• A year before the anniversary: \u200b\u200bwhat to give a child for the nineth birthday. A year before the anniversary: \u200b\u200bwhat to give a child for the ninth birthday Games and toys for children of 9 years old


    Good day, dear readers! It is quite difficult to decide what to give a boy for 9 years, especially if you are not the parents of the birthday boy. it is much easier to choose a present.

    This is a very controversial age - the boy has already outgrown children's toys, and has not yet grown to "adults".

    Brief description of possible gifts, taking into account the nature

    He is the same tomboy and at the same time a little "man" trying to prove his "I" to parents and others. Now he separates himself from girls even in games and hobbies. All these subtleties are important to consider when looking for a gift for the ninth birthday.

    I'm not urging you to skip buying toys, but go for something serious, like copies of items used by adults.

    Also keep in mind that a nine-year-old boy seeks to play together with his peers, which means that it is advisable to buy something unifying and purely boyish.

    Let's immediately exclude clothes from our list of gifts. Firstly, boys at this age already prefer to choose clothes on their own. Secondly, for them a shirt, jeans or a jacket are no longer associated as a gift. I also advise you to refuse to offer school supplies. To buy a real gift for the 9th birthday means to fulfill some of the long-standing desires of a son or a boy friend.

    Modern gadgets as a gift for 9 years - which one to choose?

    Today nine-year-old boys are already familiar with any equipment and understand it better than we do. Therefore, buying a new fancy gadget is a good option for a birthday present:

    • ipad or laptop - choose budget models with standard functionality. For a birthday man, they are quite suitable;
    • gadgets for gamer - a lover of computer games will like a new computer mouse (choose something original in shape), a multimedia keyboard, a joystick and other functional items;
    • mobile phone or communicator - a great and expensive gift. When buying it, parents should be mentally prepared for frequent unpleasant troubles. A nine-year-old boy does not yet realize the cost and value of such a thing, so he can lose, and spoil, and break;
    • camera - again, it is advisable to dwell on budget models. Even a simple digital camera will delight the future photographer. And if the lesson drags on, then it will be possible to think about more serious devices.

    What to buy a young athlete for his birthday?

    Usually a nine-year-old boy already adheres to an active lifestyle, disappears all day in the yard, loves outdoor games and is engaged in sports sections. It is his hobbies that can become the basis for choosing a gift:

    • Roller Skates - this is the best option! Today, there are various models on sale that are inexpensive, but of high quality. Find skates that are adjustable in size to keep your boy happy for more than one season.
    • Skateboard - a young sportsman will also like it. When choosing boards for a skateboard, you need to pay attention to the strength of the material used for the manufacture, as well as whether the wheelsets are properly fixed. Extreme caution is important here.
    • Protective gear - the purchase of such a kit is simply necessary for a boy, especially if he has a bicycle or skates. Take care of his health and protect him from damage. The outfit can be presented to a child both as a separate present and as an addition to the main present.
    • Punching bag and gloves - suitable for a boy who wants to be strong and be able to defend himself.

    If a nine-year-old boy has decided on a permanent sport for his activities, then it is appropriate to give him something from the appropriate equipment for his birthday. So, fans of martial arts - kimono, tennis - a new racket, swimming - fins.

    A world of toys and entertainment for a boy

    This world remains as attractive and unexplored for him. Despite all his attempts to prove himself adult and independent, the nine-year-old is still a child who loves to play. Let's try to satisfy this need when choosing a gift for the New Year or birthday.

    Take time out of your busy schedule and go with your son to an interesting exhibition: robots, dinosaurs, exotic animals, visit the aquarium together. The boy will enthusiastically remember everything he has seen for many days in a row, as well as tell his friends.

    Witty, fun and useful

    The birthday boy is extravagant, but at the same time extremely curious? Give him something unusual and cool, for example:

    I want to note that you can give a nine-year-old boy this day a lot of things from the traditional "arsenal". Most importantly, put his hobbies and interests at the forefront.

    So, presentation large encyclopedic book will be a wonderful gift. It is only important that its content is interesting for our birthday boy. This is not difficult to achieve, because today's market of cognitive literature will satisfy any request.

    It is only important that its content is interesting for our birthday boy. This is not difficult to achieve, because today's market of cognitive literature will satisfy any request.

    Money for money or a gift for a child who has everything

    As a gift for the 9th birthday of a boy who has almost everything, I advise, of course, not in an envelope, but somehow thinking over the presentation.

    Why, after thinking a little, recommend a "wrong" gift in the understanding of many parents? Because we will not be able to guess about the tastes and preferences of a child who does not need anything, no matter how hard we try. And even if it succeeds, it is unlikely that there will be enough money. And so, let him decide on what to spend the amount received, while learning how to properly manage money.

    On the other hand, at the age of nine it would be time for a boy who strives for independence in everything, to give freedom of choice. Otherwise, how do we want to cultivate this very independence in him?

    Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva

    1. Electronic dog
    Many children ask their parents to give them a pet. But if for some reason this is not possible, give your child an electronic dog. These smart toys can do a lot - they move, make sounds, execute commands. Thanks to built-in programs, they can even respond to the voice of only their master. This toy can become a favorite for your child for a long time.

    2. Radio controlled toy
    It's no secret that modern children have already mastered the technique with might and main. It is sometimes more difficult even for adults to do what a child can do. Present him with a radio-controlled toy, but try to find something non-standard. For example, a boy can be presented with a car crashing against obstacles or "crawling" on a wall, and a girl with a flying sorceress or fairy.

    3. Nano-animals
    Present your child with a new generation toy - nanobugs. These beetles move along the surface due to the strong vibration generated by the built-in battery. Their movements are unpredictable, and all the more interesting. You can play with them alone, building obstacles, mazes, or you can play with friends, adults, arranging, for example, races for them, and happily wait for your beetle to come first.

    4. Computer accessories
    If a child at the age of 9 is a computer genius and already he condescendingly explains to his parents the difference between a dual-core processor and a quad-core processor, then you can safely give him computer accessories. It can be high-quality headphones, a webcam, a wireless mouse or a USB flash drive of an original form. It is advisable to give him something that he does not have.

    5. Table lamp with a surprise
    It is known that, even after growing up, many children do not like to fall asleep in the dark, and the night light by his bed is not only for beauty. These can be night lamps in the form of animals, and with fountains, and with the projection of light onto the ceiling. Or you can give him a nightlight with a surprise, for example, with a piggy bank. And such a lamp will not only illuminate his room, but also protect his "innumerable treasures."

    What to give a child of primary school age 8-10 years old? The older the child becomes, the more interests he has, the more noticeable the difference in the interests and preferences of girls and boys, the more difficult it is to choose a gift for the child. Ideal if you know well what your child needs. It is even better if you can choose a purchase together with him. However, you have to guess more often.

    Girls, starting from this age, want more and more to attract attention, to be beautiful and bright. Requirements for outfits, children's cosmetics, bijouterie and various accessories are growing. They like to decorate not only themselves, but also the dolls with which they continue to play.

    Boys are a little easier. In the center of their interests are heroic characters, various equipment, toy weapons. Developing games and kits for design and creativity are of great interest. Boys develop a spirit of competition and competition. Therefore, preference should be given to a gift that the child can proudly tell his friends about.

    The selection of gifts for children 8-10 years old includes educational games and play sets, characters from children's works, toys for outdoor games, as well as children's clothing and accessories. When choosing a gift option, take into account the characteristics and level of development of the child. Remember its safety. Communicate more and enjoy life with children!

    As a rule, age 9 is a relatively quiet period in a child's life. School adjustments are behind us, and adolescence has not yet arrived. However, deciding what to give a girl for 9 years can be difficult.

    Each child is individual, some girls at the age of 9 are still happy to play with dolls, so toys will be the best gift for them. Others are gradually moving away from purely childish interests, more and more actively imitating adults. Such children should choose clothes, jewelry, things for practicing their favorite hobbies, electronic gadgets, etc. as a gift.


    If the girl is still interested in dolls, then she can be given a toy for her birthday. Of course, the chosen item must be age-appropriate.

    A doll as a gift for a girl for 9 years needs to be chosen carefully. Simple dolls that are good for five-year-olds should be immediately excluded from the list of possible gifts. At this age, the girl will be pleased to receive an exquisite doll as a gift, however, it should be just a toy, not an exhibition souvenir. It is good if the doll can be combed, make her a variety of hairstyles, change clothes, sew dresses for her.

    However, the list of toys that are appropriate to buy as a gift for a child for 9 years does not end with dolls.

    A construction set or a board game can be a great gift. When buying, you should pay attention to the age group for which the toy is recommended, then it will be much easier to make a choice.

    Creator's Kit

    Many girls have hobbies during this period. To maintain interest or show new opportunities, it is worth buying creative kits as a gift. Fortunately, in our time, the choice of sets is diverse and can satisfy a variety of interests.

    For example, you can purchase do-it-yourself kits for doing the following:

    • making soft toys;
    • knitting mittens or socks;
    • soap making;
    • embroidery with threads or beads;
    • painting on various surfaces;
    • decoupage;
    • making flowers from paper and ribbons;
    • modeling from sculpted clay, salt dough;
    • casting figurines from plaster.

    Needlework, making various cute little things is not just an escape from boredom. This is also an important point in education and development. Being engaged in creativity, the girl develops her artistic taste, learns perseverance and accuracy, trains fine motor skills of her hands.

    Gifts for women of fashion

    A rare nine-year-old girl does not pay attention to her appearance. Therefore, gifts for beauty will be quite appropriate.

    If there is a desire to donate clothes, then it is better to do without surprises. Even a mother, who, it would seem, should perfectly know her daughter's tastes, risks buying a thing that the girl will refuse to wear. Moreover, you should not risk buying clothes for people who do not know the child too closely or are not particularly versed in children's fashion.

    If you want to donate clothes, you should either bring the birthday girl to the store and invite her to choose from the proposed options. Or give a certificate so that the girl can later go to the store with her mother and pick up what she likes.

    One important thing to remember when bringing a certificate or money as a gift: this practical gift should be accompanied by a small but pleasant surprise for the birthday girl. It can be a beautiful bouquet of flowers or candies and toys, or a box of sweets. Such a surprise can be inexpensive, just for a nine-year-old child it is important to get a real, albeit a small gift, on the day of the holiday, and not later, when the mother has time to visit the store with her daughter.

    In addition to clothes, you can give jewelry. It can be:

    • various hair accessories: hairpins, elastic bands, headbands, headbands, etc.;
    • children's jewelry - beads, clips, bracelets.

    Jewelry should be for children, today you can find on sale cute and very cute little things, created especially for little girls.

    Should you give jewelry made of precious metals? In principle, nothing terrible will happen if the girl is presented with small gold earrings. But massive jewelry with stones is things for adult women.

    Nine-year-old girls are also interested in cosmetics. Of course, at this age, hygiene products are mainly used: scented foams and bath balls, shower gels. But you can also donate decorative cosmetics, only it should be for children. It can be chapstick or fruity lip gloss, baby nail polish, light eau de toilette.

    Accessories can also be a good gift. The girl will love things like:

    • cute handbag;
    • a set of cosmetic bags;
    • beautiful umbrella;
    • sunglasses.

    Girly secrets

    The nine-year-old birthday girl, for sure, already has her own "girlish" secrets and secrets. For storing things that are dear to your heart, you can give a cute casket.

    At all times, girls kept "albums" and diaries. Therefore, a beautiful notepad equipped with a tiny lock will be an excellent gift option. Such a diary can be trusted with the most intimate secrets.

    Electronic gizmos

    These days, it is rare for a nine-year-old to have no electronic gadgets. You can buy a phone or a tablet for a girl as a gift. However, the purchase of such things should be coordinated with the parents, since everyone has different approaches to upbringing.

    If the birthday girl already has these things, then she will be pleased with the original cover for the equipment or beautiful pendants. If the child has a personal computer, then as a gift you can buy a mouse or speakers of an unusual shape.

    Gifts by interest

    No one will object that the best gift for a girl is a thing that meets her interests. For example, if a girl loves to sing, then she will be pleased to receive a karaoke microphone that connects to the computer.

    Young women artists can get a set of good brushes and paints, and a girl who plays sports can buy a comfortable duffel bag. Many girls of this age like to read, they can be presented with fiction. Only books should be selected according to age.

    A modern and interesting gift for a girl is a dance rug that connects to a computer. The toy comes with an installation disc, which contains a variety of melodies. Such a gift will allow you to have fun and get physical activity, since modern children often prefer sitting at a computer to active games on the street. A sedentary lifestyle is extremely harmful to a growing organism.

    Most children love animals and dream of getting a pet as a gift. However, you cannot make such a gift at your own peril and risk. An animal is not a toy; you have to be responsible for it. Therefore, it is possible to buy a puppy or kitten as a gift for a girl on her 9th birthday only if the parents approve of such an undertaking.

    Original gifts

    It is difficult to find gifts for a girl who has everything. To really surprise the birthday girl, you have to come up with something completely non-standard. Here are some unusual gift ideas:

    • Piggy bank ATM. An original piggy bank made in the form of an ATM. The ATM screen displays the amount of the "deposit" made (though only coins are recognized by the piggy bank). In addition to the piggy bank, a plastic card with a configurable access code is attached, with which you can withdraw savings.

    • Apparatus for making cotton candy or popcorn. This thing will entertain both the birthday girl and her guests.
    • Set for creating a perfume. A girl using this set will be able to create an exclusive scent. In addition, along the way, she will get acquainted with the basic principles of perfume creation, learn a lot of interesting information from the history of perfumery.

    • Snow blaster. The time when snowballs were molded and thrown by hand is over. Now there is a special device for making "snow shells", as well as a device for throwing them. Such a toy will be very useful in winter.

    And if you want to give the girl an original and memorable gift, then you should order the writing of her portrait from a photo in a princess costume. Such a portrait, placed in a beautiful frame, will become a decoration of the house.

    Of course, it is impossible to list all the options for practical and original gifts. Therefore, here are only the basic ideas that can serve as a basis for choosing the best gift for a nine-year-old birthday girl.

    Choosing what to give a child for nine years is not an easy task. After all, a little schoolboy is interested in almost everything, he loves to try on the role of an adult, that is, girls dress up in their mother's outfits, and boys with an important look choose tools to fix the water tap. Nevertheless, manufacturers of goods for children offer a large assortment of toys, games, sports equipment and many original gizmos that can surprise and interest those who have crossed the 9-year mark.

    Age features of children of nine years old

    From 7–8 years old, children actively learn about the surrounding phenomena, and they do this with the help of observation, study, and only then practical development. P the principle of choosing a gift is novelty. In other words, if a girl likes to wear bright jewelry and do needlework, then it makes sense to give her a set of lumigurumi - and she will be able to weave a whole collection of bracelets, rings and even handbags (if the set of rubber bands is large).

    The older the child gets, the harder it is to please him with a gift.

    Does it matter who the gift is from

    Of course, no one denies the truth: the main thing is that the gift is from the heart. But we still need to dwell on one point. Namely on a group gift. The fact is that usually from the age of 7 (the beginning of school), children celebrate birthdays with friends, which means that the parents of these friends start to have a headache about a suitable birthday present. In this case, study in detail all the features of the character, hobbies of the hero of the occasion, consult with your parents and make a choice (however, there is a possibility that the request will not match your budget). You can make a good gift and team up.

    As for relatives, here, of course, there are some nuances associated with the approach to choosing a surprise: if an uncle presents a puzzle with 80 pieces or a piece of toilet soap in a beautiful package, the child will not understand it.

    What you don’t need to give

    There are some subtleties here as well. For example, for a boy, shampoo, shower gel are gifts “about nothing”: these things do not cause awe. But for a girl, a deliciously smelling liquid soap in a package with a princess will be a very welcome souvenir. And if it is also complete with a set of cosmetics, you cannot wish for the best.

    Stationery is definitely unsuccessful for both boys and girls. As a rule, by the age of 9, the trepidation and tenderness in relation to everything related to school has already passed. So a pencil case with pencils of 36 colors will not cause delight (only if the birthday person is not fanatical about drawing!). In this category of gifts, you can only consider the option of a backpack with the image of your favorite movie or cartoon character.

    What to donate: top list

    In fact, the nine-year anniversary is a very “successful” holiday in terms of choosing a souvenir: on the one hand, the child has already grown up enough to receive something from the category of adult gifts, but on the other hand, he continues to invent role-playing fun with great pleasure. with toys (dolls, cars, etc.).

    For a girl, cosmetics will never be an inappropriate gift.

    Electronic devices

    Nowadays, a tablet or a mobile phone of the latest model is a welcome gift for almost every birthday person from 5–6 to 40+ years old. But it is at school age that children experience a special trepidation about these gifts.

    American psychologists at Yale University, who conducted research on the influence of gadgets on the psychophysical development of a child, found that children who started communicating with a computer, tablet, etc. before 10 years of age are more prone to infantilism in adulthood than those lucky ones who use devices started after 10 years.

    Still, parents should think very well and weigh the pros and cons. Indeed, at the age of 9, a child still does not have that sense of proportion that would regulate the amount of time spent in front of the monitor. And if mom and dad do not intend to take responsibility for keeping track of minutes and hours spent in virtual reality, then it is not worth giving electronic toys. Although for study, gadgets are sometimes very useful.

    Electronic toys open up great educational opportunities, but children most often use gadgets for entertainment.


    It would seem, at the age of 9, what kind of car dolls can there be? But not today! The toy industry offers not just a toy car on wheels or a silent doll, but real treasures for children.

    Options for the most popular toys for young ladies and gentlemen - table


    Nine-year-old princesses are increasingly aware of themselves as girls, future girls-women-mothers. And in their role-playing games, they try on the role of a mother with great enthusiasm. If you do this in a game with an interactive baby doll Baby Born, which can cry, eat, drink, relieve, then there is no better way to experience all the joys of motherhood for a child.

    The Monster High series is simply created for babies who are fond of fantastic cartoons. By the way, manufacturers of popular dolls do not recommend buying them for children under 8 years old, since the unusual appearance of girls-dolls can scare a child.

    Fashionistas Bratz compare favorably with Barbie, because the prototype of the doll is not an adult girl, but a teenager. Stylish and trendy Bratz helps girls learn to follow fashion and style.

    In recent years, textile dolls Tilda have occupied a special niche. Despite their simplicity, these young ladies have magnificent forms, long legs, they are dressed in stylish dresses, and a funny hat completes the image.

    Tilda is a doll or animal made according to patterns by the Norwegian artist Tony Finnanger. For its manufacture, mainly natural materials are used. The color scheme is dominated by calm shades.

    By the way, if you sew well and are not alien to needlework, then Tilda can be sewn with your own hands, having come up with an unusual image of a summer resident, a bather, etc. This gift can also be made healthy if you add aromatic herbs to the stuffing.

    The most favorite dolls of girls of the current generation - photo gallery

    Girls love Bratz, because they are as close as possible to them in age.If you decide to sew a Tilda doll yourself, the network has a lot of options for patterns. Baby Born dolls are sold complete with everything you need for a baby: a pacifier, a bottle, etc. Monster girls are real women of fashion

    Cars and equipment

    1. Radio-controlled cars or special equipment. These toys never go out of style, especially since the fleet can be replenished with an infinite number of cars of different brands. A control panel for each is not required, you can do with one, since the frequency is the same for all models. True, if the birthday boy's dad is still greedy for such fun, then a second remote control will still be required.
    2. Mechanized railway. For example, Racing PRO, Woody - a version that completely copies real trains, including the characteristic sounds at departure and arrival.
    3. Collectible cars, for example, the HOT WEELS series. Among peers, the owner of such a treasure will definitely increase his popularity tenfold.
    4. Transforming robots help develop the engineering ingenuity of future men, because you need to connect maximum perseverance and attention to make a robot out of a spaceship, and a weapon out of a robot.

    What toys can be gifted to future men - photo gallery

    Train models are so close to real ones that they even make the same sounds
    The toy comes with detailed assembly instructions. Models of radio-controlled cars are small copies of real-life cars.
    These cars have gained incredible popularity all over the world.

    Universal toys

    1. Silicone figures Trash Pack. Children with great passion collect 100 heroes of the collection, exchange them and come up with a variety of games.
    2. The Furby boom pet is a kind of analogue of the Baby Born doll, but suitable for boys as well. The funny creature dances, sings, eats and, of course, plays pranks. In general, it is quite an improved version of the Tamagotchi.
    3. Anti-stress balls. This adult toy has completely "migrated" into the category of children. The guys really like to watch how the mesh with a gel-like filler compressed in their hand turns into many small bubbles.
    4. Spinner. Another non-childish fun that boys and girls really like. The purpose of the toy is to calm the nerves of the person watching the spinning wheel. Since there is still nothing special to calm the children down, they simply spin the spinner and compete to see who has done the best job.
    5. Good Fun grabber. When "start" is pressed, the ball gives a signal in one or another part, along which the player (or players) must grab the handle or throw the toy over.

    The most desirable toys of modern children - photo gallery

    You can play with a grabber alone or in a large company. A fluffy animal teaches a child to take care of others. A collection of funny monsters is a child's pride. Children arrange real competitions: who will spin the spinner more strongly? Ball is an excellent simulator for developing fine motor skills of a child's hands

    Educational gifts

    This group of presents fits equally well with the hobbies and inclinations of both boys and girls.


    You can give such a gift only if the child is really passionate about creating voluminous buildings from plastic parts. If the birthday boy is keen on assembling serial toys, then please him with the Playmobil constructor. Boys love Lego. For example, the City series, Star Wars and Ninjago. Lego girls, on the other hand, prefer Disney Princesses or Friends.

    For boys who are fond of electronics, there is a separate offer - an electronic designer with detailed diagrams for assembling a bell, a radio, etc.

    Star Wars - timeless Lego classics

    Jigsaw puzzles

    With such a gift, you will please the culprit or the hero of the occasion only if they are diligent and patiently combine an element with an element to recreate the plot of the picture. By the way, today puzzle manufacturers offer a lot of options for guys and girls. For example, a pirate ship and a princess castle, car racing and a bouquet, etc. Would you like to present an original puzzle? Pay attention to 3D models, where as a result of assembly a volumetric figure is obtained..

    The assembled model will become a decoration of the nursery

    Board games

    This is one of the most popular categories for choosing a gift for a child for 9 years. There are several types of games that will delight both children and adults.

    1. Twister, Scrabble, Lotto will captivate the whole family.
    2. Rubik's Cube, 3D ball-labyrinth perplexus - wonderful puzzles that diversify the child's leisure time.
    3. Walking games (for girls - with princesses, for boys - with pirates) train the logical thinking of children.
    4. Monopoly. If you are thinking about the future of your son, daughter, then you understand that a child cannot do without basic economic knowledge. The game will help you to comprehend the basics of this wisdom.
    5. A set of a young magician, allowing the birthday boy to learn the secrets of skill, to get acquainted with the props of a real magician. Such a toy fosters patience, endurance and hard work in a child.
    6. Table football, hockey, billiards. Despite the fact that this toy is more suitable for boys, many girls will not refuse to compete. It is a wonderful gift for twin children.

    The best board games for nine year olds - photo gallery

    Not only children, but also adults play the twister with great passion Scrabble perfectly expands the vocabulary of children Monopoly teaches how to rationally distribute funds

    How to play with 3D ball maze - video


    At the age of 9, the child already has his own literary preferences, taking into account which it is easy to find the right book. The most popular genres are science fiction and adventure. However, the classics will also come in handy, because the school curriculum has not been canceled. You can choose reference books, encyclopedias for students, illustrated dictionaries. And yet, be careful with such a gift: unfortunately, modern children do not put reading at the center of their hobbies, so if you do not want your gift to remain inconspicuous, then supplement the book with an original chocolate cake or machine (doll).

    Useful gifts

    Such things are designed to awaken in the child a cognitive interest in different areas of knowledge.

    Experimenter's kit

    Since the essence of phenomena without knowledge of physics is difficult for a nine-year-old schoolchild to comprehend, it is worth giving something spectacular and at the same time completely scientifically substantiated. For example, a set for experiments and experiments. This can be a crystal growing kit, a water experiment set, or a description of experiments with a magnet, electricity and light.

    In some sets with crystals, you can grow "trees"


    Many children enjoy looking at a model of the globe - a globe, dreaming of faraway countries and incredible adventures. Now you can buy an interactive globe that not only pronounces the name of the specified country, but also provides information about its geographic location, flag, political structure, etc.

    Funny lunchbox

    A breakfast box with a picture of your favorite cartoon character will leave no doubt to a caring mother that her child will eat a sandwich prepared for a snack.

    Lunchbox in the form of a minion will draw the child's attention to the contents of the snack box

    Office supplies are classified as inappropriate gifts. But nevertheless, many girls gladly show off their wealth to their peers: with markers of incredible colors, pens of original shapes, etc. So do not immediately cross out the stationery from the list of possible gifts. True, it is still not necessary to define it in the first place.

    Gifts for physical development

    Sport is very important in the life of children, because without it, the harmonious development of the child is impossible. So the present can also be directed to the implementation of the task of comprehensive education of the birthday person.

    1. Bike. If the hero of the occasion does not yet have such an important sign of a happy childhood, then be sure to take care of buying it. For children 7-9 years old, buy models with 20-inch wheels.
    2. Kick scooter. Quite a controversial present, since now this type of transport is most often bought for preschool children. But if the birthday boy does not mind, then a scooter is also possible.
    3. Skate. Both boys and girls love to ride on the board. When choosing a model, pay attention to the parameters: for a child taller than 140 cm, the skate should be mid-size, and if below 140 cm, then mini.
    4. Rollers. In order for the gift to please not only the child, but also the parents, be sure to purchase protection: a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads.
    5. Giroskuter. A very fashionable thing, a kind of skateboard, it just moves itself. Choose hoverboards with the lowest travel speed - 5 km / h, lightweight - 4–5 kg. Do not buy a model for adults if the child weighs less than 30 kg - the segway will vibrate and sway.
    6. Jumper - a kind of stilts that allow you to jump like a kangaroo. They perfectly develop and strengthen the muscles of the legs and back.
    7. Pogo stick, he is a grasshopper. It looks like a jumper, only you need to jump on it from one support for both legs.
    8. Snow scooter. A perfect gift for a "winter" child.
    9. Ice cube ("plate" for skating on ice) or an inflatable cheesecake - tubing - for the same purposes. Suitable for both boys and girls.
    10. Badminton, tennis should be for every self-respecting "almost adult".
    11. Toy weapons like the water pistol will grab the attention of both boys and girls.
    12. Sports complex. The model can be for the street or for the house. A serious gift (and not only because of the price!) For the future champion.

    Sports gifts - photo gallery

    The jumper must be selected primarily according to the size of the shoe Many girls also ride skateboards with great pleasure A gyro scooter is a welcome gift for most modern children Jumping on a grasshopper strengthens the muscles of the legs and back Tubings can be combined into one train

    What to give a creative person

    Nine-year-old children are no longer just making strokes with pencils or mindlessly strumming the guitar, their engagement in any creative activity is becoming more and more conscious. So the gift will be in place.

    1. Sets for painting on canvas, ceramics or wood. Coloring by numbers, children not only develop logical and spatial thinking, but also learn to be patient, hardworking and assiduous.
    2. Simulation kit. Any boy will be delighted with such a gift: assembling an entire plane with his own hands, and even painting it is the dream of most boys.
    3. Kit for embroidery, soap making, weaving lumigurumi - gift options for a creative girl.

    A set for soap making will delight a girl who is passionate about this type of creativity.

    A pet

    Animals teach children to be kind and caring. However, for objective reasons, not all parents are ready for such responsibility. So before buying, be sure to talk about this with the birthday boy's mom and dad. However, the recommended list would look like this:

    • hamster;
    • aquarium with fish;
    • rat;
    • parrot;
    • chinchilla;
    • dog.

    A decorative rabbit can also be a good gift, especially for a girl.


    At the age of 9, children already understand what a financial opportunity is. And, therefore, they understand: you need funds to buy the coveted hoverboard. Therefore, many guys are saving money. So why not help speed up the accumulation process?

    DIY souvenirs

    It will be difficult to evaluate this gift for a child 100 percent. And yet, despite the sediment in the soul of a little schoolboy, if you present a T-shirt with a photo print, a box made of paper tubes for storing jewelry, a personalized mug with a photo print or a bouquet of your favorite sweets, then this gift will not be a complete failure.

    Hand made gifts are not understood by all children, especially if they themselves are alien to this pastime

    Original surprises

    For a child, something that is unexpected is original. So a runaway alarm clock, an ant farm, etc. will undoubtedly win the attention of the birthday boy. But for how long is a question of questions.

    An ant farm - an artificial anthill or formicarium - is a transparent aquarium with a filler, in which passages, chambers and an arena are pre-formed - a free part of the space, well lit.

    Conclusion: you should not be too original when choosing a gift. After all, your child is at an age when displays of interest occur spontaneously, and not faked. So if the child does not understand what to do with the ants on the farm, then there will be no joy from receiving such a presentation.

    Ant farm is a modern alternative to the aquarium

    Memorable gifts

    This group includes jewelry, watches, etc. Such an expensive souvenir can be supplemented with engraving with the initials of the birthday person. We will also include gifts-impressions in this group: trips to the zoo, water park or cinema. Usually such gifts are presented to those children who are difficult to please, because they have almost everything. Among the memorable entertainment gifts, you can determine the top list of the most original.

    There are quite a few ideas for choosing a gift for a nine-year-old child. It is quite possible to get confused. So, on the eve of the purchase, you should still provide mom and dad for approval with a list of possible gifts that fit your budget. Then the chances that your gift will be received with delight by the birthday person will increase several times.

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