• Do-it-yourself lymphatic drainage face massage. Lymphatic drainage massage of the face: modeling the oval, smoothing wrinkles and tightening the skin. Manual technique of lymphatic drainage facial massage


    Every woman wants to stay young as long as possible, for this she visits various beauty salons. One of the most effective cosmetic procedures is a lymphatic drainage facial massage. If you have special skills, it can even be done at home.

    All manipulations do not cause adverse reactions, and the skin becomes young, healthy and strong. A video of a lymphatic drainage massage of the face at home will also be presented below.

    How does lymphatic drainage massage work on the body?

    This method of influencing the dermis of the face is one of the methods of skin rejuvenation. Thanks to this procedure, the lymph flow is normalized, it begins to function better, while the entire body is rejuvenated.

    For the first time this procedure was developed by the masseur Pascal Kosh. And in a short time, she gained popularity, mainly among the weaker sex. From the very first session, a beneficial effect can be observed. And the subsequent procedures only strengthen and consolidate it.

    Correct functioning of the lymphatic drainage system is extremely important for the body. It is able to remove harmful substances and excess fluid. After applying this technique, puffiness, swelling disappear, the outline of the face changes for the better.

    Cosmetologists characterize lymphatic drainage massage of the face at home and in the salon as a special type of physiotherapy, when massage actions are performed on the face along the lines of lymph flow. Massage can be performed using various technologies, but the principle of the specialist's work is largely similar.

    Initially, the face is cleaned. Peeling or special cosmetics are applied to the steamed skin. Only after this does the master proceed to massage. All actions are of a zonal nature, that is, each area is processed sequentially. Usually they start from the forehead, move to the area of ​​the eyes and temples, then to the nose and lips, and finally to the area of ​​the chin and cheekbones.

    All this contributes to the expansion of blood vessels and capillaries, hydration of the epidermis. Muscles are strengthened and the skin becomes more elastic. The face changes its color, it becomes fresh, it disappears. The folds around the mouth become invisible, the contour of the face is improved.

    Indications for massage

    1. The presence of edema.
    2. In the presence of dark spots under the visual organs.
    3. With visible signs of fatigue.
    4. If the venous network appears.
    5. The manifestation of vitamin deficiency.
    6. The water-salt balance is disturbed.
    7. Accumulation of fluid due to illness.

    There are several types of this procedure, they will be described below.

    Vacuum facial massage

    This method involves the use of a special apparatus. The equipment is configured individually, based on the skin type and indications for the patient.

    The vacuum technique is carried out by negative pressure on the skin. Without certain knowledge and skills, as well as without certain equipment, it is impossible to conduct.

    Inappropriate use of the device leads to the formation of microcracks in the skin.


    Hand movements in this case should be confident, but not too much pressure on the skin. The skin seems to be rubbed and at the same time heats up.

    So, for each area of ​​the face there will be its own techniques.

    Lymphatic drainage facial massage at home - the technique of the classical method:

    1. The fingers are set in the middle of the frontal part of the face and are guided to the temples.
    2. The index fingers are placed on the bridge of the nose. Movements begin towards the outer edge of the eyes. After exposure to the eyes, the fingers rise to the outer edge of the eyebrows. And so in a spiral order they move again to the bridge of the nose. This massage around the eyes removes bags and dark circles.
    3. Effects on the cheeks and cheekbones. The exercises are divided into three parts: first, two fingers are placed under the chin, which move to the outer corners of the jaw. In the same way, movements are carried out from the corners of the lips to the ears and from the middle of the upper lip to the temples.
    4. Nasolabial folds - The finger is placed at the bottom of the nasolabial fold and rises towards the nose.
    5. Chin - thumbs are placed in its center and movements are carried out to the ears.

    All movements are repeated 2-3 times.

    Facial massage using the Japanese Asahi technique (zogan)

    The author of this massage is the Japanese technician Yukuko Tanaka. Due to the many techniques that activate the work of the lymph flow, it is possible to affect the deep muscles of the face. The Japanese technique of lymphatic drainage facial massage involves performing it while standing or sitting so that the spine is in an upright, upright position. All exercises must be repeated three times.

    Here are just some of the tricks:

    1. After each reception, the final actions are carried out. The finger is placed on the parotid lymph nodes, which are located between the ear and the temple. The movements are carried out along the edge of the face, reach the chin and go down along the edge of the neck, reaching the collarbone.
    2. To strengthen the cheeks - hands, clenched into fists, are located on the sides of the nose. Elbows spaced parallel to the ground. You need to work with the outer side of the index fingers, which squeeze the nose, and the hands are pulled out to the ears, while there is pressure on the skin.
    3. The method of "squeezing" the face. The fingers fold in a diamond shape on the bridge of the nose, the thumbs are lowered under the chin, then begin to spread the fingers to the ears using moderate force.

    Japanese massage prevents early aging, but it is not recommended for persons under 18-20 years of age.

    An example of such a massage can be seen in this video:

    Manual lymphatic drainage massage

    Manual lymphatic drainage massage involves manual action on the skin of the face. In this case, such procedures can be successfully applied at home. To improve lymphatic drainage, use available tools, such as brushes and spoons.

    To enhance the effect obtained, massage can be combined with facial gymnastics.

    Initially, experts divide lymphatic drainage facial massage into manual and hardware, which in turn are divided into subspecies.

    Hand massage

    It can be performed both at home and in a beauty parlor. Its approximate sequence is as follows:

    1. First, the face is prepared for the procedure. For example, a herbal steam bath is made.
    2. No crushing movements. All of them are performed carefully and start from the forehead area.
    3. Further, the technique of manual massage completely coincides with the classic look.

    Hardware technique

    For hardware lymphatic drainage massage, special equipment is used. This method is more effective and is selected depending on the individual qualities of the patient's skin.

    The most common types of effects on lymph are:

    1. Microcurrent therapy. A weak current penetrates under the skin to different depths and affects the fiber, dermis and even muscle tissue.
    2. Vacuum massage, which was already written about earlier, works due to the influence of negative pressure.

    Contraindications and possible consequences

    The procedure may be contraindicated in such situations:

    1. In the presence of rosacea.
    2. inflammatory or malignant direction.
    3. In case of violation of the water-salt balance of the skin.
    4. After injury.
    5. Neuralgia associated with damage to the ternary nerve.
    6. Too sensitive skin.
    7. Cardiovascular disease.

    During pregnancy, breastfeeding, or the presence of nervous ailments, the procedure may be more gentle, or prohibited altogether.

    After the procedure, the following consequences may occur:

    1. Pain after the procedure - it appears due to improper massage performance, when too intense exposure is applied.
    2. Bruises - This is usually a side effect that appears on sensitive skin after the vacuum method.
    3. Pimples, blackheads and acne - appear when the massage technique is not performed correctly.

    How to prepare for lymphatic drainage massage

    Any massage is done on cleansed skin; this is the first rule of preparation for the procedure. All applied to the skin is removed - make-up, sunscreen, etc. But at the same time, the face should not remain completely unprotected; before the session, it is advisable to moisturize it with a special agent. This could be a day cream, or your daily serum.

    This is the basis of preparation for skin lymphatic drainage. But there is one more condition - this is complete relaxation and a positive attitude.

    What not to do before and after the massage

    Before the procedure, you should definitely tell a specialist about your diseases, since in some conditions of the body, lymphatic drainage facial massage at home and in beauty parlors is contraindicated.

    You cannot go to the procedure for young people who are no more than 16-18 years old. This method is aimed at eliminating age-related changes, so it does not make any sense for young skin.

    Lymphatic drainage is not carried out for colds, the presence of a runny nose, since massage actions lead to the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, and the lymph can carry them to other areas.

    If a person's face is thin, then it is better not to do this procedure either, otherwise after the first session it will be possible to find additional signs of thinness - sunken eye sockets and cheeks.

    Pros and cons of lymphatic drainage massage

    This procedure has both advantages and disadvantages.

    Advantages of the procedure Disadvantages of the procedure
    By improving lymph flow, small vessels are strengthened.

    Edema disappears, bags under the eyes decrease.

    The complexion is evened out, circles under the eyes become less noticeable.

    Facelift, prevention of double chin and flap formation.

    Getting rid of small mimic wrinkles.

    Restoration of collagen and elastin fibers, enhancement of skin regeneration.

    Getting rid of cells from toxins and toxins.

    Without experience in massage, there can be unpleasant consequences.

    This can include the loss of external attractiveness and even harm to well-being.

    With the wrong technique, skin rashes may appear.

    With a thin face, its thinness will increase due to the elimination of edema.

    Safety measures and rules of conduct

    Beforehand, the cosmetologist examines the patient's face, identifies the presence of diseases that may be contraindicated for lymphatic drainage massage, and determines the type of face. After that, the type of massage is selected and the number of procedures is assigned.

    The patient's age is also taken into account, she should not be young, it is recommended to undergo the procedure after 30 years. A specialist can take up young skin only if there are clear indications for this.

    Shown carrying out massage techniques should be aimed primarily at eliminating unwanted complications:

    1. All movements are directed along the flow of lymph flow, namely from bottom to top. Usually these are classic massage lines.
    2. All movements are slow and smooth. So it is possible to avoid injury to the skin, small blood vessels, which does not lead to the appearance of rosacea.
    3. Despite the fact that the facial muscles are not involved as much as with plastic surgery, nevertheless, many people compare the procedure with a non-surgical facelift.

    If the salons use special preparations in the form of gels and creams to remove toxins along with lymph, then at home you can use honey, provided that you are not allergic to it.

    Video: actress Olga Sumskaya on the benefits of lymphatic drainage facial massage

    Many popular people have actually experienced the benefits of lymphatic drainage massage: rejuvenation, tightening and improvement of tissue blood supply. This is what Olga Sumskaya says about this method of rejuvenation: lymphatic drainage facial massage - video

    Lymphatic drainage massage is a simple and effective way to keep your skin looking youthful and toned. The procedure is painless. With the help of a special technique, you can preserve the health and beauty of the skin for many years without surgery and various injections. The main advantage of this method is that lymphatic drainage massage can be done at home without wasting time and money on going to a beautician.

    What is lymphatic drainage facial massage?

    As a result of improper lifestyle and regular diets, as well as due to the appearance of chronic diseases, lymph flow is disrupted. This becomes the cause of deviations in the process of metabolism - fluid from the intercellular space is not excreted, edema appears on the face, and the state of health worsens.

    It is to remove the intercellular fluid from the epidermis tissues that lymphatic drainage massage is needed. This type of massage is so useful that in the absence of contraindications, cosmetologists and doctors recommend doing it weekly.

    Lymphatic drainage massage for the face not only improves skin condition, but also prevents the development of diseases associated with metabolic disorders. It is also often prescribed for patients who have had plastic surgery. The course of lymphatic drainage massage significantly shortens the recovery period after surgery.

    Lymphatic drainage massage of the face: indications and contraindications

    Lymphatic drainage massage refers to deep healing procedures, and therefore has a number of contraindications. These include:

    • age up to 16 years;
    • the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty (at least a month);
    • the presence of open wounds on the face;
    • pathology of the lymphatic system;
    • infectious or colds;
    • high blood pressure;
    • prolonged depression;
    • skin diseases;
    • in some cases, menstruation;
    • ENT diseases (especially tonsil inflammation).

    It is best to consult a doctor before performing a massage. It is important to follow the rules and recommendations in order to avoid negative consequences from lymphatic drainage.

    Indications for which, according to cosmetologists, lymphatic drainage facial massage is necessary:

    • flew on the face;
    • ptosis of the eyelids;
    • the presence of a double chin;
    • dry skin type;
    • blurred face contour;
    • the presence of facial wrinkles;
    • unhealthy skin color;
    • microcirculation disorders;
    • seasonal vitamin deficiency;
    • pronounced nasolabial folds;
    • swelling.

    Manual and hardware lymphatic drainage facial massage

    All existing techniques of lymphatic drainage massage are divided into two categories: manual and hardware. They often complement each other in a complex of procedures.

    The manual technique of lymphatic drainage massage gives a positive result in the early stages of changes in the structure of the skin and facial contour. Any woman can master this method and in the future conduct sessions at home on her own.

    Appartmental lymphatic drainage massage includes several methods:

    1. Galvanization. It consists in the use of a low voltage current, with the help of which metabolic processes are activated, and excess fluid is removed from the layers of the epidermis.
    2. Electroiontophoresis. The principle is similar, but the current in this method is used in combination with medicinal substances that stimulate metabolic processes.
    3. Process therapy. Used mostly for the whole body. The principle of operation is the same, the effect is achieved using a special suit that is worn on the body. Microprocessors are connected to it, which create pressure.
    4. Vacuum lymphatic drainage massage. It causes an increased outflow of lymph. An effective but difficult way. A qualified specialist is required for vacuum massage. Otherwise, damage to the tissues of the epidermis is possible.
    5. Microcurrent lymphatic drainage massage. In this way, the upper layers of the epidermis are stimulated. Thus, expression lines near the lips and on the forehead are smoothed.

    How to do a lymphatic drainage facial massage at home?

    To independently carry out lymphatic drainage massage at home, several nuances should be taken into account that will help achieve the desired result. Of course, it is better to trust a professional, but such an opportunity is not always available.

    So what you need to know about home lymphatic drainage massage?

    1. Massage by hand. When using improvised means and special devices, there is a risk of harm to the skin of the face. For example, leave bruises or scratches.
    2. Pre-exfoliate your face. For these purposes, it is better to use fruit-based products.
    3. Apply an emollient to the skin before starting the lymphatic drainage massage. It can be a vegetable-based oil (for example, olive oil), special foam, or.
    4. Rub the skin. Light movements are enough to feel how it warms up.
    5. Strictly follow the recommendations for massage movements. The massage technique involves repeating all exercises three times.
    6. Lymphatic drainage massage ends with light patting movements. This will soothe hot skin.

    How often to do lymphatic drainage massage? Cosmetologists say that once a week is enough. But which of the techniques to use is up to you. Next, we will talk about the Japanese technique of lymphatic drainage massage. It is the easiest to use, so it can also be used at home.

    Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage

    Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage (other names "asahi" or "dzogan") is considered the most effective. Japanese women have passed this way of preserving youth and beauty from generation to generation.

    The technique of lymphatic drainage massage of the face is shown in the table. The massage lines can be seen in the image.

    The technique of lymphatic drainage massage of the face is as follows.

    Problem: Forehead

    Technique: Press the index, ring and middle fingers of both hands to the center of the forehead. Count to three and bring them to your temples with pressure. Turn the palms down at a right angle, reducing the pressure to bring them to the ears and behind the back.

    Problem: Puffiness under the eyes

    Technique: Raise your arms and spread your elbows to the side. Then, place the pads of the middle fingers at the outer corners of the eyes and draw them to the inner ones. Press harder and outline the hemisphere along the upper eyelid to the outer corners. Relax the pressure and fix the fingers at the temples. Draw along the lower eyelid to the inner corners. Then do the same, but in the opposite direction.

    Problem: Wrinkles around the mouth

    Technique: Fix the middle and ring fingers in the center of the chin. Press and, without releasing the pressure, bypass the mouth, connecting the fingers above the upper lip. Press and lift your nose with your ring fingers.

    Problem: Cheeks

    Technique: The middle and ring fingers are placed in the dimples near the wings of the nose. Up and down, make five arcuate movements. Without pressing, move your fingers to the bridge of the nose, smooth the back of the nose to the depressions. Move your hands to your ears.

    Problem: Upper jaw

    Technique: Three fingers are pressed against the center of the chin. Press and circle them around the mouth and further to the eyes. Then, gently move your fingers to your temples.

    Problem: Lower jaw

    Technique: Rest your palm on the lower part of the face and with pressure draw from the lower jaw to the inner corner of the eye. Loosen the pressure and bring the line to the ear. Repeat on the other side of the face.

    Problem: Midface

    Technique: The elbows are spread apart and the fingers are placed on the cheeks. Squeezing the nostrils, pressing the fingers apart to the temples.

    Problem: Lifting the face

    Technique: The palms and elbows are folded in front of the chest. The brushes are opened, palms up and placed in front of the lips. By pressing, the palms rise to the nostrils and are fixed on the cheeks. The face goes down, a smile is drawn to the ears, and then, palms rise to the temples.

    Problem: Double chin

    Technique: The palm is placed under the chin, the clubs are positioned towards the ear. Pressing, the chin is stroked from the center to the ear. The same is done from the opposite side.

    Problem: Nasolabial folds

    Technique: Place the thumbs under the chin. The rest grasps the nose and "hides" in the palms. Hands with effort are spread to the temples.

    Lymphatic drainage massage improves blood circulation in the tissues of the epidermis and lymph flow. Japanese technology is able to cleanse the intercellular space of toxins and toxins. As a result, puffiness and dark circles under the eyes will disappear, and the complexion will improve.

    Lymphatic drainage facial massage has a lifting effect. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin, relieves tension and helps to relax. In addition, in this way you can get rid of fine wrinkles, remove nasolabial folds, double chin and correct the contour of the face.

    Lymphatic drainage facial massage in the salon

    Regular lymphatic drainage facial massage in the salon can cope even with deep wrinkles. The result will be visible almost immediately.

    The cost of a procedure in a beauty salon depends on its type. An authentic procedure awaits you in an expensive Thai or Japanese salon, however, even in a regular beauty parlor, you can expect significant improvements.

    Prices vary from 7,000 to 12,000 rubles, depending on the region. For example, in Voronezh the price for services will be 10,000 rubles, but in Ufa you can get a lymphatic drainage facial massage for 7,000 rubles.

    Have you already done a lymphatic drainage facial massage? Share your impressions and results in the comments.

    To get the best effect from skin care, experts advise paying attention to face lymphatic drainage.

    It allows you to have youthful and toned skin without radical surgical methods of rejuvenation.

    In addition, positive changes can be achieved not only when contacting professionals, but also when performing massage at home.

    Facial lymphatic drainage - what is it?

    Over the years, the skin loses its elasticity and freshness, which becomes noticeable in appearance, and on the face - above all. It is expressed like appearance, swelling, etc.

    Disadvantages arise from a disturbed water-salt balance in the body, which leads to the accumulation of toxins and excess liquid substance. They are excreted using the lymphatic system.

    In this case, lymphatic drainage massage can help speed up this process.

    In disorders of lymphatic drainage, those types that lead to the normal functioning of the lymphatic system are useful. Let's talk about everything in order.

    10 indications for the procedure

    It is necessary to resort to massage both with manifestations of lymph congestion, and during prophylaxis.

    Signs that massage is already required are certain problems that have appeared on the face.


    • swelling;
    • hypertrophied dryness of the epidermis,
    • acne breakouts;
    • uneven tone, redness;
    • the formation of deep nasolabial furrows;
    • drooping upper eyelids;
    • the occurrence of a double chin;
    • the formation of facial wrinkles;
    • wilting of the skin with signs of fatigue;
    • blurred bordering of the face.

    First of all, facial massage improves blood circulation, so it can have a positive effect on your appearance.

    Dermatological surgeon Jessica Kim

    Prohibitions on the procedure (11 contraindications)

    There are several reasons for refusing facial lymphatic drainage.


    1. not 16 years old;
    2. there are wounds, acne in the treatment area;
    3. there are malfunctions of the lymphatic system, inflammatory manifestations in the lymph nodes in the facial area;
    4. deviations in blood coagulation;
    5. existing or already transferred diseases of a cold nature, especially ENT varieties;
    6. symptoms of hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    7. excessive emaciation of the face;
    8. cancer;
    9. menstrual cycle;
    10. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    11. chronic fatigue, prolonged depression.

    In order to avoid unforeseen complications, before sessions of lymphatic drainage massage, you should consult a specialist for advice.

    If you have undergone the contouring procedure, and previously did massage regularly, you should wait at least two weeks after the session before massaging your face. After all, you can worsen the final result.

    Dermatological surgeon Corey Frucht

    What complications are possible?

    After carrying out lymphatic drainage, you can run into trouble. But they are easy to avoid. Namely:

    1. Rashes. It is required to change the massage oil and to better clean the skin at the end of the massage.
    2. Puffiness. You will need to exclude excessively oily massage compositions and postpone the procedure from evening to morning.
    3. Sagging that has not disappeared. Therefore, light pressure was applied and an insufficient amount of massage agent was used.

    With strong facial weight loss, it is necessary to reduce the number of massages performed and relieve pressure.

    There are the following hardware lymphatic drainage technologies:

    • electrogalvanized done by a weak galvanic current. It stimulates cell function and collagen production;
    • vacuum accelerates lymphatic drainage due to the action of negative pressure on the epidermis. As a result, the swelling decreases after the first manipulation;
    • microcurrent is done by the penetration of a weak current into the muscle fibers. The tissues are reduced, affecting the smoothing of deep wrinkles, moisturizing the skin by normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands;
    • - Massaging comes from compressed air supplied by a special mask pulse wave. In this procedure, the computer monitors the degree of pressure and pulse wave and adjusts them in accordance with the specified force and time of exposure. By manipulation, circulation is activated and the withdrawal of a liquid substance from the body is accelerated.

    Microcurrent therapy is gaining popularity. It is performed with special conductive gloves. They are also called "magic pens". But in order to achieve the result, it is worth carrying out about 10 sessions.

    Dermatologist Deborah Longville

    Manual lymphatic drainage

    A manual procedure is performed by forceful action on the facial muscles, as a result of which it relaxes.

    Manipulation is carried out both in the salon conditions by a specialist and at home with his own hands, but only after studying the implementation of the selected technique.

    As a rule, the effect of a massage after a professional is always more noticeable. However, a home procedure, if you try, will give the desired result.

    Of the 2 manual lymphatic drainages of the face, Japanese and hemolymphatic drainage are distinguished. The first is based on acupuncture, the second acts in all layers of the epidermis.

    Manual lymphatic drainage masses are divided into 3 types:

    • surface- it processes only skin cells;
    • median- all epidermal layers are in the affected area;
    • deep- with it, the emphasis is on the facial muscles and lymphatic vessels.

    It is necessary to start independently performing the manipulation after studying the massage directions on the face.

    It must be done in a clean and relaxed guise. Otherwise, it is not difficult to get a negative effect from the pseudo-procedure.

    Whichever technique is chosen, first the doctor examines the patient, cleans the face before and after the sessions. The session costs more than 800 rubles.

    5 rules for preparing for the procedure

    To get the expected benefit from the procedure, you must follow certain rules.

    1. Collect the hair in a “ponytail” or pin it so that it does not fall on the facial area.
    2. Wash your face using your usual cleaning agent, remove the residual amount of decorative cosmetics.
    3. Exfoliate with a scrub, preceding it by steaming the skin to reveal it. It is enough to bend over a container of hot water (herbal decoction) or use a damp hot towel - it must be placed on your face for a couple of minutes. Intensive rubbing of the heated epidermis will not be superfluous.
    4. Apply a moisturizing composition to the skin. It is easy to make it yourself from grape (strawberry) juice and high-fat cream.
    5. Well, before gaining warmth, rub your hands.

    Preparation is necessary, then the fingers and palms of the hands will slide freely over the face.

    Technique for performing lymphatic drainage of the face (8 stages)

    For him, you need to use a cream that will facilitate the manipulation and nourish the epidermis with useful substances.

    1. With the pads of the fingers (index, middle, ring) of both hands, press in the middle of the forehead and gradually move to the temples with stroking movements. This will smooth out the frontal wrinkles.
    2. Move your fingers along the upper eyelid from the outer to the inner edge and back. Movements go first above the ciliary line, then under the eyebrows.
    3. Apply pressure over the lower eyelid, starting from the bridge of the nose and ending with the temples. The way back is over the upper eyelid.
    4. Smooth out the nasolabial furrows by tracing your fingers along the contour of the furrows and applying gentle pressure in centimeter increments.
    5. Tone the muscles of the cheeks, massaging the central area from the jaw zone to the eyes with your palms in a circular motion.
    6. Eliminate the overhanging of the cheeks by pressing the lower part of the back of the hand on the sides of the chin, gradually moving upward.
    7. Trace the lip contour with 2 tightly pressed fingers to help in the fight.
    8. Move the bottom of the back of your hand (pressing it tightly) from the center of your chin to your temples. This will reduce the formed double chin.

    Each episode is repeated 8-10 times with gentle strokes and gentle pressure movements.

    Question answer

    Lymphatic drainage will help prevent sagging skin while trying to lose weight.

    It is impossible to accurately answer this question, because each type has its own advantages. The doctor chooses which technique to prefer in working with a particular patient. It is based on the condition of the epidermis and the desired outcome. At the same time, a specialist requires proper qualifications and experience in working with devices for lymphatic drainage to carry out the massage.

    Oriental rejuvenation procedures

    The anti-aging lymphatic drainage massage by Maeda Tooru (Japan) is very effective. All plucking movements are repeated until the skin acquires a pinkish color.

    • Chin pinching should be done lightly and often. Advances to the ear are performed along the lower part of the face. Pinching will respond with a pleasant tingling sensation.
    • Pinching under the chin should be done with the head up. Pinching under the chin is carried out from the middle to the ears. The result is a tightened face contour and elastic epidermis.
    • Smooth the chin with 3 fingers slowly, slightly pressing from the middle to the ears.
    • Smooth the skin of the neck on the right side, turning the head to the left and lifting the chin, with movements with weak pressure. Turning the head to the right, repeat the same on the left side of the neck.

    The duration of such a session is up to 20 minutes. Finish the massage with an ice cube and applying a cream to the skin in accordance with its type. This completion of the procedure will add tone to the epidermis.

    Universal massage according to Akhabadze

    It is possible to learn how to do it in a few days. It is not difficult to achieve with massage:

    • activation of internal processes (lymph flow, blood movement);
    • relaxation of muscle tension;
    • withdrawal of excess fluid;
    • improving the work of the sebaceous glands;
    • strengthening the epidermis, blood vessels.

    In the prevention of age-related changes, 2 sessions per week are enough. If the problems are more significant, the course is increased to 5 massages.

    The execution scheme fits into several approaches.

    1. The neck is processed by stroking the fingers along the lateral lines of the face along the marked dotted line from the sternum to the center of the chin.
    2. Stroking the face from the midline with palms spread apart on the sides. In this case, the middle and index fingers are on the lips.
    3. Movements in the mouth are clockwise. The free hand is put to the ear, the worker makes a circle along the nasolabial folds.
    4. Next, the 3 middle fingers move from the wings of the nose to the temples along the line of the cheekbones.
    5. A sequence of circular movements in the eye area from the outer corner along the eyebrow line with the index, middle fingers.
    6. In the area of ​​the eyes, a "figure of eight" is drawn with the fingers. The working hand comes from the outer corner, the free hand lies on the temple.
    7. With movements with vibration, the fingers move along the eye socket from the outside upwards, while the circle does not end, but the eyebrows are skipped.
    8. On the forehead, the palms of the hands are stroking from the bridge of the nose to the hair.
    9. Finger vibration is performed alternately across the face. Movements go from the center of the forehead, the wings of the nose, the corners of the lips, the middle of the chin to the sides.

    For prophylaxis, 3 - 5 repetitions are necessary, to get rid of the resulting changes - 5 - 7. A short-term effect is visible immediately. To extend the result, you need a course impact.

    The appearance of edema, first wrinkles, flabbiness is associated with disruption of the lymphatic system. It plays an important role in the process of renewal, cleansing of the skin, saturation of tissues with nutrients. Cosmetological problems are observed with age or under the influence of unfavorable factors. Lymphatic drainage massage of the face restores firmness, elasticity of the integument, provides a noticeable rejuvenation effect. A great way to take care of the beauty and health of your skin with an affordable procedure.

    The effectiveness of the technique

    Performing a professional drainage facial massage will allow you to see the results immediately. It will improve not only the condition of the face, but also the whole organism. Headaches and insomnia disappear, and immune functions increase.

    After completion, the lymph drainage is restored, toxins and oxidants are removed. Recommended for use in case of violation of the water-salt balance in an adult. Swelling and puffiness are easily corrected with the help of lymphatic drainage technique, which disperses the accumulated fluid in the subcutaneous tissue.

    Indications for performance:

    • swelling of the eyelids and on the face;
    • offset of the oval contour;
    • deep wrinkles on the forehead, the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
    • dry skin, the presence of peeling;
    • problematic, oily skin with enlarged pores;
    • dark circles, bruises under the eyes;
    • flabbiness, unhealthy color;
    • the appearance of flews, double chin;
    • mimic wrinkles.

    Lymph is a specific fluid that flows through thin channels. The speed of its movement is slower than the blood flow, a significant decrease is observed over the years. In order to accelerate its outflow, allowing you to remove toxins, achieve rejuvenation, a special technique of cosmetological massage is performed.

    It is based on the gradual warming up of tissues by alternating gentle techniques. Due to this, excess fluid is removed from the subcutaneous tissue, removal of puffiness, swelling.

    Execution rules

    A feature of performing lymphatic facial massage techniques is a slow, smooth effect. Thanks to this, it is possible to influence the intracellular processes, to achieve a lasting rejuvenating result.

    You can master this type of tactile manipulation yourself at home. It is important to consider general recommendations to achieve the desired effect.

    Carrying out rules:

    • All movements are directed along the lymph flow - from bottom to top. The basis is classic massage lines.
    • Unlike plastic and plucked types, techniques are performed slowly, smoothly. This allows you to avoid trauma to the blood vessels, the appearance of couperose nets.
    • Despite the lack of tangible development of the facial muscles, the result can be compared with a non-surgical facelift.

    An important point! To perform the facial lymphomassage procedure, special gels and creams are used to remove toxins. You can replace it with honey; in the absence of an allergic reaction, it will be an excellent alternative to professional cosmetics.

    Massage types

    There are 2 techniques for improving the outflow of lymph - manual (manual) and hardware. Depending on the intensity of the impact, they are distinguished - superficial, middle and deep. Depending on the condition of the client's skin and the desired result, the doctor selects the optimal type of technique.


    The impact is carried out with special devices that affect the condition of the integument with the help of microcurrents, vacuum, high-frequency vibrations. Blood circulation improves, skin firmness and elasticity increase. Thanks to modern technologies, an individual program is selected for each client, taking into account the peculiarities of the dermis. Provides deep penetration of cosmetics, correction of the chin line.

    It is prescribed after 30 years of age, suitable for all skin types. At a young age, it is used in the complex of acne treatment, as well as to get rid of mimic wrinkles.


    With the help of devices that supply low voltage current, it is possible to get rid of puffiness, remove fluid from the subcutaneous tissue. The upper layers of the skin are being worked on. The duration of the procedure can take from 10 to 60 minutes, the course consists of 10-15 sessions. It is carried out with a frequency of 1-2 times a week.


    1. The face is cleansed of cosmetics and impurities, the skin is treated with degreasing compounds.
    2. After that, a gauze mask is applied, impregnated with a special composition, the ingredients of which are selected depending on the cosmetic purposes of the procedure.
    3. Electrode treatment is carried out. The beautician has 2 types in his arsenal - passive and active. The first is in the hands of the client, the second is massage.
    4. Then a nourishing mask or cream is applied, selected according to the skin type.

    Any discomfort is excluded during the session. If necessary, you can repeat the course after 3-4 months.


    Through the action of a current it is possible to improve the penetration of cosmetic formulations into the deep layers of the epidermis. Influence is carried out along the lines of massage using a special device. The duration of the session takes from 5 to 15 minutes, the number of procedures - from 6 to 8 with a frequency of once a week.


    1. Cleansing and disinfection of the face.
    2. Application of a special gel or cosmetic product to the skin surface.
    3. The massage is performed using ultrasound with a frequency of 800 to 3000 kHz. The doctor conducts light movements, gradually changing the power of the impact. The lower the frequency of the apparatus, the higher the penetration rate.

    Note! During the procedure, the client feels light vibrations, painful or uncomfortable sensations are excluded.


    The lymphatic system is influenced by compressed air. The procedure allows you to get rid of cellulite, body flabbiness. Manages to increase the protective properties of the dermis, firmness, elasticity. During the session, the client puts on a special suit, air is supplied with periodic pressure fluctuations. It takes about 30 minutes for a session and is prescribed as a course of 10-15 sessions. Do not apply to the face and neck area.

    Vacuum lymphatic drainage

    It is carried out using an apparatus with a small diameter vacuum nozzle. At home, replace cans with a diameter of 33 mm. Duration takes from 5 to 7 minutes, the course includes 10-15 sessions with a frequency of every 3 days.


    1. The face is cleansed of cosmetics and surface impurities.
    2. Apply massage oil to improve glide.
    3. After setting the mode, the master makes a test movement. If a pink trace remains on the skin area, disappearing within a few seconds, the massage is carried out in the specified mode. With prolonged redness, the pressure is lowered.
    4. Stimulation of the supraclavicular nodes is carried out with soft smooth movements.
    5. Then the beautician moves to the lower part of the neck, moves along the middle and upper areas.
    6. The lower part of the face is worked out along the lines from the chin to the lower jaw.
    7. Gradually, the apparatus moves to the area around the eyes. Movements are directed from the back of the nose to the temporal cavity. After - from the bridge of the nose along the line above the eyebrow arches to the temples.
    8. At the last stage, the face is cleared of oil residues. A cream or revitalizing mask is applied, matched to the skin type.

    Microcurrent lymphatic drainage

    The procedure allows you to restore muscle fibers, relieves double chin and nasolabial folds. The duration of the session is 15 minutes, the course consists of 5-10 conductions with a frequency of 1 time per week. You can take care at home using an apparatus with a frequency of 1–300 Hz and a pulse flow rate of 20–80 µA.

    The massage is carried out using a special gel according to the general galvanization protocol. The direction of movement is common for all types of lymphatic drainage massage - from bottom to top, from the center to the peripheral zones.


    At home, you can perform self-massage, taking into account the peculiarities of the technique. The salon offers not only classic manual effects. Spoons and brushes can be used to improve lymphatic drainage. The Japanese technique Yukuko Tanaka is effective, providing rejuvenation, restoration of renewal processes.

    To enhance the effect, it should be used in conjunction with facial gymnastics. The manual technique consists of stroking, beating strictly along certain lines. It is carried out in salons in courses of 10-15 sessions, the frequency is determined individually. The procedure takes from 10 to 20 minutes. Often it is prescribed in combination with hardware exposure to achieve maximum effect.

    Hemolymphatic drainage Russian massage from Margarita Levchenko:

    1. To cleanse your face, you can steam it with a compress or do it after taking a shower.
    2. The front neck area is worked out with light tangent movements. Direction - from bottom to top, stroking is performed alternately with the palms of the right and left hands.
    3. Stroking the lateral areas of the neck from the earlobes along the shoulder line, arm movements are symmetrical. It is carried out with the lateral surface of the brush.
    4. From the center point in the chest area, stroke alternately with your palms, moving along the line of the shoulders.
    5. Use the fingertips from the center of the chin to the ear tragus.
    6. Work out a line from the corners of the mouth to the ear tragus.
    7. Stroke from the back of the nose to the temples.
    8. From the bridge of the nose, parallel to the brow arches, stroke towards the temples.
    9. From the center of the forehead to the temples, ending at the hairline to the temples.
    10. After receiving stroking along the massage lines, rubbing is carried out with light pressure.
    11. Each technique is performed 3-5 times.
    12. Finish the complex by stroking the face and neck area.

    The cost of the procedure

    The price is formed depending on the type of lymphatic drainage massage, as well as the cosmetics used. The cost of a session starts from 1000 rubles, hardware procedures - from 1300 to 3000 rubles. The number of procedures required is determined on an individual basis, depending on the condition of the skin.

    At home, it is not recommended to use techniques to accelerate the movement of lymph. Execution requires experience and knowledge in cosmetology, anatomy, medicine. It is difficult to independently assess the condition of the integument; it is better to go to a salon or clinic of aesthetic medicine. To achieve a professional result, it is recommended to take lessons, courses of cosmetic massage.

    Safety engineering

    Like other types of hardware, as well as manual massage, lymphatic drainage requires a number of recommendations. This will allow you to avoid unwanted consequences while enjoying the result of the right spa treatment.

    Precautionary measures:

    • before the procedure, a consultation with a cosmetologist is carried out;
    • the condition and type of the epidermis is assessed, the optimal type of exposure is selected - manual or hardware;
    • the face needs to be cleaned with gels, foams of a professional, medical line;
    • before carrying out, the master thoroughly washes his hands, be sure to remove the rings, the nails must be neatly trimmed;
    • Before using creams, cosmetics or honey during massage, it is necessary to test on a small area of ​​the skin to prevent a possible allergic reaction.

    Attention! When carrying out lymphatic drainage massage on your own, you should master the classic techniques, study the basics of cosmetic manipulations. It is better to entrust the execution to a professional, this technique has a profound effect.


    • infectious, viral diseases;
    • oncology;
    • enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck, head;
    • violation of blood clotting;
    • hemophilia;
    • rosacea;
    • postoperative period.

    Various massage techniques can be used to keep skin looking fresh and radiant. Lymphatic drainage is considered one of the most effective for rejuvenation and correction of the oval. An effective way to maintain and restore elastic structure, healthy, even complexion.

    Useful videos

    Lymphatic drainage massage by Yukuko Tanaka for facial rejuvenation.

    Lymphatic drainage massage of the face. Margarita Levchenko.

    Facial massage with Margarita Levchenko.

    Olya Likhacheva

    Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


    Every woman dreams of having young and toned skin, but not everyone knows that it is not at all necessary to use radical surgical methods of rejuvenation for this. One of the simplest and most effective ways to achieve the desired result is lymphatic drainage facial massage.

    What is lymphatic drainage facial massage

    Lifestyle, chronic diseases, and dietary habits provoke a violation of lymph flow. Because of this, fluid is not drained from the cells at all, or it is drained, but not in full. This affects the appearance of puffiness. You can remove this liquid with the help of a drainage massage, which is carried out in the salon or at home. Lymphatic drainage massage is a pleasant and effective way to rejuvenate. It helps to improve the complexion, wrinkles are reduced, swelling goes away, a regular oval is formed. The woman becomes prettier and younger. This is confirmed by many reviews.


    Hardware lymphatic drainage of the face consists in the use of special devices that conduct current to problem areas. Thanks to this, nourishing, stimulating and moisturizing substances reach the deepest layers of tissues and lymph drainage is increased. The effect of this procedure lasts for a long time, which allows you to look younger than your age. Hardware drainage can be carried out in several ways: vacuum and microcurrent, galvanization, electroionophoresis. Such methods are actively used in beauty salons.


    Manual lymphatic drainage facial massage is easy to perform. It can be easily mastered at home. The essence of the method consists in circular movements in problem areas: it can be tingling, stroking, tingling. Before the procedure, you need to cleanse the skin and treat it with a special agent. Do not massage dry skin, as you can injure it. Manual manipulations help when you notice facial problems in time and the skin is not neglected. Otherwise, you should contact a beautician who can use hemolymphatic drainage massage.

    Lymphatic drainage facial massage at home

    Many women do not have the opportunity to go to a beauty salon, but this is not a reason to throw up their skin. It is possible to carry out lymphatic drainage of the face at home, which will save both money and time. In this case, a manual procedure is recommended, but judging by the reviews, many use various devices in the process. In order not to leave bruises or other damage on the face, you need to use these devices correctly.

    How to do lymphatic drainage facial massage

    There are 3 types of massage - surface, projection and deep. In our country, the Japanese technique of lymphatic drainage facial massage from Yukuko Tanaka is very popular. It is called Asahi Facial Massage or Zogan Facial Massage. The Asahi technique is carried out according to the following scheme: 12 steps repeated 3 times and the final exercise. This is a kind of facial gymnastics. It is important here not to touch the lymph nodes.

    1. Face preparation. Place the fingers of both hands on the forehead (in the center), then start the movement, reach both temples, then vice versa. After that, stroking the area from the cervical lymph nodes to the collarbones.
    2. Forehead. Bring your palms to the middle of your forehead, bringing your fingertips together. Press with index, middle and nameless on the skin, count to three. Then draw a line to the temples, extend it to the ears, go down the neck (side) to the collarbones.
    3. The area around the eyes. Press the pads of your middle fingers to the outer corner of your eyes and sweep in an arc to the inner. Repeat the same movement along the edge of the eye socket. From there, with an intensified movement, go to the temples, hold your fingers at the ear tragus and go down the lymphatic lines of the neck to the collarbones.
    4. The area around the mouth. Place your fingers in the center of your chin, press, hold a little. Then sweep to the corners of the lips. In this case, the skin should "slide" up. In the same way, pressing for a few seconds, work on existing or potential nasolabial folds.
    5. Nose. Massage the wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose with active manipulations in a circle. Then move along the cheekbones to the ear tragus, hold for 3 seconds and slide along the neck to the collarbones.
    6. Chin. From the middle of the chin, press to the corners of the lips, hold for 3 seconds. With the next movement, go to the edges of the nostrils, and then to the outer corners of the eyes. Finally, go to the ear tragus and down the neck to the collarbones.
    7. Cheeks. Support the lower jaw with your left hand. Place your right hand vertically with the edge of your palm to the right of your nose, press and hold for 3 seconds. Then swipe to the edge of your face, as if wiping sweat off of it. Do the same for the other side, changing hands. Complete as in the previous paragraphs.
    8. Cheekbones. Press your fingers to both cheekbones, lift them up to the corners of the eyes. Complete as before.
    9. General massage. Lower your face into your palms, make movements as if you were washing your face, moving the skin from the center. Then pinch the skin with two fingers and gradually move towards your ears. At the end, as before, along the neck to the collarbones.
    10. Relaxing massage. From the wings of the nose, pass with point presses to the ears. Then from the chin to the ears and from the center of the forehead to the ears. The end is traditional.
    11. Vibration massage. Open your mouth and shake your head with your eyes closed. Then repeat the movements from point 10.
    12. Smoothing massage. Moving your palms from the chin to the hairline, wash yourself slowly and with noticeable effort. Do this as if you are squeezing out excess liquid.
    13. The final stage. In a lateral zigzag motion, massage your forehead with the fingers of one hand. Support your chin with your other hand. Then smooth your forehead from the middle to the temples, fix the pressure and move from the ears to the collarbones.


    Due to the fact that lymphomassage affects the deep layers of tissues, it can have dire consequences. There are some contraindications for lymphatic drainage massage:

    • age up to 16 years;
    • recent rhinoplasty;
    • damage to the face, herpes, abscesses, eczema, boils;
    • any diseases of the lymphatic system;
    • infections, colds, including a runny nose;
    • overwork, prolonged depression;
    • thin face;
    • skin diseases, including dermatosis;
    • ENT diseases;
    • low pressure.

    Price for lymphatic drainage facial massage

    The cost of the procedure is influenced by its type and equipment used. The choice may depend on the wishes of the client or on his individual characteristics. On average, the price for face lymphatic drainage in Moscow varies from 1,500 rubles. up to 3000 r.

    Average price (p.)

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