• What are the weddings called by year. Wedding anniversaries, wedding names. Why "paper" wedding


    They say that happy hours are not observed. But when happiness is measured not in hours, but in years, it is given characteristics. Of course, it's about marriage. Wedding anniversaries by year - a fascinating catalog. Moreover, the countdown starts literally from zero. Yes, the very day when you became husband and wife is year zero, and it is called the green wedding. What is customary to give? It's simple - what is given for a wedding.

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    Calico wedding - 1 year

    And then a year passed. And came 1 year of the wedding. She is calico. Chintz in this case symbolizes the fragility of your relationship and at the same time their lightness and freshness. It is not hard to guess that as gifts to the heroes of the day are presented - if you adhere to traditions - things made of this material.

    Paper wedding - 2 years

    Before you had time to look back, it’s time to celebrate two years since your marriage. It's paper. Also, everything is still fragile. It sounds alarming, but this name is more likely intended not to scare, but to be very attentive to each other so as not to spoil anything. They give paper products for a paper wedding - books, for example. And also money.

    Leather wedding - 3 years

    The third anniversary is called leather. And this is the first significant date - you checked your marriage for strength, with which we congratulate you. What to give? Things, leather goods, from bags to clothes.

    Linen wedding - 4 years

    Wedding anniversaries break down into very strange years. Four years, for example, are called linen. Linen personifies durability and prosperity, because things made from this material are reliable. With gifts here, too, everything is clear.

    Wooden wedding - 5 years

    And now, a year later, the first real anniversary will happen in your family life. Wooden, five years old. Why a tree? This is again a reliable material, and it is also a building material.

    It will be great if you plant a tree on this day, this is a true omen and a good tradition. Invite guests, throw a party and wait for gifts - dishes, decorations, everything, of course, made of wood.

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    Cast iron wedding - 6 years

    What can you give for the sixth anniversary, called cast iron, - the answer, oddly enough, is simple. Dishes. It is possible and not from cast iron - but at least from Teflon. Cast iron wedding because this material turns out to be the most fragile metal. Is the hint clear? Your family is already strong, but strong blows can break this fortress. Be carefull.

    Copper wedding - 7 years

    In general, the name of wedding anniversaries by year is an interesting thing. Here is the seven-year anniversary. It is called copper. From what? And because copper is a metal of a class higher than cast iron, but still not precious. Dishes are used as gifts again, and you don't have to be a purist - you don't have to be made of copper.

    Tin wedding - 8 years

    It is believed that seven years of marriage is a difficult time, the danger of a crisis. But then what to say about eight years, if this anniversary is called tin? Tin is not only modern jargon, but primarily a faded and expressionless metal. Ordinary, your feelings in the eighth year are threatened by the ordinary, which must be avoided. They give kitchen utensils for a tin wedding, as well as what can be in tin boxes: cookies, for example, or tea.

    Faience wedding - 9 years

    Still, wedding anniversaries by years are a cipher and poetry, wisdom and a hint. 9 years old - earthenware. Good, strong tea is usually poured into earthenware cups, at the same time the earthenware itself beats easily. Are the hints clear? With gifts, everything is simple here - dishes.

    Tin wedding - 10 years

    10 years of the wedding. Congratulations! You can celebrate pink or pewter. Pink - because the flowers are beautiful, pewter - because in 10 years the spouses have learned, like this metal, to be flexible. Expect bouquets of roses from guests.

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    Steel wedding - 11 years

    You have a lot to be proud of. You are hardened in battles for love and happiness, hold on to each other, and friends give you gifts of steel on this day.

    Crystal wedding - 15 years

    Incredible - you've been married for 15 years. It's time to celebrate glass. Your relationship is transparent, there is glassware on the table, accept gifts from glass. And also - from crystal, this is the second name of the 15th anniversary.

    Porcelain wedding - 20 years

    How quickly the years fly by. Twenty years of marriage. Porcelain. Your family is as lovely and beautiful as real china. Wait for a gift of porcelain dishes.

    Beryl wedding - 23 years old

    But an unusual option is beryl, 23 years of marriage. Decorate the festive table with yellow and green, celebrate outdoors whenever possible, and expect any simple gifts.

    Silver wedding - 25 years

    A quarter of a century in marriage is a silver wedding. The first precious metal in your track record, and more than deserved. Guests will have to keep in mind that if they want to observe traditions, then they will not get off with small gifts - they give something significant for a silver one.

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    Pearl wedding - 30 years

    But for the thirtieth birthday, for a pearl wedding, guests will not be required to give pearls. The main thing is to heartily. But the husband should present his wife with a necklace of 30 pearls.

    Linen wedding - 35 years

    When the time comes to celebrate 35 years of marriage, remember - this is called a linen wedding. Because your family ties are as strong as a sheet. The guests will be easy to please - the name clearly indicates the nature of the gifts.

    A wedding is not only a wedding day, on which a “new social unit” was born. It is an ancient tradition with deep roots and customs. According to one of them, it is customary to celebrate each year lived together. Each anniversary has its own name, which characterizes it from the best side. Based on the name of the anniversary, one can judge the marriage, its well-being and its honor.

    • For many lovers, the wedding day is a special date. They celebrate it with trepidation and try to observe all the traditions of the celebration. For others, only the anniversary numbers are important, measuring the time of life together: 10 years, 20 years, and so on.
    • If you plunge into history, you will notice that the modern names of wedding anniversaries have quite deep roots. At that time, people appreciated the events associated with their lives much more, loved nature and compared themselves to it.
    • Most likely, based on this, the names of wedding anniversaries have such "natural" names. Moreover, following the name, you can understand its essence and compare it with the year of marriage life lived by the spouses.
    • For a long time, the people believed in all kinds of signs, which originated precisely from nature and everything around. People believed that if they observe the signs, they will be filled with extraordinary power that can save marriage from misfortune and preserve for many years
    • In modern life, not every person has the idea that each year of married life has a name and most often turns to additional sources for help.
    names of wedding anniversaries by year, table

    Not everyone knows that the very day on which the wedding is carried out already has a name. His name is "green wedding". In this case, the “green” symbolizes the youth and inexperience of the newlyweds. In addition, greens are always freshness, lightness, but at the same time - something not fully ripe and not very fragile.

    Based on the name of the wedding anniversary, it is customary to give gifts, it is for this reason (most likely) on the day of the wedding (that is, for the "green wedding") it is customary to give currency. It is the dollar bills that should bring the newlyweds financial well-being and fortune in married life. However, this is not an established rule at all and is just a tradition.

    Table of weddings distributed by year from 1 to 10

    Wedding anniversary Anniversary title Anniversary features
    1 year calico wedding The anniversary received this name only because this material is valued for its special subtlety, lightness, transparency. This fabric is quite everyday, not expensive, but fragile: it can be easily torn and damaged. She is compared with romantic feelings, because after one year of living together, a couple tries life and often loses feelings. For a gingham wedding, it is customary to drink a bottle of champagne tied at the wedding.
    2 years paper wedding Paper is also a rather weak material and that is why the second anniversary has such a name. You can literally compare a marriage with paper like this: “It is strong when the“ paper ”is folded in several layers. This suggests that joint efforts, understandings and children cement the union of a young family and make it lasting.
    3 years leather wedding Our ancestors gave this anniversary such a name because at that time such material as leather was highly valued and dear. Compared with chintz and paper, the skin is much stronger, which suggests that the lovers have gone through the difficulties of the first years of marriage and found harmony in which they built their happy life.
    4 years linen wedding Linen fabric is considered a fairly noble and pleasant material, which is not cheap and is considered prestigious and has many positive properties. In the old days, ropes were woven from flax and often the 4th anniversary of living together is also called "rope". Our ancestors believed that for 4 years of marriage, the spouses should be put to the test: to tie them with linen ropes and if they get out of them harmoniously - this is a good omen, symbolizing a long happy marriage.
    5 years wooden wedding This name was given to the anniversary for a reason. The tree has long been a symbol of fertility, and by the fifth year of marriage, the newlyweds must have a child. When two lovers have their first child, they literally "put down roots" and find a lasting union between each other. The tree also symbolizes the house and furniture in which a young family finds comfort.
    6 years cast iron wedding Cast iron is a fairly strong metal, but it is also symbolized by its fragility, because if you drop a cast-iron thing, a dent will appear on it that cannot be fixed. Likewise, marriage at this stage of life remains strong only when both spouses treat each other with care.
    7 years copper wedding Copper is valued as an expensive metal, but it is not considered and does not belong to the noble. For this reason, the young people understood how long they still had to live in harmony and understanding and try not to aggravate their marriage.
    8 years tin wedding Tin is a fairly strong and heat-resistant metal. It is these characteristics that the family possesses at this stage of married life. Tin, like both spouses having lived for 8 years in harmony and harmony, are full of warmth and have firmness.
    9 years faience wedding Such material as faience has always been appreciated and always considered noble. It symbolizes the family as something “pure, perfect and beautiful,” but fragile. Therefore, spouses need to be extremely careful in order to preserve their feelings.
    10 years tin wedding Tin is a durable and flexible metal that symbolizes spouses as people who can give in and adapt to each other.

    wedding anniversaries by year

    Table of weddings distributed by years from 11 to 20

    Wedding anniversary Anniversary title Anniversary features
    11 years steel wedding It is a very symbolic name, since marriage (as well as steel) undergoes a special "hardening" and after such a strong union can only be broken by the death of one of the spouses.
    12 years nickel wedding This metal also symbolizes the nobility, uniqueness and strength of the union, which has passed many tests and remained strong.
    13 years lace wedding The number "13" has long been considered unfavorable, and in order to somehow brighten up this date, as well as distract from it all the negative, she was given the name "lace", that is, symbolizing lightness, beauty, romance and fun.
    14 years old agate wedding Agate is considered an expensive stone, but at the same time it is not considered very expensive and is quite affordable. Likewise, marital relations at this stage have already deserved to be considered strong, but they still need to go a long way to achieve high marks.
    15 years glass wedding Besides the fact that glass is a rather fragile material that can be easily broken, it is also a symbol of purity. At this stage in life, spouses acquire a fairly even relationship, transparent and strong.
    16 years has no name not marked
    17 years has no name not marked
    18 years turquoise wedding It also symbolizes one of the most expensive stones - turquoise. It is not uncommon for the first child to grow up at this time and parents get a new stage in their life, fresh as the color of turquoise.
    19 years krypton wedding Krypton symbolizes not only light, it is a kind of symbol of purity. Likewise, marriage, having lived together for 19 years, the spouses become one and illuminate each other's lives.
    20 years porcelain wedding This material has long been considered elite and it was not available in every home. It symbolizes comfort, prosperity, warmth and a good, harmonious atmosphere in the family.

    wedding anniversary name table

    According to ancient customs, it is not customary to celebrate the 16th and 17th wedding anniversaries. If you study this issue in detail, then it is almost impossible to find an unambiguous solution and a truthful source. Unlike other countries, the Slavs had a bad omen to celebrate these dates, and that is why they have no names.

    Table of weddings distributed by years from 21 to 30

    Wedding anniversary Anniversary title Anniversary feature
    21 years old Opal wedding Named after a beautiful stone - opal. It is highly regarded and symbolizes a strong, kind and understanding relationship between spouses.
    22 Bronze wedding Bronze is one of the most expensive metals and that is why such an anniversary is valued as a "prize". The bronze anniversary suggests that the spouses have a strong and understanding relationship.
    23 years old Beryl wedding Beryl is a special metal, in itself it is not expensive, but some of its types are considered unique and precious. So a marriage, having gone through so many years, if it remains strong, then the couple has a strong, strong and trusting relationship.
    24 years Satin wedding Atlas is a beautiful and soft, festive material. That is why relationships after 24 years of marriage are considered just as beautiful.
    25 years silver wedding The first major anniversary, which is usually celebrated magnificently. Silver is a noble and expensive metal, this is how a relationship for 25 years of marriage is symbolized.
    26 years Jade wedding It is also considered beautiful, durable and unique, like an expensive jade stone.
    27 years Mahogany wedding Mahogany is considered a unique, strong, expensive material. That is why marriage in the 26th year of existence has the same values.
    28 years has no name not marked
    29 years Velvet wedding Since ancient times, velvet has been valued as a material for the rich. It is for this reason that 29 years of married life is considered a valuable feature that not everyone can afford.
    30 years Pearl wedding Like pearls, marital relations matured for a long time, gained experience and, as a result, became very valuable.

    wedding anniversaries calendar table

    Unlike European countries, in our area it is not customary to celebrate the 28th anniversary of a wedding for the same reason - a bad omen, but in some sources this date is called "nickel".

    Table of weddings distributed by years from 31 to 40

    Wedding anniversary Anniversary title Anniversary feature
    31 year Swarthy wedding She symbolizes all the work and all the experience that the spouses have accumulated over so many years of marriage.
    32 years has no name not marked
    33 years has no name not marked
    34 years Amber wedding Amber is a symbol of such a long union and compares marriage to itself as something valuable, expensive and real.
    35 years Coral wedding Coral is a valuable material that can last forever. The love of two spouses is also appreciated.
    36 years has no name not marked
    37 years Muslin wedding Muslin is a beautiful thin fabric that cannot be torn by hand. Likewise, the relationship in a given year of marriage has special strength.
    38 years Mercury wedding Like mercury at the age of 38, marriage at the same time acquires softness, does not lend itself to destruction.
    39 years Crepe wedding Crepe is a durable material made up of many threads intertwined with each other. Likewise, marriage has many nuances, feelings and relationships of trust on which it rests.
    40 years Ruby wedding Ruby is a gem that characterizes a marriage as strong and honorable.

    how to celebrate wedding anniversary, anniversaries from 1 year to 100 years old

    Unfortunately, this period is characterized by many dates that should not be celebrated. Perhaps because this is a bad omen, or maybe because at this age, most often you do not notice your problems and try to devote time to your children and grandchildren.

    Table of weddings distributed by years from 41 to 50

    Wedding anniversary: Anniversary Name: Anniversary Features:
    41 years no name it is not customary to celebrate
    42 years no name it is not customary to celebrate
    43 years no name it is not customary to celebrate
    44 years old Topaz wedding A gem that characterizes spouses as a noble and honorable union
    45 years Sapphire wedding This is a gemstone of deep blue color, so marriage by the age of 45 has a special charm, nobility, uniqueness and value for society.
    46 years old Lavender wedding Characterizes the spouses who, after many years, instead of passion and fire, found calm, peace and harmony
    47 years Cashmere wedding Cashmere is a wool material that is considered not only expensive. It is worth spending a lot of time and effort to make one cashmere item, and marriage is valued for a lot of work, understanding and consent.
    48 years old Amethyst wedding Amethyst is another precious stone that symbolizes the strength, uniqueness and honor of the union.
    49 years old Cedar wedding The cedar tree can live for several hundred years and that is why the anniversary symbolizes the spouses as an eternal couple, able to exist together for a very long time in harmony and understanding.
    50 years Golden wedding Gold is a valuable and expensive metal. To live in love and harmony until the golden wedding was considered commendable and honorable. It is customary to celebrate this anniversary magnificently, no worse than the wedding itself 50 years ago.

    wedding anniversaries by year with description

    Wedding anniversaries distributed in the table by years after 50 years of marriage

    After 50 years, the wedding anniversary itself is celebrated, but mainly on anniversary dates. Most likely, at this age, you do not want to keep track of the years and names do not have such a strong meaning for anniversaries. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing about those dates that must be celebrated, even after 50 years of marriage.

    Wedding anniversaries with titles after 50 years of married life, important anniversaries:

    Wedding anniversary: Anniversary Name: Anniversary Features:
    55 years Emerald wedding Emerald is an expensive and valuable stone with a bright and deep green color. So marriage by the age of 55 acquires special prestige, honor, uniqueness and nobility.
    60 years Diamond wedding A diamond is the most valuable and expensive stone; one diamond has been forming in the earth for hundreds and thousands of years. That is why marriage is considered just as expensive, special and valuable after 60 years.
    65 years Iron wedding Iron is a strong metal, the same are marriage and love after 65 years: indestructible, reliable and persistent.
    67 years old Stone wedding The stone is able to exist forever, the same is the love of two spouses who were able to live happily in marriage for 67 years.
    70 years Blessed wedding The very name of the anniversary suggests that people who have lived for so many years in marriage and have not lost each other have found grace.
    75 years Crown wedding The symbol of this anniversary is the crown. She symbolizes royal nobility, honor and status of a married couple who managed to live 75 years in marriage.
    80 years Oak wedding Oak is a tree that stays on the ground for over a hundred years. Likewise, spouses embody these qualities.
    90 years Granite wedding Granite is a stone that cannot be destroyed. So the union after 90 years is strong, indestructible and eternal.
    100 years Platinum wedding The most valuable metal that characterizes spouses in the best possible way.

    wedding anniversary with title, table

    It is simply not possible for both spouses to live up to such anniversaries as 70, 80, 90 and even 100 years. However, if there are names for these anniversaries, then it is worth concluding that in life there were still special centenarians who became a kind of "marriage veterans".

    What gifts are given on wedding anniversaries?

    In accordance with the name of the anniversary, it is customary to give a variety of symbolic gifts. A properly presented gift is believed to bring grace, strength and peace to the nest of the marriage.

    What to give for your wedding anniversary? Anniversary Gift Ideas

    a gift for a wedding anniversary according to its name:

    • Wedding day- the so-called "Green Wedding": it is customary to give money, especially currency (green)
    • Calico - it is customary to give chintz things: clothes, scarves, tablecloths, curtains, bedding
    • Paper - it is customary to give: money, photographs, books, paintings
    • Leather - it is customary to give: clothes, interior items, belt, bags, shoes
    • Linseed - it is customary to give: linen tablecloths, clothes, curtains, bedding
    • Wooden - it is customary to give: interior items, furniture, photo frames, kitchen utensils
    • Cast iron - it is customary to give: dishes, interior items made of cast iron, frames for mirrors
    • Copper - it is customary to give: interior items, dishes, jewelry, figurines
    • Tin - it is customary to give: dishes, kitchen utensils, figurines, decorations
    • Faience - it is customary to give: figurines, sets, home decorations, dishes
    • Tin - it is customary to give: dishes, figurines, figurines, interior items
    • Steel - it is customary to give: steel products, jewelry, costume jewelry, dishes, utensils
    • Nickel - it is customary to give: nickel and silk izelia (it is also considered a “silk wedding”)
    • Lace- it is customary to give: curtains, tablecloths, clothes, linen, napkins, scarves
    • Agate - it is customary to give: jewelry for the body and for the house with agate stone
    • Glass - it is customary to give: mirrors, glassware, figurines, glassware
    • Turquoise - it is customary to give: jewelry for the body and at home with a turquoise stone
    • Krypton - it is customary to give everything that symbolizes light: lamps, candles, lanterns
    • Porcelain - it is customary to give: porcelain dishes or figurines for the home
    • Opal - customary to give: home and body jewelry with opal stone
    • Bronze - it is customary to give: home decoration, preferably a figurine
    • Beryl - it is customary to give: jewelry for body and home with beryl stone
    • Bronze - it is customary to give: home decoration, for example, a figurine or a frame
    • Satin - it is customary to give: clothes, tablecloths, curtains, products with satin
    • Silver - it is customary to give: icons with silver, jewelry, silverware
    • Jade - it is customary to give: home decorations from the body with a jade stone
    • Mahogany - it is customary to give: something for the house made of mahogany: furniture, photo frames, picture frames, shelves, stands
    • Velvet - it is customary to give: robes, clothes, bedspreads, velvet bedding
    • Pearl - it is customary to give: jewelry in which there are pearls, souvenirs with pearls
    • Swarthy - it is customary to give: household essentials, furniture, watches
    • Amber - it is customary to give: decorations and decorative items for the home with amber
    • Coral - customary to give: jewelry for the body or home with corals
    • Muslinovaya - it is customary to give: something from muslin: curtains, clothes, shawls, scarves
    • Mercury - a symbolic gift on this day will be a mercury thermometer
    • Crepe - it is customary to give: canvases and crepe products
    • Ruby - it is customary to give: jewelry in which there is a ruby, wine, furniture
    • Topa knowing - it is customary to give: everything that a topaz stone can contain
    • Sapphire - it is customary to give: jewelry, with sapphire
    • Lavender - it is customary to give: interior items, furniture, aromatic oils, perfumes, paintings, jewelry and clothes in color with a lavender flower
    • Cashmere - it is customary to give: clothes, scarves and cashmere shawls
    • Amethyst - it is customary to give: everything that the amethyst stone can have in itself
    • Cedar - it is customary to give: home furnishings made of cedar wood
    • Gold - it is customary to give: jewelry for the body and home made of gold or gold color
    • Emerald - it is customary to give: jewelry with emerald, dark green items
    • Diamond - it is customary to give: a diamond or a product resembling this stone
    • Fertile- it is customary to give: household items: furniture, clothes, dishes
    • Crown - it is customary to give: something that will emphasize the status of a couple: expensive jewelry, memorabilia, pieces of furniture
    • Oak - it is customary to give: wood products, memorable gifts
    • Platinum - it is customary to give: things of red and platinum color

    a wedding anniversary gift has a symbolic meaning

    How are the anniversaries of living together?

    As a rule, all the anniversaries of living together require some kind of attention. The exceptions are those that celebrate is a bad omen. The first five years of marriage are usually celebrated very violently: in the circle of friends and family. After these dates, the married couple solemnly celebrate only anniversaries.

    It is possible to decide on the celebration of the anniversary, based on the name of the anniversary itself, but this is not fundamental and does not have much significance.

    The first anniversary, namely the “Calico Wedding”, is always an event. It is customary to celebrate it with those close people who were present at the wedding itself: parents, witnesses, friends and relatives.

    Not celebrating the first anniversary is considered bad form and bad manners. On this day, one of the two bottles of champagne opens, which was contacted at the wedding itself. It is customary to drink the second bottle with parents to celebrate the birth of their first child.

    how to celebrate wedding anniversaries

    The cake is also symbolic for the first anniversary. It should be given special importance and ordered from professionals in their field. In fact, it should be no worse than the cake that was at your wedding, if only less ... The cake symbolizes - a lush, cheerful, self-sufficient and prosperous life of a young couple.

    There are no clear guidelines on where and how to celebrate the anniversary. The main thing is to set a good table, invite guests and celebrate the event. If the weather permits, most often the anniversary is celebrated in nature (since it is affordable, not expensive and festive). The lease of a cafe will be more solemn; every guest will prepare for such an event and wait impatiently.

    A symbolic and good omen will be the exchange of gifts for the newlyweds for the anniversary, based on its name: for a chintz one - chintz handkerchiefs, a wooden one - photo frames, for a gold one - an exchange of jewelry. This is considered a good tradition that characterizes lovers from the best sides.

    wedding anniversary gifts

    Those who come to visit on the anniversary should definitely have gifts with them. In order not to miscalculate, you can choose things that are important for the house, which are always useful for a married couple in everyday life:

    • towels
    • tablecloths
    • utensils
    • bed
    • bathrobes and slippers
    • dinner service
    • paintings

    The best gift is, of course, money, it is no less important for the family's budget than on the day when two lovers tied the knot.

    A prerequisite is a wide celebration of big anniversaries:

    • 5 years - "Wooden wedding" (first anniversary). On this date, it is best to rent a cafe (you can also the one in which the wedding itself took place), invite guests and celebrate the date with magnificent fun, dances and competitions
    • 10 years - "Tin Wedding" also requires solemnity, a separate room (or a holiday in nature) and many invited guests
    • 15 years - "Glass Wedding", can be celebrated a little more modestly, in the circle of friends in nature
    • 25 years - "Silver Wedding", is considered an impressive date and requires a wide celebration in a cafe or restaurant
    • 50 years - "Golden Wedding", an excellent tradition for a golden wedding is the repeated wedding ceremony, which will delight the spouses and remind them of the day when they became one. Such ceremonies are held symbolically, without representatives of the registry office, but nevertheless they require the same careful preparation: a dress, a suit, a bridal bouquet, and so on.

    Whatever the celebration: magnificent or modest, the main thing that two lovers need to take into account is not to forget why they decided to get married: feelings, passion and love. You should not forget about the date of the wedding, even if you do not intend to celebrate it with your loved ones, it is imperative to congratulate your soul mate!

    Video: Happy Anniversary. 1 year. Calico wedding

    Each newlywed couple dreams of living their whole lives together and celebrates their family's birthday with enthusiasm every year. There are a lot of customs and traditions for celebrating wedding anniversaries. You can observe them, you can not observe them, but one thing is invariable - on this day all family and friends gather, congratulate the heroes of the occasion, give symbolic (or not) gifts. The spouses themselves also do not forget to congratulate each other, kiss and remind once again how much they love each other.

    Few know what kind of weddings there are (except, of course, the well-known gold one), so often the celebration consists only of a feast and congratulations. But there are a lot of signs and traditions that were not in vain invented by our ancestors. And the names of weddings are not just fictitious, each has its own psychological aspect. The more years the young have lived together, the "stronger" the name of the anniversary. For example, a "glass" wedding hints at the fragility of a 15-year-old love relationship. When faced with a crisis, spouses should preserve their love in the same way as the glass items presented on their fifteenth anniversary.

    What are the wedding anniversaries

    The wedding itself (zero anniversary) is called "green", denoting with this color the youth of the bride and groom, as well as their families. Throughout the year, until the first anniversary, everything is young and green, still fresh and unfamiliar.

      • First anniversary- "chintz". In honor of the first birthday of the family, young people and their guests traditionally drink a bottle of champagne, which has been in store since the day of the wedding. Chintz, as you know, is not the most durable material. Thus, they made it clear to the young that no matter what troubles happened during this time, this is just the so-called "grinding": the spouses are just taking the first steps towards each other, learning to accept each other and find compromises. Therefore, their marriage is still not entirely strong, "chintz". There is another version of why the wedding is named chintz. This is due to the active intimate life of recently married people. Therefore, for the anniversary, guests give new chintz bedding: the old one is probably already worn out.
      • Second anniversary- "paper". Information about weddings by year is often contradictory and can be misleading. It would seem that they lived another year, but for some reason the wedding was made of paper: but paper is even more fragile than chintz. And this is due to the fact that at this time a child usually appears in the family, which adds to the hassle of a young family (but first of all, of course, joy). However, as our wise ancestors knew, not all marriages pass this test, and by the second anniversary, the spouses have quarreled more than once and tried to collect things. And this is not due to the fact that people got married unsuccessfully. This is a normal period in the life of a family, so to speak, a transition to a new stage. Families who have successfully passed this stage become doubly strong.
      • Third anniversary- "leather". Leather is already much stronger than chintz and paper. This means that, having gone through all the difficulties and trials of the first two years, the family has finally reached its first significant date. Like soft skin, the spouses became more accommodating, learned to adapt to each other, their relationship became more flexible.
      • Fourth anniversary- "linen". By the fourth birthday of the family, the spouses had already acquired property and, first of all, linen tablecloths, which speak of the family's wealth and are more expensive than chintz sheets. Hence such an interesting name. This anniversary is also called "wax". Perhaps for the same reason as leather, because wax is a soft, pliable material.
      • Fifth anniversary- "wooden". If we talk about what wedding anniversaries are, this five-year first anniversary can be called the most "stormy" one. The couple are still very young, full of energy and desire to celebrate the anniversary in full. Some wives even wear their own and. Wood is a durable material, from which you can build a house and even a whole fortress. But for the time being, such a strong wooden structure as a young family should be wary of fires. If the spouses plant a tree on the fifth anniversary, it will grow powerful, strong and survive all bad weather, bringing good luck and abundance to the family.
      • Sixth anniversary- "cast iron". This is the first "metal" of marriage. The relationship is already so strong that it can be called metallic. But cast iron is not yet strong enough to withstand everything. It is quite possible to break it with a strong blow. And this means that the spouses still have something to fear and it is too early to relax.
      • Seventh anniversary- "copper". Copper is a beautiful, durable and valuable material, like family relationships between spouses. It may not be a precious metal yet, but 7 years of marriage is already an achievement, congratulate each other from the bottom of our hearts. Copper also indicates the financial situation of the family. The children have already grown up, the spouses have acquired everything they need, they have adjusted their life, things have gone uphill.
      • Eighth Anniversary- "tin". Interested in what kind of weddings are, their names, people stop at the word "tin" and put a negative meaning into it, be it inexpensive metal or modern youth slang. However, here we mean such a quality of tin as gloss. Relationships between spouses acquire a kind of gloss, transform, sparkle with all their facets.

    • Twenty sixth anniversary- "jade". The union, which has held out for 26 years, is already practically indestructible, as is the incredibly durable jade.
    • Twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth anniversaries are not marked.
    • Twenty ninth anniversary- "velvet". It is not difficult to guess why exactly velvet served as a symbol of the 29 years lived. This is a rich, expensive, beautiful and exquisite material, as valuable and wonderful as the union of two people who have approached the thirty-year family anniversary.
    • Thirtieth anniversary- "pearl". As storms and waves grind real pearls, so life's adversities only make a marriage stronger and more beautiful. Pearls are not only beautiful, they are also durable, do not tarnish over time and are incredibly valuable.
    • Thirty first anniversary- "dark". Among the many listings of weddings, the names of which usually mean some kind of material, this anniversary is somewhat surprising. It can be assumed that swarthiness, tanning implies hardening, under which wrinkles and difficulties of past years are hidden.
    • Thirty second anniversary weddings are not celebrated.
    • Thirty third anniversary- "stone". The name speaks for itself. The union is already so strong that no hardships and winds can destroy it.
    • Thirty fourth anniversary- "amber". Transparent and very valuable amber reflects the path that the couple went through. Amber goes through many transformations before turning from resin to stone. A husband and wife traveled the same long way at 34 before they reached such an agreement.
    • Thirty-fifth anniversary- "coral". Corals grow from a small polyp into whole coral reefs, which is a symbol of the love of the spouses growing every year.
    • Thirty sixth anniversary not marked.
    • Thirty seventh anniversary- "muslin". Muslin is an expensive fabric, the production process of which is very laborious. For 37 years, husband and wife have been able to create a relationship as valuable, strong and beautiful as this fabric.
    • Thirty Eighth Anniversary- "mercury". Usually this anniversary is not celebrated at all or is celebrated in a narrow family circle. Mercury is a liquid metal that can take any shape. The relationship between husband and wife, who have lived together for 38 years, becomes just as plastic.
    • Thirty ninth anniversary- "crepe". The lives of the spouses are as firmly entwined among themselves as the strong threads of crepe. This material is known to be very difficult to rip apart.
    • Fortieth anniversary- "ruby". A beautiful gem of a scarlet color, like blood, has not in vain become a symbol of this significant date. This means that the spouses have become so close that they already have one blood, soul and destiny for two.

    • Forty-first, second and third anniversaries are not celebrated, although the forty-second and third anniversaries have their own names - "mother-of-pearl" and "flannel", respectively.
    • Forty fourth anniversary- "topaz". After 44 years of marriage, quarrels, resentments, quarrels come to an end. The life of the spouses becomes as pure and transparent as this gem.
    • Forty-fifth anniversary- "sapphire". Sapphire is a gem that brings happiness and prosperity to its owner. Like this amulet, husband and wife keep each other's peace.
    • Forty-sixth anniversary- "lavender". This delicate flower symbolizes love, the calmness of past years, the kindness with which spouses relate to each other.
    • Forty-seventh anniversary- "cashmere". The relationship of the spouses is as warm and soft as cashmere. They understand each other, protect and give warmth.
    • Forty-eighth anniversary- "amethyst". A beautiful transparent stone symbolizes the purity and sincerity of family relationships.
    • Forty-ninth anniversary- "cedar". Cedar is a hardy tree that has lived for more than one century, just like the love of two people who have lived together for almost 50 years.
    • Fiftieth anniversary- "gold". The most significant and long-awaited in the life of a spouse. Only people who are united by true love, loyalty and endless patience for life and for each other can get "gold". It is customary to buy new wedding rings and wear them with the first ones. Or, old rings can be passed on to unmarried grandchildren (or even great-grandchildren).

    What are the weddings by year: what to give for each anniversary

    Whether to give symbolic gifts to the heroes of the occasion according to tradition, or to opt for something useful in everyday life or just cute - it's up to you. The main thing is to show your creativity to the fullest. Of course, you don't have to cross the city in search of cast iron, steel or nickel items.

    If finances allow, you can donate real pearls, jewelry made of gold, sapphires and diamonds. Such gifts are not only symbolic and touching, they allow the spouses to express their love for each other (for example, when a husband gives a pearl necklace to his wife for her 30th birthday).

    If the anniversary is called "dark", do not rush to buy a self-tanning cream or a subscription to a solarium. People over 50 do not like such gifts. Better buy something cute, but hinting at feelings. For example, a figurine of cooing doves or crystal glasses with their image. Children can give a trip to hot countries. This is both symbolic and incredibly delightful for the spouses.

    After analyzing the information about what weddings happen, how many years do the spouses celebrate this or that date, we can conclude that the more years the spouses have lived together, the more difficult it is to choose a gift for them. They have already acquired everything, have finally adjusted their way of life, so it will be useful to show imagination. Let the gift be inexpensive, but romantic and sincere. For example, for a platinum wedding, instead of incredibly expensive platinum jewelry, you can collect photographs of a couple, starting with the wedding, and make a film of the most memorable moments of their lives. Watching such a movie will be pleasant for both guests and heroes of the occasion.

    For an emerald wedding, you can give something emerald green. For example, a photo frame decorated with green rhinestones, and insert a collage of family photos from different years into it.

    Wedding anniversaries are celebrated in many countries. The symbolism of the holiday implies appropriate gifts. If an official marriage is 2 years old, what kind of wedding is it? Paper, otherwise it is called cotton and glass.

    In China, young couples wear a rooster and chicken costumes made of red paper for their two-year anniversary. This color promises good luck and wealth. In Greece, while a married couple is dancing, guests attach banknotes to their clothes. Which also symbolizes financial success.

    Wedding anniversary

    A wedding is a memorable holiday for a young family. After it, colorful photos, videos and good memories remain. Celebrating the wedding anniversary began about 200 years ago. The traditions of the annual holiday were gradually formed. Symbolic names have appeared for each wedding anniversary.

    To prepare the celebration, you need to find out what is the name of the anniversary. A young family is 2 years old - what is a wedding? The symbol of the two-year anniversary is paper. A fragile material that tears easily, wrinkles and burns. However, paper is flexible and foldable. So a young family tries different options for living together, transforms into a comfortable model.

    A fun celebration with paper flags and caps can be arranged for 2 years of wedding. What wedding is without gifts and congratulations? Usually, on the Paper anniversary, spouses write letters with wishes, declarations of love. By tradition, guests give products made of paper, cardboard, glass, wood.

    Features of paper wedding

    The wedding anniversary is a memorable date, summing up the results of the years lived. This is a reason to invite guests, celebrate the celebration with friends. Or arrange a festive dinner for two.

    Each anniversary has its own psychological characteristics. If the spouses have lived together for 2 years, what kind of wedding is it? Paper, which means instability and fragility. In the first years together, two people learn to build relationships with each other and with the world around them.

    After two years of marriage, those features that the young tried to hide at the beginning of their life together begin to manifest themselves more clearly. The relationship is no longer as quivering and cloudless as in the first year of marriage.

    At the same time, husband and wife recognize the need to adjust, seek compromises and find acceptable solutions. They learn to assign roles, set feasible goals. Difficulty for a young family can be added by the appearance of a child. On the other hand, thanks to the baby, the family becomes close-knit.

    Overcoming joint difficulties, the emergence of life experience are the first 2 years together. Whatever the wedding, the anniversary would be celebrated in the future - they are all gradual steps towards the formation of a friendly, strong family.

    Holiday decoration

    The decoration of the holiday will add color to the room. It will help set up guests for the celebration. Bright decor elements will add a romantic mood. Even if a paper wedding is being held in a standard apartment, the decoration will liven up the holiday atmosphere.

    Bright corrugated or colored paper will come in handy to celebrate 2 wedding years. What kind of wedding - so is the design. Therefore, other animal figurines are an excellent solution for festive decor. If strung on long ribbons, then you can make a beautiful arch or decorate

    The easiest paper wedding decorations are to cut out hearts or butterflies. They can be made in different sizes. Hang with string or tape and attach to the ceiling.

    Paper pom-poms will add originality to the most ordinary drapery. You can decorate curtains with them or make a garland. And if you attach a transparent fishing line to them and hang them from the ceiling, you get the effect of floating pom-poms.

    Big gifts

    Choosing a gift can be symbolic. 2 years - what kind of wedding is this? Paper, which means that the present should symbolize the fragility of the relationship. Paper is a derivative of wood. But on a two-year anniversary, it is not customary to give furniture and all weight items. How to choose a large, expensive gift?

    It can be a set of matryoshka dolls. You can put a large bill in each of them. Outwardly, a small and modest gift, upon close examination, turns out to be very expensive.

    Tourist trips abroad with a good hotel are an excellent option for a young family. Often the budget of young spouses does not include long trips. Therefore, the vouchers can be a pleasant surprise.

    Wicker furniture, light and beautiful, is a suitable option. The choice is large - and a rocking chair, and a bookcase, and an exclusive screen or coffee set.

    A box of collection wine can give a start to a new hobby for a spouse. A good idea is to order the heroes of the occasion (you can paint a picture from a photograph).

    Practical gifts

    When looking after presents and gifts for a young family, one should not forget about what kind of wedding anniversary. 2 years - paper wedding. Therefore, gifts must contain at least an element of paper.

    All kinds of books are popular (as a gift) for the second wedding anniversary. Culinary, historical, collections of lyric poetry. You can order a special book "Genealogical Family Tree".

    A photo album will be a good, inexpensive gift. If desired, you can add some original picture frames to it.

    Gift cards with photos of a husband or wife are an exciting entertainment for two or a small company.

    Beautiful dishes are a must in the household. If you wrap it in a paper garland and put it in a cardboard gift box, it will fit in if you are celebrating 2 years of marriage. What wedding? Paper, therefore, by wrapping a gift in this material, you can safely give it for an anniversary.

    Handmade soap, wrapped in beautiful paper packaging. Or a magnetic board for a couple's cute notes. Paper for photo printing or a printer, a diary, a wall calendar - such gifts will be highly appreciated.

    Spouses gifts to each other

    Elegant, light souvenirs are best presented for a 2 year anniversary. What kind of wedding, congratulations go without gifts of spouses to each other? During the time they lived, they got to know their habits, preferences, and hobbies better.

    • For your wife, you can make a bouquet of paper roses, put boats in the morning bath. This will add variety to family everyday life.

    Gift certificates to a beauty salon, jewelry store are relevant. Subscriptions to a fitness club, pool or cinema (theater) tickets will be remembered for years to come.

    • For the husband, a diploma of the head of the family can become a memorable gift. Gift certificates for men give free rein to the imagination. Here you can go fishing, play paintball, shooting range, go karting. Perfect with utensils for a picnic or fishing.

    Creative gifts

    The essence of creative gifts lies in their uniqueness. Such gifts are not always to your taste. Therefore, you should find out the preferences of young spouses, their desires, dreams. They have come a long way since their official wedding. In 2 years - what kind of wedding can be so touching and tender? A paper anniversary, with its fragility, can be a necessary stepping stone to building a lasting, loving family.

    • If the spouses prefer active recreation, certificates for a water park, paragliding, go-karting for the whole family, kayaking are well suited. Horseback riding or dog sledding will be unforgettable.
    • If the spouses want a quiet walk, you can organize a boat trip, an excursion to the aquarium, in nature with live music.

    Personalized silverware in bright brown paper, scented lamps. Unusual wallpaper for future renovation, decorative fan for apartment decoration.

    Decorating a gift for a paper wedding

    • Paper packaging. You can make any gift (dishes, household appliances) and wrap it in several layers of bright paper.
    • Origami... Attach an origami figurine to the gift or wrap it with a paper garland. Make original flowers or animal figurines from banknotes.
    • Diplomas. There are many certificates with the words "Best husband", etc. It is better to use them as an addition to the main gift.

    The wedding day is definitely on the list of the most important days in the life of many people. On this day, the bride and groom enter into a marital union based on love and mutual respect. It is with him that the countdown of new anniversaries begins, each of which has its own name and traditions. In this article, we'll talk about when to celebrate the first anniversary, as it is called, and also what its features are.

    First date

    The first month after the traditional marriage is called green. This is due to the fact that earlier young people entered it inexperienced, immature. They only had to find out the characters and habits of each other, to find points of contact and mutual understanding. Despite the fact that today life has changed somewhat, most traditions do not lose their relevance.

    In many cultures, green symbolizes freshness, youth, purity. Therefore, it is not surprising that the myrtle leaves in the wedding crown became the symbol of a green wedding - a reflection of the innocence and naivety of young people who have just entered into a legal relationship, whose feelings, like young greenery, are just blossoming.

    Interestingly, the green wedding is celebrated not only after a month, but also after two, three, four months, and so on (until the first anniversary). This holiday is considered to be the longest of all existing wedding events. The countdown of the celebration begins on the day of the wedding, and it is customary to celebrate it every month throughout the year on the same date when the union was concluded.

    This is a great opportunity to once again remind each other of your feelings, to show love and care for a loved one.

    A green wedding is a real freedom for those who love romance and want to keep it for many years.

    Celebration traditions

    1 month from the date of the wedding is celebrated in different ways. Many people prefer quiet, cozy family evenings with friends and family. Someone celebrates the holiday only together, not letting anyone into the cramped world of the new family.

    In fact, the first month of family relationships is associated with the search for compromises. It is one thing to date a loved one, but it is quite another to share life with him in the same house. For many, many of the partner's habits, his rhythm of life and daily routine come as a surprise. No wonder they say that family life and romantic, albeit long-term, relationships are two different things.

    It's not just everyday habits that become visible. Many people live together, binds them with strong bonds. Among everyday worries, love is felt and manifested in a different way, relationships reach a new level. That is why, celebrating the first month lived together, you need to arrange a holiday first of all for each other. The green month is the first stage passed, which must be appreciated and celebrated in a way that is sure to be remembered.

    It can be a romantic candlelit dinner. Gentle wedding music, light snacks, delicious wine will remind the newlyweds that they have become a family only recently, and will set them up for a festive atmosphere. If homemade food is a little bored, you can go to your favorite restaurant or, conversely, choose an original institution that you have not been able to visit before.

    For young people who spend evenings at home, you can diversify the holiday with a walk or even a trip to another city. It will not be superfluous to visit some significant place for young people, for example, where they first met. The main thing is that this evening was not like all the others spent together.

    The first month can be a great start to your monthly wedding celebrations. You can come up with and start your own traditions that will give you a lot of pleasant emotions and memories. For example, you can take a thematic photo every month, and put together an interesting photo collage at the end of the year.

    Or you can start the tradition of having breakfast on the waterfront or walking in your favorite park every month on this date. Or you can, on the contrary, come up with something unforgettable for every month (like a parachute jump). Although this option is more suitable for people who cannot imagine their life without change and extreme.

    Is the gift important?

    A green wedding is too early for a luxurious gift. In addition, sometimes pleasant little things are dear to the heart than an iconic present. At a wedding, a traditional gift from the groom to the bride is a bouquet. A woman, in turn, can emphasize her love for her chosen one with the help of pair dishes or a small souvenir with wedding symbols.

    It used to be the custom to plant a myrtle tree on the wedding day as a symbol of a new young family. This interesting tradition can be renewed. It will be simply unforgettable. Throughout the month, you can give all sorts of little things that remind you of love for each other. It is especially good if the accessories are associated with a wedding or, for example, with the number of days spent together.

    If finances allow, you can give preference to timeless classics - engraved jewelry, names, dates. Such a gift will never become outdated and can be passed on to future generations.

    A souvenir photo is another option that can be quite original. Modern technologies allow you to make photo printing on almost everything: mugs, plates, puzzles, T-shirts, magnets, key chains.

    It all depends on the imagination of the donor and the possibilities of the photo studio.

    In any case, remember that the gift is not the main thing. Love, sincerity, understanding and caring for each other will become the best manifestations of feelings. It is important to try to make the first month of family life special, so that after years there will be the most tender memories of its beginning.

    For how the wedding month affects your future life together, see the next video.

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