• Russian writers. A. S. Pushkin. "Here is the north, clouds catching .... Story "Winter Time" Using the selected words invent the story Winter

    • What other books could you add the exhibition?

    M. Privina "Lisukhan Bread", V. Dragunsky "Denisian stories", A. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

    • Write the name of your favorite Pushkin's fairy tale.

    The tale of Tsar Saltan, about his son's nice and mighty bogatyr Prince Gwidone Saltanovich and about the beautiful princess swans.

    A. S. Pushkin "Here is the north, clouds catching ..."

    • Read the poem again. Drink words that tell about winter.

    Here is the north, clouds catching,
    Got drunk, overwhelmed - and here herself
    There is a wizard winter.
    Came, crumbled; Clokami
    Hung on the bitch oaks;
    Lay down wavy carpets
    Among the fields, around the hills;
    Return Break
    Fired a plump pellena;
    Blushed frost. And we are glad
    Ramazam Mother's winter.

    (From the novel "Evgeny Onegin)

    Wizard is going on, came, crumbled; Cloaks hung on the bitch of oaks; lay down wavy carpets among the fields around the hills; Bregs with a real estate rope focused on a plump pellenium; We are glad to leprosy Mother's winter ...

    • What miracles do the wizard wizard?

    Came, won all the living, snovned the shores with a real river, lay down wavy carpets, clocks hung on the bitches of oaks, pleases with leprosy.

    • Emphasing personification.

    Snowflakes fly spin in the air snowflakes, howl wind, scrace under the roof wind, howls a blizzard, winter has come.

    • AND using selected words, come up with a story "And here and winter ..."

    And here is winter-queen

    So winter came - the magical time of the year. All paths were covered with a white fluffy carpet. He glides under the rays of the sun and pleases the eye.

    In the winter forest quietly and incredibly beautiful. Birds no longer sing. Bears and hedgehog fell asleep before the beginning of winter.

    Mini writing about winter number 2: "Winter came"

    Came a real winter. Calling frost. The whole neighborhood is cast by a snow carpet. The river and pond river and pond are firmly. As if in a fairy tale, shine silver trees.

    We took Sanki and went for a walk to the courtyard. There, the neighbor guys looked a snowy woman. Together, we began to play snowballs. The guys offered to ride on sleds on slippery snow slide. We had a lot of fun!

    Then we were frozen hands, and we ran home. Cold in winter!

    In the evening, a strong blizzard began. The trees were injected and shook. Scary nose on the street show. Good thing we are at home. It's warm and not terrible to us!

    Writing about winter number 3: "Good in winter"

    So winter has come winter. Standing severe frosts, blowing cold wind. The blizzard flew out, the tracks were offended. Fields and hills were covered with fluffy white carpet. Low trees and bushes poured snow.

    And what bizarre patterns decorated frost windows of houses! No wonder it was invented a mystery: without hands, without legs, and it can draw.

    Did you miss the walks. Wait, do not wait when the blizzard ends. Make parents to let go to the courtyard.

    But here is a snowstorm. Punching through high drifts, the kids are happily running to the street. Playing in the snowballs, they throw together a whisk of snow. They donate from hits and fall. Laugh! Brushes are burning like bulk apples, cilia and browsticks.

    After lunch, the children took skis, skates and ran to the pond. Water frozen to a thick layer of ice, it means that you can run ice skating. The kids are rushing on sledding on a smooth snow-covered slide. Teenagers skiing. All fun!

    Good in winter! Beautiful around. Thank you, frost, that snow is hooked.

    Story about winter number 4: "Winter fun"

    Winter came. It is frosty weather. It's cold outside. Trees are facing a snowy frown.

    But children are always fun, especially when a lot of snow. You can fall and wallow in the snow, not afraid to get dirty. Only it is necessary to dress warmly, so as not to climb.

    I put on a ski tracksuit, a jacket, a soul boots. I pulled the fur hat on my head, the woolen scarf tested on the neck. Put on warm mittens. He took new sledges and ran to ride a slide.

    Many children from our yard gathered on the street. We ran to a smooth snow-covered slide, near which there was a slippery rink. There, we rode for a long time on sleds, rank on skates. Baby played in snowballs.

    Then everyone was blinded together. The snow was loose, almost wet, so it was not difficult. The kids were very glad, which also participated in this lesson.

    As it should be, we rolled three snowballs and put them on each other. When the snowman was almost ready, I brought the old bucket from home to put on his head. A neighboring boy made a carrot and stuck it in place of the nose. The eyes of a snowman were two coal, smiling mouth - a little flexible twig.

    Wonderful got a snowman! No worse than in cartoons or pictures. My guys were photographed near him for memory.

    In the evening, the snow went again. We watched the fluffy snowflakes in the air. How beautiful these fragile creatures of nature are beautiful! It turns out that all snowflakes are different, no similar to each other. But this is noticeable only with their attentive consideration.

    Already hemnelted when I returned home. A little tired, frozen and hungry, but very pleased.

    The day succeeded in glory. Good winter fun!

    Writing about winter number 5: "Winter Description"

    Winter - amazing season. Touching the white blanket, nature, as if in a fairy tale, plunged into a long, deep sleep. The wizard-winter fascinated, the forest was blocked. All trees pull to the SIZE of the sky bare crystal branches. Only spruce and pines are green, and the oak did not drop her summer outfit. The foliage of him is only desirable and darkened. The lower branches of oak sketch spread over the paragon. Snow stuck in deep crust wrinkles. Thick barrel as if shouting with silver threads. Missed it seems that it is standing brazing boys in a bronze chain, the All-Forest Silvering. Other trees resist respectfully to give the eldest fellow to turn around in the mighty strength. Wallows the winter wind, shine with bronze foliage a huge and majestic oak, but will not be slide even before the strong storm.

    In winter, familiar landscapes are in a new way. At dusk, he is blue, under the silver rays of the moon, shines mysterious glitter, plays multicolored sparkles. At dawn, snow pose from scarlet dawn. And even familiar forest paints next to the changeable snowy white look differently.

    Winter is different. Only you need to look. She is cold, and with a thaw, fit and drip, snowy and sun. Winter day there is a quiet, frosty and sunny, then gloomy and foggy, then with the upstream of cold wind and a snowy blizzard. And as well as winter morning, early, sick, frost, sun and sparkling snow. And the evening is so long, thoughtful. Nature is as if waiting for the appearance of a magical fairy tale.

    Writing about Winter № 6: "Winter Morning"

    So she came - the long-awaited winter! Going around the frost in the first winter morning! Streets, yesterday, more and autumn are dull, completely covered with burning snow, and the sun ships in it with a blinding glitter. Freaky frost pattern Loe on shop windows and tightly closed windows of houses, the frost covered the branches of the poplars. Whether we look along the street stretched by a flat ribbon, if you look around yourself - everywhere else is the same: snow, snow, snow ...

    Occasionally risening the breeze plots the face and ears, but how beautiful everything around! What delicate, soft smoothly spin in the air! Like neither barbed frost, he is also pleasant. Not for whether we all love winter, that it is just like spring, fills the chest with an exciting feeling.

    All alone, everything is bright in the transformed nature, everything is full of invigorating freshness. So easy breathing and so good in the soul, which is involuntarily smiling, and I want to say in a friendly of this wonderful winter morning: "Hello, winter long-awaited, cheerful!"

    So winter has come. The long-awaited snow fell. Came strong frosts. And most importantly ahead is the most beautiful, magical holiday - New Year. And finally, the winter holidays.

    Magic holiday New Year! All children with a fading of the heart are waiting for Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snow Maiden. They tell them the poems, sing songs, dance, do everything that they know. And most importantly, the whole year is trying to behave well, so that at the end of the year Santa Claus and Snow Maiden performed the most cherished desires. The house is full of laughter, joy and of course sweets, a variety of.

    And now the new year has come. From all sides, congratulations are heard, Fireworks explosions. Children are the happiest. After all, they are the most obedient, the most beloved. And, of course, receive long-awaited gifts. Dreams Come True. The main thing is that this dream is.

    Really want to believe that in this magic night The world has become a little better, cleaner, kinder, lighter and happier.

    New Year passed, but good mood left. Because ahead of the winter holidays. How much do you need to have time to do during these days. And the slide is not late, and visit the rink, and go to the forest.

    Fun ride from the mountain on an iceboard. Who is faster, further comes to the finish. Snow flies from all sides, falling into the face, clogs under the mittens and for the collar. But with him even more fun. On the hill fun and noisy.

    The joyful defector is lying in a fluffy snow. Boys build an ice fortress. Rice huge snow coma. The fortress turns high, powerful. Snowball will begin soon. Girls make a snowbaby. Probably dream how her magic snowball touches and she will come to life. And it will walk through the streets, looking into the windows of houses, shop windows. So you want to believe in a magical fairy tale.

    And we rush to the rink. There are adults and children. Someone is just learning to skate and looks with envy on those who confidently dissect ice. The guys started the game in the cabin. The speed is huge, snow and ice flies from under the skates. Somewhere the music sounds and you want to spin, it is necessary to smack ice. But go boys-hockey players. Now the game will begin. On the rink of all the place is enough.

    How beautiful in the forest in the winter! Fluffy snow on trees, light frost and you get in winter fairy tale. The whole forest is standing as under a big, beautiful blanket. Somewhere in the distance does not stop their important work of the woodpecker. Little firing boxes fly from one bush to another. Occasionally descend on white, pure snow, leaving their tiny traces. But the traces of the hare, which is in a hurry on his affairs.

    In the sun, the snow is even more beautiful. It overflows and sparkles. Each snowflake has its own unique, extraordinary pattern. In the forest quietly and calmly. But the skiers appeared. They also admire this beauty, listens to the winter life of the magic forest.

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