• Varicose veins on the legs during pregnancy: what to do to avoid this disease? Varicose on the legs during pregnancy - what to do? Features of treatment Varicose on legs during pregnancy What to do


    Phlebeurysm - Swimming of peripheral subcutaneous vessels, characterized by the formation of nodes and the destruction of the valve apparatus. Due to this, the reverse blood flow to the heart is disturbed. Most often, varicose veins amazes the veins of the lower extremities, however pathology can be observed on a small pelvis vessels, an abdominal cavity and other parts of the body.

    Varicosis during pregnancy is one of the most frequent complications of the beating period. This disease can cause severe complications - thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers, bleeding. That is why in the event of signs of varicose veins of the veins of the future mother should begin treatment.

    Causes of varicose

    Varicose veins is a multistage pathological process. In the first stage of the diseases of the vessel valves, they lose their function, due to which there is a slowdown in the reverse blood flow to the heart. This phase of pathology is reversible, it can continue for several years.

    With a long existence of a violation of blood flow on the inner wall of the veins, shaped uniform elements - leukocytes begin to settle. They provoke an inflammatory response that leads to a violation of the function of the vessel.

    Changing the valve shape causes blood stagnation and stretching the vein wall. Due to this, pathological nodes are formed in the vessel. Each is trauming the vein wall and leads to migration of fluid from the blood into the surrounding space, causing edema.

    The causes of the development of varicose veins during pregnancy may be the following factors:

    1. Changes in the number of hormones in the blood. With the onset of pregnancy in the female organism, the synthesis of progesterone increases. This hormone is required to maintain the tooling process. However, progesterone has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of hollow organs, including a vascular wall. Because of the hormonal shift, the lumen of the veins expands, so they cannot fully pump the blood to the heart. Stagnation of fluid in vessels provokes the wall stretching and the development of nodes.

    2. Raising vascular pressure. In the first trimester of pregnancy in the bloodstream of the future mother, shifts are observed, conducted to a change in rheological properties. An intravascular fluid becomes less viscous, this measure is necessary to improve the blood supply to the body of the fetus. However, changes in blood properties lead to an increase in venous pressure, causing the development of nodes.

    3. Improving platelet activity. By the end of pregnancy, the body of the future mother begins to actively prepare for childbirth. During the appearance of a kid to the light, a woman can lose a lot of blood. That is why in the last trimension of pregnancy in its body increases the activity of platelets. If a woman has an initial stage of veins of veins, these changes in the rheological properties of blood worsen the situation.

    4. Reducing the activity of the future mother. During the toasting baby, a pregnant woman is trying to avoid increased exercise. A sedentary lifestyle worsens veins, provoking blood stagnation in them.

    5. Hereditary predisposition. Varicose can occur due to genetic disorders in the structure of the vessel wall. Pathology of collagen and smooth muscle exchange cause stagnation of blood and appearance of nodes.

    Types of varicose

    Most often, future mothers face varicose veins on their feet. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the lower limb vessels overcome the greatest resistance to the heart. Varicose on legs can develop for a long period of time without causing clinical symptoms.

    The following in the frequency of occurrence is the varicose veins of the sexual lips, the area of \u200b\u200bpah or pubis. Typically, this pathology is observed during repeated pregnancies. According to the studies described in the article "Varicosis of the sexual lips: diagnosis, treatment and prevention", in 30-60% of cases, the disease independently disappears after delivery.

    Even more rarely, pregnant women have a small pelvic varicose veins - the pathology of the uterus and her cervix. This group of diseases is associated with hereditary predisposition. Also varicose expansion of small pelvis organs are observed in the presence of foci of chronic inflammation, transferred abortion and surgical interventions.

    Hemorrhoids is a separate group of varicose lesions. The disease develops at half of pregnant women, its appearance is associated with an increase in the size of the uterus. The organ squeezes the intestines, causing constipation and stagnation of feet. This process contributes to the varicose expansion of hemorrhoids.

    What to do in the event of a varicose foot on the legs during pregnancy:

    Signs of varicose

    For a long time, varicose veins can not give a clinical picture. The first signs of the disease are the following symptoms:
    • vienna acquire a more pronounced relief and bright color;
    • the development of the "vascular mesh";
    • swelling of the lower extremities or the groin area in the evening;
    • feeling of gravity in the lower limbs or the groin area;
    • unpleasant uncomfortable sensations in the crotch area;
    • itching in the legs or intimate location.
    Strong varicose veins is accompanied by more vivid symptoms. A future mother can make complaints of pain in the affected place. In varicose veins of the lower extremities, a pregnant woman has an unpleasant sensation in the field of icy muscles, as well as their convulsions.

    Over time, on the lower limbs or in the paha region, dark blue veins having a winding form and nodes are observed. In the development of the pathological process of edema may not pass by morning. Varicose veins of the uterus or her neck is not accompanied by clinical symptoms. In rare cases, a future mother may notice pain in the lower abdomen.


    The diagnosis of varicose veins of the veins is based on the patient's life history, its complaints and the results of a clinical examination. At the reception, the doctor conducts a visual assessment of the affected area, the specialist palpates the vessels. In the presence of veins, veins have dense consistency and incorrect shape.

    To clarify the diagnosis and evaluation of the degree of pathological process, specialists may assign ultrasound scanning with the Doppler sensor. This study visualizes the state of the vessels, their diameter, the thickness of the wall. Also, the Doppler scanning helps determine the condition of blood flow in the affected veins.

    If necessary, the future mother prescribe computed tomography and radionuclide study. These diagnostic methods are potentially dangerous for the child's body, so their use is possible only if there are vital indications.

    Folk treatments

    Before using any folk methods of the future mother should be consulted with the doctor. Reception of some healing plants can provoke negative reactions from a woman and fetus.

    One of the most famous folk remedies from varicose veins is the reception of ragger from nettle. The plant helps to improve the functioning of the veins, it also contains useful vitamins and trace elements.

    To prepare a drink of a future mother, you should take 2 tablespoons of dry extract of plants and pour their half liters of boiling water. The resulting liquid must be allowed to stand for an hour. The decoction of nettle is recommended to drink one third glasses in an hour after meals.

    Another popular treatment of varicose veins is infusion from Antonovsky apples. To prepare the future mother, you should take 2-3 small fetus and pour them a liter of boiling water. The resulting liquid is recommended for 4 hours, and then take it on an empty stomach at half a glass.

    Also, a garlic honey mixture is used to get rid of varicose varicoses. A pregnant woman is recommended to use this method with caution, since products are strong allergens.

    To prepare a folk agent of the future mother, you need to take 250 grams of garlic and 350 grams of honey and mix them in the dishes. The resulting mass should insist at least ten days. The garlic and honey mixture is used on one tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.

    Non-media treatment

    Change of lifestyle is one of the factors of getting rid of varicose veins. The future mother should be engaged in accurate physical exertion, stimulating the work of the vascular system. The allowed sports includes swimming, walking, light gymnastics.

    Also, the future mother is recommended to revise the daily diet. The use of salt, sharp, smoked, canned, fried food can provoke an aggravation of varicose disease, so a woman should exclude them. Fresh fruits and vegetables must prevail in the diet, low-fat meat, cereals, fish, eggs, black bread.

    Compression linen is designed to treat the veins of the groin area. Special clothing improves blood flow to heart. Antibarous stockings are used in the therapy of pathologies of the vessels of the lower extremities.

    Medicia treatment

    The safest drugs from varicose veins during pregnancy are local action preparations. Medications of this group include ointment, creams and gels.

    Gel Vehorutant is an analogue of vitamin P, the drug has an effect on cellular metabolism. The drug increases venous tone, reduces swelling in soft tissues, and eliminates pain. The medication can be used from the first trimester of the child tooling period.

    The heparin ointment reduces the intensity of the thrombosis and prevents the development of cloth bunches. Also, the drug includes an analgesic agent. This medicine cannot be used to persons having trophic ulcers. Future mothers can apply heparin ointment since the beginning of pregnancy.

    Gel Lioton 1000 is designed to prevent the formation of blood clots and veins inflammation. The drug warns the development of complications of varicose disease. The drug is allowed to apply from the early timing of the beating period.

    Attention! With the appearance of unpleasant sensations, severity, itching, edema in the field of legs or groin, as well as when observing bright visible veins in these areas of the future mother, you should consult a doctor.

    In the presence of readings of the future mother, use integrated therapy, including local and systemic drugs. Medicinal products of general action improve the rheological properties of blood, increase the resistance of the venous wall.

    Detralex, produced in the form of tablets, has a venotonic effect. The drug reduces the extensibility of the vessels, reduces stagnant phenomena. The drug strengthens the capillaries, contributes to an increase in blood return to the heart. Detralex does not cause the increase in congenital abnormalities of the fetus, so it can be applied on any gestation period.

    Cauraltil tablets contain dipyridamol in its composition. The drug is used as the prevention of thrombosis. Also, the drug strengthens the venous wall, prevents the development of varicose nodes. In the presence of testimony, the drug is allowed to be used during the entire period of pregnancy.


    Subject to the recommendation, a future mother can avoid the development of varicose veins of the foot and the groin area. To prevent the disease, a pregnant woman should lead an active lifestyle. Hiking, calm dances and gymnastics, swimming in the pool are welcome. Also, the future mother should not be engaged in severe sports - training with weights, cycling riding, horse riding.

    To prevent varicose the lower extremities, doctors recommend wearing compression pantyhose. In the third trimester of pregnancy, future mothers should wear a premium bandage.

    As the prevention of varicose veins of the lower extremities, a pregnant woman should exclude high-heeled shoes. Also the future mother it is not recommended to sit for a few hours in a row, cross legs, stand for a long time.

    To prevent varicose varicose women, it is necessary to exclude harmful products from the diet - smoked, roasted, sharp and salty. The future mother should eat food rich in vitamins and minerals. Vegetables, fruits, berries, meat, fish, cereals, eggs should be included in the diet.

    Varicose and childbirth

    The presence of varicosis of the legs practically does not affect the generation process. However, during the battles and the fence of the future mother, we should wear special stockings or bandages. Ignoring this rule can provoke complications of varicose veins - vascular inflammation and thrombosis.

    Sometimes to stabilize the state a few weeks before the appearance of a baby on the light of a woman, it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment with antiparic drugs. In the presence of serious readings of the future mother, the operational delivery is carried out by cesarean sections.

    The prevention of varicose disease in pregnant women tells the surgeon, phlebologist A. B. Komarov:

    What is the reason for the occurrence of varicose and hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

    Pregnant women suffer from varicose veins due to the fact that pregnancy hormone progesterone leads to a decrease in the tone of the vessels. The volume of blood increases, so the blood in the veins is stirred, the blue wreaths shine on the legs (for example, from the back of the knee), the protruding nodules appear. There may be no unpleasant feeling, but with an increase in the period of pregnancy, a pulling or pulsating pain may appear.

    Varicose can affect the veins on the legs, in the rectum (in this case, it is called hemorrhoids) and even in the vagina region. As the child grows in the womb of the mother, the manifestation of this disease is usually strengthened. Growing uterus increases pressure on the vessels of the pelvis, abdominal cavity and legs.

    Varicose extension of the veins more often develops in women suffering from overweight before pregnancy, carrying a large child or more than one child. This disease is inherited. It usually progresses with each subsequent pregnancy.

    How to prevent the development of varicose varicosis during pregnancy?


    Some products help to cope with the manifestations of varicose veins and prevent the progression of the disease. A healthy balanced diet, which includes products useful for vessels, will facilitate pain in varicose veins, but it is not able to prevent the development of this disease, if you feel about the aforementioned risk groups. Food rich in fiber will allow you to avoid constipation and thereby prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids.

    Studies show that berry juices, especially raspberry, blackberry, ink and pigeon, are an excellent preventive tool from varicose veins, as they contain pigments that strengthen vessel walls.
    Also, the useful products refers to fresh pineapple. It contains bromeline - a substance that prevents the formation of blood clots by reducing the level of fibrin in the blood. However, you should not be too involved, especially if you had bleeding during pregnancy, since, according to some data, a large amount of bromeline can provoke premature birth.

    The diet also should include sunflower seeds and germinated wheat. They are rich in vitamin E, the deficiency of which can lead to varicose veins. A number of studies confirmed the benefit of garlic to maintain vessels in good tone. Add to dishes that you cook, whole cleaned teeth. If you prefer to use garlic seasoning, make sure that it contains the active ingredient of allicin.

    Try not to eat refined products and semi-finished products. Drink at least eight water glasses every day. As much as possible, drink tea, coffee, cola and milk in large quantities, because these drinks can increase pain in varicose veins and lead to constipation, which, in turn, provokes the aggravation of hemorrhoids.
    Reception of high-quality polyvitamins for pregnant women in aggregate with a healthy diet will allow the body with vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of vessels, and facilitate the manifestations of varicose veins. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting taking vitamins.
    If you smoke, try to abandon this bad habit. Smoking not only causes the harm to your yet born baby, but also, among other things, weakens the vessels.


    Of course, all women are gaining weight during pregnancy, and nothing can be done about it. But with the help of exercises, you can avoid excess fatty deposits, improve blood circulation and increase the tone of the vessels. Unhurried walking, swimming and fitness for pregnant women will help you maintain a good form. But it is worth avoiding those sports that suggest excessive load on your feet, such as aerobics, cycling, running.

    Deep breathing improves blood circulation and can help in the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. Try daily for 10 minutes to sit (or lie), lifting your legs so that the feet are above the hips. Inhale deep and slowly to fill light air.
    If in your family there are cases of hemorrhoids or you suffered to them during previous pregnancy, prevent the exacerbation of this disease to help you exercises for the muscles of the pelvic bottom.

    As your volumes increase, select the appropriate clothing. Tight clothing, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin (for example, narrow jeans, tights or stockings) leads to stagnant processes in the field of small pelvis and enhance varicose veins. Wear loose shoes at a low heel. Do not sit down in squatting and never sit down, throwing my leg leg.

    All these simple measures will help you, firstly, prevent the development of varicose varicose and, secondly, reduce its manifestations if it still appears.

    And then the visible protruding veins on the lower limbs. The clinical manifestations without external symptoms of varicose expansion are experiencing up to 80% of women during pregnancy.

    Varicose veins - this is a vein disease, which manifests itself in expanding the lumen of the veins, the formation of the emissions of the vascular wall, decrease in the elasticity and vessel resistance. It also violates the operation of the valve vehicle apparatus, which entails a violation of blood flow in the unidirectional, the whole blood distribution occurs, stagnation, which is even more expanding the lumen of the veins.

    Over time, in the absence of treatment, the veins acquire pathological apologies, increase in length (as elasticity reduced) and the blood supply to the lower extremities is disturbed.

    The predisposing factors in the population are: genetic predisposition, increased static load on the lower limbs (work associated with long standing: surgeons, stewardess, vendors, hairdressers, etc.), low physical activity, obesity and wearing wrong linen and stocking socks (round And tight, squeezing gum).

    Risk factors in women before pregnancy: Wearing a high-heeled shoe (above 8 cm), especially with an uncomfortable block; hot wax epilation and other types of hot hair removal; Frequent thermal procedures (sauna, hot baths and sprinkling wraps); frequent weight fluctuations, sharp weight gain or weight loss; Stay under sunshine, solarium.

    Pregnant women add additional risk factors.

    Change hormonal background. Improving the level of progesterone is necessary and physiologically due, because this hormone supports the uterus in Nimotonus and does not give it to shrink. It warns the miscarriage, and then premature childbirth.

    The positive effect of progesterone on the uterus is explained by the fact that it relaxes the smooth (involuntary) muscles of the uterus. But the effect of progesterone is not selective, the hormone acts on all organ structures in the body that contain smooth muscle elements.

    Veins contain in the walls: endothelium (inner layer), a soft connective layer, smooth muscle and dense outer layers. The muscular layer is constantly in a more relaxed state, the resistance and efficiency of blood flow is reduced. Also, progesterone acts on the connecting tissue, under its action, the cloth becomes more loose and pliable, waving.

    And all this together: a weakened muscle layer, a loose connective wall and stagnation causes the extension of the veins. For comparison, in the arteries of the second layer is dense, fibrous, so the artery is much less susceptible to progesterone.

    A growing uterus gradually squeezes the veins of a small pelvic, which leads to difficulty blood flow and an increase in intravenous pressure in them.

    Increased load on the limb. Pregnant inevitably gain weight, so the load on the lower limbs increases. If a woman has a standing job, then the risk is even more increasing.

    Increase the volume of circulating blood (BCC). The formation of a new temporal system in the body of a future mother leads to an increase in blood volume. The system "mother - placenta - the fruit" or the third circulation circle contains from 30 to 70% additionally from the source volume.

    The increase in the BCC is also physiologically determined (sufficient blood supply to the fetoplacentar complex), but women are transferred differently. And if there are other risk factors (obesity, arterial hypertension, a sedentary lifestyle), the possibility of developing varicose veins increases.

    The preview of the placenta is a pathological obstetric state, when the placenta is completely or partially overlaps the area of \u200b\u200bthe internal zone. The preview of the placenta is a state of multifactorial for reasons. Regarding our today's theme, the prelationship of the placenta may cause circulatory disorders in the vascular bed of a small pelvis, which entails a violation of blood flow in the femoral veins.

    Popps in pregnant women. Podcoms increase intra-abdominal pressure, especially during the laying. This risk factor can be prevented or minimized if propagating constipation.

    Symptoms of varicose veins during pregnancy

    The feeling of cutting down the lower extremities, more pronounced in the evening and after a long load,
    - burning and unpleasant feeling in the course of the veins,
    - convulsions (usually the icy muscles and the muscles of the foot),
    - edema legs in the evening passing or decreasing by the morning
    - Education of edema veins, visible veins on the legs and higher (this is a far-seated process).

    Next, over time (if you do not take care of the varicose varicose after childbirth and breastfeeding), the nutrition of the tissues is disturbed, the skin of the legs becomes more dense and dark, dystrophy foci appear and employed ulcers can be formed.

    Complications of varicose:

    Thrombophlebitis - inflammatory complication of varicose veins, which requires immediate treatment,
    - thromboembolic complications (separation of thromba and it is to force it along the vascular bed with a blood current, the consequences can be unpredictable).

    Varicose diagnosis

    Flabogo is a doctor who is engaged in the problems of veins and their treatment. Flaball consultation is needed for the selection of treatment (drug and non-drug) and solving the issue of the need to consult a vascular surgeon.

    Vascular surgeon is a doctor involved in the operational treatment of arteries and veins.

    Required surveys:

    Ultrasound vessels of the lower extremities. Ultrasound of vessels helps determine the degree of velocity, valve vessel, the direction of blood flow, the presence of stagnation and small and large thrombas in velves. Based on the competent ultrasound of veins, indications are determined to the surgical treatment and purpose of bloodstanding drugs.

    Oak. In general blood test, we are interested in the presence of an inflammatory response (leukocytosis and leukocyte formula) and the amount and quality of blood rolling elements (platelets).

    Coagulogram. Coagulogram is a common term denoting a set of blood clotting research. According to the testimony, it may be necessary to define: MNA, AFTV, PTV, PTV, Fibrinogen, D - Dimer, RFMK. When appropriate blood state therapy, the coagulogram is repeated (certain indicators for different drugs).

    Treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy:

    1. Compression knitwear - This is the first stage of treating varicose veins, as well as effective prevention and postoperative support. Compression knitwear is designed to reduce stagnation in certain sections of the vascular bed, thereby decreases the swelling, the unpleasant sensations are weakened (driving, pain, burning) and further development of the disease is presented.

    Compression knitwear can be different, these are compression golf, stockings, tights. Compression products are performed from elastic and wear-resistant materials (nylon, lycra, microfiber) on seamless technology.

    There are several degrees of compression, this principle is divided into preventive knitwear, therapeutic and hospital. Hospital knitwear is used only in specialized hospitals.

    Therapeutic and prophylactic knitwear can be purchased in a common pharmacy network and specialized orthopedic pharmacies. Be careful, on the packaging of tights or stockings is always a degree of compression. You can purchase such products only on the recommendation of the doctor, you can buy too weak or, on the contrary, a strong degree of compression. And the price of knitwear is approximately 1000 rubles and higher.

    Compression prophylactic degrees include levels of 8-15 mm.rt.st. and 15-20 mm.rt.st. These compression degrees are used in the absence of source diseases of the veins for prevention of varicose varicoses in pregnant women. Especially if the work of a pregnant woman is associated with a long finding in a vertical position.

    Therapeutic degree of compression begins with 20 - 30 mm.rt.st. and higher. It is used to treat varicose veins in pregnant women, can be applied in travels or when there is a long walking or standing (although pregnant women should be avoided if possible).

    Outwalk of compression products is also carried out according to the rules. Putting stockings / tights lying, in the morning (yet there are no edema), the product turns almost inside out and begin to wear, as if roll over his leg and gradually straightening the folds. The compression knitwear cannot be pulled, it leads to a gradual breaking of pulling threads and the relaxation of compression.

    Compression knitwear can not be erased in hot water and with a rinse (softening damaging threads), iron, bleach and dry on the battery, with a hair dryer or the sun. Erase such underwear neatly manually and dried decomposition on a solid surface.

    Compression knitwear is worn from the morning until the evening, just with this mode the desired clinical effect is achieved. You need to remove stockings too to avoid sharp veins overflow.

    2. Venetonics are drugs acting on the venous wall. Voton-constituent effect is achieved due to the fact that diosmin (active substance of most veotonic) extends the actions of the norepinephrine on the vein wall. Noranedrenalin increases its tone and density, has a vasoconstrictor effect, prevents the expansion of Vienna and Stool.

    Diosmin is allowed during pregnancy, this is the main active substance of such drugs as phlebodia, fluid, vasochet, diosming. The use of these drugs is allowed with the II trimester and only by appointment of a doctor (obstetrician - gynecologist or phlebologist).

    Any of these drugs take 1 tab. 1 time / day and canceled 2-3 weeks before delivery to avoid increased risk of bleeding in the last or early postpartum period. When you pass one or more tablets, the use of the drug in the usual dosage should be continued.

    3. Local treatment. Reception of systemic preparations (diosmin) is allowed only from the II trimester, but you can help you already from early terms. If there was a varicose veins of veins or close relatives, this is often a common disease, you can, starting with early terms, combine compression knitwear and local drugs.

    Allowed to use:

    Thrinksevazine (Troxerutin, Trkrovtenol) apply to the affected areas 1 - 2 times a day, and leave until complete drying. These drug usually have a yellow color and can paint clothes and underwear. Therefore, it is better to apply them for the night, and from morning to evening wearing compression stockings or golfs.

    Heparinic gels (Lioton, Hepatrombin, Trombless, Lavenum) are allowed during pregnancy and further when breastfeeding. They apply them to the affected areas, leave until complete absorption. Apply 1-2 times a day, a long reception is possible, but only after consulting with your doctor.

    Prevention varicose varicose:

    In this case, the listed activities will be useful as those who do not have both varicose veins (for the prevention of its appearance) and those who have a history of history, burdened family history or transferred operations on veins (for preventing renewal or deterioration. Process flow).


    Our task is to prevent constipation. Food with constipation and propensity to constipate you will read in our article "Persecution during pregnancy".

    General recommendations for rational nutrition are the same as all pregnant women: low-fat meat and fish, vegetables, fruits, berries, vegetable oils, cereals, nuts, seeds, milk and fermented foods low fatty (up to 5%), fastening tea, mineral water .

    Recommended products: tomato juice, seafood, lemon, garlic, sea buckthorn, grapes, cranberries, pears, apples, brown rice, pasta of solid varieties, rye and bran bread, bran in moderate quantity and porridge. Excessive consumption of bran and oatmeal may make it difficult for calcium suction due to the high content of phytic acid.

    Limit: Fried, overly acute food, simple carbohydrates (sugar, confectionery and sweet drinks, especially carbonated).

    It is also necessary to consume a sufficient amount of useful fluid if there are no other contraindications.

    Prevention of excessive body weight gain

    The above-mentioned nutrition guidelines pursue two objectives: an increase in blood flow (recommended products) and preventing excessive weight gain and / or uneven weight gain. Pay attention to the uniform distribution of food meals during the day, do not apply for the night.

    Physical activity

    Pregnancy is not a disease, but a physiological state of a woman. Therefore, physical exertion must be necessarily. Recommended: unhurried walks on foot, swimming in safe water bodies (if there are no contraindications), gymnastics for pregnant women (ordinary and using fitbol - soft rubber ball for fitness).

    There are special uncomplicated exercises that help "dispersed" stagnation in veins, especially if you are sitting.

    Gymnastics for pregnant women with varicose veins

    Sit on the chair, bend the legs in the knees, the hands lower down. When you inhale, get up, sit down when you exhale.
    - Stand up to the "legs on the width of the shoulders" and alternately bend the legs in the knees, without taking the feet of the floor.
    - Sitting on a chair Perform rotational and rolling foots
    - Standing slowly climb the socks and also slowly go away, synchronize movements with inhams and exhalations.
    - Page alternately on socks and heels, and then on the inner and outer surfaces of the foot.
    - Stand spreading your legs, focus on one leg. And the second rotate, starting from the feet, then connecting the shin.
    - Arbitrary movements in a comfortable rhythm to the music, after all the exercises dance and you will feel. that the legs rested, and the severity decreased.

    Positional therapy

    As in many other cases (heartburn in pregnant women, the hernia of the esophagus, etc.) positional therapy helps to improve the quality of life. Alternate a seitant position with a midway position with raised legs, do not sit on the leg. On the chairs, the most harmless position will be such at which you are sitting on the very edge, the stools concern only the buttocks, the rear surface of the hips is not squeezed. Try and you gradually get used to sit so much, and in the third trimester there is something to sit and is not recommended.

    Sleep on the left side by placing a pillow under the stomach (the usual is not very naked or a special horseshoe pillow for pregnant women). This position for sleep is good not only by the fact that it is convenient for a woman. In this position, the pressure of the uterus on many vessels, located stretchitoneally, thus improving the outflow from the lower extremities and the blood supply to the kidneys and a variety of uterus. In addition to the prevention of varicose varicose, the pose on the left side helps to avoid the hypertonus of the uterus.

    Avoid provoking factors

    Exclude hot baths (this is fraught with not only problems with veins), stockings and golfs with transmitting rubber band, wearing cramped trousers, wearing cramped and uncomfortable shoes and high heels.

    Clothes and shoes

    Shoes should have a small stable heel and, if possible, an anatomically suitable insole - a supinator. The shoes completely without a heel - it is also wrong, when wearing ballet shoes or moccasin increases the load on the heel and the wrong body balance is created.

    Clothing should not have plots of dragging, but it should not be excessively free. Ideally dense uniform fang, which does not constrain movement, but at the same time supports the stomach.

    Baths and shower

    If possible, use a contrasting soul, if not on the whole body, then on the lower limbs. Do not fall into extremes, the contrast should not be radical, it will inevitably lead to an increased tone of the uterus. The alternation of warm and cool water is quite suitable. In the evenings, rinse alternately at least the legs, and then take a position with an exalted foot end, and the sawing sensations will significantly weaken.

    You can also use cool water and salt baths. Salt helps a little reduce swelling stop, and cool water tones.


    Massage is carried out with soft smooth movements in the bottom upward direction. It is better to combine massage with rubbing anti-uniform gels (Lioton, Trokevazin), it enhances therapeutic effect.

    Operational treatment

    1. Sclerosing veins. This method of treatment involves the introduction into the lumen of the vein of the sclerosing substance, which glues the walls of the vessel and completely removes it. The restoration of blood outflow occurs according to collateral vessels (child and parallel vessels). During pregnancy, the method is rarely applied.

    2. Phlebectomy is the removal of the vein entirely or partially. The operation is carried out under anesthesia and is performed according to life indications. If the threat to the lives of the mother, for example, a large and unstable thrombus in the lumen of the vessel, which risks tear away and cause thromboembolic complications.

    3. Endovascular interventions. These are interventions that imply manipulations inside the vessel, such as the removal of the thrombus from the lumen of the vessel (if it is technically possible). Pregnant women are held according to life testimony.


    The forecast for life is favorable. In the event of the development of thrombophlebitis, the forecast is worsening and the danger of thromboembolic complications arises, the emergency assistance of the vascular surgeon is necessary.

    At the moment, medicine has achieved success in many areas, safe preparations and preventive measures have been developed. If you trust your doctor, then follow his recommendations and your pregnancy will be prosperous. Watch yourself and be healthy!

    During internal changes, inevitable and external manifestations. Hormonal changes affect the elasticity and structure of the veins, which can prevent the blood outflow and cause venous insufficiency. In the late pregnancy, holding the body, an increase in the uterus, and the fetus leads to the compression of the veins on the legs and an increase in venous pressure.

    All these factors contribute to the appearance of the expansion of the nodal veins and capillaries., increasing the already available varicose veins.

    Today, the topic of our article is the varicose veins on the legs: symptoms and treatment during pregnancy.

    What is dangerous varicose veins on the legs during pregnancy?

    From a medical point of view, in addition to edema and pain caused by varicose expansion, there are even more serious problems.

    Mobility of assembly circulators and inevitable growth of uterus can lead to the formation of blood clots, which increases the risk of intravenous thrombov.

    Places where the clomes were formed blush and become solid, they painfully touch them, even a slight touch of clothing can cause unbearable pain. In the case of blood clots, injections are prescribed for blood dilution. Usually after such injections and the use of ointments, the thrombus is dissolved within two weeks.

    reference! It is important to know that if you do not pay attention to the varicose veins, and the formation of blood clots is dismisted, the disease can grow into a pulmonary embolism. The most common cause of death of pregnant women in developed countries is precisely thrombus into the lungs. There are such cases from one of the 500 pregnant women.

    How does the disease affect the organism of the mother and child?

    Mother's heart works faster than usual, as it should provide the fruit with a sufficient flow of blood, accumulating, mainly in the legs. it can lead to dizziness and fainting.

    Studies show that the volume of blood vessels with a finger can affect the change in the position of the baby in the mother's womb. After giving birth, many of the extended veins disappear, however blood blood clotting can remain.

    Types of varicose on legs

    Spider-shaped angioma, telegangectation. Varicose extension in the form of a web or sprocket, veins, less than 1 mm. Not felt on the touch, it happens blue or red. Can cover your whole leg.

    Mesh. The size of less than 4 mm, it happens blue, purple, felt on the touch.

    Surface. Easy noticeably, felt on the touch, size more than 4 mm.

    Varicose expansion of large pilot veins. The formation of small or medium-sized balls in large veins is usually a greenish shade.

    Deep varicose veins. Such an extension is formed deeply intravenous system.

    At-risk groups

    1. The presence in the family of vascular disease or varicose veins.
    2. The presence of varicose vessels to pregnancy.
    3. Repeated pregnancy.
    4. Professions associated with a long pastime on the legs.
    5. The last months of pregnancy fall for the summer.


    What the varicose veins looks like in the legs during pregnancy, the photo below:

    Causes of the appearance of ailment

    1. Hormonal changes In the body of a pregnant woman.
    2. The growth of the fetus, which affects the insufficient outflow of blood from the pelvis to the heart.
    3. Increase blood volumeAs well as liquids in the body of a pregnant woman, which is especially noticeable on the legs.
    4. The curvature of the spine caused by pregnancy.
    5. Multiple pregnancy.
    6. Obesity, increase weight.
    7. Lack of preventive measures to prevent varicose extension of the extensions of the lower extremities.


    Pain. Dull pain, especially in the popliteal area. Usually the pain gives the feet of gravity. The pain increases with long-term pastime on the legs, decreases when picked up the leg up.

    Itch. Legs itch. An ankle can also be felt can be felt by the pulsating burning.

    Swelling of the skiing. Especially in the evening, a light or moderate swelling of ankle may appear.

    Skin changes on the ankles. Eczema, pigmentation, ulcers may appear.

    Night cramps. Feeling fatigue, tension in the legs.

    How to prevent the emergence of varicose veins?

    1. Cure existing varicose extensions before planning pregnancy.
    2. Avoid a long pastime on the legs Or sitting.
    3. Do not stay for a long time without movements.
    4. Avoid sitting on low chairs.
    5. Avoid hitting legs about sharp corners of tables, Tumb.
    6. It is regularly swimming, walking a moderate step in the fresh air.
    7. If necessary, sit for a long time (long road in the car) you need to constantly change the pose and knead the legs.
    8. Don't take a hot bath.
    9. Do not be in the sun for a long time.
    10. In hot weather and after physical hardening, water the legs with cold water, starting with the feet.
    11. During sleep and leisure place legs above the heart level, Lining pillows.
    12. For the appointment of a doctor, use tights against varicose veins.
    13. Avoid pose "foot leg, such a posture stops outflow.
    14. Drink more fluid.
    15. Avoid the use of salt.
    16. Avoid wearing tight clothes.
    17. Avoid carrying shoes on heels.
    18. Do not lift weights.


    Modern medicine can easily establish the degree and type of varicose veins. Ultrasound Provides duplex scanning, color deployment of blood flow.

    If necessary, the doctor may appoint magnetic resonance imaging, wizenography or photopletismography - The diagnostic method that allows you to obtain complete information about the outflow of blood.

    Treatment of varicose veins in pregnant women is held in case it has not disappeared for two months after childbirth. Treatment is proceeded three months after childbirth.

    Methods of treatment for varicose feet in pregnant women

    Tights against varicose veins. When thin capillaries or veins appear slightly large sizes, tights will not need. Also, with such minor formations, no drugs for internal use both during pregnancy and in the lactation period are not provided.

    Usually tights with a pressure appropriate for a diagnosis are prescribed by a doctor. Tights help reduce venous pressure, pain and sensitivity. Tights are put on in the morning after taking the soul and removed before bedtime.

    Of course, wearing such tights is not very convenient and comfortable, especially in summer, but it is worth it, because they facilitate all the symptoms. When avoiding the use appointed by the doctor, tights, consequences may be serious and difficult.

    Classic Operation (Stripping / Ligation). To date, this method is rarely used, exceptions are only those cases when the varicose extension is launched, and cosmetic species does not matter much. After such an operation, the hospital leaves the same day and return to normal life after 3-4 days.

    Radiofrequency therapy. This method is similar to the endovascular treatment method with a laser in that the catheter is inserted into the femoral vein. However, instead of a laser in the catheter, radio frequency energy is introduced, which helps the closure of an extended vessel.

    Outpatient phlebectomy. It is used when removing nodes using a sample of 3-5 mm. Exercised under local anesthesia. The patient is written out 2-3 hours after surgery.

    Sclerotherapy. Method of burning spike-shaped varicose extensions of medium-sized blood lines. It is carried out by introducing directly into the vein of the finest needle of a special preparation. Treatment takes 15-30 minutes.

    Interesting! Laser therapy. One of the most effective and painless ways to treat varicose veins. With such treatment, anesthesia is not required, usually costs ice or special cream. As a rule, the varicose vein varicose veins completely disappears for 3 sessions. Laser therapy is preferable to pass in winter.

    Laser therapy has varieties:

    1. Exo Laser (EXO Laser). It is used to remove spider small formations. Does not leave traces.
    2. Endovaascular laser.. It is used to remove large, felt formations. A catheter is inserted into a certain place where the beam is sent. Bruises remain within 2 weeks after surgery.
    3. Endolar. A fiber laser is inserted into the damaged vessel, which eliminates the extension. No scars, but there are bruises for 10 days.

    Varicose vein extension is a common disease, but during pregnancy can be exacerbated. This disease easily treated with modern waysBut for this you need to wait for breastfeeding, so as not to harm the child.

    Pregnant women should not be upset because of the type of their feet - this passes if you have symptoms in time and consult a doctor. In such cases, it is necessary to undergo a duplex ultrasound examination to identify the degree of pathology. To prevent this ugly disease, it is necessary to comply with all prescriptions and advice of the attending physician.

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    Few of the women older than 20 years did not hear about vascular stars, varicose veins, edema. Well, if they do not have anything to you, but few today have excellent health. Let us dwell on such pathology as a varicose disease, because it is 28% of all women.

    What you need to know about varicose?

    The varicose disease is considered predominantly female ailment, the victims of which can be even twenty-five-year-old girls. With this pathology, the walls of the subcutaneous veins lose the elasticity and some parts of the vessels lose the form, while the so-called nodes and asterisks are formed.

    The varicose veins do not die, but if you run it, it threatens with complications and can even lead to disability.

    Signs and symptoms of the disease

    Varicosis does not appear suddenly, it develops gradually. If a person is watching his health, it will not allow the disease to develop until the last stage. Here are signs and symptoms that indicate varicose disease:

    • severe pains in the legs;
    • thickened or convoluted, dark blue or bugger veins on the legs;
    • seizures of lower extremities;
    • the presence of uneven pigmentation in the field of ankles and the heads;
    • ulcerative defects.

    Special discomfort causes constant pains that may cause suffering not only during walking, but also at night. They look like a lubrication in the joints.

    Causes of the disease

    • Heredity. If close relatives suffer varicose veins, the person will most likely be subject to this disease. Congenital weakness of the venous wall is inherited
    • Long wearing shoes on heelsstaying upright
    • Chronic diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis)
    • Overweight and obesity
    • Pregnancy
    • Intense physical exertion

    Three stages of varicose disease

    The varicose stage can be compared with steps on the stairs: the farther rising, the hardest to go. The same with varicose veins: the heavier stage of the disease, the stronger the pain and worse the state of the veins.

    Three stages are allocated. All of them can have consequences not only for legs, but also for the whole body.

    The first stage It is characterized by swelling, severity and pains in the legs, the appearance of noded veins, asterisks, also possible cramps and burning in the Stop and ICR area.

    In the second stage Varicose sprockets and nodes become more noticeable, their number increases. Everything is more difficult to endure increasing pain. Also increases the size of swelling.

    Third stageThe latter, characterized by changing the skin of the legs (it becomes lifeless, cracks), the pigmentation is changing on the legs, venous nodes are stronger. "Venous borders" can burst with any injury, thereby forming an ulcer.

    Features of planning and making pregnancy in varicose

    There are no accurate information about how to plan a pregnancy with those who have varicose veins. Future mothers need to know that after surgical removal or sclerotherapy of the veins, it is worth refraining from conception within 1 year..

    Another nuance: because in the presence of varicose veins, compression underwear is recommended, it is worth planning a pregnancy during the cold season. True, it is not always planned to plan.

    A special case is a varicose disease of the vascular of the small pelvis and the uterus, in which the blood supply to these organs is disturbed. With this disease, a woman cannot become pregnant, so it is important in advance, at the planning stage, do an ultrasound and dopplerography.

    Women having a varicose disease can save and make pregnancy if preventive measures against complications are carried out. The method of childbirth is chosen by the doctor individually for each pregnant woman.

    During childbirth, the legs are necessarily binting or wear special underwear. It is necessary in order to prevent the reverse blood cast in the vein at bills.

    What is dangerous varicose veins during pregnancy?

    As a rule, varicose varieties appear to 4 and 5 months of pregnancy. At this time, the venous pressure in the legs increases, the rate of blood flow is slowed down in the veins.

    If nothing is taken, this pathology can complicate the course of pregnancy, childbirth themselves and period after the birth of a child.

    Because of the venous stagnation in a small pelvis, the cutting of the uterus will deteriorate and it can cause bleeding and thrombophlebitis. So, the future mother needs to seek help at an early stage to avoid risk.

    For the baby Varicose Lower extremities Mother does not represent danger.

    Treatment and prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy

    Varicose during pregnancy is not a reason to immediately stop physical activity and sports. If you appeal to flashlasses, they will prompt which exercises are effective for removing the load from the veins and maintaining a good physical form.

    Easy gymnastics is shown during pregnancy to everyone without exception. For example, you can roll from the heel on the sock and back, and not less than 10 times.

    Surgical intervention and receiving tablets are possible only with severe forms of the disease.

    In the second and third trimester You can use ointment with an anticoagulant effect.

    In the first trimester There is a bookmark of all organs and systems of the child, so no treatment is allowed at this time. It is better to do everything possible to avoid varicose.

    So during pregnancy there is no varicose veins, therapeutic compression linen should be worn.

    • swim, go for walks to improve blood circulation;
    • sometimes keeping legs in highlight;
    • do not stand for a long time;
    • wearing loose clothes;
    • do not allow overweight.

    Treatment of varicose veins by folk remedies

    In folk medicine, mowing, infusions, ointments, foot baths are used to treat varicose veins.

    They help only in the initial form if the disease is pronounced, the traditional medicine is used as auxiliary treatment.

    For compresses You can use such infusions:
    1. Mix 500 ml of yoke with 3 spoons of crushed wormwood (grass and colors) and apply for gauze. It can be attached to the veins and cover with wax paper. This compress must be kept on your feet 2 times a day for 20 minutes.

    2. Take a glass of boiling water, hop chishechki and warm for 20 minutes in a water bath. Next, the planned raw material is cleaned, and compress is preparing from the brave.

    3. Pharmacy chamomile fill in a bottle and pour in any vegetable oil. In a month, it all strain, squeeze, and oil to put on your feet 2 times a day.

    Foot baths You can take several times a week. Infusion can be prepared from any medicinal herbs. To do this, they need to be warm in the water bath (10 minutes), insist in the thermos, strain and remove the raw materials. The resulting infusion pour into the basin and add water. After the bath should make a massage and lie down with raised legs.

    For receiving inside You can use such medicinal herbs as meadow clover, forest strawberry, calendula, dyeing. For example, the clover is accepted as follows: take 2 tablespoons of grass, brew, let it brew and remove the grass after two hours by filping. This infusion is taken 4 times a day at half a glass.

    Varicosis is curable, but it is better to warn it.

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