• Wedding in a marine style photo. There are many of us, and we are in vests: a wedding in a nautical style - script and decor A wedding in a nautical style in nature


    Everything that is connected with the sea is considered especially romantic, so the appropriate theme is often chosen for a wedding. Of course, you can create only the external design, and the celebration can be held with traditional contests and toasts.

    But because of this, the idea will lose half of its charm, and therefore it is best to create a special wedding scenario in a nautical style. To do this, you do not need to have special knowledge or skills - enough imagination, free time and patience to select the components so that they are combined with each other.

    The meeting of the bride and groom with guests on the shore, pier or restaurant doorstep is an important part of the wedding.

    It is imperative that the scene be thematically decorated, and all guests who will participate in it know about the idea of \u200b\u200bthe toastmaster.

    If the holiday is planned to be cheerful, with many jokes and the lack of a clear plan for the guests, then at the meeting of the newlyweds only the toastmaster has a prepared speech, everyone else can say what they think. Due to the fact that the celebration is decorated in a nautical style, the presenter dresses up as a boatswain or captain's mate.

    It is best to choose a man of 30-40 years old for this role, who will perfectly match the image.

    When the young people appear at the meeting place, the presenter loudly greets them, while saying parting words that mean the beginning of their journey into a life together.

    At this moment, the guests cheer and clap. There can be many options for greetings with wishes during a wedding, but all of them must have sea allegories. The speech should be beautiful so that the joke of the image of the toastmaster does not turn the meeting into a farce.

    Example words: “Dear guests, at last the couple of doves we have been waiting for have arrived! Now you can prepare the ship for sailing. " At this place, the guests laugh.

    “Our long-awaited newlyweds, now you will board the ship that will take you to family life! Therefore, you should think about whether you can manage it with dignity, whether you will run aground in a common life and whether you can get around the storm of jealousy and mistrust ?! Do you think you can? "

    The newlyweds answer in the affirmative, the guests at this time cheer them up, shouting words of approval and clapping their hands. The boatswain (sailor) takes a balloon, sky lantern or paper boat, appeals to everyone.

    “Before launching a ship, you need to come up with a name for it. Suggest options! " The name of the family ship is chosen not only by the newlyweds, but also by all those present.

    It should be both romantic, to show the feelings that are present between the newlyweds, and be serious, to make it clear what they want from life, but at the same time fun.

    Therefore, it is worth choosing in advance what will suit the bride and groom. When the name of the ship is chosen, the host hands a balloon or other attribute to the couple and asks to write the name on it, after which it is launched into the sky or sent down the river.

    “Well, the name has been chosen and cannot be changed. But there is one more thing to do before going on deck. It is required to consecrate the ship by breaking a bottle of good wine on its side! " The newlyweds are given a large bottle of champagne, and they break it on a specially prepared place.

    It is important that it withstands the force of the impact, as well as that people are not standing next to it, in which fragments can fall. It is best to choose stone blocks for this.

    “Well, that's it! Now you can start your happy voyage. " After that, you can immediately go to the restaurant hall or climb on the deck of the ferry - depending on where the celebration is taking place. Or you can continue the storyline associated with the departure of the ship.

    But it is important to remember that the whole action should not exceed 10-15 minutes, otherwise guests and newlyweds may get bored or tired before the main part begins with a large number of contests.

    Banquet contests

    When the newlyweds got to the banquet hall, they are honored in the traditional way. They raise their glasses, say toasts, shout bitterly.

    Such a respite is necessary, because most often, before arriving at the restaurant, the participants of the celebration take part in a photo session at the city monuments, so they need to rest and gather strength to participate in the further stages of the holiday. The hall should be decorated in such a way as to create the feeling of being on the ship.

    After all, it was on board that the newlyweds boarded after the meeting. Therefore, all subsequent actions and contests should take place under the guise of traveling between different islands, which symbolize the benefits or feelings that the newlyweds dream of in their family life.

    When everyone is rested and refreshed, the ship's captain with an assistant is appointed. This can be either the usual division of roles, or the result of a fun competition. You can play the titles using a lottery, or use the traditional loaf - whoever bites off more from it will be the main thing in family life.

    The main thing is that the separation is fun with jokes from the host and guests.

    After the end of the competition, both are given solemn ribbons or medals with the inscription "seasoned sea wolf".

    When they have determined who the captain is in the new family, they begin to travel around the islands. The first is the Island of Romance, where the newlyweds will dance the first dance in their family life. After it is completed, the journey continues, and the next island on the horizon is called Gratitude.

    At the moment of mooring to it, the newlyweds thank their parents for giving them life and raising them. Grandparents - for looking after them in childhood, but allowing them to fill their own bumps. And my aunt and uncle for having fun and a lot of things that we learned about from them.

    You can also create two teams that will compete with each other or test your child for compliance with the high rank of the second half.

    At this stage, loafs similar to those used for the competition are often presented to loved ones.

    Words should not be staged, so they are not chosen in advance, but they say what they really think. If the speech is rehearsed, the gratitude will look unnatural, which will cause a feeling of strained relations with relatives.

    The next island is Druzhba. At this stage, all friends and girlfriends of the newlyweds are attracted to competitions and entertainment. So, you can hold a competition to collect pearls for the bride or the funniest sea walk. To do this, the competitors wear fins and blindfold.

    After that, they must pass exactly between spaced pins or stretched ribbons. The winner is awarded a medal "the funniest sea voyage".

    When everyone has had enough fun, you can move on. Next on the journey comes the island of wealth.

    If space allows, then you can organize a search for hidden treasures. Several teams can take part in the competition. To get clues, they need to guess riddles and encryptions of the pirate who hid the treasure.

    The winning team receives bottles of elaborately decorated champagne, and a talisman symbolizing prosperity is presented to the newlyweds. If it is not possible to conduct large-scale treasure searches, then you can take out several small chests, decorated as if they had just been pulled from the bottom of the sea.

    The chests are closed, and the contestants must guess what is in them.

    The one who guesses it gets a prize (a bottle of champagne, an amulet, a medal "the most marine intuition"). The symbol of wealth is also given as a gift to newlyweds.

    The penultimate island, to which the love ship moors during the main holiday, is called "Fun". At this stage, there are no compulsory contests, for guests they create a performance of live musicians or other artists who they wanted to invite.

    After that, at the request of the host and the guests, several dance competitions can be held, but the main emphasis is on free dances. 1-2 hours are allocated for this - the invitees are already tired enough to start thinking about the end of the holiday.

    After that, the main part of the banquet is over and they begin to complete the entire celebration.


    The penultimate island that the ship will visit is the island of Joy and Comfort. It is at this moment that the wedding cake is brought into the hall. It can be either a classic design - decorated with white cream roses, or have an unusual shape in the form of an anchor or a life buoy.

    When the dessert is set on the table, the young people cut off the first pieces and put them on a plate to each other, showing their care. The newlyweds together present the following pieces of delicacies to their parents, showing them their respect. According to tradition, newlyweds must cut the cake on their own - if another person cuts at least one piece, it will attract quarrels and strangers into their life, who will stand between them.

    Therefore, either the bride and groom immediately cut the entire dessert into equal shares, and the waiters serve it to the guests, or a man and a woman stand next to him until all those invited come to get their piece of the treat.

    The island was named Joy and Comfort due to the fact that it is the most calm and peaceful part of the holiday. Some of the guests could already leave, and the rest were tired enough to sit and enjoy dessert while having a leisurely conversation or in silence. The atmosphere in the hall is warm and calm - after all, everyone has had enough fun and now wants to relax.

    A calm tea party with a delicious cake is the perfect end to the banquet.When all the guests are full, the toastmaster announces that the ship must visit another island - Love and Family Happiness, to which no one can go except the newlyweds. This means that it is time to let the newlyweds go from the holiday so that they can enjoy each other's company and their wedding night. But, of course, before that, they must dance the last dance, which will complete the whole celebration.

    The newlyweds are escorted to the car, decorated in a nautical style - instead of ribbons, there is a sail, and the balls or flowers on the hood are replaced by a decorative steering wheel.

    In this video - an example of organizing a wedding in a nautical style:

    Before getting into the car to leave to rest, the newlyweds thank their loved ones for sharing this joyful day with them, receiving in return wishes for family happiness and prosperity.

    But if there were a lot of guests, and most of them were left for a birthday cake, then it is best to thank and say goodbye in the restaurant hall, and get poisoned to the car only accompanied by relatives and closest friends. What script would you create for your nautical wedding? What competitions would you consider appropriate for a thematic celebration? Would you like to participate in them on an equal basis with the guests or would you rather watch their efforts and fun?

    Of course, now in my life there are many different changes and the to-do list is huge, I will instead close one of my promises (it gives me great pleasure to do something planned). Namely, I will lay out the wedding script that we prepared for my beloved friend. We decided to make the evening in a nautical style. We rummaged through a bunch of pages on the Internet, talked with experienced ones and that's what has grown out of it.


    1. meeting with guests
    2. first table - role assignment, "boatswain's choice", first toasts
    3. stop "Desert Island" - dance of the newlyweds, congratulations from parents, light the lighthouse
    4. oath
    5. toasts of relatives and transfer of the ship's log to record wishes
    6. stop - competitions for team building
    7. stop "Treasure Island" - toasts of friends, everyone gives gifts
    8. stop "Island with reefs" - ritual dances
    9. second table
    10. stop "Sirens" - steal the bride; contests
    11. stop "Ibiza" - dancing, free time
    12. third table, toast, bitter, parents' speech
    13. contests, dances, cake
    14. bouquet, farewell

    1. What do you think you are standing on now? On the asphalt? No, in fact you are standing on the bridge and from minute to minute step on board the "Curly Atoll" ship, on which we will sail towards the family happiness of Kostya and Anya. In order for the sailing to be calm, so that the crew of the ship does not fall to the sharks, so that the ship does not bump into the reef, so that no one is struck by seasickness, two ship traditions must be followed.

    First, to gain sacred strength - and for this to taste the loaf, which will be presented to you by the helmsmen and skippers of our team. They have the floor. There is a lot of salt in the sea, so to start enjoying the salty life - salt our sea loaf. Who of you bites it off more, he will gain more strength and, therefore, will be the captain of the ship, because the captain needs remarkable strength to be a real sea wolf.

    After the welcoming speech, it is necessary to make one wonderful maritime tradition - to smash a bottle of champagne against the side of a ship that sets sail. Therefore, prepare in advance both the bottle and the "ship board" about which you will break it. An ordinary wall at home will do, preferably that part of it that is far from the windows.

    Pilot: “According to the old maritime tradition, we will break this bottle for good luck. Let the champagne foam remind you of sea foam, and let its spray remind you of the salty spray of the sea. They say that storms temper the crew. So let the winds and waves break on the side of your ship as easily as this vessel breaks now! Happy sailing! "

    The sea is an insidious element, therefore, in order to harden yourself before traveling, you need to go through the net, not to get confused and not to get lost.

    2. "Take your seats in the boats"

    It's time to move on to toast and, in fact, the most zest.

    Pilot-eyewitness: “A huge amount of wine was found in the holds of the ship that we just launched into the water. Well, let's not neglect the situation, uncork them, get overseas snacks, fill the ship's mugs and drink to make this happy ship a happy voyage. "

    Place for toast

    All guests have flags on the table. The host says: “Now is the time to find out who is sailing on our ship. And we will do this with the help of the flags that are on your table. Take them in your hands and look at both, so that the work of the ship's crew is coordinated. Otherwise, how do we know who is the captain, who is the cook, and who is the skipper) So, wave the flags:

    In this case, the witness is declared a navigator, the witness is a pilot, the groom's parents are the helmsmen, the bride's parents are skippers, and the guests, respectively, are cabin boys and sailors.

    Signal the bride's parents. You are appointed as skippers;
    - Signal the groom's parents. You are appointed as helmsmen;
    - Signal to witnesses (witnesses raise their flags) - the witness is appointed navigator, and the witness is the pilot;

    Signal the brothers and sisters of the bride and groom;
    - Signal other relatives

    Signal the groom's friends

    Signal to the bride's friends. All of you are appointed sailors.

    When all groups of relatives and other invitees (friends, colleagues, etc.) are named, the following calls will follow:

    Signal to everyone who wishes happiness to the young;
    - Signal those who want the young to have at least three children;
    - Signal those who get drunk today;
    - Signal those who also want to get married;
    - Signal those who are on a diet, but today left her at home;
    - Signal those who are glad that they came to our wedding!

    Someone else is missing on the ship ... the boatswain. Even before the start of the feast, a boatswain's whistle is attached to the bottom of one of the chairs with tape. At the signal from the leader, let the guests try to rummage each under their own chair, under the "bottom" of one of the "boats" there will be a whistle, with the help of which the bots-man's assistant chosen in this way will call the sailors to order or silence, help lead them.

    It's time, however, to drink to the groom. The boatswain's toast can be like this: “Today is your last day as a groom, tomorrow you will become a real sailor. We wish you to become in time a sea wolf, hardened by winds and adversity. Keep a close eye on your crew - helmsmen, pulleys, cabin boys and sailors, do not allow yourself to be commanded, because this is unworthy of a sea wolf. We wish you, even on the darkest night, not to lose the fairway, to lead the ship along the map. The family ship has its own special Law. We wish you and the Law are always in harmony. We wish you less riots on the ship. And remember, the man is in charge in the sea. "

    Don't forget about the bride. The third toast is for her:

    “A woman is usually not taken to the naval team, but for our wonderful Ani, we will make an exception. Let's drink to the fact that swimming in the company of such a girl was exciting and tempting - and it cannot be otherwise. Let's drink to the love that our bride personifies and which we hope will rule your family ship. ”

    Competition: the choice of the ship's captain is to inflate the circles.

    When the elections are over, the host reads out orderson the appointment of the bride and groom to new positions. The order for the captain can be drawn up as follows: “In the name of all water elements (name) is appointed to the post of captain of the family. The duties of the captain include: and not to give descent to the rest of the crew, especially his assistant; deliver a chest of golden ducats to the ship every month; if necessary, repair the vessel and eliminate leaks on it; to provide your helper with everything necessary for life at sea - life-saving jackets, canned food, fresh water and an excellent state of mind; not to leave the ship for more than an hour, except in cases of making money; ensure that aromatic curacao and appetizers are never transferred on board; regularly visit selected Internet links and pay for the Internet. Signed: Chief Commander of the Naval Forces, Admiral Neptune. "

    For the mate, you can write the following order: “In the absence of the proper fortitude for the leadership position, appoint (name) to the post of mate of the family with the mandatory fulfillment of the following points: provide the captain of the family the required amount tasty and healthy food made from the canned food that he got; raise the family flag over the kitchen every morning at the same time as the captain is raised to perform his official duties; do not leave the ship for more than an hour, except for the cases of obtaining gold ducats, shopping trips, studying the maritime charter of distant shores, visiting balls at Neptune; not interfere with the captain's regular browsing of selected internet links. The captain's mate has the right to complain to the captain about the lack of money, and also the right not to let him in if he comes after midnight with a strong smell of rum. The order was signed by the naval commander-in-chief, Admiral Poseidon, violation of which is punishable by divorce. "

    3. Let's not forget and parents of newlyweds - our helmsmen and skippers. Let's give them the floor, let them congratulate their children, and drink to their joint happiness.

    Congratulations from the groom's parents (helmsmen) - Radik Khakimovich and Tamara Ivanovna

    Now in front of us are not just newlyweds, but the captain and his assistant. They are capable of a lot together and now they will demonstrate it. Dance of the newlyweds.

    Congratulations to the parents of the bride (skipper) - Pavel Evramievich and Tamara Ivanovna

    An island of happiness in your soul. So that you can always find your way to him, let us light the beacon of family happiness. And your parents will help you with this. Parents go out with their lighthouses (lantern with a candle inside). They light a candle of the young from their lanterns.

    4. We want to know which of our team is the most erudite in the nautical topic, and we will find out this way: which of you will be the last to name the nautical term - he won.

    The smartest among us is Vasya Pupkin, so we want to entrust him with a responsible task - a log of wishes. Let each of you write parting words to the ship of the new family during the evening.

    We remind you that the station "Toothy sharks of the mind" works in the boatswain's wheelhouse, for those who got bored during the voyage - tired of weaving nets, lying on deck for days on end under the scorching sun.

    The storyteller suddenly pulls out a bottle with a note and tells the bride and groom that the surf has brought. The bride and groom uncork and take out a spoiled note and a piece of a card.

    After that we will give the floor to the young people themselves. Leading botsman will invite them to sign the unwritten law of the sea, not in order to seal a new relationship with an oath. The oath may be as follows: "We, the captain of the ship (name) and the captain's mate (name), swear before all the elements of the sea and before our crew to fulfill all the points of the harsh maritime law." Here the leader can help the young. He asks, for example, "Do you swear to be each other's lifeline?" The bride and groom answer: "We swear." "Do you swear to listen to the opinion of the helmsmen and skippers, your parents?" - "We swear!" "Do you swear that your wardroom will always be open to other sea wolves and she-wolves - your friends?" - "We swear!" - "Do you swear to love each other even if seasickness knocks you down?"

    - "We swear!" - "Do you swear to bring up children according to the laws of the sea?" - "We swear!" "Do you swear you'll teach them how to swim before they learn to walk?" - "We swear!"

    - "Do you swear to live to see the day when your grandchildren themselves become brides and grooms?" - "We swear!"


    The presenter announces that the young are finally ready to fulfill their duties, and therefore it is worth celebrating such an event with a flurry of gifts. While the relatives will present their gifts to the young, you can read out “congratulatory telegrams” with the following content during the breaks: “We are sending ten treasure chests. Signed: Pirates of the Caribbean "; “I am waiting for replenishment in the ranks of hero-travelers. Signature: Sinbad the Sailor "; “Neither Scylla, nor Charybdis. Signature: Odysseus "; “I give it for life use (names of the bride and groom) Treasure Island. Signature: Captain Silver "; “Looking forward to our honeymoon. Signed: Aborigines who ate Cook.

    6. You need a strong team to swim successfully. How do you know how to interact in extreme situations, we will now check. Game "Tangle" - you need a place. Then line up by date of birth. Then a game with triplets - if there are those who want to check attentiveness.

    7. We have already made sure that our team is truly friendly and knows how to understand each other without words, so it's time to pay attention to the ship's captain and his wonderful assistant. Friends of the newlyweds - you have the floor.

    8. "Island with reefs". All guests are at the tables. The host suddenly announces that there is danger ahead - the reefs. We need to taxi. The host asks everyone to get together on the dance floor and stand in a circle.

    Then the Host explains that now there will be "ritual dances", during which the guests will all together help the captain not to get to the reefs, and for this you need to follow the commands. Everyone dances and performs the commands given by the leader. If the command is pronounced for the first time, the moderator shows how to proceed. Then the dancers orient themselves independently.


    To the left of the rudder - everyone leans to the left;
    - The right rudder - everyone leans to the right;
    - Full forward - lean forward;
    - More right - turn to the right;
    -More left - turn left;
    - Keep it up - take the hands of neighbors;
    -Full back - take the ass back, taking the "duck" pose;
    -Stop the car - stopped.

    The commands are repeated several times in any order.

    After the dance, the Leader announces that he managed to steer after all - not without the help, of course, of the guests, but you need to practice evacuation. The game "Evacuation" is held. Two teams of 7-10 people are called. Two chairs are put - these are boats. The teams should sit down together on one chair as soon as possible. The winner is the team that copes faster.

    Sailors dance (bullseye)

    9. Second table.

    10. Contests (optional sirens)

    • "Pirate Secrets"... To do this, you need to prepare in advance many different bottles: small, large; plastic, glass. You also need to come up with several riddles, the answer to which will be one word (for example, love). Write the riddles down on pieces of paper, and put the pieces of paper in different bottles. And if, for example, you have prepared 20 bottles, then put pieces of paper with riddles in 9 of them, and fill in the rest with empty pieces of paper. All bottles must be placed in the room where the competition will take place. The task of the participants is as follows: they guess the key word-guess. To do this, they uncork and check each bottle. Perhaps someone will guess after the first piece of paper with a riddle, but someone will need five found riddles. In any case, the winner is the one who guesses the word first.
    • Tying and untying knots
    • Mermaid Race... Tie the girls' legs at ankle level with ribbons and send for a pearl lying on the opposite side. Running is unlikely to work - you have to jump. Who is the first - that and win

    11.third table, toast, bitter

    12. Competitions, dances, cake

    • If there are fins and binoculars ... Game "Tacking between reefs" : go around the pins with fins on your feet and binoculars to your eyes. Whoever comes to the finish line first wins. This game was very popular with us, even without fins.
    • Organize team competitions to find out who has the longest road to happiness. To do this, both teams take off their belongings, as far as decency and complexes allow, and tie them into one chain.
    • The game of sea battle - in the cells of the letters, from which you need to make a word, and it indicates where else a piece of the card. The letters are opened in turn by the guests. Whoever guessed the first word, the strategic supply of delicacies for all sailors - a bottle of rum and the tentacles of a terrible sea monster (dried squid).
    1. Bouquet, farewell


    Champagne bottle

    Loaf towel

    Ribbon (tie your feet)

    Pearl (run)

    Binoculars (min. 2 pcs.)

    26 flags

    Log do

    Gift chest


    2 inflatable circles

    A beautiful bottle for the oath of the newlyweds

    The oath itself

    3 candles

    Tasks for matchbooks

    Pirate Mystery Bottles

    Table tennis balls

    Sea battle

    Self-adhesive paper

    Photos by Yaroslavna Chernova. Their use in any form without the consent of the copyright holder is prohibited.

    Of course, music plays an important role in creating the atmosphere of the wedding, so I paid great attention to its selection, and some of the guests appreciated it. I conventionally divided it into the one that is needed according to the script, the background, while the guests are sitting at the tables and the dance one. You can download it in one file for trial listening.

    I hope that my work (and I spent a lot of time preparing the script and the wedding) will be useful to someone. Good luck.

    It is every couple's dream to make their wedding unique, and that is why many arrange thematic weddings. When deciding to organize a wedding in a nautical style, the newlyweds should take into account all the small details of the design, which will create an atmosphere of celebration and celebration.

    Themed weddings are incredibly popular in today's society. They are original, leave a lot of pleasant memories and unusual photos. The specificity of the topic, as a rule, varies depending on the region in which the wedding takes place.

    In resort towns, there is a maritime wedding, the design style of which is made in blue, taking into account small but significant details.

    What you need to know about a nautical wedding

    A naval wedding is most often found in cities located near the sea, but there are exceptions. For example, couples whose relationship began on vacation also choose this topic that is close to themselves.

    Many couples organize an exit ceremony and get married on the coast of the sea, river or other body of water. In such cases, luxurious arches are installed, against which the painting takes place.

    • There are many options - a theme party, outdoor recreation, a master class, and so on, but in the end, all participants should get the most out of this event.
    • Orange wedding is a very original and fun wedding option.

    Images of the bride, groom and invited guests

    Adhering to the marine style is necessary first of all for the bride and groom. Their costumes must match the declared theme of the celebration. The young husband will look great in a white suit, while the bride will captivate everyone with a spectacular mermaid silhouette dress. Empire-style outfits also look appropriate. The flower boutonniere can be replaced with an anchor, starfish, or large seashell.

    Best man and boyfriend should agree on the choice of clothes in advance, as a tie, matched to the color of the dress, will look really beautiful. If there are several groomsmen and best men, many couples decide to dress them in the same suits. In such cases, the bride buys the fabric, and her bridesmaids sew the necessary outfits. The costumes of the guests are also important - invite them to wear blue and white outfits.

    How to create a bridal bouquet

    One of the most significant wedding attributes is a bridal bouquet. Many girls turn to florists for help to create a real masterpiece. When it comes to a thematic wedding, in particular a sea one, the bride will have to think over the features of the bouquet on her own. White decorative roses decorated with white ribbons (it is better to choose satin ones), shells or pearl beads will look luxurious and spectacular.

    We stick to style in everything

    When a wedding is in a nautical style, decoration plays a significant role. Elements of the theme should be present everywhere - this will help create the right atmosphere and tune guests in the right way.

    We decorate the hall

    If the wedding is in a nautical style, the dominant colors should be blue (blue) and white. It is appropriate to use anchors, corals, fish and similar elements in the decoration. The drapery of the ceiling and places of the newlyweds in the form of waves will look luxurious.

    All guests can be seated comfortably at round tables. Couples and guests without partners should sit together.

    The table setting should be special. Compositions of shells, candles and starfish will look great. Cutlery can be tied with a small piece of rope - such unusual solutions will surely be remembered by the guests. Complement the atmosphere festive tablecovered with a soft linen cloth of matching colors.

    Features of the holiday menu

    The banquet is often held in a regular restaurant. It is not an easy task to compose a banquet menu, because so that the guests are not hungry and can have fun, the taste preferences of all guests must be taken into account.

    Despite the fact that fish and seafood will dominate, meat dishes and vegetarian food should also be present on the table. Mediterranean recipes and sushi are perfect, and gourmet stuffed pike can be served as the main course.

    The nautical theme of the wedding must be reflected in the decoration of the cake. The cakes of turquoise and of blue colordecorated with corals, stars, seahorses and food pearls.

    Invitation cards, seating cards

    Marine style wedding invitations open up a wide field for the imagination of the newlyweds. Postcards can be made in the form of an anchor, steering wheel or sailboat. Alternatively, you can depict a mermaid or king Triton on the title side. Postcards should contain important information:

    • The names of those who are invited (the card is sent alone for a couple or family)
    • Date and time of marriage
    • The name of the restaurant in which the ceremonial part is held
    • Features of the dresscode

    To prevent the text from looking bland and boring, you should add notes of humor and romance to it. Stylistically, the text can be creatively played up and add images of ships connecting their lives in the boundless sea of \u200b\u200blove.

    Creative ideas for a wedding photo shoot

    To make wedding photos unusual and interesting, newlyweds should look for a photographer in advance. Sometimes good specialists make an appointment six months before the scheduled event.

    Ideas for future shots will also have to be discussed in advance: the photographer will offer his ideas, and you can make adjustments or supplement his idea. Shooting can take place on the street and in the studio - it all depends on your desires, but in order to catch everything, you need to plan the shots.

    Photos of brides with mustache and grooms with pink lips will become a good memory. This idea has its roots in the West and is incredibly popular among Europeans.

    For a wedding in a nautical style, various decorations of the corresponding theme are well suited. Shooting against the background of a ship / yacht or on board will look great.

    The most unusual marine style shots are taken directly in the water. The bride and groom are photographed underwater or wet. Such shots will be remembered for a long time, and you can proudly show them to your friends. It should be understood that such a photo session cannot be scheduled on the day of the ceremony, otherwise the mine and the bride's makeup will be damaged.

    To keep the solemn day in memory, the newlyweds can agree on photo and video filming throughout the day. Operators will be able to shoot the best moments of the celebration and arrange them into a real film about love. It will be a pleasure to watch the disc again and again.

    • Are you planning an unforgettable corporate celebration? Then you need to choose the right one, which will create an atmosphere and fit into the theme of the event.
    • To make the day of farewell to bachelorhood memorable, girls should know where to spend a bachelorette party and how to have fun on this day, the rest.

    Script and contests at a naval wedding

    Before thinking about contests and a program, it is necessary to work on the image of the host / toastmaster. His image should match the theme of the party. The costume of the captain, boatswain, pirate is well suited.

    Often, maritime weddings are organized in the format of a round-the-world voyage, and all guests present make stops on various shores. These can be fictional islands (Love, Wealth, Joy) or real ports (Brazil or Spain).

    You can amuse your guests with exciting quizzes... Their themes can vary perceptibly: tug of war, rum tasting, as well as intellectual contests that will test the guests' knowledge of the sea or films on the maritime theme.

    The scenario of a marine wedding can be perfectly varied with various contests related to water and ocean. For example, the classic tradition of throwing a bouquet can be replaced by throwing an anchor, and a life buoy can be used instead of a garter.

    The traditional "theft" of the bride can be performed not by ordinary guests, but by specially dressed pirates - you can be sure that all guests present will be pleasantly surprised.

    Do not forget that all the contests indicated in the program must be discussed with the toastmaster - unnecessarily vulgar and vulgar contests will not benefit the celebration.

    Wedding decoration in marine style: video

    A celebration with a water theme looks very beautiful in spring and summer when the weather is favorable. We have prepared several videos that perfectly convey the atmosphere and all the beauty of such a celebration.

    Wedding! What an amazing event! I want it to be unforgettable. Recently, newlyweds have preferred themed celebrations. Not everyone manages to turn to professionals to design and hold a bright event.

    A nautical wedding can be romantic or pirate themed. Accessories and design ideas will be selected depending on the chosen motive.

    Decor elements in a marine style

    Before having a nautical wedding, decide on the accessories that will be used in the decoration. In preparation for the celebration, use everything that reminds of the sea.

    • Sand, seashells, large shells, starfish;
    • Kokrabliki, sailboats, yachts;
    • Lifebuoys, anchors, nets and steering wheels;
    • Vests and striped fabrics, as well as all shades of blue and light blue;
    • Marine life: crabs, jellyfish, dolphins and seahorses.

    Wedding decoration

    • Location

    The installation of an arch in the appropriate style and the organization of an exit ceremony will help to arrange a celebration on the seashore or other body of water. Decorate the arch with shells or starfish and drape it with a fabric of blue, blue, turquoise or white flowers.

    • Guest area decoration

    Use flower arrangements. Choose blue or white plants. Green is also appropriate.

    Cover chairs with covers, and tables with white tablecloths. Organza, linen, cotton will do. Use striped fabrics and accessories in white, blue, blue, or turquoise.

    Decorate banquet tables with candlesticks with marine motifs. As candlesticks, use transparent vases filled with sand and shells, small jars and shells, special closed candlesticks-lanterns.

    Decorate champagne and glasses accordingly. The glasses are different for guests and newlyweds. Decorate them with seashells, ribbons, pearls and starfish. Decorate champagne bottles with ribbons or wrap with a cloth, it can be striped and various blue and light blue shades. White is welcome.

    At such a wedding, the cake should be delicate. Use a nautical theme. Make the cake (order) in blue, light blue and turquoise colors:

    • tiered cake decorated with shells, corals and starfish.
    • portioned desserts, decorated with anchors, steering wheels or starfish.

    When organizing a ceremony on the seashore, do not forget about weather conditions and insects. Take care in advance to protect yourself and guests from sunburn.

    Invitation options

    Wedding invitations are sent to guests at the first stages of preparation for the celebration. They will tell you that something unusual awaits those invited to the holiday.

    Make thematic invitations yourself or order from professionals. They should match the overall tone of the wedding.

    Decorate invitations with anchors, ribbons, starfish, seashells, and even sandbags. There is also a traditional version using images of inhabitants of the deep sea: seahorses, crabs, fish. Invitations can be made on a striped background (blue and white), which will emphasize the marine theme.

    Another design option is to send invitations in glass bottles. Each is written on the scroll in an ornate script using many loops and curls. The paper can be aged by burning the edges. Bottles are decorated with shells, twine or sand.

    Wedding invitation text

    Dear (names of guests)

    We invite you to visit our solemn event. Come and share with us the sea of \u200b\u200bemotions on our ship called "Eternity".

    The event will take place on a hot summer day (date and time) on the seashore. Many surprises await you and we (young names).

    We will be very grateful to you if you support the style of our wedding in your outfits.

    How to dress for the bride and groom

    The bride and groom at a nautical wedding can adhere to the classic style, decorating the image with themed accessories, or create an image entirely in a nautical style.

    Bride dress

    The color scheme of the bride's dress can vary from white to dark blue. Choose a dress in white, light blue, blue, turquoise. Or opt for a blue striped dress. Choose a dress that is knee high or above. Lush outfits will be inappropriate and also not very comfortable.


    • jewelry that will set off the color of the dress: necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets;
    • shoes are blue, white or striped with small anchors or shells;
    • a small purse decorated with seashells, seahorses or dolphins;
    • original garter.

    Bride hairstyle

    Complete your wedding styling with pearls, starfish or seashells. Or weave flowers into your hair and the image of the bride will become more romantic.

    The bride's bouquet

    Made of white and blue colors. Decorated with small seashells, striped or plain ribbons of blue, white or blue colors. Complete the bouquet with beads or rhinestones. Or make a bouquet of seashells by excluding flowers.

    Groom's outfit

    The groom's suit can be blue, white, light blue and all colors in different combinations. A jacket will do too.


    • blue or striped tie, or bow tie;
    • boutonniere made of starfish, anchor, shell or beautifully knotted rope;
    • blue cufflinks with anchors, steering wheels or starfish;
    • shoes in blue or white. These can be shoes or moccasins. Depending on the chosen outfit.

    Dress code for guests


    For bridesmaids, choose both long and short dresses light blue or blue shades from light fabrics. Dresses with blue and white stripes are also suitable. Transforming dresses have become popular now. In such dresses, bridesmaids will look harmonious, but each will be unique.

    Friends of the groom

    Let the groom's friends wear vests or striped shirts. Discuss the color of the trousers with the invitees. If the groom's suit is blue, then it is advisable for the guests to wear light white or sand-colored trousers.

    Keep in mind that not everyone may have things of the right colors and styles, so write about the dress code in advance in the invitations. It will not be superfluous to prepare bracelets, hats and any other accessories with a marine theme for the guests.

    What to present for a naval wedding

    If you are invited to a nautical wedding, consider making the gift original. can be presented in an unusual way.

    So you decided that money is best gift... Present them not just in an envelope, but in a chest, or make sails for a frigate out of them. Wrap the money in paper (like a scroll) and close it in a bottle, pre-decorate it with shells, ribbons or beads.

    Present as a gift dishes, appliances or other gift, but arrange it according to the theme of the holiday.

    Looking for an unforgettable nautical wedding? We will tell you how to arrange it from A to Z so that in the end you don't have to blush in front of the guests! You will find out what kind of theme it is, what its features are, where it is better to organize a celebration and in what color. The article describes in detail various options registration of the motorcade, registration area and banquet.

    Here you will find ideas for decorating invitations, seating cards and other important details. We will also tell you about what you need to create wedding image bride, groom and guests, what a festive menu can be and how to organize an original thematic photo zone.

    The nautical theme of weddings was popularized by residents of the United States and various island states, such as the Philippines, Fiji, Seychelles. It implies, but does not oblige, holding the celebration near water. Distinctive features - airiness, abundance of decor, calm shades.

    Signs of this style include nautical motifs based on dolphins, anchors, boats, sails and much more.

    Seat selection

    If possible, it would be ideal to have a wedding on the ocean or sea coast. Lakeside, riverside and artificial pond can be an alternative. The idea of \u200b\u200brenting a country cottage or a hotel with a swimming pool or a large fountain should not be discarded either.

    Another great option is to order a yacht or motor ship. The first is suitable if there are no more than 20-25 guests, and the second is designed for a more magnificent celebration. In this situation, you will have to pay from 800 to 3000 rubles per hour.

    Color spectrum

    The main color should be blue, in which the track for decorating the registration area, drapery fabrics, and an arch can be made. White, yellow, black and green can be used as additional colors. The main thing is that there should be no more than 3 of them, a maximum of 4. It will be beautiful if you choose small decor in these shades - napkins, candles, vases, etc.

    DIY wedding decoration

    You can use the following for decoration:

    • drapery textiles;
    • covers and bows for chairs;
    • lifebuoys;
    • anchors;
    • sailboats;
    • ropes;
    • bell (ship bell);
    • steering wheel;
    • boats;
    • sun loungers;
    • hammocks;
    • flowers;
    • balls.

    Wedding procession

    It is best to choose a convertible, phaeton or roadster. The approximate cost of renting such a car per hour is 1500 rubles. You can decorate it like this: fix two hearts on the roof, decorated with any artificial flowers. The left side of the hood will be beautifully covered with chiffon fabric, and a heart of roses will be laid out in the middle in the back. Blue ribbons can be tied to the door handles, which will flow beautifully in the wind.

    Registration area decoration

    If an outdoor ceremony is planned, it is necessary to arrange the required number of chairs, preferably folding chairs, in the chosen place. It is best to arrange them 5-6 in a row and on two sides. There should be a 2-meter passage between them for the bride and groom to exit. It can be covered with a path or covered with rose petals. On the sides it will be beautiful to put vases on high legs with any fresh flowers. The chairs should be covered with white covers, which should be decorated with blue bows.

    Floristry in table decoration

    The arch deserves special attention, which can be decorated with flowers or snow-white fabric with blue ribbons. On the left there should be a receptionist table that can be draped with a red cloth.

    That's how varied a nautical decor can be! Watch this video showing the design options for the banquet hall:

    Banquet area

    Here are some interesting options:

    • Walls. They should be decorated with fishing nets, twine, compasses, ropes. At the entrance to the hall, you can place a dummy of waves, a steering wheel and an anchor. The presence of blue balls suspended from the ceiling is mandatory. The wall at the newlyweds' table can be decorated with a white cloth, against which round vertical garlands of blue paper will look incomparable.
    • Tables. For the decoration of those behind which the newlyweds will sit, large shells, mini lamps, a white linen tablecloth, an LED garland, letters of the names of the bride and groom are appropriate. You can decorate tables for guests with small ships or boats, anchors and sails. Flowers are also required, as it is better to choose lilacs, water lilies, lilies, hydrangea.
    • Chairs. The decor of the chairs, as in the case of the reception area, can be represented by white covers and blue bows. You can also restrict yourself to pulling them with a blue chiffon fabric decorated with stars and twine. Lifebuoys with the names of the guests will look interesting on the back. They can replace standard boarding cards.

    Important little things

    Invitations are indispensable at a naval weddingwhich can be executed in the form of scrolls. Another option is dark blue envelopes tied with twine. Above it is necessary to make a white insert with the image of the anchor and the names of the invited people.

    Seating cards can be ordered in the form of seashells on sticks and inserted into wooden mini boats.

    Goblets can be decorated with shells and pebbles.

    Instead of a ring pad it is logical to use a small chest. Coral trim will give it a zest.

    From gifts guests should choose bright bonbonnieres, boats, small anchors, shell-shaped jars with sea \u200b\u200bsalt for Bath. An interesting option would be to hand over glasses with the image of the newlyweds to loved ones.

    If you are going to organize the celebration yourself, find out. Here you can find all the details of the process.

    Don't want to be left with nothing on your wedding day? Then it's worth considering in advance. Here you will find full list what needs to be done, when and in what order.

    You will also need to make a list of that. Another article discusses the specifics of menu selection, entertainment planning, bride price, and more.

    Themed image of the bride

    Here's a list of what you need:

    • Outfit. Lush and "mermaid" should be excluded, it is better to replace them with an A-line or a Greek model. Better yet, choose. So that you are not mistaken, in another article we have collected useful tips, how to do it. The bride should not have any rings, crinoline or corset. As for the color of the outfit, the ideal choice is pale blue. If it doesn't fit, you can give preference to white, but then you need a blue belt.
    • Footwear. Worthy of attention are ballet flats or wedges with blue and white stripes or with a bow in the middle. On the back they can be decorated with a small metal anchor. The most daring brides can do without shoes when registering on the beach.
    • Handbag. It should be made of fabric, not leather or leather substitute. This can be a small pouch with a string strap over your shoulder.
    • Headdress... You can wear a veil in the form of a fishing net with flowers on your head; a veil will not work. If this is not interesting, it will be nice to collect the hair in a braid or bun and tie a twine just above the forehead.
    • Makeup. In small quantities, use of blue eye shadow, bright red lipstick, eyebrow pencil and black mascara is allowed. But blush and powder will be inappropriate.
    • Manicure. Great option - round off the nail plate and cover it with pink varnish. You can draw stars on top.
    • The bride's bouquet. It is best to choose a composition of white roses, daisies or mimosa. Violets, matching the color of the tone of the celebration, will also come in handy. A blue ribbon can complement the bouquet, which should be tied at the bottom.
    • Decorations. A necklace with diamonds, amazonite and turquoise beads will suit an open top dress. Bracelets and earrings can be made of the same stones. Gold and silver chains are best left for later.

    The image of the groom (in a vest) and his friends

    Groom's clothes and accessories

    Here are several options for images:

    1. Navy blue trousers with suspenders + white shirt with long sleeves and a bow tie to match the hem. The addition will be sports shoes with laces. Hairstyle - light chaos on the head, boutonniere - three white roses with a blue satin ribbon.
    2. Beige pants + blue sneakers with white laces, brown belt, snow-white shirt + blue tie with white stripes. Hairstyle - bouffant up, like rockers, boutonniere - in the form of a bunch of lilies of the valley and violets, complemented by artificial starfish.
    3. White pants + blue shirt + blue jacket and black shoes (not patent leather!). The boutonniere is a white rose bud.

    Dress code for guests

    Bridesmaids it is necessary to ask to dress in light blue or blue sundresses, knee-length or slightly higher. Not a bad choice - straight dresses with blue and white stripes. Shoes should be with or without low heels. It is desirable that it be beige. Of the jewelry, white beads alone will be enough.

    It is better for the witnesses to loose and wrap their hair. Lilies can be woven into them.

    The bridesmaids must have bouquets that can be made of white roses or peonies and decorated with artificial starfish.

    For guys also has its own set of rules, which requires them to elongate gray shorts or jeans, pale blue shirts and pink bow ties. Shoes can be represented by brown slates or red sneakers, and it is quite possible to wear classic men's caps on the head.

    Menu features

    There should be an abundance of seafood on the table, which include:

    • shrimp;
    • oysters;
    • lobsters;
    • brown algae;
    • crabs;
    • lobsters;
    • lobster.

    Sushi and rolls, dishes with mussels, pike perch aspic, sandwiches with red fish and black caviar will come in handy.

    Newlyweds table

    From drinks choose the right red and white wine, champagne, ginger ale. Alcoholic cocktails - Mojito, Blue Hawaii, Pina Colada and Long Island - are relevant, especially in hot weather.

    A separate moment is fresh fruits, among which it is worth highlighting coconuts, pineapples, bananas, mangoes and avocados.

    If there are dessertsthen they should be light. Ideal choices are tiramisu, cheesecakes and cupcakes. You can insert sticks with the names of sweet treats written on cardboard in the shape of a starfish.

    The most important dish is cake, which will be beautifully done in 3 tiers, covered with blue mastic and decorated with artificial seashells, starfish and beads with any white stones. It will be nice to put the steering wheel on top, behind which the figures of the bride and groom can be located.

    Ideas for creating a marine photo zone

    If the wedding takes place in a restaurant, then you can organize a photo zone in the adjacent territory. If the ceremony is held on the shore, it is logical to arrange it right there. For this you will need;

    • sun loungers;
    • dummies of boats, although real ones are possible;
    • steering wheel;
    • sun umbrellas;
    • binoculars;
    • straw hats;
    • sail;
    • plates with inscriptions;
    • hammocks;
    • lifebuoys;
    • aquariums with fish;
    • anchors.

    One of the photos of the bride and groom in the "sea" images

    All this can be used like this: pull the sail, which will serve as the main background. A boat should be placed near it. Inside you need to put pillows with blue and white pillowcases and two umbrellas. FROM right side it is necessary to install the steering wheel, and on the left - the anchor. In front, you need to place large artificial starfish, lifebuoys and place them. Here it is described in detail about their choice and how to create it yourself.

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