• Means for bathing children. Means for bathing babies: types and tips for use Hypoallergenic bathing gel for newborns


    Bathing a baby is a procedure that should bring joy and pleasure. When in contact with water, tactile stimulation occurs and physical performance improves.

    But a prerequisite, of course, is hygienic manipulations and temperature conditions: both water and ambient air.

    During intrauterine life, the baby was always surrounded by amniotic fluid. After birth, he leaves this environment and goes through the processes of adaptation to new conditions. Therefore, swimming in water is a reminder for him of his “past” life in his mother’s tummy.

    If we talk about the temperature, it is about 37 degrees. If this temperature level increases, the child may overheat or get burned. And, conversely, swimming in cold water can even cause fright in an infant and discourage the desire to swim for a long time.

    The baby's first bath lasts about 10 minutes, so you don't have to worry that the water will have time to cool down.

    Methods for measuring water temperature:

    • thermometer;
    • "elbow method"

    Pharmacies sell many water thermometers in the form of fish that are immersed in a bath. You can also use your own hands. Place your elbow in the water and judge roughly whether the water is hot or cool.

    It should be remembered that the umbilical wound in very small babies has not yet healed and to bathe newborns in the first days of life it is necessary to boil water. This must be done within the first two weeks. To do this, first fill the bath with cold water, then add boiling water to the desired temperature - 36-37 degrees. Be sure to stir the water.

    If your baby overheats, you will notice redness of the skin and lethargy. And, conversely, if the baby is cold, he will clench his fists, cry, and his lips and limbs will turn blue.

    If the child cries during bathing, the procedure should be stopped. Look again at what you are doing wrong.

    The air temperature in the bathroom should be about 23 degrees.

    What do you need to prepare for swimming?

    For water procedures you will need the following items:

    • bath;
    • swimming slide;
    • thermometer;
    • diaper;
    • soft terry towel;
    • children's bathing products.

    Baby bath products

    In modern stores you can find many different kinds of children's shampoos, gels and bath foams. The most widespread is the Johnsons Baby line.

    Bathing foam, especially with lavender oil, has hypoallergenic properties and a calming effect.

    1. Hypoallergenic - the absence of harmful dyes and fragrances that can cause an allergic reaction.
    2. Safety. After all, any child can try the foam “to the teeth.”

    Of course, if it was not a drop of gel, but a whole sip or two, you need to call an ambulance.

    Daria, Moscow, 25 years old:“Johnsons Baby bathing foam suited us, or rather my six-month-old happiness, perfectly. You can purchase a large pink bottle of 500 ml. The price is very reasonable and will last a long time - about 4 months. But, depending on how much you pour it into the bath. For excitable children there is also one with lavender.”

    Children's soap "Eared Nannies", Hipp is also popular among young mothers. The form of its use is also convenient - liquid.

    This soap should not contain fragrances. An essential component is glycerin to soften delicate skin. Always a big plus for soap is the presence of substances of plant origin and a special dispenser for convenient use.

    You can also bathe children in herbal mixtures with thyme, chamomile, and lemon balm. They have a good anti-inflammatory and calming effect. They will provide all possible assistance with diaper rash and hyperexcitability of the baby.

    Natalya, 28 years old:“I bought the “Eared Nanny” hair wash, I thought it would be suitable as a bubble bath, but it wasn’t. Foams mediocre. Great for babies, softens the skin well. No allergic reactions were detected. There is, however, a grape scent, so I wouldn’t recommend it for newborns.”

    PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. For my son I use liquid soap “Eared Nannies”. It foams very well, so to speak, “2 in 1” - both foam and soap. The smell is pleasant and washes off quickly. I have never noticed any allergies, it softens and soothes the skin very well during diaper rash, if any.

    The line of bathing products from the German company Bübchen is also in high demand on the market. But they are a little expensive.

    Nowadays you can find a lot of shampoos, bath foams, and bathing gels for children. But even with such diversity, an individual approach and mandatory consideration of possible allergic reactions are required. What to bathe the baby in is up to the parents to decide.

    Newborn's first bath

    This is the long-awaited moment of discharge from the hospital. You arrived home, and after some time the question arises of how to bathe this small and very fragile bundle of happiness.

    Bathing the baby after the maternity hospital should be done the next day to allow the newborn to adapt to his new room and crib.

    The child should be bathed in his own bathtub. You should choose a bathtub in children's stores, since the product is certified there, and the plastic and other substances from which the bathtub is made will not harm the baby's health when bathing.

    During this procedure, you can use a slide for convenience. There are plastic slides, fabric hammocks, and slides with a metal frame covered with fabric. Special baths with built-in slides are also sold.

    PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. My husband and I enjoyed bathing our baby on a fabric slide with a metal frame. My husband even built it himself. It is more comfortable and softer for a child to lie on fabric than on a plastic backing.

    Rules for bathing a baby

    1. We are preparing a place in the bathroom where it is most convenient to place the bathtub. You can put it on a stool or in a large bathtub.
    2. Let's prepare the water. If the umbilical wound has not healed, then the water should be boiled.
    3. Check to see if there is a mug or small ladle to rinse the baby.
    4. We fill up about a quarter of the bath with water. Check the temperature with a thermometer or elbow. If desired, add foam or herbal decoction.
    5. We put up a slide.
    6. We close the bathroom.
    7. We are preparing the child.
    8. We undress the baby on the changing table. If the room is warm, you can take air baths for a few minutes. Then we swaddle the head, but not tightly.
    9. We carefully place the baby on the slide, monitor the child’s well-being, the color of his skin, and the large fontanel.
    10. First, carefully wash the baby’s arms, legs, body, then the child’s head, trying to protect the eyes from water. At the end, rinse the baby with clean water. Bathing a newborn should begin with five minutes, gradually increasing the amount of time to 15 minutes.

    For more information about the age at which a child should be swaddled, read the article by a pediatrician.

    How to wash a newborn?

    You can wash your child simply with your hand, or with a special washcloth-mitten, which you can buy at a children's store. When choosing a mitten, evaluate the material from which it is made and the smell, so as not to cause an allergy in your child.

    After the child has bathed, he should be wrapped in a dry terry towel and dried with blotting movements. Dress in a vest, romper, or swaddle.

    The baby should be bathed daily for the first 4-5 months, but hair should be washed no more than 2 times a week. In the second half of life, you can bathe every other day.

    Bathing a baby is quite a challenging task. While still pregnant, it will be useful to study the necessary materials on how to properly bathe a newborn baby. Try to involve your husband in this process.

    Helpers will never be superfluous. The baby will feel the care of both parents.

    Olga Nikitina

    Reading time: 13 minutes

    A A

    The health of each newborn baby depends on many factors, including breastfeeding, proper care of the baby, and the environmental friendliness of the chosen cosmetic products. The baby's skin is still too sensitive to external irritants, and even a seemingly not very dangerous component (there is no need to talk about harmful chemicals) can cause severe allergies.

    Therefore, we choose cosmetics for the bathroom carefully - and with passion!

    What do you need to remember when choosing baby cosmetics for bathing newborns?

    In addition to the fact that children's skin is very sensitive, it is also thin. Therefore, the entire “set” of harmful substances, which may consist of bath products from unscrupulous manufacturers, instantly penetrates the skin, after which it accumulates in the baby’s body with all the ensuing consequences.

    Therefore, when choosing children's cosmetics for bathing and washing, you need to remember the following:

    • We buy only certified products - and, preferably, in stores that comply with storage rules and can present a certificate of quality upon request.
    • We check the expiration date and age category. Sometimes, having grabbed a shampoo in a bright bottle from the shelf, mothers only notice the “3+” mark at home. Moreover, “so that the money is not wasted,” this shampoo is used for a baby who has not even started walking yet. Be careful! Age marks are put on packaging for a reason!
    • Let's check the composition. Study in advance (or write down) the list of components that should not be in children's cosmetics, so that later it will be easier to navigate the labels.

    Ingredients that should not be in children's cosmetics:

    1. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES).
    2. Mineral oils (petrochemical products).
    3. Parabens (approx. - propylparaben, methylparaben, butylparaben).
    4. As well as formaldehyde, PEG and

    To avoid mistakes, look for eco-labels on packages.

    Of course, such products will cost an order of magnitude more, but the baby’s health is more important than the 100-200 rubles added for quality and safe composition.

    • ECOCERT(France). Guaranteed absence of harmful components.
    • BDIH(German markings). Present on Weleda and Logon products.
    • Bio-cosmetics – clean and high quality.
    • COSMOS(European certification). For example, Natura/Little Siberica.
    • NATRUE(European certification). Natural and organic cosmetics.

    What bathing products does a newborn need?

    An infant who has just been brought from the maternity hospital, of course, does not need much. Potassium permanganate and soft foam for bathing are enough for him.

    But for a baby a little older than 3 weeks, the range of products is already wider:

    1. Baby soap. You can't do without it after changing a diaper. Also, many mothers give it preference when washing toddlers. Cons: Bar soap is not very convenient for bathing a baby.
    2. Liquid soap for children . It is much more convenient when washing a baby during daily hygiene procedures and is more hygienic in essence (it does not turn sour in a soap dish and is hidden in a bottle from the dirty hands of others).
    3. Baby shampoo . It is customary for a baby to wash his hair at least once a week, and the product for washing the baby’s hair should be as gentle as possible and 100% safe. In addition, the shampoo should not irritate the eyes and have strong fragrances. Remember that the more foaming a shampoo or other bathing product is, the more sulfates it contains, which are responsible for the formation of thick foam. Natural products tend to have extremely low foaming properties.
    4. Bath foam . For newborns, only safe foams are used, which contain extracts of anti-inflammatory or soothing herbs. But you shouldn’t use them more than 1-2 times a week.
    5. Bath foam . An ideal modern product that replaces soap when washing your baby. Mothers choose gentle and light foams for their convenience and quality.
    6. Universal means . Typically, this term refers to a product that is used as a shampoo, gel and bathing foam.

    10 safest bathing products for newborns - list

    The modern list of components used in the production of cosmetic products includes more than 17,000 items. And, alas, the lion's share of them are harmful components of the products that we use without even suspecting the harm we are doing to ourselves. But if you can think about yourself later, then you can’t push the child’s health into the bottom drawer - you need to think about it constantly.

    When choosing cosmetics for your child’s bath, take the time to study the composition.

    In the meantime, here are the safest means for bathing newborns and older babies:

    The list was compiled by the editors of the magazine website after a thematic survey of employees - and solely based on their feedback after practical use when bathing their children.

    • The composition does not contain harmful or even questionable components. Added natural herbal extracts (chamomile, chamomile), as well as chamomile oil. The cost of the product is absolutely affordable - about 40 rubles.
      Mothers speak enthusiastically about this soap, noting the absence of dyes and the hypoallergenic composition. The soap does not dry out children's skin, provides gentle foam, fights redness and pimples, and does not sour in the soap dish. In addition, the product has a mark on the packaging stating that the soap has been tested for hypoallergenicity by the TsNIKVI institution.
    • . Unfortunately, not all products of the Bübchen brand have an ideal composition, so not every product from this brand should be taken “with your eyes closed.” As for this particular shampoo, it is 100% safe.
      In addition to the above components, it also contains vitamin E and provitamin B5. The shampoo is very gentle, smells of natural chamomile, does not sting the eyes, does not cause dandruff or dry skin. Despite the small volume, the product is consumed economically. The average price is about 250 rubles.
    • Completely safe. The composition contains panthenol and shea butter. This hypoallergenic German product smells delicious and gently cleanses the skin, does not cause allergies, and does not dry out the skin.
      True, you won’t see strong foaming from it (there is no SLS in the composition). The average price is about 500 rubles per 400 ml.
    • . A German product that provides delicate and gentle skin care. Ideal soap for skin allergies, dermatitis, etc. Only vegetable oils are used in the composition; there are no harmful components - all this, of course, is reflected in the price. The average price per bar is about 90 rubles. Contains milk proteins and olive oil.
    • The average price of the product is about 280 rubles. There are no chemicals in the product. The composition is perfect and completely safe. Useful components: nettle and burdock extract, juniper and dwarf cedar extracts. The foam is soft and gentle, very economical, and has anti-inflammatory properties. Has an eco-certification mark - COSMOS.
    • . The average cost of the product is about 350 rubles. 100% safe product. The composition contains extracts of soapwort and angelica, Siberian fir and yarrow, and Siberian juniper. The shampoo is very fragrant and gentle, gently but efficiently cleanses the hair, does not sting the eyes, and is easily washed off. If you've been looking for the perfect safe shampoo, this is one of them.
    • . For this pleasure you will have to fork out almost 1000 rubles for a 200 ml bottle. The composition is ideal, there are natural extracts of calendula, thyme and sloe juice.
      The product not only gently cleanses, but also soothes the skin, relaxes, and promotes sound sleep. The product smells very pleasant, has no side effects, and is used economically.
    • . The average cost of 200 ml is about 700 rubles. The composition contains almond and sesame seed oil, calendula and red seaweed extracts. The product is labeled Natrue and BDIH. The shampoo eliminates redness and pimples, does not dry the skin - it moisturizes and retains moisture, and smells aromatic of herbs.
    • For a 100 g block you will have to pay about 400 rubles, but knowledgeable mothers say that it is worth it. The 100% safe composition contains: sea salt, extracts of calendula, chamomile, orris root, rice and malt, violet.
      Coconut and olive oil are used as a soap base. The soap does not cause allergies and does not dry out delicate skin, foams and cleanses well, does not sour, and lasts a very long time.
    • The product is not cheap (about 1000 rubles per bottle), it contains panthenol and avocado extract.
      Cleans gently and gently, cares for the skin, does not sting the eyes, and is suitable for newborn babies.

    To a question bathing babies must be approached with special care. Cosmetic companies have developed a lot of special products to help in this matter, but “traditional medicine” is also widely used. Let's figure out what's better and how to apply it all.

    Herbal decoctions. How and why to use it. Advantages and disadvantages

    Everyone knows about the healing properties of natural products. have always been used and are still relevant today. They help with redness and diaper rash, soothe the skin and are one of the best antiseptics. But there are also disadvantages - allergies. Therefore, before use, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary, and mandatory testing - apply the infusion to a small area of ​​skin and wait 10 minutes. If redness or any other allergic reaction does not occur, you can safely bathe your baby.

    IMPORTANT! Be sure to test your baby to prevent unwanted allergic reactions. If a reaction occurs, consult a doctor immediately; if necessary, call an ambulance!

    What herbs are used most often?

    • Possesses disinfecting effect, helps against inflammation. Most often recommended for girls, as a means for the prevention of gynecological diseases;
    • It is most often used for infants, as it has the mildest properties and helps fight various skin diseases and dermatitis. Possesses antimicrobial effect and enhances water disinfection;
    • Has a similar effect to chamomile, moisturizes the skin and is good antispasmodic, therefore often used during colic.
    • Calming properties This herb has long been known and widely used as a sedative. Water procedures using lavender will provide the baby with a good sleep;
    • Baths will help with them in strengthening the immune system, formation of all body systems;
    • Works great on various skin rashes relieves redness and very calming.

    For the first uses, you need to use a weak solution of one herb. After getting used to it, you can mix the sets and make the bath more saturated.

    IMPORTANT! Before taking a bath with herbal collection, check for allergic reactions to each type of herb with a time interval of at least 3 hours between them!

    Foam, soap or gel for bathing newborns?

    Range of specialized bathing products nowadays it is very extensive. For every taste, budget and individual properties, you can choose the most suitable product. What to choose for your baby?!

    Baby soap– the most necessary component (after water, of course) that is needed for bathing newborn. Without it, washing a child is simply impossible. But you can replace a bar of soap with various modern means - liquid soap, gels or foam.

    Advantages gels and foams is that they are more comfortable, are consumed less and are sold in beautiful and bright bottles that can become additional toys.

    The choice must be taken very responsibly and pay attention to various factors:

    • The lid should be easy to open and close, but at the same time be very durable;
    • The product must have a neutral Ph, be hypoallergenic, and do not contain dyes or preservatives;
    • Try to use a line from one manufacturer;
    • Be sure to check the expiration date;
    • Buy everything at pharmacies or specialty stores.

    It is worth noting that gels for children can be used almost from birth, and foam no earlier than 6 months.


    Parents often have the question: “How to choose Shampoo for a newborn? We answer, - It must contain the mildest surfactants (surfactants), be hypoallergenic and safe. It is not necessary to use shampoo from the very first days of life, since children’s soft and delicate hair can be easily washed with soap or gel. When the need arises, you need to select a shampoo based on your doctor’s advice and personal preferences.


    Of course, when choosing the right one bathing products for newborns you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. On the goods market you can find both domestic and foreign products. The most popular ones may not always be the most reliable, so in any case you need to read the composition and pay attention to the components.

    We have compiled a list of the most popular manufacturers that most often appear in requests and comments on the forums:

    "Bubchen"– a German manufacturer of herbal cosmetics and unique developments, which is very popular;

    "Mustela"– more than 60 years in the market of goods for children. Passes all necessary quality checks, constantly modernizes the composition and assortment;

    Johnson & Johnson is a world-famous chain of cosmetics for children and adults. Consistently high-quality products are in constant demand;

    "Weleda"– a manufacturer of natural cosmetics for almost 100 years. Quality and the latest technology are combined with the preservation of historical recipes;

    "Eared Nanny" is a Russian company producing cosmetics for children. Uses modern technologies and constantly expands its range;

    "My Sunshine"– hypoallergenic products for children, made from natural ingredients.


    After bathing the child you need to wipe it right away towel And lubricate suitable cream or milk. It is necessary to select the most appropriate one in terms of age and composition. The more natural ingredients are present in the cream, the better; the baby’s delicate skin requires special care and additional moisturizing.

    Be sure to pay attention to the following effects:

    • the cream should moisturize the skin;
    • eliminate inflammation and redness;
    • eliminate peeling;
    • have a nourishing effect.


    For additional protection of baby's skin from diaper rash the most sensitive parts of the body need additional treatment powder. These are elbow folds, cervical and axillary folds. Properly selected and natural powder will absorb excess moisture and protect the skin from irritation.

    IMPORTANT! Most often, powder is used in the summer, when babies sweat a lot. Don’t forget to treat your baby’s delicate skin on time to avoid diaper rash!

    A child's skin differs in many ways from an adult's skin. Firstly, the number of sebaceous and sweat glands in children is greater than in adults. Therefore, improper care of a child’s skin can lead, for example, to heat rashes in case of overheating or to the appearance of seborrheic crusts on the skin.

    Secondly, a child’s skin is 3 times thinner than an adult’s skin and has more capillaries. Consequently, the ability to absorb harmful substances in children's skin is much higher.

    Thirdly, until six months of age, melanin is practically not formed in a child’s skin, so it is practically not protected from ultraviolet radiation.

    Children's skin is very thin, permeable to toxic and dangerous substances, its protective function is lower, therefore it is necessary to correctly and very carefully approach the choice of children's cosmetics, carefully read their composition and first test the allergic effect on a small area of ​​skin, first on yourself, and only then on the child.

    Despite these differences, there is one feature that is common to both children's and adult skin. The fact is that today scientists have proven that the upper layer of the epidermis performs a kind of protective function of the body. It contains beneficial acidic bacteria that can increase the overall immunity of the body. When we use ordinary soap, we create an alkaline environment, which is detrimental to these “good” bacteria. Therefore, it is important not only to maintain hygiene and wash thoroughly, but also to restore the natural bacterial (acidic) environment of our skin. Children, due to the thinness of their skin, contain significantly less beneficial bacteria, which is why it is so important to choose the right product for washing children's skin.

    Of course, no one cancels hand washing with tar or toilet soap. However, when you have to choose what product to wash your child’s body with, you should pay special attention to its composition and foaming ability.

    It’s worth saying right away that the days are gone when there was nothing on store shelves except potassium permanganate and baby soap. It has long been shown that bathing a child in potassium permanganate dries the skin and kills the natural microflora of the epidermis, which will take about 5 hours to restore.

    Regular baby soap is generally not recommended for washing children under one year of age. It is based on a well-known chemical compound glycerol. And, although we have been assured for many years that it is an effective moisturizer, modern research shows that glycerin forms a thin film, and vice versa, takes water from the skin, bringing it to the surface. Thus, it wets only the stratum corneum of the epidermis, which does not need to be moisturized. In addition, in the production of ordinary soap, the process of saponification of fats with alkali is used, the remnants of which are practically not removed from the product. An alkaline environment is extremely undesirable for children's defenseless skin.

    There are dangerous components of substances that children's cosmetics should not contain (this list should be printed and carried with you in your bag so that it is always with you when purchasing):

    • Sodium lauryl or laureth sulfate - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (ALS), Ammonium Laureth Sulfate (ALES) are the main substances responsible for good foam. It is used in very high concentrations in the manufacture of shampoos, gels and liquid soap. In another way, such substances are called surfactants. They are able to completely destroy the protective layer of “good” acid bacteria and remain on the skin for a long time, thereby penetrating the body through the capillary system.
    • essential oils(strong allergen for children).
    • mineral oils(can be designated as: paraffin, Paraffinum, Mineraloil, Petrolatum, Vaseline) - products of petroleum refining. Very cheap components and therefore common in cosmetics. They do not allow children's skin to breathe and can cause irritation. Vaseline is recommended to be used only to moisturize keratinized parts of the body.
    • parabens- although these components are in last place in the composition of cosmetics, their carcinogenic effect has already been scientifically proven.
    • diethanolamine (DEA)– foam stabilizer. It is this substance that is responsible for how long the product will foam. This chemical is not a carcinogen, but during use it can form the dangerous compound nitrosadiethanolamine (NDEA), which has a very good penetrating effect. Recent studies have found that nitrosodiethanolamine causes stomach cancer. Therefore, bad foam is a sign of good quality cosmetics (by the way, this also applies to adult cosmetics).
    • Triethanolamine (TEA)– a toxic substance that can accumulate in the skin.
    • Formaldehyde- this substance is now very cleverly disguised under the guise of the following components: DMDM, hydantoindiazolidinylurea, Imidazalidolurea, Sodiumhydroxymethylglycinate, quaternium-15, N-(Hydroxymethyl)glycinemonosodiumsalt. Formaldehyde is a carcinogen that can cause your child to develop asthma, as it greatly irritates the mucous membranes of the throat and nose.
    • Propylene-Glycol, PEG, PEG- obtained from petroleum products. Just like glycerin, it binds moisture and displaces it from the skin, and can cause severe allergic reactions. PEG is used in children's cosmetics in very high concentrations, so be careful with it, it can cause disruption of the liver and kidneys.
    • Glycerine.
    • Diethylene dioxide - can be designated in cosmetics as: 1,2-Dioxane (dioxane), ethoxylated alcohols, polysorbates. A strong carcinogen that can accumulate and lead to death in high concentrations.
    • Triclosan– an antibacterial component that can destroy bacteria, including “good” sour ones. When triclosan reacts chemically with chlorine from tap water, it forms a toxic substance - chloroform.
    • Hydroxyanisole - BHA (butylatedhydroxyanisole), BHT (butylatedhydroxytoluene)– a very common component in cheap cosmetics, prohibited in the European Union. It is unsafe for the immune system and respiratory system.

    Many of these substances are allowed in our country, so be careful when choosing products.

    How to bathe a child?

    At the moment, the safest means for bathing children is a special bathing foam. Moreover, there are both budgetary Russian funds and expensive foreign ones. Bathing foam should have a light consistency and produce a small, unstable foam. You can apply it to a sponge or add it directly to water. It is better for the foam to be white rather than opaque. Don't confuse baby bubble bath with adult bubble bath. It is highly undesirable to wash children under 10 years of age with such products. If you still doubt the choice of the right detergent, give preference to natural plant extracts - calendula, string, yarrow, chamomile. Herbs from the middle zone are quite cheap and are sold in pharmacies in the form of filter bags. It is enough to brew one such packet for a baby bath.

    Choosing a safe baby shampoo

    One of the rules for choosing baby shampoo is that it does not contain the “bad” components listed above, as well as any harsh surfactants (for example, lauretes and lauryls).

    The opinion that the smaller the composition of the detergent, the better in today's conditions is incorrect. The fact is that it is easier and cheaper for the manufacturer to pour one hard surfactant than to select and add certain concentrations of soft, more expensive surfactants. The combination of two or three surfactants in the composition of the products is considered the safest and indicates the good quality of the product (this also applies to adult cosmetics).

    Baby shampoos should not contain bright dyes or have a strong smell.
    Shampoos with a “tear-free” label are considered the best. This inscription just means that the product does not contain harsh surfactants.

    A child from three years old can use shampoos and foam with mild surfactants, for example, any glucosides, polyglycosides sodium cocoylisethinate, Sodiumcoco-sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine (betaine), Decylpolyglucose, Cocamidopropyl sulfobetaine (sulfobetaine), Sodium sulfosuccinate (sulfosuccinate), Glythereth Cocoate.

    Baby moisturizing body milk

    Interestingly, many parents do not use baby moisturizing milk after bathing their child, and believe that the less “chemicals” used, the better.

    It is important to understand that no matter what mild bathing agent you choose, in combination with tap water it will still dry out and reduce the body's natural protective function. Therefore, it is very important to moisturize and protect children's skin after bathing, to restore the natural protective acidic layer of “good” bacteria. And here baby milk comes to the rescue after bathing, which has the pH necessary specifically for children's skin. From the age of three, you can choose baby milk together with your child, taking into account his wishes for texture and smell. The choice of funds for children under three years of age rests entirely with their parents.

    What are the requirements for baby moisturizing milk?

    • it should have a liquid texture
    • absorb quickly
    • appropriate for the child’s age (indicated on the package)
    • have an expiration date on the packaging
    • be odorless or with a slight aroma
    • the composition must not contain prohibited substances
    • be hypoallergenic

    Here is the composition of the most common baby milk in Russian stores.

    Compound: Aqua, Glycerin (glycerin), Paraffinum Liquidum (mineral oil), Stearyl Alcohol (alcohol), Glyceryl Oleate (glycerol derivative), Carbomer, Caprylyl Glycol (alcohol), Ceteareth-6, p-Anisic Acid (acid), Sodium Citrate, Citric Acid, Sodium Hydroxide (lye), Parfum.

    As you can see, 60% of the components are toxic and dangerous substances. Therefore, when choosing children's cosmetics, you must pay attention to the composition. It is also worth giving preference to unadvertised Russian brands, their cost is lower than foreign cosmetics, and the quality is no worse.

    Diaper cream

    Although diaper cream is not a mandatory means of baby hygiene, many mothers simply cannot imagine changing diapers without it. In fact, this is correct. Let's remember what was said above. On the skin there are not only “bad” bacteria, but also “good” acidic ones. Now remember how often you wash your child, thereby washing away the natural bacterial layer. Diaper cream helps restore this protective layer and prevents diaper rash.

    Be sure to leave your baby without diaper, powder, or air cream for 10-15 minutes while changing diapers.


    As discussed at the beginning of the article, the sweat glands in children are located quite close to the surface of the skin and there are many of them, which is why diaper rash and heat rash often occur under the diaper as a result of overheating. The role of the powder is to dry the skin and cool it thanks to particles that can absorb excess sweat. The composition of ordinary baby powder is very simple - talc, which is obtained by finely grinding natural stone.

    In recent years, research into talc has shown that it is a toxic substance. When inhaled, talc can settle in the lungs and urinary system and remain there for almost a person’s entire life, which can lead to tumors of the reproductive system.

    At James Duke Research University, USA, it was proven that high fever in children, convulsions, coughing and vomiting occur as a result of talc poisoning. Such poisoning can even lead to coma.

    The safest are considered organic powders based on herbal powders, rice starch or oats, which do not contain talc and parabens.

    In addition, there are powders in the form of liquid talc or cream; they do not generate dust when used and cannot be inhaled.

    At home, instead of powder, you can use corn starch or rice flour obtained by grinding rice in a coffee grinder. It is not recommended to use powders in the first three months of a child's life. It is important to remember that when changing a diaper, you cannot use both cream and powder at the same time. For severe skin irritation, it is best to use diaper cream.

    The baby is born defenseless and helpless. The parents' task is to help his little body go through the difficult process of adaptation. It is especially important to care for children's skin, which is so delicate and thin, and therefore extremely sensitive. For newborn children, special children's cosmetics are being developed to preserve the natural skin barrier and increase its protective powers.

    Inexperienced mothers can get lost in the variety of products for babies and buy a lot of unnecessary, or even completely useless. Before you bother purchasing baby cosmetics for newborns, you need to familiarize yourself with the selection criteria.

    Making the right choice

    What cosmetics should I buy for my baby? The question is very important, because we are talking about the health of a little man. Therefore, we do not point our fingers at the sky, but study the important points of choice.

    Enemies of quality cosmetics

    • dyes;
    • silicones;
    • animal fats;
    • Vaseline, paraffin – petroleum products;
    • parabens (although their harmfulness has not yet been proven, it is better to choose products marked free paraben);
    • sulfates SLS and SLES ¬ – these surfactants should be avoided;
    • If cosmetics for newborns contain substances such as silicone (silicones), formaldehyde (formaldehyde), sulfate (sulfates) and various compounds with them, then you should not buy it.

    Important requirements for children's cosmetics:

    • The components must be natural, hypoallergenic, non-toxic.
    • The full composition of the components included in the cosmetic product must be printed on the packaging.
    • The product must have a quality certificate.

    Certification is a kind of “quality mark” for a product. Eco-labeled cosmetics are guaranteed to be of high quality.


    • ECOCERT: products are 100% free of any harmful substances (dyes, silicones, emulsifying agents, mineral oils, fragrances, fatty alcohols, propylene glycol, etc.).
    • BDIH: products with this quality mark are made without GMOs, they do not contain petroleum products, fragrances, dyes, and only beeswax can be found from components of animal origin.
    • ICEA: products with this certificate are strictly standardized. All ingredients in cosmetics are environmentally friendly, all have certain requirements, and there are no prohibited or harmful components.
    • COSMOS (COSMetic Organic Standard) includes several other significant European certification schemes and combines them into a single standard, which, by the way, is the most stringent regarding the quality of cosmetics. There are 2 levels of certification here: ORGANIC and NATURAL. The packaging will bear a primary certification label (for example, BDIH or ICEA).
    • NATRUE: this sign on the packaging indicates that the cosmetics are guaranteed to be natural.

    Cosmetics for newborns

    Now that we have figured out the quality and safety of cosmetics for babies, it’s time to understand which cosmetics are suitable for newborns in the first place, and what you can wait to buy.

    So, the set of care products for a newborn includes:

    Wet wipes

    Many pediatricians teach parents that infants up to 3-4 weeks old do not need any cosmetics. Moreover, such little ones cannot yet be bathed, and it is not particularly recommended to take them outside. Babies are washed with clean running water from the tap, and this is often enough. Soap, shampoo, creams and other products can be used a little later.

    Wet wipes are a must for caring for a newborn. They “save” not only on a walk or on a trip, but also at home when the baby gets a little dirty.

    But as for wet wipes, they are indispensable. The baby burped, got his hands dirty, you couldn’t wash him clean (very important for young parents) or you have nowhere to wash him (you’re at the dacha, on the road, there’s no water) - use a napkin. And of course, it’s impossible to do without napkins when going for a walk.


    • You should only buy wipes that do not contain alcohol. Alcohol can cause drying of the skin, which will lead to irritation.
    • Do not use napkins instead of water treatments. The child must be washed with water. No matter how high-quality the wipes are, they can still cause irritation. Treat them as a handy tool designed to make your life easier.

    Diaper cream or lotion

    Whether or not to buy this product depends on what kind of diaper you are going to use. Some premium diapers already contain moisturizing body lotion (for example, Pampers Active Baby or Pampers Premium Care). Sun Herbal Phyto-diapers also do not require special cream. If your choice is a more budget-friendly option, then it is better to purchase diaper cream to protect your baby's skin.

    If your baby's skin turns red and breaks out under the diaper, you will need a special diaper cream that reduces the irritation.

    As a rule, such a cream or lotion has a drying effect, so its analogue can be regular talc or baby powder.
    Oil for newborns

    Oil for newborns should be in the arsenal of cosmetic products. It will be needed for massage, to soften dry and rough areas on the skin. It is good to wipe the bottom and folds on the legs with oil after washing the baby.

    Another remedy that a newborn will need from the very first days of life. It can be used for massage, and after bathing procedures, wipe the folds on the arms and legs. Oil is good for softening rough and chafed areas (folds between the legs). It is indispensable for dryness and flaking.


    • Buy baby oil with a gentle, pleasant scent. A pungent aroma indicates the presence of fragrance.
    • The texture should not be very greasy.
    • Oils should not be overused; use them only when necessary, because the baby’s skin “breathes” pores, and excess cosmetics clog them.


    Many mothers believe that using shampoo at such a tender age is not necessary: ​​“less chemicals - less allergies”, “there’s nothing left to wash” - these are their main arguments.

    However, don’t rush to give up shampoo! Modern pediatricians and therapists are confident that caring for children's hair at a very early age is a guarantee of their beauty and health in the future.

    When washing your hair, you not only wash away dirt, fat and dead cells, but also massage, heal and nourish your skin and hair (of course, provided you use a quality shampoo).

    You will need shampoo a little later - after 1 month. This is an important product for caring for your baby’s hair, and don’t look at how much hair he still has.


    • Shampoo should be used no earlier than when the baby is 3 weeks old, or even later. The skin on its head is very thin and can be easily injured.
    • Even high-quality shampoos are applied in microscopic doses and no more than once a week.


    Until 5-6 months, the baby still does not sweat, does not get dirty with food, does not crawl on the floor, where he can get his hand into dust and dirt. During this period, you can do without soap.

    You will be able to fully use soap after about six months. You should choose one that does not contain aggressive substances. You don't need allergies! You can use regular soap (bar), liquid and cream soap.

    The choice of soap should be very careful, since this is a product that the child will use much more often than others.

    It is better if the soap contains emollients (lanolin, glycerin, oils, etc.) and nutrients (wax, honey), as well as anti-inflammatory additives (eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, etc.).


    • It is very good if the chosen soap is used by the whole family. This will help avoid allergic reactions upon contact with the baby.

    Body milk

    Moisturizes and protects baby's skin after bathing. The milk has a liquid consistency, so it is easily absorbed and quickly restores the water-fat balance of the skin.

    Body milk (unlike cream) usually has a liquid consistency, is absorbed well and quickly, and does not make the skin greasy. If your baby's skin is not too dry and flaky, then it is better to choose milk.


    • Before purchasing, be sure to read what age the product is for (0+ or ​​6 months+).
    • For newborns, choose milk without a strong aroma: if it irritates the baby, the child will not be able to sleep and will be nervous.

    Bathing gel

    Gel differs from soap in that it is softer and more nourishing, and better moisturizes the skin due to the addition of various useful additives to its composition. It is made on the basis of vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, palm, etc.). Thus, the gel is less aggressive, but at the same time it washes away dirt just as well as soap.

    When choosing what to bathe a baby with - soap or gel - many mothers lean towards gel. It is softer and enriched with beneficial additives that make the skin soft and velvety.


    • Children under 5 years of age should not be washed with antibacterial gels - they dry out the skin very much.
    • Before first use, the gel should be checked for an allergic reaction, for which a small amount is applied to any area of ​​the skin. If the skin does not turn red or begin to peel, then the product is suitable for you.

    This is not all the cosmetics for children that are offered in stores. However, this is the most necessary thing. If you wish, you can include in the list such products as body cream (for nutrition, relieving redness and inflammation, eliminating peeling), bath foam, protective (from the sun), anti-inflammatory and wound-healing cosmetics.

    Manufacturers you can trust

    There are a lot of brands that produce children's cosmetics. But good manufacturers can be counted on one hand. Let's recalculate.

    TOP 5 best brands

    1. Weleda (Germany) is the best you can choose for your baby: safe ingredients, high quality production. Natrue and BDIH certified and that's it. Of the minuses - expensive.
    2. Little Siberica (Siberia) is a children's line of the Natura Siberica brand. This Siberian company managed to obtain European certification, which indicates the high quality of its products and absolutely harmless composition. Indeed, in the composition of cosmetics in this series you will see only natural ingredients. And the price is not bad, although in order to maintain its lower limit, the company had to save on packaging. It should be noted that not all Little Siberica products are certified (certification is given not to the entire line, but to each product separately). If the product is certified, there will be a mark on the bottle - COSMOS-Standard organic.
    3. Sanosan (Germany). The main advantage of this company's products is that they are made with vegetable oils, not mineral ones. But there is also a minus - it contains parabens.
    4. Bubchen (Germany). The cosmetics of this company are quite widespread; they combine good quality and an adequate price. It is worth noting here that Bubchen produces many lines, and not all of them are of high quality and safe. Without a doubt, you can only take products from the “From the First Days” series. They do not contain a single harmful component.
    5. Pigeon (Japan). Japanese cosmetics are quickly conquering the world. In Russia it is also becoming more and more popular. Pigeon cosmetics are declared to be of high quality and safe for children's skin. In general, this is true, but there is a minus: in the composition you will find TEA (triethanolamine can cause allergies, dry skin), parabens and compounds with sulfates. If you want to save money (Japanese cosmetics are quite expensive), then choose a product in soft packaging.

    Look for your remedy

    It is not always easy to answer the question of which cosmetics are the best, because everyone is different. The use of even the highest quality product cannot guarantee that any of its natural components will not cause allergies. Therefore, advice: if this or that product suits you, continue to use it, do not change it. In this age of allergies, any experiments with cosmetics can be expensive. Take care of your children's health!

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