• The baby's navel is bleeding what to do. Why does a baby's navel bleed and what to do about it. Why the navel of a newborn can bleed


    Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

    Reading time: 6 minutes

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    Last updated article: 26.04.2019

    The formation of the baby's navel begins at the moment the umbilical cord is cut off and a squeezing clamp is applied after the baby is born. After the clamp is applied, the umbilical remains begin to mummify. Within 3-10 days, during the normal course of events, the mummified residue falls off and an umbilical wound is formed, which requires proper and careful care. Many mothers are worried about the question, why does the navel bleed in a newborn? And what if he started to bleed? The answer is simple - process.

    The umbilical wound may normally bleed a little or an ichor may be secreted. This is a natural process.

    Visually, the presence of discharge can be recognized by the formation of crusts and the hissing of hydrogen peroxide in the umbilical wound. With proper treatment, the wound surface heals quickly and painlessly. But in some cases, the umbilical wound bleeds for a long time.

    Causes of bleeding of the umbilical wound

    1. Thickness of the umbilical cord: if the umbilical cord is thick, the umbilical remnant dies off within at least 10 days, and the complete healing of the umbilical wound occurs in the 3rd or 4th week.
    2. Violation of sterility when processing the navel (as an option, the ingress of unboiled water). In this case, bacterial contamination of the wound surface occurs and the inflammatory process begins.
    3. Intrauterine bacterial infection brought on.
    4. Traumatic injury to the wound surface associated with the mother's desire to cleanse the wound well. The healing surface of the umbilical ring is damaged when the crusts are removed with coarse materials (cotton swab, for example). Damage can also occur due to the early laying of the baby on the stomach, because of this, the navel can begin to bleed intensively.
    5. Anaerobic conditions in the wound, which can arise from an incorrectly worn diaper or other non-woven diaper. Often this occurs as a result of sticking the navel with a plaster, when the parents believe that this will protect the wound from infection.
    6. Weakening of the newborn's immunity also leads to the fact that the umbilical wound bleeds for a long time.
    7. Fragments of foreign objects in the wound, such as pieces of a cotton swab.

    Rules for treating an umbilical wound

    What to process

    The following rules for caring for a child's navel must be followed in any case. On the recommendation of pediatricians, care for the wound surface is carried out with the help of:

    • brilliant green (brilliant green);
    • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
    • hydrogen peroxide;
    • chlorophyllipt solution.

    Most often, before the wound heals, it is recommended to bathe the baby in boiled water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) in order to avoid bacterial infection. Some sources have information that manganese dries out the baby's skin. Permanganate really dries the skin, but if you make a weak solution and bathe your baby once a day, everything will be fine. But it is better not to use herbs.

    How to handle

    For treatment, hydrogen peroxide is dripped into the wound, and after its hissing ends, the liquid is carefully removed with a cotton swab, you can also use ear sticks.

    Then the umbilical wound is treated with a solution of brilliant green, for this use another clean stick with cotton wool.

    The treatment is carried out no more than 2 times a day (to allow the wound surface to tighten). However, the number of treatments can be adjusted by the pediatrician depending on how much the ichor is secreted.

    Processing must be done after each bath. The treatment is carried out until the hydrogen peroxide after the first dripping into the navel stops foaming. This is a sign that blood or ichor has ceased to be secreted.

    Important! Lubricating the skin around the navel with brilliant green is not worth it, since if inflammation begins, redness can be overlooked under a layer of dye. You cannot glue the navel so as not to block the access of oxygen. You should not lay the child on his stomach until the umbilical wound has healed.

    There are a few more points that should be observed when caring for both the mummified stump (remnant) and the wound left after it fell off. For example, it is worth giving your child more air baths if the temperature in the room allows. It is unnecessary to overheat the baby, among other things, this will contribute to the development of bacteria in the separated wound surface. A comfortable temperature for the baby is the range from 22 ° C to 25 ° C. The diaper should be chosen with a bend under the navel or tucked its front edge, leaving the umbilical ring open. Clothes should not squeeze the baby's skin in general, and near the wound in particular.

    When to Seek Qualified Medical Care

    The umbilical wound in a newborn baby is the place where the connection between the placenta and the fetal blood flow took place. The healing process of the navel must be correct and consistent as it is key to the health of the baby.

    The umbilical cord served as a link between mom and baby. Immediately after the baby is born, doctors cut this connecting thread in such a way that a short cord with a length of about 3 cm remains. It is twisted with a flagella and secured with a special plastic clip. Under the condition of correct development, within a week the umbilical cord should fall off, and a small wound forms in its place, which needs to be cared for and treated.

    The umbilical sore usually heals in about three weeks under normal circumstances. Of course, this depends on individual characteristics: for some babies, this process takes several days, for others, several weeks. There are times when the clothespin falls off the baby's navel after three days in the maternity hospital. In other situations, young parents bring the baby home with a plastic device.

    Wound healing goes through several stages, presented in the table..

    According to pediatricians, mommy should pay attention to the condition of the baby's wound. Usually, on the first day after arriving home, a patronage nurse comes home, who examines the toddler and treats the wound with hydrogen peroxide and ordinary brilliant green. This is a rather painful procedure.

    If, after such treatment, the ichor oozes only occasionally, then the healing process is proceeding normally and does not need additional intervention. The fact is that under the best circumstances, the care of the umbilical wound is practically not required.

    Why the baby's navel does not heal

    By the month of the child's life, the wound should already be completely tightened, and the baby's navel practically does not differ from the navel of an adult. However, sometimes after this period, the wound continues to bleed. Experts identify several key reasons that can explain such a long healing process.

    CauseDescription and recommendations
    1. Some babies have very large navels due to a thick placenta.Such wounds heal a little longer than usual. There is nothing to worry about, you just need to be patient and, just in case, consult with your pediatrician.
    2. Sometimes an umbilical hernia becomes the cause of a long wound healing.This is an extremely dangerous disease that can be recognized by the protrusion of the navel. This becomes especially noticeable with a strong cough or tearful crying. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.
    3. Perhaps the cause is parental diligence, as a result of which the wound is damaged.If the baby's wound is systematically bleeding, try scrubbing the belly button less gently.
    4. In some cases, the umbilical wound bleeds due to the presence of a foreign body in it.You should not try to independently determine, grope, and even more so extract it. Be sure to consult your doctor.
    5. Sometimes the navel of a newborn cannot heal because the baby's body cannot cope on its own.This is usually associated with a disease, which is the doctor's business to determine. In no case do you need to engage in self-treatment.
    6. If prolonged healing is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, then we are dealing with suppuration.In this case, parents also cannot cope on their own, therefore, medical professionals must be involved in the matter.
    7. The cause may be an infectious disease that the infant contracted immediately after birth.In such a situation, the baby's immunity simply does not give the strength for healing.

    Reasons to see a doctor

    In some situations, you shouldn't wait for the umbilical wound to heal on its own. If you have the following symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor:

    • bleeding does not go away;
    • the navel has greatly increased in size;
    • severe redness and suppuration is observed around the wound;
    • an unpleasant odor emanates from the navel.

    Wound care rules

    Sometimes the speed of wound healing depends on how carefully parents follow simple hygiene rules. There are several key postulates that determine whether the baby's wound heals on time.

    Firstly, bathing in the first month of a newborn's life should be carried out with the addition of potassium permanganate to the water. Boil the water and add a few drops of the solution there so that the water turns slightly pink. This promotes more effective cleansing and prevents infection. In addition, it is better to purchase a separate baby bath for bathing. It is recommended to boil the water for the procedure, and then cool it to 37 degrees.

    Secondly, air baths are very important for the rapid healing of a bleeding umbilical wound, which is recommended every day. The fact is that in the open air the navel heals much faster.

    Thirdly, make sure that the baby does not lie on its tummy during the healing process. During careless movements, the crust can peel off, and an infection gets into the wound. If done correctly, the navel will not bleed.

    How to treat a wound with brilliant green and peroxide

    In order to properly disinfect the wound, you need:

    • cotton shelves;
    • hydrogen peroxide;
    • brilliant green;
    • pipette.

    It is very easy to handle the baby's navel. Any mom can handle this. Do not worry, because the baby does not experience any painful sensations at this moment.

    For maximum safety, processing is carried out after bathing the baby. Using a pipette, collect a small amount of hydrogen peroxide and drip it onto the wound. At first, the product will foam and sizzle. You need to wait until the hemorrhagic crust formed on the navel softens. At this stage, the crusts can be either yellow or bloody - both will be normal.

    After they have softened, the mother should as carefully as possible push the areas of the skin around the navel, carefully examine and remove the remnants of the crusts with a clean cotton swab.

    At the next stage, you need to take cotton wool or a gauze napkin (a small piece of bandage will also work) and gently blot the wound to dry it for the next procedure. Applying brilliant green is the last stage. It is very easy to understand that the navel is healing - hydrogen peroxide will stop foaming on the wound.

    The main thing that parents should remember is that not only the speed of healing depends on how carefully the wound is treated, but also the risk of developing infectious diseases, such as purulent omphalitis.

    What to do for the wound to heal properly

    In addition to processing, you should pay attention to some additional nuances. One of them is the right choice of diapers. The material tightly adhering to the baby's body will prevent the “clothespin” from falling off.
    In this situation, there are two ways out:

    • purchase diapers with a specially designed cut in the place that falls on the edge of the navel;
    • with your own hands, make a cutout in the right place yourself;
    • put on diapers so that their edges do not wipe the base of the umbilical wound.

    It is very important to find the right wardrobe for your baby. Synthetic T-shirts and undershirts can trigger a greenhouse effect that does not promote wound healing. It is best to choose clothes made from natural fabrics. In addition, it must be the correct size for the baby. Make sure that the shorts and pants do not over-tighten the baby's navel area.

    Another point with diapers: it is extremely important to change diapers in a timely manner so that they do not have time to wet the crusts. However, no one is insured. If such a situation still occurs, you need to take a cotton swab, moisten it with alcohol and wipe the umbilical wound.

    Young mothers are wondering when to stop treating the umbilical wound. Some succumb to the delusion and stop processing immediately after the umbilical cord remains uncomfortable for the baby. In fact, the wound still needs to be treated for some time, twice during the day. This should be done before swimming.
    The scheme is as follows:

    • applying peroxide;
    • cleaning the wound;
    • a drop of alcoholic tincture or any antiseptic.

    After that, it is best to cover the wound with a small piece of bandage, and fix it on top with a special rubberized mesh. Pediatricians do not recommend the use of plasters for these purposes, because their material slows down healing.

    If the umbilical wound has not healed within a month, then there is clear reason to see a doctor. The specialist must determine what is happening in the child's body and why healing takes so long. After such a long period, no independent actions should be taken - in such a context, treating a child with folk remedies can be simply dangerous. Feel free to ask your pediatrician any questions about wound care and other procedures that affect your baby's health.

    Video - How to properly care for a newborn

    If childbirth proceeds without complications, the mother and the newborn are discharged from the hospital on the third or fourth day. In such a short period, the child's umbilical wound does not have time to completely heal. It arises after the remainder of the umbilical cord falls off. After the baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut, leaving a small part of the umbilical cord several centimeters long.

    After 3-5 days, the left part of the cord falls off, and a small gradually healing wound forms in its place.

    The occurrence of an umbilical wound in children

    The duration of her umbilical wound healing depends on several factors.

    1. First of all, this is influenced by the thickness of the umbilical cord. The thicker the umbilical cord, the longer the wound will take to heal.
    2. The navel is also poorly tightened when there is no free air circulation.
    3. Pediatricians also do not recommend the practice of placing the newborn on the stomach early. It should be started only when the baby reaches three weeks of age.

    The healing process can take anywhere from two weeks to a month. At this time, it is necessary to regularly examine the navel of the newborn and monitor its condition. At first, the wound may bleed a little. If the navel is bleeding in a week-old or 2-week-old baby, this phenomenon is not considered a pathology, but it may require additional care measures. So, why does the child's navel bleed, and what should be done in this case?

    Causes of navel bleeding in newborns

    There are several reasons why the navel in a newborn can bleed:

    • Improper care and frequent treatment lead to injury to the wound;
    • The resulting crust is damaged when changing a diaper or changing clothes;
    • The child's strained crying led to the breakdown of the crust;
    • The child is weak or has low blood clotting levels;
    • A disease such as granuloma (tissue overgrowth at the bottom of the wound) begins to develop.

    In the first three cases, there is no cause for concern. The wound itself will gradually heal and heal. The last two reasons are a serious reason to consult a pediatrician as soon as possible.

    Why is the prolonged healing of the umbilical wound dangerous?

    Any wounds of a newborn, including the umbilical one, require increased attention and special care. Why is it so important?

    1. Their main danger lies in the possibility penetration of various infections into the baby's body, which can lead to the onset and spread of inflammatory processes.
    2. If the navel has fallen off and regularly bleeds for a month, one of the forms of omphalitis (purulent or non-purulent) may develop in the subcutaneous tissues.
    3. With a lighter, non-purulent form, transparent discharge appears, the skin around the wound turns red and swells.
    4. With the development of purulent omphalitis, yellowish pus begins to stand out from the navel, the general condition of the child worsens: he becomes restless, often wakes up, eats poorly. There may be a rise in temperature and no weight gain. If treatment is not started immediately, the disease can result in sepsis.

    What should and should not be done if a child's navel is bleeding? If you notice that blood appears in the navel area, you will need to clean the wound once a day. To do this, you will need:

    • hydrogen peroxide;
    • pipette;
    • brilliant green;
    • cotton wool or cotton pads.
    1. Before carrying out manipulations on the treatment of the wound, be sure to wash your hands.
    2. Put a few drops of peroxide inside the navel. Wait until the foam disappears from the surface of the wound.
    3. After the crusts become soft, they are removed with cotton wool. Next, the wound is smeared with brilliant green.

    The healing process must be closely monitored. The first sign that the wound has healed will be the absence of foam after the instillation of hydrogen peroxide. In the case when, after a few days of treatment, the bleeding does not stop, and the baby becomes restless, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The lack of contraction of the navel in volume, pulsation in the area of ​​the wound, and the appearance of various secretions should also be a cause for alarm.

    Often, excessive diligence and diligence of mothers during wound care has the opposite effect. What should not be done if the navel is bleeding?

    • First of all, you need to remember that for quick healing you need free air access... That is why you cannot seal the wound with a plaster, apply a gauze bandage or close it with the edge of a diaper.
    • Do not go into the wound too often and wash it., one or two times a day is enough. Despite the fear of hurting the baby, the wound must be cleaned thoroughly, removing dirt and crusts from it, even in hard-to-reach places. Remember that pathogenic bacteria can accumulate and multiply under the remaining crusts.
    • Contact of the wound with water will negatively affect the healing process... This will require additional measures after swimming, we will describe them below. Until the umbilical wound heals, it is also not recommended to lay the child on the tummy.

    Any medications can only be used as directed by a doctor. This is especially true for potent ointments containing hormones or antibiotics.


    For mothers who find bleeding from an umbilical wound, the question immediately arises: is it possible to bathe a newborn baby if his navel is bleeding?

    According to experts, slight bleeding is not a contraindication for bathing a baby. If there are no inflammatory processes and purulent discharge, there is no need to change the regimen.

    Only boiled water should be poured into the bath, into which, on the recommendation of a doctor, a decoction of chamomile can be added (two tablespoons of chopped flowers are poured with two glasses of boiling water and insisted). The baby should be bathed every day.

    After water procedures, the newborn is wiped dry and the umbilical wound is treated.

    Correct implementation of all procedures and recommendations will help you maintain the health of your child.

    The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. The determination of the diagnosis and the choice of the method of treatment remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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    Even in the maternity hospital, mothers ask the doctor how long the navel heals in a newborn. The answer to the question, how long does it take to heal? umbilical wound rather individual. In most cases, this occurs in the third week of a child's life. But sometimes this process can take a little longer. Therefore, parents should clearly know how to understand that the navel has healed.

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    In the mother's womb, through the umbilical cord, the baby receives the nutrients he needs, as well as oxygen. In addition, food comes out through it. When a baby is born, this connection between him and his mother's body is cut. The remainder of the umbilical cord is applied Rogovin's bracket .

    However, even if the navel is not bandaged after birth, bleeding will not occur. The umbilical ring has two arteries and a vein. After cutting, the arteries gape due to the denser structure of the wall, and the vein collapses. However, this does not mean that bacteria cannot enter the resulting wound. To prevent this, in the maternity hospital, the umbilical residue is tied up and carefully processed.

    And when the remainder of the umbilical cord falls off, which happens after about 4-5 days, you need to continue to carefully handle the wound. There is no need to panic about the fact that "the remainder has fallen off, what to do?"

    If the navel persists, you need to wait a few more days. Sometimes this does not happen in the hospital, which means that he will disappear after 7-10 days at home. After the navel falls off, you need to handle the umbilical wound very carefully, doing this in three stages.

    Initially, using a sterile cotton swab, you need to treat the wound from all sides. It is best to take hydrogen peroxide of 3% concentration.

    To prevent infection, it is necessary to lubricate the wound. alcohol 96% ... The remaining stump must be dried and gently lubricated. potassium permanganate 5% .

    If the navel has not disappeared, is it possible to bathe the baby?

    After the umbilical cord has fallen off, the mother can safely bathe the child. Better to swim in boiled water. But until the cord falls off, the baby is not bathed - his body only needs to be gently wiped with a warm, damp sponge.

    Treating the navel of a newborn at home

    With the normal development of the baby, the healing of the umbilical wound occurs in the 3rd week - during this period it is epithelized. The local nurse or pediatrician will explain how to treat the navel to the newborn before healing. It is necessary to carry out this procedure as it happens in a maternity hospital. For a mother who needs to know exactly how to handle a newborn's navel correctly, it is important to consider that this needs to be done every day after bathing. First, mom needs to wash her hands thoroughly with soap and water.

    It is also important to know how to handle the navel of a newborn. Used for these purposes hydrogen peroxide , alcohol 96% , brilliant green solution 2% or for processing. And here is the solution potassium permanganate it is not recommended to use for these purposes, since it is not easy to prepare a solution of the correct concentration of their powder, and, moreover, if the crystal accidentally ends up on the child's skin, it can provoke burn .

    Initially, you need to soften the crust with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. If, at the same time, the peroxide does not begin to foam, this means that the navel has healed.

    During the healing process, crusts will gradually fall off, which must be very carefully removed. You cannot peel off the crusts by applying force.

    When treating the navel, special attention should be paid to the base of the umbilical cord. It is rubbed very carefully each time to remove all wet discharge. This is most conveniently done with a cotton swab. This will speed up the drying and healing process.

    How many times a day to process?

    This procedure should be done once a day.

    If the navel does not heal well, regular "airing" will help speed up this process, for which you need to open your tummy more often. When using diapers, you need to bend down the belt so that the wound remains open. You do not need to touch the wound if it is not necessary.

    What to do if the navel of a newborn is bleeding?

    Parents who do not know what to do if blood appears on the umbilical wound, initially need to understand why the navel is bleeding in a newborn.

    Sometimes the reasons for this phenomenon are simple and understandable. The umbilical wound is bleeding, if it occurs trauma when the baby was swaddled, wiped or bathed. The diaper should be put on very carefully until the wound is completely healed. Some mothers too actively cleanse the wound from crusts, thereby provoking injury.

    The navel can bleed due to education umbilical granuloma (fungus ). If the umbilical cord was thick, after cutting it, a wide umbilical ring remains, and it heals for a long time. As a result, granulation builds up, and the navel resembles a mushroom in its shape. This formation is painful, and even when swaddling, catching it, you can provoke the appearance of pain. And even after minor injury, the umbilical wound in this case begins to bleed.

    When blood appears from the umbilical wound, you need to act as follows:

    • If blood appears as a result of careless handling of the wound, you need to drop a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on the umbilical wound.
    • You don't need to put your baby on your stomach.
    • Provide air access to the navel.
    • During the period when the umbilical wound is bleeding, it is impossible to bathe the baby. You need to wait until the navel stops bleeding completely and a crust appears on it.

    But it is best to consult with a doctor, show him the baby, provided that blood is flowing from the wound.

    It is especially important to show the child to the pediatrician without delay if he has not only the umbilical wound bleeding, but his general condition has worsened. In such a situation, it is better to urgently go to the hospital or call an ambulance.

    If the navel of a newborn does not heal for a long time, you need to pay special attention to this. When the so-called weeping navel is noted, this indicates the first stage - the inflammatory process of the umbilical wound. During this period, the navel does not yet fester, however, a light-colored serous discharge appears from the wound, and the skin around it reddens a little. At the same time, the baby feels normal.

    In such a situation, local treatment is practiced - you must first disinfect the navel with hydrogen peroxide, and then treat it with brilliant green. This procedure should be repeated 3-4 times a day.

    In some cases, an additional application is shown ultraviolet radiation ... If the navel of a newborn becomes wet, sometimes the use of ointments or powders containing. Treatment of a weeping navel in a newborn involves the use of ointments containing bacitracin and polymyxin .

    Provided that the inflammation was not stopped in a timely manner, the wound may begin to appear pus ... In such a situation, the umbilical ring turns red, edema appears. Gradually, the navel turns outward, the skin on it and next to it becomes hot and red. With omphalitis, the body temperature rises, the child is a lot capricious, reluctant to breastfeed, and becomes lethargic.

    In this case, it is very important to see a doctor right away and ensure the correct treatment. Otherwise, pus will begin to spread into the subcutaneous tissue, transfer to other organs, which can subsequently lead to the development sepsis .

    Treatment features

    Such babies undergo a course of treatment in inpatient departments of neonatal pathology. They must be prescribed antibacterial treatment.

    If the baby's temperature is very high and there are signs of severe intoxication , the baby can be given intravenous administration of the necessary medications.

    Sometimes, after culture for sterility, the presence of staphylococcus in the umbilical wound. In this case, the treatment is applied anti-staphylococcal immunoglobulin .

    It is necessary to treat the inflamed area antiseptic agents doing this several times a day.

    Provided that the body temperature has stabilized, you can carry out physiotherapy , namely - microwave.


    Thus, you need to be very careful with the wound until the navel heals.

    Parents should not exert extra effort to speed up the healing process. Let everything happen by itself.

    It is also important to remember that babies' navels are very different. In some children, they are in-depth, in others they are protruding. You should not practice any actions to change the shape, since such actions can provoke irritation and inflammation.

    In general, caring for an umbilical wound is not difficult, the main thing is to strictly follow all the recommendations and not rush things.

    The question of why the navel of a newborn is bleeding worries and frightens young mothers. Of course, this is not a very good symptom, a signal that the umbilical wound does not heal well, but not always, in some cases this is the norm and only requires a change in the nature of the navel processing.

    But let's start from the beginning.

    In utero, the mother and the child are connected by the umbilical cord, which consists of 3 rather large vessels. It ensures the life of the baby before birth, and after childbirth is no longer needed, immediately after birth, its blood flow stops, and the midwife cuts it, placing a special bracket on its base.

    On the 3-5th day, and with a thick umbilical cord and later, the dried umbilical residue is separated together with the bracket, and a wound remains in its place. It heals completely by 3 weeks of a child's life.

    Until healing has taken place, the umbilical wound needs serious and careful care. Previously, navels, starting from the hospital, were treated with hydrogen peroxide and a strong solution of potassium permanganate, but now neonatologists are abandoning an aggressive approach to care. It turned out that alcohol, peroxide and similar substances only injure the navel, preventing it from healing faster. If the wound is simply kept dry and clean, it can completely heal in just 7-10 days.

    However, it is quite another matter if the navel is bleeding or there is another discharge from it. This does not always happen and not in all children, below the reason why the navel sometimes bleeds in a newborn.

    Navel injury... This most often happens in the first days after the umbilical residue falls off, when changing, changing a diaper, a crust in the navel area accidentally breaks off, and it begins to bleed. The umbilical wound in such cases usually does not bleed for a long time, a couple of drops of blood and it dries up again, this is not dangerous. If the umbilical cord was thick, the umbilical wound also remains wide, and of course, heals longer, it happens that the child's navel bleeds from time to time throughout the entire period of its healing.

    Long, poor healing Another common reason why the navel bleeds. In such a situation, the development of granulations (glomerulus of capillaries) of the area of ​​the bottom of the umbilical wound is possible, it looks like a pink ball inside the navel, while the navel bleeds in a newborn child very often, with minimal trauma. It is precisely the wrong treatment of the navel with frequent treatment with peroxide, alcohol solutions that provokes the development of the problem, it happens in especially diligent mothers. But the reason for this may be the fact that the child is weakened, and his immunity and the ability to heal wounds are reduced.

    Your local pediatrician will help you figure out why the navel is bleeding; in some cases, you simply cannot do without medical help.

    When you shouldn't postpone a doctor's examination:

    If the navel bleeds intermittently and does not heal for more than 3 weeks.

    If the navel of the baby's navel is bleeding even after treatment, the bleeding does not stop.

    In all cases, when the baby has a bleeding navel, and there are other symptoms, for example, redness and swelling in the umbilical wound, the release of other fluids, the navel becomes wet.

    What to do if the navel is bleeding?

    You may encounter this problem completely unexpectedly for yourself, bringing a crumb from the hospital, and then the question of what to do becomes the main one, you must agree, if the navel is bleeding, it can be frightening.

    We do not panic, we take peroxide and carefully process the wound with a sterile cotton swab. Don't rub it roughly, just apply the hydrogen peroxide to the bleeding area. It is necessary to remove all the crusts from the navel with careful gentle movements, and after the bleeding under the influence of peroxide stops, treat the navel with brilliant green.

    Be sure to inform the doctor about what happened, it is important that the baby's navel is not treated with anything before being examined by the doctor, because staining with potassium permanganate, brilliant green makes the diagnosis difficult.

    If the baby's navel is bleeding very much, or not much, but for a long time, and the bleeding does not stop, this is a reason for an emergency visit to the doctor. We need to call an ambulance.

    To avoid such problems for your child, provide him with proper navel care from the very beginning.

    The navel should always be free, clothes should not press on it.

    Bend the diapers or use the cutouts for the navel so that the navel is always dry and not rotten.

    When bathing the baby, use boiled water until the navel is completely healed.

    If the child's belly button is bleeding, healing is poor, the doctor will prescribe individual remedies for treating the belly button. Chlorophyllipt, and potassium permanganate, and peroxide are also used; each baby needs his own medicine. If the baby's navel bleeds and there are signs of omphalitis, its inflammation, this may even require treatment in a hospital, omphalitis is very dangerous.

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