• Being a mom is poetry. Statuses and quotes about son and mother 5 years ago I became a mother statuses


    I became a mother - statuses about motherhood - You are Mom! Is it a lot or a little? You are Mom! Is it happiness or a cross? And it is impossible to start all over again, you pray for what is. You are the whole world, you are a rebirth of life, and you would like to embrace the whole world. You are Mom, Mom! Nobody can take this pleasure away from you !!!

    All the joy of life fits into the smile of a child!

    Motherhood is a job, the payment for which is happiness.

    Being a mother is not just a job, being a mother is not just a dream ... God entrusted me with becoming the most dear to someone for a reason ...

    I move without noise, I see in the dark, I hear from afar, I can stay awake for days ... Am I a ninja? No, I'm MOM !!!

    Happiness for mom is the smile of a baby that she wore under her heart for months. The first word and the first step, when the son falls asleep in his arms. Her happiness cannot be measured in years, happiness for a woman, just being a mother !!!

    Being a mom is the most enjoyable job! The salary is paid with kisses.

    I became a mother! - for a long time I imagined how I would say this phrase. Only three words, but how much sense. Now you just need to raise a person - and I will be happy.

    It's good to be a mom, you always know exactly what you want ... SLEEP!

    The greatest reward from fate is MOTHERHOOD!

    Night is mom's private time! Do what you want! You can finish your morning tea, go to the toilet and comb your hair!

    I AM A MOTHER! And this is the most important status in my life!

    If you, freezing at night, instead of pulling a blanket over yourself, go and check if your miracle is frozen - you are a mom!

    How magical and wonderful it is just to be MOM! These legs, these hands ... how can you not love them!

    I have an Angel and his name is Sonny. Sonny has a guard and his guard - Mom!

    Why does the horse get tired, but mom doesn't? Because mom is not a horse!

    Children are joy, children are happiness, children are a fresh breeze in life. They cannot be earned, this is not a reward, God gives them to us by grace.

    I pour coffee, take out a chocolate bar, grab my favorite book and lock myself in the kitchen for half an hour. - Mom, what are you doing there? - Children, do not interfere, I am making a kind mother for you ...

    Motherhood is like a mortgage: if you fit in, then for life.

    Earlier, when I heard the hysterical crying of a child from the neighbors, I thought he was being cut there, but now I realized that it was just something: "the toy fell," "I want to eat," "they put on a hat," "kicked out of the toilet, not allowing it to be cleaned wall brush ", or" don't give my mother's phone. "

    When a child appears in the house, silence, peace, order, money leaves him ... And HAPPINESS comes!

    The most beautiful and sincere is in the smile of a newborn child.

    Mom looks at her daughter and tries to get used to her happiness. But how can you get used to it, to such happiness? This is now a surprise for the rest of my life: I am the mother of my daughter.

    Even the pangs of pregnancy, childbirth and other things cannot darken those moments of happiness when you look at this little creature and realize that this is your child!

    How wonderful it is to be a mother and to look into the eyes of children, to hold your miracle on the handles and to hear the sonorous laughter of children!

    I will kiss the warm belly and cheeks of the donut again! Here is my favorite toddler! Happy mother is with you!

    How unimportant everything around becomes - money, career, envy, clothes, cars ... when a little treasure is quietly sniffing next to you!

    Nine months of "marathon" is nothing compared to your prize.

    What's the sweetest sweetness in the world? Sugar - I could once answer. Honey, marmalade, marshmallow and sherbet. Only now I understood the answer. Native baby - the smell of the top of the head that remains on our pillow, tender fingers and marigolds, ass, knees and elbows.

    • If a man is ready for anything for the sake of a woman, then this woman is his wife. If a woman is ready for anything for the sake of a man, then this man is her son.
    • A son is a man whom you can never stop loving.
  • Sometimes, when I lead my son by the hand, tears appear in my eyes. After all, one day I will only be able to take it by the arm.
  • If a woman feeds a man, drinks, dresses, waits for him and forgives him everything - he is her son, otherwise it does not happen.
  • For a mother, there is no son dearer. A son is her own blood! Something cannot be stronger. Than love for a mother's son! Mom will not be serene. In anxiety for you, dear. And the son whispers in his ear gently: "Don't be afraid, mom, I'm with you."
  • Kind statuses about son and mother

    • Each son belongs to the category of those boys with whom his mother forbids him to play.
    • Having given a woman a son, God gives her the opportunity to try to raise a Real Man herself, who is able not only to say compliments, but also to do things.
    • If you have a home, do not be afraid of the cold; if you have a son, do not be afraid of need.
    • A mother has made a man out of her son for twenty years, and his girlfriend is capable of making an idiot out of him in twenty minutes.
    • Before reproaching your little son for the fact that his pockets are full of all sorts of rubbish, first look into your purse.
  • If the Lord wants to protect a woman, then he gives her a son ...
  • Quotes about son and mother with meaning- The mother loves a son who has become a thief or a murderer more than a son who has become a pastor. (William Faulkner)
  • We run home with our son, and there are many dogs ahead. The son asked: "Mom, are you scared?" I say: “No! I'm with a man. " The son is important: "And the man is not afraid - he is with his mother."
  • No one adorns a woman so much as walking alongside ... son!
  • You can stop loving all men in the world. Except for his son.
  • Once my son said to me: "I want you to be ... Like a bird you have ... such Wings ..." - I asked him ... The son replied: "Nowhere ... Mothers do not fly! Mothers always have wings ... Children are covered "
  • Not a single book is as interesting as my naughty son!
  • My best man, no doubt, is the one who says: "Mom, hello!"
  • Only a mother can teach her son to be a gentleman and to behave correctly in the company of women.
  • The only happiness is my dear son, My sweet angel, beloved, dear. You are the meaning of my life, given by fate. My dear little blood - I'm so proud of you!
  • Hearing people praise her son, the mother rejoices more than the day she gave birth to him. (Thiru-Valluvar)
  • With the birth of my son, I no longer need cosmetics. After all, I am leading the main decoration by the hand.
  • The guy who will love me all his life has not yet been born .. But he will be born. Necessarily, and then I will call him affectionately and tenderly - SON.
  • This man always hugs and kisses for no reason. Prepares tea from leaves of a tree and treats them. Dancing to cheer me up. He is a real man, whose only drawback is that he does not like to go to kindergarten.
  • Son, son, little son ... Affectionate, beloved, warm little lump ... Sunny child, sweet child ... How we used to live with dad without you !!!
  • Today I realized that my son has turned from a boy into a man - in the morning for the first time he asked me a purely masculine question: "Where are my socks?"
  • Raise your son the way you would like to see your daughter's husband.
  • Cute statuses about son and mother- How good it is when there is a son! He is the best of men! My sun ray is golden, a smile that is always with me! There is no more beautiful happiness in the world! He is a bright light of my soul! How good it is to have a son! He is the most important of the men.
  • Mom teaches her son to speak, and the husband's wife to keep quiet.
  • I found meaning in life when my son gave birth. What a joy to be a dear, beloved mother and wife!
  • In fact, it is incredibly difficult to find normal verses about mom on the Internet. Most often they are taught by elementary school children, but what I find is simply not appropriate for the age and time. Either mothers in greatcoats, now shouting "Agu", now about elderly mothers with wrinkles (not at all age appropriate). And so, I asked my friend to write a poem "About Mom". She has sons of almost the same age. And I am pleased to present this poem to your judgment!

    Mom is a sunny morning.
    Mom is the first day of spring.
    The day is painted with delicate mother-of-pearl,
    If mom is in a good mood.

    If there is a mess in the morning in the apartment,
    Ringing laughter sounds, then it means
    From now on and in the whole world
    Summer has come for me and my mother.

    If mom gets a little sad
    If she frowned a little, I'm tired,
    This means - autumn outside the window,
    And nature also became sad.

    And in the winter on my mother's window
    Freeze a wonderful postcard.
    We run into a make-believe fairy tale, -
    Mom, me and mom's smile.

    Let it be outside - any time of the year,
    Anything happens to us -
    Any day, in any bad weather
    It will be kind if mom is near.
    (Mishina Elizaveta)

    2004-11-03 03.11.2004 11:13:04, Evdokija

    There are many poems, but not mine.
    All mothers, both the youngest and already gray,
    We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
    With the best holiday in the country - Mother's Day.
    We wish you health, love and warmth,
    So that life is interesting and long,
    So that there is comfort in the house, love and advice,
    So that the house is protected from grief and troubles.
    Our dear mom
    These gentle lines to you.
    Let sorrows not enter your house
    Let the disease pass.
    All our lives, our dear mother,
    I owe you an unpaid debt.
    Thank you, dear, for raising
    For not asking for anything in return.
    That grief and joy, dividing in half,
    In everything, you wished us the best.
    Beautiful, kind, cheerful and tender,
    We need you daily and forever.

    I believe my mother, like a miracle,
    There is no one dearer!
    Whatever will be, where will I be,
    Save goodwill!
    My path does not go straight
    Sometimes I do the wrong thing ...
    Mom scolds her son,
    Regrets like no one.
    Not a holy mother,
    Life is overshadowed by my mother.
    If anything I'm worth,
    Everything from mom - everything is she!

    2008-10-06 06.10.2008 15:23:07, a lion

    Do not forget whoever you were, that you were born a mother!
    That he was given warm milk in his chest as a child.
    That in the hour of bad weather and trouble, tormented and languishing
    She was like a fish without water, her soul was eager for you.
    All my life, from the beginning to the end, I brought you
    And like a prophetic star - it is in your destiny.
    You protect your own mother, all the glory and honor
    Lay a carpet on the way she goes.
    Become the dust of her feet quickly and clear her way.
    After all, the feet of our mothers go to heaven.

    I will be glad if this inspiration of the great DAAKI pleases and you find a way to your mother's heart.

    2003-08-09 09.08.2003 14:28:10, Murat

    Everyone needs mom very much
    Mom is very nice.
    As a child, I rocked the cradle
    She sang tales of songs.
    Now I have grown up
    But I'll kiss my mom on the cheek.
    I think everyone is dearer
    Mother dear.
    Mom will cook a meal
    And prepare the salads.
    Kisses, hugs
    It will wash everything, clean it up.
    I'll do something
    Mom will scold
    I'll honestly tell her everything
    Mom will caress.
    Kisses, hugs
    If I get sick
    And in a second everything will pass
    Heal me.
    Will help me with lessons,
    Where I will not understand.
    Mom can do everything
    I love her!

    2001-11-20 20.11.2001 08:06:27, Irina

    My dear mommy, these lines are for you;)
    You are my best friend! I want to tell you that you are the kindest and loving mom in the whole world. I love you very much!
    Your daughter Katya (Vienna, Austria)

    P.S. girls, advice - if you have internet at home, then install skype (www.skype.com) for yourself and talk to your mothers absolutely free. this is a very cool online program! I spent my parents' home on the Internet and now we chat every day! good luck to you!

    2007-12-11 11.12.2007 00:08:44, Katya

    Tomorrow is my mom's birthday. I haven't seen her for six months. I am very far from her. We parted in a quarrel and so far nothing has changed in our relationship. Despite this, I am looking for poems that I would read to her on her day as in childhood, when everything seemed big and kind and my mother was the most dear person ...

    2003-04-13 13.04.2003 02:54:07, Kate

    I really love my mom. My heart is bleeding because I live in different cities. How painful it is for me, especially in the evenings, to think that she is far from me. I am pregnant and I miss so much about her. Love your mothers, prolong their life as soon as you can. And then everything will be fine!

    2008-01-18 18.01.2008 22:42:20, Valeria

    Only 26 reviews.

    Manusik moves
    In mom's belly
    Now with legs, now with handles,
    Pushing in the water.

    He sleeps quietly
    It floats laughing
    Then he finds his finger,
    Sucks, eyes narrowed.

    Our little prankster
    Favorite toddler,
    It grows inside my mother
    Shakes everything on a mustache!

    Beautiful creature
    Our baby and child
    We are waiting for you, manusik,
    Grow my love!


    to get pregnant one thing ... to understand that she is pregnant ... to endure this miracle ... and to give birth ... God it hurts ... but tears of happiness in my eyes ... the happiest ... with a baby in her arms ... he sleeps sweetly ... an angel ...

    There is so much talk about women's happiness ...
    But for me everything is simple and familiar.
    I am happy when everyone is at home.
    It's even happier when they are all asleep.

    I want a kid from you,
    Maybe a son, and even a daughter.
    I want to change their diapers,
    Worried, stay up all night.

    I want them to heal my knees
    After every soccer game.
    I want to wean from laziness
    And yet - to share their pain.

    Don't get tired of bows, braids,
    And that tulle is (ah!) A veil.
    Tell that the fire is from matches,
    And the kids are from the belly.

    I want to reassure: deuce -
    This is a trifle of failures.
    And when they cry bitterly
    Smiling, say: "Don't cry."

    I want not to lie about dad
    They and I are very lucky.
    And read, sitting down next to the floor,
    Pushkin's fairy tales before bedtime.

    And shoot them a film in cocoa,
    And tie a scarf in a blizzard.

    I want a kid from you,
    It's more than crumpled up your bed.

    They say I am my mother's tail, I am nowhere without my mother! Tell me, is it possible, Without me, live half a day? If suddenly I start to play, And mummy is not around, I, of course, will be scared And I run faster to her! With my mother next to me in the kitchen, Together we go on business, And together with her we watch a cartoon, Divide the pear in half! My mother's tail is my favorite, Mom, too, without me, Can't live for a minute, Without a favorite tail!

    There is a stomping behind the wall
    Someone creaked at the door.
    Papatut came home
    Profit tightly!

    Smells his nose from the kitchen
    Mom's cutlets.
    Strong hunger carried him
    Straight to this kitchen.

    And then he grabbed me
    Sleepy from the crib
    And how he smacked his mouth
    Straight to the nose and heel.

    Kissed like that for five minutes
    Then he shouted loudly:
    “Hey baby, daddy is here!
    Wave your hand. "

    Papatuta mamatam
    She called for supper.
    I'll go to eat myself
    Those cutlets in bulk.

    In the morning, a miracle of miracles
    Papatut disappeared again.


    Our happiness is in children! Their smile
    first knowledge, first tooth,
    first step, joint games,
    the joy of victory in them ... Baby,
    running with open arms,
    like a chick, hugs the neck!
    This little lump is - ALL OUR LIFE!


    You asked ... DO I WORK? Yes, I WORK 24 hours a day. I AM A MOTHER! I am an alarm clock, cook, janitor, teacher, nanny, doctor, builder, security guard, photographer, coach, comforter. I cannot take sick leave. I work day and night. My salary is kisses and hugs ...

    I cannot come home empty-handed.
    A LITTLE CHOKUPILA is waiting for me there ...)))

    How nice - early Saturday morning - to give the child a rattling toy, and with the words "show dad" send him towards the bedroom ...)))

    Whatever one may say, 1 + 1 = 3

    Only our woman can with one hand
    cook borsch, another dust, one
    keep an eye on the children, the second on the series,
    wash with your foot, and also maintain
    shoulder the telephone receiver, and speak
    to a friend: “No, I'm absolutely not busy ...

    Shhhh ... don't cry, or wake up your mom!

    Do you know what children smell like? Almond milk, dew at dawn ... Caramelized hands, milk chocolate. Daisies in the garden. Fragrant grapes ... Inhaling the smell of childhood, the only one in the world, I can say for sure that children smell of HAPPINESS !!!


    I turn to You, in my prayer ...
    I don't need anything ... save my children ...
    God, be merciful, don't let them fall ...
    In this difficult life, do not let them disappear ...
    Show them the way, loving and keeping ...
    Caress them a little, warm them up by the fire ...
    Let them not recognize sorrows and troubles ...
    Save them, oh God, give them wise advice ...
    Mother's heart asks ... on my knees ...
    I love these bloodlines more than life ...
    Give Hope and Faith to my soul ...
    God be merciful ... save my children ...

    I want to confess today
    To the person who is with me
    That I will always try
    Being not just his wife ...

    I've loved him for years
    Not for something, but just like that ...
    This means that God is above us,
    And hearts will beat to the beat ...

    Wings burned so many times
    And the earth blackened from troubles ...
    And love was covered in dust
    From habit for many years ...

    Children grow up imperceptibly ...
    I'm afraid I won't have time to say
    What is stronger than anything
    I love them and I'm afraid to lose ...

    Every breath, every look is priceless ...
    You need to tenderly keep love
    To be the universe for him
    Or in short - to be ...

    Even if you are angry about something,
    Even if I'm angry about something,
    He's afraid to upset me
    I'm afraid of offending him ...

    We are wasting moments
    On the problems that everyday life gives ...
    Only happiness is not in the salary ...
    Happiness is in those who are sewn to the soul ...

    Be happy today
    Maybe everyone who wants to be ...
    And there are hundreds of examples for happiness -
    Trust, help, love ...

    And when it's early at dawn
    I see him, children,
    I am happy without deception ...
    I live for my family ...

    And any weather is a miracle ...
    Storms, blizzards, rain will endure ...
    I won't love for something,
    I live because I love ...


    I still can't believe me, dear,
    That you and I have a daughter
    A crumb of strength is slowly gaining
    It looks almost big already.
    She sticks out her lips so funny
    Wrinkles nose, squints left eye,
    It seems, at times, it seems
    They hurry to see us.

    To me every minute, hourly
    I want to kiss her cheeks,
    You, my baby, are so beautiful
    What words just do not say!

    Small and warm lump
    It smells like mother's milk
    He grunts and sighs and mutters
    This sound is already familiar to me.

    Every time I hear him with excitement,
    Heart melts sweetly from him.
    I listen to how our daughter breathes
    And I don't notice anything around.

    You grow, daughter, strong, strong,
    Bringing joy to dad and mom,
    Be healthy and happy, our baby,
    Sweet, beautiful child!

    Moments are sweet - no words to express
    when there is time to breathe out and mom ...
    Manyunya is drinking and she is happy ...
    The child is sleeping!!! So the mother is calm!


    The family is a small country in which PAPA is the president, MAMA is the minister of finance, the minister of health, the minister of culture and family emergencies. A CHILD is a people who are constantly demanding something, indignant and organizing strikes!))))))))))


    Your eyes are a treasure for mom
    Your children's laughter is a reward, an incentive to live
    I collected happiness in crumbs and grams,
    After all, now I cannot be without you.

    You pull your arms, hug gently, tenderly,
    Your smile is like the light of the sun
    I'm not afraid to fall, rise and walk like before
    After all, I have you - that's my only secret.

    Your soul is as pure as the tears of a May rose
    You were born under a bright star
    You conquer with your glance, fleeting childish affection,
    I love it so much when you are next to me.

    My sensitive boy, my happiness and joy,
    A star of the universe and a bright light in the tunnel,
    You are here with me - I don't need anything else,
    And let this moment last for many long years.

    You sleep sweetly in your crib
    And I ask God for one thing -
    So as not to stand still, but to run through life without looking back
    And, waking up, to hear the beat of your heart.


    Nature is very wise - it gives a woman nine whole months to prepare for the miracle of the birth of a child, but only at the moment when you see the face of your baby, you are completely reborn - you become a completely different person, a different woman. Mother.


    MOM'S HAPPINESS in little hands,
    in cheeks and lips, scarlet as a poppy,
    mom's happiness in the first words,
    and in the first steps of the little one,
    mom's happiness in a teddy bear,
    in a plate of porridge, fairy tales, poems,
    Mom's happiness is in the first pranks,
    and at the crib in sleepless nights!


    He lies on the crib, lifts up his legs,
    He sniffs quietly, opens his eyes ...
    I love this boy more than life,
    My good, my dear little son!

    Saturday morning, warm bed, sweet sleep ..., suddenly a blow to the head with the remote control - "MOM, turn on cartoons" !!!


    Being a mom is not just a job
    Being a mom is not just a dream ...
    Become the most dear to someone
    God entrusted me with a reason ...
    And I accepted as a reward
    A priceless gift from heaven.
    And mom doesn't need happiness
    No fur coats, no rings, no miracles ...
    After all, the most important miracle is
    A child born into the world ...
    Toys, animals everywhere
    And Happiness laughs back ...
    Being a mom is not easy
    But every woman has talent
    Go through life practice bravely
    And grow your Diamond ...
    More beautiful than spring dawns -
    The smile of trusting eyes ...
    Love is a real sign -
    The child born to you ...
    Being a mother is earthly happiness!
    All troubles run over the threshold
    When he falls asleep with me
    Pressing my cheek, son ...

    Samarina Irina

    Being a mom is not an easy job:
    Fatigue, responsibility, a lot of care ...
    Diapers, pots, undershirts, diseases,
    Broken knees, cartoons together ...
    Now there is no rest - life with "sweat and blood",
    After all, you are responsible for life and health!
    But ... I forget everything and I melt right,
    Only in the voice of a child will I hear "MAMA"!

    Being a mom and dad is not easy
    Start with your soul and skillfully!
    Praise the child for everything, take care,
    Give toys, give food, feed!
    You won't be able to sleep on a moonlit night,
    Try to sleep sometimes by the way:
    Sleep at lunch, washing diapers,
    Sleep while your wonderful baby sleeps!
    Let your baby grow in a wonderful fairy tale,
    In the land of rattles and mothers' songs
    In the land of kind books, funny toys,
    In the land of the most loyal friends and girlfriends!
    And may your son grow up soon,
    May he be a support for his mother in the household,
    Let dad take care of men's affairs:
    Fixing, adjusting, football, car,
    May your son be fair and kind,
    Happy, cheerful, rich, healthy,
    After all, the most important miracle in the world is
    When suddenly children appear in the family!

    It's great to be a woman
    And a beautiful woman - doubly!
    Being a mother of a child is happiness!
    And the mother of the beautiful - triple!
    Happiness fell to me, big-eyed, alive,
    With a top that smells like a vanilla pretzel
    With the most delicate hands and lips,
    And a mischievous merry tuft.
    Untrained baby to the crib
    So sweetly hugs mom at night,
    And no matter how you rock her
    One does not sleep, does not let me go.
    Someone is lucky with a comfortable baby -
    He eats according to the regime and asks for a pacifier.
    And we are good together even without the regime:
    We eat titties and wear sligs!

    The experience of motherhood is wonderful,
    it is given to a woman to be a mother,
    love and wisdom unity
    it is in her soul.
    She warms up with care
    your beloved child,
    and even in thoughts protects,
    sometimes forgetting about myself.
    You will see happiness in her eyes
    and the heart will suddenly freeze for a moment,
    when the blood is dear
    will go with his legs.
    All tenderness, giving affection,
    and not sparing spiritual strength,
    she takes care of the child
    and decorates his world.

    Mom's happiness is in little hands,
    in cheeks and lips, scarlet as a poppy,
    mom's happiness in the first words,
    and in the first steps of the little one,
    mom's happiness in a teddy bear,
    in a plate of porridge, fairy tales, poems,
    Mom's happiness is in the first pranks,
    and at the crib in sleepless nights!

    There is no greater desire for mothers
    Than Happiness to watch your children!
    And do we need to hide about it,
    What are all capable of giving for this?
    Give it back! And shield yourself from evil!
    And with the Heart! And Reason! And Soul!
    There is nothing more valuable in this Light
    For every Mother than her Children!

    Mothers have a holy office in the world -
    Pray for gifted children.
    And day and night in the invisible ether
    The prayers of our mothers are heard.
    One will be silent, the other echoes her.
    Night will change day and night will come again.
    But mothers' prayers never stop
    For a dear son or daughter.
    The Lord listens to the prayers of mothers,
    He loves them more than we love them.
    Mother never gets tired of praying
    About children who have not yet been saved.
    There is a time for everything, but as long as we are alive,
    We must pray, cry out to God.
    An unearthly power is hidden in prayer,
    When their mother whispers them with tears.
    How quiet. The birds fell silent in the yard,
    They all went to bed a long time ago.
    I bowed to the window to pray
    My dear loving mother ...

    There is a miracle of miracles in the world,
    And the miracle is called - motherhood!
    Angels descend from heaven
    Making up unity with the baby!

    The day begins with happiness
    Happiness rose before everyone else!
    Happiness smiles at mom
    Unfolding a smile into laughter.
    Happiness slapped on the floor
    Barefoot and no pants
    My happiness is naked
    It is unintelligent,
    Shabbat and undisturbed,
    Here it breaks, there it breaks,
    A kefir mustache above the lip,
    Here it runs to me!

    The day is leaving. There are blue shadows in the corners.
    The ruddy edges of the clouds fade.
    To me, like a teddy bear, on your knees
    My little girl is climbing.
    I take it, I touch the thin neck,
    I brush my hair back from my forehead.
    She laughs lightly, loudly,
    She is with me, save her fate!
    It's not easy in the world at a time like this
    And many things in life have been burned to the ground ...
    I never thought that children
    They bring so much peace and warmth.

    I am a mother. Is it a lot or a little?
    I am a mother. Is it happiness or a cross?
    And it’s impossible to start all over again.
    And now I pray for everything that is:
    For crying at night, for milk, diapers,
    For the first step, for the first words.
    For all children, for every child.
    I am a mother! And so it’s right.
    I am the whole world. I am life's rebirth.
    And I would like to hug the whole world.
    I am a mother.
    Mama! This is a delight.
    No one can take it away from me.

    When I was not a mom,
    I could sleep when I wanted to.
    And, as she wanted, she lived like that.
    Nobody pooped every now and then

    I did not twitch, did not chew,
    Didn't hit all over the body.
    And brush your teeth every day
    It was simple and not lazy for me.

    When I was not a mom,
    Didn't trip over toys.
    And she did not sigh at the table,
    When mugs flew to the floor.

    And lullabies
    I didn’t look at my girlfriend.
    It did not climb, suddenly, in the midst of the bustle:
    "Are the flowers poisonous?"

    When I was not a mom,
    I didn't know about vaccinations.
    And I could think soberly.
    And nobody's sleep was guarded.

    And I didn’t sleep by the crib,
    Lightly covered with a blanket.
    And it did not fly straight into a dream:
    "Oh, Lord, how is He there ?!"

    When I wasn’t a mom
    So the heart couldn't scratch
    Suddenly drowned eyes
    Just about, from which tears drip,

    Gathered, too. And with them I
    Itself ready to cry.
    At that moment, nothing is needed
    If only the pain would take him away.

    When I was not a mom,
    Didn't feel so deep
    All the significance of my self,
    It's like starting life over again.

    And so much light and warmth
    My soul did not ooze.
    Nobody could explain to me
    That I can love THAT SO!

    Little kids are just angels!
    Sweet heels, chubby cheeks.
    First words, lovely smiles,
    timid little steps, glorious babies!
    Fluffy hairs, pearl teeth,
    snub-noses, plump belly.
    Small fingers, tiny nails.
    Girls and boys are so good!
    All our paws are the best, beloved ones.
    That is why we are the happiest mothers !!!

    Life made me strong.
    My strength, happiness is in my children.
    I proudly bear the name - MOM!
    The most beautiful thing in the world!

    I'm happy that I have a daughter

    How dear to me the nose, eyes, cheeks
    And a voice that speaks loudly
    Words ... but he does not speak skillfully,
    Studying such a science is not easy.
    Walk, beloved, boldly through this life,
    And mom will be next to you
    Is always! Dear, no matter what happens,
    You know who is rooting for you.
    Since you, daughter, appeared
    I live, loving you every moment.
    And we shouldn't be angry with our father,
    Even though he didn't see you and didn't know you.
    Happiness should be shared by three
    But your dad didn't take his share.
    I'm happy that I have a daughter
    Wonderful baby, a lump of love.
    How dear my nose, eyes, cheeks ...
    We share this happiness in two.

    I gave birth to children
    They told me a fool!
    No career afterwards
    No face, no figure ...
    Live for yourself, -
    Girlfriends said -
    What do you see?
    Diapers, pots and toys.
    Maybe they are right?
    Didn't get enough sleep. Did not have time.
    Did not go. Did not go,
    Although I really wanted to ...
    I gave birth to children -
    They told me a lot.
    And now I realized:
    I walked the right path.
    There is a beautiful
    Many in the world
    But the best thing is the kids.
    Everything is forgotten -
    Mayata, vanity ...
    Forever remains
    Only children warmth !!!

    The best mom to be
    Love, spring and knocking hearts ...
    Find out that you will suddenly become a mother ...
    Anxiety, childbirth, the first cry ...

    And these tears for two ...
    And a thousand sleepless nights
    And the word MAMA ... this word! ...
    Both the first step and the first "shmyak"

    And get up again! And so again! ...
    The warmth of the palms on the cheeks ...
    A toy in small hands ...
    And the kindergarten ... and the sequined dress ...

    And the dance of little birches ...
    Broken nose ... downcast eyes ...
    "Ma, it's Vaska's fault!"
    Want to cry, endure ...
    And forbid to cry to want ...

    And first class, swimming pool, cinema ...
    There is a window on our street ...
    Kitten dirty from the yard
    What did the daughter bring to the house ...

    And again dental treatment ...
    And again there is blood on my knees ...
    To regret again, to love ... to love ...
    And the best mom to be ...

    Lessons, books, miracles ...
    A wasp flew in through the window ...
    Doubt ... first love ...
    And again next to ... again and again ...

    Find the diary by accident ... hide ...
    To understand again, again not to cry ...
    Last call, graduation,
    And the nose is decorated with "spring" ...

    Friends, work, Internet ...
    And there is no time for mom ...
    One day suddenly hear this:
    "I don't need your advice" ...

    Take offense, accept, cry ...
    And again lay a tablecloth for the holiday ...
    And live ... And wait from afar
    Phone ringing sound ...

    Sucks in a dream, sucks on a pacifier,
    So pretty baby
    It grows, changes, matures.
    When I kiss, it just melts.
    Give birth, women, children,
    May there be many of these days
    When we are so happy with them,
    And we follow them on their heels,
    Whatever crumbs are eaten from the floor,
    That would not twist the leg.
    Can't describe all my feelings
    I want to tell you again -
    Give birth, women, children
    And the world will seem brighter.
    And it doesn't matter that it will be difficult
    But it's still very weird
    When he presses his cheek against you
    Baby, and he is only yours.

    Carry children!
    After all, this moment does not last long
    And it will not happen again.
    They grow up.

    Carry children!
    It is very, very important for them,
    They are warm in their arms, not scared
    During the very first days.

    Carry children!
    Give love to each other like that
    And don't ruin your feelings. Coarseness
    It will only make hearts callous.

    Carry children!
    It is difficult to spoil with love
    And the opinion about it is false
    Carry on your hands! Be brave!

    Carry children!
    As long as they need you like air,
    It’s not too late yet.

    You give me little hands
    Your eyes are shining. Like the stars above
    You tell me: "Mom" - and there are no more beautiful words,
    Your eyes are shining, giving a wonderful light.
    I will take your palms - I will press them to my cheeks
    My dear baby, I will not give you up.
    We will not be separated by time and distance,
    I ask my love and tenderness, do not forget.
    My autumn flower, my golden ray,
    You are like a thread of salvation, my unearthly angel.
    You be my hope, you be my dream
    You be as gentle, you always be with me.

    Now I know exactly what happiness is!
    It seems to me that I have always been waiting for you ...
    As I look at you - I will forget all the bad weather!
    You are my angel, my dear!
    And how nice, God, the simple word "mom",
    And these feelings are difficult to convey in words ...
    And a day with you is always not enough for us,
    We can laugh and play endlessly ...
    I kiss you all from head to toe:
    All tiny fingers and every curl ...
    How everyone scolds me for spoiling you,
    But I can't help but indulge such a doll!
    God sent you to me so that I understand everything:
    Why was life given to me and a sea of ​​trials ...
    I am insanely grateful to the sky for you
    You are the most cherished of all my desires!

    I allowed myself a lot:
    Sleep for a long time, although I did not get tired,
    Get ready spontaneously on the road,
    Apply makeup, brush your teeth,
    Observe the routine in the apartment,
    Answer questions in a non-rude way
    And watch the curiosities in the world.

    Until the moment I became a mom
    Didn't learn the words of lullabies
    I didn’t want to sleep incessantly,
    I did not like white bunnies,
    Didn't think about injections
    And that flowers are poisonous
    And that one meter from the floor
    All outlets must be closed.

    Until the moment I became a mom
    Who would be able to wrap my dress around,
    To spit, to chew is inhumane,
    Do you want to pick up documents from the bank?
    I blotted out the purity of meditations
    And slept very soundly at night
    And nobody lectured me
    Kohl wanted to eat cake or candy.

    Until the moment I became a mom
    I did not hold the child,
    So that he does not turn and turn zealously,
    From any getting out of the diaper.
    I never sat at night
    Guarding the dream of a cute baby.
    I did not look stupidly at a white sheet,
    Confusing it with a children's book.

    Until the moment I became a mom
    I did not look into children's eyes,
    I was not drunk with joy,
    Remembering forgotten tales.
    I never just held
    A creature called a child.
    And I didn't run to him from the kitchen -
    What if he falls there, breaks ?!

    Until the moment I became a mom
    The mother's feelings were hidden.
    And I would never know about them,
    And the problems would be buried.
    Warmth, pain, love, amazement,
    Jubilation with every award.
    Sadness and joy, as well as doubt
    And questions - "Is this necessary?"

    Until the moment I became a mom
    I rarely heard about illness,
    I didn’t think much about someone else’s pain,
    Although she was normal, not a flirt.
    I only read about the love of mothers,
    That she is without borders, limitless.
    But I did not know even a little bit,
    What I had to experience in practice.

    Before I became a grandmother ...
    I didn't know that all the sensations
    What did I go through when I was a mom
    Will only double as a reflection.
    Because the lump is squeaking:
    Cap, nipple, envelope and diaper
    You will see alive, real
    In the arms of a NATIVE child.

    For everyone, happiness is something of his own ...
    Someone has wealth, someone has housing,
    Someone's work, someone's Europe.
    In my opinion, happiness is more than something.
    The kid with daddy's ears
    Beloved look on the next pillow,
    Health of family and loved ones hugs.
    This is my real happiness!

    Why care for someone for many years
    Sharpen his pencil with a prickly nose,
    Hide a bag of sweets from him on the shelf
    And cut your bangs? Then knit a funny ponytail.
    Why not sleep and worry at night;
    And touch your forehead with your lips compressed to pain;
    Then drink drops and always grumble at him;
    Then say to him: "Do not be afraid, I am with you ..."?
    What for? How stupid, but I don't know the answer.
    I am like a slave in his funny and complete power.
    And this little master is my life ...
    My child. My unexpected happiness.

    Having given birth to a child, you know anxiety:
    The baby's world is so vulnerable and thin ...
    And in my heart it twisted like a hedgehog,
    The sixth sense - is the child breathing? ..

    There is a time for rampant sleep
    Peace and bliss breathe from the swaddling clothes,
    Everything in the world is asleep. And I'm the only one
    I listen: is the child breathing?

    I catch his breath on my hand
    The rib cage fluctuates easily ...
    In someone else's bed, far away,
    I hear: a grown-up baby is breathing.

    A spiritual string is stretched
    Eardrum membranes,
    My life is given to me for this:
    I listen to my child breathing.

    Hear the word "mom"
    To know that you are needed -
    This is the essence of happiness
    The meaning of being.
    I will not stop looking at it
    To your creation
    In this difficult life
    You are my salvation!

    It's hard for a young mother to live in the world:
    The child does not want to eat delicious semolina,
    Wakes up in the middle of the night, breaks cups
    Tears important pieces of paper to pieces,

    Tears the curtains, puts pills in my mouth
    And yesterday I fell to the floor from the stool!
    All day playing, full, dressed, drunk,
    And at the same time he is always dissatisfied with something!

    ... Who is sowing flakes in the kitchen of oatmeal ?!
    Right now, I'll bark, and I'll give it to the pope !!!

    It's hard to live in the world for a small butuz:
    They slap on the butt, tickle the belly,
    Take the forks, wipe the snot,
    They put on boots to stamp their feet,

    They are fed with semolina porridge, they are planted on a pot ...
    And it seems that they don't respect us at all -
    Do not take on the handles (ten kilos in total)
    Run away early in the morning to work

    They don't let the computer touch the cords ...
    ... Now I will grimace, and how I will cry ...

    It's hard for dad to live in the world too
    For dinner, only the remains of the porridge are received.
    New shoes in finger paints,
    Instead of documents, there are two typewriters in the case.

    The laptop is gnawed, you can't hear the phone
    Because the baby knocked them on the lids.
    On weekends instead of beer with kebabs
    Three hours with a stroller to knead the dirt with your feet.

    You plow at work, you plow in half at home,
    Who will say thanks? What it is?
    Now I will be offended, I will upload a scandal
    So that at least someone paid tribute!

    Happiness for mom is a baby's smile,
    That I've worn under my heart for months.
    First word and first step
    When the baby falls asleep in his arms.
    Happiness cannot be measured in years
    Happiness for a woman is just being a mom!

    I thought I was business
    Before I became a mom.
    I thought I had time for everything
    Before I became a mom.
    And I believed: knowledge is power,
    Before I became a mom.
    I could hardly endure whims
    Before I became a mom.
    I thought I knew fatigue
    Before I became a mom.
    But what happened to me
    As soon as I became a mom?
    Wheelchair walks,
    Excitements and shakes
    Whims of smiles
    What a day, then surprises
    Diapers and ironing,
    Puree and porridge,
    Sleepless nights,
    I really want to sleep.
    A little something wrong -
    And that's it, my heart is in my heels.
    I fill in the holes
    Itself clumsy -
    Completely stupid
    All over again.
    Goodbye to makeup
    And south beach
    And the rest has become
    Walk two blocks.
    But the days flew by
    We have matured a little.
    Running along the path
    Grown up legs.
    Before kindergarten.
    Well, what else do you need?
    Forgotten? Take cover?
    To get drunk with a friend?
    Take a ride to the sea
    Know no more "grief"
    Until retirement itself.
    No. Became a mother again.
    Looks like I'm addicted
    To mom's business!

    What is the sweetest sweetness in the world?
    Sugar - I could once answer.
    Honey, marmalade, candy ... and sherbet ...
    Only now I understood the answer -

    Native baby - the smell of the crown,
    What remains on our pillow
    Gentle fingers ... and marigolds -
    Ass, knees ... and elbows ...

    What is the most bitter bitterness in the world?
    Mustard - I might once have answered ...
    Radish and vinegar ... wormwood and quinine ...
    Well, now - my answer is only one:

    Trembling lips - crying on the way
    That's what makes my heart go ...
    The most bitterness - a native child -
    Eyes full of tears and resentment ...

    Losing love, looking for love ...
    Why should I play hide and seek with her?
    Without searching, it is clear and without words -
    My love sniffs in its bed ...

    How cool it is to be a mom of two boys!
    (And anyone can understand this without words)
    And instead of congratulating you,
    let me tell you a little about it.

    There are fluffy dresses and toe-length braids
    God gave you two boys.

    I cleaned it, washed it: and now it is like new.

    So, come in from the flank, hit with artillery.
    (If you don't know what it is - ask your sons).

    You will learn all the brands of cars with them,
    And all kinds of their tires will get bigger.
    They will still grow up and they will enlighten you,
    How the starter, cardan and jack work.

    Without them you might not know anything
    Why do you need a jigsaw? Really kiss?

    What are bearings? With thorns of something?

    Diapers, undershirts, bottles and mixtures,
    Life for mommies is not boring, but very much even fun,
    Let us not sleep at night and often get tired,
    The most important thing in the world for us is family and home.
    We won't trade them for clubs and parties,
    After all, our happiness is in the children! We know that for sure!

    Mom for joy, dad as a reward
    You have appeared, heir-joy.
    Native, unintelligent, buttons-eyes -
    All the attention, care and affection for you.
    Grow up, please mom with excellent health,
    And everything else will come without fail.
    Weak hands have a lot to do
    And the legs are waiting for a steep road in life.
    Not everything will be easy - you have to get lost,
    After all, dad and mom will always be there.
    You will grow up generous in affection, participation,
    To the delight of relatives, mom and dad for happiness.

    For female happiness, I need a little ...
    May the morning knock on the window with joy,
    Beloved husband's breath is near,
    Well, in general, I don't need much to be happy.
    I want good luck for the children,
    They are all right - I am happy then.
    And let the bad weather go around the house,
    I don't need much for complete happiness !!!

    What is happiness? With such a simple question
    Perhaps, more than one philosopher wondered.
    But in fact, happiness is simple.
    It starts with half a meter of growth.
    These are undershirts, booties and a bib,
    The brand new described mother's sundress.
    Torn tights, knocked knees
    These are the walls painted in the corridor.
    Happiness is soft warm palms
    There are candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa.
    It's a bunch of broken toys
    It is a constant rumble of rattles.
    Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor.
    Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections.
    Abrasions and wounds, bruises on the forehead,
    Is it permanent what? but why?
    Happiness is a sled, a snowman and a slide.
    A small candle on a huge cake.
    This endless "Read me a fairy tale"
    These are the daily Piggy and Stepashka.
    It's a warm blanket spout
    Hare on the pillow, blue pajamas.
    Spray all over the bathroom, foam on the floor.
    Puppet theater, matinee in the garden.
    What is happiness? There is no simpler answer.
    Everyone has it - these are our children!

    Your palm is on my cheek
    Only me will reveal the secrets of the world.
    Your sweet dream that is dear to me
    I protect even from dust particles.
    All my love is in your palm
    All thoughts, feelings, all my desires.
    Sleep, my Lump, I am always with you ...
    After all, you are my Angel, and I am just Mom.

    The laughter of the guys is heard everywhere.
    Along the narrow path together
    Mom and daughter walked home from school
    On the way, chatting about everything.

    The conversation is the most common ...
    Suddenly the baby asked a question ...
    “Mom, tell me, how does it feel to be a mom?
    Only not childishly, but seriously! "

    Mom thought a little:
    “Not an easy question, but still I
    I'll tell you what I know baby
    No secrets are hidden.

    To be a mother is a great happiness, daughter.
    Being a mom is not easy sometimes ...
    Mom is the one who day and night
    I am ready to give everything for the children ... "

    - "And stand by the bed at midnight?"
    - “And look silently, barely breathing,
    On the one who sleeps sweetly in the crib,
    On the baby's mother.

    Mom is the one who hurts
    If you suddenly offended the child.
    Who is worried, even if unwittingly,
    For children and many years later.

    The one who remembers the first words
    The one who cannot be found more tenderly ...
    Because mom's heart
    Beats in her children in the chest.

    Mom is the one who is always there! "
    - "Only mom can love like that!"
    - “To be a mother is a high award.
    That's what it means to be a mom!

    - “It's not easy to be a mom, I understand ...
    I will try very hard not to forget! "
    - “Now tell me, dear,
    What does it mean to be a daughter?

    The daughter smiled and said:
    - “Mom, I'm not that small anymore.
    I learned a lot with you.
    And today I understood a lot.

    It's not difficult to be a daughter! Well, not an ounce!
    And there is no doubt about it!
    Because there is mom next to me,
    And she will tell me the answer. "

    - "So we put a full stop on the answer?"
    - “What are you, mom, I’m just starting!
    It is very important to be a good daughter
    To make my mother happy.

    Please with grades from school,
    Helping to wash the dishes at home,
    Don't ask for chips and Coca-Cola ...
    And be caring in everything! "

    Mom laughed: - “Well, not bad!
    I really like your attitude!
    I love you, dear baby! "
    - “Mom, and me! It's so easy for me to be with you! "

    Smiling at the world and each other
    And chatting softly on the go,
    Mom and daughter are like two girlfriends
    They walk along the narrow path.

    Be the mother of the boys

    Being a mother of girls, of course, is not the same:
    There are dolls, dishes, a hospital, loto,
    There are fluffy dresses and braids for a child ...
    The fate of the kid gave you.

    Your house is not decorated with vases of roses
    And the cyborg killer that your son brought
    Finding him in a puddle near his dear home,
    Cleaned, washed and now it's like new.

    No, this is not rubbish, and don't you dare clean it up!
    Do you want to break a military base?
    Do you want to demolish an airplane hangar?
    Think about it, woman! This is a nightmare!

    You will lead the tin soldiers into battle,
    Be brave and daring, not a step back!
    You will learn with him all the brands of cars,
    And there will be more - all kinds of their tires.

    You could not have known without him
    Why do you need a jigsaw? Really kiss?
    Why do we need a vice? Maybe squeeze someone?
    What is a bearing? With thorns of something?


    Be the mother of girls

    Being a mother of boys, of course, is not the same ...
    Soldiers, guns, coats in puffs,
    There is dirt under the nails, a fight with friends ...
    Here fate gave me the PRINCESS!

    Garlands of roses decorate my house
    (Not a cyborg killer, what a son would bring!)
    Beautiful dresses, hairpins, kapronki -
    Everything that every girl should have!

    And mom's beads are already with her daughter
    Tucked away in a small red box.
    And the mascara disappeared like a month
    But the daughter says that she did not see her))))))

    And know that there is no happier dad,
    Who became the Daughter's dad once!
    She kisses him gently when they meet
    And the happiest dad walks all evening!

    He is so touched in a dress for a girl!
    And he asks me to pierce her daughter's ears))))
    Only an hour will come and we will be proud
    Our beautiful and clever girl!

    Then years later, as I went to my mother,
    She will come running on her birthday with flowers.
    And a secret will tell me quietly in my ear:
    "You are the best mom in the world !!!"


    Parable in Verse - What It Means to Be a Mom

    We were sitting in the kitchen, and my daughter
    She told me, jokingly, between times:
    “Here, we are conducting a survey on the subject of being -
    Would you like to become a grandmother? "

    “I would like to, but it will change completely
    Your life is forever, cardinally. " -
    "Yes I know. Well, I won’t sleep, we won’t finish it ”, -
    My daughter answered me mechanically.

    But, after all, this is, well, how to put it mildly,
    It's not that, not a soldier's courage.
    I was looking for words to convey to her
    All responsibility of this step.

    I would tell her: "Your wounds from childbirth
    They will heal very quickly.
    But a new wound will appear - love,
    That gives only one motherhood.

    It's a wound of emotion, anxiety, shame
    For the child that you have created.
    And about life you won't say "Nonsense!"
    You will never return what was! "

    And no matter how refined you are,
    The cry of an alarmed child - "Mom!"
    To quit urgently will force any business,
    From simple to most monetary.

    I wanted to say that her career
    Will suffer with the birth of a child.
    After all, more than once she will fall into oblivion,
    Smell feeling baby's head.

    I wanted to tell her that the weight gained
    Can be reset by diet, exercise.
    But miracles have not yet happened in the world,
    Motherhood to steal away.

    And such an important life for you
    No, it won't be so important soon.
    You will forget about everything, gently pulling
    This baby is both in joy and in sorrow.

    You will learn, daughter, to forget about the dream,
    Make a choice whose happiness is more precious.
    Do not regret the beauty long gone
    Ask philosophically: "Perhaps ..?"

    I want you to know that love for your husband
    There will be one and the wrong one at the same time.
    And you will love him, as if again,
    As with you who shared this burden.

    And I also wanted to say about feelings -
    Feelings of joy, feelings of delight!
    Only a mother woman can experience them
    And leave them in yourself for a long time.

    The first step, the first laugh, the first joyful look.
    A new day is like a new era.
    The first experience in communicating girls, guys,
    Indispensable search and faith!

    And the birdhouse is higher, and the ball is in the yard,
    New Year and a hike for mushrooms.
    And stories about this to friends, children,
    Like half of the forest I stomped with my feet.

    I wanted to say ... But only a tear in response
    It welled up in front of my eyes.
    "You will not regret that instead of the word" No "
    "Yes!" she said to make life unfold. "

    Stretching out his hand across the table to his daughter,
    When I met her, I whispered:
    “I pray for you, for myself, for all women,
    Whose vocation is simply to BE MOTHER! "

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