• Events for Mother's Day at the technical school. Mother's Day class hour for college students. We are ready to give love, ready to make dreams come true



    I sing about what is forever new

    And although I'm not singing a hymn at all,

    But a word born in my soul

    Finds his own music.


    And, not obeying my will,

    It rushes to the stars, expands around ...

    Expensive music, holy,

    It rings - my soul is an orchestra.


    But when I say, like the first time,

    This word is a miracle, the word is light,

    Stand up people, fallen, alive!

    Stand up children, children different years!


    Stand up all and listen standing

    Preserved in all its glory

    This word is ancient, holy!

    Straighten up! Stand up! .. Stand up everyone!


    This word will never deceive

    A creature is hidden in it,

    It is the source of everything. There is no end to it.

    Stand up! I pronounce it:


    By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 30, 1998, it was decided: "In order to increase the social significance of motherhood, establish the Mother's Day holiday and celebrate it on the last Sunday of November." And now every year on this day we congratulate our dear mothers.


    Contrary to the volatile fate

    Artists have glorified for centuries

    Not a girl with a crown on her head

    And a woman with a child in her arms.


    Touching and pure, tender and sorrowful, grateful and spiritualized, courageous and sad, enchanting song of motherhood - the Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, a song of tender, selfless, touching love of a mother for a child.

    (A fragment of the song "Ave Maria" by F. Schubert is performed)


    Happy is the one who, from childhood, learned the mother's affection and grew up under the caring warmth and light of the mother's gaze.


    We respectfully look at the person who, up to his gray hair, with trepidation pronounces the name of his mother and protects her old age.


    And with contempt we will execute the one who refused a good memory and a piece of bread to the one who gave birth and raised him.

    After all, motherhood in Russia has always been a symbol of holiness.


    Russian mothers have such faces:

    You need to look at them slowly,

    So that in their features I could open to you

    A beautiful and proud soul.


    Woman ... Mother ... In the most difficult time, she did not demand indulgence from herself. There was tremendous strength in her weakness.


    Woman and life are synonymous words. A woman gives life and protects it. War takes away this life, one and only. Woman and war are incompatible.

    (A dramatization of a poem about war. Reading by two. The girl portrays a mother).

    1st reader:

    All people are sleeping

    But the mother is awake now.

    And the mother of tired eyes does not close.

    There was a war.

    The son was killed in battle,

    He covered his homeland with his heart.

    2nd reader (girl):

    I didn't give birth to a son for the war!

    I didn't give him an ABC book for the war,

    I was worried, proud, sad.

    And somewhere in the solar world wanders

    The threat of death, hunger and darkness -

    Cold minds work ...

    I didn't give birth to a son for the war!

    1st reader:

    But again the war will raise a heavy sword

    And mothers are escorted to battle

    Protect your sons - Fatherland

    They bless them with prayer.

    Keep you motherly love

    From wound and from death, from treason,

    Where boys spill blood

    Give strength to fulfill your military duty honestly.

    2nd reader:

    Pain for sons is stronger than chalk

    Will whiten her braids white.

    Even if the heart is hardened

    Give your mom a drop of warmth!

    If your mothers are tired

    You should give them a good rest ...

    Keep them away from black shawls!

    Protect women from war!

    (Instrumental piece for piano is performed)


    On a short, beautiful autumn day, poems are dedicated to mothers, they talk about love and fidelity. Poets and musicians praise a woman whose name is Mother, whose name is love, whose destiny is to give Life, Joy, Dream.


    Let's take a look at the treasury of the wise thoughts of great people:

    "Without a mother, there is no poet or hero" (Maxim Gorky)


    "The heart of a mother is an inexhaustible source of miracles" (Pierre Beranger)


    "Mom, I carry your name through life as a shrine" (Sergei Ostrovoy)


    "Love for the Motherland begins with love for the mother" (Yuri Yakovlev)


    "Mother is the most respected thing in life" (Vasily Shukshin)


    “Goodness in the hearts and deeds of children is the happiness of the mother. Evil is her grief "(Sukhomlinsky)


    "Treat your parents as you would like your own children to treat you" (Socrates)


    There are many good people on earth,

    There are many warm-hearted people

    Still the best on earth

    This song sounds for all mothers.

    (Musical number performed)


    Ever since a person is born

    He feels cared for and warm.

    He knows: mom is near, smiling

    And he will never leave one.

    She will always understand, help, advise,

    Will teach, protect us, if suddenly.

    With any questions and answers

    We are going to mom, mom is a true friend.

    And where would we be, and what we would become,

    Where would the road take us

    No matter what kind of firewood they break ...

    Scary to think! If not for her ...

    And let us sometimes grumble and swear:

    “What to teach us ?! We ourselves - anywhere! "

    But all the same, in the end we are convinced

    And let's face it - she was right!

    Today our congratulations to mothers.

    We want to wish everyone today

    Health, joy, great love, luck,

    So that there is no reason to worry ...


    Mum! How much kindness, care, peace, hope in this word!

    Mom will never betray, forget, abandon.

    Mom is always there! Whoever and whatever the child is, for her he is always the best, the most beautiful, the most dear! And we know it! Therefore, the first word that we say in infancy is "mom"!


    Yes, only my mother fully knows what a child's character is. She experiences our every prank, every comment we receive from the outside. And our transitional age ?! Only when we grow up do we understand how many gray hairs on my mother's head appeared precisely at this nasty transitional age of ours!


    And how much strength and anxiety falls on our mothers if we suddenly get sick. Only they are able to stay awake at night, watch our beds, heal us, pray for us and at the same time smile in order to calm us down.

    How often mother's requests seem trifling and ridiculous to us: dress warmly, don't get your feet wet, have lunch properly, wash your hands ... But only mothers know how hard it is to correct all our stupidity afterwards.

    (Two girls stage a poem by Alexei Maikov. 1861)

    1st girl (carries a doll - child):

    Poor boy! All on fire

    Everything is awkward for him!

    Lie on your shoulder to me, Lean your head!

    I am like you ...

    Take a nap, my boy

    Do you want a fairy tale:

    There was a boy - with - a finger ...

    No? Do not want? Fairy tales are nonsense!

    The song will be better.

    Cheese rustled - temen boron,

    The fox wakes up the fox.

    In damp - dark pine forest ...

    My baby fell asleep! ..

    I will type raspberries

    Full basket.

    In damp - dark pine forest ...

    Hush! Falls asleep ...

    Like a chick, all in the heat

    The mouth opens ...

    2nd girl:

    "In the damp forest" sings

    Mother walks, walks ...

    Quiet, long night goes by ...

    Night already brings out the day -

    Mother sings ... Her hand

    Numb, tired

    And more than once a tear from my eyes

    The poor woman dropped.

    And barely a child in the heat, startled,

    "In a damp - dark pine forest"

    It is heard again ...

    Reject the blow, go away

    Death, with his scythe:

    Mother child with her breast

    Will not give up without a fight!

    Shields amid all worries

    With all my soul

    Life is a wonderful light

    What is hedged by it!

    (A song sounds with a ballroom dance in the background)


    And our grandmothers ?! Our next word of gratitude is addressed to you, affectionate and caring! If not for your kind and sensitive hands, would we have grown as you see us here?


    Our grandmothers! How many times in your life has your wisdom helped and will still help us. You will always give advice, find time to listen to us ...


    And you will never advise bad. We trust you and love you. For many children, the grandmother became the second mother. May you live quietly and peacefully. And we will try not to upset you over trifles.

    (Guys primary school read the roles of the poem by Mikhail Tanich "Song of the grandmother." Three people are involved)

    1st reader:

    I am with my grandmother

    I have been friends a long time ago

    She's in all things

    With me at the same time.

    I don't know boredom with her,

    And I love everything about her,

    But grandma's hands

    I love you the most.

    2nd reader (girl):

    My very grandmother -

    I love my mother!

    She has a lot of wrinkles

    And on the forehead - a gray strand,

    I just want to touch

    And then kiss.

    Maybe I am so

    I will be good, gray-haired,

    I will have grandchildren

    And then, putting on glasses,

    I'll knit gloves for one

    And to the other - shoes.

    3rd reader:

    If grandma said:

    Don't touch it, don't dare

    You have to listen because

    Our house rests on her.

    4th reader:

    We are once without a grandmother

    Cooked lunch

    We washed the dishes ourselves,

    And since then there are no dishes.

    3rd reader:

    Dedicated to education

    Daddy's your day off.

    On this day, just in case

    Grandma hides the belt.

    4th reader:

    Goes to school for meetings

    Grandma is making broth.

    To her every month

    The postman carries money.


    For all grandmothers - this cheerful children's dance.

    (A dance performed by junior schoolchildren)


    Years will pass, many events, people, meetings will be forgotten in our memory. But memories will always return us to the bright world of childhood, to the image of a mother who taught us to speak, walk, love the land on which we were born.


    We bow to all mothers for selfless love. Kindness, by the hands that do good and justice on Earth, decorate life, fill it with meaning, make you happy.


    We bow to you, mothers, for your great maternal feat.


    We bow to you for your concern.


    For your understanding and patience.


    For your cordiality and for the fact that we have you.

    1st and 2nd host:

    Peace, kindness, prosperity to you, our mothers!

    Finale: the song "May there always be sunshine!"

    Mother's Day for college students. Scenario
    Author: Filyasova Marina Gennadievna, teacher of GAPOU PO Penza Multidisciplinary College, Penza

    Preparation for the holiday begins in advance - I recommend starting two or three weeks in advance: invitation cards are being developed, which are distributed to all families wishing to take part in the holiday, we propose to make certificates with the inscriptions: "THE BEST MOTHER", "THE KINdest MOTHER", THE BEST GRANDMA "," THE MOST Affectionate Grandma "," THE MOST FAVORITE MOTHER ", etc.), amateur art groups are preparing numbers for the concert.


    Develop an emotional atmosphere, artistry in children

    Foster collectivism, cohesion

    Teaching children to be closer to their parents

    Equipment: Tables, desks, chairs, suits.

    Music plays on stage, 2 presenters come out

    1 LEADER:

    - Good day, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to our MOTHER'S DAY party. Mothers have a holy office in the world -

    Pray for gifted children.

    And day and in the invisible ether

    The prayers of our mothers are heard.

    One will be silent, the other echoes her.

    Night will change day and night will come again.

    But mothers' prayers never cease

    For a dear son or daughter.

    2nd presenter

    The Lord listens to the prayers of mothers,

    He loves them more than we do.

    Mother never gets tired of praying

    About children who are not yet saved

    Everything has a time until we are alive

    We must pray, cry to God.

    An unearthly power is hidden in prayer,

    When their mother whispers them with tears.

    How quiet. The birds fell silent in the yard

    They all went to bed long ago.

    I bowed to the window to pray

    My dear loving mother

    1st presenter

    We believe that this holiday is a holiday of eternity: from generation to generation for every person, mom is the most important person in life.

    2 LEADER:

    Becoming a mother, a woman discovers the best qualities in herself: kindness, love and care. Today the big family of our palace of creativity is participating in the concert. As a declaration of love, as a token of our deep gratitude for everything good, bright, kind, we present you with this concert program.

    1 LEADER:

    The word mother, mother is one of the most ancient on earth and sounds almost the same in all languages \u200b\u200bof the world. This suggests that all people respect and love mothers. Motherland is also called a word to emphasize that she has a motherly attitude towards all the peoples inhabiting her.

    1 LEADER : And now for you dear mothers you are being presented with certificates of thanks


    Musical gift

    Song performed by 2nd year student Nikolai Kamochkin.

    "It's so good that there is a mother in the world"

    I know a lot of girls and boys

    And many loyal friends around me

    They all have very good mothers.

    But still my mother is not better

    But Mom is the sweetest for me!

    How good it is that there is a mother in the world!

    How good it is that my mother has me!

    I see beautiful people all the time

    But Mom is the sweetest for me!

    I want to be like my mother in everything

    And do everything in the house like Mom

    I want to be exemplary, I want to be good

    So that Mom was always happy with me!


    How good it is that there is a mother in the world!

    How good it is that my mother has me!

    I see beautiful people all the time

    But Mom is the sweetest for me!

    How good it is that there is a mother in the world!

    How good it is that my mother has me!

    I see beautiful people all the time

    But Mom is the sweetest for me!

    But Mom is the sweetest for me!

    1 LEADER we bring to your attention a scene

    2 LEADER; The teacher invited the girls to speak on Mom's Day, they gathered at a desk. One smart (UM), artistic (charm), dance (movement), vociferous (voice).

    They sit and ponder how best to arrange a holiday.

    (their thoughts)

    Dance room offers - a beautiful dance number.

    Four dance couples enter the stage and perform

    Comic dance number.

    Oh, until I drop.

    1 LEADER: They sit and think again - what if the mothers don't like it, something more interesting is needed.


    2 MODERATOR: The team of the 1st course is invited to the stage

    Scene "Adopted Son"

    One of the students remains on stage and recites the verse:

    Reader 1

    " Everyday ".

    Every day and every hour

    I think about my mom.

    Moms love us too

    And they are proud of us.

    I want to keep every day

    I'm in my palms

    Her kind hands,

    Well, at least a little,

    I can her every day

    Wait until nightfall.

    Because our mothers

    Very busy.

    I want to give every day

    Mommy bouquets

    Speak words of love.

    How wonderful it is!

    Every day, not only

    On the day of March 8

    Make a holiday for moms

    It would be nice.

    I would dance every day

    Surprise with verses ...

    How I love my mother.

    Reader 2

    K. Kuliev.

    About the mother.

    Life cannot be lived without black days

    New hour of trouble and hour of powerlessness

    You don't curse mothers

    Because they gave birth to you.

    They are not given to predict

    Everything that awaits their children in the world

    But every mother in the world

    She wishes only happiness to children.

    Cradling babies

    From the century mothers dreamed

    So that their children do not stumble,

    So that they don't fall on the road.

    And not a single mother in the world

    Whatever you and I are,

    We children did not want to become

    Neither victims nor executioners.

    Let a lot not come

    They find themselves once,

    They dreamed to live

    Their children are free and rich.

    And if it didn't come true,

    Someone, but the mother is not to blame.

    Therefore, in the dark hour,

    When our path is thorny and difficult

    We will not swear our mothers

    For giving birth to us.

    Song performed by Anastasia "Mom always be with me"

    Lyrics: I kiss your hands, my dear

    You are the softest in the world, I know for sure

    There is no dearer in the world, in my heart you are

    Hold me tight, I want to keep warm!

    Mom, don't be sad!

    Mom, I don't need more!

    Mom, don't be sad!

    And I'm sorry for everything, mommy!

    Only you will always support and calm

    And you will hide me from envy and anger.

    I love you, you are an angel, I live by you.

    With gratitude, I kiss your hands.

    Mom, always be with me!

    Mom, I don't need more!

    Mom, don't be sad!

    And I'm sorry for everything, mommy!

    Do you hear, mom, be always with me!

    Mom, I don't need more!

    Mom, don't be sad!

    And I'm sorry for everything, mommy!

    (verses 12 bars):

    Light in the window, we are together

    The soul is light.

    Mom, dear, how warm it is with you!

    I pray at night that you live

    To keep you healthy, mommy!

    My mommy gave me life!

    More than anyone else in the world, I love you!

    Mom, always be with me!

    Mom, I don't need more!

    Mom, don't be sad!

    And I'm sorry for everything, mommy!

    Do you hear, mom, be always with me!

    Mom, I don't need more!

    Mom, don't be sad!

    And I'm sorry for everything, mommy!

    Host: Let our mothers find themselves in one of the offices of our educational institution for a moment

    Scene in the lesson.

    The girls argue, my mother loves dancing, my mother loves songs, mine loves to cook, they are all so different, how can we please all mothers

    Presenter: Talents of the 2nd year are invited to the stage and sing ditties to the accordion.

    To all mommies on this day

    We give ditties

    So that mommies are with us

    There were merry ones!

    We say this word

    Each time, two hundred times:

    Mom, give! Bring me!

    Mom, mom, help!

    Who teaches us to cook cabbage soup,

    Wash, wash dishes,

    Who forgives everything in the world

    This is MOM - the children know.

    Our mom at work

    Strongly respected

    And she comes home -

    Strongly adore!

    I love my mom

    She is a kind soul

    If somewhere I cheat,

    She forgives me everything.

    Do not be angry with your mom,

    If he says the wrong thing

    You better hug your mom

    Kiss warmly.

    Dad is strong, dad is smart

    Dad is wonderful

    Only mommy always

    Kinder necessarily.

    If you are angry with your mom,

    Who sticks his nose in business

    You will become a mother too,

    You will understand everything then!

    Girls: Oh, but grandmothers should also be congratulated. After all, they are also mothers, only our mothers.

    Grandmothers (comically disguised boys) come on stage and start dancing, with acrobatic movements.

    Alexey's speech "Mama" (Lyubavin)

    Text: How I want to break the thread of time to hear again

    And not ashamed of tears, to tell you about everything.

    How hard it was for me, how long it was,

    How in a difficult hour I missed your hands,

    Your smile, your most tender eyes.

    Gray has touched your hair, but there is not a day that I do not ask heaven,

    In holy prayer by a flickering candle.

    Gray has touched your hair, how long is there, next to you, mom, you are not.

    How I want to break the thread of time for you to come

    And she could tell me, holding me to her chest so tenderly and lovingly.

    “Blessed is your path. I have not lived in vain. "

    How wrong I was, only time cannot be returned.

    How I want to sleep in your arms.

    Look for approval in the eyes of the tired.

    Forgive me mom, I didn't manage to say everything.

    Gray has touched your hair, but not even a day

    so that I do not ask heaven,

    In holy prayer by a flickering candle:

    "Lord, keep her, forgive me, forgive."

    Gray has touched your hair

    how long is near, near, mom, you are not.

    I never tire of repeating in my prayers

    how I love you, how I will miss you.

    I never tire of repeating in my prayers

    how I love you, how I will miss you.

    Nikolay's speech How strange it always is (Trofim)

    The city has risen, the traffic has died

    Somewhere out there, the Gazelle stalled

    There are no options, I sit and smoke

    Jeep sprawled on the suspension

    I send SMS to my friends

    There is no need to wait, I will be by December

    I wish I could be in Nice now

    Admire the sea wave

    With the girl who let her eyelashes down

    In the Audi, next to me.

    How strange it always is

    It seems to be adults

    And in the head is nonsense

    We dream like children about a miracle

    We dream like children about a miracle

    The girl is no longer in a hurry

    On business somewhere to go

    However, with this you can wait

    She's already smooth

    Loves her husband and life in abundance

    Everything would be so, but my heart can't lie

    She would like to go back to childhood

    To the house with rowan trees at the gate

    To the boy who lived next door

    Maybe he's still waiting?

    How strange it always is

    It seems to be adults

    And in the head is nonsense

    We dream like children about a miracle

    Pa-ra-ra-ra-ram pa-ram pam-pam

    We dream like children about a miracle

    Bentley, Zhiguli, Toyota

    Like oiled sprats

    Are huddled in the cramped concrete tracks

    They have chauffeurs, passengers

    Prisoners of the steel world

    Waiting for their mercy for an hour

    I wish I could build a magic city

    Time to make friends with harmony

    So that everyone is dear to someone

    And he was not late to live.

    How strange it always is

    It seems to be adults

    And in the head is nonsense

    We dream like children about a miracle

    How strange it always is

    It seems to be adults

    And in the head is nonsense

    We dream like children about a miracle

    Leading: On the stage, the guys of the 3rd year, a small scene "Called the parents"

    All students participating in the event come out from behind the curtains and perform the final song

    Lyrics for the holiday “Mother's Day” - Song for parents)

    Only for you I sing with my soul

    Without lies and selfish reasons

    I can't love without you

    I hate this world without you

    Thoughts always blow about you

    The best father because my

    We are by your side forever

    Let's forget all unnecessary words

    Only hearts and soul

    Look and silence

    Hugs and love

    We are by your side forever

    Like suns light, air and water

    Let's repeat

    For all that we have

    We thank you

    I do not ask life for good

    You raised me good

    And it got baked in my soul

    It's like living water

    This world is so cruel and vulnerable

    But there is room for rights and dreams

    And we took the path with him

    We are grateful for everything only to you!

    Thank you all for your attention (applause)

    Mother's Day Scenario "A Heart for Mom"

    Lead 1:

    Hello dear guests, teachers, masters and students! Today we have gathered in this hall to congratulate everyone on the wonderful holiday - Happy Mother.

    Lead 2:

    In Russia, the Mother's Day holiday was established in 1998 year... In accordance with By decree of the President of Russia Boris N. Yeltsin from January 30 1998 № 120 "On Mother's Day" holiday Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in November.

    Lead 3:

    The initiative to establish this holiday belongs to the Committee State Duma for women, family and youth affairs. This initiative belongs to Alevtina Viktorovna Aparina, a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the holiday is to maintain traditions respectful attitude to a woman, to consolidate family foundations, to especially note the importance in our life of the main person - Mother.

    Lead 1:

    This is the most gentle and touching holiday for everyone.

    Lead 4:

    No matter how the run of events beckons you, No matter how attracted into your whirlpool, Take care of your mother's eyes From insults, from hardships and worries.

    Lead 5:

    Mom ... There are no more words in the world! Whichever path you take, Mom's love shines over her, To help you in difficult times.

    Mom illuminates with a tender heart Your days, roads and deeds. Justify your mother's hopes - Do only good things every day!

    Lead 3:

    Samigullina Zulfiya Fanilovna deputy director for educational and production work is invited to the stage for congratulations.

    Lead 5:

    And now, Dear parents, your children will congratulate you with flowers!

    Song "Let's Pray for Parents"

    Lead 3:

    There is in nature a holy and prophetic sign, Brightly marked in wreaths! The most beautiful of women A woman with a child in her arms. From any misfortune of a spell (She really has no good!), No, not the Mother of God, but an earthly, Proud, exalted mother.

    Host 2: The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times, So here she stands for centuries: The most beautiful of women A woman with a child in her arms. Everything in the world is marked with traces No matter how many paths you walk, the Apple tree is decorated with fruits. The woman is the fate of her children.

    Host 3: Let the sun applaud her forever, So she will live for centuries, The most beautiful of women is a Woman with a child in her arms.

    Host 2: - We are all someone's children, for everyone sitting in this room, the word mother is the most important and most beautiful. So let us warm the hearts of our mothers with our love. From pure heart, in simple words, let's friends talk about mom. Video clip "Moms" Host 1: - Beloved mothers, we congratulate you, On Mother's Day we wish you happiness and health.

    You are in our hearts, even if you are apart,

    We always remember your gentle hands... May your every day be filled with light, be warmed by the love of your family, like the sun. Forgive me, at times we grieve you, Believe me that involuntarily ... We scold ourselves. We give you our love. We sing songs for you today.

    Song "Today to Mom ..." Host 2: Today is a holiday of women, mothers - And the young, whose babies are still in the stroller, And the elderly, who give their grandchildren fairy tales, And those whose children at school are smarter ... All mothers of all sizes, suits and positions We give a bow to the ground! Let the house be a full bowl! You are the best example for your children! Bashkir dance

    Lead 3:

    The boy chose the rose carefully, So that the rest would not wrinkle, The saleswoman looked anxiously: Help him, not help? With thin fingers in ink, Bumping into flower thorns, I chose the one that opened the petals in the morning today. Raking his little change out of his pockets, To the question - who did he buy? Was embarrassed somehow very strange: "Mom ..." - whispered barely audibly. - Birthday, today she is thirty ... We are very close friends. Only now she is in the hospital, Soon I will have a brother. Ran away. And we stood with the seller, I was over twenty, she was over fifty. Women should have been born to raise guys like that.

    Latypova Aisylu Sagadatovna

    They tell me that I give too much Love to the children, That maternal anxiety Ages my life before the deadline. Well, what can I answer them, Hearts, Impassive as armor? The love that I gave to children makes me stronger. Everything is in it - And joy, And patience, And those crazy nightingales ... For this pure burning Thank you, my Sons!

    Host 1: - Mother's heart, it warmed us In days when it was not easy for us, Mother's heart only knew Where we were, near or far. Mother's heart, it alone was waiting for us Even if no one was waiting. From the bottom of our hearts, with love and joy, we give our mothers this wonderful funny number.

    Scene "On the school bench"

    Social video "Take care of mothers" Host 2: To anyone who lives in this world, To love, who can think and breathe, On our blue planet There is no dearer word than mother. Host 1: Thank you dear mother For kindness, for affection and love. I was not obedient and stubborn, But you, with patience, forgave everything again. Lead 2: Over the years, becoming an adult, my feelings are stricter. Suddenly you begin to understand with your heart. There is no person closer and dearer. Than a woman whose name is Mother. Host 1: She is with you in joy and in sorrow She is with you, even if you are far away. And how much is hidden in her gaze - Heart, motherly warmth. Lead 2: Hurry to her through the years and separation. To comfort her and hug her. Kiss your hands in awe. That woman whose name is Mother! Host 1: Our mothers, dear mothers will give us their hearts and lives without words. For us they are truly saints, It doesn't matter that there are no halos at the heads. Host 3: We have walked different paths in life No matter how many winters and how many years, But this truth has long been learned: There is no human being more kin than mother.

    Lead 1:

    A group PK-6 is invited to the stage for congratulations

    Song "Mama" Latypova Aisylu Sagadatovna: Our concert is over. Please accept our congratulations again. Thank you all for your attention!

    Mother's Day for college students. Scenario

    Author: Filyasova Marina Gennadievna, teacher of GAPOU PO Penza Multidisciplinary College, Penza
    Preparation for the holiday begins in advance - I recommend starting two or three weeks in advance: invitations are being developed that are distributed to all families wishing to take part in the holiday, we propose to make certificates with the inscriptions: "THE BEST MOTHER", "THE KIND MOTHER", THE BEST GRANDMA "," THE MOST Affectionate Grandma "," THE MOST FAVORITE MOTHER ", etc.), amateur art groups prepare numbers for the concert.
    Develop an emotional atmosphere, artistry in children
    Foster collectivism, cohesion
    Teaching children to be closer to their parents
    Equipment: Tables, desks, chairs, suits.
    Music plays on stage, 2 presenters come out
    1 LEADER:

    - Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to our celebration dedicated to MOTHER'S DAY.

    Mothers have a holy office in the world -
    Pray for gifted children.
    And day and night in the invisible ether
    The prayers of our mothers are heard.
    One will be silent, the other echoes her.
    Night will change day and night will come again.
    But mothers' prayers never stop
    For a dear son or daughter.
    2nd presenter
    ... The Lord listens to the prayers of mothers,
    He loves them more than we do.
    Mother never gets tired of praying
    About children who are not yet saved
    Everything has a time until we are alive
    We must pray, cry to God.
    An unearthly power is hidden in prayer,
    When their mother whispers them with tears.
    How quiet. The birds fell silent in the yard
    They all went to bed long ago.
    I bowed to the window to pray
    My dear loving mother
    1st presenter
    We believe that this holiday is a holiday of eternity: from generation to generation for every person, mother is the most important person in life.
    2 LEADER:
    -Becoming a mother, a woman discovers the best qualities in herself: kindness, love and care. Today the big family of our palace of creativity is participating in the concert. As a declaration of love, as a token of our deep gratitude for everything good, bright, kind, we present you with this concert program.
    1 LEADER:
    -The word mother, mother is one of the most ancient on earth and sounds almost the same in all languages \u200b\u200bof the world. This suggests that all people respect and love mothers. Motherland is also called a word to emphasize that she is a mother to all the peoples inhabiting her.
    1 LEADER : And now for you dear mothers you are being presented with certificates of thanks
    Musical gift

    Song performed by 2nd year student Nikolai Kamochkin.
    "It's so good that there is a mother in the world"
    I know a lot of girls and boys
    And many loyal friends around me
    They all have very good mothers.
    But still my mother is not better


    But Mom is the sweetest for me!

    How good it is that there is a mother in the world!
    How good it is that my mother has me!
    I see beautiful people all the time
    But Mom is the sweetest for me!

    I want to be like my mother in everything
    And do everything in the house like Mom
    I want to be exemplary, I want to be good
    So that Mom was always happy with me!

    How good it is that there is a mother in the world!
    How good it is that my mother has me!
    I see beautiful people all the time
    But Mom is the sweetest for me!

    How good it is that there is a mother in the world!
    How good it is that my mother has me!
    I see beautiful people all the time
    But Mom is the sweetest for me!
    But Mom is the sweetest for me!
    1 LEADER we bring to your attention a scene

    2 LEADER; The teacher invited the girls to speak on Mom's Day, they gathered at a desk. One smart (UM), artistic (charm), dance (movement), vociferous (voice).
    They sit and ponder how best to arrange a holiday.
    (their thoughts)
    Dance room offers - a beautiful dance number.
    Four dance couples enter the stage and perform
    Comic dance number.

    Oh, until I drop.
    1 LEADER: They sit and think again - what if the mothers don't like it, they need something more interesting.

    2 MODERATOR: A team of the 1st course is invited to the stage

    Scene "Adopted Son"
    One of the students remains on stage and recites the verse:
    Reader 1
    " Everyday ".
    Every day and every hour
    I'm thinking about my mom.
    Moms love us too
    And they are proud of us.
    I want to keep every day
    I'm in my palms
    Her kind hands,
    Well, at least a little,
    I can her every day
    Wait until nightfall.
    Because our mothers
    Very busy.
    I want to give every day
    Mommy bouquets
    Speak words of love.
    How wonderful it is!
    Every day, not only
    On the day of the eighth of March
    Make a holiday for moms
    It would be nice.
    I would dance every day
    Surprise with verses ...
    How I love my mother.
    Reader 2
    About the mother.

    Life cannot be lived without black days
    New hour of trouble and hour of powerlessness
    You do not curse mothers
    Because they gave birth to you.
    They are not given to predict
    Everything that awaits their children in the world
    But every mother in the world
    She wishes only happiness to children.
    Cradling babies
    From the century mothers dreamed
    So that their children do not stumble,
    So that they don't fall on the road.
    And not a single mother in the world
    Whatever you and I are,

    We children did not want to become
    Neither victims nor executioners.
    Let a lot not come
    They find themselves once,
    They dreamed to live
    Their children are free and rich.
    And if it didn't come true,
    Someone, but the mother is not to blame.
    Therefore, in the dark hour,
    When our path is thorny and difficult
    We will not swear our mothers
    For giving birth to us.

    Song performed by Anastasia "Mom always be with me"
    Lyrics: I kiss your hands, my dear
    You are the softest in the world, I know for sure
    There is no dearer in the world, in my heart you are
    Hold me tight, I want to keep warm!


    Mom, don't be sad!

    Mom, I don't need more!
    Mom, don't be sad!
    And for everything, mommy, forgive me!

    Only you will always support and calm
    And you will hide me from envy and anger.
    I love you, you are an angel, I live by you.
    With gratitude, I kiss your hands.

    Mom, always be with me!
    Mom, I don't need more!
    Mom, don't be sad!
    And for everything, mommy, forgive me!
    Do you hear, mom, be always with me!
    Mom, I don't need more!
    Mom, don't be sad!
    And for everything, mommy, forgive me!

    (verses 12 bars):
    Light in the window, we are together
    The soul is light.
    Mom, dear, how warm it is with you!
    I pray at night that you live
    To keep you healthy, mommy!
    My mommy gave me life!
    More than anyone else in the world, I love you!

    Mom, always be with me!
    Mom, I don't need more!
    Mom, don't be sad!
    And for everything, mommy, forgive me!
    Do you hear, mom, be always with me!
    Mom, I don't need more!
    Mom, don't be sad!
    And for everything, mommy, forgive me!

    Host: Let our mothers find themselves in one of the offices of our educational institution for a moment

    Scene in the lesson.

    The girls argue, my mother loves dancing, my mother loves songs, mine loves to cook, they are all so different, how can we please all mothers
    Presenter: Talents of the 2nd year are invited to the stage and sing ditties to the accompaniment of an accordion.

    * * *
    To all mommies on this day
    We give ditties
    So that mommies are with us
    There were merry ones!
    * * *
    We say this word
    Each time, two hundred times:
    Mom, give! Yes, bring it!
    Mom, mom, help!
    * * *
    Who teaches us to cook cabbage soup,
    Wash, wash dishes,
    Who forgives everything in the world
    This is MOM - the children know.
    * * *
    Our mom at work
    Strongly respected
    And she comes home -
    Strongly adore!
    * * *
    I love my mom
    She is a kind soul
    If somewhere I do a hack,
    She forgives me everything.
    * * *
    Do not be angry with your mom,
    If he says the wrong thing
    You better hug your mom
    Kiss warmly.
    * * *

    Dad is strong, dad is smart
    Dad is wonderful
    Only mommy always
    Kinder necessarily.
    * * *

    If you are angry with your mom,
    Who sticks his nose in business
    You will become a mother too,
    You will understand everything then!
    Girls: Oh, but grandmothers should also be congratulated. After all, they are also mothers, only our mothers.

    Grandmothers (comically disguised boys) come on stage and start dancing, with acrobatic movements.
    Alexey's speech "Mama" (Lyubavin)

    Text: How I want to break the thread of time to hear again
    Voice and hug. To cuddle up to you like in childhood to calm the pain of the soul,
    And not ashamed of tears, to tell you about everything.
    How hard it was for me, how long it was,
    How in a difficult hour I missed your hands,
    Your smile, your most tender eyes.

    Gray has touched your hair, but there is not a day that I do not ask heaven,
    In holy prayer by a flickering candle.

    Gray has touched your hair, how long is there, next to you, mom, you are not.

    How I want to break the thread of time for you to come
    And she could tell me, holding me to her chest so tenderly and lovingly.
    “Blessed is your path. I have not lived in vain. "
    How wrong I was, only time cannot be returned.
    As in your arms I want to sleep.
    Look for approval in the eyes of the tired.
    Forgive me mom, I didn't manage to say everything.
    Gray has touched your hair, but not even a day
    so that I do not ask heaven,
    In holy prayer by a flickering candle:
    "Lord, keep her, forgive me, forgive."
    Gray has touched your hair
    how long is near, near, mom, you are not.
    I never tire of repeating in my prayers
    how I love you, how I will miss you.
    I never tire of repeating in my prayers
    how I love you, how I will miss you.

    Nikolay's speech How strange it always is (Trofim)

    The city has risen, the traffic has died
    Somewhere out there, the Gazelle stalled
    There are no options, I sit and smoke
    Jeep sprawled on the suspension
    I send sms to my friends
    There is no need to wait, I will be by December
    I wish I could be in Nice now
    Admire the sea wave
    With the girl who let her eyelashes down
    In the Audi, next to me.

    How strange it always is
    It seems to be adults
    And in the head is nonsense
    We dream like children about a miracle

    We dream like children about a miracle

    The girl is no longer in a hurry
    Go somewhere on business
    However, with this you can wait
    She's already smooth
    Loves her husband and life in abundance
    Everything would be so, but my heart can't lie
    She would like to go back to childhood
    To the house with rowan trees at the gate
    To the boy who lived next door
    Maybe he's still waiting?

    How strange it always is
    It seems to be adults
    And in the head is nonsense
    We dream like children about a miracle
    Pa-ra-ra-ra-ram pa-ram pam-pam
    We dream like children about a miracle

    Bentley, Zhiguli, Toyota
    Like oiled sprats
    Are huddled in the cramped concrete tracks
    They have chauffeurs, passengers
    Prisoners of the steel world
    Waiting for their mercy for an hour
    I wish I could build a magic city
    Time to make friends with harmony
    So that everyone is dear to someone
    And he was not late to live.

    How strange it always is
    It seems to be adults
    And in the head is nonsense
    We dream like children about a miracle

    How strange it always is
    It seems to be adults
    And in the head is nonsense
    We dream like children about a miracle

    Leading: On the stage, the guys of the 3rd year, a small scene "Called the parents"

    1) Org. moment.

    Music is playing in the hall (invited mothers and children take their places, at this time the presentation "My closest person" is shown on the screen

    1. Two students expressively recite a poem against the background of music:

    1-There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
    Brightly marked for centuries!
    The most beautiful of women

    2-From any misfortune conjuring,
    She really has no good!
    No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,
    A proud, sublime mother.

    1-The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,
    So here she stands for centuries,
    The most beautiful of women -
    A woman with a child in her arms.

    2-Everything in the world is marked with footprints,
    No matter how many ways you walk
    Apple tree - decorated with fruits,
    A woman is the fate of her children.

    1-Let the sun applaud her forever,
    So she will live for centuries,
    1 and 2 together: The most beautiful of women
    A woman with a child in her arms.

    2. 2 presenters appear on the stage (boy and girl)

    Lead 1

    In the world kind words a lot,
    But one thing is kinder and more important:
    From two syllables, a simple word: "mom"
    And there are no words dearer than it.

    Lead 2

    Dear mothers! Today we have invited you to an evening dedicated to you. The first word a person utters is "mom". It is addressed to the one that gave him life.

    Lead 1

    Love for mother is inherent in us by nature itself. This feeling lives in a person until the end of his days.

    Maxim Gorky wrote: "Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is no poet or hero."

    Lead 2

    I sing about what is forever new
    And although I'm not singing a hymn at all,
    But a word born in my soul
    Finds its music ...

    Lead 1

    This word is a call and an incantation,
    In this word there is a soul.
    This is the spark of the first consciousness
    Baby's first smile.

    Lead 2

    This word will not deceive at once,
    The creature of life is hidden in it.
    It is the source of everything.
    There is no end to it. Stand up! (those sitting in the hall get up, in the ensuing silence the presenter continues)
    I pronounce it:

    3. Introducing moms.

    Today our mothers came to the holiday

    (The class teachers introduce the children to the guests or the presenter approaches the mothers with a microphone and asks them to give their full names)

    4. Scene: "What kind of children are they, right?"

    (4 pairs: girl-boy act out a scene)

    M - I'm thinking, wondering
    Why are children born?
    So you guys don't mind?
    Let's weigh the pros and cons!

    D - Why do you need all this?

    M - For a specific answer!
    TO adulthood preparation...

    D - You thought it up cleverly!

    M - Yes, I'm sorry for my mother,
    Life is not visible from problems.

    D - Yes ... we have a lot of problems ...
    Mom is a difficult position.
    How much easier it would be for her
    Without children like us.

    D-Fu! What nonsense!
    She will be bored then!
    And in old age, compote
    Who will bring it in a glass?
    Imagine now
    Mom has no children at all!

    M - At home - quiet ... cleanliness ... Beauty!

    D - And emptiness! The house is cozy, but empty!
    Without children, he is lifeless!

    M - But on the other hand, I'll tell you straight,
    Mom is having a nice rest.
    She won't have to again
    Check all lessons
    Solve problems for children,
    Write an essay,
    For various tricks
    Then scold, then punish,
    Kitchen, dinner, laundry,
    Collect toys again.
    Sparing no nerve cells,
    Drive children away from the computer!

    D- And to hear, falling asleep, ...
    You are so beautiful
    Honestly - honestly,
    Mom, I love you so much! ...

    M - Yes ... um-hm ... sounds beautiful ...
    And such a prospect? - "
    I just raised children ...
    I got married as soon as possible ...
    Do you want to rest now?
    Here are your grandchildren! Get it!

    D - So what? Play again.
    Respond to granny
    They sat down, got up, ran,
    All the toys were collected again,
    Cooking at the stove
    Carry home bustle

    M - Why do they need such a life?

    D - Aerobics is solid!
    Hurry up to be in time.
    There is not even time to grow old

    M - No! I still doubt
    So many nerves and worries!
    I am more and more convinced:
    Children are troublesome people.
    It takes a long time to grow them
    And educate, teach,
    Not getting enough sleep day and night
    Experience day and night
    Get sick - treat
    Guilty - to beat,
    And help in my studies,
    And feed and dress up ...

    D - What is the difficulty? I do not understand!
    I dress up dolls!

    M - Well, I compared! In - it gives!

    D - Children are troublesome people!
    But for mom
    All the more important, I’ll say bluntly.
    For mothers - a continuation in children,
    And honor and respect!
    And great love.

    M - And care again and again ...

    D - So, my friend, calmness!
    Care is a pleasure!
    While you bring up the children
    You won't get bored for a moment.

    M - Yes-ah, I got the answer -
    The meaning of life is evident in this.

    D - The meaning of life is evident in
    So that the kids have a full house!
    Each mother has a child!
    All the guys in chorus:

    Well, two is better!

    So that mommy is out of boredom
    The head did not hurt.

    5. The presenters appear:

    Lead 1

    Motherhood is a whole world. The happiness of a mother is the happiness of her children. Mother is the child's first teacher and friend, and the closest and most faithful at that.
    Lead 2

    Dear mothers!

    Congratulations on Mother's Day.
    Many nights have passed without sleep
    Worries, worries are countless.
    Bow down to you all dear mothers
    For what you are in the world!

    (There is applause from the guys, everyone stands up)

    Lead 1

    Mom's hands rocked us in the cradle. It was she who warmed us with her breath and lulled us with her song.
    Lead 2

    Not knowing fatigue
    No rest every hour
    Day and night, my own mother worries about us.

    Lead 1

    Lulling us, feeding us,
    She sang to us by the bed.
    She taught us first
    Kind, joyful words.

    Lead 2

    6. Questions to the guys in the hall: What kind words does mom call you? What words do you yourself say to mom?

    Lead 1

    How many kind tender words! Let them sound every day, in every family. Let the whole world hear them, and from these words it becomes kinder!

    (The presenters give out red paper hearts for the answers, then ask to raise them up, show them to those sitting in the hall)

    7. "CHAMOMILE" for our mothers.

    Presenters: And now we will turn to our mothers. (Children carry out a multi-colored daisy) Moms take turns picking the petals to answer the questions written behind the petals.

    What did your child look like when you saw him for the first time?

    What songs did you sing, putting your baby to sleep? Sing the verse.

    What is the first word of your son or daughter?

    What is the very first poem you learned together?

    The first gift your child has given you.

    How do you want to see the future of your beloved man?

    8. NUMBER of amateur performances.

    9. Competition of presentations "Our mothers"

    Mum! The most understandable word on earth.
    It sounds equally gentle in all languages \u200b\u200bof the world.
    Mom has the most affectionate and gentle hands, they can do everything.
    Mom has the kindest and most sensitive heart.
    It does not remain indifferent to anything.
    And no matter how old a person is 5 or 50, he always needs a mother ...

    Students present their presentations 7 A, B, C classes

    (Between presentations - the teacher of Russian language and literature reads excerpts from essays about mothers)

    In difficult life circumstances, people remember their mother. And it happens that tender

    The heart literally breaks from the surging feelings of guilt, pity, love, and the words are not easy to pronounce. And every mother is waiting for these words. Hear what words our seventh graders found for their mothers.


    Students of the 7th grade are on stage.

    1st reader:

    Who can be dearer than mom ?!
    Who brings light and joy to us ?!

    When we are sick and stubborn
    Who will regret and save ?!

    2nd reader:

    Who will let adversity in the wind,

    Will dispel fears, sadness and shame ?!
    Who will brighten up the dullness of the bad weather,
    A heavy burden of grievances eats away ?!

    3rd reader:

    Keeps track of the house and budget,
    Comfort, fashion, cleanliness
    In dashing winter and hot summer,
    Handling the hustle and bustle with ease ?!

    4th reader:

    Decorate weekdays with evenings
    And for the holiday he will lay the table!
    Smiling at ease

    Make fresh tea in the morning.

    Tearing like a heavy string bag,
    Hurries home in January and May.

    5th reader:

    Her work is responsible
    Being a mom is hard work!
    Every second care -
    Everyone remembers her, loves her, waits.
    6th reader:

    Mothers forgive us a lot
    No offense, no scolding.
    Only patiently explain
    No judgment, no blame.

    7th reader:

    Where there is so much strength and patience
    All mothers on earth take it ?!
    To hide worries and worries








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