle elixir - Effective complex care for your cuticle. The tool not only softens your cuticle, but will actively feed it. After such an elixir, the skin around your nails becomes again healthy and elastic, dry dryness, burrs and cracks are driving. Especially the elixir is useful in the cold season. Very good tool. I like it more than anyone. Always keep it at hand.

    4) Peeling for the cuticle is a very popular and effective remedy that herself exfoliates dead skin around the nails. After the peeling, your nails begin to breathe easily.

    5) Manicure sticks from an orange tree - a convenient tool for shifting and adjusting the cuticle.

    Irina Dedeneva, Parbuturus Training Manager, Oriti Representative in Russia

    Cuticle, like the whole of our body, also requires correct and regular care. To have perfect hands, it is more correct to visit the salon at least once a month, where you will make a professional manicure. And then during the month you can care for the cuticle at home. To remove the cuticle at home, it is better to use special preparations, and for its movement you need to have a soft orange stick that does not damage the skin and does not leave burrs. Before using the wand, you need to apply a softening agent on the cuticle.

    To nails look beautiful and well-groomed, it is important that the cuticle is soft, elastic and tightly adjacent to the nail. It is not enough to remove the "dead" skin enough for this. For the care of the cuticle there are many drugs: oils, liquids, gels. After all, the cuticle needs food and moisture, which are often combined with a massage. Locking them, you sat down the cuticle with the useful substances, strengthen it and at the same time massive. This prevents the harvesting of the cuticle and the appearance of burrs and breaks, makes the cuticle very elastic. They can be applied daily. They not only nourish, soften and moisturize the skin around the nail, but also open access for useful substances and oxygen, improving the structure nail plateand strengthen it.

    Irina Fedyunina, manager of the study part of the company Ole House, Representative Creative in Russia

    The principal difference between cream, gel and any other remedy for removing the cuticle does not exist. Their essence is unchanged, the active substance in almost all means is an alkaline component, which softens the skin of the cuticle, makes it a pliable and ready for further removal. Moisturizing components in the means of different brands are usually different. In the gels, the content of oils and extracts is permissible. Oil moisturizes and, moreover, contributes to the penetration of the nutrient extract in the nail matrix and the cuticle.

    Before purchasing the drug, it is worth familiar with the presence of ingredients in the composition, consult with a specialist, learn about the advantages and minuses of this fund.

    Some of the drugs presented in the market are intended only for professional use, others can be applied at home. The most important thing is that the components in them are natural.

    The choice should always be done in accordance with the recommendations of professionals. It is specialists who can better deal with the state of your nails and cuticles, besides, their knowledge of the funds available on the market is much wider, which will allow them to choose the most optimal option for you.

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    Attention! The information published on this website is a reference or popular. Diagnosis and purpose of drugs require knowledge of the history of the disease and direct examination by the doctor. We recommend that you, to eliminate misunderstanding, on the use of drugs and diagnostics to apply to the doctor.

    Cuticle - what is it? How to remove cuticles?

    Human hands are his second face. At the same time, it absolutely no matter, about a man there is a speech or about a woman. Behind the nails and skin of the fingers must be carefully looked regardless of the floor and age. Only in this case you will look attractive. Agree, quite ridiculous and unclearly looks beautifully dressed man with mud under the nail plate and formed burrs, which can also be inflamed to everything else. This article will tell you how the removal of the cuticle. You can get acquainted with the main methods of manicure. Also find out that the cuticle is the skin that all people have. It requires not only periodic removal, but also special care.

    Cuticle is ...

    What is called cuticle? Who is she and for what you need? Let's try to answer these questions.

    Cuticle is the so-called shell. It is not only in humans. Most mammals and animals have a cuticle. However, they have a slightly different form of location and functionality. The person has a cuticle - this is a skin formation that more resembles a thin film. It is located around the perimeter of the nail plate.

    Cuticle functions - protective. This peel prevents microbes and bacteria to enter the nail bed. Otherwise, all people suffered from the fungus of fingers. It is worth noting that the nail cuticle is divided into two subspecies: dead and living cells. The first type of formations must be deleted. For the alive tissues you need to properly care. Only in this case your manicure will be perfect.

    Removal of the cuticle of the nail plate: for and against

    Do you need to get rid of this skin around the nail plate? On this occasion, there are two opposite opinions. Some specialists argue that the removal of the cuticle should be made regularly. Others say that it is necessary to trust nature and leave your fingers alone. How to do modern men and women?

    In fact, the removal of the cuticle is an integral part of the manicure. Without exercising such manipulation, your fingers will look untidy. Also, the scorched cuticle can crack and dry. This leads to the appearance of burrs. Such skin processes are often inflamed and delivered great discomfort to man. In addition, the untreated cuticle is growing into the nail plate. This leads to a distortion of the shape of the nail and the acquisition of a non-psychic species.

    How to remove the cuticle? There are several ways to make this manipulation. All of them are divided into edged and unedged methods. Consider the basic ways of skin care around the nails and find out how to remove the cuticle correctly.

    Application of edged manicure

    How to remove the cuticle? The oldest and easiest way is to produce edged manicure. It is worth reminding that the method can be traumatic. That is why it is necessary to comply with certain rules and sequence in the plate processing.

    First you need to twist dried skin. Never produce crawling manicure on dry skin. This can lead to cuts and inflammation. Gentle and dried skin is especially susceptible to injuries. Pour in the bowl of warm water. It can add essential oils or salt into it. Also recently, special mixtures for manicure baths appeared in cosmetic stores. They will not only soften the skin around the nail plate, but also will have a careful effect on it.

    Hold the marigold in the water in the water. After that, you can proceed to skin processing. Wipe the wet fingers with a soft cloth. Take into the hands of an orange wand and gently separate the cuticle from the note. This must be done only when the film has grown to the plate. Next, arise with tweezers or thin sharp scissors. The first tool is more preferable. This is explained by the fact that the scissors cannot capture the flawed thin film as close as possible to the living skin. Cut the cuticle around the perimeter of the noggle. At the same time, the blades of the tool need to be breed no more than 2 millimeters.

    Hardware skin processing around nails

    How to remove cuticle with an umbered way? You can use a special device for this. Most often, this method is used in specialized beauty salons. It is safer and almost never leads to injuries. It is also worth saying that with such a processing there is a risk of catching HIV, hepatitis and many other infections.

    The nail cuticle is processed as follows. The skin around the plate is lubricated with oil with strong overlap. This item works can be completely skipped if the cuticle is in a decent state. It is necessary to put on the device a special nozzle suitable for a certain form of a nobble. After that, the machine connects to the electrical network and the processing begins. Cleansing one finger does not take more than one minute. Rolling rough nozzle believes a thin thumbnail diaper quickly and painlessly.

    Unedged manicure

    How else can you remove the cuticle? Feedback and specialists suggest that the unedged manicure has recently become becoming increasingly popular. It is quite simply produced at home and gives good results. The cuticle during manipulation is not only removed, but its lively part is moistened.

    Before the procedure must be pre-acquire a special composition. It can have a liquid shape with a brush or be made as a pencil for lubrication. Choose what you enjoy more, and it will be more convenient for use. Clean the plate from the varnish and thoroughly wash your hands. After that, spread the cuticle to the selected tool and wait the time specified in the instruction. Usually, the drug is removed from 1 to 10 minutes. Next, arma a stick from an orange tree or a metal device to remove the cuticle. Carefully move the films with a noggle and wash your hands with soap. Furious and excess skin will independently go away from live epidermis.

    Parafinotherapy of the skin of the arms and the oil roller

    It is less likely that this method is used, allowing the removal of the cuticle. Reviews of weak gender representatives speak of the following. The procedure carried out in the salons is quite expensive. If processing at home, then it is necessary to arm themselves with some compositions.

    Paraffin therapy of the hands allows not only to remove the cuticle, but also remove the coarse skin from the palms and the back side of the brushes. During manipulation, you need to apply a special composition on the handles and wait for a while. Typically, a period of 5 to 25 minutes is installed. After that, it is necessary to wash off the active ingredient with the brushes and spend soft peeling. Some formulations can be used without an abrasive substance. The skin after such components is independently cleaned and becomes soft and tender.

    Salon manicure

    How to remove cuticle? If you have never made such manipulations, you should contact the master. A specialist can produce absolutely any type of processing. In this case, the quality of the service will be at the highest level.

    It must be remembered that the classic edged manicure is the cheapest service of the salon masters. In second place in the high cost of hardware processing and unedged. Paraffin therapy becomes the most expensive manipulation. It is applied quite rarely, but recently gets more and more recognition of women.

    Features of cuticle processing

    • Do not use the blade cuticle cutting.
    • Do not cut the skin too close to the living epidermis.
    • Try to disinfect the tools after each manicure.
    • Do not use other people's devices for removing the cuticle. Exception is only a cabin manicure.
    • Be sure to moisturize the skin after processing. Use waxes, oils and nutritious cargoing compositions.
    • Do not unzip the cuticle and burrs your teeth.


    You are now known how to remove the cuticle. Always follow the rules described above and the specified sequence. Only in this case your fingers will be in good condition. Do not forget to cover nail polished after manicure. Watch out for the state of your handles and always in the center of attention. Successes to you and beauty!

    Instruction: How to remove the cuticle?

    Neat female fingers testify to the essential of their owner. In order to make a beautiful manicure itself, you need to work hard, and the first thing to pay attention is to remove the cuticle, and the flapped sections of the skin around the nails. The cuticle has a functional destination. This skin roller, which covers the base of the nail plate, protects it from the infection penetration. We will deal in how to remove the cuticle at home, considering different methods and the technique of their implementation.

    photos from www.youtube.com

    How to remove the cuticle at home

    Quite a logical question: Why remove the cuticle if it performs a protective function? The fact is that the old cuticulus cells die out, which contributes to the appearance of cracks and burrs, so how to remove the cuticles from the nails, it is necessary to constantly pay time. Over time, it grows into the nail plate and can even interfere with its normal growth, so the cuticle needs to be periodically updated. Remember that also regularly, as you update the tips of the hair or pluck your eyebrows, you should also take care of the state of the nails, and the cuticle circumcision here plays an important role. In addition, it will be difficult to make a beautiful lacquer coating, pre-removing the cuticle.

    photos from the site http://hochu.ua

    It is necessary to do it carefully and correctly, so as not to skip the infection inside the skin, do not overheat it so that it hardens. The first time it will be quite difficult to get a flat line, but practicing, you will handle the manicure is no worse than a professional master.

    • No need to remove the cuticle as soon as the thin skin strip will appear on the horizon. In other words, do not do this too often, otherwise it can lead to the fact that the nail roller will be dry and provokes the outflow of the cuticle.
    • Try to make a high-quality manicure from the first time, that is, cut the cuticle as soon as possible, because if the undesirable part of the cuticle will remain on the nail, when drying it can turn into a burr.
    • When processing, remove only the corneal part of the cuticle. If you are driving a living part of the skin roller, it can lead to painful sensations, skin cuts that exactly tear your plans to paint the nail.

    Before removing the cuticle, it must be softened using special hand baths. The basis for them will be the usual warm water, and many components can become an additional ingredient, ranging from liquid soap, ending with soda or sea salt:

    • It is recommended to make a bath with the addition of essential oils that soften your skin and give it softness. The range of oils can be chosen at your discretion: for sprinkling the cuticle is suitable for oil ylang-ylang, tea tree, apricot oil, lemon, etc. In a small capacity, you need to add a tablespoon of essential oil, and hold your arms there from 5 to 20 minutes, while the cuticle does not spare enough.
    • Food oil to cope with mitigation is no worse, especially if the addition is organized by healing plants. For the preparation of the bath, pour boiling water a couple of tablespoons of chamomile colors and calendula, and give fluids to cool to a comfortable temperature. Add 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil and hold your fingers into the bathsmith.
    • If nothing of the listed at home you did not find, you can always make a bath for hands with the addition of liquid soap. This is a very simple way to break the cuticle: 1 cup of warm water you need 1 teaspoon. In order to take care more of your fingers, you can add a tablespoon of sea salt in the bath, and keep your hands in it for 5-10 minutes.

    photos from the site http://klublady.ru

    Making a bath with nail oil, take advantage of the moment and immerse the whole brush into it. Hands will also receive its portion of moisturizing, which is never superfluous.

    Classic way

    If earlier you never resorted to an independent manicure, then you should know that there are two cuticle removal methods: classic and european.

    A classic way to remove the cuticle is a traditional method, the so-called edged manicure. So that the manicure is as comfortable as possible and fast, you will need scissors with sharp tips, nippers for removing the cuticle, as well as the flusher or orange sticks, however, if all this is not at hand, the tools can be replaced.

    Step by step about how to remove cuticle scissors or tweezers

    • Before the start of the procedure, you need to handle the antiseptic skin of your fingers and all the devices to avoid incoming an unwanted infection, which is easy to get used, hooking even a slight area of \u200b\u200bleather.
    • After sprinkling the cuticle's hands need to rub the towel.
    • Remove the cuticle, the sweeping of it as much as possible, the woven or an orange stick will help you.
    • Next, you should thoroughly clean the nail plate from the cuticle. To do this, it must be carefully pushed off and lift a little. If you did not do this before, do not worry: Spared cuticle is easily processing.
    • Remove the excess skin with scissors and tongs. It will be more convenient to do this if you start trimming the cuticle from the sides and finish in the middle, because then the likelihood that you will do it exactly and the first time will be much higher.
    • In the process, do not try to pull or delay the cuticle, as it will be accompanied by painful sensations. If you start to close the wide part of the cuticle immediately, then you may be calculated and drove the living skin, so it is recommended to trim it with narrow stripes.

    photos from http://babyben.ru

    • The burdens from the side of the nail should be removed using forceps. It will be hung at this stage much more convenient than scissors.
    • Having finished the manicure, you need to apply the oil on the cuticle or moisturizing cream to prevent drying.
    • If you are inappropriately threw a healthy skin area, the wreck needs to be treated with peroxide.

    Rules for removal of cuticle with nipples

    You can give the hands of aesthetics using instead of manicure scissors nippers. This option is considered the easiest, especially if you make a manicure for the first time.

    • The plugs are metallic, so before using them must be disinfected.
    • Pressing on the knobs make the bunkeeper. Put them in such a position so that the bottom blade passed under the sunset cuticle.
    • The nippers do not need to open wide, on the contrary, the lower part of them must be firmly pressed to the nail plate, and the upper one is at a distance of 1 mm. Rim up the cuticle, at the same time "biting" it. Thus, remove the cuticle throughout the nail arc.
    • So that the movements were not sharp, the plugs must rest in forefinger, while moving smoothly.
    • If some part of the cuticle is not amenable to removal, remaining on the fingers, do not be discouraged. It can serve as a protective layer of bacteria and infection. If it looks inactively, you can move it to the nail plate using a special wand.

    photos from the site http://kosmetsovet.com

    It will clearly demonstrate how to remove the cuticle, the video at the end of the article in which the professional master will show several techniques and tells small secrets of fast and easy execution.

    European way: remove cuticle without circumcision

    Recently, all manicure masters say that the European way to remove the cuticle is much safer and more convenient because it is painless. By making such a manicure, you can remove the cuticle with an orange stick using a sawing or simply softening it with a special tool. European manicure is preferable to do those whose skin is thin, and the cuticle grows slowly.

    How to remove cuticle orange stick

    Orange wand is a stick from an orange tree, where one is sharp, and the other is flat. It is used not only to remove the cuticle, but also for cleansing the nails, and decorating the nail. Its main difference from iron manicure accessories is that it does not damage the skin.

    Moreover, the orange tree has the properties of the antiseptic, therefore contributes to the destruction of various infections that can be infected with the edged manicure. The length of such a stick is 9-18 cm, and the thickness is 3-5 cm. To begin with, you should choose a convenient tool for you to remove the cuticle to be comfortable.

    photos from RU.aliexpress.com

    There are many painless ways to remove the cuticle at home. In the European manicure, soften the cuticle with the help of a traditional nail bath using essential oil. First you need to soften the cuticle on one hand, and push it with a wand closer to the nail plate. Delete the cuticle should be neat, lifting it with a flat side of the stick. You need to clean the part of the cuticle, which is easy to handle and moves out without much effort. Remember that the orange wand is a one-time tool, so the next manicure is desirable to make a clean stick.

    We remove the cuticle with the help of Gel Remurver

    Use a special remover to make the removal become as comfortable as possible. The manicure gel will help you in how to clean the cuticle. After you sprinkled it and rub your hands with a towel, you need to apply on the cuticle of the gel, while looking at the packaging time of action. Removers S. for a short time Withstands are very convenient, but this is achieved by a greater aggressive composition. If you do not rush, it is better to prefer a gel with an average length of withstanding, so as not to damage the nail plate.

    Systematic moisturizing will allow less often to remove the cuticle, retaining the manicure longer. Apply the oil for the cuticle 2 times a day, and in winter - at every opportunity, so that the skin around the nail did not swam.

    The remover covers the skin from 30 seconds to 15 minutes, depending on the type of means, after which it is necessary to erase the napkin. After that, remove it remnants using an orange wand, and the skin move to the nail roller. Know that the gel is harmful to leave on the nails longer than the time specified in the instruction. Experts do not advise them to use them more than 2 times a week.

    Removal of cuticle without breaking: dry manicure technique

    Surprisingly, the manicure can be both softening or dry skin. Before removing the cuticle, the hands must be disinfected. In addition, this procedure will kill the infection, and remove fat from the nail plate, you make a resistant basis on which the varnish will hold better and longer.

    photos from http://irecommend.ru

    For dry manicure you will need:

    • fat nail file;
    • thin nail file;
    • wood made of orange tree or metal blade;
    • napkins;
    • special preparation for removing the cuticle.

    Remove the cuticle at home will help a special preparation, which includes fruit Acid. They contribute to the softening and removing the cuticle, so it is not necessary to unpack it. This is a view of a Remurver that is used exclusively for dry manicure. You can buy it in stores professional funds For nail care.

    photos from fairyland111.blogspot.com

    Before use, be sure to read the instruction, because if the tool remains on the hands longer than necessary, unpleasant consequences will not make it wait. The application of such a Remurver is different from the usual gel: the drug is applied to the cuticle for 2-3 minutes. After that, it must be removed in the standard way. Remember: how to clean the cuticle correctly depends on the type of your skin. If the cuticle is soft, it does not have to clean it, because it will come down. Above the rigid cuticle will need to work more diligently and remove its remaining part with a wand. Make sure that after the procedure remove the entire remaining drug from the nail using a cotton disk with a lotion or nutrient milk.

    To determine the most appropriate way to remove the cuticle at home, see the video, which shows the techniques of the European and classical manicure.

    The modern rhythm of life literally makes girls look well maintained, while spending the minimum of funds and time resources. All sorts of cosmetic treatments for face, hair, body and nails can now be held at home. It is known that hands are a business card of an excellent lady. The careful manicure is accurate, the more elegant fingers look. To achieve the result, high-quality instruments are used, including a beaker for the cuticle.

    Pusher for the cuticle: What is it?

    1. Pusher is a tool for conducting a professional manicure at home or salon. Neil-industry specialists are called Pusher Shabrah, which is also faithful.
    2. The main purpose of the instrument is to give a semicircular symmetrical shape to the nail lie by moving the cuticle to the base of the finger.
    3. Shabra are quite functional. Some of them are equipped with working bases on both sides. For example, the first section (blade) is responsible for displacement of the cuticle. The second (blade, toporist) - it removes it. It turns out a kind of tandem that does not require additional devices.

    Types of Pashers for Cuticula

    In a professional store for nail service masters, you can meet shabra of various sizes and destinations. Depending on the prosecuted purposes, the material from which the tool is made are also different.

    1. One-sided seber has only a shovel, the second side of the device is not involved. The tool performs its function - moves the cuticle.
    2. A double-sided flush is an appliance in the form of a blade at the end. Often the device is equipped with a sharp tip that allows you to clean the cavity under the nail plate. Some models are equipped with a trimmer for cutting the dead skin.
    3. If we talk about a pedicure flush, the device has a larger blade, rather than the rest. This feature is associated with the surface of the nail plate on the fingers.
    4. In addition, the material from which the Shabra is made can be varied. The silicone tip does not allow to damage the skin if the capillaries are too close. Wooden blades Cheap and ecological, metal belong to the professional series.
    5. Regarding the tool shape, sebrables are produced round, square, semicircular, pointed. It all depends on the ultimate goal and the original shape of the nail bed.

    How to choose a kuticule

    1. Pay attention to the material. As mentioned above, the powders are made of plastic, wood, metal. We recommend choosing the last option from stainless medical steel. Plastic and wood tools quickly break.
    2. Metal shabras are suitable for rigid cuticles in men or women. Wooden powders are quickly bent, so they are better to move the soft skin.
    3. If you decide to purchase a bilateral tool, rate the second side. The sharpening should be acute so that when holding it easily cut off the cuticle.
    4. Many cheap devices have a slippery handle, this option is not suitable for you. The base should be ribbed or with a special anti-slip coating.
    5. The most important thing is that it is worth focusing - the shape of the blade. If you have a narrow nail bed, give preference to the pointed Pushubra. Girls with a wide nail plate at the base of the nail fits square, round, semicircular seabers.
    6. It is important to evaluate the work area of \u200b\u200bthe Poucher. Swipe your palm with your fingers. It is important that there are no sharp burrs on the metal that can damage the skin.

    1. If the nails are covered with gel or varnish base, you must first remove. Otherwise, it will not allow the flush to work at a certain angle.
    2. Disinfect Shabra and skin with a special antiseptic for hands. You can also use vodka, medical alcohol, chlorhexidine or peroxide.
    3. Corretize the free edge of the nail, leveling the length. Apply the same shape to the plates, pay attention to the symmetry. Take advantage of a glass pailer to prevent flames and formation of burrs.
    4. Kutila in no case moves in a dry form. You need to disparate your fingers, lowering them into a soap solution or herb bath. When the skin softening, the risk of breaking the cuticle will be reduced to zero.
    5. After breaking, you can use a special cuticle remover if skin growth is too large. Such a move will secure the nail plate from rustling. The tool is distributed strictly over the problem area and withstands 7-10 minutes (the exact time is indicated in the instructions).
    6. Rinse your hands, cover the directional action cuticle. Wrap in the near-gas roller, making a massage. Pump the skin to the bottom of the finger so that further manipulations passed faster. When the oil is absorbed, remove the excess cosmetic tampon.
    7. Apply the sterile blade with a wide part to the nail lodge. Attach the tool to the area of \u200b\u200bthe cuticle, which must be moved away. Observe the angle of 40-45 degrees. Gently move the cuticle to the base of the finger, freeing the plate.
    8. In no case do not move the skin, keeping the tool perpendicular to the nail. With sharp edge, you risk provoking bundle and hurt. Move from the middle to the sides of the oil roller.
    9. Spend manipulations with each nail separately. If you have noticed that the remnants of the skin remain on the plate, with light movements squabble them with a hatch (the second side of the Pucher).
    10. Rinse your hands, treat the skin and the antiseptic tool. Wrap a special oil to mitigate the cuticle, make a massage. Properly conducted procedure does not cause painful sensations and bleeding.

    Use of trimmer for cuticle

    1. Some double-sided powers have a trimmer on the second side, which allows you to cut the cuticle after taking it out. It is not good way to complete the manicure and get rid of burrs.
    2. The trimmer is a V-shaped iron tip, pointed from the inner sides. To complete the manicure, disinfect the tool and fingers. If necessary, score the device.
    3. Place the cuticle between the two trimmer blades, slightly press and move slowly. Seamlessly cut the skin, remove the dead cells in order not to be hurt. Upon completion of manipulations, carry in the near-gas roller softening oil.

    Pusher is rightly considered an indispensable device in the process of manicure. If you do not push the cuticle on time, it grows into the nail plate and weakens it. Often, the shabra is used when removing gel coating or shellac. Choose a tool taking into account the shape of a nail bed, break your fingers before the procedure, always rub special oil in the cuticle.

    Video: Pusher Review

    Cuticle Protects the zone of nail growth (matrix) from the penetration of infection and consists of a leathery roller with a chickened layer of Pesigi, which grows up with a nail plate and grows with her thin film. From this material you will learn how to remove the scratched cuticle and get acquainted with the best modern means to safely perform this procedure at home.

    The hygienic manicure is performed by one of the two main ways, which differ in the technique of removing the burned layers of the cuticle. The classic method provides for circumcision with the flabber "non-residential" of the skin around the nail plate using special manicure tools. When performing the European Unedged Manicure, cutting tools are not applied at all, but special cosmetics To remove the chickened layers of near-gas skin.

    To remove the cuticle without circumcision, you can use a special gel, a liquid with a remover (Cuticle Remover), a pencil with oil and other cosmetics that are softened and dissolve the overall skin of the octologery roller with dead cells, as well as the film of Pesigi on the nails.

    There is a common belief that the unedged manicure refers to the safest methods of removing the increasing cuticle. But if you correctly perform a classic manicure with suitable tools, comply with the technique of correct cutting of oroging skin around the nail plate, do not forget to handle nails with softening and antiseptic means, then the skin surrounding the plate will never be inflamed. Also undesirable to remove the cuticle more often than two times a month.

    ♦ Why should I delete the burned cuticle?

    ▪ Nails with an uneven line of the near-heam roller and protruding scales of Pesigi will surely spoil the appearance of well-groomed female handles. In addition, it is very difficult to apply a smooth layer of varnish or gel varnish on the nail plate with the scales of chickens.

    ▪ Cutting leather around the nail starts to dry and shortly appear burrs and cracks, which can turn into bleeding wounds at the slightest damage. It is also known that he strongly scratching the cuticle slows down the growth of the new nail and can cause the appearance of grooves, uneven areas on the surface of the natural plate.

    ♦ Tools for edged manicure

    A set of these tools will noticeably facilitate the care of the cuticle at home. You will be able to quickly treat the separation areas of the skin and completely remove the plates thoroughly on the surface.

    Scissors to remove cuticle.
    A very convenient tool with tiny sharp blades, slightly curved at the end. The thickness of the blades is minimal, so that you can easily cut the damaged areas of the skin without damaging the separation roller. The "move" of these scissors begins with 1/3 distances from the tip (professional - 2/3). The blades of these manicure scissors are easy to converge and differ in the absence of even minimal backlash.

    Pillet for the cuticle.
    The action of this tool can be compared with the exfoliation of the scrub and other abrasive means for peeling. The working surface of the pail with laser spraying appears outwardly resembles small bees honeycombs. Movement tool can be carried out in all directions, supervised the end in the nail plate. As a result, the burned layer of the Cuticle is erased into small dust, and the "live" fabric is not injured.

    Pusher with a manicure knife and a spatula (or seber).
    This is a multifunctional tool for processing ground skin. The spatula is very convenient to move the cuticle and carefully remove Perigi, without damaging the nail plate. A short blade is convenient to walk along the nail sinus and remove the skinned skin layer.

    Trimmer for manicure.
    This tool is split at the end in the form of the letter V and has a hollow with pointed edges. The trimmer is very convenient to remove the damaged layers of the Cuticle literally in one movement.

    This tool can remove the protruding edge of the cuticle, which you need to move back to the procedure.

    The book blades are very tight, easily removing burrs and any protruding sections of burner skin adjacent to the nail plate.

    ♦ How to remove cuticle with tools

    Before the procedure it is useful to make a softening bath to the cuticle and all the octal skin is more supportive for processing tools. Pour in the bath for hands or a glass of warm water and add 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 2-3 drops of essential oil (tea tree, patchouli, lemon or bergamot). Immerse your fingers in the bath and after 15 minutes dryly wash your soft towel.

    Move the cuticle.
    Take the Pusher and the blade to move the cuticle, without pressing strongly on the nail bed. Short reciprocating movements move from one edge of the nail roller to another and back.

    We remove the outstanding side edges of the nail plate.
    We take a nippers and bite the plates resting in the side rollers. The blades of the tool must be directed parallel to the side rollers.

    Form of nail.
    At this stage, the shape of the free edge of the nail is usually adjusted. Take the glass file and boil the free edge, moving from the center to the side rollers (first on one side of the plate, and then on the other).

    Processing side rollers.
    Now we take a nippers and carefully remove the skinned skin layer from the side rollers. Keep the tool Exactly, do not raise the blades and do not capture too large skin pieces to not injure the nail bed. (If you have a special cuticle file, it is more convenient and safer to handle the side rollers with this tool).

    Removing the scorched cuticle.
    I turn the novel on yourself. It is easiest to get rid of burrs and from the buried edge of the cuticle with special scissors. But you can perform a procedure and laying, biting dry skin with small pieces and moving from one edge of the base of the nail to another. PTRIG's thin film can be pulled off to the bottom of the nail and remove the manicure trimmer.

    Cleaning back side Free edge.
    After removing the burned areas around the nails, dirt can be accumulated under the free edge. Passionate on each nail.

    After removing the eroded layers of near-gas skin, it is advisable to handle fingers with an antiseptic. Ideally, if after performing the edged manicure, there are no burrs and microtrams. But if you accidentally hurt the "live fabric", you can put a piece of a piece of maminated in hydrogen peroxide.

    Mitigating and moisturizing.
    It remains to be labeled in the cuticle and side rollers special softening butter or moisturizing hand cream.

    ♦ Cosmetics for unedged manicure

    This tool today is rapidly gaining popularity, since not only easily separates the burdensome particles of the cuticle, but also quickly softens the skin around the nail plate. Disparing your fingers before applying the gel to remove the cuticle is not necessary. It is enough to apply the remedy for the separation of the skin and on the nail thin layer, and then wait five minutes. After that, we move the cuticle with an orange stick and clean the tips of the fingers from the residues of burner skin. Popular Brands: Sally Hansen Gel Cuticle Remover, Aravia Professional "Cuticle Remover", Alessandro Cuticle Remover Fluid, Severina, Novosvit

    This Remover is very convenient to use - it is enough to squeeze a few drops of fluid from the nose onto the nail and distribute with a brush on the cuticle, side rollers and a plate. After 3-4 minutes, the burned particles and Pesigs are quickly peeled with an orange stick. Popular brands: Inki Cuticle Remover Liquid, Eveline Spa Manicure, Belita-WitEx Pro Manicure with Lavender Oil, Prolinc Be Natural Cuticle Eliminator.

    At the tip of the pencil there is a special dispenser, through which the desired amount of the Remurver is squeezed and the means is easily distributed over the surface of the cuticle, nail and side rollers. Literally a few minutes you can start removing the remnants of the burned flakes of an orange stick. Popular Brands: Nail Cuticle Softener, AMAKAWA BLUE, PLANET NAILS, ORLY "Cutique" Cuticle & Stain Remover


    This cosmetic means not only removes, but also softens, moisturizes the cuticle, makes gentle octal skin skin more resistant to damage. Therefore, after applying the oil on the nails and the burned skin, wait 10-15 minutes, and then remove the remnants of exhaust scales. Popular brands: Bohema Natural Cuticle Softener, Domix Green Professional.

    ♦ How to remove cuticle with a Remurver

    First, we will perform the standard procedures of the hygienic manicure: we give the free edge of each nail to the free edge of each nail, then we make a bath with a dissolved sea salt in warm water. Hold your fingers in the bath of 10 minutes, wash your napkin dry and treat the antiseptic.

    Apply a Remurver.
    Uniformly distribute the tool (gel, oil, liquid) to remove the cuticle on each nail plate and the near-tuning area with damage layers of the skin. Then you need to wait about five minutes so that the dry skin pecks over.

    Removal of remnants of burned scales.
    Rounded the end of the orange sticks move the cuticle and remove the remains of the scales, moving on the base of the nail to the free edge. After that, we clean the nail sinus and the plate from the leather residues to the sharp finish.

    Rinsing fingers in water.
    Immerse your fingers in warm water, and then thoroughly wipe your hands with a towel.

    Handling with alcohol.
    Unpack the alcohol napkin and wipe each nail.

    Applying a strengthening agent.
    Useful after the procedure to apply a strengthening agent on the nail plates so that our novels grow strong, smooth and not resolve. You can make a homemade mask based on oils, lemon juice And red pepper or take advantage of the purchased strengthener (for example, "smart enamel").

    Applying olive oil.
    In order to prevent the appearance of burrs, cracks and bleeding damage to dry ground skin, treat the skin around the nail with olive oil with a cotton wand.

    After about 30 minutes, you can remove the remains of the oil with a clean napkin.

    To strengthen the nail plates and improve the state of the incomplete skin, it is useful to do several times a month paraffin therapy, using special cosmetics (cold way) or paraffin baths (hot method). Paraffin therapy can be alternating from home page

    Pusher, or Shabra - tool for manicure, allowing you to safely remove cuticle, form a shape, cleaning the skin around the nail. The device is efficient and useful. With the help of a shabra, you can provide aesthetics of hands at home.

    It is important to learn professional use techniquesAnd also learn about the rules of secure procedures, the choice of tools and disinfection steps to create a flawless manicure.

    What is Pusher (Shabra)

    A manicure seaman is a special device, according to its form resembling a flat or slightly curved spatula, repeating the rounded shape of the nail plate.

    It can be made of any materials. - Tree, plastic, silicone, but the highest quality and durable models are made of high-strength metal alloy. The tool is equipped with two working parties, each of which has a functional destination.

    A beveled or smooth blade is designed to form a hole shape by moving the cuticle and a special layer, the ptigirosis remaining on the surface. Owning the skin and freeing it, it is so possible to accelerate the growth of the plate.

    Acute metal blade cutter helps cut off small defects, sowing, irregularities of the cuticle. The side-hatch must work carefully so as not to damage the neighboring sites.

    Also, an acute part can be easily and quickly cleaned free edge, side sinuses from pollution, give a aesthetic appearance. Manipulations allow the useful substances to penetrate deep into, eating, softening, preventing increasing, dryness of the cuticle.

    Scheber for manicure (or pascher) combines the functions of several manicure tools

    Pusher - professional tool combining a function of several manicure devices, such as orange sticks, curetles for nails and even partially manicure scissors.


    Shaber - professional tool, but can easily be used to create a manicure at home. One aspect of high-quality and safe care is the optimal choice.

    Main classification:

    1. Medical devicesused in the dental industry.
    2. For pedicureused to care for nail plates on the legs.
    3. Manicure. This type of tool is used to handle nail on hand, can be used in salons or for home care.
    Shaped shabra are divided into round, oval, square and flat

    There is a more detailed classification, subdivient shaped shaped:

    1. Flat. The form is classic, but is rarely used, since it does not have the desired bend on the shape of the nail.
    2. Oval. The safest devices can be used even inexperienced manicure masters at home, as they are devoid of sharp corners capable of damaging the gentle skin around the plate.
    3. Square. Suitable for manicure nail square shapes.
    4. Round. Safe, without sharp speaker angles, tools allow us to handle the edge of the classical almond plate.

    By material manufacturing are shabra:

    • from plastic;
    • silicone;

    One of the types of Shabraov - Silicone
    • tree;
    • medical steel.

    The latter are most popular, differ long service life, safety, functionality, are sterilized. Plastic and silicone models are exposed only to surface disinfection, the material is not adapted for high-temperature processing.

    But pusher from polyurethane is suitable for highly sensitive skin sections With a rounded tip in the form of an empty, as he is able to delicately push the cuticle, to gently clean the platinum from the PTEGIRI.

    Private view of the pathors - with a wide working surface in the form of a knife-spatula. Such models are designed to work with the ingrown nails and processing wide nail plates, are often used for pedicure.

    According to the functional purpose of the blade there are:

    • one-sided, with one working surface;
    • double-sided, with two working surfaces, for pushing the cuticle and cleansing the skin from the PTEGII;
    • with rubber tips, for safe processing of sensitive sites;
    • with straight or beveled spatula;
    • with a tip of a peak to remove contamination of the freedom of a piece of nail and sinuses.

    A high-quality tool has all work units that provide functionality must be disfunned. This will provide simplicity of service, sharpening, disinfection so that the Pusher serve for many years.

    To eliminate sliding in hand, the shabra handle is covered with threads with deep grooves for the convenience of manipulations. Small notches are used for easy roasted excessive skin, shape modeling.

    Tool Selection Rules

    Those who perform the manicure on their own, it is necessary to pick up a high-quality push. From how far the form, material and additional functionality are suitable in an individual case, depends on the aesthetics and safety of manicure.

    When choosing a shabra, you must consider the shape of the tool, focusing on the shape of your nails

    The device must necessarily be individual Or subject to full sterilization after each use.

    To choose the right seabers, you need to follow simple tips:

    • Quality. For permanent use, it is recommended to select seabers from high-alloyed medical steel. Such a tool, subject to compliance with the rules of use, timely sharpening and regular disinfection, can serve as decades.
    • The form. One of the important aspects is the optimal shape of the blade, which should correspond to the form of a nail plate. The algorithm is simple: the already the plate is already the work surface of the blade.

    It is also necessary to pay attention to the shape, since the square is not suitable for almond nails, and vice versa. Universal is considered an oval form of manipulaallowing you to gently push and remove the cuticle by working with any nail shape.

    • Functional. In this aspect of the choice it is important to proceed from individual preferences, choosing either a classic one-sided blade, or a two-sided work surface.
    • Manufacturer and place of purchase. By purchasing a tool, you need to give preference to brand models, focus on the reviews and reputation of the manufacturer. Also, the purchase should be performed in specialized points of sale, avoiding trays in the markets.
    • Convenience. Comfort during the use of Shabra is the basis. The shabra handle must be comfortably lying in the hand, have an optimal length according to the hand length of the wizard.

    There are models from 110 to 150 mm long, the larger the brush of the wizard, the longer there should be a shabra. The handle should not slip and spin during manipulations, it can lead to injury plate and fabrics around.

    The most popular brands of manufacturers - Lazeti, Yoko, Zinger, O.P.I., Metzger. Today, universal models are offered, allowing several manicure processes.

    An interesting novelty in the beauty industry - a blade with a magnetic surface, which allows you to create an intricate pattern on the nails.

    Preparation of nails

    Schebrapers for manicure allows you to quickly and comfortably remove the cuticle, moving it away, and then cutting the bevelled part or scissors.

    To make the procedure as safe as possible and without injury, it is necessary to provide nails preparation that takes place in several stages:

    • Cleaning From varnish and pollution. It is carried out using special means, it is recommended to use the composition without the content of acetone, which cuts the plate and contributing to its structural destruction.
    • Modeling. Before the start of the phased procedure, the manicure needs to perform modeling, giving the nails form. It can be any, but it is recommended to follow a simple rule, choosing a form in accordance with the line of the Cuticle.

    For example, if the link is oval bending, then the nails are most harmonious, almond-shaped or classical oval form. For processing, chosen file with small diamond or mineral spraying.

    Before using a manicure seaman, nails should be given the desired shape and to better disappear to the cuticle
    • Sparking. To make the skin around becoming more suppliance, it must be softened. For this, a bath with hot water is prepared, in which hands are immersed for 5-10 minutes.
    • To mitigate the cuticle You can add 1 tbsp. l. Sea salts, as well as additionally use decoctions, special means, creams, oils, scrubs. At this stage, not only the mitigation of the oroging skin, but also to strengthen the plate.
    • After softening the skin, the hand is wiped with a pure cotton towel, giving the moisture remnants. The cuticle is additionally treated with a softening agent and proceed with the processing of a shabra.

    How to use for cuticle

    The main purpose of the shabra is to gently move and remove the cuticle, freeing and simulating the nail well for accelerated growth and external aesthetics of the hands.

    The shovel-Pusher is easy to apply without having an appropriate experience, but it is important to operate according to a given algorithm:

    • Correct the instrument on the material of the manufacture and form of the plate. For solid cuticle, it is better to use a metal device. To remove sensitive and soft leather around the nail, a device from plastic or silicone is used.

    • Moisten the skin around the nail. This will help facilitate the process of removing the cuticle. Restressing solid and dry peel is a great risk of damage and painful sensations during manipulation.
    • Treat cuticle with softening butter, leaving for action for 1-2 minutes.
    • The shovel to move the skin with progressive movements from the edge to its base, holding a tool strictly at an angle of 45 degrees. Too intense pressure may damage the plate. Manipulation repeat with each finger.
    • The sharp side of the tool get rid of the cuticle, carefully cutting it off. If the cuticle is quite wide and fat, it is better to use scissors. After the completion of the procedure, the cuticle is lubricated with softening and nutrient oil of peach or grape bones, tea tree, avocado or lavender.

    If there are bursavires, you can remove them under the base with scissors, the contamination is easily removed by the sharp part of the flush. If the cuticle is shifted badly, and the procedure itself causes an unpleasant feeling, it is worth just to increase the skin softening in the water.

    It is necessary to act neatly, carefullySince coarse manipulations can lead to injury to the nail, contribute to curvature and slowing the growth of the plate.

    After the shab procedure, it is necessary to disinfect, keep the tool recommended in a special case.

    Removal of gel varnish

    The manicure shabra can also be used to remove gel varnish. It is believed that gel varnish spoils the nail plate. In fact, if the composition does not contain harmful substances, the injury plate can apply the procedure for improper removal of the color film. This can lead to thinning, decrease and violation of the structure.

    In order to remove gel varnish with a push, you must follow the recommendations:

    • First, the pail is grinding, removing the finishing gel layer. It is he who does not give penetration into the solution, preventing the removal of gel varnish.
    • Cat disk cut into four sectors. Each sector to moisten in a liquid for removing the varnish without the content of acetone, attach it to the nail.
    • From above, each finger wrap tightly foil for better penetration of the solution. It is necessary to wrap it with a glossy foil side inside, which is capable of reflecting heat again, directing it inside.

    • To detach from the nail, a professional gel lacquer is required from 12 to 20 minutes. It is forbidden to raise the foil wrap, since the intake of oxygen acts oppressingly on the process of detachment of varnish.
    • After the film has departed, it is removed by the Pusher, moving from the cuticle to the free edge. It is necessary to exfoliate without pressing the plate. If the lacquer spacked well, remove it easily with a flush.

    The remnants of the gel varnish can be removed, the surface of the blades or the saw with a soft abrasive already served. Such a procedure can cause dry skin dryness. After removing the gel varnish, it is recommended to apply on the skin, nail plate and cuticle moisturizing cream or softening safflower oil with vitamin E, massaging every finger for better penetration of nutrients into the skin.

    Disinfection of tool

    A manicure seaman, like any tool used for this procedure, must be subject to mandatory disinfection. According to practice, it is because of the violations of the sterilization and disinfection algorithm and disinfection, customers are infected with coccular infections, pediculose, fungal infections, as well as more serious viruses that carry serious danger to life and health.

    Manicure tools, including and shabra, are subject to mandatory disinfection

    Regardless of the place of manicure, the blade, like any other tool, must be subject to regular disinfection. In the salons, as a rule, the sterilization method is used, the principle of which is to complete the destruction of microbes and bacteria. In this way, you can destroy such dangerous viruses as HIV and hepatitis.

    Full disinfection includes several stages:

    • Mechanical cleaning. At the first stage, the tool is cleaned from leather residues, particles, fat traces, remnants used to mitigate and remove funds. It is performed using brushes, finish washing under running water. If traces of blood remained on the shovel in case of injury to the skin, it is necessary to first carry out the disinfects.
    • Disinfection. The working disinfector is prepared on specifically established standards. Chemical compounds may be added to it in accordance with the list allowed by the Ministry of Health. The composition is prepared according to the instructions in which the expiration date, composition, proportion and concentration are indicated.
    For disinfection of manicure tools often use lysoming 3000

    Disinfection can be carried out using lysometrima 3000, Maxisana, Bionol Forte, diosone, Helipher and other permitted compounds. At home, you can use alcohol with a concentration of 70%.

    • Sterilization. There are several types of specialized chambers for sterilization. For manicure steel tools, sterilization is used in ultrasound, dry, quartz, ultraviolet cabinets and autoclaves. At home, sterilization is hosted by boiling, with the help of a double boiler, a brass cabinet and a microwave oven.

    Applying a step-by-step disinfection algorithm, one can achieve complete sterility of the tool, so that the manicure procedure is absolutely safe.

    How to sharpen at home

    Sharpening tool must be sharp enough to do not form irregularities in the process, sowing on the skin. The sharper sharpening, the safer tool to use. To check it is enough to spend a sharp end on the surface of the nail. If it remains a holistic, not scratched, then the tool is sharp enough.

    The sharpening is produced at least 1 time per year. It can also be carried out more often, it all depends on the frequency and features of the use of the flush, as well as the quality of steel tool. You can return the lost sharpness to Sabera in specialized points where the Pusher Pusher sharpener is performed on special equipment.

    If you sharpen the instrument urgently and it is not possible to give a tool into the hands of a professional master, at home, it is also possible to carry out a similar procedure:

    1. take emery paper with medium-trimmed coating;
    2. conduct a scraper on paper several times strictly in one direction;
    3. perform grinding fine-grained emery paper ("zero").

    Such express sharpening Pushusor is enough for 1-2 procedures, after which the procedure needs to repeat or give the tool to restore the lost acute professional.

    Convenient device for manicure - Shabra, with which you can comfortably and safely conduct a procedure at home, return aesthetics and a healthy look of nails. It is recommended to follow the tips to the instrument. As well as for convenience and security, follow the disinfection and use of the fluster.

    Article clearance: Natalie Podolskaya

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