• Fruit peeling for the face. Peeling with fruit acids (fruit peeling) will make your skin glow. Types of fruit acids


    Marina Ignatieva

    Reading time: 13 minutes

    A A

    Fruit peels are a variety. It is carried out, as the name suggests, with fruit acids. Fruit peels are virtually skin-friendly and very gentle.

    Fruit peeling procedure, its features

    This procedure is intended to reduce oily skin and rejuvenate it . The most important feature the procedure is that it is superficial.
    In general, fruit acids are correctly named ANA acids or alpha hydroxy acids ... They affect only dead cells and do not affect the performance of healthy cells in any way. Fruit acids are also extracted from natural fruits and produced synthetically. For fruit peeling, a typical set of acids is used:

    • Glycolic - (sugarcane, synthetic);
    • Dairy - (sour milk, tomatoes, blueberries, synthetic);
    • Apple;
    • Wine - (wine, grapes);
    • Lemon - (pineapple, citrus).
    • traces of acne and blackheads
    • skin problems associated with hormonal changes in the body
    • problematic and excessively oily teenage skin

    Fruit acids have excellent antioxidant effect on the upper layers of the skin. In general, almost all of the rejuvenating effect lies in stimulating the synthesis of its own intradermal collagen and glycosaminoglycans.

    Contraindications for peeling with fruit acids

    • various skin diseases;
    • the tendency of the skin to scar formation;
    • skin sensitivity
    • allergic reactions to drug components;
    • neoplasms on the skin, hirsutism;
    • the tendency of the skin to post-traumatic pigmentation;
    • the use of photosensitizing substances (essential oils of bergamot, St. John's wort extract, tetracycline and others) and retinol
    • pregnancy and lactation

    Tools used during the exfoliation procedure in the salon

    • a spear
    • uno-spear
    • skimmer
    • skimmer spear
    • Vidal's needle
    • Magnifier Lamp
    • in the range
    • combination spoon
    • micro hook
    • disposable sticks and napkins.

    Description of the fruit peeling procedure

    • On wet skin, avoiding eye contact, applied , which is washed out to foam, after which the face is thoroughly rinsed with cool water.
    • Then evenly over the entire face, starting with the least sensitive areas: nose and forehead, continuing with the periphery of the cheeks, neck, chin and décolleté, and ending with the eyelids and cheekbones, with a soft brush the fruit lotion is applied for peeling. Apply the lotion in strips so that they do not overlap.
    • During the procedure, you may experience slight burning or tingling sensation ... The exposure time of the fruit peel depends on the individual sensitivity of the skin (usually one to three minutes).
    • The procedure time is about 20 minutes.

    Fruit peeling prices quite acceptable and vary from the amount 1500 rubles and above in various clinics and salons.

    Skin exposure time fruit acids are considered one of the most important factors determining the effectiveness of this peeling. However, the time is not strictly fixed, since it largely depends on the thickness of the stratum corneum of your skin, its type, sensitivity to acid, barrier properties. So peeling exposure time is selected individually by a cosmetologist .
    The effect of fruit peeling lasts approximately six months to a year. Then you can repeat the procedure.
    In the video below, you can learn more about the procedure for carrying out fruit peeling.

    Video: peeling procedure with fruit acids

    • During the course of fruit peeling, categorically it is forbidden to expose the skin of the face to ultraviolet rays and other stressful influences in order to avoid the formation of age spots!
    • In no case do not repeat fruit peels at home !
    • The mode of cleansing the skin after peeling should, first of all, sparing !

    Results of the fruit peeling procedure

    Fruit peeling will give your skin firmness, freshness, will return her lost elasticity and will help effectively get rid of the manifestation of the first age-related troubles ... The peeling result will be especially noticeable if you have oily skin, because after the procedure, the work of the sebaceous glands will normalize, the pores will be cleansed, which will prevent the appearance of acne. Also, after a fruit peel the pigmented areas of the skin are lightened .

    Precautions for Doing a Fruit Peel at Home

    At home, you can use a variety of creams and gels, which include fruit acids .

    Their concentration in cosmetics small, so they are quite safe for the skin. However, despite this, before using the remedy you have chosen carefully read the instructions attached to it , test for allergic skin reactions and consult a cosmetologist .

    The home peeling procedure has been known for a long time. As peeling agents, a variety of agents are used that differ in composition and presence of active substances. For example, peels with fruit acids are popular, which have proven themselves on the positive side, in addition to this, they can also be used at home.

    Fruit cleansing of the skin allows you to remove keratinized microparticles of the epidermis, and a properly performed procedure relieves the face of such an unpleasant phenomenon as fresh acne and their traces. It effectively removes fine wrinkles, improves complexion and structure of the face, tightens pores and increases the activity of oxygen metabolism.

    How to properly peel fruit and what fruit acids can you use at home?

    The main types of fruit acids

    This peeling treatment with fruit acids is ideal for all skin types. After such cleansing, the work of the sebaceous glands is stabilized, the skin tone improves, the likelihood of developing inflammations such as acne and blackheads decreases, and also heals acne. After its application, wrinkles are noticeably reduced, disappear dark spots.

    The following types of acids are used for fruit peels:

    • Apple (natural or synthetic).
    • Dairy (all dairy products).
    • Lemon (citrus and pineapple).
    • Wine (wine and grapes).
    • Glycolic (sugar cane, sugar beet).

    Types of fruit peels include:

    • Lactic.
    • Glycolic.
    • Apple.
    • Pyruvic.
    • Citric.

    Each of these procedures has an individual action:

    1. Apple and wine - brighten the skin and increase its elasticity.
    2. Lemon - activates collagen production.
    3. Milky - is a natural moisturizer, visibly brightens the skin and gives it an even color.
    4. Glycolic - not only perfectly exfoliates dead particles of the epidermis, which is characteristic of all peels, epidermis, but due to the minimum size of its molecule, it is able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, thereby helping to smooth uneven areas of the skin in places where scars are present and the like.

    Indications for the procedure

    The fruit procedure is one of the types of chemical peeling, and in terms of the depth of its effect it is considered superficial, that is, its effect affects the surface layer of the epidermis. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account such an important fact that all these acids at a low pH value can also be middle peels, especially glucolic, therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the proportions of pH with the concentration indicator. The fact is, the higher the concentration percentage, the higher the pH should be, otherwise you can burn the skin.

    Peels with natural fruit acids are perfect for women with oily, dry and aging skin, a faded complexion, and those with freckles and age spots. Acids stimulate collagen production, thereby reducing the brightness of wrinkles. An important advantage of fruit acids is their versatility.

    The indications for cleansing the face with fruit acids are:

    • Tired-looking skin.
    • Pigmentation.
    • Small wrinkles.
    • Acne.
    • Enlarged pores.
    • Increased dryness.
    • Problematic or oily skin.
    • Decreased elasticity or firmness of the skin.
    • Comedones.
    • Stretch marks.

    Regular home peels using fruit acids help to improve the general condition of the skin, give it a beautiful healthy look, the skin is smoothed and velvety.

    However, in order to maximize the effect, it is necessary to carefully select cleaning agents for home use and observe the accuracy of their recipes.

    Contraindications to the procedure

    Fruit peeling cannot be done if at least one of the following factors is present:

    • Inflammation of the skin.
    • Couperose.
    • Allergic phenomena.
    • Herpes with exacerbation.
    • Blood pathologies.
    • Hyper sensitive skin.
    • Damage to the skin.
    • Infections.
    • Vascular network.
    • Diabetes.
    • Diseases of the skin.
    • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
    • Fresh tan.

    For those women whose skin is characterized by increased dryness, it is better to use peeling with lactic acid. After each cleansing, you must use nourishing creams and regenerating creams with aloe, as well as alginate or special therapeutic and regenerating masks, which will accelerate the process of epidermis restoration.

    Preparation for peeling

    As with any peeling performed outside the beauty salon, the procedure using fruit acids requires preliminary preparation, in which dead cells are removed, which can hinder the effect of the fruit procedure.

    Do not ignore this stage, considering it an unimportant part. Agree, if the skin is carefully prepared for the future procedure, then the effectiveness of the result from it will be higher. So where do you start?

    A week before the planned action, try not to injure the skin with any cleansing, give up scrubs, avoid sunbathing. It is also necessary to protect the face from accidental microscopic injuries, since the presence of any cracks or cuts on the face is completely undesirable, they can cause inflammation.


    When the skin of the face is prepared, you can start the procedure.

    The cleaning itself is performed in the following sequence:

    • First of all, do an allergic test.
    • Remove makeup residues and dirt.
    • Apply peeling agent with fruit acids on clean face skin. Perhaps at this stage there will be a slight tingling and burning sensation, which is a natural reaction of the skin to acidic substances.
    • Peeling mixture, withstand a certain time, according to the instructions.
    • Apply neutralizer and let sit for 1 minute.
    • Then it is thoroughly washed off with clean cool water.
    • A moisturizing and soothing cream is applied to the face. In addition, the peeling procedure can be extended with a serum and mask, taking into account the type of skin.

    Do not forget that at home, fruit-acid cleaning can be performed only with the composition of which does not have an increased aggressive effect. Of course, the effect from them will not be as strong as from those that are performed in beauty salons, but they are completely harmless, and the risk of undesirable consequences is minimal. In this case, the final result will be exactly the same as from the salon procedure, only not the first time, but after 3-4 procedures.

    Post-peel care

    Home procedures for cleansing the face with fruit acids, although they are considered mild, and their effect is gentle, after they are carried out, a number of rules must be observed, because such peeling, to some extent, destroys the upper layer of the epidermis. Usually, after it, a slight redness is observed on the face, which is considered a normal phenomenon, which passes quickly.

    The first days after the procedure, be sure to avoid stressful situations, such as the sun's rays, and visits to the solarium, which is fraught with the appearance of age spots. If you use decorative cosmetics, then choose only hypoallergenic or with a soft structure. Let the skin of the face rest, breathe and absorb the beneficial substances as much as possible.

    Also, in the post-peeling period, you cannot use scrubs and other products with abrasive particles that can damage the epidermis. An excellent option will be the use of post-peeling agents with acids with a low percentage of the acid that was present in the peeling performed. This approach is explained by the fact that such an amount of this acid is quite enough for it to dissolve exfoliated skin particles without any damage, as well as prolong the effect of the peeling procedure and promote comfortable healing of the epidermis.

    Possible complications after peeling

    Peeling procedure with fruit acids is one of the most popular types of facial cleansing. When used correctly, it does not cause negative consequences at all, however, in some cases, skin redness, peeling, itching discomfort and a feeling of "tightness" of the skin can be observed, which is a normal phenomenon that quickly passes.

    Although this peeling is distinguished by a gentle and gentle effect, however, after its application, the risk of the formation of age spots increases several times. Therefore, it is better to use it in the autumn-winter time. In order to avoid burns, the concentration of the peeling mixture must not be increased above that specified in the recipe and its exposure time on the face. Do not forget that the result of the procedure does not appear immediately, and if you overexpose it, you risk waking up in the morning with severe redness and damaged skin.

    Peeling at home

    For home use, it is necessary to select surface fruit peels, this will be enough to get a positive result. The use of fruit peels with a higher acid content can lead to epidermal burns, they are done only in salons.

    Also, do not forget that the peeling mixture cannot be applied around the eyes, unless it is indicated in the instructions, since there are peeling products for the skin around the eyes. If this is the first procedure for you, then the time should not be more than three minutes, but the duration of the next one can be increased by a couple of minutes. In the event that pre-peeling preparation has not been performed, then you should not keep peeling for more than 1 minute the first time.

    How often can peeling be done?

    Each woman has an individual skin type, therefore, the frequency of fruit-acid should be performed taking into account this important nuance and according to the information indicated in the instructions.

    Also, an important point is the woman's age and the individual characteristics of the condition of her facial skin. The optimal frequency for peeling with fruit acids is once a week. However, for oily skin, the procedure can be done 2 times a week, but with dry skin - 1 time in 14 days.

    Skin cleansing is the only way to deal with many problems, and fruit peels for the face are considered one of the safest methods offered by cosmetology. Even expensive preparations used to care for the skin are not able to cope with several problems at once - greasy untidy shine, enlarged pores, fine wrinkles. Only cleansing with chemical compounds or special devices can provide positive results. Women do not always have the desire or opportunity to go to the beautician's office to expose the dermis to aggressive compounds that can cause unpleasant complications. Cleaning can be done at home, it is quite easy if you carefully study all the qualities and properties of preparations based on fruit acid and carry out the procedure correctly.

    Fruit peeling of the face is a procedure in the continuation of which acids are used, which gently cleanse the surface of the dermis. The peculiarity of using the composition is that it is one of the safest for the skin. The impact occurs on the surface of the skin, the active ingredients do not penetrate deep into the tissues of the epidermis. Thanks to this, the dermis is not injured, and the recovery period takes only a few days.

    • pigment spots, freckles disappear;
    • folds, wrinkles are smoothed;
    • sebaceous glands reduce activity, untidy shine, dull color disappears;
    • enlarged pores narrow;
    • rashes, black dots are removed.

    Do you know? Acids can be used for minor problems. The composition effectively whitens the dermis, the skin acquires an even, healthy shade.

    To carry out manipulations to cleanse the skin, you can use a number of fruit acids, united by one common feature - they act softly and safely for the tissues of the epidermis. Cosmetologists recommend this technique even for women suffering from skin sensitivity - side effects occur extremely rarely.

    Fruit peels for the face are the only cleansing technique using aggressive ingredients that do not injure the skin. Carry out manipulations with drugs based on such acids:

    • milk (moisturizes, refreshes, increases elasticity and turgor, eliminates wrinkles);
    • glycolic (affects expression lines, lightens pigment spots, freckles);
    • lemon (whitens the dermis, disinfects);
    • wine (exfoliates keratinized particles of the skin);
    • apple (actively restores the skin at the cellular level).

    Do you know? The effect of fruit preparations is different, therefore, the cosmetologist selects the composition for cleaning. The master determines the problem that needs to be eliminated, and then applies the most effective drug. The condition of the dermis, age, and facial features are also taken into account.

    To carry out a fruit peel at home, it is not necessary to experiment and mix formulations from available ingredients - fruits and citrus fruits. You can buy ready-made preparations that are easy to use on your own. Mass market offers several products recommended by cosmetologists for home use.

    AHA 8%

    The drug is most often used against pigment spots, freckles. The composition carefully exfoliates the surface of the skin, evens out the shade, slightly tightens the facial contours.


    Recommended for use against rash scars. You can fight the first age-related changes. Active ingredients composition penetrate the tissues of the epidermis, saturate them with moisture and nutrients. Most often, the drug is used on mature, emaciated skin.

    Reveal peel

    Recommended for women who are accustomed to using scrubs to cleanse their face. Unlike aggressive preparations, gel peeling will gently remove dead skin particles of the dermis without causing irritation or discomfort. Can be used against the activity of the sebaceous glands - untidy shine disappears for a long time.

    Do you know? Before proceeding with the manipulations at home, be sure to consult a beautician, inquire in detail about the stages of cleaning. Errors made in the use of the drug can affect the condition of the face.

    Fruit peeling at home can be carried out with citruses or fruits of trees - the effect will be no worse than after using cosmetic preparations. It is too often not recommended to carry out procedures using self-prepared products. Enough once every 10-12 days.

    Banana, lemon

    Fruit peeling recipes are hard to imagine without a combination of tropical fruits, which have wonderful qualities - they cleanse the skin, relieve signs of aging, even out facial relief and tighten sagging.


    1. Turn half a banana into a smooth puree; you can cook it with a fork or blender.
    2. Add cane sugar (25 g) to the banana puree.
    3. Pour 20 ml of citrus juice (usually lemon or orange), 200 ml of fermented baked milk into the mixture.
    4. Stir the composition until smooth.

    The effect will take about five minutes - it is not recommended to increase the duration of the procedure.

    Strawberries, coffee

    The strawberry-based composition must be used with caution, especially for women, whose body reacts unpredictably to red berries. If there are no negative reactions, you can use a remedy against age-related changes, oily dull shine, spots and rashes.


    1. Grind 200 gr. fresh strawberries into a homogeneous mass, you can use a blender for this.
    2. Put 25 gr in strawberry puree. drunk coffee grounds.
    3. Rub the egg into foam, pour in a thin stream into the strawberry mass.
    4. Stir, use immediately.

    The composition must be kept on the face for no more than 10 minutes - if you extend the exposure time, you can get side effects in the form of rashes or red spots.

    Apricot, coffee

    The composition based on apricot fruits gently cleanses the dermis, evens out the shade, refreshes and eliminates traces of fatigue.


    1. Grind 3-5 apricot fruits into a homogeneous mass.
    2. Add drunk coffee grounds (15 gr.) To the apricot puree.
    3. Put 25 gr into the mixture. honey (if you are allergic to bee products, prepare peeling without this component).

    Leave the mass on the skin for 6-8 minutes.

    Kiwi, banana

    The nutritional composition enriches the epidermis tissues with useful substances, moisture, while simultaneously cleansing the dermis from oily sheen, rashes, keloid scars, blackheads.


    1. Mash half a kiwi and a quarter of a banana.
    2. Put in fruit mass 15 gr. semolina.
    3. Pour the contents of the ampoule with vitamin A into the mixture.
    4. Stir, use immediately.

    The duration of the manipulations is a quarter of an hour. If the mass is liquid and does not apply well to the face, you can add a little semolina.

    Sour cream, salt


    1. Leave sour cream (25 ml) at room temperature for a quarter of an hour.
    2. Add salt (20 gr.) To the fermented milk product.
    3. Stir the mixture, the salt crystals should not completely melt.

    After spreading over the face, leave the mixture for 5 minutes. When applying, do not use force, do not rub - peeling may cause irritation.

    Do you know? Home peeling with fruit acids is considered a safe procedure. Do not forget that even harmless ingredients can cause irritation. Be sure to pre-test the prepared composition. To do this, apply 3-5 drops of the product to the area behind the ear and wait 1-3 hours. If there are no alarms, you can start peeling.

    Peeling with fruit acids at home should be carried out in several stages, each of which should be performed in accordance with the recommendations of cosmetologists. It is better not to carry out experiments on the skin - this threatens with unpleasant consequences, which will have to be corrected in a beauty salon.

    The peeling procedure should be carried out in the following order:

    1. Thoroughly cleanse the dermis; you can use a scrub, gel or foam.
    2. Apply a thin, even layer of the prepared product.
    3. Remove the composition after the required time (the exposure time must be indicated in the recipe).
    4. Wash with cool water.
    5. Blot away any remaining moisture, apply a nourishing or moisturizing preparation.

    Carrying out peeling at home has several rules that will help prevent unpleasant consequences and increase the effectiveness of the use of fruit formulations. It does not matter what means are used - purchased or prepared independently, they have general requirements for carrying out manipulations:

    • do not use metal tools during the procedure for mixing or applying products;
    • use the composition immediately after preparation - during storage in it, bacteria can start up, which will cause considerable harm to the person;
    • before cleaning, make sure that the skin does not react with alarms to the product;
    • be sure to wash until the product is completely removed;
    • it is better to carry out manipulations just before bedtime; do not go outside after applying the peeling;
    • if unpleasant discomfort appears on the face while using the fruit composition, immediately remove it and apply a sedative.

    Do you know? Cleaning at home in summer is not recommended. the best time for manipulating fruit compositions - winter or autumn.

    The question that often arises among women cleaning at home is how to properly care after the procedure. There are no special requirements here, but some recommendations must be followed:

    • after peeling, it is better not to go out into the sun, even a protective drug may be powerless against ultraviolet light;
    • refuse to visit a bath, sauna, pool - high humidity can negatively affect the skin, which has undergone cleansing and has not fully recovered;
    • carry out subsequent procedures only after a careful study of the condition of the skin - if unpleasant results are noticed, try using other components;
    • do not use for several days decorative cosmetics- the face should fully recover after cleansing.

    If this is the first time a fruit peeling is performed on the face, it is better to visit a beautician first and find out all the incomprehensible points. At the same time, ask about which preparations are best for daily care after cleaning.

    How to carry out a fruit peel for the face at home, which recipes are best to use, which precautions should be taken - these are the main questions for many women. It must be remembered that it is better to know all the requirements and recommendations of cosmetologists in advance - this will allow not to make unpleasant mistakes that can affect the condition of the face.

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    Modern cosmetic products use the latest scientific developments aimed at obtaining the most natural, clean and youthful skin. A variety of products containing alpha hydroxyl or fruit acids are now very popular. They help fight skin imperfections and actively rejuvenate, brighten and smooth it.

    Nowadays, high-quality peeling with fruit acids for the face can be done even in summer, as evidenced by numerous reviews of girls and women who have tried this procedure. It has its own nuances, but the result is very noticeable.

    Now there is no longer any need to buy expensive imported drugs, because reviews of domestically produced "Cora" cosmetics have proven its high efficiency. Reviews of "Skinlite" from South Korea say the same - these drugs, at a low cost, are of excellent quality and give excellent results.

    Fruit acids and their uses

    Alpha hydroxyl acids include the following:

    • Glycolic.
    • Dairy.
    • Almond.
    • Apple.
    • Lemon.
    • Wine and many others.

    These substances in different proportions and combinations are included in cosmetics, for example, "Bark", including fruit peeling. Their action is based on gentle exfoliation of the thin surface layer of dead cells.

    If this procedure is not carried out regularly, then with dry skin you can get a dull and gray complexion, peeling and rough wrinkles, and with oily skin - a scattering of inflammation, and high greasiness. The use of AHA-based preparations helps to gently, without effort and unnecessary trauma to the skin, get rid of most of these problems.

    Basically, acid peeling is performed in a salon. There it is more effective due to its high acid content. But at home, you can use gels, tonics and creams with a similar effect, as well as special masks with a low AHA content.

    Their action is not as fast as that of professional tools, but on the other hand, such facial procedures can be done in the summer without fear of the appearance of hyperpigmentation and other troubles.

    Cora preparations are especially popular among our women - they have an affordable cost, they can be easily bought in a store, and their quality is at the level of famous brands. In many cases, Kora cosmetics are even superior to imported counterparts. Reviews of Skinlite hold the same high positions. Their fruit acid gel is one of the market leaders in terms of popularity with customers.

    Peeling indications

    Peeling with fruit acids can be used at almost any age, but it is especially popular between 25 and 35 years old. There are still no serious age-related skin problems during this period, but there is increased fat content, porosity, acne and the first signs of aging.

    A little older women may need a salon procedure, and young people can replace such a peeling. soft remedy for home use from the brands already named. Especially often there are reviews of "Skinlite" cosmetics, which can quickly put in order acne oily skin.

    A pleasant bonus of using mild exfoliating agents is the fact that facial peels can be done even in hot summer, provided that special rules are followed.

    Nevertheless, such an opportunity allows you to maintain good condition of oily skin, which in the heat especially often suffers from high greasiness, becomes covered with blackheads and blackheads.

    The main indications for the use of AHA acids are the following conditions:

    • Oily porous skin.
    • Acne, post-acne and subcutaneous formations.
    • Comedones or blackheads.
    • Rough, porous skin.
    • Bad complexion.
    • Wrinkles and folds.
    • Signs of incipient skin aging.
    • Pigmented spots and uneven complexion.
    • Hyperpigmentation.
    • Scars and irregularities.

    Possible contraindications

    Fruit peeling has a number of contraindications:

    • Neoplasms and oncological diseases.
    • Availability viral infections.
    • Acute stages skin diseases.
    • Diseases of the blood.
    • Couperose (allowed soft peeling mandelic acid).
    • Allergy to the composition of the drug.

    Although it is believed that such a facial procedure can be done in the summer, it is better to follow these recommendations:

    • Do not exfoliate immediately after tanning (natural or tanning).
    • Lubricate the skin strong sunscreen with a high SPF level every time you go outside and renew the layer every 2 hours.
    • Keep in the shade and cover your face with a wide-brimmed hat.
    • Do not go out on a sunny street after 11 am and until 5 pm.

    If the skin is thin, delicate and very sensitive, then you should start not with salon procedures with a high concentration of acids, but with softer preparations, such as “Skinlite” cosmetics, “Cora” or “Holy Land” products.

    Peeling procedures in the salon

    Peeling with fruit acids in the salon takes on average half an hour and is carried out according to a special method. The price of procedures in the salon depends on its level and the brand of the drug used. In most cases, such facial manipulations can be done in the summer, provided that high-quality Sanskrin is used.

    Professional cosmetics in the salon have a high percentage of acids, which is selected individually for each patient based on the desired result and taking into account the condition of her skin. In the salon you can also do multifruit facial peeling. It consists of several types of different acids and can perform advanced functions. Its price in the salon depends on the brand of the product and the concentration.

    Peeling procedure:

    • Cleansing from makeup and impurities.
    • Prepare the skin with a special product.
    • Acid application (2 to 10 minutes).
    • Neutralization of funds.
    • Soothing mask or cream.

    The salons use various brands of peels, for example, Holi Land cosmetics, Cora AHA-acids and Skinlite peels are in demand.

    South Korean products "Skinlite" can be used at home as well.

    Summer fruit peeling

    Salon facial peels can only be done in the summer for a limited number of people with great caution. If you live in the north, where there are few sunny days, and you are well aware of the characteristics of your skin, peeling can be performed according to the precautions outlined above.

    This procedure carries less risk for thick, rough, unresponsive skin that is not prone to a variety of negative reactions. If your skin is very sensitive, reschedule your salon treatments for a less sunny time, or use Skinlite peels and creams and many other brands.

    The network is very good feedback at Holy Land. This Israeli brand knows very well what strong sun exposure is and produces several lines of products with acids for different types of skin.

    Most popular brands

    Peeling with fruit acids is widespread; it is produced by many cosmetic companies. It is necessary to separate the products for professional use, which contain a high percentage of AHA, and those preparations for the face that can be done without fear in the summer.

    Holi Land cosmetics, as well as Cora brand preparations, can belong to both categories, since they contain many different products, most of which are successfully used by cosmetologists in beauty salons, as well as as home care.

    Reviews of Holy Land have been at the forefront for a long time, and now products with Skinlite AHA acids are in vogue. Reviews of "Cora" literally make you try this wonderful cosmetics.

    Carrying out the procedure at home

    Salon fruit peeling at home, of course, no one will do, it is dangerous, and it does not make sense, because you can seriously harm yourself instead of improving your appearance. But you can use the available tools from your own kitchen.

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    The most famous and affordable homemade fruit peeling is the familiar strawberry mask. This tasty berry contains a small amount of acids, just enough to refresh the color and well. And if you mix pounded berries with sour milk, kefir or yogurt, the whitening property of the mask will only increase.

    Of course, this will not replace a full-fledged multifruit peeling, but as a pleasant addition, this tool will be very useful for the skin. In addition, such a fruit peel can be done in the summer without fear of problems, unless, of course, you have allergies and do not go out to sunbathe immediately after the mask.

    Another way to become familiar with fruit acids is to purchase products for home use, such as Skinlite cosmetics or Bark creams. Even many cosmetologists leave rave reviews about Kore, which adds a plus in favor of this Russian manufacturer.

    There is no need to be afraid of peels, they are very effective and useful, but they require competent and reasonable handling. Then they will bring you clean, smooth and very fresh skin, perfect complexion and toned lines.

    Practicing cosmetologist. Higher medical education. The author of this site. The beauty of the skin excites me both as a specialist and as a woman.

    Comments 0

    Fruit peeling is one of the safest and softest types of peels for the skin. This type of peeling is considered a superficial peeling and does not break familiar image the patient's life.
    As its name suggests, this type of peeling is named after the fruit acids that it contains. Fruit acids are natural plant substances that affect only dead cells and do not in any way affect the performance of healthy cells. They can penetrate deeply into the skin and reach the upper layers of the dermis.

    Varieties of fruit peels

    In terms of depth of impact, fruit peels are classified as superficial peels (as mentioned earlier).
    Superficial peels are indicated for problematic and oily skin, enlarged pores, acne in order to correct age defects. Superficial peels are very ineffective for obvious age-related changes in the skin and are mainly used in procedures for moisturizing the skin and deep cleansing it.
    Fruit acids are: dairy, glycolic, lemon, wine, grape and apple.

    Fruit peeling technology

    Indications for fruit peels: traces of acne, hormonal changes in the body, teenage problems with oily skin.
    The acids have a remarkable antioxidant effect on the upper layers of the skin and neutralize the effects of free radicals. Basically, the entire anti-aging effect is to stimulate the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans and its own intradermal collagen.

    Fruit peel video

    Description of the fruit peeling procedure

    1. On damp skin, apply a cleansing foam with your hands, wash it into a lather and rinse your face thoroughly with cool water. Avoid contact with eyes!
    2. Using a soft brush, apply the fruity peeling lotion evenly all over the face. Start with the least sensitive areas: the nose and forehead. Then apply to the periphery of the cheeks, neck, chin and décolleté, then to the eyelids and cheekbones (remove in reverse order). Avoid contact with the mucous membrane of the eyelids and skin of the lips. Apply the lotion in strips so that they do not overlap.

    You may experience a slight tingling or burning sensation when applying fruity peeling lotions. The time of such exposure depends, first of all, on individual sensitivity (usually 1-3 minutes). Continuously monitor the reaction of the skin and, if necessary, cotton swab dipped in a special neutralizer, soak the points where the signs of acid action appeared in the first place.
    The procedure takes 20 minutes.

    "Effect" time and frequency of the fruit peeling procedure

    Skin type, purpose of peeling

    % acids


    Dry or aging skin
    giving freshness
    age spots, wrinkles,

    1 minute
    up to 1 min.

    6-10 procedures, carried out once every 7 days, once a year

    Oily skin
    post-acne, age spots

    1-2 minutes
    1 minute

    10-15 procedures, performed 1-3 times every 7 days, 2 times a year

    Body skin
    Back and shoulder skin care

    up to 7 minutes
    1-4 minutes

    20 procedures, carried out 1 time in 7 days, 1 time per year

    The time of exposure to fruit acids is considered to be the most important factor that determines the effectiveness of this procedure. However, it is not strictly fixed, since it depends on the barrier properties of the skin, the thickness of the stratum corneum, skin type, sensitivity to acid, and the severity of cosmetic defects. The exposure time is selected individually.
    The "effect" time is from 6 months to a year. Then the fruit peeling procedure can be repeated.

    Special tools and equipment which are used by a professional beautician during the peeling procedure in the salon:

    • skimmer
    • combined spoon
    • uno-spear
    • a spear
    • skimmer spear
    • micro hook
    • Vidal's needle
    • Magnifier Lamp
    • range (steaming the skin surface before cosmetic procedures)
    Aids: disposable wipes and sticks.

    Recommendations for further skin care after fruit peeling

    It is strictly forbidden to expose the skin of the face to stress and direct ultraviolet radiation. Never do repeated peels at home! The cleansing regimen for your skin is, first of all, gentle!

    Fruit peeling prices

    Note: The information is not official or promotional. The prices of beauty salons may not be relevant at the time of viewing. The data was obtained by random analysis of the price lists of ten beauty salons in Moscow to provide general information on how much the service costs.

    Answers to frequently asked questions

    How does fruit peel work on the skin?
    Thanks to fruit acids, keratinized surface scales are remarkably exfoliated, which interfere with the normal physiological process in the skin and prevent it from acting on it. Fruit acids perfectly activate the body's immunity and give the skin a pleasant shade, softness, freshness and silkiness.

    Can you please tell me how many procedures do you need to undergo with fruit peeling?
    It all depends on your skin type and the problems associated with it. Usually, cosmetologist appoints from 6 to 10 procedures with intervals of 7 to 10 days.

    Many celebrities often use the services of professional beauticians. Today one of the most popular procedures is face peeling.
    For example, Samantha Jones once went for a fruit peel before a party. At the event, she was forced to hide under a veil, as after the procedure, the skin turned red. Only after a few hours the result of rejuvenation became evident.

    Contraindications for the procedure

    • skin diseases;
    • tendency to scar formation;
    • sensitive skin (it is necessary to make a test)
    • skin neoplasms, hirsutism;
    • tendency to post-traumatic pigmentation;
    • the use of retinol and photosensitizing substances ( essential oil bergamot, tetracycline, St. John's wort extracts and others).

    The result after the fruit peeling procedure

    Fruit peeling will give the skin freshness, restore its elasticity, and effectively help with the appearance of the first signs of aging. The result of the peeling will be obvious if you have oily skin, since after this procedure the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the pores are perfectly cleansed, which in turn prevents the appearance of acne. Also, after this procedure, hyperpigmented skin areas are lightened.

    Fruit peeling at home

    At home, you can use creams and gels that contain fruit acids. The concentration of such acids in cosmetics is not high, so they are safe for your skin. But, despite this, be sure to pass a skin sensitivity test to fruit acids before using such a product.

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