• How to learn information. How to learn material in one day. Sliding on the waves of memory


    Each person in his life went through a certain stage when it was necessary to learn something. Everyone starts with kindergarten, then school, institute, advanced training courses and much more. Let's analyze in this article how to learn notes or any other assignments correctly.

    It's not a secret for anyone that while studying, everyone has to learn some information, and then take exams or tests. But the problem is that not always, it turns out, to remember certain material. Let's talk about how to teach better. After all, as in other areas, here, too, you need to know some rules. And not only to know, but also to follow them.

    Memorization methods

    • First of all, motivate yourself. You need to come up with some kind of reward that awaits you in case of successful completion of the case. Mentally draw a situation in which you stand in front of the examiners and answer all the questions with a confident voice.
    • Choose a specific time to study and try not to be distracted by anything. Let personal life, problems and worries fade into the background. Focus only on your goal. Don't give in to any temptation.
    • After all the necessary conditions for preparation are accepted, you can start studying.
    • In order to remember information, it must be comprehended and understood. Remember, you don't need to cram. It is better to simply understand and process all the given material. If you tell the teachers all the material in your own words, then he will understand that you did not memorize the topic of midnight, but really analyzed it and understood it.
    • Please note that it is best to study the material in the evening or in the morning. But do not forget about the breaks between studies. While relaxing, you can listen to music, watch a comedy film, read a magazine.
    • Remember that the brighter an important piece of information stands out against the background of another, the better. For convenience, you can highlight all the important aspects with a marker of a different color.
    • Many schoolchildren are interested in how to learn exam tickets correctly. First of all, you need to learn one simple truth, do not teach selectively, but start from the first page and go to the end. Read the question first, then the theory, and so on several times. A day after you have learned a certain ticket, try to answer it from memory. If you decide to write cheat sheets, then write. Since all the material does not fit on tiny pieces of paper, you will need to highlight the most basic. Thus, whether you like it or not, remember what you wrote anyway.

    Several conditions for successful memorization

    • Many people say that they just have a bad memory and therefore cannot remember this or that material, but this is not true. You just need to show interest in what you need to learn.
    • If feelings “penetrate” in the material, then it is very easy to remember. For example, poems about unrequited and unrequited love, a funny ballad, etc.
    • A very important condition for successful memorization is, of course, the understanding of the information that needs to be learned. If you do not understand the idea that the material carries, then you will not learn it, but memorize it. As a result, you will not learn something new that will stick in your memory, but you will forget everything that you have memorized in just a couple of days.
    • You need to set yourself a goal to learn this material. Convince yourself that this is important to you and useful to you in life. Then everything learned will certainly be remembered. If you teach only in order not to get a deuce, then the information is not assimilated.
    • In order to better remember the rules, you need to disassemble them yourself and come up with examples. When a person combines memorization with activity, the result is much better.
    • Perseverance is also very important. By persevering and bringing what you started to the end, you will achieve a lasting and complete memorization.
    • When preparing for an exam, cramming should be avoided. It is better to systematize all knowledge. First of all, try to retell the read text in your own words and remember the most important points. On the exam, it is for them that your memory will “cling”. After all, remembering some date, you will tell about all the accompanying events that it entails.
    • Don't miss a single pre-examination consultation.
    • A balanced and nutritious diet plays a very important role. The impending exams are not a hindrance to a hearty lunch. Quite the opposite. Feeling hungry, you will not be able to fully concentrate on your studies and will be constantly distracted by something. Don't go on a diet during exams. Exams are already stressful for your body, and then there's the diet. Experts also recommend avoiding the use of energy drinks. They are not only ineffective, but also very harmful to the stomach. Moreover, after them comes a decline in strength.
    • You should not lead a sedentary lifestyle. Better go in for sports. Do exercises every morning, go to the pool or go for a run. This way you relieve stress. Experts have found that physical activity greatly affects the state of mind in general.
    • Before exams, you do not need to set yourself up for the bad. If you are worried, then do not ask classmates who have already passed how everything went. This will only make you more nervous. It is better to repeat the learned material. Enter the classroom with confidence. Having pulled out a ticket, do not panic even when you forgot something. Just sit down and get ready to go. Rewrite the questions and try to answer them from memory. Start answering the question that seems easiest to you. Outline your answer. Then move on to the next questions.

    Now you know how best to learn any material. Whether it's exam tickets or just a love poem. This will allow you to master knowledge without spending a lot of time on it. We wish you good luck!

    People joke: "The only thing we really 'learn' in school is how to memorize information." If you ask ordinary passers-by on the street how to quickly memorize things, most of them will probably tell you: "Repetition is the mother of learning!" As it turned out, they are very far from the truth.

    Below are 9 universal steps to mastering the art of memorization.

    Before we begin, you need to figure out what type of learner you are: an auditory, visual, or experiential learner? If you are best at absorbing information by ear, then the most effective way for you to understand and remember is to hear. As you might guess, visual learners are better at remembering what they see, while experiential types learn from events and experiences. Most of us are a combination of at least two of these categories. And we will designate which method of memorization is the most beneficial for your learning style.

    Step 1: Preparation

    To optimize the memorization process, pay close attention to what environment you are in. For most people, this means choosing a location with few distractions. Although some people can easily speed up the process of absorbing information in public places. Once you figure out what is the ideal environment for your learning, you can get started.

    Next, have a cup of tea. Scientific studies confirm that green tea is a natural catalyst for improving memory.
    Mechanically speaking, our ability to reproduce information comes down to the strength between the neurons in our minds that are connected by synapses. The more you train the synapses (by repeating), the stronger the resulting memory capacity will be.

    As we get older, toxic chemicals damage our neurons and synapses, leading to memory loss and even Alzheimer's disease. Green tea contains substances that block toxins and keep your brain working properly for much longer.

    Step 2: Make an audio recording of what you want to remember

    This is especially useful if you are trying to memorize information from a lecture. Use a voice recorder to keep track of all acquired facts and listen to the audio recording at home. If you're trying to memorize the words, write them down while you read aloud and replay them several times in a row. Obviously, this is the most useful way for auditory learners. The audio recording ensures that you get more context from the lecture, which in turn helps you learn the material much faster.

    Step 3: Write down the information on paper

    Before you begin, try to remember the information yourself, and then write it down in your notebook and rewrite it again. This will help you become more familiar with the material you are trying to remember. While recording, listen to your tape recorder at the same time - this way you can save more data and small facts.

    This method of memorization will be most effective for experiential learners.

    It goes in one ear and out the other. Familiar situation? Oh, how great it would be to take and remember the necessary information from the first time ... I decided to see what His Majesty the all-knowing OK Google says about this. What is the best way to remember? And, alas, some of the advice made my eyebrows clench in surprise. For example, shout out the memorized text loudly. Or walk constantly while reading and memorizing. Or sit meditating for hours to get in tune with the universe...

    I'm not against all this. And I think meditation is a wonderful tool, and movement really helps memorization. But... I imagine a picture of you preparing for an exam for several days in a row, shouting for several hours a day a textbook on quantum physics or management. So you can completely lose your voice. Meditation is also good, but as an opportunity to tune in to memorization or give the brain time to assimilate and retain what has been memorized. However, if you do not remember, then there will be nothing to keep.

    I want to talk about ways to better remember information. My personal work. What I have tested in practice.

    How to remember better: create an incentive for yourself

    Nothing increases the speed and accuracy of memorization like our personal interest in the material being studied. You, I think, have often come across the fact that if you are interested, then remembering or studying a fact is not difficult.

    This is the basic mechanism of our involuntary memory: what is interesting equals what is important. What is important, it is necessary to remember and the brain itself remembers.

    How can it be used?

    If you need to remember something that at first glance seems uninteresting, create yourself motivation and interest. If this is a large block of information, an academic discipline, then first find out what is interesting in this area?

    The latest developments, products, secrets, maybe secrets? For example, studying boring sections of physics can be interesting in that you learn the basics that calculate the most complex space launches of the most advanced satellite, or you learn the basics that will then allow you to understand how sensitive sensors are built in the most intelligent autonomous robots.

    Find out what practical interest this or that training can bring to you. And in the near future. Perhaps a boring study of tax legislation will allow you to start advising businessmen you know about taxes right now, which will allow you to create additional income. Money is one of the most powerful motivators.

    It is difficult to give complete advice on how to create motivation for yourself, because each of us has our own interests, motives. Look for interesting things for yourself.

    How to remember better: create images

    A small educational program. The fact is that our brain operates with images. Think: images. We think in images. Often visual, slightly less auditory, tactile. Mankind has created a lot of symbolic information: texts, numbers, diagrams, graphs. All this makes up a large part of our daily intellectual activity. And figurative memory is the fastest. Yes, we can memorize both numbers and logical connections, but much slower, in a smaller volume and harder than images. So why not take advantage of the fastest memory?

    How to memorize images

    Try to translate everything that you need to remember into images (pictures in your head). Before your presentation, present the key points of your report with bright pictures with a plot.

    Live the text of the educational material, imagine it in your imagination. If you're studying biology, imagine all the insects and cockroaches, all the leaf veins. If this is mathematics, then think of graphs as objects that can move along the trajectory of this graph. Imagine a parabola as a ball flying up. Sinusoid like a bat. Visualize the law and formulas, provisions and principles, theorems - everything that is possible.

    If you are dealing with numbers, then you represent certain objects behind the numbers: a box of oranges is 50, a truck of oranges is 1000.

    Come up with your own figurative designations for frequently used symbols. For example, I often have to deal with chemical equilibrium. I think of it as a pan scale. I see how these scales shift to one side if something happens in the system. I know people who imagine the current in the wires as rivers flowing along their channels. Enstein imagined himself as a photon flying at the speed of light. Some biologists walk inside cells, walk through mitochondria, unravel DNA in the nucleus.

    It's nice to study the material like this, isn't it? Yes, at first it may seem unusual, you need to stir up your brains.

    I agree, it's not always easy in the beginning. But if you develop a habit, then automatically every complex text will be drawn like a movie in your head. And the quality of memory will be on top.

    How to remember better: tell someone

    Many people know about this method how to remember it well and quickly. You just need to retell. And know what needs to be said. An even greater effect occurs when you not only need to tell, but also make a favorable impression. For example, you are presenting a business idea, the results of which decide whether there will be investments in your project. In this case, the motivation to memorize facts is very high.

    How to use this method in practice:

    Create conditions for yourself in which you would need to speak in front of an audience. It could be your family and friends. If this is not a motivating factor, then speak in front of an unfamiliar audience.

    Create a video blog for yourself on a specific topic (Youtube for help) and regularly record videos around your study tasks. The need to regularly cover issues in the topic of your blog will make you a real expert.

    Enter charitable educational lectures for schoolchildren, open lectures for the public. There is no more effective way to understand the topic and remember it, how to study the topic and clearly tell it to children or grandmothers.

    We studied the topic - recorded a video, told people. A little lazy, right? But you have no idea how much it increases the quality of memorization. So the choice is yours.

    How to remember information better: apply

    Tell me, would you learn to ride a bike or swim only from books? I doubt.

    We remember most of all what we do. Therefore, whatever you wish to keep in your memory, first bring it to life. Exactly: apply first, before memorizing.

    This method is applicable in order to better remember words, read text, action algorithms, even numerical data. And much of what we need.

    • If you need to remember the algorithm of actions, then just do it several times (Of course, peep, do not remember it by heart yet). Let it be conditional attempts. Let's say you need to memorize an algorithm for working with a computer program. Go to the program and, while following the prompts, go through the algorithm.
    • If you need to remember a route, conditionally move around your room in small steps, imagining the road and making turns as necessary.
    • If you need to know the sequence of points in your oral presentation, tell it as if in front of a real audience.
    • If you need to know the method of solving problems, solve these problems using this method, with a hint and peeping. Just don't act like a cheating schoolboy. Feel free to look at the examples.
    • If you are participating in training, then it is pointless to memorize. Large arrays of information poured into you will fly out of your memory instantly. Put into practice what you want to remember. Website creation training - make a website right away, relationship training - apply practices.

    Obviously? Yes. But we often do not use them, but only read or watch. remember, that memory for actions is the strongest.

    Once again: take it and immediately do what you learn. Otherwise, you will not be able to remember what you read or heard better.

    Let the first experience be not the most successful, this is not the main thing. The main thing is to do what you want to remember.

    How to remember better: create a base or foundation

    Can the base be zero or non-zero? It depends on what ... Our brain is cunningly arranged. The basis of his physiological work is neural networks, and the cognitive consequence of this work is the associativity of thinking and memory.

    This means that the new can only lie on the well-known old, cling to known information.

    Associations are like hooks: if there are none, then there is nothing to hang on. If the hanger does not have hooks, then how?

    If the subject of study is completely unknown to you, even in its minimal basis, then memorizing the material becomes extremely difficult.

    Can you navigate in an unfamiliar city without a map and the help of passers-by? Will you walk at random until you practically explore the city? A good strategy, but you will achieve your goal (find a certain building) in a few weeks, or maybe months at best. As we usually do in such a situation: maps, navigators, communication.

    Why then do we try to remember the new to zero base? We hope to quickly find a hotel without a map for tourists?

    How to memorize new material better:

    1. Before learning and memorizing something new and complex, find in other sources (Google and Yandex to help you) the simplest explanation of the basics of the topic under study. Let it be a Wikipedia article, a lecture for dummies or for schoolchildren. It is important to understand the basics, the key principles (to nail the hanger with hooks)

    2. Read the book on the spiral algorithm (I have about this method of working with information), several times. It will be a quick skim first, then a reading of the key takeaways, then a deeper read.

    Each time you will fill the knowledge base on this topic, each reading will be hanging new ideas on existing hooks.

    3. Choose such materials (books, trainings, lectures, articles) in which you know 20-50% of the material. The result of memorization from mastering information of such a distribution will be higher than from 100% new information. Amazing, isn't it?

    So, we looked at 5 important principles on how to remember any material better. I really hope that you will start using at least part of it right away (see above why this is important). And now take and retell these principles to someone so that most of the information remains in your memory, and in the first case (the first book, lecture, training), immediately study the materials so that they are remembered as fully as possible.

    Leave your impressions and wishes, I really love comments!

    Tomorrow is an exam and you didn't prepare for it because you didn't have time or you put off studying until later? You can prepare for the exam in one day if you are disciplined and attentive. It is better to prepare in advance, for example, a week before the exam, but there are situations when this cannot be done. In this article, we will tell you how to prepare for the exam in one day.



      Find a suitable place to practice. Nothing and no one should distract you - neither friends, nor any objects in your bedroom. Find a study area where you can focus on the material you are learning.

      • Study somewhere quiet and peaceful, such as a private room or a library.
    1. Prepare everything you need. Before you begin to study the material, prepare everything you may need, such as textbooks, notes, markers, a computer, a light snack and water.

      • Remove everything that will distract you.
    2. Turn off your phone. If you don’t need your smartphone to study, turn it off so that it doesn’t distract you from studying the subject. So you can focus solely on the material being studied.

      Consider whether you should study on your own or in a group. Since time is limited, it's probably best to study on your own, but sometimes it's helpful to study the material in a small group to better understand the concepts and terms. If you decide to work in a group, make sure that it consists of people who are as prepared as you are; otherwise, the efficiency of work in the group will not be very high.

      Learn to work effectively with a textbook. You will not remember the material if you just read the textbook (especially if your time is limited). As you read your textbook, pay particular attention to the chapter summaries and key information in bold type.

      • Find the questions that are given after each chapter (or at the end of the textbook). Try to answer these questions to test yourself and understand what you should learn.
    3. Create a study guide. It will allow you to better understand the material and quickly review it on the day of the exam. In the study guide, fill in the most important concepts, terms, dates, and formulas and try to state the main concepts in your own words. Self-formulation of concepts and writing them down on paper will allow you to better understand and remember the material.

      • If you don't have time to create a study guide, ask a friend or classmate for one. But it will be better if you create your own study guide, as stating and writing down the main concepts will help you remember the information better.
    4. Prepare for the appropriate exam format. If you are pressed for time, be sure to keep the format in mind when preparing for the exam. Ask your teacher about the format of the exam or look in the curriculum, or ask your classmates.

    Lesson plan

      Create a lesson plan. Include material that will definitely be on the exam, such as important dates, certain scientific concepts, math formulas or equations. If you don't know what will be asked on the exam, ask your classmates. To pass the exam successfully, it is important to know what material you need to learn (especially when time is limited).

      Create a class schedule. Schedule the whole day leading up to the exam and determine the hours that you will devote to studying the material. Don't forget to make time for sleep.

      Create a list of topics to study. Review the textbook, study guide and notes and write down the topics that will be present on the exam.

    1. You can use the curriculum as you study the material. Perhaps the information in the syllabus is presented in a way that will help you learn the material. Use the syllabus to look at the material being studied from a different perspective and organize the information appropriately.
    • At the end of the exam not tell your classmates how you answered the questions so as not to undermine your authority.
    • Just before the exam, in no case do not discuss this or that topic with your classmates. So you will most likely only get confused. But you can ask them what you don't know.
    • You don't have to work all night long. If you don't get enough sleep, you won't feel very well.
    • Studying the day before the exam, you will have to absorb a lot of information that will need to be remembered during the exam. Remember that the information that they try to remember in the shortest period of time forgotten faster which can negatively affect your future studies. Therefore, it is better to study the subject a little and every day for the entire quarter or semester. Thus, you will better learn and remember the material being studied.

    Ekaterina Vasilyeva, General Director of the Vasilyev Author's School, Moscow; doctor of pedagogical sciences

    What questions will you find answered in this article?

    • How to remember people's names easily
    • What mnemonic techniques allow you to quickly learn a voluminous scientific text or poetry
    • How to quickly memorize foreign words, phone numbers or symbols
    • What prevents us from remembering information

    They make it easy to memorize complex names of people, large texts, dates, numbers, foreign words, etc. Their advantage is that you do not have to make great efforts to extract the necessary information from memory; update the information you need. I will tell you how to learn how to memorize a large amount of information using the techniques of mnemonics.

    Methods of mnemonics. How is memorization

    Our brains think in pictures. When a person connects several visual images in his imagination, the brain fixes this relationship. Further, remembering one image, a person calls to life others. The first minutes are most important for remembering - at this time it is advisable to say the information aloud or to yourself. Talk again in an hour. In the future, increase the period of time after which you need to repeat the information, always three times, that is, after three hours, after nine hours, after a day, etc. If this is not possible, repeat the information three times: immediately, after an hour and before bedtime . By the way, teachers of linguistic universities recommend that students refresh their knowledge every six months or a year.

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    How to remember people's names

    To maintain motivation, it is best for a manager to address employees by their first names. Each person has some kind of peculiarity. We must try to see her and attach her last name, first name or patronymic in the form of a certain image. For example, recently a girl studied at the courses, who could not remember the patronymic of the boss - Stepanovna. I advised her to imagine that she had long ears on her head, like Stepashka from the children's program Good Night, Kids. At the next lesson, the girl said that this image helped her to firmly remember the patronymic of her leader.

    How to memorize large texts

    Popular science texts (articles). They are easiest to represent in the form of diagrams. For example, I transform information into a three-level hierarchy "system - subsystem - supersystem". Let me explain with an example: subsystem - car parts, system - car, supersystem - type of vehicle. After reading the text, 7-10 keywords remain in the head, decomposed according to the principle "system - subsystem - supersystem". It is useful to present them in the form of pictures, which helps to understand how one term is related to another. According to my observations, two-thirds of an article or book is occupied by details (subsystem), the remaining third is distributed between the system and the supersystem. Thus, you need to start reading from the place where the description of the system begins. Having studied it, you can return to the beginning of the text. This approach allows you to save time and better memorize large texts.

    Artistic texts (prose, verses). In this case, you need to recreate each word in your head, so drawing up diagrams will not help. It is necessary to present the images in the form of a certain sequence, for example: a place, a hero, a situation. Identify the positive with yourself and the negative with the other person. In fact, in parallel with reading, you need to “shoot” a movie in your head, fixing emotions, sounds, etc. For example, you read the following text: “The Fiji archipelago is large and small islands. Most of them are of volcanic origin. There are sandy beaches lined with palm groves, secluded coves...” Reading the first sentence, imagine that you are on an airplane and see the island overboard. Then the plane descends below and you see the hotels. Then you walk along the beach, your feet sink into the sand, you admire the scenery. That is, your movement around places (airplane, beach, etc.) is the key to remembering. It is enough to remember the key, and the text will pop up from memory.

    Preparation for the report. Start preparing for presentations and public reports should be two to three days before the performance. On the first day, the brain will process all the material received after viewing the text. And only on the second day, when you wake up, you will be able to extract the necessary information from your memory in a structured and compressed form. This is what our ancestors had in mind when they said that "the morning is wiser than the evening." The first thing to do when starting to memorize the text of the report is to formulate the topic and main theses. Then present the main thoughts in the form of diagrams and images (you can sketch them). Further, moving from the general to the particular, proceed to remembering smaller details: additional facts, numbers, terms, sums.

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    How to memorize foreign words and other data

    How to memorize foreign words

    The word narrow in translation from English means "narrow". You can imagine a narrow road or tight pants. The Russian word "nervous" is consonant with it. You can build a general association, for example, mentally draw a picture: a person is driving on a narrow road and is nervous because it is dangerous or because he has problems with his car. It is important not only to present the situation vividly and emotionally, but also to say aloud or to yourself the memorable word narrow several times. I recommend using images from real life for memorization.

    How to remember symbols and letters

    Suppose you want to memorize the English alphabet. The English letter "A" and the Russian "A" are the same in spelling, but differ in sound. To remember the first one, you need to pick up another association, for example, by shape. The English "A" looks like a compass or a roof and is pronounced like "hey", which is consonant with the words "ley" or "watering can". Now imagine that you are in the country watering the roof (“A”) from a watering can (“lei”). In this way, you can memorize hieroglyphs, symbols.

    How to learn to rememberdigital sequences

    Use an alphanumeric code. For example, in correspondence with the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, the first letters of the words that mean them are put: “n” (zero), “t” (three), “h” (four), "p" (five), etc. Exceptions: "k" ("count" - looks like a unit) and "l" ("swan" - looks like a deuce).

    If you need to remember the number 739 812, do the following.

    Break the number into pairs of numbers: 73, 98 and 12.

    Transcode the numbers into words: the first consonant in a word is the first digit of a two-digit number, and the second consonant is the second digit. For example, a pair of numbers 7 and 3 correspond to the letters "c" and "t"; you can use the words "honeycomb", "sieve", "one hundred rubles". A pair of 9 and 8 is "d" and "v" (the words "door" or "girl"). Pair 1 and 2 are the letters "k" and "l", the words "glue" or "necklace" will do.

    From the image words denoting pairs of numbers, make up a story, for example, this: "The net (73) caught on the door (98), and a necklace (12) fell out of it." It is important to imagine this ridiculous situation and at the same time say the number 739 812 out loud or to yourself several times. It is necessary to learn that you cannot pronounce what you imagine.

    Receptions of mnemonics in stressful situations

    During nervous tension, memory works much worse. When you are tense, no pictures-images arise in your head. That is, under conditions of stress and limited time, mnemonics techniques are useless. For example, working in an open office format, when there are a lot of people around and noisy, greatly limits the ability to remember.

    There is an old trick - to return to the place where you thought about something in order to remember what it was. The technique is widely used in mnemonics: leave for yourself some symbol or sign that would be associated with the case. It can be a key on a computer, a tick in a diary, a cross with a pen on your hand. By the way, mnemonics is anti-stress. Instead of relaxing or taking medicine, it is better to mentally reproduce the text you are reading or imagine and remember numbers, combining business with pleasure.

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    What helps and hinders effective memorization

    The worst enemies of memory are drugs, cigarettes, nervous exhaustion, high temperatures and unventilated rooms.

    Physical fatigue, on the contrary, has a good effect on memory: the brain begins to work better due to the fact that tension is removed from the body and blood circulates faster in the body. Therefore, if your work is related to mental activity, go in for sports. How much time you spend on intellectual work, the same amount should be spent on physical exercises. This is a prerequisite for maintaining oneself in a high emotional and intellectual tone. If, while working, you feel stress, it is better to go out, take a walk, get some fresh air.

    To make the memorization process easier, it is important to develop your imagination. Read, travel, experience more positive emotions, engage in spiritual practices - all this trains figurative memory. Periodically take vitamins, drink more water, spend more time in the fresh air.

    Memory and attention training: 10 very effective exercises

    Exercise 1. Count the letters. Take a newspaper or magazine, select three or four paragraphs from any article. Count the letters "a" as you read. Read again, count the letters "c". Review the article again and record the number of words. Record the result. Practice with the text until the number of letters counted matches when counted.

    Exercise 2. Remember yesterday. In detail, remember what happened yesterday (or a recently seen movie, or a summer vacation). The main thing in the exercise is to keep attention on the process of recall for a sufficiently long time, at least five minutes, not allowing thoughts to jump to other topics. Then try to remember in reverse order.

    Exercise 3. Draw in the imagination. Mentally draw letters, numbers, simple and complex geometric shapes. Do not confuse mental drawing with the representation of some image. You just need to draw, just like with a pencil on paper. Try to draw bigger. Feel the movement of the hand, which should remain motionless.

    Exercise 4. Manipulate images. Imagine a glass and a row matchbox house. Try to see these images as clearly as possible. Do a variety of mental manipulations with them: put the boxes in the glass, put the glass on the boxes, the boxes on the inverted glass, etc. Manipulate the other two, three, four objects.

    Exercise 5. Transform the object. Introduce an object and change it, but so that it does not lose its species name, that is, a cup should remain a cup in any case.

    Exercise 6. Rotate objects. Imagine an object and start rotating it, viewing it from all sides, from different angles, bringing it closer and further away from you. Try to make the object spin by itself, and you would just watch.

    Exercise 7. Plan your day. In the morning, ask yourself what to do first, second, and third. Imagine a diary page and mentally fill it out.

    Exercise 8 Break your work day into four parts. “Photograph” situations that you will return to tomorrow (mentally place them in a photo frame and hold the image for 3-5 seconds). Instead of the situation, you can "remove" the face of a colleague. At the end of the next part of the working day, remember the “photographed” situation (face). At the end of the day, remember all situations and faces. Repeat this the next day and you won't miss important tasks.

    Exercise 9. “Turn on” pleasant states. Mentally recreate a positive state: calm, inspiration, joy. Analyze its muscle components: a feeling of relaxed muscles of the face, neck and chest, a slight tone of the abdominal muscles. Recreate also the position of the body and the rhythm of breathing. Record the whole complex of these sensations. Subsequently, it will be much easier to re-enter the state memorized in this way.

    Exercise 10 On the desktop, arrange the items not in the usual order, but so that their arrangement makes you pay attention to them. Correlate the position of each object with a specific action that you must take in the near future.


    Ekaterina Vasilyeva Graduated from the Kuban State University with a degree in physics. Holder of 30 copyright certificates, author of 50 courses (on memory development, rapid learning of foreign languages, speed reading), as well as 20 books, including six bestsellers. The owner of three patents of the Russian Federation for inventions: "Method of forming the skill of memorizing words", "Algorithm for thinking in foreign languages" and "Algorithm of a paragraph" (forming the skill of quick reading and memorization).

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