• Where to get money for a teenager: all available ways. Working for teenagers: legal options for making money offline and online How to make decent money online for a teenager


    Probably every teenager dreams of having his own income. Nowadays it has become much easier for school-age youth to find a job. This can be done both with the help of specialized youth organizations and in various recruiting agencies. But not everyone knows exactly which jobs are available for minors. In the article we will try to cover in detail the topic of where and how a teenager can.

    Fundamentals of legislation

    The Russian law classifies as minors the category of persons under the age of 18. In turn, the civil law divides them into two categories: minors and, in fact, minors. The first category includes children under 14 years old. Their rights are spelled out in paragraph 2 of Art. 28 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. So, in the field of civil legal relations, minors are allowed:

    • make small household transactions, which include, for example, shopping in a store;
    • make transactions aimed at receiving benefits for free (for example, accepting gifts);
    • dispose of money provided by parents or other persons with their consent.

    After a child reaches the age of 14, civil legal capacity expands significantly. This category of persons has the right:

    • independently manage their income;
    • have copyright on their own works;
    • make deposits to the bank;
    • do business with parental consent;
    • become a member (from the age of 16).

    Work for children under 18

    Currently, the law allows the possibility of concluding an employment contract with a sixteen-year-old teenager. Consequently, from this age, anyone can officially get a job. From the age of 15, there is also an opportunity to find a job, but on condition that the teenager graduated from basic general education, that is, 9 classes of secondary school.

    Part 3 of Art. 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation makes it possible to get a job subject to the following conditions:

    • one of the parents gave his consent and formalized it in writing;
    • the teenager will work in his free time;
    • work will not harm your health.

    There is a possibility of employment for children under the age of 14, provided that such work does not harm their health and moral development. The law allows children under the age of 14 to work in cultural institutions, namely, play in the theater, sing at concerts, act in films and perform in the circus.

    Becoming a businessman at 14?

    Civil law today allows teenagers from the age of 14 to do business. This is perhaps the most difficult, but at the same time, the most promising chance for a teenager to acquire their own earnings, and, possibly, complete financial independence.

    In order to become a businessman at the age of 14, the written consent of one of the parents is required. According to the law, after registering a business, a teenager has the right to apply for full civil legal capacity - emancipation. This requires the consent of both parents, which is submitted to the guardianship and guardianship authority.

    If the parents refuse to give such consent, then the issue can be resolved in court. After emancipation, the teenager is fully responsible for all his obligations and transactions.

    What are the earning opportunities in the labor market?

    Today, there are many ways to earn money that are available to adolescents, especially those living in large cities. The most popular types of work for minors are the following:

    Opportunities to make money using the Internet

    The advantage of this type of work is that it often does not require a lot of time, and, most importantly, it can be done without leaving home. The most accessible types for teens on the net are the following:

    How to avoid becoming a victim of online scams

    Quite often it happens that the customer gets the job done and disappears without paying for the order. Unfortunately, probably every freelancer has encountered online fraud. Still, there are fairly simple ways to identify an unscrupulous customer:

    • do not accept orders from persons whose Internet pages on the social network were created recently or are half-empty (that is, they contain little information);
    • do not accept orders if their price exceeds market prices by two or more times;
    • do not get down to work if you are required to pay in advance to receive an assignment.

    These are the most common tricks that unscrupulous customers go to to attract inexperienced performers. If you come across something like this, it is better to politely refuse the offered job right away. Such caution will ensure that your time and effort is not wasted.

    In contact with

    If you, my young friend, are reading this article now, it means that you are already interested in ways to make money online. There are actually a lot of them - and you can do everything.

    Even if you are not particularly good at anything, there is still a job. And if you managed to get the skills and abilities - and the flag in your hands. Let's check?

    Pros and cons of making money online for a teenager

    Pros first:

    • your pocket money. Let a little, but your own, you don't have to ask your parents;
    • flexible schedule - you decide how much time to devote to part-time work;
    • you can work at home - you have a computer;
    • you will learn various useful things that may be useful in the future;
    • and maybe even find the work of a lifetime. For example, you will enjoy filming videos so much that you will go to study as a director or cameraman.

    And now the cons:

    • if you are not yet 14 years old, it will not be easy to withdraw the earned money. We'll have to tell your parents about your Napoleonic plans. If you already have a passport - great, you can get both a bank card and electronic wallets;
    • if you already sit at the computer all day, spare your brain, do not overexert it. It is better to get an offline part-time job - it will be more useful;
    • parents may be against it. Your task is to prove that you are already (almost) an adult and can successfully combine study and work. If you can’t, you’d better not take it. Believe me - study is really more important now.

    Well, you are determined to earn money. I will describe here more than a dozen ways to choose for you. For convenience, we will divide them into three large groups.

    This is a job that does not require certain skills (perform the simplest actions and tasks), more serious work that will require certain skills (shoot videos and photos, write texts) and passive income. Let's start!

    Simple online earnings for teenagers

    This is an unskilled job - anyone can do it. I advise you to start with it, get your hands on it and then move on to more difficult tasks.

    Likes, reposts, comments

    It's simple: you register on a special site (for example, VkTarget.ru), link your page on VKontakte to it, and perform simple tasks. For example, join a group, like a post,.

    They pay a little for such actions: for a like - an average of 10 kopecks, for joining a group - 30-40, for a repost - 4-50. Each action takes a couple of seconds - so you can run up to 50 rubles a day, it all depends on your activity.

    Be careful!For suspicious activity, social networks mercilessly block pages. Learn what limits VKontakte sets, and do not exceed them.

    Completing assignments

    Some sites employ freelancers to complete assignments. For example, Yandex.Toloke constantly needs volunteers. Tasks can be very different: check comments for insults and swearing, compare search queries, check articles for compliance with the title, record video on a smartphone, and so on. There are also "field" tasks: to photograph a building in your city, for example.

    Examples of tasks in "Yandex.Toloka"

    In many tasks, you must first go through the training, and then start. They also pay a little for such tasks: on average, from 1 to 10 cents.

    For field assignments, fees can go up to several dollars. I wrote more about the Yandex.Toloka service in.

    There are other sites for completing tasks: profitcentr.com, seo-stream.com, rucaptcha.com and others.

    Earnings on games

    Now this is more interesting! If you love to play games (on a PC, laptop or smartphone), it will be a pleasant surprise that you can earn money from it. There are different ways to make money: you may be offered to spend a certain amount of time online in the game, complete a mission and earn points, or even just download the game to your phone. This is how game creators promote their creations.

    You can earn up to 50 rubles for 3-4 hours of playing. Usually, offers to earn money are posted directly on the sites and forums of games:

    • funpay.ru
    • buytoplay.ru
    • forums.goha.ru
    • and others.

    Making money on farms is also popular. You can find a job on the websites astrolords.ru, west-gold.ru, money-birds.com. You can earn 2-3 thousand rubles a month on farms.

    Earnings on mobile applications

    What could be easier - download applications and get paid for it! You already do it, only for free. The advertapp.ru application is called “Mobile earnings”. With it, you can download applications, leave comments, rate, watch videos. Thus, you help the developers to promote a good project to the masses.

    You can easily earn 50 rubles a day in a couple of hours. Consider this: for downloading a game they pay 6-20 rubles, for writing a review - from 2 to 10, for completing a task - in different ways, but it reaches 120 rubles.

    Writing reviews

    For anything - a purchased item, a watched film, a website on the Internet, any organization - a store, a beauty salon or a bank. Sites like "otzovik" and irecommend.ru constantly need new reviews. It is better if they are voluminous (at least A4 page size), and with photos attached.

    An example of a response on "Otzovik"

    Do not try to write like in textbooks - your reviews will be read by the same ordinary people. The main thing is for the texts to be emotional and lively. You cannot copy other people's reviews from the Internet - write yourself. Otherwise, the payment will not be seen.

    For one review, they pay about 10 rubles one-time and 6 kopecks for each view. That is, everything depends on you: you can write a review that makes you want to read it. - money will drip every day. After all, there can be at least a few thousand views of one review. Calculate your possible income and be surprised.

    • Read also:

    Earnings on surveys (questionnaires)

    Many firms are interested in how buyers evaluate their products. The easiest way to find out is to ask the client to fill out a questionnaire and answer questions about the product.

    This is what you can do if you register on special sites and tell about yourself (you also buy goods and use services - which means that companies need to know your opinion). We wrote in more detail about this online earnings.

    You will be sent questionnaires to fill out. The main thing is to answer honestly. An average of 30-50 rubles are paid for one survey. There are also more expensive ones - rubles for 300-400 rubles, but there you will spend a lot of time. It is quite possible to earn several thousand a month.

    You can make money on surveys on the sites Platnijopros, Anketka, Rublklub, “Internet Profile”, “Paid Survey”, “Expert Opinion” and others.

    Be careful! Do not be fooled by offers that promise an outrageous price. Well, answers to 10 questions cannot cost 10,000 rubles!

    • Read also:

    Earnings for those who can do something

    If you already have certain skills, it's time to monetize them. If you know how to put words into sentences, try copywriting. If you draw well in Photoshop, make covers for publics or logos for companies. And so on.

    This is already real - the execution of one-time orders with payment for each. You can find such a job on freelance exchanges (fl.ru, kwork.ru, weblancer.net, etxt.ru, advego.com), on Avito bulletin boards, VKontakte and Facebook publics, channels in Telegram ”.

    Different directions on the freelance exchange

    On the exchanges, the principle is this: you register and go to the list of available tasks. If you like something and the price suits you, apply for this order and wait for the customer to approve your candidacy.

    Attention: you will not be the only one, dozens of performers flock to good orders. In order for the customer to choose you, you need to describe your knowledge and skills as much as possible, attach links to already completed work. Well, or just take orders at a lower price - there are few people willing to take them.

    If you want to earn more, dive into free swimming and look for customers yourself - in public, on forums, in messengers. Just look for ads from people looking for writing / design services / audio transcripts and so on. Write to them yourself and offer your help.

    Be careful! Although they pay less on the exchanges, they will definitely not be deceived. If you do the job well, you will get paid anyway. In free swimming, you can be deceived (like adult freelancers - it's generally easy): take a job and throw it into an emergency, don't pay and delete the page - then look for this fake.

    • Read also:

    To insure yourself, always take an advance payment - this is a common practice, no one will look askance. If you are offered to make a contribution before starting work, do not be fooled, this is definitely a deception.

    If you find a customer, try it on a search engine, you can find out a lot of interesting things. And just in case, indicate an older age on the page or in the profile - not all customers will entrust the work to a teenager, I'm sorry.


    If you have a good style and literacy, try writing commercial texts. I warn you right away: they have little to do with school essays.

    You will write mainly for commercial sites: do product descriptions, talk about the company, advertise goods and services. The main purpose of such a text is to make a person want to buy a product.

    But that is not all. In order for your text to raise the site to the top of the search engine and to be seen by buyers, you need to make it seo-optimized: add special keywords, select images and captions to them. Well, and, of course, write it from scratch, and not copy it from other sources.

    Now there will be a tru-story. When my daughter was 13, she decided to earn some money in this way and took an order from the exchange - a text about the Tretyakov Gallery. I hammered into Yandex the words “Tretyakov Gallery”, pulled information from various sites and spilled text from these pieces. Naturally, it turned out to be non-unique: it was school teachers who would accept such a report, but serious uncle-customers would not.

    If interested, read our article about. In fact, it is not difficult - you can master everything by studying useful articles and books and getting your hands on the first simple orders.

    Social media administrator

    You can combine business with pleasure: become an administrator or moderator of an interesting group. You will have to monitor the activity in the group: clean comments, ban trolls. Sometimes, depending on the working conditions, you have to hold contests, negotiate mutual reposts, advertise, write posts.

    Finding such a job is very simple: on the same exchanges, job sites or in specialized freelance communities. I advise you to first become an admin of a small group - this can be a school community, a group of friends, a public by interest. Just write to the admin and offer your services - for free or, if you're lucky, for a couple of thousand rubles.

    When you get comfortable, look for a permanent job. You will need several hours a day to manage one group - but you will have to constantly (at least once an hour) generate content and monitor activity so as not to miss negativity and insults. They pay for this already decently: from 3 to 5 thousand rubles without experience and more if you have experience and portfolio.

    An example of a vacancy on a job search site

    Video editing

    If you run a channel on YouTube, stream - you definitely have an idea of \u200b\u200bthis work. If you don't know how, then learn it: it will come in handy for the development of your own channel.

    You can make money on editing like this: shoot videos, cut and paste fragments, add subtitles, make sound and music. Such services cost from 500 to 1000 rubles - quite good for a beginner.

    Photo sale

    If you are fond of photography, take and process photos, and know how to find good angles - try taking a photo for sale. You can sell them on the same exchanges or on photo stocks. For example, Shutterstock, Depositphotos, Fotolia and others. One photo costs about 25 cents.

    Consider only that not all pictures will fit for sale. Photos of nature, animals, and subject photography are sold like hot cakes. But with images of people, you need to be careful.

    Passive income on the Internet

    These are the methods of making money online that do not work for you immediately, but gradually. Take the same reviews that I wrote about above. You wrote it a year ago, and people are looking at it now, and money drips from each view.

    Passive income can be earned in other ways as well. I'll tell you more about each one that is suitable for a teenager.

    Your blog or channel

    Previously, all bloggers sat in LiveJournal - now there are many other options. Large companies create blogs as sections on websites and talk about their products and services.

    Anyone can go to Wordpress and write whatever their heart desires. Yes, you can write in social networks - some teenagers maintain such pages and groups - you will read it!

    “Yandex.Zen” is also popular now. Anyone can start their own channel there - just have an account in Yandex.

    Teens and Teens Channel

    The most popular are (thematic). This blog that you are currently reading is about making money online. The teen channel from the example above is also devoted to one topic - the lives of teenagers.

    All this is great, you say, but how to make money here? It's very simple. A blog or a channel on Zen can be monetized - to receive money from the fact that advertising will be inserted into the post.

    To do this, you need to constantly write articles - preferably one a day, and every day. Then in about a month you will be monetized.

    You can earn from 30 rubles per day (for a beginner) to 1000 for a promoted channel. Thus, you will receive money every day. If, of course, you do not abandon the channel and continue to write more or less constantly.

    Affiliate and referral programs

    The bottom line is simple: you register on some service and send a link to it to your friends and acquaintances. Or you write a post on a blog or on a page in a social network, to which you attach a link.

    If people pass through it, register and start working in the service, a percentage of their earnings goes to you. And this is not a one-time income, but a permanent one. In essence, services pay you for attracting one more (or more) user to them.

    There are such programs on many sites. For example, in the same “Yandex.Toloka” you will receive from 5 to 20 percent of the cost of the task, which was completed by the person you invited. The Etekst copywriting exchange also has an affiliate program - if a person has followed the link and started fulfilling orders, you will receive 2.5% for each order he has completed.

    Half of teenagers dream of making money at the age of 14. The desire is due to the desire for financial independence, self-realization, material constraints on the part of parents, youthful maximalism. The labor market is not friendly to underage job seekers - most employers refuse them.

    How and where can a boy or girl at the age of 14 quickly earn money for their own needs? The Internet is the best option.

    Benefits of working on the Internet

    1. The Internet is the place where a teenager can make money legally and safely.
    2. Remote work can be combined with studying at school, devoting 2-3 hours a day to work.
    3. In the virtual space, there are different options for earning income. Choosing an activity to their liking, a guy or a girl develops as a person, broadens his horizons, learns responsibility and discipline.
    4. You can work anywhere with Internet access. A student at the age of 14 can withdraw the received money to the phone or.
    5. Distance employment will help a minor to master the Internet, delve into e-commerce, and eventually open his own remote business.

    Sometimes parents interfere with the child's desire to earn money on their own. Psychologists advise to support children in their endeavors and, instead of moralizing, sit down with them and think about which type of distance employment is optimal for them. There is something to choose from.

    Ads clicks

    Suitable for boys and girls 12, 13, 14 and older. All that is required of applicants is to register on a click-sponsored site, of which there are dozens on the Internet, click on advertising banners and receive money for every action.

    For one click, performers are paid 8-50 kopecks. The cost depends on the price policy of the resource and other factors, including additional conditions. The work is boring and tedious, quickly becomes boring, but it can be considered for a start.

    A 14-year-old schoolchild can earn even more on click-sponsored sites - 300-500 rubles a day if he takes on other tasks as well. Usually, such resources place orders for reading advertising letters, answering test questions, participating in social surveys, writing comments, and attracting referrals via a link.

    The rules for interacting with the service, calculating wages and withdrawing funds from the system, the procedure for fulfilling orders, penalties and other terms of cooperation are published in the relevant sections of the site. The contractor needs to familiarize himself with them before completing the first order.

    File sharing

    A 14-year-old teenager can make quick money on file sharing. The main difficulty is to find and place in the system such files that are guaranteed to interest users. The more downloads, the higher the income.

    Users usually search for:

    1. films just released;
    2. new games;
    3. useful open source software;
    4. albums of popular groups.

    Audio and video files must be recorded in high quality and resolution. After the user has uploaded them, you need to advertise the links on forums, in thematic communities of social networks. Advertising will help attract the first target users.

    The more links, the higher the chances that the number of downloads will reach the required limit to pay money to a teenager who uploaded files to file hosting services.

    Promotion of groups and accounts

    For this purpose, corporate groups and pages are created - all projects need promotion. Boys and girls at the age of 14 cannot build marketing strategies, draw up promotion plans, analyze statistics, select posts for placement in groups.

    This will come with time, but for starters, you can, who is promoting in social networks, and perform simple tasks: put likes, make reposts, join groups or subscribe to publics.

    For each action performed, money is received on the performer's balance. During the day, a student can really earn 150-250 rubles, gradually delve into the specifics and methods of promotion, and then create his own community, promote it and earn money from the publication of advertising posts.

    Client search

    Why shouldn't schoolchildren and students use the Internet as a platform to advertise their services and find clients? During the holidays, you can think about the main or seasonal work - a courier, promoter, au pair, handyman, ancillary worker.

    A student can buy goods for a school or technical school, buy a thing that he has long dreamed of, using the money he earned in the summer.

    Service announcements can be posted on Internet bulletin boards and personal pages on social networks. It often happens that among the acquaintances of a teenager there are many who need his services.

    Nothing and no one bothers to shoot short videos about work during the summer holidays and shares his impressions and experiences on YouTube. In the future, when the channel has subscribers, the teenager will be able to register in affiliate programs and earn money from advertising.

    Hello dear friends! Knowing the desire of the younger generation to have personal funds, I present to your attention an article on how to make money for a teenager.

    Everyone understands that teenagers tend to have their own pocket money. Some want to be independent, others cannot be given extra money by their parents. In both cases, minors have to look for ways to make money.

    In this article, you will learn:

    What kind of jobs can teenagers do?

    Official employment for minors is not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The conditions for choosing a vacancy for teenagers are:

    • ease;
    • free time from studies;
    • no harm to health.

    The work can be permanent and / or seasonal, it does not require certain skills from a teenager, you can master the basics of such a vacancy through several internships. Children under 15 years of age must obtain a work permit from a parent or guardian.

    Where and how to make money for a teenager on the Internet?

    Making money on the Internet for teenagers is a way of making money that does not belong to the official one and provides for a free schedule. Such work does not require experience and investment, certain knowledge and does not limit the time.

    To withdraw funds, you need to open an electronic wallet in the system:

    • webmoney;
    • yandex money;
    • kiwi, etc.

    It is advisable to create wallets on all the listed sites, since most work with all or with one of these systems. Let's take a closer look at where and how much you can earn.

    Immediately a specific video example.

    Have you ever wondered what you spend most of your free time on? American teens said that a lot of them are active participants in chats and users on social networks. I think that the situation is the same among Russian teenagers, only the popular networks are different.

    Where teens spend their time online

    This time can be spent more efficiently!

    Social networks

    To make money on social networks, you must have a page. If it is not there, then recently it is allowed only from the age of fourteen to create accounts on the Internet. You should have as many friends as possible, the income depends on their number.

    • In contact with;
    • Classmates;
    • Facebook;
    • Instagram;
    • Twitter;
    • YouTube, etc.

    Separately, I have already told, and in, I advise you to read.

    Ways to earn a teenager on these resources can be as follows:

    • joining groups, communities and publics;
    • likes or reposts photos, videos, etc .;
    • commenting;
    • sending out something.

    The pay for the tasks is small, however, you can earn pocket money, and eventually master more paid tasks on the Internet.


    You can make money on the Internet for a teenager by freelancing. For successful earnings, you need:

    • fill in the profile in detail;
    • get at least a few positive reviews (for this you will have to take on any, even very low-paid work);
    • leave applications with a positive text about yourself;
    • add your work to the portfolio.

    Freelancing refers to remote work performed at the computer, it can include writing articles, creating graphics, music, working with video and audio files, and much more.

    The best portals where you can earn a teenager are:

    • workzilla.com;
    • fl.ru;
    • weblancer.net;
    • freelance.ru, etc.

    On average, such earnings on the Internet without investments can bring you 3 - 5 thousand rubles a month. With the acquisition of skills and dedication to work more time, the amount can be increased.

    Performing simple tasks

    Earning money on the Internet for a teenager on assignments is considered one of the easiest, and it can consist of:

    • in registration on any sites;
    • in performing any actions on websites or social networks;
    • in posting, comments and reviews;
    • in passing games;
    • in voting and so on.

    IMPORTANT. To avoid fraud, it is highly discouraged to perform tasks with investing your own funds somewhere, only scammers require it.

    Tasks can be found on the sites:

    • wmmail.ru;
    • seosprint.net;
    • profitcentr.com;
    • seo-fast.ru;
    • turbotext.ru, etc.

    The payment for tasks can range from 50 kopecks to 50 rubles, it depends on the complexity.

    And one more thing, in order not to get negative feedback from customers, you need to carefully study the requirements for the work and evaluate your capabilities.

    Earnings with a mobile phone

    With the advent of smartphones, young people began to look for ways to make money on the Internet from their phones. Indeed, such methods exist, and they are:

    • in installing games;
    • in the installation of mobile applications;
    • in performing certain actions in games;
    • in app evaluation;
    • in writing comments and so on.

    On average, the cost of tasks can be from a few kopecks to 10 rubles, depending on the complexity.

    Popular services for making money online are:

    • whaff rewards;
    • advertapp;
    • seosprint;
    • globus-inter.com.

    The downside of some resources is that they are allowed to be used once a day. In order not to have any restrictions, you need to download several of these programs to your smartphone.

    Earnings on games

    Another way to make money for a teenager on the Internet is games in which you can get real money.

    The principle of income in economic browser games is that you need to buy certain items for real money or sell them on the same service. They will bring the player a certain percentage of the invested funds.

    To date, the following games have received the trust of players:

    • golden mines;
    • fermasosedi;
    • rich birds;
    • age of clones;
    • golden tea;
    • taxi-money.

    Not only adolescents, but also children 12 years old and younger can make money in games if they have pocket money.

    NOTE. Before starting the game, you need to carefully read the rules, and also be prepared for the fact that on such resources you can get a lock without explanation or the project can be closed.

    Taking surveys, writing reviews and comments for money

    The next option for how to make money for a teenager is to go through and write comments.

    There is nothing difficult in this, you need to register on certain sites. There you will leave comments about the purchased goods, films, company services, and more.

    Popular commenting services are:

    • vktarget.ru;
    • wpcomment.ru;
    • liked.ru.

    Among the sites for writing reviews are:

    • otzovik.com;
    • tutux.ru;
    • otzyvy.pro;
    • irecommend.

    RECOMMENDATION. You will receive notifications about the completion of surveys by e-mail. On one site, polls are not received daily, so it is recommended to create accounts on several portals.

    Earnings on referrals

    The next way to make money on the Internet is through affiliate programs. Earning on referrals is suitable even for children 12 years old or younger who have mastered a computer.

    The income from this type of activity will be passive, but to achieve this, you will have to work hard. Your task is to distribute referral links by which people will register, and you will receive interest on their income. You will find links on sites with assignments, polls, comments, etc.

    If you devote some time to this topic, create a blog or website that will provide information on ways to make money with links, you can soon get referrals, the number of which will grow depending on the popularity of the site.

    And in general, there are many methods of monetizing your own resources (sites, blogs, channels), and they are very profitable, you just need to learn a little.

    Available ways to earn a teenager offline

    There are many ways for a teenager, of course, part-time work will not bring a lot of money, but there will be enough for pocket expenses and payment for any services. Consider several options for how you can earn money for a teenager without compromising schooling.

    Courier work

    Minors are also allowed to work in the courier service. It is not difficult to find such a vacancy in a big city; for this, look at the advertisement site, in the newspaper or other sources of advertising. A teenager can deliver printed materials and small cargo around the city.

    NOTE. A plus to work will be the presence of a bicycle, a good knowledge of the city or area in which you will be working is a must.

    Posting and distribution of leaflets, advertisements

    The Labor Code states that a child at the age of 12-13 can find a part-time job in his free time from school, but a statement from his parents or guardians is required for employment.

    Thus, a teenager can earn in the summer by distributing and posting flyers. Requirements for an employee are to post ads in the right places, information about which he can get from the employer.

    Helping neighbors and friends

    The next way how to quickly make money for a teenager is to help some people he knows.

    In this case, you need to talk to neighbors or relatives, maybe someone needs to go to the store, walk the dog, help with the housework, look after the baby, wash the car, and much more.

    If you carry out your assignment well, then next time you will be invited again, accordingly for a reward.

    Tutoring - helping younger students

    A 14-year-old teenager can earn money on tutoring services for younger students. Parents may need tutor and for preschoolers if they don't have time to learn letters.

    Typically, such services are required for children who have missed a lot of classes, do not master any subject, have speech impairments, or are inattentive. The service may be required for schoolchildren who come from Ukraine or to deepen their knowledge.

    When placing an ad on the Internet or on ordinary leaflets, you must correctly describe your services. Correctly assess your strength, in order to work with a child, you must:

    1. To be able to combine exactingness with benevolence.
    2. Learn to constantly surprise the child.
    3. Be able to speak with the child in his language.
    4. Smile sincerely and never show a bad mood.

    Earning a teenager in the summer in the village

    Perhaps your grandparents live in your village, then this is a great way to relax, help your family and yourself earn money.

    This can be done by picking berries, mushrooms, and medicinal herbs. The villages often set up reception centers for all this. Such work is not difficult for boys and girls, but the benefits will be unambiguous.

    1. Teenagers from 15 years old do not need to receive an application from their parents, at the age of 16 you can work 35 hours a week, and not 24 hours as at 14 years old, respectively, it is more profitable for the employer to arrange you.
    2. Children of thirteen - fifteen years old are quite naive and can easily stumble upon scammers who will demand investments (this is the first thing to think about), or promise quick earnings. For successful earnings on the Internet, prudence is needed first of all.
    3. When applying for a job, you must always conclude an agreement with the employer, otherwise you may not receive any money at all.
    4. If you want to have your own earned money, you do not need to hide it from your parents and acquaintances, because it is they who can help your employment, talk to their bosses and take you to their place, invite you to help do something around the house, sit with your child, etc. etc.


    While working on the Internet, you should not get hung up on cheap tasks, and give them all your free time. Only constant study of new materials will help you earn more, and if you wish, in the future, completely switch to remote work and receive a decent salary!

    And in conclusion, I propose to watch a motivating video from a girl who tells from her own experience how she started earning and what she achieved.

    Write questions and tips in the comments!

    You will need

    • Of course, there are still labor exchanges and their employees, who sincerely want to help everyone who applied in search of work. But searching for a job on the Internet will be more efficient and easier. You can also visit job fairs.


    Are you only 14? You will have to secure the consent of the parents to yours, otherwise the employer will not have the right to conclude either an employment or a civil contract with you. According to current legislation, consent must be expressed in writing.
    In principle, there are not many vacancies for teenagers, especially for those who are only 14. As a rule, at this age you can get a job as a promoter or posting ad, less often as a courier. Get ready for falling legs at the end of your work time. By the way, do not forget that you are legally limited to only 24 hours a week.

    Approximately the same prospects for 15-, with the only difference that parental consent is not required to conclude an employment contract. It is a little easier for those who have already turned 16: they have the right to work already 35 hours a week, i.e. it is more profitable for employers to take them. The catalog of positions for teenagers 16-18 is wider: a waiter, on the phone, a sales assistant. Girls can also get a job as secretaries, especially if they have a high typing speed.

    Do not forget about the World Wide Web - it provides quite a lot of opportunities to find a remote simple job for almost everyone. We always need copywriters, rewriters, bloggers, programmers. Children from linguistic schools can try their hand at simple translations. As a rule, a private customer who is unable to pay a real specialist will not be interested in how old you are and if you have any work experience if you need to write a simple text or make a short translation on a general topic.

    Unfortunately, not all customers are conscientious. To accurately receive money for your work, demand an advance payment (for example, transfer to YandexMoney) or hand over the work to the customer in person, upon meeting. Although here, no one is immune from deception.

    Finally, the most trusted resource is parents and friends. Maybe the secretary or courier at the company where your mother's friend works has suddenly quit? Maybe the neighbors need someone to sit with their second-grader son and help do his homework? Take an interest! They certainly won't be deceived here.

    The most mundane question is your pay. It will definitely not be high, however, on average, a 14-15 year old teenager may well earn up to 10,000 rubles, and an older age - up to 20,000 (in Moscow).

    The main thing is to always conclude an agreement with the employer or, if you are looking for remote work, demand guarantees of payment (prepayment). Otherwise, you may not get money at all.

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    You can conclude not an employment contract, but a civil law contract (a contract for the provision of services for compensation). Parental consent is required for all minors if imprisoned. Such a contract is less profitable to conclude than an employment contract: it contains fewer guarantees for employees.

    Helpful advice

    Always carefully read the contract you are entering into.

    Before going to an interview, do not be lazy to read articles 63 and 265-272 in the Labor Code.

    Type in the search engines the name of the company from which you received the interview invitation and read the reviews about it. Pay special attention to reviews on sites containing "blacklisting" employers, such as www.blackjob.ru. In general, if a company is mentioned there, as a rule, it is better not to work for it.


    • how can a teenager make money
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