• Scenario of a bachelorette party in verse "Tests for the bride". Cool ideas on how to spend a bachelorette party fun and inexpensive


    Some girls can't afford chic restaurants, limousines, and they don't like the idea of ​​having a bachelorette party in a nightclub where you really can't chat with your beloved friends. Then the organizer of the event can arrange a real holiday at home. A cozy atmosphere, delicious treats, intimate conversations, an interesting scenario for a bachelorette party at home - all this will be the perfect setting for the event.

    How and who to invite?

    First you need to decide whose apartment will be prepared for the bachelorette party. If the bride lives with her parents, and they do not want to leave the house at night, then they will have to look for other options - this may be a place with a best friend, a witness, or a rented apartment. The last option will be more expensive than the others, then the organizer should try to collect money from the invitees.
    You need to invite your closest friends to a bachelorette party - only with them the atmosphere will become as relaxed as possible. It is best to first check the list with the bride, then call the guests. If you're having a themed bachelorette party at home with a script, make cards of a particular style and mail them out (even then don't forget to call).

    What to cook?

    If you are going to spend the whole day and night at home, you need to organize a big tasty feast. These can be the bride's favorite recipes, unusual snacks and treats brought by girlfriends, a variety of cocktails, the composition of which will be thought up right at the bachelorette party - there are no restrictions. A bachelorette party with a script assumes complete consistency of style, therefore, for example, an oriental bachelorette party should not do without sushi, green tea in cups without handles, a bottle of plum wine or rice vodka.

    How to look?

    Your appearance should depend entirely on the scenario of the bachelorette party. At home, you can dress as you please - funky pajamas for a classic girl's night out, sophisticated retro at a sixties-inspired event, long flowy Greek bachelorette dresses, bright wide skirts and frilly hairstyles for a bachelorette party scenario at the Carnival of Venice. It is good if the betrothed wears a colored veil.

    Party Ideas

    Use your imagination to come up with a fun bachelorette party at home. It can be anything - watching your favorite films at night, pajama evening, singing songs, the old Slavonic style of holding a bachelorette party, where girlfriends and the hero of the occasion will guess, dance.

    movie night

    To create the right pre-wedding mood, throw a movie night at your bachelorette party. Choose romantic, pleasant films that inspire faith in love. Prepare some bottles of liquor, turn on the dvd and enjoy interesting, beautiful tapes.

    Beauty saloon

    Cosmetic procedures are a pleasant thing, but sometimes you just don’t want to go anywhere. Then use the scenario of the bachelorette party "Home Beauty Salon" - buy special products (clay, masks), vegetables (where without moisturizing cucumbers?), Scented candles that will create the right mood. You can also call a spa master at home, who will professionally take care of your skin, nails, hair. But it will cost more.

    Redemption rehearsal

    The traditional ransom of the bride is an old rite. The bridesmaids prepare it for the future wife, but often she herself is a participant and an ideological generator. To check the level of preparation of the girls participating in it, rehearse the ransom at a bachelorette party.

    Return to the past

    To feel like little girls again, bridesmaids and bridesmaids can use the children's scenario for holding a bachelorette party at home. To do this, you will need special clothes of bright colors, funny prints on it, sweets - lollipops, balloons. But you can drink real champagne.

    An evening of dancing

    For those who like to move around, the scenario of a dance bachelorette party at home to their favorite music is suitable. Do not spare your strength, let your legs not hold you from fatigue - this night you need to have plenty of fun. Just warn your neighbors that they will have to endure the noise from your apartment, because nightly doorbells from tired people are unlikely to be pleasant.
    A good idea for an interesting scenario for a bachelorette party at home is to hire a dance teacher who will teach you salsa, belly dance, rumba, or any other interesting dance direction.

    Theme party

    A themed bachelorette party is held in a certain style. An oriental tea party, a retro party, a fabulous event - all of them should be held with great attention to detail, with a strictly thought-out concept.
    Watch in the video below how interesting it is to have a themed oriental bachelorette party at home.


    The original games included in the script will entertain the guests, delight the bride, and create a festive mood at the bachelorette party. In the daily hustle and bustle, it can be difficult to relax, and what, if not fun games, contributes to this. For example, there is an interesting workout for a future wife, where girlfriends during a bachelorette party will test her readiness to take care of her husband, cook for him: from dozens of round objects, she will have to choose only fruits by touch. In addition to them, she will be given candles, balls, vegetables.


    Funny, interesting competitions at a bachelorette party will not leave anyone indifferent. Prepare many small gifts so that all participants receive their own. Let these be contests: the best toast, the “minute of fame”, the most unusual wish - they will help create a script for a fun bachelorette party at home.


    Here are some interesting divinations that are held during the bachelorette party on the eve of the wedding:

      Many small items (rings, coins, flowers, toys) are placed in a bowl with cereals, symbolizing travel, gifts, the birth of a child, marriage, wealth. Each girl in turn takes out her item. Whatever comes up is waiting for her in the future.

      Blue and pink baby pacifiers are thrown into the bag. The future wife puts her hand in there. What color will get - this sex will be the firstborn.

      Divination by name is popular. In the process of such fortune-telling, it is determined whether the husband will be an economic worker, a good father, a faithful spouse.

    It is considered a good omen if a bride is given a gift at a bachelorette party - something blue, new, old and borrowed. Take care of it.
    To have the perfect bachelorette party at home, plan carefully and don't forget to bring a camera that can capture the day forever. Or call a professional - he will take beautiful high-quality photos for the album.
    Tell us in the comments which scenario of the bachelorette party spent at home you liked more.

    Or come up with a “evening of hairstyles” or manicures, a comic fashion show ... The main thing is that this event should take place not on the eve of the wedding itself, but early so that you don’t feel tired at the ceremony. You can decorate the room with paper hearts and balloons, photographs of famous newlyweds (pop stars, movies, etc.), you can print and hang funny phrases and sayings about love and marriage.

    As for the table, dishes can be either light and dietary, or quite the opposite: girls can afford a sweet table with cakes and pies. It is especially good if all this is baked by the friends themselves and the bride is invited.
    Girlfriends bring gifts that will be useful to the bride for her future apartment, household. And they agree in advance: one brings what is needed for the kitchen, the other for the bedroom, the third for the bathroom, etc. But they give only after the bride guesses what exactly they brought (guesses with the help of questions, as in a word game, and the answers to questions can only be “yes” and “no”). Another idea for gifts is when all items are paired, for example, two mugs with the names of the bride and groom, two towels with the same inscriptions, men's and women's slippers, etc. - it turns out very touching. The witness takes on the role of leader.

    Witness: Girls, today we have gathered our extraordinary "women's council" on a very serious occasion. We're seeing another one of us into married life! The dress is bought, the banquet is ordered - there is no way back! Let's raise the first toast so that our dear ... (name of the bride) does not want to go back!

    The witness invites each of the friends to wish the bride what, in their opinion, is the most important thing in marriage and family.

    Witness: Such an important event as a wedding ... (name of the bride) could not go unnoticed by the glossy press! ..

    Girlfriends prepare a cheerful gift for the bride in advance - the newspaper "The World of the Bride". You will need photographs of the bride from infant to modern and bright magazine pictures. All this is pasted into an album or onto a sheet of drawing paper with a funny design and playful comments: what an obedient child (or, conversely, mischievous) this girl was, then an exemplary student, then a difficult teenager, then a romantic girl with a dream of a prince on a white horse (or about an oligarch with villas and yachts) and, finally, how the guy she is marrying appeared in her life.

    Witness: Family life is serious business. You need to be well prepared for it! And it doesn’t hurt us all to train once again: it’s not known who will be next ...

    Game "Affectionate nickname"

    You need to take turns calling the words that are used as affectionate male nicknames. Which of the friends knows more of these words, she wins.

    The game "What men love"

    This game is built on the principle of playing “cities”, only all the words will be on the topic “what men love”. It turns out fun.

    Game "Brides"

    Girlfriends try on a veil, outfits, take pictures with a digital camera and choose who will make the most original bride.

    The game "Recipes for family happiness"

    It is necessary to prepare task cards in advance: various difficult situations from family life are given, for example, “unwashed dishes”, “mother-in-law’s visit”, “husband in front of the TV”, etc. The girls take turns drawing cards and together they look for original options on how to deal with this.

    "Divination for children"

    This comic fortune-telling will help determine how many children each of the girlfriends will have, and who will be born - sons or daughters. Large red and white beans are added to a bowl of buckwheat, everything is mixed. Each girl is given a saucer. With her eyes closed, the girl picks up a handful of cereal from a bowl and pours it into her saucer. He opens his eyes, and everyone looks at how many beans of what color fell into this handful: red ones mean daughters, white ones - sons.

    "Divination by the book"

    Any thick book opens on an arbitrary page and a line is selected without looking. According to the text, which is in this line, they judge the future. Fortune-telling turns out to be quite fun.

    Treats for a bachelorette party

    "Love Sandwiches"

    Sandwiches are made from all the products that come to hand, but all this is cut out in the form of hearts. There are special molds for this.

    "Magic Cookie"

    Cookies are baked in advance in the form of a variety of figures: a heart, a triangle, a bow, a circle, etc. Girlfriends, without looking, take out one thing at a time from a deep plate covered with a napkin. Whichever one gets, that will be the corresponding prediction: a heart is love; circle - coin, money; bow - easy flirting; triangle - two gentlemen will fight for her heart, etc.

    Salad "Wedding Ring"

    Boiled squid, eggs and fresh leek are cut into rings and gently mixed with mayonnaise.

    Snack "Wedding Bouquet"

    A few slices of fresh cucumber are strung on skewers, then ham or bacon, cheese or cheese. As a result, the skewers look like small bouquets.

    Cake "Horseshoe of happiness"

    A biscuit is baked (or ready-made) and cut out in the shape of a horseshoe. Stacked in two layers, between layers - any cream or jam. From above the cake is poured with icing and decorated with cream roses.

    cocktail competition

    Girls invent and mix different cocktails and give them original names, moreover, the names must certainly be associated with men and romantic feelings. The bride chooses the most delicious cocktail and the most spectacular name.

    It is a mandatory event before the wedding. And if your celebration takes place in the warm season, then an ideal option would be a picnic in nature, where you and your girlfriends can relax in the fresh air, enjoying light treats and pleasant communication, the Wedding.ws portal is sure.

    Pros and cons of a bachelorette party in nature

    Like any other option for a bachelorette party, a picnic in nature has its advantages and disadvantages:

    • "+": will not require large expenses; you will rest from the bustle of the city.
    • "-": the weather can spoil your plans; you will need to think about how to deliver the girlfriends to the place of the bachelorette party and home (unless, of course, you choose a green area within the city).

    • Do not choose places very far from the city for a bachelorette party, because. you will have a hard time getting to them. Along with wildlife, you can also opt for a quiet corner in a park or a riverside within the city.
    • Most likely, you will stay out in nature until late, so prepare small blankets for your girlfriends in advance or warn your girlfriends to take light cardigans or jackets with them.
    • If you are going by taxi, check in advance how to call a taxi to this place (ask the driver for the coordinates), or arrange with the driver to pick you up.

    Organization and decoration of a picnic in nature

    If you decide to spend a bachelorette party in nature, then you should think over its organization and atmosphere in advance:

    • Prepare some warm blankets to lay out on the grass, as well as cushions for you and your girlfriends to sit on.
    • A small folding table for treats looks beautiful and impressive. Or plates with treats can be placed directly on the blankets.
    • Be sure to worry about a canopy that will hide you from the scorching sun - it can be either fabrics beautifully stretched between trees, or a rented awning. An impromptu boho-style tent looks original and unusual.

    Do not forget about the decor - decorate the surrounding space:

    • Hang bright paper garlands and ribbons on the trees that will flutter beautifully in the wind.
    • Decorate your lawn with colorful balloons, themed wooden signs, and more.
    • Arrange small bouquets around you, which will not only add romance to the picnic, but also fill the surrounding space with an amazing aroma.
    • When it gets dark, you can light candles in interesting candlesticks that will create a romantic and mysterious atmosphere at the bachelorette party.

    What to wear to a bachelorette party outdoors? You can offer the following options:

    • Shorts/skirts/leggings + T-shirts with thematic inscriptions ("bride", "bridesmaid", "getting married", etc.).
    • Light dresses or sundresses.
    • Tops + long skirts.

    On your feet, it is better to wear sandals or comfortable low-speed sandals instead of heels or platforms.

    Do not forget about accessories: sunglasses, straw hats or other hats that will protect your heads from the scorching sun.

    What to take with you on a picnic?

    For an outdoor picnic, you should prepare not only the “furniture” and decor elements that we talked about earlier, but also a few details that will turn your bachelorette party into a perfect outdoor party:

    • Wicker basket in which you can put all the treats. In addition to functional properties, such a basket will be an excellent props for a photo shoot.
    • A beautiful tablecloth on which you will arrange all the treats and cutlery.
    • Tableware is by no means plastic, because a bachelorette party is an occasion to surround yourself with beauty and sophistication. An excellent option for a ladies' picnic would be glass or faience with an exquisite floral pattern!
    • Cooler bag to help keep perishable food fresh. You can put fish, fruits, berries, desserts, as well as drinks in it, which will cool to the desired temperature.
    • Insect repellants and sunscreen.

    In what style to spend a bachelorette party in nature?

    You can not bother and organize a bachelorette party in a free style, or you can make this event themed by choosing one of the styles for it:

    • Shabby chic: light sundresses for the bride and her bridesmaids; vintage decor elements with a slight touch of aging; bouquets of field and garden flowers; pastel palette; delicate fabrics in the design.
    • Country: the bride and her bridesmaids in jeans or shorts, plaid shirts and cowboy hats; blankets under the old chintz or burlap; wooden coasters for dishes; bouquets of wild flowers, straw and dried flowers.
    • boho: slippers and light sundresses on the bride and bridesmaids; bright blankets or even rugs with interesting prints (exotic, animal, vegetable) and colorful pillows; candles in original candlesticks hung on trees; carelessly arranged bouquets of bright flowers. An excellent option would be a small hut made of bright fabrics.
    • Retro style "Dandies": bright dresses for the bride and her bridesmaids; vintage records and a gramophone in the decor; colorful tablecloths and crockery.
    • Victorian: spectacular outfits (to the best of reason, because you are in nature); vintage furniture; exquisite tea service; luxurious bouquets of roses, orchids, etc.; gourmet treats on beautiful trays and plates.
    • Oriental: themed outfits; bright rugs instead of blankets and colorful pillows in oriental style; aromatic sticks and oils; candles in oriental candlesticks.
    • Nautical: sailors and captain's hats on the bride and her bridesmaids; shells, nets and anchors in the decor; blue and white palette; blue glass bottles instead of vases; garlands of blue and white flags hung on trees.
    • Folk: bride and bridesmaids in national sundresses; flower wreaths in girls' hair; tablecloths and dishes with a thematic pattern; bouquets of wild flowers.
    • Children's: the bride and her bridesmaids in stylized children's outfits; sweets on sticks; bright fabrics, balloons, soft toys and pillows in the decor.

    Treats for a picnic in nature

    Everything, of course, depends on your gastronomic preferences. But you can offer a more or less standard list of dishes that are perfect for a bachelorette party in the form of a light picnic in nature:

    • Homemade waffles, cupcakes, macaroons and other pastries (without perishable fillings).
    • Fruits and berries (grapes, watermelon, peaches, etc.).
    • Vegetables that can be eaten fresh or cooked over a fire.
    • Cheese slices, if necessary - meat and fish (but in the heat it is likely that it can deteriorate).
    • Drinks: water, soft drinks, champagne, etc.

    When choosing a menu for a picnic, be sure to discuss its details with your girlfriends. If you have little free time, make a shopping list and distribute it among your girlfriends. Let each of them buy everything you need and / or make one light dish for your bachelorette party.

    If the weather favors, there are no prolonged rains and prickly snowstorms, then you should definitely get away from the city walls and car-polluted air into nature. A bachelorette party in the open air is sure to be interesting, pleasant and even slightly magical. And we will achieve fabulous beauty and entourage by correctly choosing the script, costumes and scenery. And the more thoroughly the preparation takes place, the more colorful the photos from the bachelorette party will turn out and the more memorable it will turn out.

    A warm sunny day is most welcome for a picnic in nature in the company of your beloved friends. But to make the picnic a real bachelorette party, you will need some accessories.

    First of all, you should worry about the canopy and protection from the sun. After all, it is unlikely that the bride or bridesmaids will want to shine with burns and redness in wedding photographs. It's great if in nature (for example, in a park) there is already a ready-made gazebo. This solves a lot of problems. But, if there is none and the lawn is far outside the city, it is worth finding a couple of trees, the branches of which are located low and stretching between them sheets of light matter, fixing the corners with ribbons. However, if there is no need for a canopy and your bachelorette party is very short, then you can create an impromptu tent for posing in front of the camera lens.

    To do this, you will need many meters of colored ribbons or tulle, as well as large stones or thin pegs, plus one strong and low-lying tree branch. She will become a "roof" for a decorative hut. We throw the tape over the branch and pull their ends at an angle of 45 degrees. We fix the ends with stones or pegs.

    Also, you should take care of blankets, rugs and pillows that will be comfortable to sit on. After all, no matter how hot the weather is, sitting on the cold ground is not very pleasant. Blankets can be selected in one color scheme or completely multi-colored. Pillows and soft toys will add home comfort and become an excellent accessory for a photo shoot.

    What's a bachelorette party without treats? It’s great if there are tourist folding tables in stock. It is enough to lay beautiful tablecloths on them and you can arrange the service. And if there are no tables, then dishes and mugs will have to be placed on a tablecloth spread on the grass.

    As additional accessories for a bachelorette party, grab paper garlands that can be hung on trees, decorative lanterns, figurines (they will not only create the right atmosphere, but also keep the fabric in the wind), Chinese lanterns and balloons. And may your holiday be unforgettable.

    Video - Bachelorette party in nature

    What to do in nature, except for a photo shoot? You can play ball, sunbathe, collect wild flowers and weave wreaths, as in the good old days ... The most daring girls can be invited to compete in shooting from pneumatic weapons, throwing darts or shooting from a bow (even a toy one) at improvised targets.

    A bachelorette party in the country is not only an opportunity to admire the work of a gardener and appreciate the chic garden beds and flower beds, but also a great occasion to use the furniture and the veranda for a bachelorette party. But do not forget to grab enough beautiful fabrics to decorate sofas, armchairs and chairs.

    Grab vintage outfits and straw hats. Then the bachelorette party will be themed and fun.

    If there is a brazier or barbecue in the country house, then pieces of fried meat or sausages should definitely appear on your menu. Divine aroma and cooking pleasure are included.

    A bachelorette party on the shore of a reservoir - a river, a lake or a real ocean, can be turned into a party of mermaids or beautiful sailors who have just stepped off the board of their liner.

    What will be needed? Visit your dads and granddads' dacha and garage and borrow fishing nets, big waders, vests, flags, ropes and tackle from there. Perhaps you will find a real steering wheel or a lifeline. And from light boards you can build a semblance of a boat. The sailor's uniform is in blue and white shades with elements of red. Sailors and caps are welcome. To decorate the table, use dark glass bottles instead of vases, figurines of ships and submarines, shells, dishes with suitable ornaments or in the shape of fish. And, of course, garlands of blue and white flags attached to a string will be very out of place. Perhaps, on one of the garlands, the name of the bride will be written, with which she will have to say goodbye forever. Don't skimp on the decorations to make the bachelorette party truly chic.

    Video - Bachelorette party in sailor suits

    What to do at a seaside bachelorette party? In addition to swimming and feasting, play outdoor games on the beach, build a couple of castles in the sand, and organize interesting contests. If you have a real boat and a catamaran in your arsenal, organize a ride and a lesson in fishing with a rod.

    Video - Bachelorette party in a marine style

    Going to a bachelorette party in nature, grab a sufficient amount of soft drinks and clean water, tea in a thermos, light pastries, salads, fruits, fish, poultry or meat dishes with crumbly side dishes (fries, rice, etc.). But very quickly perishable cakes with protein cream are best left for another day. Napkins, cutlery and utensils can be matched to the style of the event, since supermarkets and souvenir shops have a large selection of cardboard picnic supplies in a variety of colors. And bouquets of wildflowers will always add a touch of romance to your bachelorette party. Add to everything pleasant music and have fun from the heart.

    Such a ceremony as a bachelorette party is many hundreds of years old. And earlier it was a mandatory process before the wedding and had a different meaning. Recently, it has become fashionable for a bachelorette party to be held by modern brides and even invite a host with a ready-made plan. But traditionally, the bride's best friend helps to organize and hold a bachelorette party.

    You can remember and tell the bride the famous wedding signs that rain on the wedding day is fortunately, the tears of mothers at the wedding - to the carefree and happy life of the young, if the mother-in-law and son-in-law drink together, they will get along all their lives.

    The main part usually includes holding fun contests, stories about funny and unusual cases from the life of the bride, fortune telling, preparing scenes where the bride and her friends play the roles.

    Games are needed to have fun for guests and the bride herself, to create a festive mood.

    At the end of the evening, you can launch lanterns into the sky or paper airplanes with wishes. You can also hold a lottery among the bridesmaids present, and everyone will receive a memorable gift in the form of a scarf, T-shirt, etc. .

    Thematic bachelorette party takes place in a pre-selected style, on a specific topic. Here you need to think over all the details, clothes, menu. Clothing depends on the theme of the event.

    For example, in pajamas if it's a house party at night, or dress in classic outfits for a retro party. The bride can wear a colored veil.

    Bachelorette party menu

    Depending on the planned duration of the event, you need to prepare delicious meals and snacks. Here you can focus on the bride's favorite dishes, friends can bring one treat each, prepare delicious cocktails for everyone together.

    For example, if you have an oriental-style bachelorette party, then order rolls, prepare green tea in bowls.

    Games and competitions at a bachelorette party at home

    For a bachelorette party at home, the most popular games are pillow fights, a twister, when you need to stand on the circles that have fallen out and you get funny figures, a game of pantomime, when you need to guess what object a person is showing without words, using gestures.

    As a prize, the winner can be awarded a chocolate medal.

    Ball pop game

    "Friendly Laughter"

    The bride and the girls stand in a circle and start laughing together. When the bride dropped her handkerchief on the floor, everyone should stop laughing. The girl who couldn't stop in time loses. And the remaining winner will receive a gift from the bride.

    "Burning match"

    As a musical background, it is better to choose well-known compositions of the nineties and two thousandths, so that everyone knows them by heart. Get your camera ready to capture fun memory contests, funny hats, snacks and drinks.

    Such farewells to a free life include singing mournful songs, giving away things to girlfriends that are not useful in family life, memories. Also, girlfriends are due for the upcoming wedding.

    For the bride and herself, the girls make caring masks for the face and hair.

    Bachelorette party at home in the style of movie night

    To hold such a bachelorette party before the wedding, you need to choose good, pleasant films, romantic, telling about love. Prepare delicious cocktails and turn on movies.

    Bachelorette party in the style of "home spa"

    Girls are so fond of various cosmetic procedures, especially when you can do them in your favorite company and at home. Prepare in advance white clay, caring and moisturizing masks, vegetables and fruits, delicious smelling candles for a romantic and mysterious mood.

    If such procedures are not enough for you, then you can additionally call the master for manicure and pedicure procedures.

    Divination for a bachelorette party

    The most girlish occupation is fortune-telling. And at the bachelorette party, the bride's girlfriends are guessing at a happy life. Girlfriends should bake cookies and some put fortune notes.

    Fortune telling according to the book, when the page and line number is determined in advance, the phrase read will be a prediction, it is advisable to choose a kind and cheerful book. According to fortune-telling on the ring, the girl is predicted how many children she will have in her upcoming marriage.

    Or this option: you need to put coins, money, toys and others on the plate, which will mean wealth, a child, travel. With their eyes closed, the girls take out one item each, which will tell what awaits her.

    • Guessing "who's next"

    This fortune-telling shows which of the girlfriends, and in what order, will get married. to do this, each takes a small candle and at the same time everyone lights them. You need to look in what order they burn out, in the same order the girls will get married.

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