• Pineapple made from candy and paper. Pineapple from sweets: a master class with a step by step photo. DIY pineapple from sweets: master class


    How to make pineapple from sweets with your own hands is shown by the Master of Candy Compositions Dmitry Boyarovich. I immediately became imbued with this Master class, as it is very easy to perform and does not require a large amount of floral materials and fixtures. Now everyone can make such a gift with the help of the next Master class. Pineapple made from candies with your own hands can be donated not only for New Year's holidays, you can give such a sweet gift for any celebration and birthday, because fresh pineapple or made from candies can replace a bouquet of flowers.

    You will need:

    - sweets 600 - 800 grams (in golden wrappers)
    - Styrofoam (12 cm high and 8 cm in diameter)
    - wide double-sided tape
    - packaging film (deep green, metallized)
    - decorative tape aspidistr (for making pineapple leaves)
    - knife
    - scissors
    So, first, we prepare the base for the pineapple. To do this, we take polystyrene, with a knife we \u200b\u200bcut out an oblong shape with rounded ends. The Styrofoam blank can be slightly wetted to prevent debris from flying around. Then we wrap our workpiece in a dark green packaging film. We fix the edges with tape, and at the top we make a tip and wrap it tightly with double-sided tape.

    We cut pineapple leaves from the decorative tape, attach them in several rows to the sticky tip of our blank and also wrap them tightly with double-sided tape.

    Next, the entire pineapple blank must be covered with double-sided tape.
    Now we proceed to the most important thing, attach it to the candy blank. To do this, we attach the ends of the candy wrappers to the very top, where the leaves were fixed with tape. And then gradually we continue to glue all the candies in a checkerboard pattern.

    After all the candies are fixed to the blank, we take the stick and fix it, fill the tails of the candy wrappers.
    So you made pineapple from sweets with your own hands, as you can see, it turned out not at all difficult with such a Master class!

    And decorations for the New Year, and in particular about the New Year's bow from a satin ribbon. "Cross" continues preparations for the New Year and today we offer you, our dear needlewomen, a pineapple made from sweets! Yes Yes! We will teach you how to make such an original and delicious gift.

    We will combine three (!) Classic attributes of the New Year holiday into one at once: champagne and candies in the form of a pineapple! You give champagne, and with it - chocolate pineapple!

    It will take very little time to create such beauty, and the result will be amazing. In addition, a gift can be made in advance, long before the New Year holidays.

    To make pineapple from candies and champagne, we need:

    • Sweets "Golden Lily" - the most ideal option for pineapple
    • A bottle of champagne ("pot-bellied" will give authenticity to the fruit)
    • Yellow floral felt or corrugated paper
    • Universal glue "Russian titanium"
    • Thermal gun
    • Yellow sisal
    • Double sided tape

    Bottle preparation

    Glue double-sided tape along the bottom of the bottle and the neck. We will attach a rectangle of yellow felt or paper to these strips: this way we will mask the gaps between the candies. You can glue the candies directly onto the glass, but then the effect of a solid yellow fruit will be lost - a hole will form somewhere.

    Let's prepare each candy for work as follows: collect both tails in the center and fasten them with double-sided tape. Alternatively, a piece of electrical tape.

    Attention! Thin single-sided tape is not suitable - it will not support the weight of the candy.

    You need to start sticking a row of sweets from the bottom. We release each piece of adhesive tape from the outer layer, drip a drop of hot melt glue and attach it to the base. Place a strip of yellow sisal between the rows of candies.

    When gluing, try to keep the inscriptions on the candy labels pointing in one direction. Then the finished work will look more accurate.

    Rising from the bottom up the bottle in rows of "Golden Lily", arrange the candies in a checkerboard pattern - so the candies will take up maximum space.

    Having reached the "shoulders" or the narrowest place - the neck, collect the tail of felt (paper) on the additional tape.

    Here is a top view of unfinished, "unripe" pineapples.

    Pineapple leaves

    The leaves are cut from a floral tape called aspidistra leaf, but you can also use regular green floral paper. We cut the strips, and from them we cut the leaves.

    We glue on the neck, starting from the inside, moving in a circle from top to bottom.

    Do not throw away even small scraps of "aspidistra leaf" in the form of thin blades of grass - they also go into business between the large leaves.

    Alternatively, you can decorate the part of the neck of the bottle between the candies and the leaves with a linen string.

    Pineapple has always been considered a symbol of nobility, wealth, hospitality and exquisite taste. Ripe fruit is great for garnishing festive table and for a gift to children. Adults can also be pleasantly surprised and pleased if you present them with an original composition in the form of a pineapple made from sweets and champagne. Such a creative craft can easily replace a bouquet for a birthday or become an independent gift for March 8 and the new year.

    Making pineapple from champagne and candies with your own hands is not so difficult ... To do this, you need to prepare the material necessary for work in advance..

    Necessary materials

    In addition to the main components, you will need some items from a florist store to decorate an original gift.

    If it is impossible to find such things in your city, then it is easy to replace them with another decor.

    The basic set includes:

    The total number of chocolates depends on the size. The larger they are, the less they will be needed. Usually, sweets of a round or oval shape are used to create such a composition. "Golden Lily" is an ideal option for these purposes.

    The artificial aspidistra is played by green ribbons that imitate the leaves of a plant.

    Process description

    The work begins with the preparation of the sweets. To do this, the tails are pressed to the center and fixed with tape or glue. Next, the yellow mesh is cut into several identical squares (5 x 5). With the help of a pistol, candies are glued on them in several rows.

    Some craftswomen do not use the net for additional decoration, but immediately start decorating the bottle. You can do the same as they do. Only then will it be necessary to fix the candies much more tightly in order to carefully mask the green glass. Accordingly, the consumption of sweets will increase significantly.

    Important! You need to work with the gun with rubber gloves so as not to burn your hands with hot glue.

    Blanks with sweets are glued to the champagne bottle in one line, starting from the bottom. The next row is fastened in a checkerboard pattern. The edges of the meshes must always be straightened outward so that they cover the resulting gaps. As a result, you should get 5 horizontal rows.

    Florist stores sell a green slate ribbon that can be used to make pineapple leaves. They turn out to be so realistic that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish them from real ones. Sometimes there are several light streaks on the sections of the tape, which give the artificial leaves even more effect and naturalness. If you can't find such material, then you can buy felt or ordinary corrugated paper.

    To get blanks for future leaves, the tape is divided into strips. This is done step by step in the following sequence:

    1. Measure and cut from one meter in 2 parts of different lengths (2 x 10 cm; 2 x 17 cm; 2 x 23 cm).
    2. Each part is dissolved in strips across the width. Those that turned out to be 10 and 17 cm long are divided into 4 ribbons, and the remaining ones by 3. Each workpiece is sharpened from one edge to give the desired shape.
    3. The result is eight leaves of 10 and 17 cm. And six - 23 cm each.

    Leaves 10 cm each (4 pcs) begin to glue with a thermal gun from the top of the bottle neck. Stepping back a little lower, the next 4 pieces are attached. In this case, you need to try to close all visible gaps. Further, 4 leaves of 17 cm are used, and then the remaining 4 pieces (of the same size). Long and wide leaves are glued at the bottom of the neck. It remains to add the last row of sweets, and at the very end, decorate the craft with sesal fiber.

    Pineapple can be decorated at your own discretion, showing bold imagination and creativity. For example, tie a scarlet bow or light sisal on the neck of a bottle.

    Pineapple from a plastic bottle

    It is almost impossible to surprise modern children with any toys or sweets. But this can be achieved by making an unusual pineapple from sweets with your own hands, and then presenting it to your child for a holiday.

    This craft option is in many ways similar to the previous one. Only here, as a basis, is the usual plastic bottle, not like in the past - champagne. Candy pineapples and master classes for their creation may also differ slightly from each other. But this is not so important, as in the end any work comes out beautiful, interesting and original.

    To create a pineapple, the master will need the following material:

    • Plastic bottle (1.5 l).
    • Candy with a yellow wrapper.
    • Scissors.
    • Colored paper (green).
    • Double sided tape.

    After preparing the workplace and all necessary tools, you can start the main work. Procedure:

    A delicious and interesting gift is ready!

    Such unique gifts will appeal to everyone: both children and adults. The main thing in them is that they are handmade. And what has been done with a soul is priceless.

    Packaging is an integral part of the gift. It is with her that the present looks complete. A sparkling drink is a symbol of the holiday, which is why people give it to each other so often. How to decorate a bottle of champagne with sweets, we will tell you in this article.

    Sharp decor

    Just a few years ago, making candy bouquets became incredibly popular. It is not surprising that such flowers have become part of the decor and other products. For example, bottles. True, in this case, flowers need to be made several times less, literally 3-7 pieces are enough. How to decorate a bottle We make them insert sweets inside them and use a hot gun to fix this decor on the bottle. You can complement this decoration with thorns made of wrapping paper. We roll up the cones and glue them to the base of the bottle. To somehow combine the composition of flowers and thorns, we make leaves from green translucent paper. We glue them in between the scattered decor. As an additional decoration, you can use spikelets of wheat or any dried flowers.

    A pineapple

    How to decorate a champagne bottle with sweets? It's worth making a pineapple. It is done very simply. A bottle of champagne is wrapped with paper tape. You don't have to, but this step will increase your grip. Now you need to glue the candies in rows. It is advisable to use those sweets that have a golden or yellow wrapper. The candies should be round or square. Layer by layer, glue the sweets to the bottle on a hot gun. You need to stop when the candy hits the neck. Now you need to make the weed. The easiest way to make it is from thick tinted paper. Cut out the strips and sharpen their edges. Using scissors, slightly twist the ends. Now glue the grass to the neck of the bottle with a glue gun. To bring the gift to the guests safe and sound, you need to wrap the bottle in transparent paper and tie it with a beautiful bow.

    A gift for any holiday

    How to decorate a champagne bottle with sweets? You can combine two decor techniques. For example, decoupage a bottle of champagne with bright napkins, and make a wreath of sweets on top. Let's get started. Remove the champagne label using alcohol. We degrease the bottle and use PVA to glue the napkins. If you have never done decoupage before, you can add color to the bottle in a different way. We paint the workpiece with paints on the glass and draw all kinds of patterns on it. The image of lace and snowflakes looks beautiful. Now you need to make a decor from sweets We fold something like a plate out of the wrapping paper. We fix it in this position with hot silicone. Now, in a chaotic manner, fill the plate with sweets, beads, twigs and berries. Naturally, we glue everything. Using a hot gun, we fix the decoration on a pre-prepared bottle.

    Christmas tree

    How to decorate a champagne bottle with tinsel and sweets? Make a Christmas tree out of the alcoholic beverage. It's very simple. Lubricate the bottle with glue and wrap the green tinsel with a snake. We are waiting for the workpiece to dry. Glue colored balls and candies to the tinsel. You can fix them out of order, or you can create regular circles or other geometric shapes. The option looks beautiful when the tree is sustained in one color or at least in one color scheme. As an additional decoration, it is worth sticking ribbons, beads or bells. You can even put on a short garland that runs on batteries.

    Champagne in a box

    Such a gift can be presented to friends or parents at You can decorate a bottle of champagne with candies with your own hands in just an hour. You need a box colored paper, twigs, chocolate and other sweets. The basis of the composition will be a cardboard container. You can do it yourself or take any box that is available in the house and that is suitable in size. We wrap the cardboard with wrapping paper. We attach a bottle of champagne to the center of the box. Why fix it? So that during transportation, the bottle does not move anywhere. We wrap each candy in shiny paper and attach it to the bottom of the box. Together with sweets, you can put it as a decor. The background of the composition will be occupied by a beautifully wrapped chocolate bar and a silver forest. Trees are made from twigs. They are painted white or silver and attached to the bottom of the box. You can stick candy on makeshift trees.

    Decoration with flower

    This decoration method is very similar to the pineapple item. The only difference is that you can use sweets of any color and any shape. You can see a photo of a bottle of champagne decorated with sweets above. What does it take to repeat this idea? We wrap the bottle with paper tape. Starting from the bottom in rows, glue the candies. We stop at the neck of the bottle. Here you need to tie a beautiful bright bow, and also attach artificial flower... It can be created from corrugated paper, and you can put candy inside.

    Bunch of grapes

    How to decorate a bottle of champagne with sweets? You can make a step-by-step decor that repeats the shape of a branch of grapes in just two hours. This requires round candies and gold, green, or purple foil. We unfold the sweets and make a new wrapper for them. When all the candies have acquired the same desired color, we glue them to the bottle. We do this with a hot gun. First we lay out the silhouette of the bunch, and then fill it with sweets. With the second and third layers, add volume to the grape branch. Leaves should be cut out of green paper and inserted between the berries. From colored wire, tendrils characteristic of grapes can be built. A bulky bow should be tied at the base of the bunch.

    Bottle in bucket

    An original gift can be made from scrap materials. How beautiful to decorate a bottle of champagne with sweets? This will require a plastic flower pot. You can immediately take the product in a pretty color or give it the desired shade with paint. When our bucket is ready, we insert a bottle inside it. Glue red sheets of tinted paper to the back of the pot. This wall will perform not only a decorative, but also a practical function, keeping sweets in the bucket. We wrap each candy in wrapping paper and put it in a bucket. The bucket with sweets must be filled with a slide.

    Bottle in a boot

    A gift that has an unusual shape looks original. For example, a bottle decorated to look like a boot. How to make such a present? To do this, from any dense material, plywood, chipboard or plastic, you need to cut the shape of the sole from the boot. It should look like a bob. The bottle of champagne should be glued a little further than the heel. Now you should wrap the sparkling drink in a floral net. It looks beautiful and the decor will easily cling to it. Now let's start decorating. Glue branches of a Christmas tree, moss or any other greenery to the top of the sole. Place candies, balls, beads and berries on it. We decorate the floral net with small candies or colored beads. You can attach colored balls, sweets, or tie a decorative ribbon to the neck of the bottle.

    New Year's decor

    The easiest way to decorate a holiday gift is to attach cones and sweets to it. How to decorate a champagne bottle with sweets? We attach the branches of a Christmas tree to a sparkling drink. They can be artificial or real. Glue two or three cones and 4-5 candies to the center. It is very easy to make bells from sweets. It is enough to attach a small bead to the bottom of the candy. Christmas decorations can be made an interesting addition to the decoration. Moreover, it can be not only balls, but also a figure of Santa Claus or Snow Maiden. It remains to tie a large colored bow next to the spruce branches, and original gift he'll be ready.

    With the arrival of the New Year holidays, each of us wants to surprise our guests with something unusual. At any celebration, special attention is paid to the table and decor elements. And therefore, making pineapple from sweets with your own hands would be an excellent choice. After all, such a craft will become not only an unusual decoration, but can be presented as a delicious gift.

    Pineapple candy

    For making such a valuable gift as a pineapple from sweets, the most suitable various materials... As a basis, you can take bottles of various sizes (plastic, champagne). It is better to take sweets in a round shape, and if there are none, then choose small sizes, with a bright yellow or green wrapper.

    To make pineapple from sweets with our own hands, we need:

    • bottle of the appropriate shape
    • double-sided tape, corrugated paper
    • thin wire
    • candy.

    Cover the bottom of the base with tape.

    Use small pieces of wire to secure the ends together.

    Paste the resulting shape over the bottom.

    Then, starting from the bottom of the bottle, glue the remaining surface of the bottle, sliding the next row half the length of the candy. Aim the tails in different directions - this will fill the void.

    Make a cone out of cardboard or thick paper, reinforce the shape with several layers of double-sided tape. Don't forget there is a hole to attach to the top of the bottle.

    Now take green corrugated paper (as a last resort, it can be thick napkins) and cut out the leaves. It is difficult to determine the approximate amount, it all depends on the shape of the bottle, the cone and your imagination. Glue the leaves starting from the top end.

    And we finish making pineapple from sweets.

    You can also wrap the bottle base in green packaging film, and paste it on top with double-sided tape, then gently attach the candies, hiding the tails with a toothpick or small stick. Pineapple tail can be made from a decorative ribbon called aspidistr. Thus, you will get a wonderful gift that will be appropriate for any feast. You do not have the opportunity to purchase a gift, but you were invited to visit tomorrow - surprise the owners with your own hands.

    DIY pineapple from candies and champagne

    As in other cases, it is better to pick up candies that are flat on one side. It is better to fix them on square pieces of wrapping paper (about one and a half times the size of a candy) or organza with a hot glue gun. Without waiting for the glue to dry, attach the resulting pineapple cell to the bottle. Fold over the bulging edges of the fabric or paper, and glue the next candy in the same way. Make the tail of a wonderful souvenir in the same way as described above. This will create a candy pineapple that will delight all guests.

    Overall, decorating a table with homemade items is very popular. So, you can decorate new Year's table using a Christmas tree made in the same way. You just have to take a bottle of a different shape or even make a cone out of wire or papier-mâché yourself. Every hostess wants to be proud of her ability to decorate the table. With our advice, your meal will certainly be remembered by every guest.

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