• What can you give a friend for her birthday: the most useful and most original gifts for any age. Delivery all over Russia Gift for a friend for her birthday 16 years


    Sixteen years is a serious date, already an adult birthday. However, the birthday girl is still so young and carefree. And what to give a girl for 16 years? So that it was a present not for a child, and not for an adult? And the gift itself would have surprised her, impressed her and caused a joyful smile? All relevant ideas are below.

    For adult readers, we suggest remembering yourself and your peers at the age of 16. At this age, teenagers already specifically understand what they like and what they don’t.

    They have certain tastes, dreams. But the latter change very quickly, which is why there is a big chance to miscalculate with a pre-purchased present.

    Also, boys and girls at 16 are characterized by maximalism. Either they want to celebrate their birthday “to the fullest” and receive only dizzying gifts, or they don’t need anything at all.

    Unfortunately, 16 is the age of rebellion for many. Teenagers decide that their parents do not understand them at all, they give useless advice. Many do not dedicate loved ones to their thoughts and dreams. It is very difficult to understand what such a girl needs. Here you will have to turn to her friends in order to find out exactly how to please the birthday girl on her holiday.

    In addition, it is difficult to choose the universal gift option that would suit all 16-year-old girls. Someone dreams of the latest collection of their favorite designer, and someone is happy to receive informal clothes as a present, someone - an iPhone, and someone wholeheartedly wants a kitten.

    So what can you give a girl for 16 years? There is only one advice here: do not look for something universal. Look at the hero of the occasion - what she likes. It will not be superfluous to ask her friends, brothers and sisters. Or you can just turn to her herself: “What do you want to get for your birthday?”

    Who is the present from?

    Let's decide who our donor is - we will recommend options specifically for each group.


    It is clear that the girl is waiting for the most significant gift from mom and dad. Its price here, alas, can even bite very much. But the 16th anniversary is only once in our life.

    From parents, a present can be like this:

    • Stylish decoration. Designer, precious, hand-made, collectible ... It really depends on the tastes of the hero of the occasion. It's a good idea to give her a certificate or choose one with her, just to be sure.

    • Bag backpack. Always necessary and relevant thing. And mom and dad will help to buy a quality product for which the girl does not have enough pocket money.
    • Shoes, clothes. Fashion is changing rapidly, and your beauty for the new season may urgently need a few new things. So why not arrange shopping in honor of the name day?

    • Book, music, video collection. A gift is good if you are aware of your daughter's favorite authors, performers, directors. Choosing “she definitely needs it” is no longer an option for 16 years old.
    • Journey. Youth is a time of adventure. An expensive, but the most wonderful gift is to give your daughter a ticket to the city, the country of her dreams.
    • Electronics. Tablet, smartphone, laptop, smart watch, wireless headphones... Young people are greedy for new technology, whose prices do not delight their parents. But 16 years old is quite a decent age to become the owner of a brand new gadget.

    • Gift according to her interests, hobby. Teenagers often change hobbies, quit one thing, start another… But if your daughter does something for a long time and seriously, then why not give her something that is useful for her hobby? It is better, of course, to unobtrusively find out from her herself what she needs.

    Advice! Many teenagers at 16 are already beginning to seriously think about their future studies. Maybe the girl will be happy with preparatory courses, literature, master classes in her future specialty?

    Grandmothers and grandfathers

    For them, even at 16, she is a sweet little girl. However, on this birthday, girls accept sweets, toys and trinkets just so as not to offend their grandparents. Do you really want to please your granddaughter?

    What to give a girl 16 years old:

    • Accessory, decoration. An umbrella, leather gloves, a quality belt, a wallet, a laptop bag, a stylish diary…
    • Clothing store certificate. Of course, generations have different tastes, so it’s better not to take risks and give your granddaughter the opportunity to buy what she likes as a gift.
    • money envelope. One of the most common options from grandparents.
    • Antique item. Maybe you have a family jewel? Now is the time to present it to an already adult, but such a young granddaughter.
    • Bank account. You can open an account in the name of your granddaughter in a bank with the amount already on it. Moreover, it is better to choose a long-term contribution so that she can manage the money when they are definitely useful to her - while studying at a university. At the same time, the amount will “overgrow” with interest by that time.

    Advice! If you want to introduce the girl to something new with your gift, then think about it - won’t this conflict with her inner world? A fashionista is unlikely to be happy with a ticket to a tourist rafting trip, and an athlete girl is unlikely to be happy with uncomfortable, albeit expensive, stilettos.

    From friends and girlfriends

    At the age of 16, many studies do not allow them to work, and at the same time, to have more or less decent amounts at their disposal. Therefore, it's okay if a gift from friends is symbolic, handmade. You will still have time to give expensive and status presents to each other.

    And now:

    • Homemade postcard using the scrapbooking technique.
    • An embroidered, painted portrait of a birthday girl.
    • Big collage with sweets and her photo.
    • Slideshow, video about the birthday girl.
    • Unusual greetings in social networks.
    • Cool diary, notebook.
    • A song, a poem in her honor.
    • Large homemade cake.
    • Toy, doll, sewn, knitted for her.
    • A piece of clothing, if you are good at sewing, knitting.
    • Handmade jewelry.

    From a young man

    Romantic relationships at 16 are not uncommon today and in the past. So how to be a beloved guy on the birthday of his chosen one?

    Here's what we can suggest:

    • Plush toy. And it’s great if she’s also speaking, singing. Surely the girl will be delighted with such a present!
    • Her favorite perfume. Of course, at the age of 16, not everyone has the money for such a luxury - you can stop at a less expensive, but high-quality replica.
    • Bouquet! And not just her favorite colors. You can "kill two birds with one stone" - give a bouquet of sweets, chocolate, caramel, exotic fruits, "Kinder" or soft toys.
    • Romantic dinner at an excellent restaurant in your city.
    • Certificate for a photo session - individual or joint.
    • A ticket to a concert of her favorite band.

    Advice! A mandatory addition to the gift is warm words, a joint walk, gatherings, sincere compliments and wishes.


    If the holiday is so wide that all the relatives were invited to the name day, then the relatives will have to think about the present.

    What to give a girl for her 16th birthday:

    • Stylish women's watch. And some girls, by the way, love modern and multifunctional smart watches.
    • Impression gift. From a certificate for flying in a wind tunnel to going to a beauty salon. It is important, of course, to choose an impression that will be to the liking of the hero of the occasion.
    • Souvenirs, designer things for the room, desk. You can stop at unusual gadgets that will help in your studies.
    • Cosmetics, bath sets for young skin.
    • A gift for hair - multi-colored crayons, a multifunctional hair dryer, a straightener / curling iron, designer hairpins, wreaths, headbands.
    • If a girl likes to do manicure, then she will like high-quality tools, a large palette of varnishes, and a UV dryer for gel manicure.
    • Decorative cosmetics. In order not to be mistaken, it is better to choose multi-color palettes so that the birthday girl can find her favorite tone there and experiment with new ones.

    Advice! If you do not communicate closely with the girl, then it is better to talk about the gift with her or her parents so as not to get an unnecessary present.

    TOP gifts

    And let's see what young girls themselves prefer to get for 16 years:

    1. Technique, electronics. This present is traditionally in the first place. The most cherished dream is the latest smartphone model.
    2. Clothing and footwear. Many simply dream of receiving a gift certificate to choose what they need. And also - luxurious terry bathrobes, unusual house slippers, funny kigurumi pajamas. A truly royal gift is a certificate for tailoring a festive, cocktail dress!
    3. Bag, backpack. This goodness will never be enough! See the latest trends, browse virtual market offers.
    4. Cosmetics. Of course, the Young Fairy set is no longer enough. Some girls own a collection of cosmetics no less than that of makeup artists. Therefore, the choice is again for a universal certificate.
    5. Unusual notebook, notebook, diary for intimate notes. Original cover and interesting inner content - all kinds of tips, memos, ideas of the day. And for a person who loves to draw, make sketches, be sure to present a sketchbook.

    1. Camera. Many girls at the age of 16 are extremely creative natures. Most of them are fascinated by photography - both themselves, their girlfriends, and thoughtful pictures of the environment. Best of all - a "reflex camera", a camera with instant printouts of pictures.
    2. Book. Yes, young people today love books. Almost every girl has a favorite author, genre. Many people like to read in a foreign language. Some people love audio books. A great gift would be both a printed edition and an electronic gadget.
    3. Unusual filling for the room - frameless furniture, exercise equipment, 3D bedding, space nightlights, fluffy carpets and bedspreads. And, of course, soft toys.
    4. Creative gift. The girl will be very happy with a certificate for a photo shoot or a ready-made portrait based on her photo. Girls love and unusual jewelry of the author's work.
    5. Interest gift. Like any other person, the 16-year-old birthday girl is waiting for her holiday and a present that is useful for her hobby.

    More ideas - in the video in this article.

    What would you give?

    In the article, we will present not only our own ideas, but also the opinions of different people published by them on the forums. What would you give a girl for her 16th birthday - instructions for use.

    Universal Options

    • Decorative cosmetics.
    • Bracelet, pendant.
    • Eau de Toilette.
    • Gift card to your favorite store.
    • EBook.
    • Money envelope.
    • Wrist watch.
    • Camera.
    • Tourist trip.
    • Gold, silver jewelry.
    • Smartphone.
    • Portrait from a photograph.
    Beloved girl

    • Teddy bear.
    • Pendant, pendant.
    • Perfume.
    • Bouquet.
    • Gift Certificate.
    • Ticket to an interesting event.
    • Cosmetic set.
    • An interesting trinket for the home, a souvenir.
    • Couple T-shirt.
    • Bath set.
    • Congratulations written on asphalt.
    • Manicure set.

    • Favorite perfume.
    • Wallet.
    • Money envelope.
    • Flash-card.
    • Interesting book, encyclopedia.
    • Makeup kit.
    • Unusual notebook.
    • Decoration.
    • Bag.
    • Headphones.
    • Cases for her phone.
    • Set for bath, hair, manicure.

    • Paid day at the entertainment center for her and her friends.
    • Gift certificate, cash gift.
    • Portrait from her photo.
    • Bank account.
    • A trip to the city of dreams.
    • Gold, silver jewelry.
    • Perfume.
    • Subscription for changes in appearance - hairstyle, hair color, manicure / pedicure.
    • Tablet or smartphone.
    • Subscription to the dance school, sports club, swimming pool.
    • A large set of sweets - "Kinder", macaroons.
    • Bike.
    • Computer updates.
    • Camera.
    • Certificate for a cosmetics store.
    • Pet.

    If you have a friend who will turn 16 the other day, then you need to think about a gift for her. Don't limit yourself to the usual trinket you can buy on every corner. Remember that at this age a person ends childhood and begins youth, when he becomes independent. If you want the girl to remember this holiday for a long time, then you need to approach the choice of a gift accordingly, which should be bright and original.

    What to give a friend for another 16 years

    Of course, you can find out what the hero of the occasion would like to receive by asking her such a question directly. But then there will be no surprise. It is better to do it differently and with the help of hints try to figure out what to give a friend for 16 years.

    If you want to see sincere delight in her eyes, then you should start preparing for the upcoming holiday in advance. A few weeks before the celebration, or even earlier, start celebrating all the things in which she shows an interest. In order not to miss anything, we advise you to write down your observations. When the moment comes to go for a gift, you just have to re-read the entire list, and it will immediately become clear what should be presented.

    There are many options for a sixteenth birthday. When choosing it, you need to take into account not only the taste and needs of the birthday girl, but also your own financial capabilities.


    If you don’t have a single idea of ​​​​what you can give your girlfriend for 16 years, then you can give her money. However, we advise you to approach the process of presenting them with imagination. For example, they can be put in a balloon, which is then inflated, and come to the holiday with it. Then you can be sure that your beautifully designed and original present will be remembered not only by your girlfriend, but also by the rest of those present. And after receiving the coveted amount, she will be able to dispose of them at her discretion.

    Chocolate and bouquet

    If your friend is a sweet tooth, then it's logical to assume that she will definitely like chocolate. And to make it look like a gift, it can be arranged in the form of a beautiful gift set. It may look modest, but it will be nice to receive it. As a possible gift option for a friend, you can make a bouquet of small soft toys for her with your own hands.


    This everyday thing can also be presented as a present for a sixteenth birthday. But when choosing it, you must definitely take into account the taste and character of the birthday girl. The style of the gift will depend on this. For example, you can buy a classic purse for the birthday girl or please her with a more mischievous version, decorated with applications and unusual patterns.

    For a young girl, such a gift would be most welcome. After all, for her, it can become not only a place to store money and credit cards, but also an important element of her image.

    Other gifts

    Hobbies will help you choose the right present

    If a couple of days after the celebration in the city there will be a concert of one of your girlfriend’s favorite bands, for example, an LP singer, then you should take note of this and present tickets for it as a present.

    A proven fact can help you with the choice of a present - girls are not indifferent to accessories. With this in mind, you can come to the party with a long scarf and a trendy leather belt. These things can be the beginning for the birthday girl when creating a new image.

    The best way to please a teenage girl who loves to read is to present her with a good book. However, first you will have to learn about her tastes.

    If the girl is a passionate fan of a particular sport, then you can't go wrong if you give her a sports bag with a set of paraphernalia for training.

    We give emotions

    You can make a holiday memorable if you create the appropriate atmosphere on it. To please the birthday girl, you can organize a trip on a yacht or limousine.

    Another option on how to create a good mood for the hero of the occasion is to arrange a professional photo session for her, and you can complete the celebration with a colorful fire show. And you can be sure that not only your girlfriend, but also other guests will remember such a birthday for a long time to come.

    Balloon with answers

    If you want to impress a friend, then you should not go the way of the majority and try to present a practical gift. You can be original and come to the holiday with something bright and pleasant. Such a surprise will make the birthday girl smile and provide pleasant memories for a long time.

    Of all the possible ideas for a present for a girl on her sixteenth birthday, a balloon with answers will look quite original. If a certain issue has been bothering her for a long time, then the magic ball will be able to come to her aid. When many years pass, she will be amazed at its magical properties and understand that the advice contained in the answer turned out to be really effective and helped her solve minor problems more than once.

    Passport cover and portraits

    If a girl wants to look unusual in everything, then you can present her with a passport cover.. But this should not be an ordinary, but an original “crust” with a pre-thought out funny design. Then your gift will provide a good mood not only for the birthday girl, but for everyone present at the holiday.

    You can also order a portrait made in the style of modern art. To do this, you will have to get one of the most successful photographs of your girlfriend and choose the appropriate style for the picture. The birthday girl will appreciate such a masterpiece, which will certainly find its place on her wall.

    Pendant and lingerie

    If we are talking about the best friend, then you should do everything possible to please the birthday girl. And this can be done only if the thing you prepared as a gift is not only original, but also pleasant.

    To make the relationship between you even stronger and no one could quarrel with you, you can give your friend a pendant of friendship. He will become a kind of talisman for her. And no matter what misunderstandings arise between you in the future, she will definitely appreciate this gift.

    As a best friend, you can also choose beautiful lingerie as a gift. Don't pay too much attention to his style. It can even be a daring and stylish lingerie set. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that it must be of high quality and have an original design.

    A gift to a girlfriend for 16 years - original things

    Perhaps you will have a desire to present an exclusive gift. But do not immediately abandon this idea if your financial capabilities do not allow you to buy well-known branded items. You can do something with your own hands, for example, draw a poster. First you need to think about your talents, based on which you need to decide what thing you can do best. As a hint, we suggest that you get acquainted with the most popular gift options that you can make yourself:

    How to choose the right gift for a friend

    The most difficult thing is to choose a gift that the birthday girl will definitely like. If she is your best friend, then you can talk to her about this topic, but you need to conduct a conversation in such a way that she does not suspect anything. If, despite all your efforts, you have not achieved anything, then you can go the other way and try, using the information available, to figure out for yourself what thing your girlfriend would be happy to receive:

    After you analyze the collected information, you can proceed to the choice of a gift. Do not forget that the thing you are going to present should demonstrate your attitude towards your girlfriend. Therefore, before handing, be sure to pack the gift in a beautiful package and attach a congratulation with sincere wishes to it. It is usually left on a postcard, but you can also read it out loud.


    Choosing a birthday present is a rather difficult decision. And the responsibility is especially high when it comes to the best friend. Even teenagers can’t always understand what to give to their best friend for 16 years, and what can we say about adults. Therefore, they often make mistakes, presenting something plain and ordinary.

    But the gift should be first of all memorable, so it is better to start preparing for the holiday in advance. So you will have the opportunity to remember and even find out which of the things could please your girlfriend.

    Even if you do not have enough money to buy a solid gift, do not be too upset about this. You can show your imagination and present something simple, but bright and memorable. After all, an original gift is valued much more than an expensive thing.

    Attention, only TODAY!

    What to give a girlfriend aged 10 to 20 years? At this age, it is not very easy to please the birthday girl. Practical advice on how to choose a useful and pleasant gift for a young girl that fits into any budget.

    Some girls and girls begin to think about what to wear to a girlfriend's birthday a month before the solemn date, and they remember the gift only two days before congratulations. If the moment of presenting a gift has come, but it is still not there, then you need to urgently correct the situation!

    What can you give a girl 10-15 years old?

    The choice of a gift at this age is dictated by the finances allocated by the parents. If they are limited, then for a girl of 10-12 years old, you can buy a reasonably priced soft toy, a symbolic T-shirt, a glamorous school accessory, an unusual cell phone pendant, or a computer game disk for girls. If the parents have shown generosity, then you can go shopping for electronics and choose a girl who is 13, 14 or 15 years old, as a gift an MP3 player, headphones for a computer, a WEB camera, a flash drive on a chain or a pink keyboard. Girlfriends of 10 years old who love to spend time at the mirror will like sets of children's cosmetics, and young fashionistas of 12 years old will be delighted with a bright handbag, a stylish set of jewelry or an unusual umbrella. Sports girls will definitely like sets for outdoor games, accessories for swimming or fitness, and homebody kits for needlework or designers for girls 10-11 years old will be very useful. An unusual surprise for a birthday girl of 12-13 years old can be done if you think about the gift in advance and order a sweatshirt with her photo. As an original surprise, the hero of the occasion can be presented with a bouquet of soft toys, and if a girlfriend is constantly late for school, then some cool and multifunctional alarm clock will become a symbolic gift.

    What to give a girl aged 16-20 for her birthday?

    In the period from 16 to 20 years, each date is symbolic, which means that the gift should be meaningful and memorable. If possible, for 16, 18 and 20 years old, it is best to give a girlfriend a piece of gold jewelry, such as earrings or a pendant - such a gift will remind you of youthful friendship even decades later. If there is not enough money for gold, then it is recommended to look at silver or jewelry steel products. Girlfriends who are indifferent to jewelry, but do not pass by electronics departments, can be presented with a video player or wireless headphones for 17 years. For a 19-year-old friend, it is quite appropriate to give a gift that helps her stay beautiful, for example, a hairdryer, an epilator, or hair straighteners. If by the age of 20 a girl has already managed to start a family and is just starting to equip her house, any items that help her manage the household will not be superfluous for her: a coffee maker, an electric kettle, a meat grinder, dishes. A familiar girl or classmate who turns 18 can be congratulated with a symbolic gift in the form of a good pen or an unusual passport cover. If the budget is limited, then a small picture drawn from a photo of a girl by a street artist will be a good keepsake. In order not to give a lot of small and useless things, several friends can pool their finances and present the hero of the occasion for 19 or 18 years with an expensive piece of jewelry, a laptop, a tablet computer or a trip ticket. By the way, instead of an ordinary bouquet, it is better to choose a bouquet made of sweets or an unusual toy made of flowers.

    16 years is a wonderful age, a time when life is perceived easily, and those who are just over thirty seem old. What to give a girlfriend of 16 years old, those who like to give more than receive ask themselves, trying to make really good presents that will be remembered for a long time and will certainly be liked. Of course, the answer to this question must be sought based on the young age of the gifted. Someone at this time is interested in a certain sport, others listen to alternative music, and still others have some kind of exotic hobby, assuring everyone that they will be faithful to it all their lives. But sometimes hobby gifts are not suitable as the best solution to the problem of what to give a 16-year-old friend. Such a favorite pastime simply may not exist. Or goods associated with it cost, for example, half of your fortune. In this case, an excellent option would be to present an inexpensive original gift to the hero of the occasion.

    In view of what was said above, first of all, I would like to recommend interesting souvenirs with the possibility of applying a unique inscription or the name of the recipient. So, for example, when deciding what to give a girlfriend of 16 years old, you can buy a mug with a bright cool inscription for the hero of the occasion. It can be a variant of a mug that says *All people are like people, and I am a queen*. Such a product will be used for its intended purpose, reminding a friend of your attention to her. This dish has every chance of becoming a favorite, and you will receive a lot of thanks.

    Thinking about what to give a 16 year old friend, don't miss another interesting option. It is about presenting a bouquet of toys. Sixteen years can be perceived in different ways. And, of course, at the age of 16 it seems to the girl herself that she has finally become an adult. But childhood did not have time to go far, and even having matured, sometimes you want to feel small. A long-lasting unfading bouquet, assembled from touching cute bunnies, will surely find a response in the soul of the hero of the occasion. Such a bouquet does not need to be specially looked after, but the joy from it is no less than from real fresh flowers, and maybe, given the permanence of such a presentation, even more.

    The answer to the question of what to give a girlfriend of 16 years old can be another present, for example, a T-shirt with a bright comic inscription. Model T-shirt *This is what the best friend in the world looks like*. Great gift idea. Funny, unusual, and at the same time practical. In addition, you can choose any word that the store specialists will add after the inscription “This is how the best in the world looks…”, for example, the name of the person for whom you are looking for a present.

    When you go to a close friend's birthday party, the question of a suitable present arises by itself. It is extremely important to please with the presentation and surprise the recipient with the present, especially when it comes to the task of what to give to a friend for 16 years. To make the search for the necessary product pleasant and fruitful, we recommend that you contact the Valley of Gifts website, where you can get acquainted with a wide range of unusual gizmos.

    So for a friend who loves personalized gifts, you can give one of the personal souvenirs. Valley of Gifts offers a large selection of mugs, aprons, T-shirts with cool inscriptions and the possibility of applying the name of the recipient. All these gizmos are perfect for a birthday as a present. Pay attention to such products as a mug *I love you* with your inscription* or a T-shirt with the inscription *I LOVE 2014*. Both items will certainly improve the mood of its owner, stand out from the crowd on the street or attract the attention of guests. But most importantly, you can order the execution of your own exclusive inscription on mugs, on T-shirts, and even on premium products presented on the site. This opportunity makes the gift even more interesting and desirable.

    In addition to such gifts, order an unusual bouquet. Unlike standard roses, lilies and daisies, this bouquet will never wither. A sweet and touching composition of charming soft bunnies or bears will not leave indifferent the birthday girl. Complementing any presentation with this original bouquet, you will delight your girlfriend and make her celebration truly unforgettable. All girls are a priori romantic in nature, especially when it comes to young ladies celebrating their sixteenth birthday.

    When thinking what to give a girlfriend for 16 years, do not pass by symbolic gifts. An excellent option, which is always accepted with sincere delight and surprise, is the Anti-watch “What difference does it make”, which can surprise with a reverse mechanism. The arrows of the device go in the opposite direction, but this will not hurt to get positive emotions from this device. On the contrary, next to such a souvenir, the well-known phrase of the classic “Happy hours are not observed” is recalled. Indeed, what difference does it make what time it really is, if life goes on as it should. An unusual presentation attracts the attention of everyone, and usually leaves no one indifferent.

    This, of course, is far from all the options that can please, surprise and interest those who are looking for what to give a girlfriend for 16 years. The Valley of Gifts online store offers a huge assortment of various gifts at the most affordable prices. Excellent service, available discounts and promotions will be an additional incentive to contact this web resource.

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