• Why does the navel bleed in newborns? Navel bleeds in a newborn: what to do? With phlegmonous form


    The return of a young mother and baby from the maternity hospital is a crucial and very important period. After all, now all responsibility for the growth, development and health of a little person is completely assigned to his mother and all relatives. Very often, one of the most confusing points is navel care. The need for this can even cause panic among inexperienced parents. However, in fact, there is nothing complicated about it. After all, you can master the basics of this business under the guidance of a visiting pediatrician.

    Even in the maternity hospital, mothers ask the doctor how long the navel heals in a newborn. The answer to the question, how long does it take to heal? umbilical wound rather individual. In most cases, this occurs in the third week of a child's life. But sometimes this process can take a little longer. Therefore, parents should clearly know how to understand that the navel has healed.

    What you need to know about your belly button

    In the mother's womb, through the umbilical cord, the baby receives the nutrients he needs, as well as oxygen. In addition, food comes out through it. When a baby is born, this connection between him and his mother's body is cut. The remainder of the umbilical cord is applied Rogovin's bracket .

    However, even if the navel is not bandaged after birth, bleeding will not occur. The umbilical ring has two arteries and a vein. After cutting, the arteries gape due to the denser structure of the wall, and the vein collapses. However, this does not mean that bacteria cannot enter the resulting wound. To prevent this, in the maternity hospital, the umbilical residue is tied up and carefully processed.

    And when the remainder of the umbilical cord falls off, which happens after about 4-5 days, you need to continue to carefully handle the wound. There is no need to panic about the fact that "the remainder has fallen off, what to do?"

    If the navel persists, you need to wait a few more days. Sometimes this does not happen in the hospital, which means that he will disappear after 7-10 days at home. After the navel falls off, you need to handle the umbilical wound very carefully, doing this in three stages.

    Initially, using a sterile cotton swab, you need to treat the wound from all sides. It is best to take hydrogen peroxide of 3% concentration.

    To prevent infection, it is necessary to lubricate the wound. alcohol 96% ... The remaining stump must be dried and gently lubricated. potassium permanganate 5% .

    If the navel has not disappeared, is it possible to bathe the baby?

    After the umbilical cord has fallen off, the mother can safely bathe the child. Better to swim in boiled water. But until the cord falls off, the baby is not bathed - his body only needs to be gently wiped with a warm, damp sponge.

    Treating the navel of a newborn at home

    With the normal development of the baby, the healing of the umbilical wound occurs in the 3rd week - during this period it is epithelized. The local nurse or pediatrician will explain how to treat the navel to the newborn before healing. It is necessary to carry out this procedure as it happens in a maternity hospital. For a mother who needs to know exactly how to handle a newborn's navel correctly, it is important to consider that this needs to be done every day after bathing. First, mom needs to wash her hands thoroughly with soap and water.

    It is also important to know how to handle the navel of a newborn. Used for these purposes hydrogen peroxide , alcohol 96% , brilliant green solution 2% or for processing. And here is the solution potassium permanganate it is not recommended to use for these purposes, since it is not easy to prepare a solution of the correct concentration of their powder, and, moreover, if the crystal accidentally ends up on the child's skin, it can provoke burn .

    Initially, you need to soften the crust with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. If, at the same time, the peroxide does not begin to foam, this means that the navel has healed.

    During the healing process, crusts will gradually fall off, which must be very carefully removed. You cannot peel off the crusts by applying force.

    When treating the navel, special attention should be paid to the base of the umbilical cord. It is rubbed very carefully each time to remove all wet discharge. This is most conveniently done with a cotton swab. This will speed up the drying and healing process.

    How many times a day to process?

    This procedure should be done once a day.

    If the navel does not heal well, regular "airing" will help speed up this process, for which you need to open your tummy more often. When using diapers, you need to bend down the belt so that the wound remains open. You do not need to touch the wound if it is not necessary.

    What to do if the navel of a newborn is bleeding?

    Parents who do not know what to do if blood appears on the umbilical wound, initially need to understand why the navel is bleeding in a newborn.

    Sometimes the reasons for this phenomenon are simple and understandable. The umbilical wound is bleeding, if it occurs trauma when the baby was swaddled, wiped or bathed. The diaper should be put on very carefully until the wound is completely healed. Some mothers too actively cleanse the wound from crusts, thereby provoking injury.

    The navel can bleed due to education umbilical granuloma (fungus ). If the umbilical cord was thick, after cutting it, a wide umbilical ring remains, and it heals for a long time. As a result, granulation builds up, and the navel resembles a mushroom in its shape. This formation is painful, and even when swaddling, catching it, you can provoke the appearance of pain. And even after minor injury, the umbilical wound in this case begins to bleed.

    When blood appears from the umbilical wound, you need to act as follows:

    • If blood appears as a result of careless handling of the wound, you need to drop a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on the umbilical wound.
    • You don't need to put your baby on your stomach.
    • Provide air access to the navel.
    • During the period when the umbilical wound is bleeding, it is impossible to bathe the baby. You need to wait until the navel stops bleeding completely and a crust appears on it.

    But it is best to consult with a doctor, show him the baby, provided that blood is flowing from the wound.

    It is especially important to show the child to the pediatrician without delay if he has not only the umbilical wound bleeding, but his general condition has worsened. In such a situation, it is better to urgently go to the hospital or call an ambulance.

    If the navel of a newborn does not heal for a long time, you need to pay special attention to this. When the so-called weeping navel is noted, this indicates the first stage - the inflammatory process of the umbilical wound. During this period, the navel does not yet fester, however, a light-colored serous discharge appears from the wound, and the skin around it reddens a little. At the same time, the baby feels normal.

    In such a situation, local treatment is practiced - you must first disinfect the navel with hydrogen peroxide, and then treat it with brilliant green. This procedure should be repeated 3-4 times a day.

    In some cases, an additional application is shown ultraviolet radiation ... If the navel of a newborn becomes wet, sometimes the use of ointments or powders containing. Treatment of a weeping navel in a newborn involves the use of ointments containing bacitracin and polymyxin .

    Provided that the inflammation was not stopped in a timely manner, the wound may begin to appear pus ... In such a situation, the umbilical ring turns red, edema appears. Gradually, the navel turns outward, the skin on it and next to it becomes hot and red. With omphalitis, the body temperature rises, the child is a lot capricious, reluctant to breastfeed, and becomes lethargic.

    In this case, it is very important to see a doctor right away and ensure the correct treatment. Otherwise, pus will begin to spread into the subcutaneous tissue, transfer to other organs, which can subsequently lead to the development sepsis .

    Treatment features

    Such babies undergo a course of treatment in inpatient departments of neonatal pathology. They must be prescribed antibacterial treatment.

    If the baby's temperature is very high and there are signs of severe intoxication , the baby can be given intravenous administration of the necessary drugs.

    Sometimes, after culture for sterility, the presence of staphylococcus in the umbilical wound. In this case, the treatment is applied anti-staphylococcal immunoglobulin .

    It is necessary to treat the inflamed area antiseptic agents doing this several times a day.

    Provided that the body temperature has stabilized, you can carry out physiotherapy , namely - microwave.


    Thus, you need to be very careful with the wound until the navel heals.

    Parents should not exert extra effort to speed up the healing process. Let everything happen by itself.

    It is also important to remember that babies' navels are very different. In some children, they are in-depth, in others they are protruding. You should not practice any actions to change the shape, since such actions can provoke irritation and inflammation.

    In general, caring for an umbilical wound is not difficult, the main thing is to strictly follow all the recommendations and not rush things.

    Any mother knows what the process of treating the navel in a newborn baby is. This is the primary measure in caring for a newly born baby. Can a newborn's navel bleed?

    The baby's navel can be bleeding, which causes justified excitement on the part of the mother. Let's take a closer look at this problem.

    Soon after the baby is born, midwives cut the umbilical cord that connects him to his mother. The umbilical residue is clamped with a plastic retainer. Usually for 3-7 days, together with the clamp, it disappears, but leaves behind a wound in the navel. According to statistics, it takes about three weeks to heal.

    It is normal for a few drops of blood to ooze out at once before the navel is completely healed. This is due to the fact that the vessels located at the site of the formation of the future navel have not yet had time to heal.

    It is very easy to disturb them, for example, when changing diapers, washing or bathing. So what should parents do if a newborn's belly button is bleeding, and why might this happen?

    Causes of umbilical bleeding

    Possible reasons for the bleeding of the navel in a newborn baby are as follows:

    • The wound has not yet healed to the end.
    • Improper handling of the navel and care of the umbilical wound.
    • Too thick umbilical cord, after falling off which left a deep umbilical wound.
    • Poor blood coagulation in an infant.
    • Vulnerability of the immune system of the newborn.
    • The newborn is very tense in the tummy, for example, due to loud crying, problems with stool and colic, due to coughing.
    • Inflammation in the navel - the process of infection is in progress.

    If the newborn has a little bleeding in the navel, you can try to cope with the problem on your own, but only when the bleeding is very weak (one or two drops) and one-time.

    This requires proper care and all possible conditions for the speedy healing of the wound.

    Find out also what drugs for prevention exist - we will tell you about the most popular and effective ones on our website!

    Cases when medical attention is needed

    Umbilical bleeding should be a cause for concern if:

    • last longer than three weeks;
    • long-lasting and abundant, even with strict adherence to all measures for the care of the navel;
    • accompanied by protrusion and redness of the navel (a sign of a hernia);
    • accompanied by purulent discharge and an unpleasant odor - this is a sign of infection.

    The main signs of infection:

    • redness of the skin in the umbilical region;
    • prolonged bleeding, accompanied by purulent discharge;
    • the wound is covered with purulent crusts;
    • when touching the belly, the baby begins to cry;
    • increased body temperature in a newborn (38 degrees or more).

    In all these cases, it is urgent to show the child to the pediatrician. It is important not to take action on your own - let the doctor prescribe the treatment.


    Preventive measures to prevent umbilical bleeding in infants:

    • observance of the personal hygiene of the mother (before starting to communicate with the child, you must wash your hands);
    • compliance with the rules of navel care;
    • attentive attitude to the state of health of the child.

    By following these simple rules, you can avoid unpleasant complications during the healing of an umbilical wound.

    Why a newborn has a bleeding navel and what to do, you will learn from this video clip:

    Every mother looks forward to meeting her baby after birth. Caring for a baby at first is associated with a lot of trouble associated with the healing of the navel and not only. It is in our power to observe simple preventive measures so as not to expose the still fragile organism of a newborn to danger. Health to you and your baby!

    In contact with

    If childbirth proceeds without complications, the mother and the newborn are discharged from the hospital on the third or fourth day. In such a short period, the child's umbilical wound does not have time to completely heal. It arises after the remainder of the umbilical cord falls off. After the baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut, leaving a small part of the umbilical cord several centimeters long.

    After 3-5 days, the left part of the cord falls off, and a small gradually healing wound forms in its place.

    The occurrence of an umbilical wound in children

    The duration of her umbilical wound healing depends on several factors.

    1. First of all, this is influenced by the thickness of the umbilical cord. The thicker the umbilical cord, the longer the wound will take to heal.
    2. The navel is also poorly tightened when there is no free air circulation.
    3. Pediatricians also do not recommend the practice of placing the newborn on the stomach early. It should be started only when the baby reaches three weeks of age.

    The healing process can take anywhere from two weeks to a month. At this time, it is necessary to regularly examine the navel of the newborn and monitor its condition. At first, the wound may bleed a little. If the navel is bleeding in a week-old or 2-week-old baby, this phenomenon is not considered a pathology, but it may require additional care measures. So, why does the child's navel bleed, and what should be done in this case?

    Causes of navel bleeding in newborns

    There are several reasons why the navel in a newborn can bleed:

    • Improper care and frequent treatment lead to injury to the wound;
    • The resulting crust is damaged when changing a diaper or changing clothes;
    • The child's strained crying led to the breakdown of the crust;
    • The child is weak or has low blood clotting levels;
    • A disease such as granuloma (tissue overgrowth at the bottom of the wound) begins to develop.

    In the first three cases, there is no cause for concern. The wound itself will gradually heal and heal. The last two reasons are a serious reason to consult a pediatrician as soon as possible.

    Why is the prolonged healing of the umbilical wound dangerous?

    Any wounds of a newborn, including the umbilical one, require increased attention and special care. Why is it so important?

    1. Their main danger lies in the possibility penetration of various infections into the baby's body, which can lead to the onset and spread of inflammatory processes.
    2. If the navel has fallen off and regularly bleeds for a month, one of the forms of omphalitis (purulent or non-purulent) may develop in the subcutaneous tissues.
    3. With a lighter, non-purulent form, transparent discharge appears, the skin around the wound turns red and swells.
    4. With the development of purulent omphalitis, yellowish pus begins to stand out from the navel, the general condition of the child worsens: he becomes restless, often wakes up, eats poorly. There may be a rise in temperature and no weight gain. If treatment is not started immediately, the disease can result in sepsis.

    What should and should not be done if a child's navel is bleeding? If you notice that blood appears in the navel area, you will need to clean the wound once a day. To do this, you will need:

    • hydrogen peroxide;
    • pipette;
    • brilliant green;
    • cotton wool or cotton pads.
    1. Before carrying out manipulations on the treatment of the wound, be sure to wash your hands.
    2. Put a few drops of peroxide inside the navel. Wait until the foam disappears from the surface of the wound.
    3. After the crusts become soft, they are removed with cotton wool. Next, the wound is smeared with brilliant green.

    The healing process must be closely monitored. The first sign that the wound has healed will be the absence of foam after the instillation of hydrogen peroxide. In the case when, after a few days of treatment, the bleeding does not stop, and the baby becomes restless, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The lack of contraction of the navel in volume, pulsation in the area of ​​the wound, and the appearance of various secretions should also be a cause for alarm.

    Often, excessive diligence and diligence of mothers during wound care has the opposite effect. What should not be done if the navel is bleeding?

    • First of all, you need to remember that for quick healing you need free air access... That is why you cannot seal the wound with a plaster, apply a gauze bandage or close it with the edge of a diaper.
    • Do not go into the wound too often and wash it., one or two times a day is enough. Despite the fear of hurting the baby, the wound must be cleaned thoroughly, removing dirt and crusts from it, even in hard-to-reach places. Remember that pathogenic bacteria can accumulate and multiply under the remaining crusts.
    • Contact of the wound with water will negatively affect the healing process... This will require additional measures after swimming, we will describe them below. Until the umbilical wound heals, it is also not recommended to lay the child on the tummy.

    Any medications can only be used as directed by a doctor. This is especially true for potent ointments containing hormones or antibiotics.


    For mothers who find bleeding from an umbilical wound, the question immediately arises: is it possible to bathe a newborn child if his navel is bleeding?

    According to experts, slight bleeding is not a contraindication for bathing a baby. If there are no inflammatory processes and purulent discharge, there is no need to change the regimen.

    Only boiled water should be poured into the bath, into which, on the recommendation of a doctor, a decoction of chamomile can be added (two tablespoons of chopped flowers are poured with two glasses of boiling water and insisted). The baby should be bathed every day.

    After water procedures, the newborn is wiped dry and the umbilical wound is treated.

    Correct implementation of all procedures and recommendations will help you maintain the health of your child.

    The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. The determination of the diagnosis and the choice of the method of treatment remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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    Navel problems in a newborn

    The umbilical sore should heal within 2 to 4 weeks after birth. However, the mother and the child are already at home on the 5th day, and the parents will have to take care of the navel on their own. This process does not require special manipulations. It is enough to treat the navel once or twice a day using antiseptic and disinfectants.

    Despite this, it often happens that the navel heals slowly, begins to get wet or bloody. In some cases, suppuration appears in the area of ​​the umbilical ring.

    This is a rather dangerous phenomenon that can result in serious complications for the baby's health. The umbilical wound is the baby's most vulnerable spot. An infection can penetrate through it, and after all, the child has not yet formed immunity.

    The reasons for these problems can be varied, both purely physiological and hygienic. In most cases, such processes cannot be ignored.

    Why does the navel bleed?

    So why does a newborn's navel bleed? The umbilical wound is formed at the site of the falling off of the umbilical cord residue, which remains in the baby after birth. Naturally, it will bleed at first.

    At the site of the foci of bleeding, dried crusts form. After their removal, the wound begins to bleed slightly again. If the bleeding is small, then there is no problem. During the first eight days, this phenomenon will necessarily occur, and there is nothing wrong with that.

    The danger appears if:

    • 10 days after the baby is born, his navel is still bleeding;
    • the navel is bleeding even after treatment;
    • is developing umbilical wound granulation;
    • other accompanying symptoms are added.

    Before taking any action, it is necessary to establish the reason why the navel is bleeding. This could be:

    1. improper care, as a result of which the crusts are roughly removed or damaged;
    2. the use of aggressive agents that interfere with normal healing;
    3. thickened umbilical cord;
    4. incorrect cutting of the umbilical cord during its surgical removal;
    5. low blood clotting in a child;
    6. fragility of blood vessels;
    7. early laying out of the baby on the stomach.

    Having found that the umbilical wound is bleeding, it is imperative to visit a pediatrician. Delaying this visit is unacceptable. It is important to remember that problems with excessive belly button bleeding do not go away on their own. On the contrary, over time, other complications may be added.

    What to do if the navel is bleeding

    In order for the navel to heal faster, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that interfere with this process, and treat it with medications. The first thing to do if the navel in a newborn is bleeding is to reconsider your approaches to its processing:

    • remove crusts only after they are soaked from hydrogen peroxide;
    • you need to push the border of the umbilical ring to lubricate with an antiseptic and inside it;
    • do not use too aggressive agents that will serve as an additional irritant for the wound (the best drugs are chlorophyllipt or alcohol tincture of calendula);
    • do not process too often, since there is no time left for healing;
    • when bathing a baby, use only boiled water (you can add a solution of potassium permanganate or decoctions of herbs. Read the article to find out which herbs are useful for bathing a newborn >>>);
    • make sure that clothes or diapers do not injure the umbilical wound;
    • do not lay the baby on his tummy and try to avoid situations of excessive tension of the abdominal muscles (strong crying or screaming, straining). The baby can cry a lot with colic. What to do in this case, read the article: Cure for colic in newborns >>>

    The use of special hemostatic drugs or powders is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor.

    Why does the navel get wet

    The means used to treat the navel should help to dry it. Thus, healing is faster. However, mother can often notice that blood secretions constantly appear inside the umbilical ring. Why does the navel of a newborn get wet?

    There may be several reasons. First of all, such a phenomenon in the first 10 to 15 days is considered absolutely normal. Like any other bleeding wound, the navel begins to get wet after treatment. The released liquid dries up over time and turns into yellowish crusts.

    But sometimes it gets wet due to the influence of unfavorable factors:

    1. Weak immunity. The inability of the baby's body to effectively fight microbes leads to their entry into the umbilical wound. Multiplying bacteria can cause inflammation;
    2. Improper care. Sometimes, to provide additional sterility, mothers use a plaster to seal the navel. This is absolutely impossible to do. By blocking the air supply, you create ideal conditions for pathogenic processes;
    3. The presence of a disease. A wet navel may indicate the development of a serious illness, such as Staphylococcus aureus.

    Important! It is especially dangerous if an unpleasant odor is added to the secretion of the ichor.

    What to do if the navel gets wet

    So, if a newborn's navel gets wet during the first two weeks after birth, you do not need to do anything drastic. Enough:

    • to properly care for the umbilical wound (read how to handle the navel of a newborn? >>>);
    • after processing, blot the navel with a sterile napkin so that it is dry;
    • you should not try to remove all dry crusts every time (those that hold tightly can be removed only in the evening after bathing);
    • arrange air baths for the baby more often.

    You should think about the need for treatment if a weeping navel in a newborn is observed for a longer time and is complicated by redness.

    Attention! Self-medication in such a situation is extremely dangerous; consultation of a pediatrician is imperative.

    The navel festers

    The appearance of pus in the umbilical wound is the most alarming symptom. It indicates a bacterial inflammatory process. With normal healing, there should be no purulent serous-white discharge.

    Most often, the navel in a newborn begins to fester a week after the umbilical cord has fallen off. It is after this, when the wound is most open, and infection can occur.

    As a rule, symptoms of a "weeping" navel appear first, mucus is released from the wound, and the skin around it turns red. Discharge of pus is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. In addition, the child may have other problems:

    1. the temperature rises;
    2. weight loss;
    3. sleep worsens. Find out other reasons why a newborn does not sleep well? >>>

    In general, with such a problem, the baby becomes capricious, he is tormented by pain in the tummy.

    What to do if it festers

    The most important thing that you need to do if a baby's navel festers is to visit a doctor. Routine hygiene procedures will not do much to correct the situation.

    To combat the inflammatory process, special means are needed, which cannot be used for a small crumbs without the supervision of a specialist. There are several ways of treatment:

    • antiseptic treatment (Chlorophyllipt, Miramistin, Baneocin, Rivanol);
    • washing with furacilin solution (0.02%);
    • application of special ointments (Vishnevsky, synthomycin, tetracycline)
    • cauterization with silver nitrate (10%);
    • ultraviolet irradiation;
    • prescribing a course of antibiotics;
    • blood transfusion;
    • surgical intervention.

    Also, to increase the resistance of the infant's body to an infection, a course of vitamins C and B, the introduction of gamma globulin can be prescribed.

    1. wash hands with soap and water before processing;
    2. do not touch the wound with non-sterile objects (including cotton swabs);
    3. iron all the baby's clothes with an iron.

    Any problems with navel healing should get the parents' attention. With a quick response, it is quite easy to normalize this process and avoid complications.

    Last updated article: 03/25/2018

    Some 10 years ago, the situation in obstetrics was radically different from the present. After birth, each baby was instantly taken to the table, examined, checked the patency of the esophagus and anus with catheters, cut off the umbilical cord and tied with a special thread.

    The baby was immediately washed in water and wrapped tightly in swaddling clothes. Then the newborns were sent to the department, and the mothers were brought only for feeding. Today the situation has changed.


    Now they try to leave the child on the mother's stomach as long as possible, the examination is carried out with minimal intervention, and a clamp is applied to the umbilical cord. Along with the decrease in complications in infants, the number of questions asked by mothers increased.

    What to do with the umbilical cord at home?

    Many mothers, seeing the baby's umbilical cord for the first time, are afraid to touch it. They think that this will bring discomfort to the child. Not really. There are no pain receptors in the umbilical cord, therefore manipulations with the “navel” are absolutely painless.

    When caring for the umbilical cord in newborns, you need observe 3 basic rules.

    1. Do not leave any residue under the diaper. If the umbilical cord remains under it, then it begins to rot and smell unpleasant. Therefore, you do not need to do this. If you put a diaper on a newborn, try to do it under a clamp.
    2. When carrying out water procedures, soak as little as possible. Although they say that it is possible to bathe a child with an umbilical cord, in practice such umbilicals fall off much longer than when administered with a dry method. In addition, they can rot.
    3. Do not treat the "normal" umbilical cord residue with hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green. It won't get you anywhere, and it won't fall off faster.

    This can happen both in the hospital and after being discharged home.

    After the umbilical cord falls off, blood clots, ichor, crusts may remain in the umbilical wound. She can also bleed.

    If blood crusts accumulate, the area of ​​the wound can be treated with hydrogen peroxide, and from above it can be cauterized with an alcohol solution of salicylic acid.

    These procedures can be done until the wound is completely healed.

    Why does the navel bleed in newborns?

    In neonatological practice, there are several conditions in which the navel in a newborn is bleeding.

    1. Trauma bleeding... If you delve into the theory, then the umbilical cord of a newborn consists of the umbilical arteries, the umbilical vein and Wharton's jelly. The larger the child, the larger his vessels and the thicker his umbilical cord. Therefore, if the umbilical cord is "juicy", the drying process is slower, and the trauma of the umbilical wound is easier.
    2. Bleeding due to inflammation... Another serious complication is omphalitis (inflammation of the navel). The umbilical wound, when poorly processed, is an excellent gateway to infection. In this case, microorganisms are localized initially in the area of ​​the umbilical ring, causing suppuration and tissue melting. In the future, the infection spreads through the vessels further and causes phlebitis of the umbilical vessels. The most life-threatening complication is sepsis.
    3. Bleeding due to bleeding disorders... Bleeding from the navel in a baby may be the first sign of a disease such as. With hypothyroidism, a similar picture can also be observed. It is not worth sounding the alarm ahead of time about this. Most often, these diseases are also detected by neonatologists in the maternity hospital.

    If the navel in newborns is bleeding

    What should you do if the navel of the newborn is bleeding?

    1. To begin with, we are not afraid. If the baby's navel is bleeding weakly (the blood should not flow out in a stream, as a rule, it comes out in droplets), you can treat the newborn's navel with hydrogen peroxide and do nothing else. Peroxide has the ability to clot blood.
    2. If the navel still tweaks, you should pour peroxide onto a sterile bandage or cotton wool and apply it to the wound. Hold for a while.
    3. If the navel bleeds for too long or the rate of blood flow is too high, you need to immediately call an ambulance. Because under the innocuous bloody discharge, sometimes a lot of formidable complications are hidden.
    4. While you are waiting for an ambulance, try to stop the bleeding yourself. Take sterile cotton wool or a bandage, treat it with peroxide and lightly press down on the wound. If a hemostatic sponge is available at home, it can also be applied to the bleeding site.

    Finally, I would like to note that if the baby has a bleeding navel, then you must definitely inform your pediatrician about it. Health to you and your children!

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