• What antivirals can be taken during pregnancy? What antiviral drugs can be taken during pregnancy? Antiviral for early pregnancy


    Often, when pregnant, a woman is forced to take medication, despite the risk of their negative impact on the health of the unborn baby. The immune system cannot always resist the activity of viruses and microbes, especially while waiting for the baby. The need to prescribe an antiviral drug for pregnant women appears with severe acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and exacerbations of chronic infections, such as HPV or herpes.

    This cannot be avoided, since viral infections can provoke the development of serious complications in the mother and fetus. When choosing a treatment, it is important to take into account not only the specifics of the disease, but also the fact that not every drug is suitable for a woman in position.

    In early pregnancy, viral infections, such as SARS and, are the most dangerous. It is at this stage that the unborn child develops most intensively, new organs and systems are formed in him, and the placenta is at an embryonic level and cannot fully protect the fetus from the pathogenic effects of viruses.

    Any disease can cause a failure in the development of the unborn child, lead to spontaneous abortion, and in the later stages - cause premature birth and the birth of a weak or unviable baby.

    Often, infections transferred during pregnancy cause severe congenital pathologies, intrauterine infection of the fetus. To avoid sad consequences, the first signs of malaise should not be ignored.

    It is not recommended to self-medicate, since influenza and SARS require the appointment of antiviral and other medicines, and it is almost impossible to choose them yourself and not harm the unborn child. Even if you know which antiviral drugs you can take during pregnancy, it is necessary to visit a doctor and get tested.

    Overview of antiviral drugs allowed for expectant mothers

    There is a list of relatively safe and approved drugs for the treatment of colds and flu, as well as the removal of concomitant symptoms in expectant mothers. Let's consider them in more detail.

    Antiviral tablets

    Oscillococcinum - a homeopathic antiviral remedy in granules, aimed at eliminating the symptoms of a cold and speeding up recovery. The drug stimulates the synthesis of natural interferon. Oscillococcinum is safe for expectant mothers and does not cause side effects (except for individual intolerance).

    Contraindicated in persons suffering from epilepsy, gastric and duodenal ulcers, kidney and liver diseases. The drug is taken 30 mg (1 tablet) 3 times a day. If necessary, the doctor can change the dosage of the drug.


    The course of treatment usually lasts up to 10 days. Candles are administered rectally 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

    What drugs are prohibited during pregnancy?

    Not all expectant mothers know which antiviral drugs can be used by pregnant women for flu and colds, and which ones are better to refuse so as not to harm the baby. Prohibited drugs include:

    • Aspirin , which has a blood-thinning effect, which is not always useful for the expectant mother and fetus.
    • tetracycline and streptomycin - drugs that negatively affect the process of formation of the skeletal system of the unborn baby.
    • Analgin , the reception of which negatively affects the development of the fetus.
    • Remantadin and Gropronosin - means, the effect of which on the fetus has not been studied, but is often unpredictable.
    • Kagocel - a drug prohibited when carrying a child, like some other immunomodulators.
    • Xylene, Otrivin, Xylometazoline permissible for the treatment of nasal congestion in exceptional cases, since they have a negative effect on the vessels.

    Features of treatment with cold medicines

    It is not safe to treat a cold with any drugs you like from a pharmacy during pregnancy, since many of them did not have time to pass the necessary studies confirming the absence of an effect on the fetus. But it is almost impossible to protect yourself from viruses, so if the expectant mother feels the first symptoms of a cold or flu, she should visit a doctor and start treatment.

    Features of treatment in the first trimester

    At this time, the fetus is most vulnerable and susceptible to the negative influence of extraneous factors. Treatment should be carried out under medical supervision, with strict adherence to dosages of drugs.

    The following drugs can be used: Paracetamol, Pinosol drops, Lazolvan cough syrup, Ingalipt spray. They are practically not absorbed into the bloodstream and are safe for the unborn baby. It is undesirable to use folk remedies in the first trimester. High doses of vitamin C and complications due to insufficient treatment can negatively affect the further course of pregnancy.

    During pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother is exposed to all kinds of attacks from the outside. The immune system of a woman is not functional, which makes it possible for viruses to spread throughout the body without any special barriers. Pregnant women often get colds, especially during seasonal epidemics of respiratory infections.

    It is not always possible to get rid of a cold with folk methods. It is often required to take medications, which should be prescribed only by a specialist, since many of them have a number of contraindications and side effects.

    Why are viral diseases dangerous for a future mother?

    With the onset of cold weather, viruses begin to activate. Their concentration in the ambient air is growing, especially in crowded places. Women who are expecting a baby during this period are not recommended to visit public places, because by airborne droplets you can quickly get a respiratory disease or flu.

    The first months of pregnancy is the period of time when exposure to viruses can cause irreparable harm to the developing fetus. That is why, at the slightest sign of a cold, you need to urgently go to the hospital and not engage in self-treatment. This can be dangerous, because when choosing medicines, the specialist takes into account the duration of pregnancy and adjusts the dosage of the drug for each patient.

    Treatment with antiviral drugs is the main method of combating pathogens. A common cold can lead to serious consequences:

    • pathological conditions of the placenta;
    • violation of embryonic development;
    • infection of the amniotic membranes;
    • threat of abortion;
    • spontaneous abortion or early childbirth;
    • freezing of the fetus;
    • infection of the baby's blood.

    Overview of antivirals approved during pregnancy

    Viral agents, entering the body of a pregnant woman, tend to spread rapidly. In this case, the development of complications is possible. It is extremely important in this case to start taking antiviral drugs on time in order to suppress the reproduction of viruses and prevent harmful effects on the fetus. You can not do without medication if:

    • high temperature lasts more than three days;
    • there was a debilitating cough with sputum discharge;
    • the color of the skin has changed;
    • there were pains in the thoracic region during breathing, even at rest;
    • shortness of breath appeared.

    Antiviral tablets

    The most common antiviral agents that are prescribed during the gestation period:

    Name of the drugDescriptionAdmission rules
    OscillococcinumHomeopathic remedy, produced in the form of white granules. The package can be 6, 12 or 30 pieces. Used in the treatment of influenza and SARS, as well as for prevention.At the acute stage of the disease, it is necessary to take the remedy 1 granule in the morning and evening for the next 3 days. At the initial stage, drink 1 dose of the drug, then every 6 hours take another tablet. For prevention purposes, a single dose is taken once a week during the period of increasing incidence of respiratory infections.
    ArbidolProduced in the form of yellow capsules of 5 and 10 pieces per pack. Effective against influenza A and B viruses, as well as coronavirus. It has an immunomodulatory effect.A single dose is 200 mg. Take 4 times a day before meals for 5 days. For prevention, you can take a capsule per day.
    AnaferonWhite tablets, 20 pieces per pack. Affects influenza viruses, herpes types 1 and 2, parainfluenza, encephalitis, rotavirus, adenovirus, coronavirus. It has an immunostimulating effect.On the first day of the disease, take 1 tablet every half hour (5 times), then on the same day three more doses of the drug at regular intervals. Then drink at a dose 3 times a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

    Cough remedies

    Cough is a frequent "fellow traveler" of viral diseases. To overcome such a symptom during pregnancy are able to:

    • Bromhexine. Natural herbal medicine with mucolytic and anti-inflammatory action.
    • Dr. Mom (more in the article:). It is a combined phytopreparation that has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Flavamed. A complex remedy, which is contraindicated in the first trimester, is effective in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases, removes sputum and suppresses coughing attacks.

    Antipyretic drugs

    If the body temperature rises to 38 degrees and lasts for 3 days, pregnant women are prescribed antipyretics. During the gestation period, it is allowed to take:

    • Paracetamol (preferably without excipients). Drink 1 tablet at a dosage of 500 mg every 6-8 hours.
    • Panadol. Complete analogue of Paracetamol. Can be taken during pregnancy and lactation.

    For sore throat

    Often with viral pathologies, there is a severe sore throat when swallowing, swelling and redness of the tissues appear, and perspiration. To reduce discomfort and pain will help:

    • Pharyngosept. Good antiseptic.
    • Spray Ingalipt. It is considered one of the best antiseptics, it anesthetizes well and relieves swelling.
    • Chlorophyllipt solution. Used for rinsing the mouth, contains eucalyptus leaf extract.

    Nasal drops

    Nasal congestion is a common symptom of a cold. To remove the swelling of the mucous membranes and restore the respiratory function are able to:

    • Spray Aquamaris. A natural remedy that effectively fights the common cold.
    • Drops of Grippferon (more in the article:). They are antiviral and therapeutic drug, have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action.
    • Spray Pinosol. Contains herbal extracts, allowed to use during lactation.

    Rectal suppositories

    Sometimes doctors prescribe rectal antiviral suppositories. Such a drug is quickly absorbed into the intestinal mucosa and has a detrimental effect on viruses. During gestation are usually prescribed:

    • Candles Viferon (do not apply at the beginning of pregnancy) (more in the article:). They fight many types of viruses, including herpes and rubella.
    • Genferon. Used from the second trimester. Relieves inflammation, relieves symptoms of the disease.

    List of drugs prohibited during pregnancy

    Many women do not know which antiviral drugs can be used by pregnant women and which ones should be avoided. The list of drugs prohibited during pregnancy includes not only antivirals, but also other drugs (analgesics, antibiotics, vasoconstrictors):

    • Analgin (more in the article:). The drug adversely affects the development of the fetus.
    • Aspirin. Thins the blood, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.
    • Kagocel and other similar immunomodulatory drugs. Contraindicated in gestation, as it increases immunity.
    • Tetracycline, as well as Streptomycin and Levomycetin. Drugs affect the formation of the bones of the child's skeleton.
    • Groprinosin and Remantadin. Medicines have an unpredictable effect on the fetus.
    • Xylene and Xylometazoline. Means negatively affect the condition of the vessels.

    Features of the treatment of colds

    In order for the pregnancy to proceed normally, without risks for the baby, the expectant mother needs to protect herself from respiratory infections, especially during the period of a sharp increase in the incidence.

    It is possible to protect yourself from a cold if you follow a number of preventive measures:

    • avoid crowds of large numbers of people, do not visit large supermarkets, cinemas, hospitals;
    • wear clothes according to the weather;
    • eat enough vegetables and fruits;
    • if one of the family members gets sick, it is necessary to ventilate the room often, do wet cleaning, and if possible wear a mask;
    • if there is a history of any chronic diseases (cystitis, eczema) or caries, it is better to treat them at the stage of pregnancy planning.

    If the infection did happen, treating a cold with warm lemon tea does not always have the proper therapeutic effect, like other well-known folk remedies (raspberry tea, milk with natural honey). In some cases, taking anti-cold drugs is mandatory.

    With the appearance of even a slight runny nose and cough, you need to visit a doctor to undergo the necessary examinations. The doctor will prescribe appropriate medications, taking into account the symptoms and duration of pregnancy.

    In the first trimester

    The fetus is at the initial stage of development and is not able to provide even the slightest resistance to the influence of negative factors. Colds should be treated under the supervision of a physician, observing all recommended dosages. In the early stages are usually prescribed:

    • Arbidol;
    • Pinosol;
    • Lazolvan;
    • Paracetamol;
    • Ingalipt.

    Doctors do not recommend abusing folk remedies during this period, including “ascorbic acid”. An increased dose of vitamin C has a bad effect on the condition of the expectant mother, causing various consequences (for example, increased uterine tone and the threat of miscarriage).

    In the second trimester

    After the 13th week, the fetus is more reliably protected by the formed placenta, and taking anti-cold medicines is no longer so dangerous. However, if you have symptoms of a cold, you still need to see a doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe suitable medications by choosing the required dosage of the drug. In the 2nd trimester, as a rule, appoint:

    • nose drops Interferon;
    • rectal suppositories Viferon;
    • Oscillococcinum tablets.

    In the third trimester

    In the later stages of gestation, the baby's body is already fully formed. In this period, the same medications are usually prescribed as in the second trimester. Therapy may also include:

    • Flemoxin;
    • Wilprafen;
    • Lazolvan;
    • Ingalipt.

    In the third trimester, doctors may also prescribe antibiotic therapy, if necessary. Together with antibiotics, it is recommended to take a course of Linex or Bifidumbacterin to restore normal intestinal microflora.

    During pregnancy, all women experience a decrease in immunity. This is necessary for the normal course of development of the fetal egg. Immediately after fertilization, the woman's body perceives the embryo as a foreign body and tries to reject it. It is for this that nature has conceived a deliberate decrease in the body's immune defenses.

    Cold during pregnancy

    Surely everyone knows that pregnancy can be dangerous. That is why you should not neglect your well-being and self-medicate. This is exactly what most non-pregnant women do.

    A woman who is in an interesting position, if a cold occurs, should undergo a medical examination as soon as possible. At the same time, not only the therapist, but also the gynecologist should give an assessment of the state of health.

    Cold treatment during pregnancy

    The disease should never be left to chance. You always need to make appropriate adjustments. In most cases, doctors recommend using folk remedies for treatment. However, in some cases, antiviral drugs are simply needed. During pregnancy, not all remedies are allowed. The age of the fetus must always be taken into account.

    during pregnancy: 1 trimester

    At this stage, the future baby is especially susceptible to the influence of extraneous factors. The placenta has not yet formed to protect the baby. That is why you should be very careful when taking various medications. You can use tablets or medicine only on the recommendation of a doctor. Self-treatment can cause irreparable harm to the unborn baby.

    Antiviral drugs during pregnancy should be taken in compliance with the prescribed dosage. Quite often, doctors reduce the dose indicated in the annotation, thereby they want to reduce the negative impact on the fetus. In the first trimester, you may be prescribed Arbidol tablets, but only in a prophylactic dosage. In this case, you can never independently increase the number of tablets. Also, the doctor may recommend drinking the medicine "Paracetamol", but this should be done only when the body temperature rises.

    With the development of infection in the sinuses of the nose, antiviral drops are prescribed: "Pinosol" or "Lazolvan". They are safe for the baby, as they are not absorbed into the blood, but have only a local effect. Also, for irrigation of the throat, it is recommended to use the Lugol solution, Chlorophyllipt oil or the Tantum Verde spray.

    In the first trimester of pregnancy, if possible, it is worth using only alternative methods of treatment, but you should not take a large amount of vitamin C. That is why you need to choose grandmother's recipes with extreme caution.

    Antiviral drugs during pregnancy: 2nd trimester

    At this stage, the treatment is somewhat easier, but it is worth noting that in the second trimester, expectant mothers rarely get sick. Antiviral drugs during pregnancy (they do not have any effect on the fetus, since the formed placenta reliably protects it. However, this does not mean that the medicine can be taken independently and thoughtlessly from now on. At this stage, all the same drugs that the doctor recommended earlier.

    Antiviral drugs during pregnancy that can be used after 14 weeks can be as follows: Interferon drops, Viferon suppositories, Oscilococcinum or Ergoferon tablets.

    All these substances contain the main active ingredient: interferon. Once in the body, it binds to proteins and destroys viruses, increasing its own immunity. The method of administration of the substance is chosen by the doctor and depends only on what kind of virus has entered your body.

    With a common cold, preference should be given to tablets and drops. At the same time, the latter are prepared independently (from a dry powder, which can be purchased at the pharmacy chain).

    If the virus has affected your intestines, then you should choose candles. They are administered rectally and act on the body more quickly.

    Third trimester and treatment of viral diseases

    Allowed antiviral drugs make up a slightly larger list. During this period, you can be assigned all the same funds that can be used in the second trimester. In this case, the dosage can be increased from prophylactic to normal.

    Also at this time, you can treat with antibacterial agents. This becomes necessary when antiviral drugs become powerless. Of the following, the following can be recommended: Flemoxin tablets, Fmoxicilin capsules, Vilprofen and others. Before starting such treatment, it is necessary to pass a bacterial culture for sensitivity to certain drugs. Simultaneously with such treatment, it is worth taking funds that restore the internal microflora of the intestines and vagina.

    Antivirals before childbirth

    If you get sick just before the birth of the baby, then you should start treatment as soon as possible. during childbirth can lead to unexpected consequences. In this case, you need to remember about the time of removal of antiviral drugs from the body. If you took antimicrobials a few hours before your baby was born, you may not be allowed to breastfeed your baby right away. All drugs from the body must be removed before breastfeeding. That is why treatment before childbirth should be approached especially responsibly.

    Consult with an experienced specialist and find out all the subtleties and nuances of such a correction.


    Now you know which antiviral drugs can be taken at different stages of pregnancy. Do not think that expectant mothers are prohibited from any treatment. Antiviral therapy can and should be carried out, but only after examination and doctor's appointments.

    The expectant mother is more prone to many infectious diseases than others. First of all, this is due to the fact that during the period of expectation of the baby, her immunity is significantly reduced. At the same time, everyone knows that taking any medications during pregnancy can pose a considerable threat to the health of the child. Therefore, many women choose to stop taking medication when they get colds, flus, and other viral illnesses. But is it right? And, perhaps, there are medicines that a future mother can take? Consider whether it is necessary to carry out drug therapy in case of a viral disease, and what antiviral drugs can be given to pregnant women.

    Should I take antivirals during pregnancy?

    If a woman has caught a common cold, it is quite possible to do without antiviral agents. In such a situation, medications for symptomatic treatment, traditional medicine methods and bed rest will come to the rescue. Of course, all this should be prescribed by the doctor after the examination and the necessary studies.

    But what to do if the expectant mother is ill with a more serious illness, such as the flu or herpes? Is it necessary to take antiviral during pregnancy in this case? Experts note that serious viral diseases can cause many complications during pregnancy and fetal development. The main ones are the following conditions and pathologies:

    • miscarriage or premature birth;
    • defeat of the placenta;
    • prenatal rupture of amniotic fluid;
    • chorioamnionitis - infection of the membranes of the fetus and amniotic fluid;
    • the formation of congenital anomalies in the development of the fetus, such as hydrocephalus (dropsy of the brain);
    • congenital pneumonia in a child;
    • eye damage in a baby - retinal atrophy, cataracts;
    • sepsis - infection of the blood in a child;
    • intrauterine fetal death.

    As can be seen from the above, many viral diseases require mandatory treatment. Of course, only a doctor can prescribe antiviral drugs during pregnancy. Depending on the disease, the course of pregnancy, the general condition of the woman, the doctor will select the necessary drug therapy. He will also prescribe the dosage of drugs and the duration of the course of treatment. So what antiviral drugs can pregnant women take?

    What antiviral can be pregnant

    Experts note that any medications, including antiviral agents, are contraindicated for pregnant women in the first trimester. During this period, they are appointed only as a last resort. This is due to the fact that in the first 10-12 weeks the rudiments of all organs and systems of the fetus are laid. And exposure to a chemical can contribute to the appearance of defects and pathologies in the development of a child.

    Answering the question of which antiviral drugs can be used by pregnant women, doctors most often mention Viferon, Anaferon and Oscillococcinum.


    The most commonly prescribed antiviral during pregnancy is Viferon. This medicine belongs to the group of interferons and is available in the form of rectal suppositories, ointments and gels. Viferon has an antiviral, antichlamydial effect, is active against certain types of bacteria. In addition, it stimulates the penetration of immune cells into the focus of the inflammatory process, protecting the body from the attachment of a bacterial infection. This antiviral is prescribed in the treatment of rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus. Viferon is also recommended to be taken in order to prevent diseases during epidemics.

    Complex therapy with the use of this antiviral during pregnancy leads to the relief of the acute course of the disease, reduces the frequency of exacerbations of bacterial and viral infections. Interestingly, the active substance of Viferon, interferon, begins to act even before the moment when the human immune system recognizes viruses that penetrate the mucous membrane.


    Another frequently prescribed antiviral drug during pregnancy is Anaferon. The instructions for Anaferon indicate that it is not recommended to take it either during pregnancy or during lactation. However, many doctors consider it safe enough for expectant mothers. Anaferon refers to homeopathic immunomodulating agents that normalize the functioning of the human immune system. Among the indications for the use of this antiviral during pregnancy, the following can be noted:

    • treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and influenza;
    • treatment and prevention of complications of viral infections;
    • treatment of bacterial diseases as part of complex therapy;
    • disorders of the immune system.

    A side effect of Anaferon is rare, but it still happens, the development of allergic reactions of the body. This is especially true for expectant mothers, since during the period of bearing a baby, a woman sharply increases her sensitivity to many substances.


    Many doctors note that at any stage of pregnancy, Oscillococcinum can be used to treat and prevent viral diseases. This is a homeopathic preparation developed on the basis of an extract of the heart and liver of the Barbary duck, which is one of the carriers of influenza viruses. This antiviral agent is prescribed to reduce the severity and duration of viral infections in pregnant women. At the same time, the general condition of the woman improves, the temperature decreases, the symptoms of the disease are relieved.

    Viral infections during pregnancy are especially dangerous, even a common cold can lead to irreversible consequences.

    The most common viral infections are:

    • Influenza virus.
    • HSV is the herpes simplex virus.
    • CMV - .
    • HPV - .

    The dangers that a meeting with these microorganisms presents for the expectant mother:

    • premature birth;
    • prenatal rupture of amniotic fluid;
    • defeat of the placenta;
    • chorioamnionitis - infection of the amniotic fluid and membranes of the fetus.

    Every woman understands that nothing good can be expected in such cases. Viruses are of particular harm to the fetus, especially during primary infection, namely:

    • the formation of congenital anomalies (for example, hydrocephalus);
    • eye damage (cataract, retinal atrophy);
    • sepsis;
    • congenital pneumonia;
    • fetal death.

    From the foregoing, it becomes clear that any viral infection needs to be treated far from folk remedies and, of course, not on its own. When you have the first signs of illness, you should immediately consult a doctor who can competently and timely prescribe you antiviral drugs for pregnant women. The decision to prescribe certain drugs cannot even be made by a doctor alone; this requires a consultation of specialists, for example, in the treatment of influenza caused by type A (H1N1) virus.

    Antiviral drugs for pregnant women

    Most often, these drugs are divided into four large groups:

    1. anti-influenza (flustop, Tamiflu);
    2. anticytomegalovirus;
    3. antiherpetic (, valaciclovir);
    4. with an extended spectrum of action (has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect).

    information Antiviral drugs for pregnant women in the early stages are most often not used, since it is impossible to evaluate their teratogenic effect through clinical trials. The 1st trimester is the most difficult in the choice of treatment methods. Therefore, only a consultation of doctors can prescribe these drugs if the potential benefits of their use for mother and baby outweigh the risk to the fetus. For example, with a severe course of influenza, which threatens the life of not only the unborn child, but also the mother.

    Indications for appointment

    They are determined only by a doctor and depend on the severity of the disease and the duration of pregnancy. Therapy for any viral infection during pregnancy is severely limited, especially in the early stages. An integrated approach, symptomatic methods are often used.

    Prohibited antiviral drugs for pregnant women

    So, we have already found out about the 1st trimester - you will not find in any instructions for the medicine that it is absolutely harmless in the early stages. As for the 2nd and 3rd trimester, famciclovir, foscavir, inosine, pranobex cannot be used from antiherpetic drugs. Perhaps the appointment of valaciclovir, geneferon, kipferon.

    Treatment of cytomegalovirus infection in pregnant women is only symptomatic, since the side effects of ganciclovir have not been studied, and it is a prohibited drug during this period.

    Of the anti-influenza drugs, you can not use groprinosin, rimantadine.


    Antiviral drugs for colds for pregnant women are used with great care and only as directed by a doctor. Pregnancy itself is a risk factor for colds and their complications due to immunosuppression. Antiviral drugs are prescribed most often in the presence of clinical signs of a severe course of a cold and a high risk of complications. These symptoms are the following:

    1. shortness of breath with minimal physical activity;
    2. difficulty and pain in breathing;
    3. change in skin color;
    4. sputum;
    5. chest pain;
    6. change in mental state (excitation, drowsiness);
    7. an increase in body temperature for more than 3 days, which is not brought down by standard methods;
    8. exhausting;
    9. low blood pressure.

    Harm to the fetus and consequences

    important Uncontrolled use of antiviral drugs during pregnancy, especially in the 1st trimester, and their self-administration can lead to the formation of malformations and congenital anomalies in the fetus.

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