• Entertainment in kindergarten. Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten Entertainment in preschool according to Federal State Educational Standards


    In this section you can find scripts for matinees in kindergarten, scripts for entertainment holidays, graduations and other events. Links to a specific scenario are in the menu on the left side of the screen.

    Any holidays in kindergarten remain in the memory of children for a long time, so you need to try to approach the organization of these events very responsibly. It is advisable to plan every step and every action well and time it, always keeping in mind that there may be some unplanned situations. It is imperative to have “freedom of maneuver”, a small margin of time and be prepared for the fact that something does not go according to plan. A child may be capricious, someone will forget the words, someone will not want to dance - these things, of course, do not have a very positive effect on the general mood, but there is no point in making a tragedy out of this, these things happen regularly and an experienced teacher will always find an opportunity to calm capricious kids and return them to the common holiday.

    Preparing for a kindergarten graduation, an entertainment holiday or a New Year's party has many common points that can simplify this process. Scenarios of events in kindergarten that vary in time and nature should be collected and analyzed for the future. There are many little things that seem simple and obvious, but which can seriously affect the matinee. Take, for example, the process of dressing children in costumes. If you don’t find out in advance whose parents will not be able to attend the matinee and help the children change clothes, then you can find yourself in a very unpleasant situation when most of the children get confused in their costumes and lose some parts of them, and you (the teacher and nanny) are not able to able to quickly cope with the complication that has arisen.

    Pay attention to how gladly your baby runs to kindergarten. How much he loves his teachers and classmates. Not surprising. After all, every children's entertainment in kindergarten attracts children, lifts their spirits, and brings them complete delight.

    It is here that the baby learns why night follows day, why it rains, where what animals live, etc. The brain remembers a lot of information. But all this should happen in a playful way. Otherwise, the baby will simply be bored.

    Children's entertainment in kindergarten - a huge impact on the child's consciousness

    So, more details. Every children's entertainment in kindergarten is a bright and joyful event in the life of a child. Through various specially designed tasks, the child tries to become more aware of his feelings and thoughts. Carrying out all kinds of entertainment contributes to the moral education of children. Children are united by common experiences, the concept of collectivism is brought up, patriotic feelings, discipline and a culture of behavior are formed. In addition, the babies' horizons expand, speech, memory, imagination and mental development develop.

    Certain idea

    Children's entertainment in kindergarten is the participation of children in games, singing, dancing and round dances. Such activities develop and strengthen the child’s body, improve the coordination of his movements. Preparation for entertainment should be systematic and planned. That is, the general rhythm of life of the preschool institution should not be disturbed. Well, a good teacher knows the kids very well, their individual characteristics and interests. Therefore, entertainment turns out to be joyful and meaningful.

    Do not forget that entertainment is based on certain ideas and goals that need to be conveyed to each child. For example, May 1 is Workers' Solidarity Day, May 9 is Victory Day, etc. These same ideas should run through the content of the entire holiday. For this purpose, decoration, performances, round dances, dances, music, songs and poems are used. The main thing is to take into account the age and individual characteristics of the children. The repertoire must be carefully selected taking into account the level of development of motor and vocal skills.

    Another important point. In children of the younger and middle groups, fatigue occurs earlier than in older children. Little ones are not able to perceive too many songs, poems, etc. Therefore, the duration of entertainment should not exceed thirty minutes. Older preschoolers can enjoy a more varied and rich repertoire. The celebration can last about an hour.

    Combination of different types of art

    Each children's entertainment in kindergarten should harmoniously combine all kinds of tasks, collective and individual work. Different types of art complement each other in solving one topic and increase the emotional impact on children. It is only important to alternate activities correctly, taking into account the excitability of children and their rapid fatigue.

    Entertainment brings joy to the little ones. Therefore, it is necessary to give every child the opportunity to take part in them as much as possible. With great pleasure, children repeat well-known songs, dance in round dances. This is the main part of the program of every entertaining evening. Of course, new numbers are also needed.

    Types of holidays

    When are ceremonial events organized in kindergartens? Of course, first of all for the holidays. They vary in structure and ideological orientation.

    The first group is socio-political holidays. These include May 1, Victory Day, March 8, Defender of the Fatherland Day.

    The second group is everyday holidays. These are: New Year's party, prom, etc.

    And the last group is seasonal holidays. These include themed spring, summer, autumn and winter activities in kindergarten.

    Socio-political holidays

    And now a few words about each group specifically. Socio-political scenarios of entertainment in kindergarten are carried out especially solemnly. As a rule, such holidays begin with children entering the hall with flowers and balloons. After welcoming the guests, the concert begins. The program, as usual, includes games, dances and round dances. Performances are interspersed with tasks that add excitement and fun. They do not require preliminary preparation. Children get the opportunity to compete in intelligence and dexterity. The final part also emphasizes the solemnity of what is happening.

    Household holidays

    What is the second group? Most often, these are musical entertainments in kindergarten, accompanied by a certain structure and artistic design. Such holidays are associated with the everyday life of children. They are less solemn. They have much more spontaneity than socio-political holidays. Particular attention in kindergarten is paid to the New Year's party. This holiday is full of magical transformations and mysterious surprises.

    At the center of the New Year's celebration is a gorgeous Christmas tree, decorated with toys and garlands. The luxury of eating, as a rule, captivates children so much that the holiday begins with it. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children enter the hall together with the teacher and look at the New Year's tree. After they go around the tree, they sit down, taking turns going to the center of the hall and reciting poems. However, all the fun begins with the arrival of Santa Claus. The good wizard appears with fun, jokes, riddles, games and, of course, gifts.

    An artificial Christmas tree usually stands in the hall for several days. After this, she can be taken to the playground. There she remains for some time, surrounded by little animals made of snow. The spruce is removed as soon as children's interest in it wanes. In the memory of the kids, she always remains elegant and beautiful.

    Seasonal holidays

    And the last group. Seasonal holidays often involve physical education activities in kindergarten. For example, during a summer celebration, kids can demonstrate how they have grown and strengthened at the dacha, how strong and dexterous they have become. Such celebrations are held outdoors. Teachers and children decorate the playground. For this, garlands made of flowers and greenery, paper lanterns, painted balls, figures rotating in the wind, large cardboard huts and mushrooms, etc. are used. Sports competitions cannot but attract children. They bring fun and joy to the little ones and serve as an important element in their harmonious development.

    Teaching staff

    Providing entertainment in kindergarten largely depends, of course, on the teachers. They are the ones responsible for preparing the events. The teachers draw up the program together with the music director. In this case, the education program in kindergarten is taken into account. The script is approved at a pedagogical meeting. Also at the meeting, the people responsible for preparing costumes, decorating the hall, attributes, etc. are determined.

    The success of the holiday largely depends on the host. His choice also needs to be taken very seriously. This should be a cheerful, resourceful teacher who knows children well and knows how to behave at ease and freely. Parents are often involved in the preparatory work.

    At the next pedagogical meeting, the results of the next event are summed up. Here they also determine the work to deepen the children’s impressions in the days after the holidays. As a rule, conversations are held with the guys about the past matinee. Children's words can be written down and placed on a stand for parents. The teachers and the children remove the decorations after the holiday. In fine arts classes, you can draw or sculpt crafts from plasticine on the theme “Our Holiday.”

    Contents of entertainment events

    And finally. Organization of entertainment in kindergarten is carried out quite often. It doesn't have to be holidays. It is perfectly acceptable to hold events without any reason. The main thing is that the children find it interesting.

    Based on the nature of the participation of adults and children, events are divided into three types. This can be entertainment prepared by adults; entertainment prepared by the kids; and mixed entertainment evenings for adults and children.

    According to the form of organization, events are also divided into several types: theme evenings, concerts, sports entertainment, fun evenings and children's amateur activities. In a word, there are many options. You just need to organize everything correctly. Go for it! Happy entertaining!

    The meaning of holidays and entertainment. Requirements for their organization

    Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten are an important part of the pedagogical process, one of the stages of raising children, which carries a serious aesthetic and moral load. This is a celebration that unites people through a common experience, an emotional mood, and creates that special feeling that we call festive.

    Holidays and entertainment held in kindergarten shape the taste of children. Artistic th musical and literary material, colorful decoration of the room, costumes, contributes to the development of a sense of beauty in preschoolers.

    Preparing and holding holidays and entertainment serves the moral education of children: they are united by common experiences, they are taught the foundations of collectivism; works of folklore, songs and poems about the Motherland, native nature, and labor form patriotic feelings; Participation in holidays and entertainment develops discipline and a culture of behavior in preschoolers. By learning songs, poems, and dances, children learn a lot about their country, nature, and people of different nationalities. This broadens their horizons, develops memory, speech, imagination, and promotes mental development. Children's participation in singing, games, round dances, and dancing strengthens and develops the child's body and improves coordination of movements.

    One of the main goals festive events at the preschool educational institution - creating a joyful mood in the child, creating a positive emotional uplift and developing a festive culture. Therefore, it is important to avoid formalism and monotony when holding them; it is necessary to think through the artistic elements of the holiday and carefully select songs, poems, music, games, and dances.

    At the heart of every holiday and entertainment is a certain idea that should be conveyed to every child. For example, September 1 is the Day of Knowledge, May 9 is Victory Day, etc. This idea should run through the entire content of the festive event. Songs, poems, music, dances, round dances, dramatizations, and decoration serve to reveal it.

    Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten allow the child to discover new abilities and talents and develop existing skills. At these events, children show their achievements, and, in addition, holidays and entertainment are a source of new impressions for the child, a stimulus for his further development.

    Children are especially happy when their family and friends take part in the holiday with them. Their eyes sparkle in a very special way when mom and dad or grandparents are nearby. And therefore, another goal of preschool teachers is to involve parents in both organizing and holding the holiday, and their active participation in it. This allows children to expand their communication with adults, which is so necessary for the overall development of preschoolers. Involving parents in cultural and leisure activities is a good way for kindergartens to work with families.

    • If you have chosen a scenario for holding a holiday, then discuss it with your colleagues at the pedagogical council. Make adjustments, taking into account the specific conditions of the preschool educational institution and age group. It is important that the organization of the holiday meets the interests of the children, and that every child enjoys participating in it.
    • The entire teaching staff takes part in preparing the holiday, but a special role is given to the music director. The music teacher must create conditions for the gradual preparation of the repertoire included in the holiday script in order to avoid unnecessary haste and tedious unscheduled lessons. The repertoire proposed in the scenarios can be used in whole or in part, at the discretion of the music director.
    • Dramas, dances, plays for ensembles and orchestras of children's musical instruments can be learned individually or with a small subgroup. It is better to conduct such activities with children in the afternoon, lasting 7-10 minutes.
    • Particular attention should be paid to the choice of presenter. In addition to a good knowledge of the sequence of the program, he must be able to communicate freely with children and guests of the holiday, show resourcefulness and the ability to adequately respond to unforeseen situations during the holiday. In this regard, the role of the presenter is given to a teacher who has musicality, artistry, stage presence, resourcefulness, and sociability.
    • Distribute tasks among kindergarten employees in advance and determine deadlines for their completion. This will help better organize the work of decorating the hall, preparing costumes for children and adults, surprise moments, etc.
    • It is very important that the music director, presenter and his assistants have a fluent knowledge of the holiday program, the success of which largely depends on the quality of interaction between all the organizers of the children's party.
    • The direct responsibility of the music director should be to ensure the full sound of musical works and their artistic performance. A music teacher should pay special attention to the musical introduction to song and dance, setting up children for expressive performance.
    • The holiday program should not be familiar to children in full.
    • It is necessary to exclude general rehearsal classes in which children repeat their roles many times. This will help maintain the freshness of the holiday perception.
    • Holidays can be held both in the morning and in the afternoon, but their duration should be from 20 minutes to an hour, depending on the age of the children.
    • It’s good if after the holiday the decorations and attributes for games remain in the hall for some time. Children can happily repeat their favorite songs and dances. Round dances, games, thereby once again enjoying the performance and feeling confident in your abilities.
    • After holding a children's party, adults need to analyze it, find out the reasons for the negative aspects and note successful pedagogical discoveries.
    1. It is necessary to carefully consider the equipment of the holiday and the decoration of the hall.
    2. We cannot ignore the selection of musical works and musical accompaniment.
    3. You should take the selection of a presenter seriously and thoughtfully.
    4. None of the children should be left out of the holiday. And in order for all the guys to feel comfortable, it is necessary to take into account the capabilities of this group.
    5. It is necessary to take into account the musical perception of the children, their musical stability.
    6. It is better to include in the script not only new material, but also already known musical experience accumulated in game improvisations. This will create a relaxed holiday atmosphere.
    7. It is necessary to think about the pace and dynamics of entertainment. Therefore, one cannot do without imaginary playback of the scenario. This kind of playback will allow you to avoid unpleasant surprises and all kinds of surprises.
    8. The scenario is finally finalized after discussing it with teachers working with this age group, with the deputy head - methodologist. A joint discussion with colleagues about the general direction and details of the holiday will improve the quality of the script and enrich the material with new ideas.
    9. When the script is written and corrected, the preparatory work phase begins. It is impossible to do without daily recording of what has been done and planning for the near future (the next day, next week).
    10. In order not to unnecessarily tire children and not reduce interest in the holiday, dress rehearsals and general run-throughs of the performance should not be practiced. It should be noted that children’s improvisation of holiday material is almost always worthy of attention and most often requires modification of the script. It can be recommended to highlight individual fragments, and then involve children in playing them and creatively playing music. At this time, it is advisable to work more often with subgroups of children and with each child individually, rather than with the entire group at the same time. This work will help avoid the monotony of rehearsals.

    The matinee should be carried out at a good pace. The protracted nature of the performances, too many of them, unjustified pauses - all this tires, discourages the guys, and disrupts the unified line of emotional and physiological stress.

    Duration of the matinee

    senior groups - 45-50 minutes

    junior groups 35-40 minutes

    It makes no sense to exceed it: at the 12-14th minute, babies and at the 25-30th minute, older children begin to show signs of fatigue. The timing of the program shows the sufficiency of the following number of works:

    Junior group:

    2 general dances;

    1 game general; attractions;

    2 individual poems.

    Middle group:

    2 songs shared

    1 ensemble;

    2 general dances

    1 dance for girls;

    1 game; attractions;

    4 individual poems.

    Senior group:

    • songs: 1 general at the beginning of the matinee, 1 general in the middle + 1 ensemble or solo;
    • dances: 1 round dance + 1 for girls + 1 for boys + 1 individual;
    • Musical game; attractions;
    • 6 individual poems.

    School preparatory group:

    • songs: songs - 1 total at the beginning + 1 total in the middle + 1 total at the end +1 solo or ensemble;
    • dances – 1-2 general + 1 for girls + 1 for boys + 1 for gifted or weak;
    • musical games - 2; attractions;
    • individual poems - 8.

    “The spiritual life of a child is complete when
    When he lives in the world of games, fairy tales, music,
    Fantasy, creativity.
    Without this, he is a dried flower.”...
    V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

    From an early age, any person knows what a holiday is and wishes there were as many of them as possible. It is human nature to strive for a joyful and bright feeling of life. Holidays not only allow a person to relax, they make him kinder, more sympathetic, more generous; memories of them warm him in difficult times.

    There have always been many holidays in Russia. The very first holidays were associated with the agricultural calendar. They were based on pagan ideas about the structure of the world, about the interaction of people with the cosmos, nature, and deities. The holiday was represented in the image of a wheel of time, which constantly rotates from the winter Solstice - the crown of summer.

    During the reign of Peter the Great, civil holidays were introduced in Russia: New Year celebrations, birthdays of members of the royal family, holidays in honor of the victory of Russian weapons, etc. They instilled a sense of patriotism and love for the homeland in children and adults

    Adults do not want to live without holidays, and even more so children. A holiday is an important part of a child’s life, it is a joyful event that allows you to relax, shake yourself up, and forget. And sometimes just to take a break from everyday life. And the words have almost become an aphorism: “There is no childhood without holidays!”

    Holidays and entertainment are an important factor in the formation of a little person. Through sounds and movements, the child learns about the world he has come to. For children, leisure and holidays stimulate interest in creativity, develop the ability to live in a team, contribute to the accumulation of experience in social behavior, the manifestation of initiative and independence. The mass character, colorfulness, positive emotions, and accessibility of everything that happens are needed like vitamins.

    The educational, cognitive, aesthetic impact of holidays and leisure activities on a child is great, and therefore in your work on preparing and holding them it is important to avoid formalism and monotony. The holiday is the calling card of the kindergarten. Here you can see the dynamics of the child’s development, you can see what he has learned, how comfortable he feels in kindergarten.

    Cultural and leisure activities are considered as an independent and specific component of the educational process. Through the organization of holidays, conditions are created for the development of the child’s general culture, his creative individuality and the formation of a positive concept of his personal “I”. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a set of pedagogical tasks:

    – to form the child’s initial ideas about culture in general and the world of art in particular;
    – strive to develop the creative abilities of the child’s emotional sphere;
    – introduce children to the basics of artistic and communicative culture through training in various types of activities;
    – build confidence in your abilities;
    – strengthen the physical and mental health of children;
    – teach to respect the opinions of peers and people around you;
    – teach rational use;
    – cultivate interest in the history of your homeland, your people, your family;
    – create a sociocultural space for the development of a child’s aesthetic attitude towards the world around him;
    – support parents’ interest in holding joint events.

    Cultural and leisure activities are an integral part of the activities of a preschool institution. The types of cultural and leisure activities are varied. They can be classified as follows: recreation, entertainment, holidays, self-education and creativity.

    I would like to dwell in more detail on holding holidays and entertainment in kindergarten.

    Just the word “holiday” makes every child’s heart beat faster. The greatest hopes and expectations of children are associated with the holiday. It is the childhood holidays spent with parents and friends that adults most often remember. For many, these memories are the brightest and most joyful in life. Therefore, a well-planned holiday prepared according to a special scenario will bring joy not only to children, but also to adults. After all, there is nothing more desirable than seeing a happy smile on a child’s face, knowing that it was you who helped him feel like the owner of a cheerful celebration, a leader among friends, and gave him additional moments of happiness. Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten allow the child to discover new abilities and talents and develop existing skills. At these events, children show their achievements, and, in addition, holidays and entertainment are a source of new impressions for the child, a stimulus for his further development.

    Types of holidays:

    • folk and folklore: Christmastide, Kolyada, Maslenitsa, Autumn;
    • state and civil: New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, Knowledge Day, City Day, etc.;
    • international: Mother's Day, Children's Day, International Women's Day;
    • Orthodox: Christmas, Easter, Trinity, etc.;
    • household and family: birthday, school graduation, Primer holiday, traditional holidays in kindergarten or group;
    • holidays that are specially invented by adults in order to bring joy to children, for example, the holiday of “Soap Bubbles”, “Origami”, etc.

    Structure of the holiday: dances (folk, ballroom, modern); singing (choral, solo, duet); artistic word; dramatization of poems, fairy tales; staging plays; jokes, reprises, surprises; games; playing children's musical instruments; decoration of the hall; involving parents.

    A children's holiday is one of the most effective forms of pedagogical influence on the younger generation. A holiday in general, and a children's holiday in particular, is usually defined as an aesthetic-social, integrated and complex phenomenon. The mass character, emotional elation, colorfulness, combination of folklore with modern events inherent in the festive situation contribute to a more complete artistic understanding by children of the historical heritage of the past and the formation of patriotic feelings and skills of moral behavior in the present.

    The pedagogical goal of a children's holiday is determined in accordance with the general goal of shaping the child's personality and is achieved subject to a clear focus on the psychology and life attitudes of preschool children.

    The pedagogical task of the team is to unite creative forces to create new children's traditions.

    Effective celebrations are facilitated by:

    – unification of all its components around the main goal; selection of artistic material; choice of emotional and expressive means; selection of performers; collective summing up and evaluation of the work done.

    Each holiday has its own customs and traditions, its own scenario.

    The script for a children's party is a detailed literary and textual development of the content and course of the theatrical action. It sets out sequentially everything that will happen. The matinee script is drawn up by the music director, together with the teachers, and approved by the director. The script reveals the theme, shows the author's transitions from one part of the action to another, and introduces the works of art used or excerpts from them.

    Job over the script includes several stages.

    1st stage – determination of the ideological and thematic concept of the holiday– clearly articulating themes and ideas that are closely related but distinct from each other.

    The script for a children's party must have a plot, that is, the development of events, the identification of characters in action, the main conflict. The search for bright, interesting material to organize the plot is an integral part of working on the script.

    2nd stage – composition construction– implementation of plot and conflict in a developing specific stage action. Composition – organization of action, appropriate arrangement of material – includes:

    • exposition
    (a short story about the events that preceded the conflict, that caused this conflict; an introductory word from the presenter, information about a specific event); the beginning(exposition develops into it; the plot should be extremely clear and concise, concentrate the attention of children, prepare them to perceive the action, set them in a certain mood);
  • development of action,
  • or the main action, i.e. the depiction of events in which the conflict is resolved;
  • climax
  • (the highest point of development of the action; at the moment of culmination the idea of ​​the holiday is most concentratedly expressed);
  • denouement or finale
  • - the most convenient moment for maximum manifestation of activity by all participants in the children's party (it is advisable to include mass musical numbers, general round dances and dances in the final scenes).

    Requirements for the script: strict logic in the construction and development of the topic; completeness of each episode; organic connection of episodes; the build-up of action as it moves towards climax.

    Since a children's party is one of the most effective forms of pedagogical influence on children, when organizing it, you need to carefully work on the means of emotional influence.

    Thus, music directly affects the feelings of children, it encourages them to empathize. It is important to first create a general uplift of feelings, a festive atmosphere, in which the alternation of various types of activities will take place.

    Song and dance at a children's party are a means of communication and unity for all those gathered. There should be no actors or spectators here. Everyone gets involved in the festive action and fun through games. In musical-rhythmic activities, children with great pleasure invent and combine dance movements, singing and moving to the music. Dance, folk dance, pantomime and musical dramatization encourage them to depict a picture of life in the proposed circumstances.

    The word as a means of information carries additional information at the holiday. Sounding in poems, proverbs, riddles, sayings, carols, etc., it inspires the participants.

    When choosing poems, you must remember that long, difficult poems do not decorate the holiday, but most often drag it out and introduce boredom.

    The use of staged fairy tales, stories, plays, and poems in the festive program introduces an element of theatricality into the action. Children must participate in theatrical performances. Their spontaneity, sincerity and passion for performance brighten up the celebration.

    Playing at a children's party acts, on the one hand, as a method of activating the child, on the other hand, as an important form of mastering folk art. It is important to captivate children and make sure that the end of the game is not drawn out, but is characterized by brightness, emotional richness, and effectiveness. Games that involve competitive moments are very interesting for children.

    A huge role in the celebration belongs to presenter. It is he who must be able to improvise, look for elements of surprise and effectiveness of festive communication in any game. His emotionality, liveliness, ability to directly communicate with children, expressive performance of poetic texts largely determine the general mood and pace of the holiday. The presenter must not only know the program well, but also be able to quickly respond to unexpected random changes.

    The decoration of the kindergarten premises on holidays is also of great importance. Invention and creativity in the design of group rooms, decoration of the hall, lobby, area, preparation of costumes and attributes for individual numbers of the program attract the attention of children, fill their hearts with a feeling of satisfaction and joy.

    The decoration of the hall differs from the decoration of the group in its special pomp and solemnity. The main bright spot is the design of the central wall in accordance with the theme of the holiday.

    When decorating a room for a holiday, we follow basic rules. The design should: meet the content of the holiday, be artistic and understandable for children, develop artistic and aesthetic taste, create a joyful mood, and evoke a sense of interest in upcoming events.

    Along with the holidays, it is important to create a positive microclimate in the group. entertainment.

    Entertainment, as one of the types of cultural and leisure activities, is of a compensatory nature, compensating for the costs of everyday life and monotony of the environment. Entertainment should always be a colorful moment in the lives of children, enriching impressions and developing creative activity. They contribute to his comprehensive development and introduce him to various types of art: musical, visual, literary, theatrical, etc.; awaken joyful feelings, elevate mood and vitality. At such events, the child gets the opportunity to demonstrate independence, and therefore gain self-confidence and faith in his abilities; his positive qualities develop: goodwill, mutual assistance, kindness, sympathy, cheerfulness.

    According to the degree of activity of children's participation, entertainment is divided into three types: children are only listeners or spectators; children are direct participants; participants – adults and children. When organizing entertainment of the first type, we involve children in the decoration of the hall and group; production of attributes or invitation cards. In this type of event, the cultural and leisure activities of preschoolers are somewhat limited: they are mainly spectators, and receive a positive emotional mood in the process of perception.

    The second type of entertainment makes it possible to include children more widely in the process of preparation and performance. They themselves prepare numbers for performances, stage performances, act out roles, and take an active part in various games. This type of entertainment allows the teacher to find something to do for each child, which has a positive effect on the formation of the foundations of an individual’s culture.

    The third type is mixed. It allows children to expand their communication with adults and peers, which is so necessary for the overall development of preschoolers. Involving parents in this section of the teacher’s cultural and leisure activities is an important form of kindergarten work with families.

    Entertainment can also be classified according to its content:

    • theatrical:
    puppet and shadow theaters, toy theater, flannelgraph, plane theater, etc.;
  • educational
  • : KVN, quizzes about the life and work of composers, artists, writers, actors, poets; about the customs and traditions of your country and people; environmental;
  • sports
  • : sports games, attractions, outdoor games, competitions, relay races;
  • musical and literary concerts.
  • In order for entertainment to truly contribute to the development and upbringing of children, it is necessary to carefully plan it, think through the preparation in advance, determining the degree of participation of children depending on their individual capabilities and age.

    Entertainment includes jokes, tricks, riddles, surprise moments, attractions.

    Tricks arouse keen interest in children. There is something mysterious and amazing about them. Tricks shown to children are fun and educational experiences that do not require special equipment or special skills.

    Jokes. Children are always happy with them. They can be used during breaks between games, at holiday parties and entertainment. One thing needs to be remembered: under no circumstances should jokes be given one after another. It is useful to practice jokes with older children so that they can tell them to younger ones. This will teach the latter to understand jokes and joke themselves, to better see and understand the diversity of the world around them.

    All children love to make and guess riddles. Having guessed the riddle, they are glad that they were able to show resourcefulness and intelligence. The educational value of riddles is also great. They expand their horizons, introduce them to the world around them, develop inquisitiveness, train attention and memory, and enrich speech.

    Attractions give children the opportunity to compete in dexterity, courage, and ingenuity. They are selected taking into account the age of the children. The teacher needs to remember: when the game ends, the winners should be rewarded morally or financially.

    Surprises are unexpected and fun moments that always cause a storm of emotions in children. When a surprise situation arises, preschoolers perk up and their activity intensifies. In addition, surprise moments create a situation of novelty that a preschool child needs. Surprise moments can be included in activities, walks, holidays and in everyday life in kindergarten.

    After the holidays and entertainment, it is important to consolidate the impressions and knowledge acquired by children. To do this, conversations are held with children. It is advisable to use visual activities in summing up the holiday, because This helps to consolidate the impressions received and develops figurative memory.

    Leisure activities unite all types of human culture: aesthetic, moral, cognitive, gaming, ethical, etc.

    It is activities in free time that educate a child, promote the development of memory, and shape the spiritual world and morality. Children learn the right attitude towards each other and the older generation. They develop an aesthetic sense of beauty, the ability to appreciate material and spiritual values, as well as the ability to use them.


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    6. Bekina S.I. Holiday in kindergarten. M., “Enlightenment” 1990.

    Children's crafts “New Year's miracles with your own hands” Winter has come to us. It's a wonderful time! A snow-white blanket enveloped the earth. Cleanliness and Beauty! White snow has decorated the city, the New Year is about to come, and under the tree very soon everyone will find their own surprise! In every kindergarten with the arrival...

    In our kindergarten there was a campaign “Take care of the Christmas tree”. The volunteers of the preparatory group did not ignore her! They actively took part in organizational work. At their site, teachers and volunteers organized a flash mob called “Take care of the Christmas tree”, where they invited children from the older group to...

    Form of conduct: meeting in a cafe. Participants: parents, teachers. Goal: developing interest in learning about your child, emotional rapprochement of all participants in the educational process, organizing their communication in an informal setting. Preliminary work: - production of booklets for parents; - survey of parents on the topic of the meeting. Decor: The hall is decorated in a cafe style (there is tea, sweets on the tables, calm music sounds...

    Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 246" Zavodsky district of Saratov Abstract of the educational activity in the second junior group using the game technology "Chicken's Birthday" Educator: Gerasimenko E.S. Saratov 2019 The main educational program of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution “Combined Kindergarten No. 246”...

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