• Kid 4 years old How to teach a child in flowers. How to teach the colors of children: effective methods, interesting ideas and recommendations. Learning in the game


    Svetlana Malev
    Memo "How to teach a child to distinguish between colors" for teachers and parents

    Memo"How teach a child to distinguish colors» .

    Several tips for parents:

    Starting learning colors, first emphasize child on 4 basic - red, blue, yellow and green;

    Do not hover words, do not say that the scarf "Centensky"- he is blue;

    After child will remember the main colorsnew insertion gradually adding 1 colorwhile the baby will not perceive it;

    Simultaneously do not add similar shades;

    Conduct analogies - Blue Machine, Blue Sky, Blue Plate, - So that the baby does not associate color only with one subject;

    Do not constantly ask child specify one or another color, Better offer to kid bring you a toy certain colors, then you will understand whether it knows child one or another color;

    Do not take a black pencil at first kid - he leaves the most bright color on paperit will not need to switch to more dull colors;

    Do not let to kid draw a handle - it draws thin and brightly, it does not need to press much so that

    A line appeared, namely, this push and trains a hand;

    Always talk and unobtrusively child about the world"in color»

    What can help learn colors?

    Air balloons



    The pencils

    colored paper

    Special color Sets of household items

    Use names flowersduring the drawing process constantly:

    Let's draw green color.

    Let's look - where is the yellow pencil?

    What color Decorating Leaves? Green?

    "Playing - Teach".

    Study from your early years. Do not mean children's learning abilities. Even if the child still does not know how to say, it does not mean that he is not able to understand something or remember. If you communicate regularly with your baby and tell him what colorsFor example, his favorite rattle is definitely postponed in his head. And in the future, when he can consciously build different wordsyou will be easier to explain the difference between any other way or another color;

    Bind new knowledge to emotions. Human memory It works in such a way that we are best remembered pictures, bright images and emotions. No wonder because: A person remembers not what you have done for him, but what forced him to feel. Use this reception in teaching children. For example, start learning colors with beloved fruit;

    Practical use. New knowledge should immediately be used by the child. If you learned something new with the baby, try to make it so that it began to apply it in life. Lit red colorSo, going to go outside, ask him that he brings you to your red jacket. The more often you will encourage child Apply in practice new knowledge, the better they will be remembered;

    Make the child to share what he learned with others. After you learned a geometric shape or color, let be child Call a grandfather or grandmother and tell about it. Very effectively, this principle works in a bunch with practical application. For example, Dad came in the evening from work and went to wash his hands before me - let child Let him give it a yellow towel;

    Speak by different phrases. Always say color in different contextto childdid not perceive it like one word: This is a red ball, the ball of red colors, this is a ball, it is red, etc.;

    Give up diminishing words (Cinema, red);

    Having hints - all salad, pink and blue shades are better left for later;

    Do not start learning a new color, until child It is not a previous one! (start with red, and then get acquainted with yellow, green, blue).

    The game "Mice".

    purpose: Form an idea of color item.

    Material: Gaming fabric (mink, divided into 4 different software color sector(Red, Yellow, Green, Blue). 2 mice of each colors.

    Game traffic:

    To kid A gaming field is offered and a task is given to each mouse to find your house.

    The game « Flowers» .

    purpose: Consolidate knowledge about color item. Continue learning to find two identical flower color.

    Material: 10 figures flowers

    Game traffic:

    To kid It is proposed to find on the clearing two identical color flower.

    Publications on the topic:

    Consultation for parents "How to teach a child to play with a toy?". The toy is an unchanged child's satellite from the first days of birth. She you steps for a child as a subject of fun, entertainment, joy, and at that.

    Consultation for parents "How to teach a child to distinguish between colors" (first junior group) 2-3 years from what age the child can distinguish and call the color Let's try to figure it together - to which age the child should be able to.

    Consultation for parents "Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road" At first glance it is easy. It is only necessary to introduce it with the basic requirements of the rules of the road and no problems. Actually.

    Consultation for the parents of the younger group "How to teach a child to draw?" Dear Colleagues! Before presenting to your attention this consultation, I want to make a small lyrical retreat. Two years.

    Consultation for parents "How to teach a child to dress yourself" Purpose: bring to the attention of parents, the facts that the child first remembers the skills of undressing than dressing. Child skill alone.

    When is it better to acquaint a child with flowers? How to teach the kid to distinguish one color from the other? And can the child be too small for this? Our author-expert, teacher-speech therapist, blogger and young mother Alevtina Korovkina recommends starting as early as possible and shares with readers of the "first Lipetsky" interesting techniques.

    In my work, I often had to deal with an amazing phenomenon that children in 5 years not only did not distinguish colors, but did not know their names. It is sad that some parents adhere to the principle: "You are a specialist - this is your task to teach my child." Of course, for the baby there is nothing better than familiar with the world through joint games and classes with mom and dad. Personally, I started studying the colors when my daughter was 5 months old. The earlier start this process, the more effective. No matter how much you were at the moment your baby is 6 months, a year or one and a half - start right now! Learn to distinguish colors well, group them and call a child must up to 3 years.

    Studying colors should always be started with basic. These include red, blue, yellow and green. While the child will not learn to recognize these colors - to others it is better not to move. Magic Cubes and Cards Since with my daughter I began to teach the color very early, and she was not even sitting, then my favorite cubes of Batat went first in everyday life. I have no goal to make them advertising, I will only say one thing that I have not met the cubes yet. They can be bored, and swim with them in the bathroom, and they resemble our Soviet rubber cubes. We start learning from red. We take a red cube and show the baby with the words: "Look at what an adorable cube. He is red". We tell the rhyme and keep a cube in front of the baby, twisting him in his hands: "Red - it is very bright.
    Sweet tomato and pepper
    Apple. Watermelon inside
    Red, red - look! "

    Then we give a cube to the baby, he examines him, tries on the "taste." We take the crumb on the handles, go around the room and we consider everything around, find the red items, add them. Next, together we consider the cards where red items are drawn. Naturally, all this should be done not in one day, but gradually. Next, a few days later we show a child 2 cubes - one red, other than any color. We ask the baby the question: "Show where the red cube is?". We do it until the baby will show right. Then go to the next color. We start learning blue.We do the same as with a red cube, just tell another poem: "Blue sky, over the blue river,
    Blue Sea, behind the blue mountain
    Blue kitenk is waving a tail.
    Blue waves - his native home! "

    Pictures, respectively, also with blue objects. Just like red, we study everything that is blue in the house. Then after some time, we carry out a finite experiment with a blue cube and a cube of another color. If the baby shows correctly, then proceed to the next color. Next goes yellow. Everything in the template with the colors studied above. Washing: "Yellow is the brightest color!
    Like the sun, primrose,
    Bright yellow waterway,
    And in the chamomile - the middle.
    And the chicken-nasal
    As if dandelion kids "(T. Krasuk)

    Green color. Washing:

    "All green around:
    Here grows green onions,
    Green cucumbers -
    Long fighters.
    Rustle in green maples
    And the grasshopper, the whole green.
    Song sings us out loud
    He, having risen on the burdock.
    And with eyes on top
    Complete green frogs.
    Climbs in the garden
    And green grapes.
    And the knees are all in the green
    Neighborhood at Alenka "(S. Gals)
    When a child begins to distinguish one color from the other, go to the next stage. Put four cubes in front of the child and ask you to call one or another. Over time, the kid will learn not to confuse colors. We try the following method. We study color with the help of associations A associative thinking prevails in a child up to 3 years. Associate any color with something, it is easier for him to remember. This type of study for older children. Take the album and color pencils and start drawing a picture with the child. Yellow - Sun, Blue - Sky, Red - Flower, Green - Grass. And it is not necessary to be an artist at all - the most important thing for a child, which is understandable and remember. Over time, the child will remember all the associations and will easily find the desired color. Draw more often and more. And for children still older, I would recommend plasticine.With it, it is not less interesting to study colors. Take cardboard, colored paper. Cut off a piece of plasticine on a piece. Draw on colored paper or cardboard tree or something else. We had a tree. And then I sculpt on it with red plasticine apples. This game not only helps to remember colors, but also develops a small motorcy. Another direction of work with plasticine. Draw on white cardboard clouds, sun, grass, flower. Then they sculpt the corresponding piece of plasticine on each drawing and smear it with his fingers. Be sure to help the baby.

    Very help in learning the books of the book.And no matter, they are specialized or not. My daughter and I studied including the books in which you can press on the color and hear how his name is pronounced by voice color and what items there are of this color.

    According to the authoritative opinion of specialists, already in 3 years the child should know the main colors. However, this does not mean that exactly three years and one day parents should be panic, suspecting a developmental delay, in case it is still confused.

    Do not forget that all kids are different and develop in our individual graphics. But still, despite this, helping your child and start learning the baby to memorize colors from the very early age.

    We teach to distinguish the colors of the crumb until the year: the beginning began

    Already at the earlier age, children can distinguish colors. According to research, the first color, which is distinguished by babies, barely coming out of the newborn age, it is yellow.

    By the way, that is why for children of this age, experts recommend to acquire a rattle of yellow color. Following the yellow baby begins to pay attention to orange and red.

    It is not necessary to target the colors of the child before a year. It is enough that, talking to him, you will call the colors: "Here is your cup, she is blue," "Take a red ball."

    We learn the colors of the kid from the year to two

    Now you can start learning. But unobtrusively and without great expectations. The main word here: "start". Remember that the child can teach colors only after it starts to talk. No need to run ahead of the locomotive, because child thinking develops in its strict laws.

    In 2 years, the child can be learned to distinguish between colors and be able to determine the items of the same color. It is too early to wait for him that he will remember all the names. Give him time.

    Gaming tasks helping to master the color palette

    Playing with the baby, offer him the following tasks:

    Sculpt or draw using one particular color

    In the process of modeling, remind the baby the name of the color, but do not expect that he will remember him quickly.

    Collect the pyramid

    This developing toy is very useful for kids 1-2 years. Turn into the game and call the kid of the color of the components. Periodically ask: "What is the color?".

    Sort toys in color

    Offer the child to put red cubes into a red box. When it becomes easy to cope with this task, put two, three boxes of different colors.

    Similarly, you can offer the baby to put the cars into the garage, choosing in their color. You can build towers from cubes - only yellow or only blue.

    In general, at this age it is stopped to do only on what you only call the colors of objects, gradually fixing them in the memory of the child.

    We teach the colors of the child aged two to three years

    In three years, children with great pleasure play and learn. At this age, you are quite easy to teach a child with flowers, regularly engaged with it.

    The activity of the kid at this time is significantly expanding, its vocabulary is replenished, which means you and cards in hand - it's time for training and educational exercises, including in the field of colorful colors.

    Unlimited opportunities suggest creative classes. Draw, sculpt, make appliques. Show the paints, tell what can be drawn by this color, mix colors.

    Now on sale there are safe paints for children, you can play with that without worrying for the health of the baby.

    Exercises for color understanding

    Multicolored cards

    Make color cards and play with them. Ask the baby, what color card, offer each card to put a toy of the right color - a whole mass of options for games opens.

    "Cheerful cleaning"

    We collect toys of only one color. First, only blue, then only yellow. It works especially well when cleaning the children's designer in the box.

    "Who is bigger?"

    Together, look for objects of some particular color. In the apartment, on the street, in the yard. Green grass, green bench, green machine. Who will find more objects?

    "I have and you"

    What color you have, and what is the baby? "I have blue slippers, a green ball and a red bargain" - "And I have a green cup and red tights."

    Colored dragee

    Not very pedagogically, but fun together there are multi-colored candies-dragee. If the child correctly called the color of the candy, he can eat it.

    Arrange one color day

    Today is a red day. Inflating a red ball, put on a red blouse and eating a red apple. On the street we will look for red items, and at home draw red amanita, a red flower and a red ladybug.

    We boast a masterpiece dad and tell you what is the color.

    Important moment: do not complicate the task, do not teach several colors at once. Let him first clearly learn one, and then go to another. The smaller the baby is mistaken, the joyful it will learn further.

    We master the color row after three years

    At 4 years old, your baby is already quite known to know the basic colors - yellow, red, blue and green. Now you can master the rest and move to shades.

    Here you again will help drawing the best way. Children love to mix paint different colors, pay attention to the result.

    After three years, the kids are already much easier to memorize colors, so shown and tell as much as possible. To secure the result, developing board games and exercises in a game form are perfect.

    Examples of games and exercises to understand color

    Complete cards

    He will teach children to determine the colors of the game in which the picture is needed to choose the cards with colors used in this picture.

    As a home analogue of such a board game, take any item or any picture and offer the child to pick up pencils or markers of the desired color.


    Agree with the child that you build two towers - one blue, other, for example, red. In the process of the game, it is imperceptibly hiding or confused "floors" of the towers. The child must call the lost color.

    "Traffic light"

    For the game you will need three cards. Green card means that the child should run, yellow - jump, and red - stand. You can complicate the task or come up with your options.

    "Air balloons"

    Draw several balloons on paper. The child must prevent them with the rope of the right color. Complete the task: Lock the pencils of sample colors, add pencils to them, the color of which was not used.

    Do not compare the successes of your baby with the success of other children

    If you set a goal to teach a child to distinguish between colors, do not look back on others. The grandson of the auch of Masha has already learned not only colors, but also draws the shades and even wonderfully draws?

    First, you did not see those "masterpieces", and secondly, your son runs great and knows how to wear pants.

    Do not fix color at one subject

    Call it in different context. If you all the time will show only a red ball, the baby might think that all the balls are red.

    Do not try to master the whole color circle in one day

    Do not confuse the child immediately offering to learn several different colors at the same time.

    Create a positive attitude, consider the character and tendency of the child

    If your baby is smart fidget, he does not want to step outly lay color cards on the table. Offer it better to run behind a blue ball.

    Take a game

    Early children's age implies only game activity. All learning should be held only in a relaxed, unobtrusive form of the game.

    Do regularly, but without tension. And your child will surely learn all the colors of the rainbow!

    The child is laid in the womb. The focus of its development is determined in the first years of life. The parents depends on the fact that the baby knows and knows how to tweak. Therefore, they are often interested in the question of how to teach the colors of children.

    In stores you can find a huge number of developing expensive toys. They are interesting and entertaining, but in order for the knowledge to really accumulate, it is necessary to be guided by the peculiarities of children's development at each stage, with love and attention to apply them to communicate with a small little man.

    Knowledge of the Color World up to 1 year

    The semi-annual crumb begins to see the world with color. He reacts to bright things. For this age, short-term color monochromicity is characterized. So, for several days or weeks, the child chooses toys and objects of one color (for example, yellow). The surrounding objects are full of unknown.

    What you need to know how to teach the colors of children at this stage?

    • The period is more informative than the teaching. The task of parents is to interest and tell.
    • Permanent communication is the foundation of early development.
    • Environmental awareness should be systemic.

    Rules and methods of early study "Color" diplomas

    In this case, as in the development of any case, there are certain rules:

    • Verbal method - description of the world around. Repetition is the mother of the teaching. As often as possible, pronounce what you see. Walking with a child in the park, tell us about the leaves on the trees, their color and form. Cut the leaf and let it be tactile to familiarize yourself with the new item. On the next walk, repeat the same thing. And for the third time, show the herb in the already known sequence of actions. We will not focus on the fact that the leaves and herb are green.
    • Do not rush! No need to taitor without a silent: the berry is red, leaf - green, sunshine - yellow. If you have chosen green for learning first, pay attention only to things of this color for several weeks. Only then can be moved to new discoveries. Do not forget to remind about the previously known.
    • Use Show cards with paint tone, call it. Playback duration - a few seconds. A gradual increase in the number of images and information about them is a guarantee of a more effective memorization.
    • Take into account the nature and mood of the child. You can learn only when it is full, satisfied and does not experience other needs.

    How to teach a child to distinguish colors: List of techniques

    • Verbal method (progress).
    • Creative (drawing, modeling).
    • Rhymed (poems and songs).

    Game and creativity among the paints: from 1 year to 2 years

    This period is already more informative. The baby got acquainted with the world through parental stories and his own discoveries. He knows a lot, but only begins to speak, understands questions and can give them an answer, pointing his finger or nodding head. At this stage, you can already teach the child to distinguish the shapes and colors. At this age, such actions will bring the most noticeable fruits.

    To do this, you need to know important nuances. Next - information on how to teach the distinguishes of the colors of children:

    • The first year and a half - the accumulation of understanding of spoken speech. After - the development of its own speech apparatus.
    • The child actively recognizes the new and remembers the gaming tasks and comparisons.
    • The period can be called "second fundamental". Child, until he learns all the information by heart, will be confused and rarely show interest. But it depends on how little man will navigate in the world of colors in a three-year-old.
    • No need to require regular correct answers. Do not be discouraged if he pointed to green on the question of red. The main thing is the process of thinking.
    • We teach colors without shades: up to 2 years - four main.

    Learn in the game not only informative, but also very interesting.

    Potential and restrictions in the process of learning from 2 to 3 years

    The kid is already very well developed. To change the knowledge of the world, the stage of independence comes: to eat, dress, undress most often he prefers independently. At the same time, his brain prepared to receive new information and successfully memorize it. After certain achievements of the one-year-old kid, it is important to prevent braking development and remember how to teach a child for 2 years to distinguish colors.

    • The color range is expanding. He is able to remember more than four tones. Basically added black and white. Additional - orange and purple (individually).
    • Effectively play and now you can now not only with the help of toys, but also clothes, household items and books.
    • Continue to use already known techniques in accordance with the age characteristics of a small man and capital truths, how to teach the colors of children.

    Considering these age changes, parents can a lot of teach their child, including to prepare for adequate perception of the color gamut.

    • Draw, damp, glue. Creativity - a two-year-old development engine, a learning method and means of self-realization. Paper, cardboard, salt dough, plasticine, watercolor - the main helpers in the "color" science.
    • Do not stop talking about paints around us. Little man better remembers information in a relaxed atmosphere. Have you seen a crow? Tell us about the colors of her plumage. Went out to walk in a snow frosty day? Play with white snow, pronouncing information. Later, periodically remind you of seen and its characteristics. This enshrines associations and stimulates memory.
    • Basic games are the same, with the appropriate expansion of the palette.
    • Acquish the color "diploma" to the dressing processes. Dressing for a walk, choose from the baby things in one gamma. Another time, leave in advance in a prominent place and ask to bring tights or blouse of a certain shade.
    • "Colored pieces." Required items: Pre-painted large pasta, multicolored beads, mosaic elements, as well as 6-8 containers or boxes of the corresponding major colors. Task: Sort the "lost" objects on "houses".
    • "Colorful World." Draw a picture in advance, for example, a green glade, a green tree, a red house, a yellow sun in the sky, a blue puff, flying black crow, a white stork, an orange ball, a purple typewriter (a variety must match the level of development). You must cut the same images of colored paper. Ask the crumb to make an application. It can simply sort objects, but can use glue for this.
    • "Associations". Prepare multicolored images. Insert them into the balls of the appropriate color. Inflate them and give the baby to play. Break and make conclusion.
    • "Colored beaks." From this age you need to get acquainted with letters and numbers. This should be not memorizing, but the process of familiarization. In this context, is the perfect option. Sort letters, call the main of them. Ask you to find "Yellow Letter A", "Red Letter A", "Blue Letter B", "Orange Letter B". The number of letters for study - 2-3. Accent is done on colors.
    • Read the poems together on this topic, learn songs. Very often, children are better remembered in poetic or song form.

    On the eve of the crisis of 3 years, the child regularly manifests a character. It is important to listen to your baby, understand it, be able to interest. Psycho-emotional harmony and mutual understanding - in the first place, and even then - learning.

    Colorics in the world of childhood from 3 to 4 years

    The kid is already enough adult and independent, he owns a certain margin of knowledge that needs to be replenished. It is important to show ingenuity and patience in order to teach a child for 3 years to distinguish colors. In connection with some features, inevitable, but overcoming difficulties arise.

    What is important to know how to teach the child to distinguish colors:

    • Crisis for 3 years. It is characterized by the persistence of Chad in what he wants and protest against all that he is imposed. There is a period of awareness of his own "I" and the formation of independence.
    • An important period of psycho-emotional development. The color scheme is perceived differently. Expand existing knowledge to 12 colors (add pink, purple, orange, blue, brown). Depending on the level of material assimilation, it is possible to familiarize with the shades of the main colors (raspberry, burgundy, beige, gray).

    Speak, remember, remind. Tell your baby about everything that is around, focusing on the color scheme.

    • Play the main games: Cubes and balls, lotto, puzzles, sorters, associations - and are engaged in creativity: "Colored things", "Colorful World", "Color" Wardrobe Analysis. Improvise with famous game situations by reworking them on a new way.
    • "Rainbow". Children love rainbow. Try together to learn the "storage" about it. Draw a big rainbow. Cut multicolored circles in advance. Let the child decompose them according to the corresponding arcs.
    • "Multicolored machines." Walking through the streets of the city, being waiting for public transport, the kids are watching the road and all that happens around. A good lesson is to consider passing cars passing by. It is even more interesting to look for the car of the specified color among them. You can also count the amount of red or white cars on a specific segment of the highway.
    • "Ice cream". Draw or cut down and stick together the images of sweet "horns" with the balls of ice cream of different colors. Let him choose his favorite. Perhaps the presence of several shades and the task to count pink (strawberry) or chocolate (brown). You can assemble carved images of your favorite dessert in a handbag or a shopping basket.
    • "Who is bigger?". Being on a walk, select an interesting object (for example, auto). Play the game, who will count more machines of a certain color.
    • Teach poems, send songs. Many children remember exactly in this way.

    If the crumb does not show interest in the game - do not force. Let your fantasy work in favor of his positive emotions. Trust is a guarantee of high-quality training. Guided by experience, adults usually understand well how to teach the child to distinguish colors. 4 years is the age when it is time to expand and consolidate the previously gained knowledge.

    We repeat, learn, we understand

    At this age, the baby must already know the 12 main tones: it easily chooses clothes in color, performs the assignments delivered by their parents, which previously gave work, "trains" the surrounding colors. If difficulties exist, continue to persist adhere to the methods described above. This period is the beginning of the preparatory preschool. It is important to teach to the more prettier and calm form of the perception of knowledge (sitting at the table using books, albums, goods for creativity). At the same time, it is time to teach shades: crimson, burgundy, terracotta, lilac, beige, cream, turquoise, salad and others. Here again it is impossible to hurry. It is better to study slower and longer, but qualitatively.

    It has been scientifically proven that an intellectually developed person has a better and more prolonged life. Invest in your child love and effort, and he will delight you with his success day from day.

    Is your child confused by calling colors? So, he poorly distinguishes them or simply does not know the correct name. Therefore, parents should pay attention to this and take care of their children.

    Many parents easily may noted that by three years most children can confidently call the main, but for years to six - even many shades.

    How to teach a child to distinguish colors? The sooner you start to engage with your baby, the faster it will comprehend all the subtleties of the color range and can competently express his thoughts. And there until not far.

    Training is absolutely easy, it is worth only to devote enough time and patience to it. In order for your classes to be spontaneous, you can advise to use one of the above methods.

    Method 1.

    This method involves daily learning crumbs in direct communication. You can show some color to the baby on a walk, and then suggest it to calculate the encountered items of this color. For example, cars. Let the theme of the day become, for example, red. And the child should indicate or count all the machines of red shades. It will turn into a fairly cheerful game, and it doesn't matter how many cars counted your baby. The main thing, it will master the red color.

    Method 2.

    This technique teaches a child drawing, it is designed for older children. To master it, you will need to purchase bright pencils or markers. Choose one pencil from the pack and offer the baby to draw only this color. For example, choosing orange, draw the sun, orange, chanterelle and other orange objects. So your child will learn with figurative thinking. Very helping various coloring books. Let the child independently learns to paint pictures, just show him how to do it.

    Method 3.

    You can take advantage of special developing cubes, pyramids and other toys that can be purchased in children's departments. It will be not bad to take advantage of special books equipped with funny poems and count about colors, and even interactive applications. With their help, children are very quickly mastering the material.

    Method 4.

    This technique involves using special educational games. You can be sprinkled in books or on the Internet, and you can and invent yourself. The main thing is that the topic corresponds to learning to recognize colors. Even just picking up scattered toys can be turned into a fascinating occupation, asking the child to first remove toys, for example, green, then - blue, then - red, etc. So you will immediately kill two hares: teach the baby to follow the order and once again fasten it Knowledge of various colors.

    Using all these techniques, remember that while children are very small, it is enough to teach them to distinguish between the main colors: red, blue, green, yellow, white, black. Then you can add to their number orange, purple, blue, pink, gray, brown, etc. So gradually add different shades.

    It is better to teach colors in associations. For example, gray mouse, blue sky, red watermelon, white teddy bear, etc.

    Dear parents, many have already passed this important stage with their children, so it is not sin and take advantage of the tips from the "experienced" dads and moms.

    • Communicate with your child regularly, even if he is not talking yet, but he hears you perfectly, every day, talking to his still in short kid, you already give it the necessary knowledge;
    • Use positive emotions, start learning the child to recognize the colors of your favorite items - toys, cups, fruit, the baby will be better remembered exactly what he likes;
    • Consider new knowledge in practice, having learned the name of the new color with the child, repeat it all the time, for example, ask him to bring a red ball or green trousers;
    • Make a child to rejoice at the new "victory", let him tell his friend or a girlfriend, grandmother, grandfather, and better will demonstrate his knowledge before everyone;
    • Do not use in conversation with dimensional names, for example, a blue, yellow, better change the construction of phrases, saying once a green ball, a little change the combination - a green ball, this ball is green;
    • It is better to start learning colors from red, the kids seems the most beautiful, then you should not start learning a new color without having understood the good old one, it is better to leave all halftone for the smallest - pink, salad, etc.

    Dear parents, the study of the color palette will help in the future to train your baby letters and numbers, so you should consider this with due attention and patience.

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