• Fine motor skills 4 5 years. Educational portal. Massage of palms and fingers with a prickly massage ball


    We bring to your attention children's games aimed at developing fine motor skills of hands in children of early and before school age using items and materials that are within walking distance. This will not only save the family budget, but also spend more time with the child.

    Games for kids 0+

    Hand and finger massage. For greater effect, carry out a massage with nursery rhymes, for example, "Magpie-crow";

    Let your child touch objects with different textures, different sizes and temperatures: pieces of ice, walnuts, a spiky rubber ball, a warm metal bowl, a fur hat, etc.). Do to stimulate tactile sensations.

    Homemade photo frames with materials of various textures are an excellent tool for massaging children's hands.

    Tie different pieces of fabric, ribbons, pom-poms, etc. to the hoop. The game induces the grasping reflex and prompts the baby to take active actions in the prone position. These movements strengthen the muscles in the hands and fingers and help develop fine motor skills.

    Suggest stringing large pasta onto straws / skewers.


    Teach your child to make balls and sausages from plasticine, and then flatten them with your finger, show that you can draw on plasticine with a toothpick or special tools.

    Play finger games or finger theater, for example, based on the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood (template for a beetle).

    Place small toys or any small items, suggest catching them with your hands, spoon or strainer.

    Games for kids 4+

    Use a thread and a needle to make beads from rowan berries, small pasta, foil balls, or real beads. Pasta can be dyed beforehand.

    To develop fine motor skills, practice winding yarn into a ball or winding thread on a spool.

    Do the lacing with your own hands (templates): cut out the outlines of any object (cars, clouds, apples) from cardboard, make holes along the contour with a hole punch, tie a bright thick thread to the ear stick and show what to do. Surprisingly, children are much more interested in such homemade laces than in store counterparts.

    Think about the menu in such a way as to involve your child as much as possible in cooking: have him whisk, peel boiled eggs, cut a banana, etc.

    Practice tying bows, different kinds of knots, braiding, and lace up shoes.

    Promote the development of fine motor skills:

    Games with all kinds of tweezers. For example, you can use tweezers to spread the beads on a soap stand.
    Pipette games. We offer a game with Lego blocks. The challenge for children is to fill each well with water as much as possible and not spill a drop.

    Gluing small stickers.

    Working with scissors. Play hair salon.

    Modeling. See ideas for classes.

    Games with rubber bands (for weaving bracelets). See how to make an educational game "Math Tablet".

    Puzzles. You yourself can make simple and photos.

    Mosaic. Especially, kids will love doing

    Tightening the caps. For example, you need to pick up the lids for the jars.

    Lego and other construction sets with small details.

    All kinds of pouring of liquids and pouring bulk materials from one container to another.

    Creative activity using a figured hole punch (c, c).

    Fine motor trainers

    Educational game "Developing basic skills" (c, c).

    The Developing Basic Skills board is both a puzzle and a frame with clasps. It will help your little one learn to fasten buttons, belts, zippers, lace up shoes. In addition, during the game, the motor skills of the pens and logical thinking develop.

    The book-simulator "I dress myself" (c, c, c).

    The exercise book “I Dress Itself” will help the child develop fine motor skills, speech skills and independence. Your little one will learn to: tie shoelaces, zippers, buttons, Velcro and buckles.

    The book-simulator "I dress myself" (c, c, c).

    Set of 6 simulators (on)

    With the help of simulators, the child will learn to lace, unfasten-fasten buttons, rivets, zippers, buckles, and practice tying bows.

    Fine Motor Development Books

    We offer a selection of useful and fun books for children that will help develop the skills necessary to master writing. (Click on the image for details).

    Fine motor development workbooks

    Publishing house "I can":

    Publishing house "Prof-Press":

    Clover Media Group Publishing House:

    Fine motor development albums
    Recipe for kids

    More ideas for fine motor games can be seen at!

    Do not forget that in addition to exercises for developing the muscles of the hand, it is important to regularly train the muscles of the forearms and shoulders, because the same writing is a monotonous process in which the whole hand is involved, not just fingers, and a trained child will find it easier to write for a long time at school. Therefore, do not forget about active walks, ball games, banal exercises, classes in the pool.

    The development of fine motor skills of hands in young children, the preschool period, occupies the minds of parents who are concerned about the future education of the child in school. In our article you will find out what fine motor skills, how and why to develop it.


    M. Montessori, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A.R. Luria, other psychologists, educators and physiologists devoted their lives to the study of the properties and characteristics of fine motor skills. They found the dependence of the level of speech development in preschoolers on the organization of movements with fingers and hands. The accuracy of the manipulation depends on the development of small muscles. Fastening buttons, drawing, sculpting increases the work of the speech parts of the brain.

    Fine motor skills of the hands are connected with consciousness, thinking, spatial orientation, memory, and vision. This is also important for the development of speech, success in teaching a child, and the future life of an adult.

    Thus, the concept of the speech therapy term “fine motor skills of the hands” means a complex of mental and physiological processes. The visual, bone, muscular and nervous systems are involved. Accuracy, perfection of finger motor skills and the speed of development of speech function depend on the coherence of their interaction.


    Examination of the level of development of physiological characteristics of fine motor skills in children is important stage correctional, developmental work.

    Diagnostics is carried out by speech therapists, defectologists, neurologists, kindergarten teachers.

    The peculiarity of the survey is that the child repeats the manipulations after the teacher. For the lesson, create a relaxed atmosphere, it is better to use the game. Tasks are divided according to the age of the subjects.

    To examine the development of fine motor skills of hands in children 3-4 years old, the following exercises are used:

    1. Touching the nose with the index fingers with closed eyes.
    2. Flexion of the phalanges on both hands alternately.
    3. Performing two opposite actions at the same time. For example, he clenches one handle into a fist, and the fingers open the other.
    4. Folding the thumb and forefinger into a ring.
    5. Button manipulation: unfastening, fastening.
    6. Transferring small items from the table to the box.

    Analysis of the level of development of fine motor skills of hands in children 4-5 years old is carried out as follows:

    1. The child should draw a straight, broken line.
    2. String the buttons on the thread.
    3. Stretch the index, middle fingers.
    4. Use your thumb to stroke all other fingers.
    5. Cut the paper into even strips.
    6. Perform a pinch motion and straighten your palm back freely.


    The development of fine motor skills of the hands in children occurs gradually. By a certain age, a child must perform the following set of actions corresponding to the level of physiological, mental development:

    • At 2-2.5 years old, the baby knows how to unfasten Velcro, large buttons, pushes small objects into holes, removes clothespins, draws boldly. Mastering simple finger gymnastics exercises.
    • At 2.5 - 3 years old he unscrews the lids, draws with his fingers, sculpts Easter cakes, copies lines. Knows how to string beads on a stiff thread, wire, cut a sheet of paper, collect cereals with a spoon in a container and transfer it to another jar.
    • At 3 -3.5 years old, he draws straight lines, outlines the dashed lines, repeats simple figures according to the pencil pattern, sculpts balls, sausages from plasticine. Knows how to fasten and unfasten all types of locks, buttons, performs well finger gymnastics, is fluent in scissors.
    • At the age of 4, he holds a pencil correctly, draws hexagons, stars, cuts out any geometric shapes. He knows how to sort small objects, unfolds wrappers, string small beads on a thread, sculpt figures from dough, plasticine, tie knots, repeats the contours of objects with his finger in the air.
    • At the age of 5, he copies letters, numbers, folds paper several times, draws a house. Knows how to identify small objects by touch, lace up shoes, catch the ball with two handles. In the older preschool age, the skills for the development of fine motor skills in children are that the hands and fingers are already formed for mastering writing.
    • At the age of 6, a preschooler copies complex shapes with a pencil, parts of a person's body, catches a thrown object with one hand, and can perform a mirror image. He knows how to play a keyboard instrument, braids pigtails, almost completely masters the capabilities of hand motor skills by the 1st grade.

    The development of skills in children 2-3 years old can take place individually, with minor deviations. Most often, they quickly catch up with their peers. If detected on diagnostics strong deviations from the norms, for example, 1-2 tasks out of 6 are performed correctly or moderately, we can talk about violations in the intellectual, physiological terms. Development correction is carried out by specialists; most often, one year of full-fledged classes with a teacher is enough for children to enter the age norm, to eliminate the lag in the development of speech.

    If by 3-4 years old the baby cannot hold a pencil correctly, does not fold the pyramid, does not hold a spoon, scissors in his hand, does not catch, does not throw a ball, then you need to urgently contact a specialist. These indicators indicate serious deviations in development, education.

    We develop fine motor skills

    For children of primary preschool age, the following activities are used.


    Self-massage and adult help are used. Spend 2 times a day, use as a warm-up before drawing, modeling. The set of exercises includes:

    • Kneading palms, brushes.
    • Immersion of palms in a dry pool with sand, cereals, lids from plastic bottles etc.
    • Use of tools: hedgehogs, finger rings, marlbs balls.

    Massage the palms with elastic movements, rub the skin red-hot. You can use the tools at hand, such as a pencil, nuts. In the first lesson, teach preschoolers the correct massaging movements that he could apply required amount strength to knead hands.

    The walnut rolls between the palms, is held along the edges by weight. The pencil is pushed between the fingers, fixed in a certain position.

    The following self-massage exercises are suitable for babies aged 3-5 years:

    • Pin
      Warm up the pads of the fingers with a clothespin. The skin is bitten with light but tangible movements. The clothespin kind of bites. Be sure to carry out the procedure on both handles.
    • Warm up with Su-Jok
      These are special balls with spikes for the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Exercise improves blood flow, stretches and trains muscles.
      Children roll them on their palms from top to bottom.

    It is important not to forget about health preservation, the skin of hands and fingers should be clean, without scratches, prepared for massage.

    Finger games

    Necessary for the development of speech and coordination of movements, warm-up of the muscles of the palms, phalanges.

    • Legs

    Fingers make stepping movements on the table

    Children draw glasses with their fingers, forming circles with their thumb and forefinger. They bring them up to their eyes.

    • We go for mushrooms

    We count fingers: one, two, three, etc. We bend each finger in turn, reciting a rhyme about how the fingers were looking for mushrooms, we do not open the cam.

    • Chair and table

    We depict a table with a cam and a palm, change the position of the hands alternately. Then a chair: bring your open palm to the fist, place it on one side of the fist.

    • Boat

    Used verse:
    A fox in a boat floats (palms are folded in the form of a boat),
    The hare is calling in the boat (the kids are waving, calling on a friend).

    • Scissors

    The child depicts scissors with his fingers, makes characteristic movements, as if cutting fabric.

    Finger paint

    The development of fine motor skills is faster through visual activity. Use modern drawing techniques and materials. One of them is finger paints.

    Draw figures, landscapes, large compositions by reference or fantasy.
    With a child 1-2 years old, draw lines, circles. With children from 3-4 years old - animals, houses, cars, geometric shapes.

    To work with older preschoolers, print complex samples for drawings, with the need to use a large number of shades, the image of polygons, numbers, letters.


    An entertaining method for working with children of all ages. Children from 4-5 years old already cut out figures of large and small sizes. They know how to glue paper to cardboard, place elements of the work on a sheet.

    Use designs with small details for appliqués. For example, an autumn tree with many small leaves on the crown, or an applique in the shape of a fish, where you need to cut each scale separately.

    Suitable as a material colored paper, napkins, corrugated cardboard, natural remedies (sticks, pebbles, sand, cereals).

    Twisted napkins make great flowers. The material can not only be twisted into balls, but also be torn into pieces, gluing the pieces onto each other.

    You can make a lamb from colored rice and semolina. The outline of a lamb is drawn on the sheet, it is covered with PVA glue, then semolina is sprinkled on the body, and the legs and horns are made of rice.


    For classes, plasticine of various hardness, dough, kinetic sand is used.

    For kids aged 2-4 years, soft plasticine is suitable. They need to be taught to roll sausages, balls, construct simple shapes by attaching them to cardboard.

    Older children can already perform difficult tasks. For example, a picture made of plasticine in different ways.

    Use the smudge and construct method. It is imperative to clearly show the child how parts are connected, how to make small parts and use colored elements.

    During classes, not only motor skills develop, but also the child's creative potential, the horizons, knowledge about the color, shape, size, texture of the material expand. Visual activity develops the skill of perseverance, purposefulness.

    How to conduct classes

    • Work with your child regularly, paying attention to massage, games, gymnastics, creative activities.
    • At 2-3 years old, it is enough to massage the brushes, fingers for 3-5 minutes. Then perform 1-2 exercises of gymnastics with the pronunciation of small rhymes. A couple of times a week, conduct modeling classes, teaching drawing.
    • By 4-5 years of age, increase the self-massage time to 10-15 minutes 2 times a day. Perform finger exercises for at least 20 minutes a day. The child must draw or sculpt every day.
    • In the senior preschool period, you can study for more than 30 minutes without a break. Alternate massage, finger and hand workouts in one session. Sculpt, draw with your child together, be sure to include complex elements, the image of letters and numbers in the composition.
    • The main principle of the classes is systematic and consistent. Consider the developmental characteristics of children when selecting materials, cards, poems, assignments.

    IN kindergarten there are stands, guidelines for parents on how to develop fine motor skills in a child's hands. Consult with teachers and repeat the material passed at the preschool educational institution at home.

    The development of fine motor skills for children 4-5 years old.


    Fine motor skills are precise and delicate movements of the fingers of the hand. The development of fine motor skills directly affects the readiness of the hand for writing, the work of the speech and thinking centers of the brain. Motor skills help a child to explore, compare, classify and thereby allow him to better understand the world in which he lives. It is very important in preschool age to create conditions as early as possible for the accumulation of motor and practical experience, develop the skills of manual skill, form the mechanisms necessary for the future mastery of writing. Systematic exercises that require delicate finger movements increase the performance of the brain, giving a powerful impetus to the child to cognitive and creative activity. The high development of cognitive processes is relevant and significant in modern society.

    Purpose: Creation of conditions for the development of fine motor skills and movements of the fingers; development of motor and cognitive abilities of children; development of fine motor skills, manual skill through the implementation of substantive and practical actions.



    1.To teach children to have graphic skills: a) shading in different directions according to the pattern: from top to bottom, left to right. b) outline the contours of the object point by point, c) finish painting objects, d) paint pictures, observing the rules: paint in one direction, without going beyond the outline, do not leave unpainted places.

    2. Learn to work with paper, master various types of folding (origami).

    3.To teach the techniques of working with plasticine technique.

    4. Enrich the tactile experience of children: teach to recognize objects and materials by touch.


    1. To develop the ability to produce precise movements of the hand and fingers.

    2. to develop the ability of coordinated work of hands with visual perception.

    3. To develop creative activity, spatial thinking, fantasy.

    4. To develop fine motor skills of hands, kinesthetic sensations in the process of object-practical actions;


    1. To educate in children accuracy, perseverance, conscientious attitude to work.

    2. To cultivate attentiveness to the performance of tasks.

    3. To cultivate a respectful attitude to one's own and other people's work.

    The main areas of work for the development of fine motor skills of hands and coordination of movements.

    Finger training.

    Hand massage.

    Finger gymnastics, physical exercises.

    Manual skill.

    Drawing with plasticine.

    Paper making using origami technique.


    Development of graphic skills.

    Drawing on stencils.

    Cutting with scissors.



    Games and actions with small objects.

    Recognize objects by touch.

    Working with cereals, beans, peas.

    Stringing beads, buttons on wire, laces.

    Laying out figures from geom. figures, sticks, seeds.

    In the section "Finger training" children get acquainted with the complexes of exercises that give their fingers a good rest, develop dexterity, mobility. There are "active points" on the fingers and palms, massage of which has a positive effect on well-being, improves brain function.

    In the section "Handicraft" children get acquainted with the technique of drawing with plasticine, get acquainted with the properties of paper, comprehend the beginning of plane geometry (origami technique), with various types of application. Conditions are created here for the manifestation of creativity, abilities, and the development of imagination.

    In the “Graphic Skills” section, children improve coordination of movements of fingers and hands, in addition, the child learns to hold a pencil correctly.

    In the section "Games with objects", children improve their motor skills, develop motor coordination and optical-spatial representations, use objects of different size, material, texture, structure.

    The result of work on this program should be:

    1. Development of fine motor skills and coordination of fingers to a level appropriate for a given age.

    2. Mastering different types of manual skill.

    3. Mastering the techniques of working with different tools.

    4.Creative application of the studied techniques, techniques and materials in artistic activity.

    5. Mastering the norms of ethics of conduct.

    Prospective planning of work on the development of fine motor skills for 2016-2017 academic year in the middle group.

    Theme of the lesson.

    Purpose of classes


    Revealing the leading hand

    "Kindergarten and toys". October.

    Develop fine motor skills of the fingers, tactile sensitivity. Form graphic skills and abilities.

    1.Finger gymnastics

    "Fingers are friends."

    2. Rolling a ribbed pencil between palms (massage)

    3. Coloring toys.

    Kindergarten and toys "

    Develop fine motor skills of the fingers; Learn to apply pieces of plasticine, filling the space inside the contour.

    1. Finger gymnastics "Fingers are friends",

    2. Game "What is this?" Define

    flat toys to the touch: cube, ball, pyramid.

    3. Plasticineography: "My cheerful, ringing ball."


    Develop the level of fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity. Strengthen the ability to press down the balls, achieving the image of the leaves.

    1. Finger gymnastics "Autumn Leaves".

    2. "Leaf fall" - tear a sheet of yellow, orange paper into small pieces.

    3. Plasticinography. "Autumn tree".

    "Garden. Vegetables".

    Develop coordination of finger movements. Learn to paint in one direction without going beyond the contour.

    1. “Did. The game "Wonderful bag". Choose only vegetables.

    2. Finger gymnastics "Cabbage".

    3. Working with the stencil "Circle and color vegetables"

    "Garden. Fruits".

    Develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Learn to apply plasticine to the base.

    1. Finger gymnastics "We were sharing an orange."

    2. "Drying fruit". Stringing thick cardboard circles with a hole in the middle on a wire.

    3Work with stencils "Circle and color fruits".


    Develop fine motor skills of the fingers, teach to lay out the figure along the contour. Continue learning to smear pieces of plasticine, filling the space inside.

    1Finger game "For berries".

    2. Lay out the peas along the drawn contour (berries)

    3. Plasticinography. "Strawberry".

    "House. A family"

    Develop fine motor skills of the fingers; orientation towards

    plane. Continue building graphic skills.

    1. Finger gymnastics "How big our family is"

    2. "My house" Laying out of geometric figures of houses of various heights.

    3. "Family". Circle the figure of the person and paint.

    "Furniture, apartment".

    The development of small movements of the fingers, their motor activity... Development of orientation on the plane. Improve visual memory.

    1. "Furniture for the living room". Laying out the wardrobe, sofa from the sticks.

    2 Massage with a ribbed pencil between the palms.

    3. "Continue the pattern." Color the geometric shapes.


    Develop fine motor skills of the fingers; learn how to transform a square into parts of the house: base and roof. Develop attention, logical thinking.

    1. "Let's build a slide for animals from snowballs" - making snowballs from paper by squeezing and rolling it between the palms.

    2. Game "What is superfluous and why?"

    3. "Fairy house" (origami)

    "Winter fun"

    Exercise in coordination of movements with speech. Continue to work on the development of small

    motor skills. Teach napkins to roll balls.

    1. Round dance game "Snow Woman"

    2. Game with Skis traffic jams

    3. "Cheerful Snowman". An applique made of napkin clumps.

    "New Year".

    Develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Learn to fold a circle in half, find the middle of a circle. Learn to observe the rhythm when laying out the figures.

    1. Game "Let's put things in order" (grouping objects according to the criteria).

    2. "Beads on the Christmas tree" Laying out

    geometric shapes in a specific sequence.

    3. "Christmas tree toy" (origami)

    "New Year"

    Develop fine motor skills of the fingers; visual-motor

    coordination. To consolidate the ability to fold the basic shape of a triangle.

    1. Finger game "Herringbone" "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" -

    2. Drawing by points "Herringbone"

    3.Dressing Christmas tree (origami)

    "Wintering Birds".

    Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

    Exercise in drawing lines without tearing from the paper, consolidate the skills of shading with different


    1. Treat for birds. Seed sorting: beans,


    2. Finger game "Bullfinches"

    3. "Bird" - stencil outline, shading on display in different directions.


    animals "

    Improve graphic skills and skills, consolidate the ability to trace a drawing by points and hatch small strokes.

    1. "Little constructor" -

    laying out animals from geometric shapes.

    2. Finger game "A cat sat on the palm of the hand."

    3. Outline the kitten point by point and hatch with small strokes.



    Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

    Continue to learn to hatch with small strokes.

    1. "Let's feed the birds" - crumple the paper into small lumps.

    2. "Birds are thirsty" - work with water and a pipette.

    3. "Chicken" (hatching)


    Develop visual-motor coordination and finger motor skills.

    Secure transport destination.

    Continue learning how to fold paper shapes.

    1. Draw the car with your fingers on the rump.

    2. Game "Name the type of transport and its purpose"

    3. "Machine" (origami).


    Continue to work on fine motor development.

    Learn to work with paper.

    1. Finger gymnastics "Sun"

    2. Massage of the palms. Rolling a barbed ball between palms.

    3. Making a Valentine from paper.

    "Our Army".

    Continue to develop visual motor functions.

    1. From the rice, lay out the fireworks along the drawn contour.

    2. Finger game "Soldiers".

    3. Shading "Tank".


    Continue to work on the development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements.

    Learn to work with cereals.

    1. "Streams flowed" - drawing with fingers on the rump.

    2.Stringing buttons - naming (alternation: small, large, etc.)

    3.Application of millet "Solnyshko"

    "Mom's holiday"

    Develop fine motor skills.

    Learn to act according to verbal instructions.

    Continue learning how to fold paper flowers.

    1. Tie a bow on a gift

    2. Roll up a ball for grandma.

    3. A postcard for mom. (origami)



    Continue to work on the development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements.

    Learn to hatch in different directions.

    1.P \\ and "On the window in a pot"

    2. Cutting off a flower along the contour.

    3. Shading a flower in a pot.

    "Wild animals"

    Continue to work on the development of visual and motor functions.

    Introduce a new type of shading: a tangle.

    1. Game "Who lives where?" Circle the animal's stencil, cut it out and place it where it lives.

    2. Game "Who eats what?" In a dry pool, identify an object by touch, name it and say who it is.

    3. Shading of wild animals.

    "Migratory birds"

    Exercise in laying out figures from sticks.

    Work on the development of visual motor functions.

    Continue learning to work with scissors.

    1. Finger game “Meeting birds.

    2. "House for a starling" - laying out from sticks according to the principle of "well"

    3. Stencil the bird and cut out the bird.

    "Spring flowers"

    Learn to work with stencils and

    templates. Keep learning

    work with paper.

    1.Exercise "Moth".

    2. Working with stencils (in pairs), making noisy pictures.

    3. Collective application "Spring meadow".

    "My city"

    Exercise with stencils.

    Learn to navigate microplanes.

    1. What is hidden in a lump "- smoothing out crumpled paper bus stencils, outlining, shading.

    2. Finger gymnastics "House".

    3. Lay out the house with plasticine flagella along the contour.

    "Rules of the road

    movement "

    Learn to work with scissors.

    Keep learning to apply

    plasticine sausages along the contour.

    1.Finger gymnastics "Boat"

    2. Stencil the transport and cut.

    3.Playtilinography "Traffic light"


    Continue to work on fine motor development.

    Develop visual attention, memory.

    1.Finger game "Fish"

    2. Exercise "What's missing"

    3. Plasticinography. Collective work "Fish in the aquarium"


    Continue to work on the development of visual motor functions.

    Improve graphic skills.

    Continue learning how to work with plasticine.

    1.Finger game "Centipede"

    2. "Once carried an ant" - transferring peas from one container to another.

    3. Plasticine "Caterpillar".


    Continue to work on fine motor development

    Improve memory, attention, logical thinking.

    1. "Fast legs" - "walking" with the index and middle fingers in the caps from the plastic bottle.

    2. Finger game "Bees"

    3. Collective application "Summer".


    Examination of fine motor skills.

    Diagnostic tools.

    Examination of fine motor skills of the hands.


    Bolshakova S.E. Formation of fine motor skills of the hands. Games and exercises.

    Gavrilova S.E. A large book on the development of fine motor skills for children 3-6 years old.

    Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2009.

    Novikovskaya O.A. .: AST; SPb .; Owl 2007.

    Sakharova O. M. Preparing a hand for writing. Moscow. ROSMAN. 2008.

    "N. Rymchuk "Finger games and the development of fine motor skills"

    Rostov n / a: Vladis: RIPOL classic, 2008

    Lykova I.A. "The program of artistic education, training and development

    children 2-7 years old. Ed. "Karapuz" 2005.

    Sokolova S.V. Origami for the little ones. Childhood Press 2010.

    Development of fine (fine) hand motor skills

    You need to start work on the development of fine motor skills from a very early age. Already infant you can massage your fingers ( finger gymnastics), thereby acting on the active points associated with the cerebral cortex. At an early and junior preschool age, you need to perform simple exercises, accompanied by a poetic text, do not forget about the development of elementary self-service skills: buttoning and unbuttoning buttons, tying laces, etc.

    Why is the development of fine motor skills so important for children? The fact is that in the human brain, the centers responsible for speech and movements of the fingers are very close. By stimulating fine motor skills and thus activating the corresponding parts of the brain, we also activate the neighboring areas responsible for speech.

    The task of teachers and child psychologists is to convey to parents the importance of games for the development of fine motor skills. Parents must understand: in order to interest the child and help him master new information, you need to turn learning into a game, do not retreat if the tasks seem difficult, do not forget to praise the child. We bring to your attention games for the development of fine motor skills, which can be done both in kindergarten and at home.

    Exercises for the development of tactile sensitivity and complex movements of the fingers and hands.

    1. The child lowers his hands into a vessel filled with any homogeneous filler (water, sand, various cereals, pellets, any small objects). 5 - 10 minutes, as it were, mixes the contents. Then he is offered a vessel with a different filler texture. After several tests, the child, with his eyes closed, lowers his hand into the proposed vessel and tries to guess its contents without touching its individual elements with his fingers.

    2. Identification of figures, numbers or letters "written" on the right and left hand.

    3 Identification of an object, letters, numbers by touch alternately with the right and left hand. A more difficult option - the child feels the proposed object with one hand, and sketches it with the other hand (with open eyes).

    4. Modeling of geometric shapes, letters, numbers from plasticine. For school-age children, modeling not only printed, but also capital letters. Then, the recognition of cobbled letters with closed eyes.

    5. Starting position - sitting on your knees and on your heels. The arms are bent at the elbows, palms are turned forward. The thumb is opposed to the rest. Simultaneously, with both hands, two slaps are made with each finger on the thumb, starting from the second to the fifth and back.

    6. "Rubber band". For this exercise, you can use a hair tie with a diameter of 4-5 centimeters. All fingers are inserted into an elastic band. The task is to move the elastic band 360% with the movements of all fingers, first in one direction and then in the other direction. It is performed first with one hand, then with the other hand.

    7. Rolling the pencil between the fingers from thumb to little finger and back, alternately with each hand.

    8. Game "Multi-colored snowflakes" (age - 4 years). Aimed at the development of fine motor skills of the hands, the formation of accuracy.

    Material: felt-tip pens, white paper, scissors.

    The presenter shows how to make snowflakes from sheets of paper by cutting through them. After the children make many different snowflakes, he says that the snowflakes turned out, although different, but the same color. Then friends-markers came and presented the snowflakes with colorful dresses. The presenter asks the children to color the snowflakes.

    Because snowflakes turn out to be delicate, it is necessary that the paper is stronger. Painting movements affect the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

    9. "Repeat the movement" (version of the game by B. P. Nikitin "Monkeys")

    An adult, sitting opposite a child, makes a "figure" with the fingers of his hand (some fingers are bent, some are straightened - any combination). The child must bring the fingers of his hand to exactly the same position - repeat the "figure". The task here is complicated by the fact that he still needs to mirror it (after all, the adult is sitting opposite). If this task is difficult for the child, then first you can practice by doing the exercise while sitting next to (and not opposite the child). This will make it easier for him to copy the position of the fingers.

    10. Drawing games.

    If the child has poorly developed fine motor skills and it is difficult for him to learn to write, then you can play games with drawing. Say, race around squares or circles or move along a maze drawn in advance (the most interesting is when a child draws a maze for a parent, and a parent for a child. And everyone tries to draw in a confused way). Now on sale there are many different stencils of all kinds of geometric shapes, animals, but, in principle, they are easy to make yourself.

    11. Games with household items.

    The advantage of the following games for the development of fine motor skills in children is that they do not require any special toys, manuals, etc. The games use improvised materials that are in any home: clothespins, buttons, beads, cereals, etc.

    Take a bright tray. Sprinkle any fine grains on a tray in a thin, even layer. Run your finger over the child's rump. You will get a bright contrasting line. Let your kid draw some chaotic lines himself. Then try to draw together some objects (fence, rain, waves), letters, etc.

    Choose buttons in different colors and sizes. First lay out the drawing yourself, then ask your child to do the same on their own. After the child learns to complete the task without your help, invite him to come up with his own versions of the drawings. From a button mosaic, you can lay out a tumbler, butterfly, snowman, balls, beads, etc.

    Give your child a round hair brush. The child rolls the brush between his palms, saying:

    "By the pine, by the fir, by the tree
    Very sharp needles.
    But even stronger than the spruce forest,
    The juniper will prick you. "

    Get a sink grate (usually many cells). The child walks with the index and middle fingers, like legs, along these cells, trying to take steps for each stressed syllable. You can "walk" alternately with one or the other hand, or you can use two at the same time, saying:

    “We wandered in the zoo,
    Each cage was approached
    And watched everyone:
    Cubs, wolf cubs, beavers. "

    We take a dumpling maker. Its surface, as you remember, looks like a honeycomb. The kid with two fingers (index and middle) depicts a bee flying over the combs:

    “Fingers, like bees, fly over the honeycomb
    And they enter each with a check: what is there?
    Will there be enough honey for all of us until spring,
    So that you don't have hungry dreams? "

    Pour 1 kg of peas or beans into a saucepan. The child puts his hands in there and depicts how the dough is kneaded, saying:

    "Knead, knead the dough,
    There is a place in the oven.
    Will-will be out of the oven
    Buns and rolls ”.

    Pour dry peas into a mug. For each stressed syllable, the child places the peas one by one in another mug. First with one hand, then with two hands at the same time, alternately between thumb and middle fingers, thumb and ring, thumb and pinky. Any quatrains are selected.

    Put the peas on a saucer. The child takes a pea with his thumb and forefinger and holds it with the rest of his fingers (as when picking berries), then takes the next pea, then again and again - this is how he collects a whole handful. You can do this with one or two hands.

    We put two corks from plastic bottles on the table with the thread up. These are "skis". The index and middle fingers fit into them, like feet. We move on "skis", taking one step for each stressed syllable:

    “We are skiing, we are racing down the mountain,
    We love the fun of a cold winter. "

    You can try the same thing with both hands at the same time.

    The child collects matches (or counting sticks) with the same fingers of different hands (pads): two index fingers, two middle ones, etc.

    We build a "blockhouse" from matches or counting sticks. The higher and smoother the frame, the better.

    With a clothespin (check on your fingers that it is not too tight), alternately "bite" the nail phalanges (from the index to the little finger and back) on the stressed syllables of the verse:

    "The silly kitten bites heavily,
    He thinks it's not a finger, but a mouse. (Change of hands.)
    But I'm playing with you baby
    And if you bite, I will tell you: "Shoot!"

    We take a rope (as thick as the little finger of a child) and tie 12 knots on it. The child, turning over the nodes with his fingers, for each node names the month of the year in order. You can make similar devices from beads, buttons, etc.

    We pull the rope at the level of the child's shoulders and give him several clothespins. For each stressed syllable, the child clings a clothespin to the rope:

    »I will pinch clothespins cleverly
    I'm on my mother's rope. "

    The child crumples, starting from the corner, a handkerchief (or plastic bag) so that it all fits into the fist.

    The child rolls a walnut between his palms and says:

    “I roll my nut,
    To become the roundest of all. "

    The child holds two walnuts in one hand and rotates them one around the other.

    12. Games - lacing Maria Montessori:

    Develops sensorimotor coordination, fine motor skills of the hands;
    - develop spatial orientation, contribute to the understanding of the concepts of "above", "below", "right", "left";
    - develop lacing skills (lacing, tying a lace on a bow);
    - contribute to the development of speech;
    - develop creativity.

    In games with lacing, the eye also develops, attention, the fingers and the entire hand are strengthened (fine motor skills), and this, in turn, affects the formation of the brain and the formation of speech. And also, which is not unimportant, Montessori lacing games indirectly prepare the hand for writing and develop perseverance.

    Not only tiny kids learn the world with their “hands” - toys that require the work of a hand and fingers are useful for older children. Maria Montessori almost a hundred years ago gave her children pieces of leather with holes and laces - and develops hands, and teaches to concentrate, and will come in handy in life. We, unlike Montessori, do not have to sit with scissors and rags. You can simply buy a "lacing game" - a set of multi-colored laces and a shoe, a button, a "piece of cheese" or some other wooden piece with holes. Sometimes a wooden needle is also attached to them. Imagine how nice it is for a girl to get a forbidden needle and thread and become "just like a mother."

    It should be remembered that the development of fine coordination of movements and manual skill presupposes a certain degree of maturity of the brain structures, the control of hand movements depends on them, therefore, in no case should a child be forced.

    How can you explain the fact that there are so many lace-up toys now? After all, the current parents did not have such toys in childhood, nevertheless, they grew up as normal people. There is a bewilderment, why is all this necessary?

    It turns out that most modern children have a general motor lag, especially in urban children. Remember, now even kindergartens are asked to bring Velcro shoes so that teachers do not take the trouble of teaching a child to tie shoelaces. Even 20 years ago, parents, and along with them and children, had to do more with their hands: sort out cereals, wash clothes, knit, embroider. Now there is a car for each lesson.

    A consequence of the poor development of general motor skills, and in particular of the hands, the general unpreparedness of most modern children for writing or problems with speech development... With a high degree of probability, we can conclude that if everything is not in order with speech, this is most likely a problem with motor skills.

    However, even if the child's speech is normal, this does not mean at all that the child is good at handling his hands. If at the age of 4-5 years tying shoelaces causes difficulties for a child, and nothing is molded from plasticine except balls and sausages, if at 6 years old sewing on a real button is an impossible and dangerous task - then your child is no exception.

    Unfortunately, most parents find out about problems with coordination of movements and fine motor skills only before school. This turns into a forced load on the child: in addition to learning new information, you still have to learn to hold a pencil in your naughty fingers.

    More than anything small child wants to move, for him movement is a way of knowing the world. This means that the more accurate and clear the children's movements are, the deeper and more meaningful the child's acquaintance with the world.

    Development of general motor skills

    Exercises to increase the level of activation.

    These exercises increase the child's potential energy level, enrich his knowledge of his own body, and develop tactile sensitivity.

    1. Self-massage of the auricles. The earlobe is clamped with the thumb and forefinger, then the ear is kneaded along the edge from the bottom up and back.

    2. Self-massage of the lateral surfaces of the fingers.

    3. With your fingers spread out, clap your hands several times so that the fingers of both hands touch. Then the claps are performed with fists oriented with the back surface first up, then down, out, in.

    4. Self-massage of the head. The fingers are slightly bent. With smooth stroking movements, both hands move from the ears to the crown.

    5. Squeezing the hand with the palm of the opposite hand, massage it, passing the palm from the wrist and back, then from the shoulder to the elbow and back. The same with the other hand.

    6. General foot massage. Stroking and rubbing the thighs, calves, toes, feet.

    This block of exercises can include various types of general and acupressure massages, exercises for the development of fine motor skills, walking barefoot on surfaces of various textures, etc.

    Exercises aimed at regulating muscle tone.

    The general principle of these exercises is a strong muscle tension followed by their relaxation.

    1. "Boat". The child lies on his back with his arms extended over his head. On command, it simultaneously raises straight legs, arms and head. The pose is held as long as possible. Then a similar exercise is performed while lying on your stomach.

    2. Starting position - lying on your back, legs together, hands at the seams. The head is lifted off the floor so that the child can see the toes. The pose is held as long as possible.

    3. I. p. - lying on your stomach, hands behind your head, elbows apart. The upper part of the body is lifted, the legs are on the floor.

    4. "Snowman". The starting position is standing. Children are encouraged to pretend that they are a freshly made snowman. The body should be very tense, like frozen snow. The presenter can try the "snowman" for strength, slightly pushing him from different sides. Then the snowman should gradually melt, turning into a puddle. First, the head "melts", then the shoulders, arms, back, legs. Then the option "melt" is offered, starting with the legs.

    5. "Tree". The child sits on his haunches, his head is hidden in his knees, his knees are wrapped in his hands. This is a seed that, gradually germinating, turns into a tree. Children very slowly rise to their feet, straighten their torso, stretch their arms up. The body is tense, "the tree is reaching for the sun." A strong gust of wind should break the tree. The child bends sharply at the waist, relaxing the upper torso, arms and head, while the lower torso should remain tense and motionless.

    6. The child lies on his back, legs are bent at the knees, feet are on the floor, arms are extended along the body. For a minute, the legs run, stamping hard on the floor, the upper body and head remain motionless. After completing the exercise, the child lies relaxed with his eyes closed. The facilitator can conduct a relaxation session.

    7. "Koschey is immortal." Starting position - sitting on the floor on your knees and on your heels (after mastering the exercise while sitting, you can go to the SP while standing). Hands are spread apart. The arms bend at the elbows and hang freely, while the shoulders and elbows are in a straight line parallel to the floor. If it is difficult for a child to perform this exercise, at the first stage, you can help him fix the desired position with a gymnastic stick. Further, the presenter randomly pushes the relaxed part of one and the other hand, achieving their free swing.

    8. "Puppets". Children imagine that they are puppet dolls, which are suspended from different parts of the body. The part of the body behind which the doll is suspended is tense and does not move. Everything else is relaxed and dangling. They start to pull the doll on the string at a different pace.

    9. "Cams". The child bends his arms at the elbows and begins to clench and unclench his hands, gradually increasing the pace. Performed until the brushes are as tired as possible. After that, the hands are relaxed and shaken.

    10. "Egg". This exercise requires a sheet that is large enough and sturdy and spreads on the floor. The child sits down on his haunches, hides his head in his knees and clasps his knees with his hands. The facilitator collects the sheet so that the child is in the "egg" and firmly holds the edges of the sheet over the head of the "chicken", while starting to swing the "egg" from side to side. The swing continues for 3-5 minutes until complete relaxation. Then the "chicken" must "hatch out of the shell", actively working with the head, elbows and trying to straighten the whole body. At the same time, the leader holds the child in the "egg" for 1-2 minutes.

    Exercises for the development of gross motor skills, the formation of simultaneous and reciprocal sensorimotor interactions, the feeling of the boundaries of your body and its position in space.

    1. "Log". From a supine position (legs together, arms extended above the head), roll several times, first in one direction, then in the other direction.

    2. "Kolobok". Lying on your back, pull your knees to your chest, wrap your arms around them, pull your head to your knees. In this position, roll several times, first in one direction, then in the other direction.

    3. "Letter in the air." I. p. - lying on your back, arms extended forward in front of the chest. Simultaneously (in one direction) hands in the air “register” letters, numbers, as well as whole words. The same technique is used when correcting letters - when skipping letters, replacing them, “mirroring” writing and other errors. At the same time, at first, the teacher can perform the necessary exercises together with the child, taking his palms in his own.
    This technique also helps to relieve the child's fear of the blackboard or notebook.

    4. Drawing on a board, a sheet of paper with both hands at the same time. Both hands first move in one direction, then in opposite directions. First, the child draws straight lines - vertical, horizontal, oblique, perpendicular; then various circles, ovals, triangles, squares.

    5. I. p. - sitting on your knees and on your heels. Hands are on your knees. One hand clenches into a fist thumb out. Unclenched. Closes into a fist, thumb inward. Unclenched. The other hand is motionless. We change hands. The same with both hands together. Then the phases of movement are shifted (one
    the hand is clenched, the other is unclenched at the same time). With good mastery of this exercise, you can add here the movements of the tongue and eyes in various combinations.

    6. I. p. - sitting on your knees and on your heels. Hands are on your knees. Alternately, each hand performs fist - rib - palm movements. After mastering the same exercise is performed with a canopy, arms bent at the elbows.

    7. And p. - sitting on your knees (standing). The arms are bent at the elbows. One hand performs the fist-palm movement, the other simultaneously performs the fist-rib-palm movement. After mastering, various oculomotor exercises are added.

    8. I. p. - lying on your back, legs together, straight arms extended above your head. The right arm and right leg are bent, the elbow touching the knee. We return to I. p. We repeat the same with the left hand and the left leg. Then the exercise is done oppositely with the left foot and right hand and vice versa.

    9. I. p. - lying on your back. Legs bent at the knees stand on the floor, arms folded in a boat and stretched up in front of you. We put our folded hands on the floor on one side of the body (while the hand on top "crawls" along the other hand), and the legs on the other side. At the same time, we move our arms and legs in the opposite direction.

    10. I. p. - lying on your back. Legs are straight, arms to the sides. One leg is bent at the knee, lifted and retracted outward (or inward), placed on the floor. Returns to its original position. The same with the other leg. Then two legs work at the same time.

    11. I. p. - sitting on your knees (standing). This exercise requires a tight, but not elastic, elongated object (rag "sausage"). The presenter throws the object to the child, the child catches it, while moving only his hands. Then the object must be caught with one hand. When the exercise is mastered, the child is given the task to alternately close one or the other eye, catching the object with his right or left hand.

    12. From a prone position, depict a caterpillar: arms bent at the elbows, palms rest on the floor at shoulder level; straightening your arms, lie down on the floor, then bend your arms, raise your pelvis and pull your knees to your elbows.

    13. Crawling on the stomach. First, bellies. Then only on the hands, the legs are relaxed. Then only with the help of legs, hands behind the back (in the last stages, hands behind the head, elbows to the side).

    14. Crawling on your stomach with your hands. In this case, the leg rises from the knee vertically up (simultaneously with the leading hand, then with the opposite).

    15. Crawling on the back without the help of arms and legs ("Worm").

    16. Crawling on all fours. Crawling forward, backward, right and left with the simultaneous advancement of the arms and legs of the same name, then the opposite arms and legs. In this case, the hands are first located parallel to each other; then they cross, that is, when moving with each step, the right hand goes behind the left, then the left goes behind the right, etc. When mastering these exercises, you can put a re
    Benk on the shoulders of a flat object (book), and set the task not to drop it. At the same time, the smoothness of movements is worked out, the sense of the position of your body in space improves.

    17. Working out the combined movements of the eyes, tongue, head, arms and legs when crawling on all fours.

    18. "Spider". The child sits on the floor, puts his hands slightly behind him, bends his legs at the knees and rises above the floor, leaning on his palms and feet. He walks simultaneously with his right hand and right leg, then with his left hand and left leg (the exercise is performed in four directions - forward, backward, right, left). The same, only the opposite arm and leg are walking at the same time. After mastering, head, eye and tongue movements are added in various combinations.

    19. "Elephant". The child stands on four limbs so that the weight is equally distributed between the arms and legs. Simultaneous steps right side, then left. In the next step, the legs go parallel and the arms cross. Then the arms are parallel, the legs are crossed.

    20. "Goose". A "goose" step is practiced with a straight back in four directions (forward, backward, right, left). The same with a flat object on the head. After working out, multidirectional movements of the head, tongue, eyes are included.

    21. Step in place. The child marches in place with knees raised high. The arms hang along the body.

    22. I. p. - standing, straight arms extended forward. One hand palm up, the other down. The child begins to march, changing the position of the palms for each step. The same, but changing palms after one step, then after two. After mastering, various oculomotor exercises are added in various combinations.

    23. I. p. - standing on all fours. The child straightens and raises one leg above the floor, takes it first to one side, then to the other side. The rest of the body is motionless. The same with closed eyes. After mastering, the opposite arm is extended forward simultaneously with the leg. Then the same name.

    24. I. p. - standing on one leg, arms along the body. Closing our eyes, we keep our balance as long as possible. Then we change the leg. After assimilation, you can connect various finger and other movements.

    25. "Swallow". I.P. - standing on one leg, the other leg is extended back parallel to the floor, the body is tilted forward, arms to the sides. The same with closed eyes. Change your leg.

    26. "Log" on the wall. I. p. - standing, legs together, straight arms extended above the head, the back is in contact with the wall. The child makes several turns, first in one direction, then in the other, so as to constantly touch the wall. The same with closed eyes.

    27. Stand against a wall, feet shoulder-width apart, palms on the wall at eye level; move along the wall to the right (3-5 meters), and then to the left. The same side step - the arm and leg of the same name move (arms parallel to the legs). Then the opposite arm and leg. The same with a crossed step with a cross of arms (the arm and leg of the same name move).

    28. "Repeat the movement" (version of the game by BP Nikitin "Monkeys").

    The leader (adult) makes some movements: squats, raises his hands up, claps his hands - and the children must repeat them after him. The pace of movement can be slowed down or accelerated. To connect attention training as well, you can enter "forbidden movements" (some movement cannot be repeated), or "replacement movements" (when some movement needs to be replaced with another, for example, when the leader jumps, the children should sit down).

    Exercises for developing spatial representations.

    1. "38 parrots". The child is invited to remember a cartoon about a baby elephant, a monkey and a boa constrictor. Then it is proposed to measure several objects or distances using different parts of your body. Following this, the child is given small objects (letters, numbers) and asked to arrange them so that there is a distance between them in his palm, and from each of them to the edge of the table - his index finger. It is recommended to offer as many options as possible for the location of objects (at the distance of the foot, from knee to heel, from elbow to hand, etc.)

    2. "Markers". The child's left hand is marked with a bracelet, bell, bright cloth, etc.

    3. Each of the directions is fixed with a certain movement. For example: "up" - jump, "down" - sit down, "right" - jump with a turn to the right, "left" - jump with a turn to the left.

    4. "Mirror". The exercise is performed either in a pair with a leader or two children. In the first stage, the exercise is performed in a sitting position on the knees and on the heels. First, the leader makes slow movements with one hand, then with the other, then with two. The child mirrors the leader's movements. When the exercise is mastered, you can move to a standing position and connect the movements of the whole body.

    5. "TV". This exercise is similar to the previous one, only the movements are repeated with the same hand as the presenter shows (if the presenter is grasped by the left ear with his right hand, the child is also grasped by the left ear with his right hand).

    6. "Find the treasure". A toy or candy is hiding in the room. The child must find her, focusing on the leader's commands (the leader says: "take two steps forward, one to the right ...", etc.). The thing found by the child is given to him.

    7. Graphic dictations on checkered sheets.

    8. Copying drawn figures of varying degrees of complexity.

    9. Drawing up plans by the child (rooms, apartments, etc.)

    10. The teacher draws a plan according to which the child should find an object in a room or building.

    Group games.

    1. Any games like "The sea is worried once, the sea is worried two, the sea is worried three, the sea figure freezes in place."

    2. "Rhythm in a circle". Children sit in a circle on their knees and heels. The number of participants in a circle should not be divisible by three. The first child claps his hands once, the next two times, the next three times, the next once again, and so on. The leader sets a different pace of the game, changes the direction of the game (either clockwise or counterclockwise).

    Further, the exercise becomes more difficult. Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher beats out some kind of rhythm. Children repeat it on command (individually or all together). When the rhythm is mastered, the children receive the command: “Let's slap this rhythm as follows. Each in turn beats one clap of a given rhythm. From left to right. When the rhythm ends, the next one in the circle waits for a short pause and starts over. And so on until the command "Stop". The latecomer with his clap, who could not stand the pause, who made an extra clap gets a penalty point. "

    3. "The Blind Sculptor". The driver is blindfolded. The teacher puts one of the participants in the game in any position. This is a sitter. The driver must feel the figure offered to him and "blind" from another child exactly the same (not mirrored). Then you can increase the number of sitters (make up sculptural groups of two to three people). It is very important that after finishing his work, the "sculptor" with open eyes can correct the mistakes.

    4. "Zoo". The child depicts various animals or birds. The rest of the group must guess the animal being portrayed.

    5. Children stand in a circle; through one you have to squat, then jump, then bend over at a fast pace.

    6. "Okay". Children stand opposite each other in pairs, arms bent at the elbows rise to the shoulders in such a way that the palms of both hands "look" at the palms of the partner. Children first do cotton with their own hands, return their hands to their original position. Then clap your partner's hands. Initial position. DIY cotton. I. p. Clap with the right hand on the partner's right hand. I. p. DIY cotton.
    I. p. Clap with the left hand on the partner's left hand. Repeat the cycle, gradually increasing the pace, until one of the partners mixes up the sequence.

    7. Sketches on "Consensus Actions": sawing wood, rowing, rewinding threads, pulling a rope, playing with an imaginary ball, etc. Children need to constantly remember about the coordination of actions and the appropriateness of the distribution of movements. These sketches are worked out first by pairs, then by the whole group.

    8. "Claps". Children move freely around the room. On one clap of the leader, they should jump, on two - to sit down, on three - to stand up with their hands raised up (or any other variants of movements).

    9. "Canon". Children stand behind each other in such a way that their hands are on the shoulders of the person in front. Having heard the first signal (by agreement), the first child raises his right hand. On the second signal, the second child raises his left hand, on the third, the third raises his right, etc. Then, in the same way, the hands are lowered.

    10. "Pass the ball." The game is played in the form of a team competition. Children in each team stand at the back of each other's heads at arm's length. The first passes the ball to the second from above above the head, the second to the third - from below between the legs, etc. Another option is to pass the ball from the side with a turn of the body to the right and then to the left. The third option is combined.

    11. "Steam locomotive". Children are divided into teams of 4-5 people, line up with a train in the back of each other's head (the one standing behind holds the one standing in front by the waist). Everyone closes their eyes, except the first ones, which slowly begin to move. Their task is to drive the "locomotive" carefully, silently, bypassing obstacles, without colliding with others; the task of the rest is to "listen" as much as possible to the person standing in front, to most accurately repeat the changes in his movements, thereby ensuring accurate transmission of information to those standing behind.

    At the command of the teacher, the children stop, the first one stands at the end of the locomotive, etc., until each one is in the role of the leader.

    Increasing the complexity of the exercise: children get on all fours one after another, holding the one in front by the ankles. The right arm and the right leg move simultaneously, then the left arm and the left leg. "Head" first gives commands aloud, then continues to move in silence. The team whose movements were more consistent wins.

    12. Display of poetry. A group member shows a famous poem or fable in a pantomime, the rest must guess the name of the work.

    13. Children are divided into two teams. The first child, with closed eyes, feels the object or word of several letters offered to him (letters from the children's magnetic alphabet are used). Then, with the help of a pantomime, he shows the next member of the team which object was presented to him. Next child calls the given object to the third member of the team, who again shows it with the help of a pantomime

    The program of circle activities for the development of fine motor skills "Dexterous fingers" for children 4-5 years old.


    The origins of abilities andtalentchildren - on the tips, theirfingers.

    Fine motor skills are precise and fine movements of the fingers of the hand. The readiness of the hand for writing directly depends on the development of fine motor skills. » the work of the speech and thought centers of the brain. Motor skills help your child explore, compare, classify and thereby: allow him to better understand the world in which he lives. It is very important at preschool age to create conditions as early as possible for the accumulation of motor and practical experience by the child, to develop the skills of manual skill, to form the mechanisms necessary for the future mastery of writing.

    Systematic exercises that require delicate finger movements increase the efficiency of the brain, giving a powerful impetus to the child to cognitive and creative activity. High development of cognitive processes is relevant and significant in modern society.

    This program allows not only to develop cognitive processes, but also to realize the individual creative potential of the individual, to establish communication with adults and with peers on the basis of joint activities. The development of fine motor skills, imagination, cognitive processes "serves as one of the most important sources in preparing children for primary school education: Practical skills obtained in the course of performing tasks for the development of fine motor skills: finger motor skills, conducted in all types of activities, and technical skills acquired in classes on handcrafted skill, will make children feel their success. Therefore, work on the development of fine motor skills: should begin long before entering school.

    Explanatory note.

    This program is aimed at the all-round development of the child, at the development of touch and fine motor skills necessary for the implementation of object-oriented practical actions. The methodology of the program allows children to study intensively, and not to get tired due to the constant change of types of activities and switching of attention. Classes are aimed at the development of cognitive processes, communication skills, emotionally-volitional sphere of strong motor skills.

    The program allows not only healthy children to attend classes, but also children with developmental disabilities.

    Classes for this program are held in game form... During the game, the situation of success is realized as much as possible, and therefore the work occurs naturally , there is no mental stress. All games and tasks are safe for the life and health of children.

    The pedagogical expediency lies in the fact that children work with plasticine, paper, templates, stencils. They learn to use scissors, develop graphic skills: stroking, shading, drawing by points.

    The program describes a course on the development of fine motor skills for preschool children 4-5 years old. The preschool educational institution is circle work on this topic. Compiled taking into account teaching aids:

    Bolshakova S.E. Formation of fine motor skills of hands. Games and exercises.

    Gavrilova S.E. A large book on the development of fine motor skills for children 3-6 years old.

    Sakharova O. M. Preparing a hand for writing.

    Rymchuk N.A. Finger games and the development of fine motor skills.

    Lykova I.A. The program of artistic education, training and development of children 2-7 years old.

    Sokolova S.V. Origami for the little ones.

    A. Nikitin. Crafts in kindergarten.

    Classes are held once a week for 20 minutes. Only 30 lessons. Diagnostics is carried out 2 times a year (in September and May).

    Goal:Creation of conditions for the development of fine motor skills and movements of the fingers; development of motor and cognitive abilities of children; development of fine motor skills, manual skill: through the implementation of substantive and practical actions.



    1. To teach children to have graphic skills: a) shading in different directions, b) outline the contours of objects, c) paint objects, d) paint pictures, observing the rules: paint in one direction, do not go beyond the contour, do not leave unpainted places ...

    2. Learn to work with paper, master various types, folding (origami).

    3. To teach the techniques of working with plasticine technique.

    4. Enrich the tactile experience of children: teach to recognize objects and materials by touch.


    1. To develop the ability to make precise movements with the hand and fingers.

    2. To develop the ability of coordinated work of hands with visual perception.

    3. Develop creativity, spatial thinking, imagination.

    4. To develop fine motor skills of hands, kinesthetic sensations: in the process of substantively practical actions.


    1. To bring up in children the accuracy, perseverance, conscientious attitude to work.

    2. Cultivate attentiveness to completing assignments.

    3. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards one's own and other people's work.

    The main areas of work for the development of fine motor skills of hands and coordination of movements:

    Finger game training:

    Hand massage;

    Finger gymnast, physical exercises.

    Manual skill:

    Drawing with plasticine;

    Paper making using origami technique;


    Development of graphic skills;

    Drawing on stencils, cutting with scissors;

    Games and actions with small objects:

    Working with cereals, beans, peas;

    Stringing beads, buttons on the wire;

    Laying out figures of geometric figures, sticks, seeds.

    In section "Finger game training"children get acquainted with exercise complexes , which give the fingers proper rest, develop dexterity, mobility . On fingers and palms « active points ”, massage of which has a positive effect on well-being, improves brain function.

    In section "Manual skill"children get acquainted with the technique of drawing with plasticine, get acquainted with the properties of paper, comprehend the beginning of plane geometry (origami technique), with various types of application.

    Conditions are created here for the manifestation of creativity, abilities, and the development of imagination.

    In the "Graphic Skills" section, children improve coordination of movements of fingers and hands, in addition, the child learns to hold a pencil correctly.

    In the section "Games with objects", children improve their motor skills, develop motor coordination and optical-spatial representations, use objects of different size, material, texture, structure.

    The result of work on this program should be:

    1. Development of a small motorboat and coordination of fingers to a level appropriate for a given age.

    2. Mastering different types of manual skill.

    3. Mastering the techniques of working with different tools.

    4. Creative application of the studied techniques, techniques and materials in artistic activity.

    5. Mastering the norms of ethics of conduct .

    Advanced planning.



    Themes Goal and tasks
    september Diagnostics Revealing the leading hand

    Apple with a worm.

    Goal: Formation of the ability to string beads on a wire.

    Tasks:Develop fine motor skills of fingers, tactile sensitivity with the help of round objects.

    Teddy bear made of fir cones

    Goal: Formation of the ability to fasten scales from cones on a plasticine basis.


    Learn to apply pieces of plasticine, filling the space inside the contour.

    Seed hedgehogs.

    Goal: Improving the skills to create a silhouette of a hedgehog from plasticine.

    Tasks:Develop the level of fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity. To consolidate the ability to press the needles from the seeds to the hedgehog, achieving an image.

    Quilling flower

    goal: Learning how to create a flower using the quilling technique.

    Tasks:Develop coordination of movements of the fingers. Introduce the quilling technique. Learn to curl strips of paper on a pencil.

    november Sunflower and ladybug

    Goal: Improving the skills to smear plasticine on cardboard, connecting the petals with plasticine to the lid.


    Learn to apply plasticine to the base.

    Autumn tree.

    Goal: Formation of skills and knowledge for the performance of work using the sand painting technique.

    Tasks:Develop fine motor skills of the fingers, teach to lay out the figure along the contour.

    Continue to learn to smear pieces of plasticine, filling the space inside with sand.

    Autumn (or winter) forest.

    Goal: Formation of skills to create a "Winter Forest" using an unconventional image technique.

    Tasks:Develop fine motor skills of the fingers; orientation on the plane.

    Continue to develop creative thinking.

    Snowman made of threads and balloons.

    Goal:using threads and balloons in making crafts .


    december Christmas balls

    Goal: The use of threads and braid in the creation of Christmas tree decorations.

    Tasks:The development of small movements of the fingers, their motor activity. Development of orientation on the plane. Learn to wind a thread around a balloon with glue. Improve visual memory.

    Quilling snowflakes.

    Goal: Use in quilling techniques to create snowflakes.

    Tasks:Exercise in coordination of movements with speech. Continue to work on fine motor development. To teach how to roll snowflakes from strips of paper.

    Snowflake made of matches

    Tse Purpose:Using the construction of snowflakes from matches.

    Tasks:Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

    Learn to design snowflakes from matches, find the center.

    Observe the rhythm when laying out the figures.

    Christmas stars

    Goal: Improving the ability to work with cardboard and brocade foil.

    Tasks:Develop fine motor skills of the fingers;

    visual-motor coordination.

    To consolidate the ability to fold the basic shape of a triangle.


    Twig with hearts - paper applique.

    Goal: Development of skills in working with paper and glue, stringing "hearts" on a twig.

    Tasks:Develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Exercise in cutting or tearing paper and gluing them onto thick paper.


    Goal: Using unconventional methods in applications with foam rubber.

    Tasks:Continue to work on fine motor development. Improve application skills and skills, fix paper cutting and string beads on wire.

    Flowers from a plastic bottle

    Tse Purpose:Using waste material in creating flowers.


    February Stroller with baby


    Tasks:To develop visual-motor coordination and motor skills of the fingers.

    Secure transport destination.

    Continue to learn how to fold shapes on paper.


    Goal: The use of unconventional materials in the creation of the applique.

    Tasks:Learn to act according to verbal instructions. Continue to work on fine motor development.

    Learn to work with paper.

    Mouse toy from a kinder surprise capsule


    Tasks:Continue to develop visual motor functions.

    Teach children to independently create crafts from junk material. Develop creativity.

    Snegurochka - a toy from a kinder surprise capsule

    Goal: The use of unconventional materials to create crafts.

    Tasks:Continue to work on the development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements.

    Learn to work with junk material.

    March Bunny - a toy from a kinder surprise capsule

    Goal: The use of unconventional materials to create crafts.

    Tasks:Develop fine motor skills. Learn to act according to verbal instructions. Continue making crafts with your own hands.

    Bell - a toy from a kinder surprise capsule

    Goal: The use of unconventional materials to create crafts.

    Tasks:Continue to work on the development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements.

    Develop thinking, imagination, creativity.

    Berry - a toy from a kinder surprise capsule

    Goal: The use of unconventional materials to create crafts.

    Tasks:Continue to work on the development of visual-motor functions. Continue learning to work with scissors.

    Tiger cub

    Goal: Improving the skills of creating an applique from woolen threads.

    Tasks:Exercise in laying out figures from threads.

    Work on the development of visual motor functions.

    Continue learning to work with scissors.

    April. Fishes

    Goal: Improving the ability to fix seeds on a plasticine basis.

    Tasks:Learn to work with stencils and templates. Continue learning to work with paper.

    gold fish

    Goal: The use of unconventional methods in the application to create a "fish".

    Tasks:Exercise with stencils.

    Continue learning how to work with plasticine.


    Goal:Formation of the ability to transform stripes of different sizes into rings.
    Tasks:Continue to work on fine motor development. Strengthen paper design skills. Form the skill of your own circles.

    Develop visual attention, memory. To activate the speech of children. Develop creative imagination. To cultivate accuracy in work.

    Bus for animals.

    Goal: the formation of the skill of drawing up an image of a bus from finished parts.

    Tasks: Form the skills of folding a sheet of paper in half, combining sides and corners. To consolidate the ability to stick paper parts (windows, doors, wheels) to the reference line.

    Continue to work on fine motor development.

    May. Toys

    Objectives: Formation of skills connecting dots by cells in a notebook.

    Tasks:Continue to work on the development of visual motor functions. Improve graphic skills.

    Young artists

    Goal:Introducing children to unconventional technique drawing - colored soap bubbles.

    Objectives: To develop the ability to find a beautiful compositional solution in the drawing, the ability to finish painting the prints of colored soap bubbles, getting images of completeness and similarity to real images.

    Diagnostic tools.

    Examination of fine motor skills of the hands.

    Static exercises:

    The purpose of the survey- check the stability of children's movements, muscle tension.

    During the exercises, teachers look at how long each child can maintain fine motor (finger) tension.

    Verification can be carried out: as an express research in the form of a game "Freeze"... The teacher invites children (child) to play a game ; gives instructions appropriate to each exercise; then the words “One, two, three!

    Freeze! ”, Children (child) perform the exercise, the teacher monitors the performance of each exercise, counting to himself or looking at the clock. After 2 minutes, the teacher gives the command“ Otomri! ”.

    Verification can be done in subgroups. The number of children in subgroups can be different (3-7 people).

    Exercises are carried out without visualization (pictures). The teacher gives verbal instructions and monitors the exercise.

    Each exercise is performed: three times. In this case, the teacher's instruction comes first, accompanied by a demonstration. Then the child performs the exercise by counting in the following order:

    1st time doing the exercise (counting up to 10); relaxation - rest (about 5 s);

    2nd time - doing the exercise (counting up to 10); relaxation - rest;

    3rd time - doing the exercise (counting up to 10).

    "Ring".Connect your thumb and forefinger together;

    raise the rest of the fingers up. Hold your fingers in this position to count up to 15.

    "Goat".Extend your index finger and little finger forward. Moreover, the average and ring fingers press with thumb: finger to palm.

    Exercise counts to 10

    "Hare". Pull up the middle: and index fingers. In this case, press the little finger and ring fingers with the thumb to the palm. The exercise is performed under a count of 10

    Dynamic exercises:

    Cutting with scissors.Job from scissors shows how a child can quickly change the tension of the small muscles of the arm to relaxation.

    The teacher suggests cutting a circle out of paper.

    When completing the task, attention is paid to the speed and dexterity of the child's hand.

    Tearing off a sheet of paper.Tearing off a sheet of paper shows the commonwealth of both hands in work. The teacher distributes sheets of paper, shows a square-sample and asks what he showed. Next, the teacher asks the children to make the same square (in shape) by cutting.

    Tactile sensations:

    Recognition of the subject and quality.The child is invited to grope in the bag and show the teacher various items of a certain quality.

    Equipment: spoons (wooden, metal, plastic); rulers (wooden, metal, plastic).

    Teacher instruction: Put your hand in the bag , touch those lying there

    items and take out a wooden spoon (a spoon made of wood).

    Recognition form and quality . The child is invited to grope in the bag to get and show the teacher geometric figures of various shapes and a certain quality.

    Hardware: Triangles: (Wooden , plastic, rubber cardboard). Rectangles: (wooden, plastic, rubber cardboard).

    Instructions of the teacher: “Put your hand in the bag, touch the figures lying there and take out the plastic triangle.

    Coordination of movements:

    Threading the lace into the holes: The teacher offers the child a lace and a figure with holes.

    Exercise "Palm - rib - fist". The child sits at a table with his hand at the edge of the table. When performing the exercise, you must maintain a clear sequence. The exercise is set by the teacher - by counting (one, two, three). The pace is approximately the following: for each exercise 1 s, three exercises - 3 s. All received data are entered in table 9 (see appendix)

    Graphic skills:

    “Driving along the track”. The child is invited to “drive along the path” by connecting with a pencil the images of the idom car (they are drawn on a sheet of paper, connected by a “path” that goes around various obstacles: trees, a river, a well, etc.). The house is depicted in the upper right corner of A4 sheet, the car in the lower left.

    Instruction: “Imagine that you are a driver. You need to drive to this house (an adult points to the house). You will drive like this (in the picture - a sample shows how to drive along the path using a pencil). The pencil must always move along the path drawn on the paper, otherwise it will turn out that the car took off like an airplane or an accident happened. Drive carefully so that your car does not leave the road.

    Circle the drawing along the lines. The child is invited to draw a pencil around the drawing exactly along the line, without lifting the pencil from the paper.

    All received data are entered into a table.


    if the child coped with the task - 1 point;

    if the child coped with the task partially - 0.5 points;

    if the child has not coped with the task - 0 points.

    In the last column, a group (A, B, C) is displayed, which shows the degree of development of fine motor skills of the child's hand at the time of the examination.

    Group characteristics:

    Group "A". The group includes children who scored 14-12 points during the examination. These children fine motor skills are well developed.

    Group "B". The group includes children who have scored 11 - 8. points. Fine motor skills in these children are not sufficiently developed. To achieve a positive result in the next work, close contact between teachers and parents is necessary.

    Group "B". The group includes children who scored 7-4 points or less. In these children, fine motor skills are poorly developed.


    "+" - correct task completion:

    "-" - the task was completed incorrectly;

    "V" - unstable task execution.

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