• Tests (friendship). Class hour (grade 7) on the topic: Class hour "Can you be friends? Do you think your friend


    Test "Do you know how to be friends?"

    1. Your best friends (girlfriends) you consider those ...

    a) with whom I have excellent relationships

    b) who can always rely in a difficult situation

    c) who can achieve a lot in life.

    2. Honestly, you would really like your best friends ...

    a) were cool and interesting personalities

    b) helped you when you ask you about it

    c) never betrayed you in a difficult moment.

    3. If you were offered to choose one of the books for reading in the evenings, it would be a book ...

    a) on how to make friends and maintain a good relationship in life

    b) pro interesting people And their adventures

    c) detective or fiction.

    4. On the change, classmates begin to argue and, it seems, is about to quarrel. How do you behave at the same time?

    a) I will try to calm them ...

    b) go to the side - these are not my problems!

    c) I will deal - who is right, and who is to blame - and I will express my opinion.

    5. Do you agree with the statement that most people would be much happier if they trusted each other more?

    a) think yes

    b) I'm not sure (a)

    c) in my opinion, happiness is not in this.

    6. How do you think you have the qualities that you are proud of, but who did not appreciate your friends?

    a) I doubt

    b) I have never come to my mind so much ...

    c) sure (a) what is.

    7. You know that a friend (girlfriend) happened to trouble and he (a) will most likely call and ask you to help. You…

    a) I will not wait for and call myself (a)

    b) attempt by phone

    c) I will ask my parents to say that I am not at home.

    Speak together the points belonging to you. The amount of points will show you the result.











    0-20 points. Probably, you hardly manage to answer, and why are friends at all. You, in essence, and without them are good ... What do you want, then you do, again - no obligations to a person with whom you are friends ...

    Wonder: Do you never be lonely in the depths of the soul? Still alone hard to live in the world.

    21-33 points. You are a person with which it is interesting and pleasant to communicate. There is many dreams of getting you in the number of best friends. In addition, you have a wonderful quality - reliability: you will never let down in a difficult moment. In short, you really know how to be friends, and your loved ones can just be envied.

    34-48 points. For you, friendship is all or almost everything. You are invited (and get out of others) when you have to do not see for a long time with a person you think a friend or girlfriend. For this person, you are ready to even move your interests aside, but you also require the same instead. Probably, this is an ideal look at friendship. Try to descend from Heaven to Earth!

    Test "Real Friend"

    This test will help you assess your level of readiness to be a true friend. To do this, it is necessary to express your consent or disagreement with 25 statements that are shown below. In the answer form you need to record "yes" (if you fully agree with the statement), "no" (if you do not agree) or "I do not know" (if you do not have a clear answer to this approval).

    Answer blank

    Surname, name ________________


    Question number
















    Question number















    Total scores ________________

    I think that a true friend :

    1. Divided by news about their successes;

    2. Provides emotional support;

    3. Voluntarily helps in case of need;

    4. Seeks a friend to be nice in his society;

    5. Returns debts on time;

    6. Protects each other in his absence;

    7. Tolerate to the other friends of their friend;

    8. Keeps trusted secrets;

    9. Does not criticize a friend publicly;

    10. Do not jealous a friend to the rest of people;

    11. She strives not to be annoying, not bored;

    12. Does not say how to live;

    13. Respects the inner world of a friend;

    14. Does not use a trusted secret for its own purposes;

    15. Does not seek to remake a friend in its sample;

    16. Does not betray in a difficult moment;

    17. Trusts its most intimate thoughts;

    18. Understands the condition and mood of a friend;

    19. I am confident in my friend;

    20. Sincere in communication;

    21. The first forgives a friend's errors;

    22. Rejoices to successes and achievements of a friend;

    23. Do not forget to congratulate a friend (for example, happy birthday);

    24. Remembers the friend when it is not near;

    25. None never envies a friend.

    Processing results

    For each answer, "yes" put 2 points; For the answer "I do not know" - one point, and for the answer "no" - 0 points. Summarize the points and compare them with the interpretation of the results.

    from 0 to 14 points. You have not yet appreciated to the end of all the charms and the advantages of this friendship. Apparently, you still have no luck on friends. Most likely, you will trust people, feel wary. Because of this, you are very difficult to be friends.

    from 15 to 37 points. You already have a certain experience of real friendship, but there were also serious mistakes, as a result of which you were disappointed in friends. It is good that you still believe in a real friendship and are ready to be friends.

    from 35 to 50 points. You are a true friend who understands well what the faithful and devoted friendship means. With you warm and joyful, your friends feel calm and reliably trust you, and you pay them the same.

    Testing "Do you know how to communicate?"

    Purpose: to introduce participants with the main techniques for the exchange of information, to form the ability to process it, find a vital problem to solve topical problems.

    Travel course: Today we will talk about communication. Your life experience is still small, and sometimes you do not know how to behave in different situations, how to do so that there are no conflicts. Let's, first of all, let's talk, are you a conflict personality. To do this, answer the questionnaire questions.

    1. The class has the dispute on elevated colors. Your reaction:

      i do not accept participation;

      briefly spoke in defense of the point of view that I consider correctly;

      actively interfere and "I caught fire on myself."

    2. Whether you are at meetings ( cool clock) With criticism of adults?


      only if I have good reasons for this;

      critically always for any reason.

    3. Do you often argue with friends?

      only in a joke and then if these are not touchy people;

      only on fundamental issues;

      spores - my element.

    4. You are standing in line. How do you react if someone climbs forward?

      restracted in the shower, but silent: it is more expensive;

      i make a remark - you need to teach the rude good tone;

      i pass forward and start watching the order;

    5. Houses at lunch were suiced soup. Your reaction.

      i will not raise Burch because of a trifle;

      silently take salt

      i will not resist from caustic comments, and, perhaps, defiantly refuse food.

    6. On the street or in the transport you stepped on the foot ...

      i look at the offender with indignation;

      dry without emotions will make a remark;

      i speak, not shy in expressions.

    7. Someone in the family bought a thing that you do not like.

      i wonder;

      i will limit the short, but tactful comment;

      i will express everything that I think about it.

    8. Not lucky, on the street to the lottery you knew a bunch of money. How do you react to this?

      i will try to seem indifferent, but I will never give myself a word again in this disgrace;

      i will not hide annoyance, but I reaches the happening with humor, promising to take revenge;

      losses will spoil me the mood, I'll think about how to take revenge on the offenders.

    Key: 1st answer option - 4 points, 2 - 2 points, 3 - 0 points. There is a calculation of points. The class is divided into three psychological types.

    The presenter gives such information.

    22-32 points. You are tactical and peaceful, go away from disputes and conflicts, avoid critical situations at work and at home. Saying "Plato to me a friend, but truth is more expensive!" Can't be your motto. You are sometimes called adaptable. Take the courage and, if circumstances are required, express the principal, despite the faces.

    12-20 points. You will hear a person conflict. But this is an exaggeration. You conflict only if there is no other way out when all other means are exhausted. You are able to fully defend your opinion without thinking how it will affect the relationship to you comrades. At the same time you do not "go beyond", do not humiliate to insults. All this causes respect for you.

    Up to 10 points. Disputes and conflicts are your element. After all, you like to criticize others, if you hear the comments in your address - you can eat a person alive. This is criticism for criticism. Do not be an egoist. It is very difficult for those who are next to you. Your inconsistency repels people. Isn't you doing real friends? Try to curb your character.

    Pass the tests and find out what a friendship means for you, and what is love.

    The picture shows the contours of two people walking with dogs. Dorisinate these contours, depict those details that, in your opinion, is missing.

    And now answer yourself the question: "Who did you draw first?"

    The figure you played first, "Tells" about you, and the figure you were given by the second, talking about your friend. And this is not some kind of specific person, but a certain collective image of those qualities that you appreciate in friends.

    If a first of all, you tried peopleThis testifies to your ability to be friends. To friends, you treat as equal and never strive to absorb each other, never argue who is in your relationship is the main one, etc.

    If a first of all, you tried a person, and then a dogThis indicates your desire to dominance. You do not understand the equal relationship in friendship, considering it a boring business and time loss. You like to command close people so much, subjugate their will, that sometimes you even require a report on the fulfillment of your tasks.

    If a first of all, you took the dog, and in the second - man, it, accordingly, shows your tendency to submission in friendly relations. It is easier for you to play the role of a second violin, to remain in the shade and not to be initiated.

    If a first of all, you trisped both dogsThis suggests that you oppose your friendship to all surroundings: "Against whom we will be friends?" The reasons for opposition can be the most different - from adolescent conflict with adults to deep injury and disappointment in people as a whole or in a certain category of people. But the main thing is that you are looking for exactly sincere and loyal relationships, which can be only in dogs. And, unlike many, you find them.

    The test shows your ability to empathize.

    Before you depicts a sad dog. And she is very lacking for raising the mood. What? Draw on paper. Draw everything that wakes up, do not analyze: "This dog is suitable, and this is not."

    What did you draw?

    larger animalThis testifies to some of the arrogance, manifested at your time when your friends appear problems. You do not refuse help, but do not miss the moment to report (yes, this word needs to be highlighted with a bold font) of a person for its negligence and inability to predict the situation.

    If you draw next to the dog animal smaller sizeWhat the dog depicted is that you mean you can sincerely sympathize, but helping you do not always know how.

    If you painted next to the dog manThis testifies to your indifference. Other problems for you are something distant and foreign, extra effort.

    If you built a dog house, confer, put a litter, launched into the houseThis means that you are always (morally and physically) will warm the person in trouble. You are not afraid to be responsible for the case suddenly falling on you, always keep promises. All your friends can be calm: you will not disappear with you!

    Collar, muzzle, pen, cage. If you tried a dog similar details, it means that the problems of others to the light bulb. You intentionally do not interfere with their affairs, considering that everyone himself has to get out of the swamp.

    Water, Food (any, even one that dogs do not eat), food-related attributes (bowl, spoon, cup), food cooking - If you have added such details, it means that you will not pass by the needy and be sure to help a person who has fallen into trouble. Moreover, it is not necessary to a friend. You can not calmly look at the suffering of others. Therefore, it is thrown to everyone for revenue. Your problem is that sometimes such "care" may be unceremonious. Although this is the case of ethics and specific situations. In any case, even such help is much better than any.

    The test will show your attitude to love.

    Before you the next drawing. Complete it so as to give the image a finished look. Mandatory conditions - should be depicted background and people.

    What did you depict?

    If you turned the boat into the old and unsuitable (Dorissed the gaps, holes, made an emphasis on old wood), it means that your attitude to love at the moment leaves much to be desired. Now you are not able to build normal sustainable love relationships for two reasons:

    • you are young and inexperienced, and therefore in interpersonal relationships make stupid mistakes;
    • you transferred a love drama and have not yet recovered from the wound, and therefore do not rush to tie a new relationship.

    If you strengthened boatThis means that you know how to love and want to build (or already built) a solid alliance.

    Sail. If you add boat by sails, it means that you are willing to develop relationships and work on them. The sense of love has never been superfluous for you.

    Without sails. If you cost without sails, it suggests that you do not know what to do with a sense of love. The state of love and love is rather frightened than happy.

    Water. What does your reservoir look like?

    Stormy sea with big waves. Love for you is something comprehensive, passionate, stormy, insane. This is what can confuse you and with your head dip in the most puch of feelings.

    If you are depicted silent reservoir without wavesThis means that your love usually proceeds exactly, calmly, soulful, without tears and hysterics. Your love is very similar to the warm feelings that you are experiencing to close relatives and friends.

    If you painted pond, sising dangerous freshwater or marine animals - crocodiles, sharks, poisonous jellyfish, prickly hedgehogs, sharp corals (yes, corals are also marine animals, and very ancient), it means that you are afraid to fall in love, considering this feeling unsafe.

    Sky Shows the warehouse of your thinking. If you drew in the sky night, moon, stars, grooves at sunsetThis means that you are an incorrigible romantic.

    If you are shining on your sky bright sunso that it can be seen where to sail, and in the sky wind and wind Infracts sail, it means that even for love you come from a practical point of view.

    People. What do they do?

    If your heroes are just hold hands (That is, you drew a standard, socially well-known image of a couple in love), which means that at the moment you are not yet ready to open your heart to another or feel fatigue, unpreparedness to testing.

    If depicted people interact actively:

    • together work oars,
    • one sits on the nose and command where to swim,
    • indicate something to each other, something is discussed, etc., -

    all this means that you know how to love and know how to make both about relationships.

    If one of the people depicted by the people are working alone, and the other rests, or one says something, and the other does not listen / sleep / wants to leave the boat, this means that your love relationship is now worried best times: One tries, everything drags on itself, and the other does not apply any effort, lives "on the prepared".

    1. What do you think about friendship? (you think ...)

    A) I do not believe in friendship. There are only people who need something from each other.

    B) Friendship is a good thing if friends did not betray so often.

    C) This is the most beautiful thing that is in the world. There are no real friends for anything.

    2. Do you have a lot of friends?

    B) Not a lot, and unfortunately, most of them are not close to me, as I would like.

    C) a lot, and the most good, real friends.

    3. Imagine that one of your girlfriend in conversation with you was about another any nasty. What will you do?

    A) Gively from politeness, because you do not want to lose a girlfriend.

    B) Will be silent, and then you will tell everyone the girlfriend, which was discussed.

    C) directly tell this girl, that I do not agree with her, and in the future ask her to refrain from such statements to your common acquaintances.

    When you get to a new company, how do you behave?

    A) do not hurry to get acquainted: after all, it is also not known what kind of people and how to behave with them. At the same time you wait for you to introduce you.

    B) Sometimes you try to first show the initiative in your acquaintance, but only if this person causes you confidence.

    B) Always greet the first and try to communicate with as much people as possible.

    4) You and the girlfriend went to the clothing store. She measures the pants, and you clearly see that she was too replenished for them. You tell her:

    A) "Well, you fused!"

    B) "My dear, in my opinion, they do not go."

    C) "You know, it seems to me that the previous couple walked much more."

    5) How do your friends relate to each other?

    A) All my friends are from one company, so they get well among themselves.

    B) My friends are all different, but most of them have common interests, so they are almost always friends among themselves.

    C) Many of my friends are very unlike each other, and often I try to communicate with them separately.

    6) You noticed that the guy who really like you with a friend just looks at it. What do you think about this?

    A) I like it, so I will do everything in order to attract his attention - I will try to intercept the initiative.

    B) sigh sadly, but you will not say anything.

    C) Later, during a frank conversation about this, I sincerely congratulate your girlfriend.

    7) Female friendship - this is…

    A) nonsense. The very first guy who will like it will certainly interest the best girlfriend, and on this all friendship will end.

    B) She, of course, is, and this is a pretty good thing, but often it is very difficult to save it.

    C) true friendship, even if it is feminine, does not destroy even the very blue-eyed and blond guy in the universe!

    You are friends with your best girlfriend, because ...

    A) she is popular and everyone loves her;

    B) I do not know why, but she likes me something;

    C) we have a lot of common interests and hobbies.

    When you introduce you to someone, you remember the names well?

    A) rarely. I have a bad memory for names, and to that when you are acquainted, it is often very noisy and fun, and it distracts.

    B) not always. When I get acquainted immediately with several people, everything is confused in my head and nothing is remembered.

    C) of course. How to communicate with a person if you do not know his name?

    Psychological test: Can you be friends?

    9) How do you usually talk with girlfriends?

    A) It is worth seeing to see them, as I am here, I begin to speak at least half an hour without a stop, until I tell about everything that happened to me. Starting from a new teacher in mathematics and ending with how many colors a guy presented to me on the last date.

    B) I prefer to speak less (in reasonable limits, of course) and listen more.

    C) it seems to me that the best in conversation is the communication of the "FIFTI FIFTI" - you say about the same as much as they listen.

    10) At the birthday of your girlfriend, who sits nearby, dropped a piece of cake on a skirt. Your actions?

    A) "Natasha, well, you give! - You will tell you loud to the whole room. - Now you do not make anyone! "

    B) you make the view that I did not notice anything.

    C) take the napkin from the table and try to unnoticate it under the table.

    11) Your friend when you met a guy who really liked you very much. How do you behave with her?

    A) Casual notice how disgusting the guy was picking into the nose when she did not look at him. And you will tell you that he changes the girls like gloves, or something like that (invent in the course of the conversation).

    B) you will try to refrain from comments, grinding your teeth.

    C) Let's frankly talk about everything with a friend and express the hope that your friendship does not hurt.

    12) You have successfully, as you seemed to visit the hairdresser, and on the same day you went to visit best friend. And when she could believe that he sees you in front of you, she says: "What have you done! So disgust yourself! Do you understand when you grow old? " Your response?

    A) "When you crashed in that week, I was silent, but now I will say ..."

    B) "Yes, well! Only you know how to say nasty. Not everything is so bad. "

    C) "I respect your opinion, but I like my hairstyle. And this is still my head! "

    Now we calculate the glasses. For each noted by you, the point "b" add 3 points to yourself if you chose the answer "A" - leave the amount unchanged, and if I preferred somewhere "B" - add 5 points. Calculate what happened:

    0-22 points: alas, your abilities are to be friends left to desire the best. If you continue to continue in the same vein, then by the end of the school, you can lose all friends, and you can't get a new one. So carefully review those points where you scored the minimum number of points, and think about what qualities you could change in yourself, which truly learn to be friends. Maybe for this it is also worth reading a couple smart books about this theme. But the main thing is what you should never forget - this is what the ability to be friends is the art that anyone may be wishes!

    23-42 points: You can not doubt, much more people are respected and value than you think. But you also will not hurt to listen to the advice given above, and then get ready for surprises. Because even more absolutely wonderful people will want to make friends with you. The main thing is to understand this in time and take appropriate actions.

    43-60 points - you're just a wonderful friend. And if you are not fascinating from this nobody praise and do not "spoil", the number of your friends over the years will only increase. And they will always support you in a difficult moment and will be happy for you when joy will come to your house.

    Projective techniques are intended to diagnose individuals with uncertain incentives that the test must be complemented, develop, etc. For example, you are invited to interpret the content of plot pictures, completing incomplete proposals, to interpret indefinite outlines, etc. In the projective techniques, as And in other diagnostic methods, the answers to tasks cannot be considered correct or incorrect. Possible extensive range different options. It is assumed that the nature of the responses of the test is determined by the peculiarities of his personality, which are reflected (projected) in his responses.

    Next, you will be offered several tests in pictures, diagnosing the specifics of interpersonal relations:

    1. Projective technique "What a friendship means for you"
    2. Projective technique "Your ability to empathy"
    3. Projective technique "Have you a good friend"

    Projective techniques for the diagnosis of interpersonal relationships (tests in pictures: What does Friendship mean for you? Do you know how to be friends? Do you know how to empathize?):

    Projective technique "What does friendship mean for you"


    Before you, the silhouettes of two people and two dogs your task is to fill this picture with details, draw the figures as you want. The main thing is that the drawing is finished, as you achieve this - at your discretion.

    Stimulus material.

    The key to the test.

    And now carefully look at the figures. The more carefully all the little things are drawn, the more accurate and the more expensive you tried to display appearance People and animals, the more attention you pay details in relations with others.

    A picture filled with small details indicates a sensitive person.

    If the figures drawn carelessly, the details are very small and they do not play an important role, this means that a person does not give a friendship of great importance. Most likely, he is used to enjoy the location of others and he never had to seek someone else's friendship.

    Now let's talk about the figures actually.

    • That figure you started drawing the first is you yourself.
    • The second figure is your friend (not special person, and collective image). This is a very important point.

    If you first outlined people, then this suggests that you can be friends and treat a friend as equal, and no one plays the role of the first violin.

    If you are a person in your picture, and your friend is a dog, then this suggests that you are accustomed to dominate. In friendship, you like to manage people and from friends you require obedience, consent with your point of view.

    If you drew yourself a dog, and my friend is a man, then, most likely, in friendship you stay in the shade of your friend, do not show the initiative yourself.

    If you and yourself, and your friend painted dogs, then this means that for some reason you oppose our friendship to the whole world. Perhaps you are still very young and tired of the soldier adults who are trying to intervene in your relationship with friends all the time. Or maybe you just have just disappointed in people and are afraid to burn again. Whatever it was, you are looking for honest relationships (dogs are always sincere).

    Projective technique "Your ability to empathy"


    This picture shows a dog with a dowel head and tail. She is clearly something lacking for happiness, but what exactly? Draw next to the dog, all that could, in your opinion, raise her mood. Let you not stop practical arguments: it is not suitable for a dog, she doesn't need it. Draw everything you want.

    Stimulus material.

    The key to the test.

    This test will help you understand if you can empathize people who are able to help a person who needs it.

    • If you drawn next to the dog another animal, then this means that the most important help you consider the ability to listen to a person, let him speak out, pour out his pain. You will always sympathize with a friend who fell into trouble and help him with advice.
    • If your animal has drawn more than a dog, you will not refuse a person to help, but hold out of the reproaches of its unreasonableness and short-sightedness. Your sympathy will look like teaching and notation.
    • If your animal is smaller than a dog, then your sympathy will be sincere, but you think that there is plenty.
    • If you drew a person next to the dog, you do not like to burden yourself with other people's challenges, perceiving them as something foreign, unnecessary troubles.
    • Drawn next to the dog, a loaf or litter says that you always wish and warm the man who has fallen into trouble. You are not afraid of responsibility and always keep your word. Your friends can count on your help in any situation.
    • Collar, leash, muzzle - evidence of your unwillingness to take care of a man who fell into trouble. You think that other people's problems should not complicate your life and that a person should help himself to get out of a difficult situation, this is his personal matter. The only help you can have is money, once, loan.
    • Food, a bone, a bowl drawn near the dog, suggests that you will definitely help a person who has fallen into trouble, even if he does not ask you about it. You just can't look at the torment and suffering around you, especially if you know what to do to help a person. True, sometimes your help is unceremonious.

    The bigger number of objects you surround the dog, the better. Your help may be the most diverse.

    Projective technique "Have you a good friend"


    This drawing does not have a visible meaning. You need to complete the picture in this way so that it gains a specific value. Draw everything you want, the main thing is that you have a meaningful pattern.

    Stimulus material.
    The key to the test.

    If you saw the snake in this picture and connected three parts with each other, and the snake of the muzzle and the tip of the tail were drawn, then this suggests that you perceive friendship as something of granted, natural. You have never had to make special efforts to conquer the friendship of people, because you have liked everyone since childhood. You like to be the center of attention and take admiration for others. However, if your friends are bad, you will definitely come to help them.

    If you created three figures from the specified parts, then this indicates the lack of friendship needs. For you in the first place you always have your goals, interests and tasks.

    If you made two parts from three parts, then this means that you are little trusted. But for the sake of your loved ones and expensive people you will go on everything, you will not regret anything to help them. You good friend, from those who are checked in trouble and with honor withstands the check.

    If you painted an animal or a bird by adding a lot of details to a given picture, then this suggests that you are a cheerful and friendly person, you have many friends and buddies, you always find yourself in the spotlight, in what kind of society you are. You yourself always try to help those who need it, you cannot indifferently look at the suffering and experiences of other people, not even very close to you.

    If you saw the inscription "SOS" in this figure, then it says about your kindness and ability to empathize with other people. You never deny anyone to help and sympathy, have moral and material support.

    Projective techniques. Pictures tests: What does Friendship mean for you? Do you know how to be friends? Do you know how to empathize?

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