• How to paint hair with bass. How to paint hair Basma: Natural care and perfection of color. Black Basma Hair


    Hair staining is one of the many ways to make female appearance even more attractive and bright. But this procedure is not as safe for our curls, as manufacturers are told. Chemical impact may result in serious consequences, after which it will be extremely difficult to restore the power and glitter of damaged hair. That is why many women choose an alternative to paints - natural dyes, such as bass.

    Basma is a natural dye used since ancient times. This natural remedy is obtained from the plant called Indigo (Indigofer). The crushed leaves contain a large amount of vitamins and biologically active substances. That is why bass is so useful for hair. After all, with regular use, the hair becomes smooth, silky, strong and elastic. And the glitter acquired by hair does not compare any diamond.

    Beneficial features

    And now more about what is so useful to praise hair bass:

    1. Strengthening hair. Due to the high content in the bass of minerals, its regular use will help solve the problem of hair loss. Very often, hair loss is associated with disadvantage of vitamins and minerals, which is why the hair lows weaken. As a result, we can notice the active loss of hair in the autumn-spring period, when the entire body is in dire sensing the lack of useful substances.
    2. Dandruff treatment. Snow on her hair can look romantic only in Christmas night. And if white flakes sweep the head all year round, it looks not too nice. Yes, and itching, associated with the advent of dandruff, does not add beauty to your hair. Solve the problem with the help of bass is quite real. It is not necessary to wait for a miracle after the first application, but with regular staining of the hair, the bass can be noted a significant improvement.
    3. Feed hair. Basma saturates every hair with the useful substances from the inside. From such staining, the hair becomes smooth, strong, elastic and shiny. No chemical dye can give such an excellent and persistent result.
    4. Acceleration of hair growth. This pleasant side effect of Basma staining was celebrated by many girls. So if you dream to grow long and healthy hair, then Basma is the natural activator of hair growth that you need.
    5. Beautiful result of staining and the most natural shade of hair.


    Of course, Basma is a faithful choice in favor of strong and beautiful hair. But before proceeding with staining, you need to learn several very important points. Otherwise, you risk getting a very unexpected result in the form of green or blue hair with an admixture of unhealthy rim. On the hair condition, this will not affect anything, but the appearance from such experiments may be pretty injured. So you need to paint the hair with bass, we suggest you familiarize yourself with several advice:

    • Never use the hair bass in pure form. Hair staining should be carried out exclusively with a mixture of bass and henna in the correct proportion.
    • Do not spend hair staining Basma if you used to use conventional hair paint. Even if it was a professional hair dye, Basma will give your curl color to your greens.
    • An unsightly result can be obtained when painting the hair of the hair after a chemical curling. Any interaction of chemistry with natural dye will lead to an unexpected hair color.
    • Conduct the staining procedure on oily hair (especially for gray hair). Basma slightly dries hair, so along with a useful influence you risks to get rided strands, which will have to treat with moisturizing masks for a long time. Alternatively, a bit of olive oil can be added to the prepared mixture for hair coloring, if you just wash your head yesterday.
    • Do not wash your head a few days after dyeing hair Basma. From this color of your hair will be brighter and saturated.
    • Do not keep the bass on the hair for a very long time, if you do not plan to achieve a juicy black shade.
    • Before you fully paint the hair with a bass, spend the color test on one strand. If the result arranges you, you can paint completely all hair.

    As you can see, the rules are absolutely simple. And if you learned them, it's time to tell about how to paint the hair of the Basma step by step.

    How to paint hair bass: staining tricks, instruction

    Well, now the instruction with visual photos on how to paint hair with bass:

    1. Prepare gloves, paint brushes and a container in which you will mix bass with henna. The dishes need to take the glass, in the extreme case you can use the plastic plate. Metal bowls for dry hair are not suitable, as when using chemical paints.
    2. Apply the fat cream on the skin of the forehead along the hair growth line. You can also smear your ears. This will facilitate the process of flushing the composition from the skin when the hair color of the henna and the bass will be completed.
    3. Mix the hnu and bass in the required quantity. The mixture is necessary to pour hot water, but not boiling water (MAX 800). Determine the amount of water yourself. You should have a coloring mixture of consistency sour cream.
    4. Apply a mixture of henna and bass on the hair with a brush. After that, cover all hair with a package and look at the top with a towel.
    5. After the desired amount of time, remove the towel and cellophane from the hair and evaluate the result.
    6. Pretty rinse the hair with warm water. Wash off bass and huhu from the hair is not easy, but you have to try.
    7. Immediately after staining, you should not use hair dryer for drying. It will be better if your hair is dried independently, and not under the influence of hot air.

    Please note: re-painting with henna hair and bass must be carried out earlier than 2 weeks after the previous procedure. Despite all the usefulness and naturalness, bass still dries hair, you can make sure that you look at the posted photos below. So ideally, withstand breaks for 1-2 months between staining.

    How to paint the hair with a bass in black?

    If you want to get a rich black hair color, you can not mix the hu nu and bass, and use them separately. Very often you can meet such instructions how to paint the hair with bass in black:

    1. First apply a mixture of one henna on your hair and leave for 50-60 minutes.
    2. Rock the henna and dry the hair with a towel.
    3. Apply Basma on the hair and leave at least three hours.
    4. Rinse hair with water without shampoo and other cosmetics.

    Ideal black shade you can see a few days after staining, just below you will find visual examples in the form of a photo. For gray hair, this method of use is not suitable, so in order to get as a result of staining black hair, you will need to find any other option.

    How to paint gray hair henna and bass?

    Gray hair to paint black with bass is almost unrealistic. After all, to obtain this shade, the mixture must be kept on strands for a long time. This will invariably lead to the cut of the champions, and gray hair is not ready for such an extreme drying.

    With the help of henna and bass, you can paint gray hair into such colors:

    • copper shade (Henna ratio and hair bass 1: 1)
    • dark Copper (Basma / Henna in Proportion 2: 1)
    • light chatenec with red (hair bass / henna in proportion 1: 2)

    If you add some ground coffee or cocoa to the coloring mixture, gray hair will get a chocolate shade. Laying just below the photo and video will help you to study in detail the entire necessary procedure on how to paint the hair of henna and bass without the help of unauthorized persons.

    Hair and Basma hair color: Methods and proportions

    Before proceeding with hair staining, you need to decide on the desired tint. It is from what color hair is planning to obtain as a result will depend on the percentage ratio of bass and henna in the cooked mixture for staining. Also different and the time of paint paint on hair: from half an hour to four hours. So, the main tricks of hair staining of the hair and bass:

    1. To obtain a light-colored shade of hair, it is necessary to mix the huNU and the bass in the 1: 3 ratio. Keep the mixture on the hair is necessary for one hour, no more.
    2. Blonde hair color you will get if you carry out staining of the hair of the henna and the bass in the 1: 1 ratio. Leave the coloring composition on the hair is only necessary for 30 minutes.
    3. The light-chestnut shade of hair is achieved when observing the same proportions, but keep paint on her hair for one hour.
    4. Beautiful saturated hair color Chestnut can be obtained with a rating of 1: 1 and time of staining 1.5 hours.
    5. Mixing items and hair bass in a 1: 3 ratio can be obtained black, if you withstand the mixture on the hair 3-4 hours (just time will depend on the structure of the hair).

    If you decide not to spend time on experiments with color on one strand, you risk getting not exactly the color of the hair that was expected. Adjust the hair shade is very simple:

    • Too dark hair after staining, slide slightly acidified water using lemon juice or vinegar.
    • Overweight hair shade is darkened by subsequent staining. Just change the proportions of the henna and bass in the coloring composition or adjust the shutter speed of the mixture on the hair.

    How much do you need to keep bass on your head?

    As you noticed, the exposure time of bass on her hair is from half an hour to four hours depending on the desired shade. There are girls who leave the coloring composition for the whole night. According to their advice and reviews, the color is bright and saturated from such staining. But professionals are not recommended to be carried away with such a long-term exposure to bass. You can cut strands, from which the hair will become porous and brittle. This is especially true of gray hair.

    Basma is called grinding leaves of indigo - plants growing in the tropics. This is a natural and well-known hair dye.

    It was used since time immemorial, it was especially valued by Eastern women - True beauties. With this dye, they not only change the color of their hair, but also made firming masks. It is important to know how to use the paint to get the desired shade, because the true color of the dye is green, and not, as it may seem at first glance, blue.

    Basma must be combined with henna - another natural dye. It is impossible to use pure bass on the hair, unless you want to become a winner of blue or green hair. It should be noted that the bass over the henna initially can give a greenish tint, at least my personally happened. But the next day, under the influence of air, the color was temporable and came to normal.

    You can mix the huhu and indigo (it is bass) in equal parts and use this paint on the hair, but I personally recommend the version of two-time staining - you first paint the hair of the henna, then the bass. Based on personal experience - the roots are so better and the unpleasant shade from Basma does not appear. Henna should be kept on her hair at least an hour, then Basma will fall smoothly and naturally.

    Depending on the proportions of the henna and bass, you can get a variety of shades. If you prefer natural dyes, you should not discount and the structure of the hair, the original color, the presence of gray strands and many other, equally important factors.

    In different sources, the proportions of indigo and henna are calculated in different ways. I focus on your own experience.

    Option 1.

    Staining Hena: 1-2 hours.

    Basma staining - 1 hour.

    Result: Dark chestnut, almost chocolate. Unfortunately, the dark shade washes pretty quickly - weeks for 1.5 times with daily head washing.

    Option 2.

    Staining Hena: 2 hours

    Basma staining: 2.5 hours.

    Result: black. My again is washed off with the roots. Perhaps the whole thing in individual features.

    Option 3.

    Mixing Henna and Basma 2: 1.

    Result: The muted copper, more like a natural redhead.

    Do not forget that it all depends on the original color of your hair. Do not be afraid to experiment, and you will find the prescription you need.

    Traditional Hair Basma Hair Dye

    If gray hair is about half of the total, then staining must be carried out in several stages. First use HUNU, and then bass. This is done in order to be able to control the process and minimize the receipt of an undesirable result.

    So, you should pour powder into the dishes, it is desirable to porcelain, dilute with a small amount of hot water, and stir up to completely dissolve lumps. Next, apply the resulting cleaner on the roots of the hair. These two dye are able to paint and the skin of the hands, and therefore you need to use special gloves. The head needs to be caught, so that the paint takes uniformly. It is important to monitor the basma staining time to control the saturation of the flavor, and by its expiration, wash the mixture under strong water pressure.

    It is undesirable to use bass and henna if:

    • The hair was painted quite recently paint containing chemical reagents.
    • Recently, a chemical curling was made. Hair can purchase the most incredible shade, while, far from an eye.
    • Hair is very bright. The effect with unexpected color and here has a place to be.

    Recently, the store counters can die with colored henna. However, it contains cheap chemical components in its composition, while the usual henna and bass is only vegetable. It is possible to better give preference to proven means, which help to get rid of dandruff, normalize the selection of sebum, give hair shine, silkness and force.

    Today it is difficult to find a fine sex representative, which would never have painted hair in life, and for each second woman, this procedure has become the same familiar, as, for example, haircut or laying. The reason for changing the color of the heads can be anything: dissatisfaction with the "native" tinge, delivered from nature; The desire to disguise the gray and simply brought back to your image and freshness.

    Modern manufacturers of hair paints are constantly competing among themselves, creating more and more new shades palettes and enriching their products with various components designed to provide persistent and at the same time the most careful staining. But in reality, no, even the most expensive and high-quality chemical paint, can not be fully safe; After all, the substances included in its composition, not only destroy the pigments, but also change the structure of the hair, making it porous and fragile. As a result, once healthy and beautiful curls are thinned, become fragile and dull.

    Of course, this does not mean that it is necessary to abandon hair color forever, just for these purposes it is better to use non-synthetic dyes, but natural, having natural origin. One of them is Basma - a grayish green powder made of dried leaf of tropical plants indigo. Initially, bass was used for the manufacture of ink and staining the fabrics in bright blue, but later it began to apply it to give dark shades of hair. What is the benefit of this tool for curls and what does it differ so favorably from synthetic paints?

    Benefits of bass in front of chemical dyes

    Favorite hair bass is difficult to overestimate, because in addition to coloring pigments, its composition includes a whole complex of vitamins and minerals, which are beneficial to the structure of curls, as well as tubyl substances with anti-inflammatory and invalid properties. In addition, the indigo leaves powder contains wax and resins that smooth their hair and give them a dazzling shine. Another feature of the bass is that it is capable of increasing the volume of the chapels, which will like the ladies with thin and rare hair. Unlike synthetic dyes that destroy the natural pigments of curls and damage their structure, bass:

    • nourishes the scalp and hair follicles with vitamins;
    • strengthens the structure of the hair and speeds up their growth;
    • prevents locked loss;
    • gives chapelur extra volume and beautiful shine;
    • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
    • eliminates the irritation of the skin of the head and helps to fight with dandruff.

    No less important is that bass hypoallergenne, that is, it can be used even to pregnant and nursing women, and also those whose skin is characterized by increased sensitivity. However, making his choice in favor of this dye, you should know that it, as well as other means, has a number of disadvantages: first, when using bass, dark hair can purchase a blue tint, and light-green; secondly, non-compliance with the proportions in the manufacture of the coloring composition will not allow to achieve the desired effect; Thirdly, frequent staining often leads to the drainage of curls and fourth, if it is bad to wash the hair after the procedure, it will look untidy, and the color of strands will most likely get uneven.

    Video recipe on occasion:

    Basma for dyeing hair is usually not used in pure form, but in combination with other components: for example, with a henna, tea brewing or natural coffee. In order to determine the proportions, you need to think in advance, what color you want to get in the end. If you dissolve bass and hnu 1: 1, it turns out a saturated chestnut shade, if 1: 2 (1 part of the bass on 2 pieces of henna) - brown with a bronze tide, and 2: 1 (2 parts of the bass per part of the henna) - exine- the black. Gray hair when painting a bass acquire a light-chestnut or red-haired. The end result also affects the thickness and thickness of the hair, their original color and time of dye exposure - the longer the mixture is on the curls, the darker will be the resulting color. So, how to paint the hair with bass:

    • It is not necessary to wash the head before staining, unless you enjoy lacquered or other means for laying, which create a film on the hair that prevents the penetration of painting pigments.
    • Be sure to lubricate the hair growth line (near the forehead, on the temples and the back) with a fat cream to avoid skin staining. When applying the cream, try not to affect the hair, otherwise the roots will remain non-crushed. Note that Basma is a very persistent paint, so take care of the protection of clothes and open areas of the body in advance (including hands).
    • Prepare a mixture for staining. Take Basma and Henna in the right proportions (depending on the desired color) and pour into ceramic or glass containers. Dilute the resulting mixture is very hot (but not boiling) with water and mix to homogeneity (the ready-made composition should be reminded by consistency thick sour cream). Holders of dry hair are recommended to add a few olive or almond oil to the cooked mass.
    • With the help of a tassel, apply a painting mixture on the hair, starting from the roots and gradually distributing along the entire length of strands. Try to do everything quickly that the makeup did not have time to cool, otherwise the color may turn out uneven.
    • Processed curls lift on the top and secure the plastic hairpin. Heat the head of the food film and wrap a warm handkerchief or towel.
    • Hair paint exposure time can vary from 15 minutes to several hours (depending on how saturated shade you want to get). To accurately calculate the time that you may need to acquire one or another color, it is better to test in advance for a separate strand.

    After the procedure, wash the paint with warm water without shampoo. Wash hair needs until the water becomes transparent. Keep in mind that the true shade after staining the Basma is not manifested immediately, but only a few days later. In order not to distort the result, try not to wash your head for 72 hours.

    How to get different shades with bass

    When painting the hair of the Basma, you can achieve different shades. For this, the main component is mixed in certain proportions with henna or other natural dyes - berry juice, wine, strong black tea, ground coffee and other. Further, all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair. The most popular colors that can be obtained using bass include the following.


    To give the curls a saturated chocolate shade, you must first paint their henna (hold about one and a half hours), and after 2-2.5 hours to apply bass. The number of both components is determined individually, depending on the length, lugs and the initial shade of strands. It is best to stain with light tones - blonde, light chestnut or red.


    It is easy to achieve a pleasant copper shade with bass. To do this, it is necessary to mix it with the henna in proportion 1: 2 (1 part of the bass on 2 parts of the henna). On very dark hair, the effect will be expressed weakly.

    The black

    In order to paint the curls in the color of the crane wing, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of 2 parts of the bass (if the hair is light, you should increase the dosage twice) and 1 part of the henna.

    Dark burgundy

    A rich dark chestnut color with a pronounced reddish sweat is achieved by mixing 2 parts of the henna, 1 parts of the bass and hot red wine (natural), taken in an amount sufficient to obtain a pasty consistency. Instead of wine, you can also use a strong tea welding of the carcade.


    To get a dark blond shade with a purple tide, you should mix bass with henna in a ratio of 1: 2 and brew a strong decoction of the onion husk.


    Classic chestnut color can be obtained by mixing bass with henna in equal proportions. In order to avoid the appearance of a redhead, it is recommended to add ground coffee into the dry mixture (1 part of coffee on 5 parts of the mixture). It is necessary to breed such paint with hot water to the consistency of sour cream.

    Despite the fact that bass has a sufficiently high resistance, acquired with its help shade gradually loses intensity. In order to preserve the resulting result as long as possible, it is desirable to use a special rinser, prepared from a mixture of henna with a bass (25 g) and a half liters of hot water. The finished solution should be filtered, cool and apply on the hair. It is recommended to carry out such procedures 1-2 times a month. For additional care for painted curls, it is recommended to use with washing whey, kefir or yard. After natural dyes it is undesirable to use synthetic paints and make a chemical twist, since the result from such manipulations can be unpredictable.

    How to paint the bass gray hair

    Basma good paints gray, but only if it is used correctly. If gray hairs are a bit, you can use a mixture of bass and henna taken in equal proportions (it is necessary to produce staining in several methods), and in the case when graying occupies a large stake of curls, it is recommended to do as follows:

    • first you need to paint the hair with one henna, withstanding the paint on the head at least 60 minutes;
    • then you need to thoroughly rinse your hair and repeat the procedure again, reducing the exposure time up to 30-40 minutes;
    • further (if the required result was not reached) it is necessary to paint the curls of Basma mixed with the henna in proportion 2: 1 (2 parts of the bass per 1 part of the henna).

    If the color turned out to be uneven, spend re-staining of the hair, but not immediately, and a day later. Prepare a portion of a mixture of bass and henna (select the proportions yourself, depending on what shade you want to get), apply the finished composition on your hair and leave for 2-3 hours.

    Creating your own unique image is the process, though complex, but very fascinating. A little patience and desire to experiment - and your hairstyle will become perfect. And if you still have doubts about the use of natural dyes or it is difficult for you to choose the necessary proportions to compile mixtures, consult a specialist.

    Painting hair compositions with natural components prefer to use many women and girls. And great popularity of amateur changes in its appearance uses bass - powder derived from the leaf of the tropical plant of Indigo. A small greenish powder is filled with vitamins and microelements and therefore it, in addition to staining, brings and the benefit of our hair. But that this benefit is manifested, and the curls purchased the desired shade need to know how to paint hair using natural bass.

    Terms of use Basma

    Basma hair dyeing was taken from Eastern beauties with antiquity. This dye when used for coloring clothes gives it a bluish color. The same shade may turn out on our strands, if you do not know how to use Basma correctly. Greenish powder is not always suitable and not all women as paints for hair, and therefore you need to evaluate whether you enter this group or you can afford to use the bass.

    • Staining with the help of bass is suitable for the owners of dark or dark blond hair. Blondes, using this natural dye, should prepare for the fact that in a few weeks their curls can become greenish.
    • Basma is used only in combination with henna. If you do not follow this rule, then even on dark hair after a long time will manifest a greenish color. Basma can be mixed with henna powder, or use them alternately. Typically, the curls are first painted with henna, and the next day Basma.
    • With natural dyes, you can get completely unexpected shades. What result will result in you in the end, depends on the proportions, exposure time, natural colors used before this procedure of chemical colors.
    • It is not recommended to paint the hair with a bass after a chemical twist, aiming, in the first months after the cabin staining. The interaction of natural dye and chemicals remaining in the curl structure can lead to completely unexpected results.

    The correct use of natural coloring compositions improves the condition of our hair. Under the influence of a vegetable dye, dandruff disappears, the bulb of the hair is strengthened, the strength of the curls increases, a natural shine appears, the volume of hairstyles increases. The effectiveness of staining and the benefits of the procedure rise several times when applying fresh powder, so you should always pay attention to the time of storage of the purchased goods.

    Freshness of bass can be checked after brewing powder. If a black shiny film appeared on the surface of this paint, then you can be sure that you have purchased the fresh and most useful dye for your currency.

    How to paint bass

    When painting the bass, in combination with the henna, you can get completely different shades. To say exactly what color will manifest on the curls, no one can, so in this matter you need to trust your intuition. There are exemplary compositions and time of their use that suggests obtaining a suitable result of staining.

    • The dark-colored shade on the curls is obtained by mixing the bass and henna in an equal ratio. At the same time, the time of staining is before half an hour.
    • The light-chestnut shade is obtained with the same dyes ratio, but the exposure time should be increased to one hour.
    • The bronze-brown color on the hair is obtained by mixing the bass and henna in the 1: 2 ratio. Exposure time applied dye - one and a half hours.
    • Saturated warm chocolate color curls can be obtained if the bass is mixed with the henna in the ratio of 3: 1. Staining time - two hours.
    • To obtain a black, saturated color of the hair, it is necessary to take painting in two stages. First, all strands are painted with diluted henna, it is kept on her head one hour and wash off. Then prepared bass is applied to wet hair, it is washed after two hours.

    The prepared mixture for staining must be evenly distributed across all the strands and it is desirable that your assistant makes it, because it is difficult to cope with this task. And Henna, and Basma is strong enough dyes and therefore their use involves the execution of certain rules. Knowing how to paint hair using natural coloring compositions, you will never be disappointed as a result.

    • Natural dyes can leave indelible stains on clothes, leather, furniture items. Therefore, staining is taken carefully - it is advisable to put on old clothes, the skin along the hair growth line is treated with a fat cream, and gloves put on hands.
    • Basma divorces only boiling water, and apply it best in warm form.
    • Henna is required to breed with water, the temperature of which is in the range of from 70 and to 90 degrees. It is desirable before applying the diluted powder of Henna to insist it within four hours.
    • When breeding natural dyes, only glass or ceramic containers and a spatula are used. When applying metal products, oxidation reactions occur, and accordingly, the result of staining will change.
    • After dilution, the mixture should be reminded by consistency not very thick composition, convenient for applying to curls and without lumps.
    • If it is necessary to paint gray, the bleached strands first are scratched and then all the others are then.
    • The dyes are washed with ordinary water in large quantities. Applying shampoo is possible on the third day after staining, since all this time the coloring pigments are absorbed into the lock rod.

    It is possible to evaluate completely hair color after using bass after a few days. Usually the entire effect of natural dyeing is manifested on the fourth-fifth day after the procedure.

    Natural shades, obtained by using Basma, can be diversified. To do this, coffee, cocoa, beet juice, tea can be added to the divorced powder. Experimenting can be obtained really completely unusual hair color, with a favorable side emphasizing your appearance.

    Using bass and henna do not need to forget that these dyes have a drying effect. Therefore, it is worth a color to limit one procedure per month and it is desirable to use nutrient masks, it usually concerns the holders of too dry hair.

    Time does not regret anyone, over the years, both men and women have hair begin to fill up and gray. To return them to them, the ladies are used bass. Such natural paint does not spoil the already weakened strands, but on the contrary - gives them vitality.

    Basma properties when painting hair

    It began to use such powder in the old days. It was made from the leaf of the tropical Indigofer tree. The flour extracted in this way has gray color with a greenish tint. Therefore, it is not recommended to make staining with one bass, otherwise you risk turning your curls from natural in blue-green color. And wash off, paint an unusual shade is rather difficult.

    Basma benefits for hair

    With the right use of paint bass for hair, you can achieve excellent results. Even fans of famous brands, such as Palette, Casting, Wella, will not be able to distinguish their own and your painting results. Another, the natural dye has a low value and a lot of positive feedback due to its cosmetology properties:
    • Stimulates hair shine;
    • Satures curls by various groups of useful trace elements and minerals;
    • Gives strands softness and silkness, makes them obedient;
    • It is useful to affect the bulbs of the hair;
    • Enhances the growth of Kudrey;
    • Favorably acts on the skin of the head, eliminates dandruff;
    • Prevents hair loss.

    The advantages of bass include its hypoallergenicity. Natural paint can be used even to women in position and nursing mothers.

    What do hair look after bass

    Many girls, learning about the numerous advantages of bass, wish to try the powder on their hair, but do not hurry, and should carefully examine the rules for using bass, from which the hair type will depend on:
    1. Staining strands for the first time, you risk getting not the color that would like. Therefore, it is recommended to apply Basma together with henna. Mix powders in strict proportions to get the desired tone.
    2. If you have gray strands, be prepared for the maximum effect. Basma will give a bright color to curls, but in those places where there were not seeds, spots with various shades can appear. The paint is better to use women who have a smooth hair tone.
    3. Do not use the coloring powder more often than once in the calendar month. Otherwise risk getting the opposite effect, i.e. Disrupt the water balance in the hair structure. As a result, they will become brittle and take a dull unhealthy look.
    4. Do not dye your hair if before that you used another paint or made twigs.

    Know, bass is a resistant dye. It deeply penetrates her hair, wash it almost impossible, and even more so it will not work to paint synthetic paint.

    Hair Treatment With Basma

    Girls having problems with curls, it is better not to use chemical paints with ammonia. But there are moments when without dye can not do. In this case, you will suit the bass. Not only are you getting a beautiful color strand, but also give the structure of the hair in full order. If there is no desire to paint curls, then make masks.

    Basma-based hair masks recipes:

    • Mask for any hair types. Take two spoons of mayonnaise, bass and vegetable oil to neutralize the dye. Mix in a bowl. Enter the curls. Look at the pair of tv advertisements, wash the mixture from the head with warm water.
    • For light strands. Mix hnu, bass, kefir, lean oil. Apply the composition for ten minutes. Then wash your hair. The effect will be noticeable immediately.

    Basma Colors for Hair

    To get a specific hair color, you should choose the right bass for staining. Basma is black, redhead, in addition, the mixture may have chocolate color. Let's talk more about this in more detail.

    What are the shades of bass

    Who did not use Basma, he does not know that with her help you can get a variety of colors. The main thing is to be able to mix the necessary substances in the right proportions:
    1. Mixing huhu and bass, get such shades: heat-blonde, brown with a bronze tide, black and coal.
    2. For light brown color, use the henu, bass and green tea.
    3. To get a beautiful chocolate tint, add coffee to these two components.

    How to choose color bass hair

    To get the desired color, first-in-speed, buying paint, look for the production time. Feel free to carefully study the packaging. It is advisable to smell bass. If you feel the smell of dampness and click on lumps, then such powder is not suitable for use. When no shortcomings found, boldly buy goods. To get different colors, except the Basma itself, take more huhu, coffee, elder juice and other natural natural dyes.

    Black Basma Hair

    To become a bright brunette, coloring curls at first henna. Keep the dye on the head somewhere for an hour. After that, wash the huhu and spread the head of the Basma, the EDA, the watch for two. Then again thoroughly wash your head.

    Red Hair Basma

    Take two packs of henna and one bass, mix in a plate. Fill with hot water. Squeeze evenly all strands. Leave paint for an hour and a half. Then rush warm water.

    Chocolate Basma Hair Color

    Smooth chocolate tint can be obtained by mixing one piece of henna and one bass and a little brewed ground coffee. Divide hot water to the thickness of sour cream. Split the composition on the hair, keep the hour. Then wash the water.

    Application of Basma for Staining Hair

    Terms of use of bass hair coloring simple:

    • Prepare paint just before use.
    • Apply only high-quality raw materials.
    • Treat skin areas near the hair with a fat nutritional cream, as the dye is poorly laundered.
    • On the hands put on the protective gloves.
    • Use old rags to cover your shoulders.
    • On your head, put on the polyethylene cap, keep in mind - after use it will not be laundered due to the resistant coloring agent.

    How to choose the proportions of bass when painting hair

    Changing the proportions of the content in the mixture of henna and bass, you can get completely different colors and shades of staining. Another color affects the structure of the hair and the time you apply to the paint. Some girls have painting in half an hour, and the other is a little one and a half hours. That is why manufacturers advise to try the mixture on the curl of the hair before painting the entire chapels.

    Now more about proportions:

    1. For black, it is necessary to take 2 bass bags and 1 henna, hold 40-90 minutes.
    2. For light, mix 1 packaging of bass and 1 henna, hold no more than thirty minutes at strands.
    3. For brown shade, as for a blonde, the composition of the mixture is one to one, but the color time will be 50-65 minutes.
    4. For bronze color, we take 1 bass package and 2 henna, hair color passes in 45-65 minutes.

    Basma Basi Recipe for Staining Hair

    Forms for staining of curls are prepared in the following order, regardless of the recipe:
    • Take the components, mix that the powder acquired a uniform color.
    • Cap water.
    • When it cools down a little (up to 90 ° C), gradually add it to the powder and stir.
    • Must get a thick Cashier as sour cream.
    • As experiments to give an unusual shade, you can add other natural dyes - walnut leaves, shell, coffee, cocoa, black, green tea.

    How to use hair bass at home

    Applying natural paint at home, be alert - it is badly washed off not only with hair, but also from other surfaces. Therefore, carefully use not to smear new things, clothes. If you smeared the bathroom, sink, tile, then immediately wash the surface, do not tighten with cleaning.

    How to paint hair bass

    Prepare, as described above, things and objects in order not to smear open areas of the skin. Only after that, proceed to the cooking of the painting composition. Hair must be not soothes.

    Carefully apply a warm mass on the hair strands with a special brush. Start smearing the hair with a nape and gradually smear all the hair before the tips of the hair. Uniformly distribute the bass, thoroughly scroll each curl. Then wear a polyethylene cap, and on top of the handkerchief. Wait for the time specified in the recipe. At the end, wash the mixture with a soft shampoo.

    Video about the use of bass for hair See us:

    Basma improves the condition of the hair and gives them a beautiful shining healthy shine. But to get a positive result and not harm curls, you need to follow the rules for using the natural dye.
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