• CFS catalog "Maya space theurgy" (golden series). Theurgy is ... Description of the concept, Mayan magic, initiation and rituals, treatment Mayan theurgy


    - this is a completely new super-powerful technique, with its appearance in the skyhealing has caused a hurricane of amazing results. A technique that quickly gained fame and practicing followers for itself. The system has both earned and gained a reputation as a reliable and productive guide.

    What is the significant differenceSpace Mayan theurgy from other techniques and practices?

    An important innovative difference from previously known techniques is the fact that inMayan theurgy all channels work according to a completely different, higher scheme.

    We can say thatMayan theurgy - this is an evolutionary continuation of the practice, but much more powerful, several times exceeding all channels of any other methods.

    Other striking advantages of the practice of CosmicMayan theurgy it is worth highlighting the following characteristics:

    The channels used in the work are more reasonable than the previous onesMayan theurgy ... The initiated person knows how to direct the energy of these channels into the patient's body, where the energy that has not been scattered, already independently finds the source of the problem and heals the disease.

    The channels used are so strong that they are able to penetrate even the deepest layers of the human subconscious. It is important to note that such deep penetration has nothing to do with brainwashing, but a harmonious work of cosmic psychocorrection.

    Center "Ray RA" opens doors to the worldMayan theurgy and presents below an esoteric list of channels used in practice:

    1. Divine channel "ITSAMNA" (male energy). It is a universal channel that works across the spectrum of problems.

    2. Divine channel "ISH-CHEL" (female energy). It is a universal channel that works across the spectrum of problems.

    3. Channel "KUVVA" - is used to cleanse the chakras, meridians and subtle bodies from negative influences.

    4. Channel "TANN" - is used to feed (saturation, enlightenment) chakras, meridians and subtle bodies with light (positive) energies of the Universe.

    5. Channel "ISANAM" - is used to cleanse negative karma for the mother.

    6. Channel "ITINAM" - is used to cleanse negative karma in the paternal lineage.

    7. Channel "BUURMOK" - is designed to penetrate into the deep layers of the subconscious, to identify the deep causes of the negative state of human health and the destruction of these negative programs.

    8. Channel "KUUI" - work with children.

    9. Channel "MISSIK" - work with animals.

    10. Channel "TZUKKUL" - is used for cleaning residential and non-residential buildings.

    11. Channel "KOOG" - for working with information fields.

    12. Channel "PUDZ" - to enter the astral plane.

    13. Channel "CHAAL-CIK" - a powerful system of protection against energy-informational negative influences of any dark forces (anti-religious, witchcraft, black magic, afterlife, otherworldly).

    14. Channel "CATT" - accelerated renewal of old or diseased cells.

    15. Channel "BIKFIT" - treatment of hereditary diseases.

    16. Channel "YAKLEL" - the destruction of negative attachments.

    17. Channel "BUL" - removal of toxic substances from the body.

    18. Channel "YOM" - fast healing of wounds and ulcers, resorption of scars.

    19. Channel "ISKHILL" - used for calming and pacification.

    20. Channel "SHOPPOL" - opposes zombie, coding and love spell.

    21. Channel "ALKAK" - way out of stagnation and moving forward.

    22. Channel "MUULL-TUKAN" - abundance, wealth, prosperity, happiness, luck, success.

    23. Channel "INIHI" - removing the crown of celibacy, the seal of loneliness.

    24. Channel "KANKA" - the solution to life's problems.

    25. Channel "CHAOCHAK" - works to improve facial features, posture, slimness of the figure, change of character.

    26. Channel "CHALAN" - destruction of astral entities.

    27. Channel "TAKOR" - pressure normalization.

    28. Channel "AAK" - treatment of diseases of the immune system.

    29. Channel "BAKA" - treatment of urological diseases.

    30. Channel "KEMI" - treatment of the autonomic system.

    31. Channel "TUKKU" - crushing stones in the kidney, gall and bladder, biliary and urinary tract, turning them into sand and removing them outside.

    32. Channel "YUDEK" - thyroid problems.

    33. Channel "IOTA" - work with the digestive tract.

    34. Channel "CANNILL" - work with tendons and muscles.

    35. Channel "KUUN" - fight against cardiovascular diseases.

    36. Channel "ITZ" - treatment of the lymphatic system.

    37. Channel "BOYU" - treatment of neuropsychic diseases.

    38. Channel "KEN" - treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs.

    39. Channel "BIKILL" - treatment of intestinal diseases.

    40. Channel "IMI" - treatment of mastopathy.

    41. Channel "KAPU" - diseases and problems associated with the head.

    42. Channel "CAPSUP" - the problem of the oral cavity, gums and teeth.

    43. Channel "BAGANA" - problems with bones, spine, discs.

    44. Channel "KASNAK" - treatment of the lower back.

    45. Channel "TsAPUR" - skin diseases.

    46. \u200b\u200bChannel "CHIKETTO" - infectious and viral diseases.

    47. Channel "OKK" - problems with the legs.

    48. Channel "OYU" - against insomnia, nightmares.

    49. Channel "PAKU" - eye problems.

    50. Channel "Khao" - treatment of diabetes mellitus.

    51. Channel "KEALL" - diseases of the genital organs.

    52. Channel "BOUGER" - liver diseases.

    53. Channel "OLGIR" - cancer.

    54. Channel "KHATUN" - female diseases.

    55. Channel "IMISHYASHCHE" - diseases of the gallbladder.

    56. Channel "BALDIZ-VUAGE" - from frigidity, impotence.

    57. Channel "YASO" - problems with speech.

    58. Channel "SOOPKA" - problems of hair loss.

    59. Channel "BASIPO" - astral surgery.

    60. Channel "TsYu" - problems of the mammary glands.

    61. Channel "KUKH" - the destruction of strangers' problems on the shoulders, behind the back.

    62. Channel "TSAT" - business improvement.

    63. Channel "TAMIYASHCHE" - treatment of diseases of the pancreas.

    64. Channel "YYUKUM" - treatment of infectious and viral diseases.

    65. Channel "YUSHOM" - treatment of blood diseases.

    66. Channel "KUULBUR" - treatmentdiseases of the pharynx, ear, nose and larynx.

    total number of echannel energiesMayan theurgy 75

    What can this most powerful energy be directed to?

    There is a whole range of targets for channeling energy channelsMayan theurgy :

    Healing a great variety of ailments (both mental and physical). Connect to channelsMayan theurgy puts into the hands of the practitioner a universal tool for cardinal and positive changes in himself and others.

    Change of karma (both your own and the people who turned to the initiate). Through the channels of Maya Theurgy, karma can be clarified and lightened. Voluntary and involuntary sins can be written off. That gives a feeling of the threshold of a new better life.

    ChannelsTheurgy Mayan can be aimed at a significant increase in material wealth (be it creative, intellectual or financial). The Mayan initiate of Theurgy makes a leap to a new social level and, over time, only grows in the stratification hierarchy. Channels can also be used for creation and constructiveness in household, personal and family affairs.

    PracticeMayan theurgy can be devoted to the revival of his Kin and the construction of strong energy-information flows and connections with ancestors. With the help of the powerful channels of the Maya, the initiate acquires all the true heritage of the ancestors. Which can be used both in material life and in spiritual life.

    ChannelsMayan theurgy have all the strength for the essential and visible practice of rejuvenating the appearance and the human body.

    An initiate into the channels of Cosmic Theurgy can immediately begin self-healing and help other people. Each initiate is given the opportunity to use in his activity all practical developments for the treatment of ailments and disorders.

    It is necessary to know that all these wave frequency impulses, despite their strength and power, are absolutely harmless to both the practitioner and others. Since the source of these channels is the Almighty and the energy of his Love.

    Dedicated toMayan theurgy should be guided by only a few well-established rules:

    Observe the absolute purity of thoughts and awareness of their actions and actions;

    Remember the enormous responsibility that each initiate in knowledge bearsMayan theurgy .

    Be very careful when choosing a school or a center for initiation (since no one is immune from both deliberate charlatanism and just the hack of some "masters" - amateurs).

    Every person who is fond of mysticism is familiar with such a concept as theurgy. This is a magical practice that appeared within the framework of Neoplatonism, which originated in the era of late Antiquity (III century). This direction is very interesting and there is a lot to tell about it. But now we will only talk about the most important and entertaining aspects of this topic.


    First you need to thoroughly understand what this is - theurgy. If translated from ancient Greek, then this word is formed from two - θεός (deity) and ὄργια (rite). It successfully characterizes the magical practice that became widespread in pagan cultures and in antiquity.

    What is its essence? In a practical impact on angels, demons, archangels and gods, which is carried out in order to receive from them any material benefits, knowledge or help.

    Of course, theurgy implies a complex of ritual actions using prayer formulas. Proponents of this practice strive for a visionary, direct vision of higher beings. Interestingly, over time, it began to develop as a direction of esoteric Christianity.

    Subsequently, representatives of mysticism, who lived in the Middle Ages and in subsequent years, seriously took up theurgy. They used it in a modified form in order to achieve the state of deification (union with God). Notable representatives who have practiced this approach include Martinez de Pasqualis and Jacob Boehme.

    As a result, theurgy went far beyond mystical and magical practices. She became associated with philosophy. On this basis, the tendencies of seeking God appeared, which can be seen in the works of G. G. Schubert, F. Schelling and others.

    Even in the works of Russian philosophers of the twentieth century, they are found (in particular, in N. A. Berdyaev and V. S. Soloviev). There is an opinion that theurgy is such a "magical art", by owning which one can achieve the notorious state of deification.

    Some even call this action of a person, carried out by him together with God himself. Hence, another interesting short definition appeared, stating that the practice in question is divine-human creativity.

    Is there a modern concept? Yes, according to him, theurgy is the aesthetic tendency of turning to Christian traditions, observed for the sake of improving the lives of people and the world in general.

    Difference from magic

    Does it exist? If we turn to Martinism (the direction of esoteric and mystical Christianity), then we can understand that yes. It is customary to distinguish theurgy from magic. Although they have two similarities. They are as follows:

    1. Ritual practice.
    2. Using certain mental images and words to achieve the intended goal.

    But adepts argue that magic and theurgy are not the same thing. The difference lies in the place that is assigned to the action of the will.

    For example, magic. In her sphere, all words, images and rituals are used in order to enrich and strengthen the personal "Ego". In theurgy, everything is not so: the above is used to merge this "Ego" with God's will. Followers of mystical traditions gave this name - "The Path of the Heart".

    Thus, the difference lies in the place of will in the very process of achieving the goal.

    Esotericism and Christianity

    Official religious leaders are skeptical of theurgy. They do not consider this as a way of achieving the divine world, and even more so by contemplating it. And some even sharply speak out about such practices. Augustine the Blessed, for example, argued that theurgs are no different from magicians - they are also devoted to deceitful demonic rites.

    But esoteric Christianity perceives this practice positively. Its supporters clearly define the goal of all ceremonies and rituals, which is to comprehend the Divine Mystery and ascent to the highest level of consciousness.

    Proponents of this practice believe that they can receive wisdom and spiritual truth from God - something that is impossible to learn from any person.

    And, of course, they deny Goetia, to which their approach is often compared. After all, it means drawing up talismans and summoning demons! And theurgy is a light practice that helps to ascend spiritually. People who practice this technique are only in search of "divine light", therefore they use internal and ritual balancing.

    Mysticism and philosophy

    In the Middle Ages, the theory and then the practice of the notorious esoteric Christian theurgy appeared. It became very common among the Rosicrucians - members of a secret society whose purpose was to improve religion. Later Martinez de Pasqualis (the theurgist and theosophist of the 18th century) formalized a whole system from this tradition.

    As a result, theurgy became a peculiar way of the “chosen priest”. In those days, it involved complex ceremonies and difficult prayers. The preparation of ceremonies was approached with special care. The rituals themselves were carried out exclusively at the same time.

    By the way, you can read about the theological and philosophical purpose of this practice in the book, the author of which is Martinez de Pasqualis. He compiled a Treatise on the Reintegration of Creatures. Experts call this teaching Gnostic.

    Russian philosophers approached this practice from a more spiritual perspective. They called theurgy an art that creates a different being. And then Vladimir Soloviev suggested an even more interesting term. We are talking about "free theurgy" - the process of transformation of creativity by means of divine forces, carried out for the sake of creating beauty in its highest forms.

    What is meant? That poets and artists should become some kind of prophets, priests. Only they will no longer be owned by the religious idea, but by themselves, being its earthly embodiment.

    Interestingly, even Lenin spoke out about theurgy. He strongly condemned the parallel that thinkers drew between social and religious practice, but both during his lifetime and after death, this direction took place.

    Theurgic ideas were promoted by A.V. Lunacharsky, who disguised them. The specialist was personally acquainted with N. Berdyaev, supported the opinion of V. Soloviev, so that his understanding of this practice also formed the basis for the development of Russian philosophy of those times.

    But Immanuel Kant, being the founder of German classical philosophy, categorically denied any ideas related to theurgy. The philosopher called this practice a fantastic delusion. He assured that it is impossible to perceive any other supersensible beings, even if they exist. And even more so to influence them.

    Mayan cosmic theurgy

    A powerful technique is known under this name, which appeared in the healing horizon not so long ago. But if you believe the people who tried it, the results are amazing.

    The technique involves working with channels. As everyone knows, these are resources that are the sources of certain forces. And in Mayan theurgy, channels work according to a completely different scheme, much more efficiently.

    This technique can be called revolutionary. The channels used in the work can be characterized as more reasonable than those that preceded the emergence of the considered technique. The initiated person skillfully directs their energy into the human body. And already there, she herself discovers the focus of the problem, after which she begins to intensively treat the disease.

    They say that the channels used are so strong that they penetrate even the deepest layers of the human subconscious. To be clarified: the technique has nothing to do with the so-called zombie. But there is a harmonious, thoughtful work aimed at cosmic psychocorrection.


    They need to be discussed separately. There are only 75 canals in Mayan theurgy. They say they appeared in the second half of 2000. The channels belong to the highest 4th level, and came from the constellations Ursa Major and Orion. In terms of strength, they are about 5-10 more powerful than those that were previously known.

    What is most interesting is that the Mayan space theurgy allows you to simultaneously work with all 75 channels at the same time. It is difficult to list all of them, but the selective ones are worth studying. Here is some of them:

    1. Itsamna and Ish-Chel are the channels of male and female energy, respectively. They work across the entire spectrum of problems.
    2. Kuvva - helps to cleanse chakras, subtle bodies and meridians from negativity.
    3. Tann - gives energy to saturate with positive emotions.
    4. Isanam and Itinam are channels for the purification of karma for the maternal and paternal births, respectively.
    5. Buurmok - through this channel it is possible to penetrate into the subconscious and identify the reasons why a person has problems.
    6. Koog - is the source of energy for working with information fields.
    7. Chaal-Tsik is a channel of the Mayan cosmic theurgy for protection from the negative influences of any manifestation.
    8. Bikfit - helps to treat hereditary diseases.
    9. Yom is a channel that gives energy for the speedy healing of ulcers and wounds.
    10. Alcac is a source of strength for moving forward.
    11. Muul-Tukan is a channel that provides energy for achieving happiness, wealth, success, abundance.
    12. Chaochak - works to improve the figure, face and character.
    13. Inihi is a channel that gives energy to remove the seal of loneliness and the crown of celibacy.
    14. Kanka is a source of strength for solving various life problems.
    15. Chalan - helps to destroy all negative astral entities.
    16. Schoppol is a channel, the energy of which is opposed to love spells, coding, as well as zombies.
    17. Kukh - contributes to the destruction of other people's problems that are on the shoulders of a person.
    18. Tzukkul - effectively helps to clear any buildings (residential or not) from negativity.
    19. Kuui and Missik are channels working with children and animals, respectively.

    And this is only a small part of the channels that cosmic theurgy uses. There are many others aimed at treating certain diseases or organs: aak (immune system), kemi (vegetative), baka (urological ailments), tukku (genitourinary diseases), yudek (thyroid problems), iota (work with the digestive tract), cannillus (muscles and tendons), kuun (heart and blood vessels), etc.

    How does the technique work?

    Many are interested to know the answer to this question. And it is simple: all channels of Mayan theurgy work only through consciousness, which, as you know, is a mirror of health.

    It is worth looking into. Each channel works through the main chakra, leading a person into the so-called golden energy of the creator.

    Accordingly, it is very important what kind of person performs actions and thought forms. All the notorious channels are very powerful wave frequency impulses, but their strength is harmless for both the patient and the practitioner. Why? Because their source is the Almighty himself and his Divine Love.

    Hence follows the main rule of technology: it is possible to begin the rituals of theurgy only if a person lives according to his conscience and strives for righteousness.

    All Eastern practitioners and specialists in the field of psychosomatics agree with this. Human health (mental and physical), as well as his success in various spheres of life, directly depends on how strong his love for others and for himself, as well as on self-esteem.

    Therefore, the treatment will not be effective if negativity continues to be present in life. Fears, hatred, indifference, lust for power, greed, pride, irritability - all these give rise to destructive behavior and negative thought forms. Because of what, the balance of energies in the body is disturbed.

    The principle known as “like attracts like” works: the patient starts to get sick, evil eyes, spoilage, negative attitudes literally “stick” to him. One part comes from the family, the other - from previous lives.

    What to do? How can such conditions be treated with Mayan cosmic theurgy? The principle is simple. Healing channels behave like sentient beings. They, penetrating into the human body, themselves reveal the problem. What's important is that energy is conserved, not dissipated. Therefore, the channels in any case harmonize the functions of the human body, restore them. And no hypnosis, suggestion or coding.

    What can be treated?

    Everything. This is what the testers of theurgy assure. The same conclusion can be made by examining in detail all the channels and areas on which they affect.

    Practitioners of this technique declare: what can be healed with the help of such a technique is another confirmation of the boundless mercy and kindness of the Almighty.

    Here are the results you can achieve:

    • relief of heavy karma;
    • mitigating the negative consequences of mistakes, as well as offenses (committed knowingly or not);
    • deliverance from curses (even generic);
    • cleansing the family tree;
    • building strong energy-information flows;
    • help a person acquire the true heritage of his ancestors;
    • successful development and prosperity in different aspects of life;
    • rejuvenation;
    • self improvement;
    • strengthening will and spirit;
    • improving relationships.

    Practitioners of Mayan theurgy argue that the system acquired by man will remain with him for life. And he will be able to resort to it at any time when the appropriate need arises.

    How to start?

    Before resorting to the magic of theurgy, you need to open your heart, light a flame of love in it. Otherwise, the blessing of the Most High simply will not come to a person. In order for the healing ray to reach out to meet with God's grace, you need to believe in this. No other way.

    Just as the power ray of the North Pole of a magnet does not exist without the South Pole, so God's love will not reach a person if he radiates waves of distrust and fear.

    Everyone who has decided to embark on the path of so-called spiritual development and improvement must complete the following steps:

    1. Clear thoughts. From life you need to remove all the negative in any of its manifestations.
    2. Change actions. You need to start creating only good and good.
    3. Stop giving in to illusions and pride.
    4. To cultivate in oneself the responsibility for using the acquired abilities. It will really be great.

    Only after being mentally prepared for the Mayan theurgy, it will be possible to begin to study the methodology. The next stage is drawing up a competent, well-thought-out session scheme for work, which will first be carried out with oneself, and only then with other people. It will take a long time to practice trying channel combinations for specific cases and specific situations.

    But first, of course, initiation into Mayan theurgy is carried out. It includes four stages. Namely:

    1. Initiation into basic channels. We have already mentioned them above - these are Itzamna and Ish-Chel.
    2. Initiation into selected channels from the entire list. A person himself must determine what he has more soul for.
    3. Initiation into the master. This gives a person the right to work with all channels, strengthen them, consolidate them.
    4. Initiation into masters. This makes it possible to turn on all channels for certain codes. That is, to use their energy in an enhanced mode. Also, the master has the right to independently conduct initiations.

    Of course, the student is given a detailed manual. Having got acquainted with it, he will be able to study the basics of theurgy, understand how work with channels is carried out, what needs to be done to eliminate problems and heal ailments.


    They deserve special attention. There are many reviews about Mayan theurgy, since this practice really causes genuine interest in most people who are fond of mysticism. And they are usually positive.

    Here are some of the most common comments on this topic:

    1. Mayan theurgy is a real opportunity to change your existence for the better. By opening his soul to cosmic energies, a person lets the best into life. And people really feel it.
    2. By regularly practicing the technique, you manage to comprehensively influence aspects of your life. Moreover, both material and spiritual.
    3. After initiation, a person acquires a reliable and effective tool that helps in the future to solve problems of a wide range.
    4. The channels of this Vedic theurgy do not require any modifications, which is found in the fields of other techniques. This means that they can be used immediately after passing the initiation.
    5. The main channels do indeed work across the spectrum of problems. People who practice theurgy assure: after working with them, the negativity is cleared, chakras open, energy intensifies, and ailments miraculously disappear.
    6. Working through the Mayan canals is very deep. Starting precisely from the top, the flow begins to work immediately in all directions. People literally feel the acquisition of protection and renewal of the whole organism.

    In general, everyone has different impressions after the procedures. This is not surprising, because human perception is subjective. Some give bizarre descriptions: during the initiation, it is as if the whole body is pierced by thousands of needles, and this is accompanied by heat, replaced by cold. After this, visions of incredible beauty arise, and then complete relaxation comes.

    Be that as it may, all the people who applied the practice agree on one thing - the result is impressive. And after one time I want to refer to these energies again. People seem to have a regular need for constant spiritual improvement.

    About dedication

    Many reviews talk about this. If you believe the words of the students and those people who wanted to do theurgy, not everyone is ready to initiate the sacrament. Here's what they say most often in their reviews:

    1. Many teachers are strict, and therefore take a long time to analyze whether a candidate is worthy of it.
    2. Before starting the training, it is very important to go through the cleaning, independently participate in several sessions.
    3. Learning is not easy. It is difficult to open up, to become sincere, but the result is worth it.
    4. In the process of initiation, one can learn a lot not only about practice, technique and channels, but also about oneself, one's soul.
    5. Learning changes a person a lot. He begins to feel what he did not feel before, to understand what he was not aware of before. Each diligent student acquires the ability to understand people's thoughts and distinguish their energies.
    6. After completing the training, an incredible feeling arises, a feeling of magic and happiness. And of course, the desire to start helping yourself and others, to transfer your knowledge to those who deserve it, to heal those in need.

    After initiation, many theurgists remember - some of them did not even think before that their "element" could be healing. But after completing the training, it turns out that this does not require special talents. The main thing is faith and a heart open to love.

    An opportunity to change life for the better by opening access to cosmic energies

    Cosmic Theurgy Mayan Is an evolutionary continuation of Sacred Cosmology, the ability to comprehensively influence the material and non-material aspects of life, developing and improving them. After completing the initiation, you get a reliable, effective tool for solving a wide range of problems.

    Mayan theurgy - these are channels of a special frequency, of a higher order. They are 5-10 times stronger than the known energy channels, they act at deep levels of the subconscious, they are able to consciously, quickly find and solve a problem without unnecessary energy expenditures. The Mayan Theurgy Channels, unlike many others, do not require development, they can be fully used immediately after initiation.

    Mayan Cosmic Theurgy will help:

    • Achieve material well-being and fulfill desires.
    • Heal from ailments and rejuvenate the body.
    • Improve relationships with others, find your place in society
    • Achieve inner harmony and solve psychological problems.
    • Cleanse from the effects of magical rituals
    • Get rid of negative attitudes and destructive connections.
    • Clear karma and raise the clan.
    • Harmonize the energy system.

    The resulting system remains with you for life, you can practice at any time when there is a need for it.

    Space Theurgy Maya at the Center "World of Arkaim"

    Valery Arzamasov's Parapsychology Center "The World of Arkaim" invites you to get to know more about the possibilities of Mayan Theurgy. We work in person in Moscow, Izhevsk and in absentia in other regions of the Russian Federation, with those who:

    • just starting to use energy channels;
    • strives to gain new knowledge about working with cosmic energies;
    • feels the strength to help others, but does not know where to start.

    Each of the channels of Mayan Theurgy helps to solve certain situations, has a certain scope. You can start small by accessing one of them, or pick a few of the most important ones.
    The cost of initiation into one channel of Mayan theurgy ranges from 3,000 to 10,000 rubles and depends on the specifics of the channel.

    Center for parapsychology "World of Arkaim" offers:

    • Full-time and part-time initiation. You can pass initiation via Skype or in person, while we guarantee a consistently high quality.
    • Help, but not control. You yourself choose the channels you feel you need to work with. The master can give individual recommendations, but the choice is yours.
    • Confidentiality. We are convinced that information about initiation into the Mayan energy channels is personal information, and we do not use the names of our clients in advertising.

    To get answers to questions, to undergo initiation, call 8 926-077-86-64 or sign up for a consultation via the feedback form.

    Change for the better starts here -

    Divine Channels of Mayan Theurgy

    This is my first article about the system of sacred knowledge of the Mayan Cosmic Theurgy system. Let it remain as it was written in 2015.

    Just add some finishing touches ..

    Passing the BEST! This is one of the best systems. Everyone is just in awe of her. There is no equal to her in HEALING.

    And the most "cunning" ones take channels and work with me for a whole year.

    The most important channels of Cosmic Theurgy: * Maya individually adjust to each person and independently discover the problem, penetrating deep into the subconscious.

    * This is not in any system that is familiar to me.

    1.Two basic channels Itzamna, Ish-chel work across the entire spectrum of tasks.

    2. The system has a MIND

    By opening the entire system with a special code that is given at initiation, you turn on all 75 channels and diagnostics of all systems of your body, all your current affairs, and the autonomous activation of the necessary channels for solving the assigned tasks occurs.

    YOU cleanse, heal, solve your current affairs, increase your energy status, work with the subconscious, open the way for the future.

    I will say right away for skeptics, but this is "not manna from heaven"

    Not all and not all at once. It would be so simple, everyone would be dedicated and communism really came.

    According to Vera, it is given according to energy status.

    • Everyone who came into contact with this system was convinced of its effectiveness.
    • Transmitted both internally and remotely
    • We select the system of initiations individually.
    • Promote spiritual transformation, purification of consciousness and unconscious from negative information that blocks the natural self-realization of the individual.
    • It also relieves of negative energy clots that fill the life and consciousness of a person.
    • They cleanse and harmonize the space and everything around.
    • Perfectly heals and rejuvenates.
    • You gain an energy level and keep your defense well.

    Mayan Cosmic Theurgy is a system of esoteric knowledge of a new generation.
    Few people know about it, and if they do talk, they do not try to expose it somehow openly. The sacrament must be preserved.

    A system that allows you to activate the genome of involvement with the space of the Universe.

    In the sky Sacred Energy of the Universe a new super-powerful constellation was born - Cosmic Theurgy Maya.

    Bursting into our world swiftly and confidently, the channel system declared itself as a flurry stunning results and reviews from the effects of their super efficientchannels.

    Cosmic Theurgy Maya - this is not only a galaxy of new channels, it is a whole innovative technique, where the channels work in a completely different way than all previously known techniques.

    This is the creativity not so much of people who received and owns the system, but of the The Creator and all Higher Light Forces.

    I want to introduce you to this system in an accessible form.

    To tell about it as I understand it myself.

    I want to make a reservation that this is my personal view and understanding of truly one of the best systems, systems Mayan Cosmic Theurgy.

    Nobody and nothing can arrange the fate of a person, except for the person himself.

    As long as the consciousness of the need for change, the need to improve the body and soul, sleeps in him, he is a shopkeeper of the spirit, and every life for him ends with the fact that, like a log, he is buried.

    For all others, there is a different path, the path of physical and spiritual development.

    The eternal desire of the soul to return to what was once lost Divine Source opened access to cosmic energies from the constellation Orion and Ursa Major.

    Knock and it will open to you.

    Search and you will find.

    This is what actually happened. Higher power give people something that can correct and transform them, in spirit and likeness Creator.

    A new innovative channel system has become such a help. Cosmic Theurgy Maya.

    These constellations are associated with the sacred points of our territory, the territory of Russia, respectively, today we have the opportunity with these channels - modified, adapted to a person and to the realities of our life, that is, they themselves test us and look for what needs to be corrected.

    These are living energy and living channels.

    And I assure you they do not work like a child.

    The impact is smooth, soft, but powerful, deep.

    Why space is understandable.

    Why Maya?

    Because our mind and subconscious are accustomed to trust only proven facts.

    And the latest achievements of scientists have proven the veracity of the hypothesis that “ galactic »Maya really existed.

    Yes, these are two different people.

    The Mayan people are classic and those Maya who created a highly developed culture are usually called “ galactic »Maya.

    Because their accomplishments contained galactic level informationbeyond general information.

    Having fulfilled its mission The "galactic" Mayans left as suddenly as they appeared on the continent.

    Leaving behind cities and knowledge, but not leaving guardianship over earthlings.

    What is clear evidence, the system Cosmic Theurgy Maya , channels of help in all its forms and angles.

    And that's just great.

    Why Theurgy?

    When working with any systems purity thoughts are of great importance.

    From greek Theurgy-this is magic art, creative action in conjunction with God.

    This system restores not only harmony of body, soul and spirit, but also harmonizes consciousness with the subconscious and with Higher "I"

    Each of us knows that without a global cleansing of our own consciousness and subconsciousness, it is not realistic to fully maintain and restore health.

    And get rid of yourself negative programs, bindings, zombies, get rid of astral entities possible, but difficult.

    And if you consider that after all these manipulations you need to restore all subtle bodies, start all the chakras in the correct mode, clear the meridians of the subtle bodies and much more, then work "above the roof", so "Mama do not cry."

    Again, for the skeptics.

    Everything is possible.

    Try it, go for it.

    I urge you to go the other way and not go to the tanks with a baton, but use what you shared with us.

    But with solving life and energy problems can handle the channels Cosmic Theurgy Maya.

    Cosmic Theurgy Maya Is a system of the latest technologies.

    Combining all types of alternative medicine... Including quantum impact, wave, informational, field, resonance and meditation.

    It is based on intuitive insights and secret knowledge, which are passed from teacher to student, and tested by time and people.

    This is the topthis is a synthesis unique knowledge inherited by the world bit by bit.

    Systematized and transmitted for the benefit of all living by disappeared worlds and civilizations, seen as descending luminous flux of energies different spectrum.

    Cosmic Theurgy Maya - these are channels of a special frequency, of a higher order.

    They are many times stronger than the known energy channels, they act at the deepest levels of the subconscious. Cosmic Theurgy Maya unlike many others, they do not require any experience; they can be fully used immediately after initiation.

    it Divine Energy. Energy of the Creator.

    It transforms the entire human energy system, since the matrix of channels, spiritual energy Higher Mind, who knows how to find the cause and effect of this or that state herself.

    As a result, there is a smooth attunement to a new higher frequency.

    The whole is being rebuilt power system without physical and mental harm.

    Influence at the level of chakras and meridians of subtle bodies.

    This is its qualitative superiority over other systems.

    Mayan Cosmic Theurgy Is an evolutionary continuation sacred knowledge The universe, the ability to comprehensively influence the material and non-material aspects of life, developing and improving them.

    After passing dedication, you get a reliable, effective tool for solving a wide range of tasks.

    Channels "Mayan Cosmic Theurgy" can heal any disease.

    The mercy and kindness of the Almighty is unlimited - and these channels have powerful energies for relief of ancestral karma, for forgiveness and writing off sins not only yours, but also your kind.

    Forces and channels for raising a kind, for a strong improvement in all directions of existence ( personal life, business, interpersonal relationships, spirituality and of course the restoration of the entire energy system) and even improving external look and rejuvenation.

    All this - wave impulses from The Almighty, therefore, they cannot cause harm.

    And they need to be afraid only of those who have a "stone in their bosom" and their thoughts are not pure.

    Reciprocate love for love.

    Development always happens. The world is changing and we living in it, as we are a single system with the Universe.

    We are all subordinate space laws established The creator and for transformation of the spiritual and physical the system to help us " Cosmic Theurgy Maya

    So use it for your own good! For the good of the family! For the good of Mother Earth!

    For the glory of the higher Powers! For the glory of the Creator!

    For the glory of the entire universe!

    Let it be so!

    And so it will be!

    Cosmic theurgy "MAYA", as an evolutionary continuation of Sacred Cosmology, is an innovative method of restoring health, karma, personal life, business, interpersonal relationships, spirituality, and rejuvenation.

    Channels of Cosmic Theurgy "Maya" appeared in space after 2005-2007. They belong to a higher 4th level, they came from the constellations of Orion and the Big Dipper, in terms of the impact force they are 5-10 times more powerful than the previously known cosmoenergy channels and are aimed only at creation.

    Translated from Greek "theurgy" - co-creation with God, "Maya" - an illusion.

    The matrix of channels of Theurgy "MAYA" can be represented as an endless tube of light directed from the Cosmos to the Earth. In the form of beams of light energies of different colors, sweeping through this pipe, we receive settings from the Creator. The main goal of such settings is to revive the spirituality of mankind in order to preserve our civilization and the Earth during the change of eras.

    All channels of the Maya Cosmic Theurgy work through consciousness. No wonder they say: "Health is a mirror of consciousness." Channels work through the crown chakra and lead us into the golden energies of the Creator. This means that each user bears colossal responsibility for their thought forms and actions.

    Working with the channels of the "MAYA" Cosmic Theurgy, one must strive for righteousness (according to the Vedas), which means living according to CONSCIENCE (with the message, from the VESTA - the BOOK OF LIFE or the silvery-white channel of universal knowledge - the POST OF KNOWLEDGE), i.e. with knowledge of the Laws of the Cosmos or Commandments.

    Psychosomatics and oriental healing practices directly say that a person's physical and mental health, his success in various spheres of life depend on an inner feeling of harmony, high self-esteem, love for oneself and others. On the contrary, indifference to one's fate, pride, selfhood, envy, fears, greed, irritability, hatred, lust for power give rise to destructive thought forms and behavior. The balance of energies in the body is disturbed and according to the principle “like attracts like” a person picks up damage, evil eyes, magical influences, codes, installations and other virtual programs of destruction. Some of these programs come by Lineage, some - from previous lives (incarnations).

    In the "golden" series of the FSC, the channels of the "MAYA" Cosmic Theurgy are prescribed, aimed at dissolving the deep root causes of diseases.

    The FSC "golden" series provides for a dosed effect at a time. This means that there is no need to monitor the operation of the channel: when to open, when to close. The principle is taken as the basis: "Better less is more." Channels are launched in 3 - 5 - 10 minutes, and are triggered individually - from several minutes to several hours, and sometimes even days. It all depends on the extent of the problem the user has.

    The channels start independently, it is enough to take the required FSC in hand. Energy of Benevolence is not required.

    All FSCs of the "golden" series are adaptive and adapt to a specific user.

    FSC "golden" series can be used in any usual way, they are perfectly combined with FSCs of other series on the principle of matching pairs.

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