• Fruit vegetable psychology. Card files of apples to apple sussium game "Cravel apple"


    Here you can play for free on the online game - I love orange juice, the original name is I Like OJ. This game was played 14264 times (a) and it was estimated 4.7 out of 5, 48 people voted (a).

    • Platform: Web Browser (PC, Mobile Phones and Tablets)
    • Technology: HTML5. Works in all modern browsers
    • Ability to play full screen

    How to play?

    You are not required for the ability to sort fruit or even repair the juicer. All this has long been prepared and expects only your appearance. The hole of the juicer, intended for laying the fruit, is covered with a lid. You will remove it only at the moment when notice an orange. Carefully and quickly - on top there will be a variety of fruits and even vegetables. Try not to confuse and do not spoil the orange juice by adding apple or tomato to it. Spoiled juice is recognized as unsuitable, and your game is lost. It will only be left to return to the beginning and again catch oranges for a new portion of juice. Earn such cute coins. Soon you can accumulate on a new powerful juicer.

    Mlada Sidorov

    1. The game "Collect the harvest"

    3-4 people are involved. Apples or objects, replacing them, scattered through the playing field. Participants must collect the apples as possible with the blindfolding eyes as possible "fallen from the tree". Wins the one who collected apples most of all. He gets a prize.

    2. The game-relay "Prongs - do not drop"

    Task: run to the rack and back, keeping in both hands on a spoon with a small apple and transfer the player to the next player

    3. Game "Hedgehog and Apple"

    The players become in a circle and quickly pass the apple behind the backs of each other. The hedgehog walks in the center, stopped opposite the player who, as he thinks, should be at that moment an apple, and says: "Give an apple." If this player has an apple, he must give his hedgehog and change with him roles, if not - the game continues further.

    4. Game "Stall Apple"

    Two teams participate that apples praise in turn. That team will win, which will say more for the laudatory words.

    5. Game "Eh, Apple"

    Dance "Apple" with an apple on the head - a few participants dance, wins the one who has the last apple will last on the head

    6. Relay "Apple on a plate" - to carry not dropping and transfer the following team member

    7. Horovodnaya Game "Rod Apple"

    Children stand in a circle and pass the apple in a circle, sing:

    "Apple rolled out

    Past the garden


    Who will raise

    That will come out. "

    The song stopped on the com, he goes into a circle and dancing

    8. Horovodnaya Game "Apple We Fel"

    In the center of the child (Masha or Vanya). Children with apples are in a circle, put apples on the floor, go rounds around apples lying in a circle and sing:

    "Apple we ate, ate yes crush.

    Little Masha (little Vanya)

    Not enough apple.

    I will go to the sump

    Masha (Wana) I will find an apple "

    As soon as the song ends, all children try to grab an apple. Who did not have enough, he becomes the center.

    9. Game-relay "Bags with apples"

    Apples and balls are mixed in bags, you need to find an apple to the touch and attribute it to the basket. Whose team first will find all apples in the bag, she won.

    10. The game-relay "Sort the harvest"

    Apples (balls from the dry pool) scattered on the floor. Participants - 3 teams - must collect apples in color (red, yellow, green) in baskets. Who is faster?

    11. The game "Tag Apple"

    Each player receives on the "apple" (ball). Teams are built in the ranks and take turns throw "apples" in the bucket. The team will defeat as much as possible "apples" in their veder.

    12. The game-relay "Apples slept"

    Two watmans with apple trees are attached on the easels. Each team is issued on the marker. While music sounds, children in turn run up to her Watman, draw an apple on an apple tree, return and pass the marker to the next participant. Defeats the team that first finished draw

    13. Relay "Apple Hockey"

    2 Commands with a stick apples (or replacing their balls) are drunk in the knot. Defeats the team first coping with the task

    14. Game "Apple Hill"

    Children in turn rolling from a slide apple. Whose will go further, the winner.

    15. Game "Multicolored apples"

    Children to the music are randomly walking around the hall (plot). Everyone in the hands of a "apple" (ball) of red, yellow or green color. At the end, you need to find yourself a couple of the same color.

    You can play with singing:

    "We walked around the dump

    Sweet apple we poured.

    Choose a friend,

    Apple treat! "

    Or another option:

    "You look at each other

    And collapse in color »- Gather in 3 groups, in the color of" apples "

    Publications on the topic:

    Didactic game "Hedgehogs with Apples" for the first younger group Author of the game: Insterankin M.G Purpose: Find apples of one color task: continue.

    Fizkultminutki card file Hare hares jumped, tumbled and played. And how to hear the wolf drove all home. Boots here we put on boots, ran along the path.

    The game "Hedgehog with Apples". Objectives: To form the ability to select the rhyme words, contribute to the development of phonderatic perception, promote.

    Educator GKU TSSB "Lighthouse" Omelchenko Lyudmila Anatolyevna. "The child's mind is at the tips of the fingers" V. A. Sukhomlinsky. Purpose: acquaintance.

    Feast of ripe apples

    Holiday scenario in grade 3

    Class decorated with balls. On the walls - drawn apples. Apple tree is drawn on the Watman Sheet. On it apples, on the reverse side of which the names of contests. During the holiday, children break them down and read the text.

    Leading: Hello guests dear, desirable! Be healthy and happy. And let our meeting be fun and joyful, because it is devoted to a very tasty fruit.

    And what kind of fruit you will learn if you guess the riddle:

    You have a fun mystery

    And the depth is very sweet.

    Starts on Ya

    And ends on me

    And on every branch

    Babes are all on the letter I.

    Leading: Autumn - the time of all sorts of celebrations and dates associated with products. In October and November, not only Russia, but also europe glow fairs, festivals and exhibitions. So on October 21, the United Kingdom invites guests to celebrate the day of the apple.

    In our country, there is also a holiday of an apple. We will certify it on August 19.19 August - Apple Savior, saved on Mount.

    On this day, apples were sanctified in the church and considered this holiday the main holiday of the summer to this holiday embellished the collection and harvesting of apples. During the day dreamed apple kvass and compote, ate pies with apple filling, rolled apples from a slide: Whose further. And in the evening they went to the clearing and drove the dance.

    The second saved the hour. Fruits to this day ripen. The people say: "The second saved apple supple" from this day you can tear ripe apples.

    The tradition to eat apples on this day and aging the desire existed in Russia everywhere. At the same time it was necessary, swallowing the first piece, to make a "accommodation" desire. It must be fulfilled.

    Apple Savior We celebrate in the summer, on vacation. But unfair to bypass the side of this delicious fruit. Therefore, today we invite everyone to the "holiday of ripe apples"


    Yury Corinet

    Apples in the house are dumping sadness,
    More nowhere applied apple -
    in the boxes, in books, in the closet for dishwasher ...
    Apples this year, how to attack!

    I see, the guys went to school.
    Apples in thick briefcases carry
    At home they did not manage at the table -
    Apples on the road gnaw.

    They quickly pass for the fence.
    The wind is cold blowing in the face.
    Apples fall, apples fall
    In the puddles, to the ground, in the grass, on the porch.

    Leading: Apples are one of the most ancient fruits that appeared on Earth.

    Archaeologists argue that even cave people used apples in food. Pliny senior describes 23 varieties known in Rome. Thanks to Roman soldiers, the apple moved to Europe, and now it is one of the most popular and affordable fruits.

    I sat and thought "Why start? "
    After all, I really wanted to write verse.
    About something cheerful, beautiful, high ...
    About delicious cookie with apple juice.

    You know, people that in our universe
    There is a fruit, and it has the taste of advertisement
    It smells perfectly, bounce easily
    And the fruit is called an apple.

    It loves everything - old men and teenagers
    Has that fruit appearance very catchy
    It can be green, and yellow, and red
    And pleases us this fruit daily rainy.

    Leading: Many proverbs of expressions composed people about apples. And you can explain their meaning. Now check.

    Proverbs about apples:

    1. No apple to fall (very closely)
    2. Apple from the apple tree does not fall far (when it comes to bad behavior inherited from the parents).
    3. Get into the apple (just to guess something or correct to say something)
    4. Apple of discord (then, because of what a quarrel arose)
    5. Forbidden fruit (what cannot be done, to take, etc. - on forbanish paradise)

    Leading: And you know where the expression comes from

    "Apple of discord" "Erid's goddess, while offended that she was not invited to a wedding, secretly threw on the table, followed by the gods, the golden apple with the inscription" the most beautiful. " And the dispute between the wife of Zeus goddess hero, the goddess of the wisdom of Athena and the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite. The result of the dispute was the Trojan War.

    Since then, the expression "apple of discord" means all the cause of the dispute and quarrel.

    "Get into the apple"the hero of the Swiss legend TV was a hunter and the shooter. The governor of Emperor Gesler ordered to put in the middle of the city of Six with a hat. In order for anyone passing in the sign of respect for the emperor to bow to this hat. And Talla refused. He was captured. Gesler said to the brave Swiss: "If you get an arrow into an apple on my son's head, I will let you go." The boy was taken to a fairly long distance, but the Tel has successfully completed the task, and was released.

    The expression "get into the apple" means to get exactly in the target.


    Among passersby
    Hang an apple in the garden.
    Well, who is what?
    Just an apple hung.
    Only horse said
    What is low.
    And the mouse is high.
    Sparrow said he was close
    And snail - far.
    A calf - concerned
    The fact that the apple is not enough.
    And chicken - topics
    What is very great and hard.
    And the kitten is still:
    - sour - why is it?
    - What do you! -
    Worm whispers -
    Sweet he has a barrel.


    Leading: Apples have repeatedly helped the heroes of fairy tales. Recall them:

    Literary questions:
    1. In what fairy tale near the crystal bridge grow gold and silver apples? ("Magic Ring".)
    2. In what fairy tale the princess ate a forest apple? ("Wild Swans".)
    3. Which sausage rolls a bulk apple? (Silver.)
    4. In what fairy tale the king wanted to climb with apples? ("Molding apples".)
    5. In what fairy tale of Tsarevna ate a piece of poisoned apple? ("Tale of a dead princess and about seven heroes.")
    6. In what fairy tale is the apple tree saved children from pursuing their geese? ("Swan geese".)

    V.Vagin about the apple.
    Three apples from the garden
    Hedgehog caused
    The cooler
    Priest presented.

    Apple Ya. Akim
    Ripe apple, red, sweet.
    The apple is cruste, with a smooth skin.
    Apple I in half divide
    Apple with your other in your own.

    Apple amber N. Lunina
    On an apple tree ripe
    Apple amber
    Yana with Jasha ate.

    Apples Spectacled I. Gorlonova
    On the tree hang.
    Apples Mustache
    We are stroking with you.
    Love, love apples
    Adults and children.
    These fruits are ripe
    Best in light.

    Leading : It's time to play, welcing, get together. Ready?

    We start contests.

    Apple Hedgehog
    We divide into two teams. Each team is given an apple, covered with the same number of matches or toothpicks. Pulling on one match, the participants must utter epithets by the word "apple" - ripe, juicy, ruddy, bulk, red ... (Other option: pulled out a match - said the conflection of birthdaynice.) If someone does not know what to say, then missing his queue, and next competition for him continues. That team wins, whose apple will faster free from the "needles".

    Who is bigger?
    Participate for 2-3 people. The participants of the competition tie their eyes. Task: Collected apples in packets laid on the floor. Wins the gathered most.

    Apple, swim!
    For the game, we take a large pelvis with water, throwing several apples into it (tails for complicating tasks can be cut off). Two children stand on her knees in front of the pelvis, holding her hands behind her back, and try to get an apple from the water to the teeth. Who first grabbed the apple and pulled out of the water - that winner.

    What apples in the garden
    Did not regret October paints.
    Branches in the arc
    Store the remains of summer caress.

    Among the trees, like in paradise,
    Put the bird of trouble.
    Wealth Viders give,
    Friends from the autumn sorcerer.

    Let her hands stick like in honey
    And the day is almost already on the slope.
    In the garden regally go,
    In a chic, apple crown!

    Try, bite!
    Before each participant is suspended on an apple rope. Task: Without Hands, try to bite off a piece. Wins the one who managed to do it first. Competition is complex, but cheerful!

    Who is faster? (relay race)
    We divide into two teams. The first participants take to each hand on a spoon with small apples. It is necessary, without dropping apples, run around the room, to heat the stool, standing at the opposite wall, return back, passing the spoon with apples to the next team player.

    Apple dance
    Children become opposite each other, clinging between the foreheads on the apple. Under the merry music, couples try to fulfill any dance movements. If the apple falls, the couple drops out of the game. Whose couple will last longer?

    Cheerful dance.
    Children become in a circle and under the music begin to transmit each other an apple. When music suddenly stops, the one who at that moment turned out to be an apple, must complete the task. He reads the lead, or the child himself pulls one of the cards with the task written. For example: to portray the plane, show the smoked cat, make a compliment to the neighbor on the right, sing, dance, contact, etc.

    Autumn apples.

    Autumn brushes got
    The leaves began to paint,
    But, coloring generously maples,
    Still not hurt.
    Wandered, walking, autumn
    In the flowing gardens -
    On the branches in transparent crowns
    Apples like lights.
    Autumn even confused -
    Will it be enough for everything:
    Very many late apples
    Little paints with her.
    I thought a bit
    And decided not to wise
    Yes on green apples
    Cheeks red sprinkle.
    The fact that with yellow fruits -
    Thicker made tones
    And burgundy (as "china")
    Purple gave.
    Long autumn drawn,
    Paints laid out everything
    But now the fruits are autumn
    Do not refuse beauty.

    Dance on chairs.
    Participants are sitting on the chairs. Everyone puts on the head apple and sitting performs dance so that the apple does not roll from the head.

    Share on the team. Each participant needs to go through the room with an apple on the head, hug a chair and go back. The one who drops the apple begins the way again. What team to cope with the task faster?

    Last apple

    The winds are shot down
    Foliage in the garden rustle.
    And the apple is forgotten
    On an apple tree hanging.

    Creep trees black!
    "Yes, fall, it's time!" -
    But the apple is stubborn
    Hanging again in the morning ...

    Hanging it, swinging,
    And autumn does not end

    Leading: So our holiday approached the end. We invite everyone to the table, taste an apple cake.

    Apple sites.

    Competition Gaming Program


    - form in children moral qualities based on folk traditions;

    - expand the horizon.


    - Interested in children participation in the program;

    - give the opportunity to every child to show yourself;

    - Create an atmosphere of goodwill and creativity.

    Registration, equipment and props:

    - cut out of paper apples with numbers;

    - box for lottery and numbered sheets of paper;

    - apples;

    - target and cotton balls;

    - Prizes.

    Event flow:

    Leading:Hello guys! Today we gathered in this room for a special occasion. We have gatherings. And who of you know what it is? ( Answers children) Sowing is a youth party, accompanied by some lesson, handmade work, games. But we will have unusual gatherings. And what are they devoted to, guess yourself.

    With the cam,

    Red barrel

    Purge - smoothly

    And bit off - Sweet. (Apple)

    Leading:Yes, really our gatherings are devoted, it would seem that the most ordinary, familiar apple. But it turns out, it hides in himself a lot of secrets that we will find out today.

    The first reference to the apple we meet in the Bible. It was from there that the tradition came to celebrate one of the folk holidays, which falls on August 19. Who knows what is this holiday? ( Answers children)

    Leading:August 19 - Apple Savior. On this day, people bring apples to the church to consecrate, bake with apples pies. However, in the village was considered indecent for women. There are apples before Saviva's Day. So they said: "Eva-Evochka, do not eat an apple to Saviva."

    Also forbidden and children have apples. Apples, pears in the church, were solencing them on the save. And only typing consecrated fruits, it was possible to remove them from the tree and there. So little by apple began to attach the importance of the biblical fetus of knowledge of good and evil. The peasants saw in the apples of the temptation, was considered a sin if someone eaten apples before Savior. In this sin even rushed to confession. Especially strictly followed these old men, perturbed, if young people violated the Christian custom. The abundance of different fruits and vegetables made it easy to carry temptation. But on the spasy day the whole village smelled with apples. They carried them to church with nodes and baskets, and they sold in the bazaar to be sold. It was cheaply apples, and they were given along with baskets.

    From the stories of historians, it is known that more than 4 thousand years ago, the ancient Greeks learned to cultivate the apple trees in the gardens. Following them, apple trees began to grow in Western European countries, and then around the world. In the 11-12th centuries, cultural apple trees appeared in the monastery gardens of Kievan Rus. The garden of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, which was launched in 1051 by Yaroslav Wise, was especially famous for them.

    In our country, experts consist of almost ten thousand cultural varieties and up to seventy species of wild apple trees. They arrived in the vast territory of Russia - from northern to southern borders, and their fruits are firmly entered into our diet. After all, apples have not only good taste, but also influence the person a beneficial effect, give the beauty of health, contribute to the prevention of various ailments.

    From the reports of nutritionists it is known that every grade of apples has its own characteristics and chemical composition. Apples are rich in water, proteins, fructose, fiber, organic acids and minerals, as well as vitamins. Apples are used in fresh and in the liver form to improve digestion and metabolism, for the prevention and treatment of Malokrovia. Cashitz from Antonovsky apples are used in the treatment of warts. Dentists argue that apples, along with other fruits and vegetables, contain organic acids, prevent the development of caries.

    Well, now, guys, we will check what our teeth are strong.

    Competition "Eat an apple"

    Everyone will participate in the competition. Children are divided into pairs. Apples (by number of pairs) are suspended on the thread. A task of couples - without the help of hands to eat an apple: What pair faster? The winning couple receives a prize.

    Leading: Yes, the caries do not threaten you: your teeth are strong and healthy.

    At all times, apples were loved by the Russian people. They came up with even proverbs and sayings. The apple never falls far from the tree. Good apple to Christ the day. And in fairy tales, apples are even endowed with magical power. The following competition is devoted to the fairy tales in which there is an apple or an apple tree.

    Competition "Name a fairy tale"

    Task - Remember the fairy tales in which an apple or apple tree is found. Children call fairy tales in turn, the latter called the prize. (Examples: "Gusi-Swans", "Tale of Molding Apples and Living Water", "Tale of the Dead Tsarevna and Seven Bogatyrs" A.S. Pushkin and others.)

    Leading:But apples are found not only in fairy tales, there are, for example, a sea dance, which is called - "Apple." I suggest everyone to dance to everyone, however, the rules will have others.

    Competition-dance "Apple"

    Everyone will sit on the chairs. The presenter puts on the head of each participant an apple. The melody of dance "Apple" sounds. Task - sitting on a chair, execute dance so that the apple does not roll from the head. It is impossible to support the apple with your hands.

    Leading:Guys, raise hands, who today or yesterday ate apple. ( Children raise hands) And who of you can say, what kind of grade was this apple? ( Answers children) We will learn about some varieties of apples from amateurs gardeners.

    Have you ever seen a wild apple tree? The branches of her spiny, the fruits are small, sour - they do not want. But the man tamed this forest tree, brought a variety with large and juicy fruits. The most beautiful, the largest apples grow in Alma-Ata, in Kazakhstan. The name of them is aport. The fruits of the Aport are dark red, large - do not eat this apple.

    Another unusual apple tree lives in Siberia, near the city of Irkutsk and behind Lake Baikal. In local forests because of the cold do not grow on oak, nor Maple. And the apple tree lives! Only apples are small, like currant berries. For this they call the apple tree berry. In summer, the apples are sour and rigid, in winter, after frosts, become sweet and viscous. There is no other such apple tree in the world that could live in such a harsh edge!

    Ripened apple falls to the ground, and today, as you see, we have many such "fallen" apples. I offer you a lottery contest "Dance on a happy apple."

    Competition-lottery "Dance on a happy apple"

    On the floor of the tape are glued with large-cut apples with numbers. All those wishing to take part in the competition are divided into pairs, choose an apple. Slow music sounds, couples dancing on the chosen apple. After the end of the dance, the presenter pulls out a piece of paper from the box. A couple dancing on an apple with this number receives a prize.

    Leading:The language of the Russian people is very rich in cruise expressions, or phraseological units. About a man who fell into a difficult position, they say "sat in Galosh". About who falls asleep, say "pecks his nose." About who works badly, they say "works after the sleeves." There are expressions in which the apple is mentioned. But what they designate, try to explain. Apple nowhere to fall. () Apple of discord. ( Children explain the meaning of expression) An interesting myth is associated with this phraseology, which is called "apple of discord". According to the ancient Greek myth, one day the ancient Greek goddess of discord Erid was not invited to the feast. Having hoped, Erid decided to take revenge on the gods. She took the golden apple on which it was written "the most beautiful" and quietly threw him between the goddesses of the hero, Athena and Aphrodite. The goddesses set aside, which of them should belong. Each of them considered himself the most beautiful! The son of the Trojan Tsar Paris, who was invited to be a judge, gave an Aphrodite apple, and she in gratitude helped him kidnap the wife of the Spartan king Elena. Because of this, the Trojan War broke out. And the expression "apple of discord" turned into a phraseology, meaning the cause of a quarrel, hostility.

    I have a "apple of discord" in my hands. It is priggene, ugly, it is impossible to eat. And now we will try our kindness to give him the old look.

    "Compliment" game

    Children become a circle. The master is allowed in a circle of an apple in which a lot of matches stuck. Each child, taking an apple, pulls out a match and says the compliment to the neighbor on the right and passes the apple further in a circle.

    Leading:Another phraseologism is "getting into the apple." What do you think it means? ( Answers children) This phraseologism has a direct meaning, I now use it now.

    Competition "Get into the Apple"

    A targeted target with an apple is attached on the wall. The task of children is to get into the apple with cotton balls. Who will fall into the apple three times in a row - gets a prize.

    Dance competition

    All those wishing to take part in the competition are broken by couples. One participant remains without a pair, he has an apple in his hands. Music sounds, couples dance. A member without a pair comes up to any pair and gives one of the dancing apple, and with another rises in a couple and continues the dance. He who in his hands turned out to be an apple, looking for a couple.

    Leading:An apple is a very useful and nutritious fruit. Using it, you can cook a lot of delicious dishes. Now we will play in the game, which is called "Apple Patties".

    Apple Patties game

    At the team of the leading children gather in groups of several people, depending on how the number was named, and dance. After a while, the lead calls another number - the children are rebuilt. Who has not entered the group - leaves. (Examples of teams: "Built on ten!", "Built on seven!", Etc. In addition, descending order). The winners are awarded prizes.

    Leading:Our gatherings are suitable for the end. But we would like to know what's new, interesting you learned and remembered. So "Apple Quiz."

    Competition "Apple Quiz"


      What is the name of the holiday, which is dedicated to apples and is celebrated on August 19? (Apple saved)

      What kind of people first more than four thousand years ago began to grow an apple tree in the gardens? (Ancient Greeks)

      Who was the founder of the apple garden laid in 1051 in Kiev-Pechersk Lavra? (Yaroslav Wise)

      How many varieties of cultural apple trees are in the world? (About 10 thousand)

      What variety of large apples is grown in Kazakhstan? (Aport)

      What is the name of an apple tree with the smallest apples growing in Siberia? (Berry).

    Leading:On this, our gatherings do not end, we invite you to tea drinking with apple pie.

    The person is reliable, thorough and conservative, does not chase for technical innovations, does not like gambling and poorly planned travel. In his life everything should go according to plan.

    Apple women are the best wives and mothers in the world, and men are very careful in the matters of heart.

    Amateur pears

    This optimist is never sad. It is always fun and festively with him. This is a devotee, always ready to come to the rescue.

    Girls who prefer the pear with the rest of the fruit dream of finding a strong and bold satellite, followed by, as they say, as behind a stone wall.

    Lovers of bananas

    Personality sensitive, wounded, hardly makes criticism, very touching. But, if necessary, I am ready to sacrifice yourself.

    Amateur grapes

    Does not endure loneliness. Staying alone, often looking for consolation in wine. This man is everywhere and always seeks to receive pleasure.

    Strawberry lover

    This is not an Eotoman at all, but just an amateur of a beautiful life, which perfectly gets along with people and loves to flirt. But be careful - he is terribly jealous! Men who love strawberries are often scandalous. Quarrels and moves - their elements.


    Eternal child who loves surprises and not to shake. This is a man sincere and kind, ready for any sacrifices for loved ones.

    Amateur oranges

    Energetic, active, likes to stand out in the crowd. Quickly has people, especially representatives of the opposite sex, easily converges, but also easily and part.

    Fruit + vegetable \u003d?

    But not everything is so simple. We love not only fruits, but also vegetables. Choose the most pleasant pair of cucumber, melon, watermelon and tomato - and find out about everything!

    Cucumber + melon

    More often such a duo prefer serious and brave men. Among them are many athletes and travel lovers. They are targeted, always achieve the goal, but completely devoid of romanticism. Serenads under the moon will not sing, a million roses will not give up - however, on the duty bouquet at the meeting it is quite possible to count on.

    Girls who love cucumbers and melon often become bosses. In domestic issues, they are completely helpless: they do not like to cook, do not know how to postpone money for a black day, do not like to wash and wash the dishes. The housewife does not work out, but the faithful and understanding friend will probably come out.

    Tomato + Watermelon

    Lovers of these juicy fruits are fun and active people. They are too sociable, sometimes getting fond of something offensive, but not from evil, just from a lack of tact. They lack tricks, they are too sincere.

    Men of this type love to eat and sow on the couch.
    Girls adore animals and are able to create a comfort even in the most launched bachelor of berry.

    Cucumber + watermelon

    Fans of this combination are restless people. Although the externally, they are restrained, inside them all boils. Life with a cucumber-watermelon man like life on a volcano - you never know what to wait for them tomorrow. And it will not be scandaling on trifles: he saves offense for months, and one day can unexpectedly explode and slap the door. However, it is among the cucumber-watermelons that scientists and inventors are often found.

    Melon + tomato

    If a person is experiencing craving for these fruits, he is balanced and tactful, loves beautiful things, has a good taste.

    Men with melon-tomato preferences are a bit feminine, suffer narcissism. But of them are excellent artists, artists and musicians.

    Melonic-tomato girls are impressionable, devotees, are able to devote all their lives to his beloved person.

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