• Capsule cold hair extension. Hair extensions - the best ways to modern hair extensions with photo examples! What you need for cold hair extensions


    Cold hair extensions- This is a process in which the build-up is carried out without exposure to high temperatures. This extension does not harm the hair and is also suitable for short haircuts. In addition, the structure and color of real curls does not matter at all.

    Cold hair extension technology uses chemically safe glue capsules, micro rings, duct tape and other tools.

    The cold hair extension method includes several different technologies and techniques, each of which is good in its own way. Let's take a closer look at this. You will find a video tutorial on hair extension using this method below.

    Hair Extension Tape

    Tape cold hair extension occurs with the help of special adhesive tape... The building process is as follows:

    • First, the hair that matches the real curls as much as possible is selected, at the ends of which there are adhesive attachments.
    • The master selects one thin strand and puts a curl with duct tape under the bottom.
    • The hair is glued together, after which a similar curl is applied on top of the strand.
    • The same thing happens with the rest of the hair.

    The huge advantage of this cold extension method is that tape extension curls are very easy to remove yourself. They can be worn for up to two months, depending on the individual hair growth rate. Correction may be needed after two months hair extensions that won't take long.

    Spanish method

    Spanish or glue hair extensions are the second most popular cold extension technique. The essence of this process is that artificial strands are attached to the native curls with the help of a special glue that does not harm the hair at all. The whole process of this way of building looks like this:

    • A thin flat capsule is formed from a special glue for gluing natural and artificial hair.
    • A lock of artificial hair is applied to natural hair and secured with a glue capsule.
    • The same thing happens with all the other strands.

    Hair extensions using the Spanish capsule technique can be worn for up to four months depending on the rate of hair growth. However, this hair extension method has a significant drawback.: when the glue hardens, it brightens, which is why this method is only suitable for girls with blond hair.

    Cold ring extension

    Hair extensions cold ring method it is necessary with the help of special rings, the size of which does not exceed the match head. Hair extension is as follows:

    • The craftsman selects strands and threads them through the rings using a crochet hook.
    • The strands are fixed with special tongs.
    • This procedure is done on all hair.

    The advantage of this extension method is that clips and rings are completely invisible until the hair begins to grow back. You can remove hair extensions after such a procedure only in the salon with the help of a wizard.

    Cold hair extension is a fairly simple procedure that can be learned quickly and easily. In addition, the advantages of cold extensions over hot ones are that real hair is completely free from thermal effects and remains just as alive and healthy.

    What is cold hair extension and how is it different from hot. When to do the correction and is it possible to perform the procedure yourself.

    Long, beautiful, shiny hair - how beautiful and inviting for men! Unfortunately, there is not always enough strength and patience to grow the required length. It is especially offensive when the length was impressive, but I had to cut the hair spoiled by chemical dyes and high temperatures. Letting go of a long braid is not so easy and it will take more than one year of "torment". New technologies in the beauty industry come to the aid of the princesses dreaming of long hair. In this case, cold hair extension will come in handy.

    Cold extension includes various technologies: Japanese, tape, capsule and the like, but a distinctive feature is that with cold extension, the effect of high temperature on the hair is excluded. Thanks to this, the curls are not injured and are suitable for owners of hair of any length, density and thickness.

    Features of cold build-up

    The peculiarity of the cold method is that in this case, hair glue or mini-capsules the size of a needle's eye is used.

    When using glue, the hair is securely held together and does not comb out. After the procedure, you can use your usual styling methods and care products. However, the glue will turn white when dry and may be noticeable on close inspection. Therefore, this method is preferable for blondes.

    For dark-haired people, the cold method is more suitable using metal capsules-beads. With this technology, the extended curls are crocheted into the capsule and compressed with forceps. In this case, the hair is not subjected to non-thermal, non-chemical treatment. However, due to the fact that the strands are strongly combed out, this method requires frequent adjustments and careful styling.

    With any extension method, your hair falling out every day gets stuck and remains in the place of gluing. Therefore, they can get confused, and the hairstyle with insufficient or inadequate care has an untidy look. Therefore, before going on building in any way, you need to weigh well the pros and cons.

    Pros and cons

    As with any procedure, cold hair extension has its positive and negative sides, as well as contraindications. The advantages of the cold method include:

    1. A huge selection of materials allows you to build up both natural and artificial strands of any length, structure and color, as close as possible to your relatives.
    2. The hair is not injured due to the fact that both thermal and chemical effects are excluded.
    3. The extended curls look spectacular and natural.
    4. The service life of cold strands is up to a year, subject to timely adjustment.
    5. Does not require special "exclusive" care and does not force you to abandon your usual and favorite products: whether it be masks, sprays or styling tools.
    6. Hair extensions can be cold dyed, styled and curled.
    7. An important factor that many pay attention to is that it does not cause allergies.

    However, despite a number of positive aspects, you should not "rush" to the salon, since the cold method also presupposes the presence of negative aspects that must be taken into account:

    1. It is not recommended to attach additional weight to loosened, very thin and prone to falling out strands, so as not to cause a real "hair fall".
    2. On very short, thin and thin hair, extended strands may look unnatural and hold on worse.
    3. Adhesive and capsules can be felt by touch.
    4. Any build-up requires timely adjustments and mandatory removal after the allotted time.
    5. Extension and adjustment procedures are not cheap and not everyone can afford this "luxury".

    Moreover, extension in any way implies additional pressure on the scalp and increased tension on the hair. This can lead to headaches, fragility, loss, hypertension.

    Therefore, it also has contraindications, including:

    • vigetovascular dystonia;
    • migraine;
    • high blood pressure;
    • hair loss and severely weakened hair;
    • scalp problems of any kind.

    Cold build-up does not force you to abandon the usual, but requires some additional care, which includes:

    • gentle combing with a rare, preferably wooden, comb.
    • use of pH-neutral shampoos.
    • washing hair only in an upright position, in order to eliminate unnecessary confusion, and the use of masks and balms only for the length, below the attachment points;
    • wearing a cap in the pool, solarium, sauna and steam bath.

    The main types of cold building

    Cold extensions have in common the fact that this method eliminates the use of high temperatures that injure the hair. But there are also minor differences in the execution technologies, which practically do not affect the quality and wear period.


    It got its name from the Spanish masters who invented glue "Rubear", which are reliably glued to natural Slavic or European hair. To activate the glue, a special compound is needed, which is dripped onto the glue in a very small amount. Next, the adhesive is formed on the strands by hand, connecting its own and the curls to be extended.

    Thanks to manual work, the visibility of the capsule is minimized. It does not interfere with sleeping and brushing. However, when dry, the gluing site acquires a whitish tint, which is not suitable for brunettes. Also, at first there is discomfort and a certain heaviness, which passes over time. In the course of the Spanish extension, the master fixes 100-250 strands, which depends on the natural density and quality of the hair.
    This procedure lasts 3-4 hours and lasts 3-4 months.


    The procedure was accordingly invented in Japan. Similar to Spanish technology in length and number of strands. However, there are some differences. Japanese build-up is considered the most gentle and differs from Spanish in that instead of glue, clips with a diameter of 2-3 mm are used.

    The small size of the clips and the wide variety of colors make them almost invisible, which is suitable for both blondes and brunettes. The strands are crocheted and clamped with special tongs at a distance of 0.5 cm from the roots, which helps to add extra volume.


    One of the varieties of the Spanish method, in which a three-component glue is also used, which in this case is painted with paint. This allows you to dye the glue capsule in any color, as close as possible to the native shade of the hair. The time for the procedure and the number of curls are the same as in Spanish. The strands are attached almost at the root, however, French extensions are recommended for owners of curls of at least 20 cm in length. French technique allows you to increase the length up to 80cm.

    Ribbon view

    A favorite technique for both clients and craftsmen. This technology is in demand due to the simplicity, speed and, as a consequence, the relative cheapness of the procedure. Strands are extended to relatives using a thin adhesive tape 3-4 cm wide. Your strands are fixed between two such transparent tapes. The entire procedure takes no more than an hour, and the hair looks quite natural.


    One of the most time consuming and time consuming technologies. One procedure will take at least 5 hours. The essence of the method lies in the fact that initially the finest braids are woven from their hair. (braids).

    Next, ribbons of hair, woven together, are sewn to the braided braids. (weft)... The technology is performed from the bottom from the back of the head up to the crown. This is done so that your curls overlap the donor ones. African extensions are best suited to owners of thick and curly hair of any color. However, when using this technology, the correction will have to be performed once every 1-2 months so that the overgrown braids are not visible.

    The difference between cold build-up from hot

    Hot building also has its own varieties, but they are all roughly similar. The essence of the hot method is that the strands are attached using the same capsules, but by melting them at high temperatures, up to 180 ° C.

    With Italian technology, the strands come with ready-made keratin capsules attached. The glue in the capsules is melted with special heat tongs, thanks to which the gluing takes place.

    With English technology, the master himself collects keratin resin, with the help of which bundles of donor hair are attached to relatives. In this case, a special thermal gun is used.

    As a result, with any hot build-up, the adhesion site is burned. Plus, hot glue melts easily in a bath, sauna, under the scorching sun and deteriorates in salt and chlorinated water. Therefore, after hot hair extensions, you need to do it very carefully, literally "blow off the dust particles."

    An important factor is that the hot look does not require high professionalism of the master and any novice hairdresser will cope with this technology after the courses. Therefore, it is often possible to get to an inexperienced master.

    The main differences between hot and cold technology are:

    Temperature . With the cold method, donor strands are attached at natural temperature. This, unlike hot, does not traumatize the hair.

    Time and quality of wear... When using the cold method, donor hair has a longer service life and needs to be adjusted less often than with the hot one.

    Care . Hot build-up excludes baths, saunas, seas and pools and requires, in contrast to cold, more thorough and.
    The choice is obvious, but the choice is everyone's personal business.

    Home technology

    Modern tools, materials and devices allow you to perform cold hair extensions at home. The hot method can be abandoned immediately, and the cold one with the help of tapes or mini-clips is quite feasible without outside help.

    A huge plus is the savings on the work of the master, and ready-made building kits can be purchased on the Internet or in professional stores.

    The most important thing is to choose strands that are as close as possible in structure to their relatives. Modern natural or artificial hair can be easily dyed to the desired color.

    For the procedure you will need:

    1. Strands on tape or hairpins. They are reusable and can last up to 3 years. Sold in ready-made sets and cost up to 8 thousand rubles.
    2. Parting needle comb and sparse-toothed comb.
    3. Rear view mirror.

    Hair clips are attached very simply and are suitable for a festive event. Hairpins are removed at night.

    Build-up with tapes will last up to two months and is performed as follows:

    1. Wash your hair only with shampoo without using masks, balms or other products.
    2. Dry naturally, comb well.
    3. The technology is carried out from the bottom up. Separate the straight lower occipital strand. Tie the rest on top.
    4. Apply tape along the growth line and press with your hands. The polymer on the tape adheres very quickly to the hair.
    5. So, alternately release on a number of strands and fix tapes to them.

    It is advisable to start with 5-7 ribbons. Having gained experience and skill, you can increase the amount to the required one.
    If for some reason the strand stuck crookedly, it must be sprinkled with an alcohol-containing liquid and re-glued.

    Prices for cold build-up vary depending on the region, method and skill level and are about 15,000 rubles. A home procedure will cost 3-8 thousand rubles.

    Correction and removal

    Hair grows back over time. Some are slower, others faster, but on average by 1-2 cm per month. As a result, the capsules are lowered, and the boundaries between the native and donor strands become noticeable. To update the hairstyle and re-give a preppy look, any extension needs to be timely adjusted.

    Roots grown by 3-4 cm indicate the need for correction

    When correcting, the old strands are removed, recapsulated and attached back.
    Tape augmentation requires correction 1 time per month, and capsule about 1 time per 2-3 months.
    Removal of hair extensions follows the same scheme, but the strands are not glued back, allowing the hair to "rest".

    Which of the methods of hot or cold building to choose depends mainly on the wishes of the client. But besides this, it is worth considering the structure and health of the hair. Do not forget about timely correction and periodic withdrawal. Then the curls, even extended ones, will look spectacular and natural.

    Girls tend to want to change their image. Today they want perfectly straight hair, tomorrow - neat or careless curls, after a while - a new color or a braid up to the waist. Waiting for your own strands to grow is a long time. It is much faster to entrust your hair to an experienced hairdresser who will perform cold hair extensions. We will tell you how it differs from the hot one, what contraindications it has and how much such a service costs in the salon.

    What it is

    Hair lengthening with donor strands is in demand not only among celebrities. Women choose this method of changing their hairstyle in order to make their hair more voluminous, thick, in a word - luxurious. A masterfully executed extension looks organic and does not seem like something foreign. And cold types of techniques are also considered harmless to hair.

    Features of the procedure

    This technology completely eliminates the effect of high temperature on the hair, due to which it is fundamentally different from hot methods of lengthening strands. Donor bundles are attached using adhesive tape, special capsules or small rings. In addition, ultrasonic fixation of curls belongs to the cold methods - the most expensive extension procedure today.

    The technology, made without thermal effect on the hair, is characterized by the following features:

    • the use of very thin strands, due to which the hairstyle is natural;
    • fastening beams at a distance of about a centimeter from the roots;
    • the ability to increase the volume of hair completely or in separate areas.


    Traditionally, cold build-up is considered cheaper than hot. The price of a service in the salon depends on which method you prefer, what length and quality strands you choose, how many bundles you use. On average, a new hairstyle will cost from 6–10 to 15–20 thousand rubles.

    Extension with ultrasound will cost a minimum amount of 17-20 thousand rubles, while the upper limit is not limited. In the regions, the cost of the procedure is lower than in the capital's beauty establishments. The experience of the hairdresser also affects the final price.

    Advice. To save money, you can invite the master to your house. Only then read the reviews of this person's work very carefully. It is easy to spoil a build-up, but it is not so easy to fix it.


    Before deciding on a procedure, make sure that it is possible in your case. It is strictly forbidden to lengthen hair in such cases:

    • the presence of wounds, injuries on the head;
    • strong loss of curls or their deplorable appearance. The hairstyle will not look well-groomed if your own hair breaks, constantly splits, damaged by frequent perms or regular dyeing;
    • problems with blood vessels, diagnosis of VSD, migraine. The extended strands will put additional stress on the scalp, which can provoke pain, pressure changes and other troubles;
    • treatment for oncology, undergoing a course of chemotherapy;
    • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
    • taking antibiotics or hormone therapy;
    • high sensitivity of the scalp;
    • age up to 16-18 years;
    • hair length that is less than the minimum established for each technique (6–20 centimeters).

    Pregnancy and lactation are relative contraindications to the procedure. Check with your doctor and hairdresser to choose a gentle extension method. Tips and warnings for hair extension during pregnancy can be found on our website.


    • Gel... The technique is considered gentle and non-traumatic for the hair. A special eco-friendly gel is used to attach the strands. With its help, the master manually forms small capsules that firmly fix donor beams on natural curls. The size of the mounts is a few millimeters. Find out how long the gel extension procedure lasts, and how long the result lasts.
    • Hollywood... Since its inception, it has undergone significant changes. If earlier the extensible strands were fastened with special threads, now keratin capsules are increasingly used. This is the similarity of the Hollywood way of building up with the Italian method. But there is one significant difference: since the cold procedure does not imply high temperature exposure to the hair, the bundles are attached with ultrasound. We invite you to get acquainted in detail with the features of lengthening hair in Hollywood style and see the process and result in photos and videos.
    • Spanish... As a fastener, an innovation from the Spaniards is used here - a hypoallergenic glue, similar in composition to keratin. It is possible to determine the junction points of native hair and donor strands only by touch. In addition, the cost of the procedure is lower than in the case of other techniques. But Spanish technology has a significant drawback. Find out why this method is recommended for blond girls, and undesirable for those with dark hair.
    • Ultrasonic... The modern technique allows you to lengthen even short strands. True, in this case, the procedure will be delayed. In general, ultrasound technology is considered fast. You can become the owner of a new hairstyle in just a couple of hours. But on the other hand, the correction will take much more time than the cold build-up itself. We will tell you how donor strands are attached to your own hair using ultrasound, and what to look for when choosing this method.
    • Japanese... This method is fundamentally different from all the previous ones, because metal clips-rings are used to fix the hair extensions. Their inner surface has a silicone insert that prevents curls from chafing. However, sometimes these clips can leave small creases in the hair. We will tell you about other features of the Japanese technique and advise how to properly care for the extended hair.

    Tools and materials

    Different technologies will need their own set of necessary devices:

    • rings of the desired color, a hook for pulling strands, tongs for clamping - if you choose Japanese technology;
    • glue, gel, or capsules for other techniques;
    • apparatus for ultrasonic extension;
    • special threads and a needle if you are going to lengthen your hair with tress;
    • for capsule technology - an insulator in the form of transparent plates. It is put on each strand of your own hair before gluing the donor bundle.

    In addition, you will need clamps, a comb, and good quality hair - on capsules, a ribbon or in a bun. Don't skimp to get a beautiful hairstyle.

    Home technique

    For independent conduct, experts recommend tape technology. Capsule and ultrasound are quite complicated, and acting according to the Japanese method, you can ruin your curls by improper use of forceps and rings. To build up strands on ribbons, proceed as follows:

    1. Wash your hair without applying balm or conditioner.
    2. After that, dry the curls, comb them.
    3. Divide the hair into 3 parts: top, middle and bottom. Pin the first two with clamps. Make circular horizontal parting.
    4. Separate thin strands one by one, the width of which corresponds to the width of the ribbons with donor strands.
    5. Gently press down on the stackable bundle for a few seconds.
    6. After completing the extension at the bottom, remove the clips from the middle zone and repeat the procedure.

    By the way. Correction of such a hairstyle is carried out using a special adhesive tape. Take the same strands.

    Pros and cons

    The main advantage of all cold methods is that the effect of high temperature on the hair is completely excluded. And although the tongs, with the help of which the bundles are fixed on the curls, do not heat up above 180 °, for many girls this is a fundamental moment. Other advantages of cold build-up:

    • curls become longer by the selected number of centimeters;
    • the hair becomes thick;
    • many manipulations with the new hairstyle are allowed. The attached strands can be washed, combed, dried, dyed, styled;
    • some techniques allow you to work even with short hair, 5–10 centimeters long;
    • due to the variety of color palette of materials used for extensions, you can lengthen dark, light, red hair;
    • the cost of cold methods is often lower than hot ones;
    • depending on the selected technology and the growth rate of your own strands, correction may be needed only after six months.

    Along with the obvious benefits cold build-up also has disadvantages:

    • high price. Not every girl will be able to allocate 6-10 thousand rubles from the budget, and this is only a minimum;
    • complexity and duration. You will have to spend more than one hour in the master's chair;
    • deficiencies in materials. Sintered beads can be inconvenient, and glue can be noticeable on the hair;
    • difficulties in finding a good master;
    • restrictions in the choice of styling, since the joints of native strands with donor strands are sometimes striking;
    • the need to provide special care for the hair;
    • labor intensity of correction.

    Cold hair extensions have several varieties, so every girl will be able to choose something for herself. Whether it will be ultrasound technology or donor beams will be attached to you with the help of gel, rings, glue - it depends on various factors.

    To prepare your hair for the procedure, you need to provide it with enhanced care in advance. Take a course of vitamin therapy, choose nourishing masks, serums, balms for your type of strands. Cut off the ends in advance, correct the color of the curls. Not only the result of cold extension depends on this, but also how your hair will perceive new "neighbors".

    Useful videos

    A professional will tell you how to make a cold extension and not damage the hair structure.

    Training video on capsule and tape hair extension.

    Cold hair extensions are a great way to increase length while gaining luxurious volume at the same time. The technology is considered the most gentle, since the hair is not exposed to any aggressive influences, which is why this type of extension is suitable even for thin and weakened strands.

    Cold technique is a bit like Italian build-up. The hair in both cases is attached to capsules, but the capsules in these two technologies are different. When building up in a cold way, the strands are treated with a special glue that does not dissolve when exposed to temperature, in contrast to keratin capsules used in the case of Italian technology.


    Varieties of the procedure

    Cold building techniques:

    • Spanish
    • japanese
    • French;
    • tape.

    Spanish technique

    This is perhaps one of the safest building techniques. The procedure is not cheap, since all the work is done manually and involves a long, painstaking process. Artificial strands are fixed with special glue, which the master skillfully turns into a capsule and adjusts to the desired size. The size of the capsule is influenced by the type of hair and the thickness of the donor strand.

    The attachment points with the Spanish technique are practically invisible (see photo) and are extremely resistant to sea water, thermal devices, means of laying, mechanical stress. That is why this type of extension is so demanded by women.

    Cold hair extension in Spanish protects natural strands from various kinds of injuries and guarantees reliable fixation of donor curls. With hair extensions, you can defile up to 4 months, after which they will need a correction.

    An important point: the Spanish technique is available only for light hair, not shorter than 7 cm in length. The fact is that the glue used during the procedure, freezing, acquires a whitish tint, giving out dark-haired girls with a head.


    The role of capsules in the Japanese extension technique is played by microscopic (match head-sized) rings (see photo), by means of which donor strands are fastened to the native hair.

    The essence of the technology: with the help of a special hook, the master carries away the artificial strand to the center of the ring, and then fixes it with forceps. When removing the extended strand, the ring is simply opened, armed with the same forceps. And during correction, the attached hair is pulled higher to the roots along with clips.

    Japanese extensions are applicable to both light and dark hair, however, it is contraindicated for owners of thin hair. Capsules can be selected for all shades and types of hair. In this case, the adhesions will be masterfully hidden.

    This method is considered absolutely harmless... Strands extended according to the Japanese technique are not afraid of anything - neither high temperatures, nor chemical influences, nor dyeing. They can be safely dried with a hairdryer, pulled with an iron, curled with a curling iron and dyed. The only negative is that the strands may begin to fall out if you are suddenly late with the correction. It should be done 2-2.5 months after the extension procedure. In rare cases, unpresentable creases may remain at the ring attachment points.

    The Japanese technique is available for girls with a minimum length (from 3 cm), in addition, it gives the opportunity to get hold of artificial bangs.


    French building technology, or as it is also called "afron building", has been actively used for many years. The idea of ​​its invention belongs to the inhabitants of Africa, who, imitating the Europeans, began to add artificial strands of any colors and shapes to braids braided all over their heads.

    Nowadays, the ancient African technique has received a new breath: modern hairdressers began to sew foreign hair to pigtails. Artificial strands were called tress, and the technique itself received the title of French.

    Tress extension works well for long, thick and coarse hair. For women with thin and short hair, the procedure is not recommended: heavy tresses will weaken already weak hair, and short strands will not be able to veil the areas of tress attachment.

    The main disadvantage of the afron increase is fragility... The result of the procedure does not last longer than a month, since when the hair grows back, the braids cease to adhere to the head, which does not look very beautiful. The disadvantages also include the inability to do high hairstyles, as the braids will become visible.

    The advantages of extension are that it is carried out quickly and does not harm your hair in any way.


    The simplest and fastest procedure. Donor hair is attached to the native by means of adhesive tape(see photo).

    The essence of the extension: an artificial sticky side up is added to a thin strand of natural hair, raised at the roots. Its strand is lowered and connected to another artificial, attached adhesive part down. Tape extension takes about an hour, the extended strands are removed just as quickly and do not harm the native head of hair at all. Donor strands are selected as close as possible in color to their hair, and adhesions become almost invisible.

    You can wear this hair for up to 3 months. Even short-haired ladies can perform cold hair extensions using a tape method.

    The disadvantage of this technology is that fake strands can be uncomfortable at first, especially if this is the first time you decide on extension.


    • Cold-extended hair does not look unnatural - it is almost impossible to distinguish it from your own.
    • The build-up protects the strands from chemical, temperature and mechanical aggressors. As a result, the structure of the hair is less injured.
    • The widest assortment allows you to choose donor strands to match the tone and structure of your hair.
    • No allergic reactions.
    • The areas where natural and artificial hair are connected are not afraid of any external influences. You are free to use any cosmetic and styling products without fear of violating the integrity of your hair.
    • Depending on the technique, with extended strands, you can defile from 3 to 12 months (from time to time making corrections). In this case, harm will not be done to the native hair.
    • Donor curls do not need special care, they can be dyed, curled and straightened.


    • Not all extension techniques are suitable for ladies with short and fine hair.
    • Cold build-up is not recommended for loose and falling out strands.
    • It is better for patients with vegetative dystonia to refuse the procedure, since the severity of the donor strands can cause a headache or even increase blood pressure.
    • With some types of extensions, the attachment points are felt to the touch and become visible when creating tall hairstyles.

    Care rules

    Taking care of your hair extensions is quite simple:

    1. Comb gently and gently using a comb with sparse teeth or soft bristles that will prevent the strands from combing out.
    2. Use a neutral shampoo with a pH of 5.5.
    3. Distribute masks, balms and conditioners over the entire hair strip, avoiding their contact with the attachment points of donor strands (the only exception is afron extension).
    4. So that the hair does not get tangled up much, you should wash your hair only in an upright position.
    5. In the pool, sauna or solarium, do not forget to cover your hair with a cap in order to prevent the destruction of the capsules.
    6. It is strongly not recommended to vigorously rub the hair with a towel.

    Cold build-up is contraindicated when taking strong antibiotics, hair loss, scalp diseases, as well as girls under 17 years old.

    Cold hair extensions have gained popularity not only due to their quick effect and long-lasting results. According to experts, this cosmetic procedure is safe and does not harm hair health. There are several methods for building curls, each of which is selected individually.

    Read in this article

    Extension technology

    The essence of the procedure is the combination of natural and donor curls, without exposing them to high temperatures or exposure to aggressive chemicals. In the course of the extension, capsules, adhesive tape and special micro-rings are used. Such devices allow you to make donor curls completely invisible against the background of the natural hairline.

    The safety of the procedure, long-term results and the absolute invisibility of the "intervention" are possible only if the hair extension was carried out by a real specialist, the choice of method and all manipulations must be carried out competently.

    Pros and cons of the procedure

    Cold hair extension is one of the most demanded procedures in beauty salons. And there is a fairly logical explanation for this - such a procedure has many advantages:

    • natural hairline is not exposed to any aggressive external influences;
    • caring for artificial curls does not require any specific measures, they are not afraid of curlers, shampoos, or styling products;
    • strands for cold extension are presented in a wide range, so there is always an opportunity to choose the most suitable ones in terms of type, shade, and structure;
    • elongated hair looks natural and does not disturb the harmonious appearance;
    • artificial strands are worn for a long time - up to 12 months;
    • the curls extended by the cold method can be dyed.

    The cosmetic procedure under consideration has some disadvantages. There are only two of them:

    • cold extensions are categorically not suitable for owners of short haircuts and too thin / dry hair;
    • if adhesive tapes are used during the procedure, they can be felt when feeling the hair.


    There are only two of them, but they should be taken into account even at the stage of choosing a cold hair extension method. So, it is impossible to carry out procedures for those representatives of the fair sex, whose own hair is distinguished by increased fragility. And the second contraindication is diagnosed vegetative-vascular dystonia.

    The increased strands can put pressure on the skin (it is barely noticeable, but with such a disease it is felt strongly), and this leads to an increase in blood pressure and headaches.

    In general, cosmetologists and beauty salons recommend delaying hair extensions for any problems with them. You will need a visit to a trichologist and determine the appropriateness and safety of the procedure in question.

    Cold method

    There are several of them, each has its own characteristics.


    It implies the use of small beads or rings with which artificial strands are attached to natural curls. The essence of the procedure:

    • a ring or microbead is put on its own strand of hair, then the master crochets the donor hair into the same hole;
    • With special tongs, the ring / bead is clamped so tightly that the hair extensions will not come off even with hard combing.

    Periodically, you will need to visit your master for hair correction (once every 50 - 70 days), during which donor strands move closer to the roots of natural hair. To do this, first, the ring / bead is unclenched, then moved to the desired point and clamped again. If you want to remove artificial curls, then the clip ring is simply opened with forceps.

    There are some features of the Japanese cold building method:

    • if you ignore the next correction, then the donor strands will simply begin to fall out;
    • this method is optimal for both brunettes and blondes;
    • Japanese technology allows you to extend strands on very dry and short hair, as well as on bangs.

    To learn how hair extensions on silicone micro-rings are going, see this video:


    Natural and donor strands are combined by gluing, after which a capsule is formed at the junction. Sometimes it can give slight glare in bright light, so this method of cold build-up is categorically not suitable for brunettes.

    Donor strands with Spanish extensions are not combed out and do not change their quality characteristics when dyeing, curling and using various cosmetics for styling.

    Tape technology

    This is the easiest and safest cold hair extension method. It is performed as follows:

    • the master with a comb highlights a thin line of hair, lifts it up;
    • donor curls are applied to the hair, as close to the roots as possible, connected with a ribbon - the adhesive side "looks" up;
    • natural strands go down, another strip of donor hair is superimposed on top of them, but already with the glue side down.

    Hair extension tape technology

    "Tape" hair extensions are worn for a long time, but they require correction every 2 - 2.5 months. The disadvantage of the described technology of cold building is that at first the donor strands are really felt, which causes some discomfort.

    How cold tape hair extension goes, see this video:

    How to remove cold hair extensions

    It is not recommended to do it yourself, as the risk of damage to natural hair is too high. To get rid of the extended curls, you should contact the master, who will do all the necessary manipulations with special devices:

    No changes have been noted, but if Japanese technology was used, then unexpressed creases may remain on the natural strands at the attachment points of the rings / microbeads. However, they quickly disappear, and the state of natural curls is restored in full.

    For information on how the removal of hair extensions with cold technology is going on, see this video:

    Which is better - cold or hot

    This is a controversial issue, but most of the masters give preference to this particular option. And they argue their choice simply: with cold extensions, natural hair is not exposed to heating or exposure to chemicals, which means it remains unchanged. In addition, the cost is much higher than cold, and the effect will be the same.

    The cost of the procedure

    It is rather big, and regardless of which (in terms of level) beauty salon cold hair extensions are performed. For instance, building up 100 strands 40 cm long using Spanish technology will cost 8,000 rubles.

    Cold hair extension allows you to make your image more extravagant and attractive. Before performing this procedure, you should pay attention to your own health and inform your master about it.

    The fact is that pregnancy, menstruation, long-term use of antibacterial drugs can become conditional contraindications. In such conditions, donor hair will simply not “take root”. And yet, the procedure under consideration remains the most demanded and popular among the fair sex.

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