• Quotes about love for children. About children and childhood in quotes and aphorisms. Children is our future


    Modern young mothers want to share their joy of raising children, not only with friends and family. Therefore, they begin an active search for beautiful statuses with a meaning about their son or daughter, which will help them tell the whole world about their happiness.

    Statuses about your beloved son: what to choose?

    • “You won't soon realize that your parents were right. And this will happen at the moment when you yourself have already become a father, and your son will think that you are wrong. "
    • “After returning from school, my son happily announced that your mother was lucky today, we were given only one reading.”
    • "Only children of their own can be the best sons in the whole world."
    • "There is a house - you can not be afraid of the cold, there is a son - you can not be afraid of need."
    • “This morning I finally realized that my little son became a real man when I heard from him a purely masculine question - where are my socks?”.
    • "No precious stone can adorn a woman like a son walking next to him."
    • "God gives a woman a son so that she herself can raise a real man who will be able not only to say beautiful compliments, but also to confirm his words with actions."
    • “The best man in the world is always by my side. Every day he says that he loves me, at every meeting he kisses and gives very nice gifts. But there is one drawback, he does not want to go to kindergarten. "
    • “There is one man in the world whom I will love under any circumstances, no matter what his mistakes and misdeeds. He is the only one whom I will always trust and to my question whether he loves me, he always answers - Yes, Mommy! ".
    • “There is a man in the world who holds my heart in his hands. His one smile can brighten my whole day, his laughter is brighter than the sun for me. His happiness can make me the happiest person on the planet. And this is my favorite son. "
    • “One man has appeared in my life, whom I love the most in life, besides, even my legal husband is crazy about him - this is our little son”.
    • "There is one cool guy in the world and this is my son."
    • "If the Lord wants to give protection to a woman, he will give her a son."
    • “If a man is ready for any crazy act for the sake of a woman, then he is her husband. If a woman is ready to commit an insane act for the sake of a man, then he is her son. "
    • "The sooner a mother starts to treat her son like a real man, the sooner he can become one."
    • "The son is my love, happiness and wealth."

    Children's statuses: a selection for all ages

    • “For children, one should not regret exactly two things - their time and love.”
    • "There is no greater happiness in a person's life than hugging his child."
    • "Children are strong threads that tie us to this world in case we get tired of it one day."
    • "A woman can be indecisive and weak if the matter concerns only her personally, but as soon as it comes to her child, she becomes like a beast."
    • "With the birth of a child, parents start sleeping on the edge of the bed with an asterisk in the center."
    • "I had to give birth to the best man in the world."
    • “We used to think that the worst and most unpleasant thing in the world was doing homework. But, having become parents, you understand that the worst thing to do is to teach lessons with your child. "
    • "The house will be in order only when the grandchildren go to visit their grandmother."
    • "Do not forget to pamper your children in childhood, because no one knows what tests fate has in store for them."
    • “Parental love for their children is much stronger than that of children for their parents. After all, parents can not love each other, but continue to live together for the sake of their child, and children can leave their parents because of love for a completely random person. "
    • "The smile of a beloved child in the morning can replace a cup of coffee and remove fatigue after a sleepless night."
    • "Children hug very tightly and sincerely, and most importantly, just like that and with love."
    • "Only a mother can call herself the happiest woman."
    • "We give life to children, and they give us the meaning of life."
    • “Children are our future, but don't panic too early.”
    • “Looking at your child, you understand that it’s not in vain that you live in this world”.
    • “At first, boys are interested in cars, and girls in dolls. But, over time, their interests change and now boys are interested in dolls, and girls in cars. "
    • "Every boy wants to marry a princess, but after meeting her, they start dreaming about something easier."
    • "There is a new maniac in our city named Johnson and Johnson who constantly walks from door to door and stings the eyes of children."
    • "As a child, it is believed that the hole punch was invented specifically to make confetti."

    Beautiful sayings about children

    • "The guarantee of a quiet old age for parents is a good upbringing of children."
    • "Only children are able to hug tightly and sincerely, with love and for no apparent reason."
    • "Love between spouses will never end, because after their death it will live in children and grandchildren."
    • “Do not forget that over time, your children, following your example, will treat you the same way you treat yours now.”
    • "A child needs parental love the most when he least deserves it."
    • "The child is your mirror, in which you can recognize yourself and see your own actions from the outside."

    * The world is not only built in the nursery, but also destroyed from it; here not only the paths of salvation are laid, but also the paths of destruction. I. A. Ilyin.

    * Recent comparative studies show that the nature and degree of autonomy that parents can develop in their baby depends on their self-esteem and personal independence. For a child, our individual actions are not so important, he is primarily concerned about our position in life: whether we live as loving, helping each other and firm in their convictions, or something makes us angry, anxious, internally divided. Eric Erickson.

    * A child needs your love most just when he least deserves it. Erma Bombek.

    * When the child has grown up, it is time for parents to learn to stand on their own two feet. Francis Hope.

    * The one whom the child does not love has no right to punish the child. John Locke.

    * A stubborn child is the result of the mother's unreasonable behavior. Janusz Korczak.

    * The child is the mirror of the family; as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of mother and father is reflected in children. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky.

    * A child who suffers less insults grows up to be more aware of his own dignity. Friedrich Engels.

    * A child under the pressure of fear is hypocritical, and his protest grows from bitterness to anger. At the same time, his self-esteem is lost forever. Luule Viilma.

    * You say: children tire me. You're right. You explain: you need to stoop to their concepts. Go down, bend over, bend over, shrink. You are wrong. We do not get tired of that, but of the fact that it is necessary to rise to their feelings. Get up, stand on tiptoes, reach out. In order not to offend. Janusz Korczak.

    * Children who are not loved become adults who cannot be loved. Pearl Buck.

    * Love for children is a specific activity to strengthen the personal principle in each child, to develop his abilities for self-determination and self-realization, to independently develop a system of life values ​​and relationships. Pedagogical Dictionary of G. M. and A. Yu. Kodzhaspirov.

    * A child becomes happy as soon as he feels sincere and disinterested love for himself. Sh. A. Amonashvili.

    * Using early childhood memories is the key to understanding a person's lifestyle. In early recollection, one can often notice the same tendencies that are observed in the personality model of the individual twenty years later. By understanding early memories, the consultant will gain valuable material ... if he is accurate and careful enough in deciphering it. R. May.

    * No wonder they say that healthy children are born to parents who were happy in bed - and one cannot but agree with this. Clinical experience has repeatedly confirmed this truth, only from its reverse side, since there was invariably a connection between childhood neuroses and sexual inadequacy and parental conflicts. In general, we can safely say the following: a mother who receives satisfaction in her sex life is able to easily satisfy the needs of her child, because she has a sufficient supply of love for this. Alexander Lowen.

    * Children multiply our everyday worries and worries, but at the same time, thanks to them, death does not seem so terrible to us. Francis Bacon.

    * The best gift we can give a child is not so much to love him as to teach him to love himself. Jacques Salomé.

    * At the very beginning of our life, each of us is like a flower bud - just as closed. Only after the bud receives heat from the sun's rays and nourishment from the soil will it open and all the beauty of the flower hidden in it will become visible. In the same way, from the very beginning of life, a human person needs the warmth of human love and nourishment, that is, parental care, in order to open up and discover all the unique beauty that God has put into every person. We are all the works of those who love us or deny us love. John Powell.

    * Childhood is a foreign country: speaking the same language, parents and children often do not understand each other at all. Bel Kaufman.

    * Parents bring up, and children are brought up by that family life, which develops intentionally or unintentionally. The life of a family is strong because its impressions are constant, everyday, that it acts imperceptibly, strengthens or poisons the human spirit, like the air that we live by. A. Ostrogorsky.

    My baby - he is the sweetest, smartest and most beautiful, the most dear person, my dear son!

    The last word should always remain with a man ... and it should be: "Of course, Darling!"

    Probably, this is happiness - when there are big and small in your life ...

    You can only give birth to an ideal man yourself.

    You live in every beat of my heart ...

    Smile - and he will smile back ... :)

    Just imagine you have a little lump in your arms that needs nothing but love and warmth ... and he loves you more than his life ...


    Oh, take care of mothers of daughters - my son is growing !!!)))))))))

    The best man is listed in the red book - in my passport))

    For me, gold is not what glitters, but what crawls, laughs and turns everything upside down ...

    The best man in the world went to me! He calls me "mom"!

    Only when you come to the bed where your little baby sleeps, do you really understand what happiness is ...

    Let me tell you who is the best of men. And who in the world is dearer than all others ... He is my favorite ... He is MY SON. And no one can be dearer!

    Children are worries, difficulties, screaming, noise, mess. But when you approach them asleep, you straighten the blanket, kiss on the nose, cheeks, and you understand that this is the greatest happiness in life !!!

    Nothing can effectively complement the freshly pasted wallpaper in the room like a children's drawing with a felt-tip pen!

    How unimportant everything around becomes - money, career, envy, clothes, cars ... when a little treasure is quietly sniffing next to you!

    Even the pangs of pregnancy, childbirth and other things cannot darken those moments of happiness when you look at this little creature and realize that this is your child!

    The most pleasant thing in life is to see your little copy crawling across the carpet smiling and understand how much you love him!

    Happiness is when there is a small miracle with your eyes!

    There is someone who holds my heart in their hands. Whose laugh brightens my whole day. Whose smile shines for me brighter than the sun. Whose happiness makes me happy. This is my son.

    All the joy of life fits into the smile of a child!

    I will kiss a tenderly soft little hand, I will barely touch my nose with my lips ... My heart skips with love for my son ... What happiness it is that I have you!

    What a happiness it is that I have a son, beautiful eyes and plump cheeks, a cheerful smile and sonorous children's laughter and this little man is dearer in the world of all !!!

    The girl will be truly happy when she has two happiness: one will say - "Beloved", and the second - "Mom"

    The only person you should run after is the one who will shout to you: "Catch up, Mom!"

    The smile of a child can disperse the gloomiest clouds, stop torrential rains, drive away melancholy ...

    Nothing sounds more threatening to a cat than the words of a small child "KISSYAYAYAYA"

    If toys are scattered around the house, the wallpaper is ripped off, you do laundry every day, all small objects are taller than your height ... then HAPPINESS LIVES in the house!

    The best thing that can be in the morning is the invigorating smile of the world's most beloved man! :)

    The most valuable thing that a woman can give to a man is a child.

    Nothing can be better than holding a piece of yourself in your arms ...

    A girl's happiness lies in becoming a wonderful Bride, a beloved Wife and a happy Mother ...

    My great happiness is my little son!

    I AM A MOTHER! And this is the most important status in my life!

    How magical and wonderful it is just to be MOM! These legs, these hands ... how can you not love them!

    Being the mother of a son is a reward! And there is no need for greater happiness in life! Heir, protector and dad - joy! I am a mother and son and I am glad of that!

    My son is my joy! My strength, my weakness! Nice bright light, I love you son!

    With the birth of a child, a woman develops superhuman abilities ... to see in the dark ... to hear through a dream ... to walk noiselessly and not sleep for days ...

    Happiness is the stamping of little feet on the floor, kisses and hugs, toys scattered all over the house, eaten sweets and cookies, this is the smile of the dearest man in the world!

    In my life there is one little man who always cheers up and for whom I want to live - this is my child)) This is happiness

    My morning always begins with the smile of the dearest person in the world! Because I am a mom!

    Any woman deserves to be happy, Do not know betrayal, betrayal, insults! Be a queen, not a slave, And graciously invite yourself to love ...

    Boys' mothers know for sure that not "all men are goats" ...

    Diapers, cereals are inevitable; Yes, and other troubles can not be avoided. But the main thing is that kindred tenderness that the baby gave you. You will endure any trials, Now you will not be frightened with anything, Above all titles is only one title, One irreplaceable title is mother! Now you will not have time for boredom, Now all sorrows will come to zero - When the baby reaches out to you And says: “Mommy! I love you so much!"

    Sleepy smile, look of beloved eyes ... "Mom, I woke up!" - that's the whole story. Gray Monday blossomed with colors. Little legs ... "Mom, I came!" Mom's lipstick - where was it? So that the flowers on the walls of the room bloom, So that everyone smiles from beauty, So then wash the lipstick with a rag, We need to get this thing from the shelf! Tomorrow will be Tuesday, morning will be again. Little hands will bring love. And even the rain outside the window is not important, Whatever happens, we are always together. And even if in this world there is war, then snow, the main thing in the world is children's laughter. So that the fondant flower on the wall blooms, To hear in the morning: "Mom, I have come" !!!

    The family is where the husband is honored, the wife is loved, the children are carefree and happy ...

    a cure for stress, and for any other disease - this is children's hugs, kissing, partying and chanting!

    For every moment, for every breath, for what God gave me a SON, for pain, for happiness, for luck, for laughing and crying. For what I still love. I THANK YOU for everything !!!

    The kitten will grow into a cat, the mouse will turn into a mouse
    And only for a mother, a dear Child is forever a baby ...

    My son is the most important, The smartest, the most glorious, The most gentle, the most - the most ... He is the BEST with my mother!

    Only mothers know that there is nothing more pleasant than a child's touch, nothing more sweet than a child's smile, nothing more tender than a child's cheek and nothing more important than a native baby!

    If, having frozen at night, instead of pulling a blanket over yourself, you go and check if your miracle is frozen ... YOU-MOM))))

    Happiness comes into the life of every woman sooner or later ... It is very easy to recognize him: he has the most delicious cheeks, the most gentle smile, and the most sincere eyes!

    The quieter the child sits in the room, the more scary it is to go there)))

    Children are worries, difficulties, screaming, noise, mess. But when you approach them asleep, you straighten the blanket, kiss on the nose, cheeks, and you realize that this is the greatest happiness in life !!!

    The most precious treasure is my son !!!

    My happiness: big bright eyes, long lush eyelashes, and a ringing laugh =)

    My son is just a fine fellow! My favorite little man!

    More than life, a woman loves her child ... and is devoted to the one who loves both of them

    Close to my heart, there should be only children, everything else is nonsense!

    The smile of a child is the biggest thank you for mom!

    Happiness is when you wake up and realize that you are not alone, that you have the very person for whom you are ready for anything, because you are his mother!

    The woman in the family is like a translator, only she understands drunken delirium and childish babble :)

    If you are a Mom, then you are already well done, because next to you is your main achievement in life - your child.

    There is no greater happiness in this world than being a mother ...

    It happens that you snuggle up to this peacefully sniffing little creature, you hear the heartbeat and you feel this sweet smell ... And at this moment you understand, this is the greatest happiness that God has given!

    Here it is, Happiness - running, jumping, laughing and sleeping!

    When a child appears, life turns from a zebra into a rainbow.


    The innocent heart of an angel.
    I'll go quietly to the bed,
    And I'll kiss you on the cheek.
    I am careful, barely breathing
    I'll cover you with a blanket.
    My soul lives in you
    The child is a little tired.
    You turn on the side
    In a dream, smiling carelessly.
    Sleep well, my dear son, -
    I whisper, touching your hair.
    To keep your dream meekly
    I will be dark nights.
    Oh Lord, don't let me comprehend
    Him anxiety and sorrow.
    I'll put it in my hand in the morning
    Forest bunny gift.
    There is nothing dearer to me
    Your mischievous look.
    And when you wake up, I'll come up,
    I will see joy in cute eyes.
    It's so good that the kids
    They believe in fairy tales with such eagerness.
    Ah, mommy, - you whisper to me, -
    Who was today, guess?
    He came to me from the forest
    My good friend, fluffy bunny!
    And joy and delight in the eyes,
    And the laughter is developmental and sonorous,
    And I will kiss yours
    Gift squeezed hands!

    Girls, if you know any more - write!

    © shutterstock.com

    Quite recently, we ourselves were children, and some lucky man, even having matured, is in no hurry to say goodbye to this carefree state of mind.

    We hope that interesting, philosophical, and sometimes unexpected quotes about children from famous classics will help you to plunge into the wonderful world of childhood at least for a while.

    Happiness is soft, warm palms,
    Behind the sofa candy wrappers, on the sofa crumbs,
    What is happiness - it's easier not to answer
    Everyone who has children has happiness!

    • READ:

    Quotes about children - indisputable truths

    The best way to make a child good is to make him happy.

    Oscar Wilde

    Childhood is when everything is amazing and nothing is surprising.

    A. Rivarol

    Every child is to some extent a genius and every genius is to some extent a child.

    A. Schopenhauer

    Be truthful even in relation to the child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie.

    L. Tolstoy

    Funny quotes about children

    Children are flowers of life that are born with their heads down.

    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping child.

    Joe Holdsworth

    It is easier to raise a strong child than to change a man.

    Frederick Douglas

    We were not lucky with our children - they grew up.

    Christopher Morley

    With small children, as with intellectuals: when they make a noise, they get on our nerves, when they sit quietly - this is suspicious.

    • READ:

    Sad quotes about children

    Take care of your children's tears so that they can shed them on your grave.

    Be sure to pamper the children, it is not known what tests life has prepared for them.

    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    Never force children to buy truth at the cost of vice, and never improve their minds at the expense of their hearts.

    J. Bernardin

    All the children of the world cry in the same language.

    L. Leonov

    If people say bad things about your children, it means they are saying bad things about you.

    V. Sukhomlinsky

    Wise quotes about children

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    More often than not, we are more happy with children's pranks, games and tricks of our children than with their completely conscious actions in adulthood, as if we loved them for our entertainment, like monkeys, and not like people.

    M. Montaigne

    Children must — while they are children — be guided by parental authority, but at the same time must be prepared not to always remain children.

    K. Wieland

    Children need a role model more than criticism.

    Your child needs your love the most when he least deserves it.

    E. Bombek

    Children are holy and pure. You cannot make them a plaything of your mood.

    • READ:

    Philosophical quotes about children

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    Children are one third of the population of our country, and our entire future. Thanks to the children, I want to live.

    Muhammad Ali

    A child is love that has become visible.

    If you don't know what your children are like, look at their friends.

    Children teach adults not to immerse themselves in business to the end and to remain free.

    M. Prishvin

    Children never obeyed adults, but they regularly imitated them.

    D. Baldwin

    You will live in the world ten times
    Repeated ten times in children,
    And you will have the right in your last hour
    Triumph over conquered death.

    W. Shakespeare

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    An ideal world in which there would be no need to give birth to children - people would just find them in the cabbage beds.

    We hate it when children make noise. But if they subside, it’s even worse. The fat is in the fire…

    Children can only be compared with money: no matter how big we grow up, we still perceive them as small.

    A little daughter is a great happiness. Her eyes, cheeks, mouth. It is impossible to look at her without a smile. I want to give my life for her laugh ...

    If you think about it ... in a hundred years only our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren will live on this planet ... And we will become only a part of the past.

    If the child is guilty, give him even more love - right now he needs it more than ever.

    Children truly love their parents when they try to imitate them, copy habits and behavior.

    The most naive people are not in Europe, not in America, and not even in fairy tales. The most naive are the administrators of porn resources who ask children: “You are 18” and hope for an honest answer.

    Sometimes it is helpful to punish children every night - and they themselves will come up with a reason.

    Read the continuation of the quotes on the pages:

    Honey, I talked to our daughter about love and sex. She's already 15! ”“ And what, dear? ”“ I'm already burning with impatience to try everything that she told me ...

    The best way to make a child good is to make him happy.

    Children are flowers of life! My flower fertilized itself again! ...

    If people say bad things about your children, it means they are saying bad things about you.

    Mom, Mom! Why everyone calls me a bulldozer ?! - Close your mouth, you will scratch the furniture!

    The best necklace for a woman is a child's arms hugging her neck ...

    I want a daughter. She will be the most beautiful in the world! I will dress her like a princess! But first I will have a son. To protect our princess.

    It is difficult to become a parasite without parental help.

    Children are more like their time than their parents.

    A cheerfully laughing girl was born in the maternity hospital, holding something in her fist! When the doctors opened the cam, they saw the contraceptive pill ...)))

    If a woman has a man whom she loves more than life ... then this man is her son!

    A quadruple was born in one family. Neighbors ask their seven-year-old brother: - What were the kids named? - If I understood my dad correctly on the phone - Niha, Yase, Beb, Lyad.

    Previously, children were frightened with a babayka, but now they turn off the Internet.

    If your child asks to make him a birthday present with money, do not hesitate, he has definitely already grown

    A family without children is like heaven without angels.

    The best antidepressant, after all - a baby hug !!! When a dear heart knocks next to you, and your fingers stroke your hair and wipe your tears - all troubles recede !!!

    Daddy, are you awake? The kid is talking to you. I'm here next, in the dark, Mom's belly. I have your nose and eyes, I feel your caresses, My laughter will flow soon, Crying, or rather, but not from grief. And while I'm growing up, you protect Mom. I love you all already. Wait, I will come to you soon!

    Children need a role model more than criticism.

    Raising a child requires more penetrating thinking, deeper wisdom than governing a state.

    She made a riddle to her son - either losing weight or gaining weight, shouting at the whole house (accordion), to which he replied: It's you mommy

    A little son asks his father: Dad, dad! How much does it cost to get married? Dad thought and answered: You know, son, I still don't know, because still paying.

    Mum! Where did the children come from ?, - asked Vanyusha. And the mother affectionately said: Son! You’re smart and clever at the age of 40.

    I will tie your life, son. And then I will give it from the bottom of my heart. Where do I get the thread? I will never tell anyone. To bind your life - I secretly dissolve my ...

    Yesterday my son showed me another masterpiece on the wallpaper. When asked where the red paint came from, he said it was ketchup. Today there is a brown drawing on the wall - I'm afraid to ask.

    Children owe nothing to anyone!

    In the past, children blew bubbles and craved toys, and only as they matured did they start clapping and gum. Modern reality has radically rearranged priorities.

    Children want the impossible: so that nothing ever changes

    Our children are our old age. Correct upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our fault before other people.

    A son grows up when, when asked about a gift, he demands money.

    Happiness cannot be bought, happiness can be given birth!

    If there is no food in the house and crumpled children, then mom spent the whole day on the Internet!

    Children are holy and pure. You cannot make them a plaything of your mood.

    In the kindergarten, cockroaches were brought up and the children were madly afraid of them, roared and screamed. Once, while drawing, the teacher took gouache, caught cockroaches and painted them. The result exceeded all expectations, children with joyful cries, see Skitles crawling, ran after cockroaches and crushed them.

    You cannot put the child in a corner. Especially in the one where there is a wallpaper joint.

    Teacher to parents: - Your children are like flowers in spring! -Oh, thanks! ... -Dispersed, bastards!

    It is easy to abandon children, it is much more difficult to find a common language with them.

    Your daughter knows exactly how much patience you still have to endure her antics.

    They say children are the flowers of life. And mine, not a fig, does not want to sit on the pot. Probably not an indoor flower.

    The only man I ran after, run and will run, shouts to me: 'chase me mom'!

    When a child appears in the house, silence, peace, order, money leave him ... And HAPPINESS comes!

    Children launched Batman from the roof of a high-rise building, and he fell and crashed. The smartest one gave: Did I tell you that Batmen are not found in monasteries?

    A parent who tries to change his child without starting with himself is not just wasting time, but taking very cruel risks.

    Cleaning a house with CHILDREN is like cleaning SNOW during a SNOW.

    I look small, five years old, typing something in a search engine. I went up and read: How to quit kindergarten?

    Children most often grow up to be good if their mother does not love them enough.

    In order for your offspring to choose the right path, pay them an order of magnitude more attention, significantly reducing the amount of pocket money.

    They ask their son in the kindergarten: What are your parents doing? - Dad works, mom is beautiful !!!

    Children listen most attentively when they are not talking to them.

    The beginnings laid down in a person's childhood are like letters carved on the bark of a young tree, growing with it, making up an integral part of it.

    A child, stroking a cat on the face, playing, says: Mussenka, you know, in the human world, women with mustaches are not really appreciated!

    Only children know what they want. They eat with their hands because it's so much fun. They paint on the wallpaper, making their room special. They don't want to be like everyone else. They do the most difficult thing - they remain themselves.

    Today you breastfeed him and teach him how to walk, and tomorrow he teaches you how to use a new computer.

    After the magic phrase TIME TO SLEEP, dry forests, hunger and constipation attack the children.

    No two children are alike - especially if one of them is yours.

    The kids are all insane. That's why they don't go crazy.

    A child is love that has become visible.

    The world can be safely called naive because of the born innocent children, and they have a long way to perfection ahead of them.

    The best we can give our children is to teach them to love themselves.

    A gentle face, every dash, snub-nosed nose sniffing ... Money, career - all this is unimportant, important - he sleeps side by side.

    A child protects his soul, as an eyelid protects an eye, and without the key of love, he will not let anyone into it.

    Nothing decorates an apartment like a small child with felt-tip pens ...

    A child is always able to teach an adult three lessons: he is cheerful for no reason, always busy with something and knows how to achieve what he wants at any cost

    A child smiles for the first time at the age of four weeks. By this time, his eyes are already focused enough to get a good look at your face.

    No child can dishonor parents in the same way that a parent can dishonor a child.

    The school introduced a grading system A B C D E. Before the dictation, the teacher says: - Whoever writes poorly will receive an E point! A voice from the rear: - Don't threaten us!

    Children never obeyed adults, but they regularly imitated them.

    Wife to husband: Do you see this man in the photo? Husband: Yes. Wife: Pick him up from kindergarten at 6 pm!

    The goal of upbringing is to teach our children to do without us.

    The programmer did not get creative and named the children New Son (1) and New Son (2).

    I do not like it when they talk about having children. They give birth to cats, dogs and guinea pigs, and children are born.

    All the children of the world cry in the same language.

    In my opinion, all children have one goal - to bring others to ... to bring to anything, the main thing is to bring.

    Modern children are not waiting for Santa Claus to come, but when their parents leave.

    I want that in a couple of years, his reduced copy would run around the apartment in diapers and shake his ass. Then I'll be happy ...

    Quietly sniffs with a nose, hugging my mother, here he is, lying side by side, my piece of paradise!

    The problem is not that children do not listen to their parents, but that children are constantly watching and copying their ancestors.

    Children are like flowers: for a good gardener, even a dog rose blooms, and gives useful fruits, for a bad one, and the rose, surrounded by weeds, will wither without revealing its true beauty.

    Children are flowers, they also need a pot.

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