• Synopsis of the frontal lesson in the senior group of compensatory orientation for children with speech impairment lexical topic: “Mother's Day. Conversation". Synopsis of a thematic conversation on Mother's Day in the senior group Assignments on the lexical topic Mother's Day


    Synopsis of the OOD in the preparatory group for the educational field "Speech Development". Theme "The image of the mother in works of art"

    Material Description: I offer you a summary of organized educational activities on the topic "The image of the mother in works of art." This material will be useful to educators of preparatory groups. The presented educational activity belongs to the educational field "Speech development", however, it also integrates other educational areas.

    Program content:
    Educational tasks:

    - to expand and enrich children's knowledge about the Mother's Day holiday, about the image of the mother through familiarization with works of art;
    - to teach children to tell in a connected, full and expressive way, clearly building the composition of the story;
    - exercise in the ability to make sentences with given words, correctly combine them in meaning;
    - fix the names of women's professions.
    Development tasks:
    - to form in children the ability to correctly perceive, feel the mood reflected by the artist in the picture, the poet in the poem, and convey it in words;
    - develop the ability to understand the meaning of proverbs;
    - exercise in regulating the tempo of speech and the strength of the voice.
    Educational tasks:
    - to cultivate a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards mother;
    - educate moral and aesthetic feelings.
    Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.
    Vocabulary work: a disinterested heart, eyes overflowing with tenderness and spiritual purity, affectionate and caring hands, a piece of the sun, a ray of hope, dear mother.
    Preliminary work: Production of souvenirs, greeting cards; reading and learning poems about mother and grandmother; singing songs; individual conversations about the family with children, give them the task to observe what their mother does at home, find out where the mother works, what her profession is; viewing illustrations on the topic.
    Material: paintings - illustrations by artists Boris Kustodiev "Morning", Mary Cassatt "Mother and Sarah Admired the Child", Adolphe William Bouguereau "Maternal Happiness", Ivan Silych Goryushkin-Sorokopudov "Mother with Child", Frederic Leighton "Mother and Child", K.E. . Makovsky "Family Portrait", O.G. Yablonskaya "Motherhood".

    Adolphe William Bouguereau "Maternal Happiness".

    Ivan Silych Goryushkin-Sorokopudov "Mother with child".

    Frederick Leighton Mother and Child.

    K.E. Makovsky "Family Portrait".

    O.G. Yablonskaya "Motherhood".

    What are these pictures about?
    - What can you say about the mothers depicted in these paintings?
    - What kind of mothers did the artists depict?
    What feelings do you get when looking at these pictures?
    Children compose stories from pictures (at the choice of children). Deserve stories of 3-4 children.
    The teacher summarizes the answers of the children, drawing conclusions:

    - Great artists of all times and peoples sought in their works to show the image of a woman - a mother. The image of a mother among all peoples living on earth is the same at all times - this is a woman with a kind disinterested heart, who knows how to love, understand and forgive, with eyes overflowing with tenderness and spiritual purity, with gentle and caring hands.
    - The poet Konstantin Ibryaev also loved his mother very much and wrote a poem in honor of her, which is called “Mom”:
    White, black - different mothers,
    It is very difficult for them sometimes.
    Sometimes their lips are compressed stubbornly,
    But in kind eyes there is always a smile.
    This is a piece of the sun for their children,
    This may be a ray of hope...
    Mum! Mum! With this name
    I would like to go up in a rocket
    Above the highest clouds.
    I would take flowers - a billion bouquets -
    And scattered them over the planet,
    Moms will get them, smile -
    And immediately summer will come everywhere.
    - What is this poem about?
    - What does the author say about mom's smile?
    What would your son like to do for his mother?
    - Why does summer come from mother's smile? (children's answers)
    - Guys, what do you need to do to make moms and grandmothers happy? (Children's answers.) That's right, you don't need to wait for miracles. It is enough for you to take care of mothers and grandmothers yourself, to help them with household chores, to speak affectionate, kind words to them.
    Fizkultminutka "We help mom together."
    We help mom together -
    We wipe dust everywhere.
    We're washing clothes now
    We caress, we squeeze.
    Sweeping everything around
    And run for milk.
    We meet mom in the evening,
    Doors wide open,
    We hug mom tightly.
    Children perform imitative movements according to the text.
    The teacher offers
    game "Make a proposal".
    - And now come up with sentences with the words mom, gift, love, holiday. For example, "Mom's holiday is coming soon."
    Children make up sentences with given words.
    - Well done, how many good and beautiful proposals have come up with.
    - Mom not only takes care of the family, but also works. I suggest you play. Now I will throw the ball into your hands, you catch it, whoever has the ball, he calls his mother's profession and tells what she does at work.
    - You see how much mother's work is necessary for people: she teaches children at school, treats people, sells things, products, etc.
    - There are many proverbs about mother. The people invented them. How do you understand them?
    "When the sun is warm, but when the mother is good."
    "The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people."
    "There is no better friend than your own mother."
    At least three children are called to answer.
    - What did we talk about today?
    - What pictures did you see?
    - What game did you like the most?
    - What was interesting to you? What have you learned?
    - Guys, never forget that there is no one dearer and dearer on earth than your mothers. Appreciate, love and respect your mothers.

    Abstract of the frontal lesson in the senior group of compensatory orientation for children with speech impairment

    Lexical theme: “Mother's Day.Conversation».

    Target: Formation of coherent speech.


    To form the skills of dialogic and monologue speech.

    Form a coherent speech.

    Strengthen understanding of family relationships.

    Raise respect and love for your mother.

    Develop attention, speech hearing, memory, thinking.

    Equipment: mnemonic tables of proverbs, subject pictures, ball, laptop, microphone, audio recording of the song "Mother's Heart" by Kim Alexandrovich Breitburg, Emilia Melnik, magnetic board.

    Lesson progress

    organizational stage.

    Today we are going to talk about mothers. You all know that Mother's Day is approaching.

    Mother's Day is an important holiday, it appeared not so long ago, but gradually and confidently enters our homes. And this is wonderful: no matter how many good, kind words we say to our mothers, no matter how many reasons we come up with for this, they will not be superfluous.

    Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day, I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

    Listen to how simple and gentle this word sounds. It is not surprising that every baby remembers and pronounces it the very first. Mom is a caress, Mom is peace, comfort, care, love that surrounds us from birth. Better than what is sung in the song and you will not say. ( The song "Mother's Heart" sounds, author K. Breitburg, E. Melnik).

    1. Development of fine, articulatory motility, facial muscles.

    1.1 General relaxation.

    1.2. Development of fine motor skills

    1.3 Facial massage.

    Performed along massage lines.

    1.4. Development of facial muscles.

    Thematic project for

    "Mother's Day" in the preparatory group.

    With final presentation

    handicrafts of parents.

    "Skillful hands do not know boredom"


    The holiday "Mother's Day" is approaching, the holiday of the closest and dearest person to us, who gave us life. Unfortunately, the attitude of children towards their relatives and friends has been changing lately, maybe the attitude of parents towards their children is changing. And the reason, alas, is not yet fully understood to me. Perhaps, in our modern world, parents are very busy with their careers, household chores, and children do not have enough attention and affection? And the children are angry with their parents for this, offended ...? Very often seen on the street and in shops rough treatment between children and parents. But the family is sacred, it is a world that should be full of love, understanding and kindness. And we, as educators, raising children 12 hours a day, must instill in our children a respectful attitude towards their relatives, strive to protect ourselves and loved ones, and help each other. Read fiction to pupils, which reflects positive moments from family life; play role-playing games about a family ...

    And looking at my pupils with love, I wanted to create for them and their parents a wonderful holiday, where the closest and dearest will gather. For this holiday, the project "Dear Mommy, Angel from Heaven" was created.

    Objective of the project - the formation of an in-depth understanding of the family as the most sacred and reliable thing in a person's life. To know and keep their family traditions, to betray them from generation to generation.

    Project objectives:

    Creating a favorable atmosphere at the matinee;
    - To teach children to convey their positive emotions to loved ones through reading a poem;
    - To develop the creative abilities of children;
    - Make you want to give gifts to your loved ones;

    Project participantsare children, caregivers and parents.

    Date and place of implementation- November 2015. MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 11", Nizhneudinsk.

    Expected results:

    - Children should know their address, the city in which they live; Know the last name, first name and patronymic of both your own and those of your parents;
    - Know your historical roots;
    - To understand that a good family is an example to follow.

    Project participants:

      Children of the preparatory group;

      group tutors;

      Music worker;


    Project Implementation Plan:

    Implementation period: November
    Responsible: group educators

    The content of the work:

    Preparatory stage:selection of methodological literature; learning a poem about loved ones; learning songs, consulting with parents.

    Target: preparation for the holiday "Dear Mommy, an angel from heaven"; cooperation with parents in preparation for the final entertainment.

    The main stage of the project:

    Conversations: “My family”, “My mother”, listen to the story of M. Zoshchenko “Exemplary child”.

    Target - Know the surname, name, patronymic of your parents, where they work, common interests in the family. During the conversation, give the children an idea about the family, about the special role of the mother in the family. Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day, I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give children love, tenderness and affection. Since 2009, the action "Talk to me mom" has been held. An innovative project was developed on a topical topic.

    Parent gatherings to get acquainted with the results of the survey and discuss ideas for the implementation of the project.

    Preparation of visual information for the memo “Parental Commandments”, posters “You won’t find a friend better than a mother”, “Not the mother that gives birth, but the one that rewards with a heart”.

    Preparation and design with the help of parents of a photo of the exhibition “Our beloved mothers”, stand design: “Skillful hands do not know boredom! ".

    Integration of directly educational areas of the program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard during the implementation of the Mother's Day project:

    Educational area


    Tasks for children of the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution


    role-playing games "Mom at home", "Family", "Mom in the store", "Mom in the hospital", "Mom at work" (mother-hairdresser, mother-seller, mother-doctor, mother-nurse, mother-painter );

    looking at the photo exhibition “She is dearer to me than anyone… This is my mother”;

    didactic games "Choose an outfit for the holiday", "Set the table", "Decorate the hat", "Mother - cubs";

    looking at family photo albums

    Continue to develop children's play activities, improve the ability to independently choose a topic for the game, develop the plot based on the knowledge gained from the perception of the environment.

    Form gender, family affiliation


    conversation on the topic

    “How I help my mother at home”, “Mom's favorite pastime”

    Develop a desire together with an adult and with their help to carry out passive labor assignments


    conversation on the topics “Different mothers are needed, different mothers are important”, “How to help mom make a salad”

    Expand your understanding of adult work


    memorizing poems by E. Blaginin "Let's sit in silence",

    M. Rodina "Mom's hands"

    word game "mommy"

    thematic educational activities "Mother's Day"

    Continue to learn to expressively retell, tell a literary text

    Reading fiction

    reading stories: Emelyanov B. MOTHER'S HANDS, E. Permyak "How Misha wanted to outwit his mother", "Mom's grief", fairy tales "Cuckoo" (Nenetsk.) arr. K. Sharova, "Ayoga" (Nanaisk.), "Tales of the stupid little mouse" S. Marshak, poems: S. Mikhalkov "What about you?", A. Barto "Separation", "Conversation with Mom", "Mom goes to work", M. Plyatskovsky "Mom's song",

    E. Blaginina "Mom's Day"

    To develop a desire to talk about their attitude to a specific act of a literary character, to help children understand the hidden motives of the heroes of the work, to introduce them to verbal art

    Artistic creativity

    making magnets "Apple" as a gift to mothers on mother's day;

    drawing portraits of mothers, on the theme “My Mommy” “Outfit for Mom”;

    modeling "Sweets for mom", "Flowers for mom";

    coloring pages on the topic "Family";

    exhibition of children's works "I give to my mother, I thank her for everything"

    To improve visual skills and abilities, to form artistic and creative abilities. Develop a sense of shape, color, proportions; artistic taste

    At the end of the themed week, a celebration was held:

    "Mothers Day"

    A photo exhibition was made:

    "Our Beloved Mothers"

    Made an exhibition of my mother's works:

    "Skillful hands do not know boredom"


      Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S. , M.A. Vasiliev.PSample basic general education program of preschool education« From birth to school. M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010.

      Gerbova V.V. Classes on the development of speech in the senior group of kindergarten .- M .: Education.

      Krasnoshchekova N.V. Role-playing games for preschool children. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2012.

      Sakhipova Z.G. We read to children. - Leningrad: Education, 1987.

      About mom. Poems and stories. - M .: Children's literature, 1988.

    For children 4-5 years old
    1. Tell your child about the holiday of March 8: who is congratulated on this day, why it is called "Mother's Day". Help remember information.

    2. Teach your child the words of congratulations so that he says them on this day to his sister, grandmother, mother, etc.

    3. Ask the child to tell how he helps his grandmother, mother (a story from personal experience).

    4. Exercise "Pick up a sign" to coordinate adjectives with nouns and to activate the dictionary.
    Mom (what?) - ...
    Sister (what?) - ...
    Grandmother (what?) - ...

    5. Exercise "Call me affectionately" on the formation of nouns with the help of diminutive suffixes.
    Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy...
    Grandmother - ...
    Sister - ...
    Aunt - ...

    6. Exercise for fingers for the development of fine motor skills.

    How big and cheerful our family is,
    (rhythmic hand clapping and fist bumps alternately)

    Two stand by the shop
    (bend thumbs on both hands)

    Two want to learn
    (bend index fingers on both hands)

    Two Stepans gorge themselves on sour cream,
    (bend middle fingers)

    Two Dashas eat at the porridge,
    (bend ring fingers)

    Two Ulkas are swinging in the cradle.
    (bend little fingers)

    7. Development of auditory memory, attention.
    Learn a poem (any one of your choice).

    Mother's day
    G. Vieru

    Here is a snowdrop in the meadow,
    I found it.
    I'll take the snowdrop mom
    Even if it didn't bloom.
    And me with a flower so gently
    Mom hugged me
    That my snowdrop opened
    From her warmth.

    Ya Akim

    Mom, I love you so much
    I don't know right!
    I am a big ship
    Give the name "MAMA"!

    Mother's day
    E. Blaginina

    I walk, I think, I look:
    "What will I give my mother tomorrow?
    Maybe a doll? Maybe some candy?"
    Here's to you, dear, on your day
    Scarlet flower-light.

    For children 5-7 years old
    March 8 - International Women's Day

    1. Talk with the child about the holiday, ask what kind of holiday it is, who is congratulated on this day.

    2. Tell the story of the origin of the tradition of celebrating March 8th. Help remember information.

    3. Teach the child the words of congratulations that he will have to say on this day to his mother, grandmother, sister, etc.

    4. Exercise "Name the relative words" - we learn to select words with the same root.
    Mom - mommy, mother, mommy, etc.
    Grandmother - ...
    Aunt - ...
    Sister - ...

    5. Exercise "Pick up a sign" to agree adjectives with nouns.
    Mom (what?) - kind, caring, loving, affectionate, tender, beautiful, etc.
    Grandmother (what?) - ...
    Sister (what?) - ...
    Aunt (what?) - ...

    6. Exercise "Count" to agree numerals with nouns.
    One grandmother, two grandmothers, three grandmothers, four grandmothers, five grandmothers, ...
    One sister, two sisters, three sisters, four sisters, five sisters...
    One aunt, two aunts, three aunts...

    7. Exercise "Say the opposite" for the selection of antonyms.
    Grandmother is old, and mother is ...
    Mom is tall, and you are ...

    8. Exercise "Helper" on the ability to change verbs by tenses.
    Today I wash the floor - tomorrow I will floor ... (wash) - yesterday I will floor ... (washed).
    I wash clothes today - tomorrow I'm underwear ... - yesterday I'm underwear ...

    9. Development of fine motor skills.
    Draw a portrait of mother, grandmother.
    Make a greeting card for your grandmother (aunt, sister) in the form of an application.

    10. Development of auditory memory, expressiveness of speech.
    Learn a poem (at least 2-3, at the choice of the child).

    V. Nesterenko

    A) Mom, grandmother, sister - all dressed up in the morning.
    Accept congratulations, even though they do not have a birthday.
    Each holiday gift and bouquet - it is very bright.
    And a surprise awaits them - dad and I baked a cake.
    Washed all the dishes, put things in order everywhere.
    We forgot the word "laziness", that's what "Women's Day" means!
    And the sister asked us: "Will it be every time?"

    B) Our grandmother is very kind,
    Our grandmother is very old.
    Our grandmother has many wrinkles,
    With them, she is even better and more beautiful.
    Grandma will knit warm mittens,
    Grandma will tell a story in the evening.
    We are ready to listen to it for hours,
    Whatever she forgets, let us tell her ourselves.

    c) I love my mother
    I will always help her.
    I wash, rinse
    I shake the water from the handles,
    I will clean the floor
    And I'll chop wood for her.
    Mom needs to rest
    Mom wants to sleep.
    I walk on tiptoe.
    And never
    And never
    I won't say a word.

    Lexical theme "Mother's Day"

    1. Talk with the child about the holiday, ask what kind of holiday it is, who is congratulated on this day.
    2. Teach the child the words of congratulations that he will have to say on this day to his mother, grandmother, sister, etc.

    Didactic games and exercises.

    The game "Who needs what for work"

    Formation of the dative case of nouns:

    • The pan is needed (to whom?) - the cook.

    • Who needs: a syringe, paints and a brush, scissors and a mirror.
    Formation of the accusative case of nouns

    • to the cook - a cook,

    • to the seller - ...;
    The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

    • The cook is making soup.

    • The chef cooks the soup.

    • The soup is cooked by the cook.

    • The soup is cooked by the chef.

    • Soup is cooked by the cook.

    • The cook cooked soup.

    • Soup is cooked by a cook.
    Game "Helper"

    • I wash the floor. I will mop the floor. I washed the floor.

    • I am washing clothes. …….
    Game Describe Mom.

    Mom (what?) - kind, affectionate, caring ...

    Ask about mother's hands, eyes, hair.

    Selection of related words

    • Mommy, Mommy, Mommy.

    • Grandmother -

    • Sister -
    The opposite game

    • Baba Yaga is old, and mother ... (what?) is young.

    • stupid - smart

    • scary - beautiful

    • evil - good

    • low - high

    • sad - happy

    • rough - soft

    Didactic game« Name a woman's job»

    • cook - cook

    • tailor - dressmaker

    • teacher - …,

    • educator - ...,

    • artist - …,

    • singer - ...,

    • violinist - ...,

    • pianist...

    • salesman - … .
    Didactic game "Who is doing what?"

    • Cook - cooks, fries, cooks, bakes...

    • dressmaker - ....

    • doctor - …,

    • teacher - ...,

    • salesman - …,

    • the hairdresser- …
    Game: "Which mother?"

    • Mom has blond hair, mom (what?) ... - blonde

    • dark hair - dark haired

    • blue eyes - blue-eyed

    • long hair - long haired

    • brown eyes - brown eyes

    • short hair - short hair

    • black eyes - black eyed

    • green eyes - green eyed

    Write a descriptive story about your mother

    (glue mom's photo in a notebook):

    • Who is this?

    • What is mom's name?

    • What color are mom's eyes?

    • What is mom's hair like?
    Teach your child to name their mother's profession.

    • What is mom's job?

    • Ask your child to draw and talk about what mom needs for work.

    • Mom needs...

    Exercise "Name the relative words"
    Mom - mommy, mother, mommy, etc.
    Grandmother - ...
    Aunt - ...
    Sister - ...

    Exercise "Pick a sign"
    Mom (what?) - kind, caring, loving, affectionate, tender, beautiful, etc.

    Grandmother (what?) - ...
    Sister (what?) - ...
    Aunt (what?) - ...

    Exercise "Count"

    One grandmother, two grandmothers, three grandmothers, four grandmothers, five grandmothers, ...
    One sister, two sisters, three sisters, four sisters, five sisters...
    One aunt, two aunts, three aunts...

    Exercise "Say the other way around"
    Grandmother is old, and mother is ...
    Mom is tall, and you are ...

    Exercise "Helper"
    Today I wash the floor - tomorrow I will floor ... (wash) - yesterday I will floor ... (washed).
    I wash clothes now - tomorrow I wash clothes ... - yesterday I wash clothes ...

    The development of fine motor skills.
    Draw a portrait of mother, grandmother.
    Make a greeting card for your grandmother (aunt, sister) in the form of an application.

    Development of auditory memory, expressiveness of speech.
    Learn a poem (at least 2-3, at the choice of the child).

    V. Nesterenko

    A) Mom, grandmother, sister - all dressed up in the morning.
    Accept congratulations, even though they do not have a birthday.
    Each holiday gift and bouquet - it is very bright.
    And another surprise awaits them - we baked a cake with dad.
    Washed all the dishes, put things in order everywhere.
    We forgot the word "laziness", that's what "Women's Day" means!
    And the sister asked us: "Will it be every time?"

    B) Our grandmother is very kind,
    Our grandmother is very old.
    Our grandmother has many wrinkles,
    With them, she is even better and more beautiful.
    Grandma will knit warm mittens,
    Grandma will tell a story in the evening.
    We are ready to listen to it for hours,
    Whatever she forgets, let us tell her ourselves.

    c) I love my mother
    I will always help her.
    I wash, rinse
    I shake off the water from the handles,
    I will clean the floor
    And I'll chop wood for her.
    Mom needs to rest
    Mom wants to sleep.
    I walk on tiptoe.
    And never
    And never

    I won't say a word.

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