• Helps to understand each other. Two comrades served ... (quasi-oriented relationship). Why do people do not understand each other


    According to psychological data, almost all quarrels, misunderstandings occur, first of all, for the reason that each of us in the same words invests its definite meaning. Moreover, even the phrase of the interlocutor we understand in our own way. As a result, due to the incorrectly extended meaning of the heard, read and otherwise, it is difficult for us to understand your own friend, a colleague for work, moreover, a beloved and loved one. Arguing over the question of what needs to be taken, how to behave for people to understand each other, it is important to mention that we can all with half a friend to understand each other. The main thing will want to do it.

    Why don't people understand each other?

    In his book, "Men from Mars, Women from Venus", a family psychologist John Gray with joy shared with his readers with recommendations on how to communicate with the opposite sex. For example, the wife says to his narrowed: "You could not wash the dishes?", I mean by this "I want, not laying on a moment of time, you started to wash the dishes," he will answer calmly: "Yes, of course, Dear, I can "and everything will continue to go further to your affairs. What do you get as a result? The evil wife, a quarrel and a husband who does not understand the reason for such an omnibration of the spouse. In other words, we all need to learn to correctly express our thoughts, desires, so that the day was filled with only happy moments, and not and verbal crossings.

    And, if you resort to esoteric knowledge, it is not helping people to understand each other precisely in cases where the interlocutors dominate different chakras. In other words, these two have different levels of consciousness, and misunderstandings create different energy-filled chakras.

    Why is people important to understand each other?

    It is said that if all people on Earth could understand each other, then wars, different disasters would not be on this planet. Understanding his interlocutor, we not only reveal for yourself a new personality, but also better know his worldview, preferences, interests. It is especially important when mutual understanding reigns in the family, then not only everyone feels like happy manHis well-being is at the height, but he also wants to share a joyful mood with the world, to improve him, bringing a note of optimism, positive emotions into a casual routine.

    How do people understand each other?

    First of all, it is important for a person to learn not only to correctly formulate his thoughts, but also hear, listen to what the interlocutor tells him. In addition, it is not lish that it is better to understand your partner, ask: "I understood correctly: you mean that ...?" It is notable to ask the psychology of communication with the opposite sex. The desktop book in this case will be the previously mentioned series of books John Gray "Men from Mars, Women with Venus", which contain secrets of the right communication, both with men and women. So, the author tells how to learn to understand each other in relationships. So, we all speak different languages.

    Women want them calmly listened, and men do not understand this and instead of saying: "You are such a well done that you stay, despite the way you are difficult," they immediately offer the resolution of the current situation. As a result, both parties remain not satisfied with the conversation. The exit here is one: it is important to understand that men and women express their own girls in different ways - girls, first of all, are guided by emotions, and guys - reason. Moreover, most men do not tell about their spiritual experiences, they will get into themselves, go to silence, thus, thinking about this or that information and the woman it is important to take this into account when her bold will suddenly begin to keep the vow of silence.

    Romantic and easy relationships are replaced family life. You waited for this event, represented happy cohabitation, built plans. In reality, everything turns out to be different. Rainbow dreams are broken due to quarrels, offense, scandals. With a similar situation, all the pairs are faced. Next, the husband and wife diverge, without preparing constant reproaches, or learn to understand each other. If you are for a happy marriage, then get ready for work on yourself. How to learn to understand your husband and give way to each other?

    Why does misunderstanding arise?

    One of the reasons is a hurry to equip a personal life. Young people, really not recognizing each other, begin to live under one roof. It is not surprising that there are conflicts that develop into large quarrels. Stay at such moments is very difficult. As a result, irritated or pronounces words, which then regrets.

    Why does misunderstanding arise? Causes lie in different ways of man and women. In strong sex, the left hemisphere is more developed, responsible for logic and data analysis. These qualities help men to be breadcrumbs. Women have the right hemisphere. Therefore, the ladies have intuition and imagination. They skillfully manage the prey and raise the heirs. Not only physiology affects the misunderstanding between a man and a woman:

    Think about how to destroy the marriage simply, you can simply but, in the future you will come across such problems. Come to the man's patience and respect, and get joyful and happy relationships.

    How to learn to understand your husband?

    The first step is to understand itself and study behavior. Analyze after a quarrel, how the dialogue was built. Immediately moved to a cry or tried to explain, wanted to drive their thoughts to her husband at any cost or inferior to the spouse. Now think about how you would like to talk to you.

    To learn to understand your husband, pay attention to such moments in time:

    It is much easier than it seems at first glance. Recall the quality for which you appreciate your husband. Learn to understand your loved one, watch his reaction to actions, words. Be frank with a man, do not raise your voice and decline immediately.

    We are subject to the opinion and mood of others. If you look at statistics, then arise because of the smallest detail. We ruined the mood at work, and at home my husband did not disagree or unsuccessfully joked, and it began to clarify the relationship. Be wiser, do not swim by the flow, but squeeze. In 10 minutes. You will realize that irritation passed, and quarrels managed to avoid.

    How to learn to give up each other?

    The result brings mutual concessions. If the husband does not respond to your efforts, ignores requests and pulls the blanket for yourself, then discuss the situation. Noticed that the second half is important to defend your opinion, asking your interests? In this case, you will have to part, do not let the close person to suppress yourself.

    Compromise is the best solution for family conflicts. It is he who assumes the ability to give way to each other. A woman tend to feel the approach of a quarrel, so think over advance dispute solutions. So that no one felt deprived of, offer once to do, following the opinion of the husband, and the second time, inheriting your principles. Such a soft transition allows you to understand the husband and reduce the number of quarrels.

    In serious relationship, it cannot happen as conceived, there are crisis. If misunderstanding is brewing in your pair, then you need to urgently take measures to correct the situation.

    But how to understand each other in relationshipsTo live in peace and harmony with your second half? For this you do not need to be a psychologist, the answers lie on the surface, but not everyone can see them.

    Learn to hear each other and listen

    Often, problems arise in families due to the fact that partners do not know how to listen to each other. There are such stubs, which, in addition to their opinions, do not recognize anything, and in vain. Even if you do not agree with a person, tell me anyway, that his opinion is important for you that you will be accounted for. Your chosen one will be very pleased that his (her) opinion has a value for you.

    Do not interrupt

    Always listen to your partner, do not interrupt itbecause by this you show your disrespect. Even if it seems to you that your second half says some nonsense, wait until the person speaks, and then delicately hint at what he is wrong. And you will interrupt each other - a quarrel will quickly grow out.

    Feel free to each other

    You probably closest and dear friend For a friend people, so do not hesitate and do not be afraid of each other. This is a stranger from the street you are unlikely to trust your secrets and secrets, share experiences, and your favorite wife (beloved husband) will always listen to you, will definitely react with understanding and help you with advice or affairs if it is necessary.

    Do not be afraid to go for victims

    Family life is a heavy test for newlyweds and their feelings, and therefore be prepared to sacrifice something for your love. And be prepared for the fact that your partner will also go for victims for you. Appreciate this and act by justice. Do not limit your loved ones, because marriage is not a synonym for incompatibility, although it is worth it that many people consider it.

    Is your favorite sacrificed for a joint romantic evening fishing with friends, although it has long been going to her for a long time? Appreciate these actions, because for him it was probably a heavy choice. When he next time he will gather with friends to go fishing, tell him that you agree, help themselves gather, spend it. Believe me, if you used to let him go on friendly meetings with a grill and offend in the eyes, he will be very high.

    From this all starts. Some meet by chance. Others introduces the Internet or common acquaintances. And maybe you yourself were friends, and then decided to meet.

    2. You will learn each other.

    This is just the beginning, and you are trying to understand whether there is no sense to meet on. You prick the soil. If you were friends, now I am asking each other as romantic partners.

    3. Innocent love.

    All fresh and new. All passionately and exciting. This is a lot of peak relations. Everything seems perfect, you are ready to promise each other eternal love.

    4. You will learn the oddities and disadvantages of each other.

    When the stage of innocent love passes, the shortcomings of partners and relations begin to manifest. You shoot pink glasses and start to see everything as it is.

    5. You ignore the oddities.

    When you notice the shortcomings of each other, the first instinct is to ignore them. You do not want something to spoil your perfect picture. In essence, you deny reality.

    6. Hello, reality.

    But it is impossible to ignore the shortcomings too long. They need to take. This is where reality comes.

    7. You adapt.

    When you accept the reality of disadvantages of each other, you understand that you need to adapt to it. You understand that you need to go to each other meet.

    8. Small indifference and irritation.

    You quarrel. You put up. You do not agree. You find a compromise. These are American slides.

    9. Revival of passion.

    But when you remember why I fell in love with each other, why invested in a relationship so much effort, you revive your passion and understand that not everything is so bad.

    10. Society.

    After all this, you start living with awareness of yourself as a couple. Now you are together and for a long time.

    Naturally, each of the parents is interested in the approximate behavior of their children and angry, if the child is disobedd. In modern society, adults burdened with their concerns are not even trying to delve into the reasons for the poor behavior of children, solving the issues of raising thoughtless, "saving time." This leads to the fact that the adult side absolutely does not understand the other, children, does not want to see and prefers not to hear the opinion of children. As a result, children cease to perceive parents as close to which you can turn into a difficult moment, get support and advice.

    For parents, it is important to get the result, and immediate, - the main thing that the child does not interfere, did not get confused under his feet and did not interfere adult life"In this attitude, parents laid the abyss between their own world and the world of their children. This situation must necessarily lead to inevitable conflicts or in early childhood, or at the stage of matage.

    An example of the right relationship can be the situation when, say, the father trusts his tools to the child, along with his son performs some kind of housework, refers to it, as equal. Such interaction always gives an excellent result, even if at first the child can break something or spoil.

    Adults often do not attach importance to comments and sharp words, which in the depths of the children's consciousness grow in phantoms of inections or even complexes. Good word And the desire for an adult to pay attention only to the advantages of the child form faith in him in their forces, able to reorient the fear complex "I will not succeed" on everyday wisdom "if it doesn't work now, it will turn out later, because they are learning on errors."

    I met a lot of people who, in childhood, parents were strictly and unimportantly taught everything to do everything right, punished, if it did not work, and in the future, all these parents have led them directly to the opposite result.

    I remember the case of my life, which has become a lesson for the future. Once after the next rapid clarification of relationships with my youngest son, we decided to revise the whole situation, by reclaping the roller of what happened as a film, to the beginning. When co-clarified, they found that we do not hear each other at all.

    I realized that my words "immediately turn off the computer and gather" were perceived by the son, as a demonstration of the force of an adult. He needed a little time to complete something important. However, his answer: "I'm not ready to turn off the computer" - I was perceived by me, like a failure based on a caprise. The reason for the conflict was that we were very in a hurry to visit and I was completely unaccounted with the interests of the Son.

    In a calm situation, I was not afraid to confess my son, what was wrong. This served as an example for him to be as flexible towards us. So we worked out other conflict situations by changing the position offended man On the ability to listen to the arguments of the other side.

    It turned out that in this way you can learn to understand each other. I got great pleasure when from the conversations with my son began to understand how he perceives life. I understood how often we are undeservedly offended by children, as not enough for us in life to look at their world, hidden from us for our "adult desires."

    Children are developing in the game, they seem to try on the words and acts of parents on themselves, it is important for them to engage in a real life and they demand from us to admit them to participate in it. We can handle your life experience in the form of the game, but often do not understand that communication with children is beneficial to us. Our children raise us, make more wise, adults responsible.

    Often parents make sure that they lost respect in the eyes of children, that love for children remains unrequited. Love and respect must be deserved, and do not abundance of toys, or out-the greatestness, and show the child that his life, his fate worries us more than his own. Then the time spent on education will be wrapped by the joy of love and mutual understanding.

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