• Where to escape from home. I want to escape from home anymore


    Hello, I am 18 years old, I'm not Russian and I increasingly began to conflict with my parents, and especially with dad. I recently quarreled with my mother and with dad, well, I immediately confess, I have a very difficult character, I am very quick-tempered and emotional and I can not tolerate when screaming and insult me. I already got me that my parents insult me, they say that I was abnormal, which remains to be shoved in the parent house, I already really want to leave. Well, okay, in their opinion I am not a smart and bad girl, but I do not understand why they are forever in all conflicts blame me? Why can not be smarter and wiser? Well, I finally have a vacation, but I have a fundamentally abandoned rest with my mother, because I heard how my mother said to the dad, which does not want me to eat with her, that I would not live to live calmly. Well, so I refused the trip, respectively, my mother and returned a ticket, but this is nothing. Further my summer is all nightmare, it happens that even Stephen King rests. Pope despises me terribly, he was so cruel recently, that I come in the depths of the soul in full horror, there is no internet disabling, but its insults, the fact that he is ready at any time about and without shouting, to beat At the same time, it's easy to be proud of this "pedagogical education". Oh, I understand that my sneakers and tomatoes fly at me, but I will tell you one story. On New Year's holidays, my dad got drunk and began to carry nonsense about my acquaintances, my mother was silent for the most part, although it may also be to blame for something. So when my mother eaten, the father hit her and began to insult her in every way, well then rushed ... Dad wanted to break the furnace, my mother bought her on his own money, well, Mom began to call me and cry. I was at the time at home, I dreamed and woke up from my mother's cries, well, of course, I went to defend her. Dad began to break this stove and raise his hand to the mother, I began to contend to say to leave the oven and mom, well, he did not obey, of course. In a drunken ugar, she cared maliciously and began to continue to break the stove and beat Mom, and I continued to defend in every way, I almost lost my life that evening. This evening was the most nightmarish and terrible, I remembered him for a long time, although I am late and conflicts since the times I forget and try to do it, but this evening I still can not forget. Well, the dad took the knife and almost drew it to me and I almost drew me with boiling water, fortunately, or not fortunately, I did not die and did not really suffer. And just got off with fright and scratches from broken plates, where I was lying on the floor in water and fragments. In short, it's just a horror, after that I didn't talk to my father for a month, well, he certainly wanted to talk to me, and Mom, as always forgive him, even earlier me. My father is just a homely tyrant, not only like a husband, but also as a father. In addition, he is very selfish, smokes in my presence, although it knows that I feel sick of sigaret sigaret, knows that my health is not very, knows that I am the same smokers, only passive and that it is harmful. It can smoke on the street, nor winter, warm now, but still smokes in the kitchen in my presence, while saying that I am not specially in time. He can throw smoking, but he becomes more angry, or begins to drink, or simply quit and everything. I apart for forgiveness, but I am not extrasens. Today, my father said that I collect His tomatoes, well, he began to shout at me and explain to me with hatred, how to collect tomatoes. Well, I could not stand it, although I try simply not to cry. Well, my father got angry said that I would not take it on pity, no, but I really cried, I have no such thing to take someone to pity. So that I stop crying, and that I smiled above his tomatoes, and gave me a bream in the head. Yes, and scored, what I did in the New Year holidays. I'm not a man? No, maybe I am the most disgusting daughter, but that I don't even have the right, in my own house, when I'm not able to stand, even cry? What is the robot? Yes, and tired of this all so attitude, my father is thinking if he treat me with cruelty and beat, then I will become an ideal child . Yes, besides, I will make home all summer and spend almost all the time in the kitchen, I'm banned home home. And most importantly, the fact that I am not independent at all, I sit at home all the time, I don't even give to the store, I feel at home, I feel like in prison. No, of course, I am grateful that I have a house, parents, food, clothing, etc., but I can not so much. I can not tolerate quarrels with my parents, I can not tolerate quarrels between my parents, by the way they have long diluted, longing each other dirty, live, by the way together, but at one time they communicate normally and even a bit support each other when it comes to my upbringing and what I am an ungrateful creature. And my mother said that if I want to live separately from them, then she stops me in a mental hospital, and at best, my father will scold my head or hang me. And if I still get off, then they will find me and kill me, and my mother said that he would even support his father. I thought my parents at least a little, but love, but apparently not. I now see only fear and that's it. Dad also does not want me to stay with him, my mother also does not want me to stay with her, they simultaneously say that I am a stupid of an abnormal hill at home, but at the same time want me to get married and dumped from home. I do not need anyone I think so. I am afraid that soon I will finish the life of suicide, although Pope says that if I do it, then there are less problems, there is no less problems. In the thoughts, the rope and soap, or escape from the house. You know, why me very often dreamed like I run out of the house and my parents will chase after me and I feel if I caught up, then the lid is. Well, I no longer know what to do, I think in quiet to pick up documents from the school, all your things and go somewhere, the main thing is to far. But I have little money for only 3000 rubles and I won't go, well, at least I have 18 and the certificate. Also, that if I get off the road road, my parents are sorry, but sorry for mom. She has a heart, and she still loves me anymore, she can die, but I don't want it. Before marriage, I still do not know how much, yes, and I don't breathe? I am very close to heart and I am very wounded, although it is not visible. Yes, I'm lazy, yes, I'm in some kind of bad, but I can't me everywhere to be a goat abuse? Sometimes I think that without me it would be better to all, especially parents. In short, I do not know what to do with my parents, I don't really talk to even advise. Maybe there is some way out? Maybe you had a similar one? Or maybe you can shelter temporarily girls? And then really soon I will hang on the Internet tomorrow will be disconnected, the parents do not put money, and put it yourself forbidden.

    Ekaterina Morozova

    Reading time: 6 minutes


    Such a phenomenon as a child's escape from the house, unfortunately, becomes very frequent in our time. Frightened parents call friends and hospital friends with morgue, raise relatives and police, fusify favorite places of walking their Chad. In the next morning, when the desperate and almost daddy dad with mom apathetically drink Valerian, the dyatyko declare home - "the girlfriend died." Why do children run away from home? How to behave parents? And how to protect the family from such shocks?

    Causes why children run away from home - what could be the fault of parents?

    Baby shoots are two types:

    • Motivated. This type of shoots has purely psychological reasons resulting from a consequence of a conflict or other specific and understandable situation. Escape, in this case, the method of care from the problem (there are no other times).
    • Unmotivated. This form of response at which any unpleasant situation is already a protest and desire to escape. With all that it implies.

    It is worth noting that at the heart of children's shoots always lies internal conflict in the family, even if, in essence, it is not so conflict. Lack of opportunity to talk, tell about problems, ask the Council - this is also an internal conflict in the family.

    The main causes of children's shoots:

    • Mental diseases (schizophrenia, mental retardation, psychosis, etc.).
    • Conflict with parents, lack of mutual understanding in the family, lack of attention.
    • Conflicts at school.
    • The desire of freedom (riot against parents).
    • Stress after the tragedy or ill-treatment experienced.
    • Boredom.
    • Spoil.
    • Fear of punishment.
    • Stage of growing and simple curiosity, desire to know something new.
    • Internal problems based on the start of the construction of relations with the opposite sex.
    • Begging between parents, the divorce of parents is escape as a way of expressing protest.
    • The child wants to earn a living.
    • The imposition of a child of a parent point of view in terms of choosing a profession, friends, etc. Deculting its own choice of the child.
    • Dysfunctional family. That is, the alcoholism of the parents, the regular appearance of foreign inadequate people in the house, manual attractiveness, etc.
    • Children's addiction or "recruitment" in one of the sects that are becoming more and more.

    Your child or teenager left home - rules of behavior for parents

    The most important thing is that it is worth remembering to parents about teenage children (namely they are most often run away from the house) - these are their internal age contradictions and thirst for freedom. Any harsh measures in this vane and rebellious age will invariably lead to a child's protest or to its gradual transformation into an apathetic room, unable to stand up for themselves or solve their problems. Proceed from this when once again you want to spawn on the Chado for the next "Two" or forbid a walk after 6pm, "because I said so."

    What if the child ran away from home - instruction for parents.

    Child found? This is the main thing! Hug your child and tell him how you love it. And remember what to do is categorically impossible after the happy family reunion:

    • To attack the child with questionings.
    • Yell and apply physical strength.
    • To punish in any way - to deprive "Sweet", plant under the castle, send to the grandmother in "big males" away "from bad companies", etc.
    • Demonstantly be silent and ignore the child.

    If the child is capable of talking to souls now - listen to him. Quietly, no complaints. Listen and try to hear. Do not interrupt and do not blame, even if the monologue of the child is a solid charge of accusations of your address. Your task:

    • Reassure the child.
    • Place it to yourself.
    • To set up a contact.
    • Convince the child that you will accept it any that you try to understand.
    • To find a compromise.
    • Recognize your mistakes in front of the child.

    And remember: if suddenly on the street you came across someone else's child, who seemed to you lost, bored, "street" - do not pass by! Try to talk to the child, find out what happened to him. Perhaps he is also looking for parents.

    How to behave parents to avoid children from home - psychologist tips

    If everything is fine in your family, and the child is an excellent story, it does not mean that the child has no problems. Problems can hide where you never began to look. In the teacher who publicly humiliated your child. In a girl who left him to his friend, because your son "is not Doros still to a serious relationship." In the pretty and intelligent new friend of your child, who actually turned out to be ... (many options). And not always your child will tell - that he has in his soul. Because parents or once, or in the family it is simply not customary to share each other with "joys and the sorrows". How to behave that children do not run away?

    • Be another to your child. Chief Council for all times. Then you will always share experiences and problems. Then you will always know - where and with whom your child. Then even to the darkest corners of your child's soul, you will have a key.
    • Do not be tyrant and dictator. Your child is a person who has matured. The more prohibitions stronger baby It will strive for freedom from your "guardianship".
    • Remember yourself in youth. How mother swore with dad for your glue jeans, incomprehensible music, strange companies, cosmetics, etc. How angry you are that you are not allowed to express yourself as you wish. Again, proceed from the fact that you are a friend, not tyrant. The child wanted a tattoo? Do not deliver the belt at once (if I wanted it - still will do) - Sit next to the child, look at the pictures together, read their meaning (so as not to "fold" what you will have to pay), select the salon, where it will not be accounted for any infection. If you are completely against, ask the child to wait - year old. And there, you look, he himself turns.

    Of course, in the absence of trust between you, it will be extremely difficult to start from scratch. But it is quite feasible with your patience and desire.

    How to escape from home if there is no money?

      Try to negotiate with friends, but the sun is equal, if you are a minor, then there are few chances, the parents of the sun will start to search for you, the police.

      After such a relationship with the parents, most likely will be even worse.

      I will give advice, wait for eighteen years, and then go to the university and settled in Commonwealth.

      If the whole thoughts did not leave you, then you should be used for luck and lucky, because this escape is like a roulette, 50 to 50.

      Of course, run, since parents are so bad. Be sure to leave. You don't need to go on the street on the street, go to the far district of the city and there you can live on the heat mains, and eat begging.

      You can still knock on your parents to the custody bodies and ascend to the rehabilitation center for children in a difficult situation. There is no money in general, there will be a room, and clothes, and a computer, and the feed will be fed.

      Of course your parents will not last. They will most likely lose their parental rights for negligence towards education. So they need. There was nothing to put on a child and offend him. And they will pay alimony, but will no longer get you. You will be transferred in the orphanage.

      So you can react up to 18 years. And at 18 years old across the orphanage to get some kind of profession, locksmith, or welder. Only here the accommodation will be difficult for you to knock out. Although children whose parents deprived of rights are spelled out together, give a separate accommodation. That is, at least the communtern will get our.

      I sit and think, can you post your spinogrose in the orphanage, and Cho? Favorable. You give my parents with my own version, maybe you will not have to run - they will give you away.

      I think that it is necessary to suffer and wait for the majority, and then, if possible, go to study in another city. Even if you had more money, you will run, but after all, this money would still end sooner or later ... and what's next. So far I do not knock 18, it will be very difficult for you to find earnings for yourself ...

      No matter how difficult it was, terpi, plan your future ... But it makes no sense ...

      If it seems to you that escape from home is the solution to your problems, then you are mistaken ...

      Good evening! I do not advise this to do this, as this will not lead to a solution to the problem, but only leads this decision to a dead end. Parents will hardly worry, look around everywhere, tear their hair. And then someone else can fly for it. And the most important thing is that it is possible to escape from solving this problem, but you will not fart from yourself. Therefore, I advise you to seek mutual understanding with my parents. A mutual understanding is born in Beed. Need to communicate more. But communicate calmly and without swearing. And calmly defend and prove its position. Then everything should work out.

      It is not worth it to do that, not completely summer anyway will not run away, they will find in two bills. Yes, and then what are you going to do? Wander down the street? Through these thoughts from the head this is nonsense. I will be patient everything will be fine.

    Probably, it often happens that somewhere on the other end of the city there is a killer party, to which your parents do not allow you to go, or your friends want to meet at midnight and copatic. In any case, you just need to be understood. You must have fun while it is possible. You may be scared, but, having learned how to prepare so as to unite, staying at the same time, you can relax and have a good time. Start from the first step to get more information.


    Part 1


      Plan your escape route. In order not to be caught by my mother in the middle of the creaking staircase, you must think through all the ways, exits and obstacles, between you and the night of Freedom. Where in the house there is a cream site? What are your parents' habits? Is there a chance that your father will come down at the midnight portion of ice cream at the moment when you try to snap? Before Escape, consider the following questions:

      • Time when parents fall to bed and their night habits
      • Plan your travel
      • The place in which you meet with friends
      • Your route is home
      • Your route from the area
      • Animals
      • Plan b and excuse
    1. Go to bed dressed. Thinking in advance what to wear, you can save ourselves from problems later. Let's say your parents woke up, and you come in club clothes. Oh. It will be difficult to explain this just what you were on a walk. Provide the worst script and prepare for it.

      • Put with pajamas on top of ordinary clothes. Make sure your parents have seen you were dressed for sleep.
      • Remove pajamas when you find yourself on the street. Hide it somewhere nearby or in your car or shove there, where it will not find your parents, such as in the mailbox.
      • Before sneaking back, change clothes. If it turns out that your parents have already woke up when you enter, you will be easier to use the easiest excuse if everything looks like a couple of minutes ago you still slept.
    2. Collect your team. Presumably you secretly run away from home to meet with friends, get to the party, or hang with your beloved. Make sure your plans coincide with the plans of your friends, and, having come to the meeting place, you will not find yourself alone. Support communication with SMS or in another way. Also define a meeting place convenient for everyone.

      • Make sure the place you choose is quite safe and there is no risk to be caught. If a vigilant neighbor see a bunch of guys going to parking the nearest cafe, and recognizes your friend, you will be one step closer to what you caught.
      • Think as ninja. Choose dark places and try to catch the car a few blocks from the place where you live. Stay out of sight of other people and you will not be caught.
    3. Do not forget about pets. If you have a dog or an excessively excitable cat or even birds that begin to tweak if someone nearby, how do you intend to negotiate with them? Dogs are a real problem, as they have excellent hearing and smell. It is very difficult to go unnoticed by the dog, even if it seems that she sleeps hard.

      • Consider sending a dog for the night into the room of your parents, or to another remote wing of a house that is not included in the escape route, arguing this as follows: "The Baster is constantly trying to climb into my bed and bother me all night. You are not against if I close it in your room tonight, because I'm afraid to sleep with a closed door? ".
    4. Put something under the blanket, as if you sleep under it. In "Escape from Alcatraza", Clint Eastwood created magnificent fake heads. You may not go so far. Just put under the blanket some clothes to create the impression that you sleep in bed. You'd better not be in the room if your mom suddenly decides to check you at night.

      Part 2

      the escape
      1. Imitate the ball procedures. A good masking method when you run out of the house in secret for the first time, will warm the bathroom and use it as you usually do it. Swing the water in the toilet, turn on the water, and move from the bath in the room and back, as if you make ordinary procedures before bedtime. Then slowly take a break.

        • If anyone hears anything, the sound of your ordinary bathroom procedures before bedtime and the subsequent lull will mark all suspicions. Then they calmly fall asleep, and you will already pick up the rear door at this time.
      2. We go as quieter as possible. Remove the shoes and start the escape plan. In general, at home you need to move extremely slowly, especially if you need to sneak past your parents, or deal with any lightest-affected pets that can easily overst the whole house.

        • Turn off the light. If you have to make your way through forced by different trash room or through a room with a lot of angular furniture, turn on the light for a couple of seconds to set the direction. Until the light falls into the parents' room, everything will be fine. Specify the route, then turn off the light.
      3. Be especially careful with creaky floorboards and doors. If you come to the creaking floorboard, ignite, as soon as hear a significant creak. They are difficult to avoid, but the creaking, repeating every thirty seconds, is unlikely to wake someone.

        • As for the door, then, as a rule, it is better to open it as if you break the plaster. Do not let it creak for a long time, open it so much to crawl and then cover it. Turn the lock and slowly press the handle to close the door. Then let go of the handle. Continue to stay silent when you go down the street. In particular, we fear gravel.
        • If you are driving, you must be extremely careful. Roll into your car from the road at neutral speed and start the engine when the car will be at a sufficient distance from home up or down the street. Do not close the door of the car too tight until you start it. In the middle of the night, the car sounds like a plane.
      4. Leave the door unlocked and take a spare key. The easiest way to get back is to leave the door unlocked and enter without the use of keys. If, suddenly, one of your parents will stand in the middle of the night to drink water and check the door, you will not be able to go inside if you won't have a key.

        • Leave the windows on the first floor are unlocked, in case there is no key from the door. However, this method is quite noisy. Therefore, use it only as a last resort.
      5. Take time, and then return back. In fact, it is extremely unlikely that you will be caught during a secret escape from the house. It will be even smaller when you wade back. Be extremely careful when you come back home, especially if you have a dog.

        • Inspect the house before entering. Is light included? Is there a chance that people have already woken up? If the answer is yes, then it's time to prepare an iron alibi or book a train ticket to Mexico.
        • Purse back in pajamas to give an alibi weight. If you say that they just went for a walk, it will sound more believable if you are pajamas.
      6. Leave the idea if you have called suspicion. If, while you make your way to the kitchen, your father will go down to know what is happening, it is likely to abandon the idea. Watch a simple excuse type: "I just want water. I'm tired. Good night". Of course, you can wait for some time until your father sleep, but in this way you suggest a big problem. Leave the plan on the other night.

      Part 3.

      Note traces

        Prepare Alibi. The worst version of the development of events: you make your way to the house at 4 am and both of your parents do not sleep, sit and look at you an angry look. What are you going to tell them? Here are some options:

        • "Steve called and asked to pick it up from the party. He was very upset. He has no better period in life. I did not want to wake you up guys, but I just wanted to do it right. Sorry".
        • "I could not fall asleep, so I wrote (a) (neighbor). We just walked around the surroundings and were fascinated by the conversation. She was slightly upset, so I could not leave her. I think she will warm up a little milk. I am so tired)".
        • "Such a good night in the yard, I came out (La) to look at the stars. And imagine, I fell asleep (a). "
        • Also, you can simply admit and try to settle everything as follows: "I met (fell) with several friends. We just dangled for a while. I'm sorry. This will not happen again. "
        • Avoid stupid excuses like: "I don't know what happened, I just woke up (as) here!" An explicit lie will not lead you. Your parents are not idiots.
      1. Think about the worst event development. What to do if you get to the meeting place, you will not find anyone there? What if you ended up have passed a few miles and you need to go back alone? What if you caught the police for violations of the age curfew? All this is not to scare you, but you should think in advance about how to do, if you find yourself in a difficult position. Thus, you can relax and how to have fun.

        • Do you have the older brothers / sister to which you can call or maybe a friend's parents will be able to throw you home? Think about the options and discuss them with the right people in advance. Let them know that you may need their help before you find yourself on the street and you will need help.
      2. Get rid of evidence. If your parents will suspect something and want to check what you did last night, make sure that you were in bed according to your phone, this evening. Remove the corresponding SMS, photos and other information that may testify against you. Do not rewrite this, do not tweet about it, do not install the status in social networks like "waited (a) last night! one!". Chur silent!.

        Put things back to the place. Once you are inside and safe, make sure you put all things to the same place where they originally lay. Especially, it concerns those who have very neat people. You need to make sure that you did not leave your shoes or keys in a prominent place where they will notice them.

      3. If someone from your friends is nervous, or thinks that their parents caught them, do not take them with them. These children can crash themselves and bring you.
      4. Also, if you want to exit you can try to come up with an emergency situation for parents. "My friend just called and said that he needed to ventilate. This is an emergency. I'll be back soon".
      5. Slip secret from home is not a crime. Just find what to say to parents if you are caught.
      6. Instead of catching out, try other options, such as you say to your parents, what you spend in someone's home. Let it be a friend with whom they are not very familiar. So they are unlikely to call his / her parents or encounter him / her in the store. Instead of sleeping, spend the night outside. If you are going to do it, you will have a whole night. Adjust yourself coffee.
      7. Warnings

      • Do not react excessively to problems. Not everything goes according to plan. If something goes wrong, perceive it as a joke, a new obstacle to overcoming, and not an event that will destroy your night.
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