• Summer holiday balloons lesson plan on the topic. The scenario of the entertainment "feast of balloons" Entertainment balloons in kindergarten


    Smileys Galina
    Balloon Festival. Scenario for kindergarten

    Balloon Festival

    Target: creation festive mood in children; development of motor activity; fostering a sense of mutual assistance, friendship.

    Event scenario

    Instructor: Hello children! Guys, guess riddle:

    I am big but empty.

    I take off into the sky above the earth.

    And not proud, but inflated,

    Entangled in thick thread.

    I am with children, I have always been friendly,

    And I'm called.

    Everything: ball.

    Instructor: That's right, it's a ball. I invite you to balloon festival. Today they will serve us not only as an adornment of our holiday. Balls will help us to have fun games and contests. Do you want to play and have fun?

    Someone once invented balls,

    Like entertainment for kids.

    Someone once cheated for the first time,

    Someone once breathed their soul into them.

    No, without balls will not pass the carnival

    And don't decorate festive hall.

    Balls have been beckoning us all for a long time,

    Each of them has flight and space.

    These balls are all of us in childhood name,

    Let's get to know balloon.

    Balloon - toy loved by people of all ages. It is used for decoration of events and has a wonderful ability: create a great mood and a pleasant atmosphere in any room .. Guys, do you know poems about Balloons?

    Children come out

    1 child:

    ball, ball

    My air,

    Fidget, naughty

    The ball is round

    The ball is smooth

    The ball is light

    The ball is soft!

    2 child:

    right ball,

    Left ball

    My glowing flashlight

    Let me hug you

    And I will press it to my cheek!

    3 child:

    I press the ball

    It flies out of hand

    Up but I caught it

    I tied a string to my finger.

    Instructor: Well done boys! Now let's play. But first you need to split into two teams. The game is called "Kangaroo"

    Do you know who it is?

    Children's answers

    Instructor: That's right, the kangaroo carries its cub in its bag. Now imagine that you "kangaroo" only instead of a cub, you will hold the ball between your knees and jump to the chip, and run back, with the ball in your hands and pass it to the next one.

    Instructor: Well done guys, next game "Collect the Balls"

    I have two boxes, one is red and the other is green.

    At my signal, you begin to collect them.

    The first team is red, the second team is green.

    Instructor: And now we'll see which team has the ball flying the farthest? "Whose ball is next"

    Instructor: Great job! Next game "Carry Don't Drop"

    At my command, you hit the ball with your hand to the landmark, then return to your team, passing the ball to the next one.

    CONTEST "Guess a riddle"

    small balls

    Hanging on a tree:

    Red, green -

    They look tempting.

    love these balls

    Adults and children,

    pourable balls -

    The best in the world! (apples)

    On a green fragile leg,

    The ball has grown by the track. (dandelion)

    It's big like a soccer ball

    If ripe - everyone is happy.

    It tastes so good!

    What is this ball? (watermelon)

    Good-natured, thick-skinned,

    On the balloon similar

    Almost always lives in water

    Thick-skinned … (hippo)

    Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

    Color - any, for different tastes.

    When you let go of the leash,

    Fly away for the clouds. (balloon)

    Young! Next game "Ball over the head"

    Now, you should stand up straight and raise your arms above your head. Each team has its own ball, on my command you start passing the ball from behind to the one standing, the last player takes the ball and stands in front of the first, this continues until all players have taken part.

    Good! Now let's pretend that we are "Kittens" as you know, kittens are very fond of playing with balls of thread, only instead of threads we will have a ball. On a signal, you get on your knees and start pushing the ball to the chip with your head, passing the ball back to the next one at a run.

    Volleyball with balls

    Each team has an equal number balloons. On a signal, you need to throw all your own and other people's balls to the opponent's side. The team with the least territory wins. balls.

    Ball faster you grab

    And throw to your opponents.

    Battle balloons

    Attention game. Children play with balls. A command is given "red": children remain with balls of this color, the rest squat. Such a signal is given for blue, yellow.

    A game "Don't Drop the Ball". Children are invited to hold the ball in air and don't let it fall.

    A game "Give a balloon to a friend". Children play freely, but only hear the command "Give me a ball", children exchange balls.

    CONTEST "Painters"

    Draw as much as possible on a piece of drawing paper in one minute balloons. The team that draws the most gets a point.

    Instructor: Well done boys! What a fun one celebration. You see how much joy, laughter, noise and fun an ordinary balloon.

    MBDOU kindergarten №6 "Forget-Me-Not" Developed by the teacher of the first category Savelyeva Elena Nikolaevna

    Ostashkov 2015

    Purpose: creating a festive mood in children; development of motor activity; fostering a sense of mutual assistance, friendship.

    Equipment: The holiday takes place outside, the area is decorated with balloons, inflatable toys, flowers. A tape recorder, recordings of cheerful music, balloons, a clown costume for the teacher. Cardboard balls, magnetic boards.

    Fun music sounds! Hello guys! I am a cheerful clown Klepa! And what is your name? (children say their names). Well, that's how we met. I flew to visit you for a holiday on these multi-colored balloons from a country called Laughterland. Clowns and clowns live there. We all have fun there, make each other laugh, sing, dance. Do you know what holiday is today? Today is the celebration of balloons, look how many I have! Guess what I love the most in the world? Yes, I love to play. Do you like to play? And today we will play with balloons. And the first game is called "Give me a smile" . I will come up and give everyone a balloon, and you will give me beautiful smiles. I'm walking along the path (The clown walks past the children) and give smiles to everyone! (Stops and gives a balloon to each child). Smile and you will soon be more fun together! And do you like to dance? Then I propose a cheerful dance with balls. Get in a circle.

    Dance with balls

    And now I want to know: which of you is the smartest.

    Contest "Guess a riddle"

    small balls
    Hanging on the tree:
    Red, green -
    They look tempting.

    love these balls
    Adults and children,
    pourable balls -
    The best in the world! (apples)

    On a green fragile leg,
    The ball has grown by the track. (dandelion)
    It's big like a soccer ball
    If ripe - everyone is happy.

    It tastes so good!
    What is this ball? (watermelon)
    Good-natured, thick-skinned,
    Similar to a balloon

    Almost always lives in water
    Thick-skinned … (hippo)
    Round, smooth, like a watermelon...
    Color - any, for different tastes.

    When you let go of the leash,
    Fly away for the clouds. (balloon)

    And now, in order not to be bored, I propose to play! Do you agree?

    mobile game "Smooth Circle"

    The clown shows the children various movements, the children repeat after him.

    In an even circle one after another
    Let's have fun walking
    All that Klepa will show you
    That is what we will do.

    Oh, how I like you!

    The balloon is a toy loved by people of all ages. What do you think balloons are for? (children answer) Yes, balloons are used to decorate events and have a wonderful ability to create a great mood. Do you know poems about balloons? Tell me.

    Poems about balls

    My brother bought himself a flashlight
    Well, for me - a balloon.
    Over my head
    He dances like he's alive.

    My ball
    My balloon is
    Hanging on a branch
    Does not know,

    Where would you like to go?
    He can get down
    Of course, down
    But it can also rise to the sky!

    He looked down
    On the familiar fence
    On the house and the green roof, -
    And rushed into the sky

    Where there is space
    Everything is higher
    And higher,
    And higher!.

    Air balloon
    balloon balloon, balloon balloon,
    Gets out of hand.
    Disobedient, disobedient

    It suddenly flies up to the ceiling.
    I need to catch him
    And tie a ponytail

    Not always obedient.
    colored balls,
    Very mischievous.

    They love to get out
    Toss around the sky,
    Fly among the birds
    Get stuck in branches.

    How the wind blows
    Hold them, kids.
    To not fly away
    You were not upset.

    I am big but empty.
    I will take off into the sky above the earth.
    And not proud, but inflated,

    Entangled in thick thread.
    I am with children, I have always been friendly,
    And I'm called...

    Now guess the riddle:
    Like a rubber ball
    This animal jumps
    Carries a baby in a bag

    Grass nibbles slowly!

    That's right, a kangaroo carries its cub in its bag. Now imagine that you "kangaroo" only instead of a cub, you will hold the ball between your knees and jump to the chip, and run back, with the ball in your hands and pass it to the next one. But first you need to split into two teams.

    A game "Kangaroo"

    I have one more gift for you - these balls. I drew them myself (shows paper balls). But here the trouble happened. I was in such a hurry to visit you for the holiday that the strings from the balloons came off and now the balloons are left without strings. You will help to choose the color of the threads for the balls. All balls are of different colors - yellow, green, red. And here (points to flannelgraph)- strings from these balls. Let `s start?

    A game “Pick up a ball of the same color to the thread”

    Now let's play with real balls. We will pass the balls in a circle, and when they meet, those guys who have the ball will dance.

    Children stand in a circle, pass the balls to each other. When the balls meet, the two children who have the balls dance in the center of the circle, the rest of them clap.

    And now I'll see which of you is the most attentive. I will show different colored balloons. If I raise a red balloon, you should clap, if it's blue, you should all stomp, if it's yellow, raise your hands up. Let's start.

    Do you like to draw? Then the next game you will like and it's called

    "Jolly Artist"

    Participants receive a balloon, a marker and a scarf. You need to draw Alyonushka's face as quickly as possible and tie a scarf to her.

    Oh guys, what fun! I don’t even want to leave you, but it’s time to say goodbye, and as everyone knows, it’s customary to give gifts to everyone at the holiday, and I give you these beautiful balls. And now everyone is dancing to cheerful music along with balls.

    Goodbye guys, see you again.

    Summer holiday for younger students. Scenario

    Summer leisure scenario "Balloon Festival" (for primary school students)

    Bestik Irina Viktorovna, educator of KSU "Regional special (correctional) boarding school for children with hearing impairments", Republic of Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk.
    Description: the scenario of summer entertaining leisure for elementary school students is intended for organizers of children's summer holidays, as well as educators and teachers of primary classes. Contributes to the creation of a positive emotional mood, the development of physical activity in children.

    Target: creating a good and friendly atmosphere at the summer holiday-entertainment.
    educational: introduce junior students to the history of balloon making
    educational: to instill interest in outdoor games with balloons, to promote the instillation of mutual assistance in children and the strengthening of friendly relations during games;
    correctional-developing: to develop motor activity, dexterity, speed, creativity in children during the holiday.
    Equipment: multimedia installation, music center, helium and simple balloons, attributes for games.
    Registration: presentation of the holiday, three-dimensional flowers made of colored paper, helium and simple balloons, the name of the holiday made of colored paper.
    Preliminary work: development of a scenario for a holiday, making a presentation, preparing attributes for games, selecting musical arrangements, making decorations for a holiday from colored paper, preparing artistic numbers.

    Holiday progress:

    Good afternoon, dear children and dear adults! I am glad to welcome you on this warm summer day. Today our holiday is dedicated to the most favorite children's fun - a balloon. Guys, do you like to play with balloons?
    Children in chorus: Yes!
    Everyone rejoices today!
    In the hands of a child
    Dancing for joy
    Children in chorus: Balls.
    Leading: All children and even adults love to play with balloons, because colorful balloons cheer us up, give us a feeling of joy and fun. They are always associated with holidays and childhood. And today I promise you that you will have a lot of fun and play, learn a lot of new and interesting things about balloons. And two cheerful clowns will help me spend this holiday. Meet our friends - Klepa and Iriska!
    Two clowns appear, distribute balloons to children and sing a song.
    Song "Clown" (lyrics by Tatyana Alekseeva, music by Viktor Kornev)
    Clown Klepa:
    Hello kids,
    Girls and boys!
    Clown Toffee:
    I'm in a hurry to celebrate you,
    I hold them by a thread:
    Red, yellow, blue -
    Floating overhead
    Better not for kids
    Than balloons.

    Clown Klepa:
    We are funny clowns
    They came to you for the holiday
    We will play with balloons here!
    Clown Toffee:
    And we have for you, friends,
    Interesting game!
    Mobile game "Fat Men"

    Two teams take part in the game. One child from each team wears a large T-shirt. The rest of the children, on a signal, should put the balloons under the T-shirt. The team that puts the most balloons under their shirts wins.
    Kids are playing.

    Leading: Guys, when do you think the first balloons appeared?
    Children's answers.

    Clown Klepa: The guys are mistaken when they think that balloons have appeared recently. But in fact, balloons appeared a long time ago, many centuries ago.
    Clown Toffee: The very first mentions of balloons are found in ancient Karelian manuscripts. They looked a little different and were made from the skin of a bull or a whale.
    Leading: Were the first balloons also used for decoration and fun?
    Clown Klepa: No. In ancient times, these balloons were used as a vehicle because the roads were bad and it was impossible to drive on them.
    Leading: When did the first rubber ball appear?
    Clown Klepa: Rubber balls appeared in 1824 in London thanks to the English electrical researcher Michael Faraday.

    He experimented with hydrogen and used a rubber bag for this. A hundred years later, the townspeople began to use rubber balloons to decorate cities for various holidays.

    Clown Toffee: Modern balloons appeared in 1931 thanks to Neil Tylotson, who created the first latex balloon. These balls were not very strong, often burst. Now modern balloons are very durable and are made of different materials, have different shapes and colors. Today, all children's holidays are necessarily decorated with balloons, as a guarantee of a good mood and an unforgettable holiday.

    Clown Klepa:
    We named the balls
    Just don't play with them.
    Hey kids don't yawn
    And play with balls.
    Clown Toffee: And our next game is called "Ball Disco".
    Mobile game "Ball disco"

    Several pairs of dancers are invited to play. Each pair is given a balloon. The task of each couple is to hold the ball between their foreheads while dancing different dances. The pair that holds the ball the longest wins.
    Kids are playing.

    Clown Klepa: Blowing up balloons is not only fun, but also useful! It turns out that a simple balloon can give health to our lungs.
    Clown Toffee: Inflating balloons has a positive effect on our throat and serves as a means of preventing angina. The balloon also helps strengthen our voice. With it, singers train their voice and learn how to breathe correctly while singing. And we invite you to play the next game called "Inflate the Balloon".
    Clown Klepa:
    He knows how to inflate
    Just don't overdo it!
    I ask you, if possible -
    inflate carefully!
    Game "Inflate the balloon"

    Participants of the game, at the command of the host, will think up a balloon. In this game, the winner is the one who inflates the largest balloon.
    Kids are playing.

    Clown Toffee:
    Holidays on the streets
    In the hands of a child
    Burning, shimmering
    Clown Klepa:
    It is different in form.
    Color: green, white, red,
    Yellow, blue, cyan.
    I love any color!
    Clown Toffee:
    colorful balls
    Created for kids.
    swoop in kids
    There will be a new game.
    Clown Klepa:
    I know that you can still
    Great to draw.
    Your talents can
    Now you show!
    The game "Colorful balls"

    Two teams take part in the game. Each team must draw multi-colored balloons on their piece of drawing paper using colored markers. In this game, the team that draws the most balloons wins.
    Kids are playing.

    Clown Toffee:
    He is gentle in flight, smooth,
    if the holiday is “The most important”.
    For children, as the air is needed,
    He is funny - a balloon.
    Clown Klepa:
    And we have for you, friends,
    There is another game!
    Mobile game "Fun chain"

    This game is played by two teams. The first players from each team, on a sound signal, run to the basket with balloons, take one balloon and return to their teams. With the help of their balloon, they attach the second player to themselves (the balloon is between the players), and again run to the basket with balloons. Then, with the help of balls, they attach the rest of the players to themselves. The winner is the team that will be the first to make their funny caterpillar and take all the balls from the basket.
    Kids are playing.

    Someone once invented balls,
    Like entertainment for kids.
    Someone once cheated for the first time,
    Someone once breathed their soul into them.
    No, without balloons there will be no carnival
    And the festive hall will not be decorated.
    Balls have been beckoning us all for a long time,
    Each of them has flight and space.

    Balloon Festival

    Purpose: creating a festive mood in children; development of motor activity; fostering a sense of mutual assistance, friendship.

    Event scenario

    Hello children! Guys, guess the riddle:

    They rush up, they play,

    They fly away from a thin thread.

    This is the joy of children

    Multi-colored ... (balls)

    caregiver : That's right, these are balls. I invite you to the celebration of balloons. Today they will serve us not only as a decoration for our holiday. Balls will help us to have fun games and contests. Do you want to play and have fun?

    Someone once invented balls,

    Like entertainment for kids.

    Someone once cheated for the first time,

    Someone once breathed their soul into them.

    No, without balloons there will be no carnival

    And the festive hall will not be decorated.

    Balls have been beckoning us all for a long time,

    Each of them has flight and space.

    These balls call us all in childhood,

    Let's get to know the balloon.

    The balloon is a toy loved by people of all ages. It is used for decorating events and has a wonderful ability: to create a great mood and a pleasant atmosphere in any room .. Guys, do you know poems about balloons?

    Children come out

    1 child:

    ball, ball

    my air,

    Fidget, naughty

    Ball - round,

    The ball is smooth

    The ball is light

    The ball is soft!

    2 child:

    right ball,

    Left ball

    My glowing flashlight

    Let me hug you

    And I will press it to my cheek!

    3 child:

    I press the ball

    It flies out of hand

    Up but I caught it

    I tied a string to my finger.

    4 child

    Light balloon my air

    Pulled the thread naughty,

    Cut off, said "Bye"

    And flew off into the clouds.

    5 child

    I have a balloon

    Bright, light and obedient.

    I, when I go for a walk,

    I'm holding the ball by the string.

    6 child

    My blue balloon

    For me, it's completely native.

    But suddenly the wind came up

    The balloon flew into the sky.

    Educator: Well done boys! Now let's play. But first you need to split into two teams.The game is called "Kangaroo"

    Do you know who it is?

    Children's answers

    caregiver : That's right, the kangaroo carries its cub in its bag. Now imagine that you are a "kangaroo" only instead of a cub, you will hold the ball between your knees and jump to the chip, and run back, with the ball in your hands and pass it to the next one.

    caregiver : Well done guys, next game"Collect the Balls"

    I have two boxes, one is red and the other is green.

    At my signal, you begin to collect them.

    The first team is red, the second team is green.

    Educator: Now let's see which team will fly the ball the farthest? "Whose ball is next"

    Educator: Great job! Next game "Bring it Don't Drop It"

    At my command, you hit the ball with your hand to the landmark, then return to your team, passing the ball to the next one.

    COMPETITION "Guess the riddle"

    small balls

    Hanging on the tree:

    Red, green -

    They look tempting.

    love these balls

    Adults and children,

    pourable balls -

    The best in the world! (apples)

    On a green fragile leg,

    The ball has grown by the track. (dandelion)

    It's big like a soccer ball

    If ripe - everyone is happy.

    It tastes so good!

    What is this ball? (watermelon)

    Good-natured, thick-skinned,

    Similar to a balloon

    Almost always lives in water

    Thick-skinned ... (hippo)

    Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

    Color - any, for different tastes.

    When you let go of the leash,

    Fly away for the clouds. (balloon)


    Next game "Headball"

    Now, you should stand up straight and raise your arms above your head. Each team has its own ball, on my command you start passing the ball from behind to the one standing, the last player takes the ball and stands in front of the first, this continues until all players have taken part.

    Attention game . Children play with balls. The command "red" is given: children remain with balls of this color, the rest squat. Such a signal is given for blue, yellow.

    Game "Don't Drop the Ball" Children are invited to hold the ball in the air and not let it fall.

    Game "Give a ball to a friend." Children play freely, but they only hear the command “Give a ball”, the children exchange balls.

    COMPETITION "Artists"

    Paint the balloon

    Educator: Well done boys! What a fun holiday. You see how much joy, laughter, noise and fun an ordinary balloon can bring.

    Report on the holiday in kindergarten

    "Balloon Festival"

    Venue: MBDOU DS No. 35 "Alyonushka"

    Date: 17.06. 2015

    Participants of the holiday: Children of the middle group, group teacher: Politskaya I.N., Musical director Kurbatskaya N.G.

    The goals of the holiday: Creating a festive mood in children, developing motor activity, fostering a sense of mutual assistance, friendship

    The celebration began with the introduction of the presenter. She told the children that a balloon is not only a toy, but also a decoration of any holiday and serves to cheer up.

    Children recited poems about balloons.

    Children participated with pleasure in games and competitions. Showing skill and skill, dexterity and mobility.

    1. Kangaroo game. The children imagined that they were kangaroos, only instead of cubs there were balloons. The children were divided into two teams, holding the balls between their knees, they need to jump on two legs to the pins and return to pass to another.

    2. Game "collect the balls ". The children were asked to collect balls of different colors on a signal.

    3.Next game "Carry Don't Drop ". Carry the ball in the basket and pass it to another participant.

    4. There was a competition for children" Guess a riddle". The children were offered riddles with the word ball.

    5. Game"ball over head" .Children competed in passing the ball over their heads.

    6. And at the end of the holiday there was a competition"Painters" children with pleasure painted balloons one after another, painted the sun, flowers and much more at will

    So the Balloon Festival has come to an end. The children were happy and cheerful. And each child received a balloon as a gift.

    Description of work: This development is designed for a group of preschool educational institutions of different ages and is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions, and this development may also be of interest to music leaders.
    Target: creation of a favorable, friendly and benevolent atmosphere in the process of communication between children and adults; to give children joy and good mood.
    Tasks: arouse the desire of children to develop their imagination and fantasy; to develop motor activity of children; cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, friendship.
    preliminary work: preparation of dances, games, musical accompaniment, necessary attributes for the holiday.
    Decoration: balloons, flowers on the stage and on the walls of the group.
    Equipment: musical center, recordings: a song about summer, recordings of the songs "Balloons", "Dance with Dolls", "Beautiful Far Away"; 2 plates, markers, : balloons for each child, whatman paper, dolls, worksheets, bags with holes for legs.
    Methods: practical, game, visual, verbal.

    The course of the holiday.

    (The song is about summer. Children sit on benches.

    Games appear - Veselinki.)

    1 - i: Hello kids!
    2 - I: Girls and boys!
    1 - i: We are fun games! We are Igrynki - Veselinki!
    2 - I: We are different in size!
    Together: And so cool!
    1st: We learned that you have a holiday of balloons and soap bubbles here today.
    2nd: And we came, guys, to you to spend this holiday together.
    caregiver: Yes, you just had time for the holiday. Today everyone is in a good mood, because it's summer outside, the sun is shining brightly. And in the summer it is so nice to play and have fun. Let's play with you!
    I suggest the game "Tell me who? ". I will say, some action, if you do that, say, “It's me, it's me. These are all my friends. “And if you can’t do that, you should remain silent. Be careful, don't make a mistake.
    Who came to our kindergarten
    And happy to meet friends?
    Who woke up early in the morning
    And washed himself under the tap?
    It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
    Who discovered paints today
    Books, new coloring pages?
    It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
    who played with toys
    And he didn't put it away?
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Who broke the chair today
    Pushed a girl into a puddle?
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Who wants to grow up
    Go to school sooner?
    It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
    Who plays with dolls, cubes, cars?
    It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
    Educator: Well, let's show how we can play with dolls.
    Dance with puppets.
    caregiver: Well done boys! Now guess the riddle:
    We can inflate it quickly.
    We can let steam into it.
    It won't fly very low.
    His name is air ... (balloon!).
    Right! Guys, who knows the poems about the ball?
    (Children recite poems)
    1. Someone once invented balls,
    Like entertainment for kids.
    Someone once cheated for the first time,
    Someone once breathed their soul into them.
    No, without balloons there will be no carnival
    And the festive hall will not be decorated.
    Balls have been beckoning us all for a long time,
    Each of them has flight and space.
    These balls call us all in childhood ....

    2. I have a balloon
    Bright, light and obedient.
    I, when I go for a walk,
    I'm holding the ball by the string.
    Sharik I'm very sorry
    Why is he losing weight? (N. Vysotin)

    3. Light balloon my air
    Pulled the thread naughty,
    He broke off, said: Bye!
    And flew off into the clouds.

    4. Balloon, my balloon.
    Fidget, naughty,
    The ball is round, the ball is smooth,
    The ball is light, the ball is soft!

    5. Right ball, left ball,
    My glowing flashlight!
    Let me hug you
    And I will press it to my cheek!

    6. It is big, but empty,
    It will take off into the sky above the earth.
    He is not proud, but inflated,
    Entangled in a thick thread!

    7. They inflated a lilac balloon for me,
    I was told pink, but it's not true!
    My lilac ball flies merrily,
    I pulled the tape - no, it won’t run away!
    I attached the eyes to the ball with adhesive tape,
    The ball will be a mouse from a fairy tale!

    8. Balloon, balloon
    Gets out of hand.
    Naughty, naughty
    It suddenly flies up to the ceiling.
    I need to catch him
    And tie a ponytail!
    Educator: Look how many balls we have in the group! And what beautiful balls! What flowers are missing? And what color are they? Name it please!
    (Children name colors. And what are the balls? Soft, rubber, stretch, etc. fly away) And so that your balls do not fly away, let's find everyone their own house.
    Why is it said about the balloon that it is airy? (because it might
    Balloon game.
    Educator: Guys, look at the color of your balls.
    Well, your task at the end of the music is to run up to your Igrinka - Veselinka. Older children will help the little ones find their home.
    (Children move to the music (melody "Balloons") at the end of the music, you need to quickly gather around your Igryka - Veselinka, according to the color of the balloon).

    caregiver: Now Sasha will show us a performance with balls.
    The recording of the song “Beautiful is far away” sounds, Sasha performs an exercise with balls.
    Educator: And I have a ball guys. Is he really handsome? (Twirls the ball and it bursts: imperceptibly pierces with a needle). Oh, look, colorful pieces of paper fell out of the balloon! Yes, these are tasks for us! Let's play, kids! Do the parents agree?
    First task: "A ball over your head."
    Children are divided into 2 teams. On command, they pass the ball to each other over their heads. The last one runs forward and passes the ball again, and so on.

    Second task:"Give a balloon to a friend."
    Music is playing, children are dancing. On the command "Give the ball", they exchange balls.
    (musical accompaniment)
    Well done!
    Third task: Freeze game
    (The host throws a balloon up, and while the balloon flies, all participants dance to the music, as the balloon touches the floor, everyone freezes. The music always plays)
    (During the game, the children suggested depicting figures)
    Fourth task:"Pass the ball on the plate."

    Fifth task:"Which team will collect the most balls." We collect the balls in a bag in which the child stands and holds the edge of the bag, helping his comrades to put the ball into the bag.
    Educator: The game will continue our entertainment
    "Air Kaleidoscope".
    (Within a minute, the teams should draw as many balloons as possible with a felt-tip pen on a piece of paper.)

    Educator: Last task: "Decorate your balloon."
    Each child chooses a ball and a permanent marker. Children with parents decorate balloons with flowers, butterflies, stars, suns, etc.

    Showcasing your art to music
    Balloon dance.
    Educator: I suggest you solve a riddle.
    We are them, light and beautiful,
    In very bright overflows,
    Inflate through a tube
    And we let go.
    Children:- Bubble
    Educator: Let's listen to a poem about soap bubbles.
    If you blow harder
    There will be a lot of bubbles!
    One, two, three, four, five,
    No way to catch them (L. Gulyaeva)
    caregiver: You see how much joy, laughter and fun balloons and bubbles can give! But before they fly to us, I would like to thank the parents for their active participation, wish everyone more holidays and joys in life! Thank you for being with us! Our holiday is over - take home your balloons.
    Fun music sounds. The "Bubble Show" begins - children receive kits for releasing soap bubbles.
    To the song "Balloon" children release soap bubbles.
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