• The pills are called what. Anti-pregnancy pills after unprotected intercourse. Contraceptive pills: names, reviews, prices. Emergency pill for pregnancy



    Micro-dosage formulations are most preferred for young women. They usually successfully block ovulation without occurring. These tablets are also called mini-pills. Since hormones are contained in them in minimal amounts, side effects are extremely rare. These drugs are also prescribed for therapeutic purposes for the treatment of PMS, painful menstruation, gynecological diseases. Almost all women who take mini-pills report an improvement in the condition of their hair and skin.

    If it is not possible to block ovulation, that is, the likelihood of pregnancy remains at the same level, medium-dose contraceptives are prescribed. They are also used to treat many gynecological diseases.

    For women who have given birth and women over 27 years of age, doctors prescribe low-dose drugs. The criterion for effectiveness is the wife's well-being and successful blocking of ovulation. If ovulation persists and there is no contraceptive effect, highly hormonal contraceptives are prescribed.

    In late reproductive age and in the presence of contraindications to the intake of estrogen, I use it. Their feature is monophasic action and the need to take them daily. The contraceptive effect is slightly lower than that of estrogens, but drugs from this group can be taken while breastfeeding.

    If there was unprotected intercourse, the condom broke and the risk of getting pregnant is very high, emergency contraceptive drugs are prescribed. They are effective due to high doses of hormones. They are justified if you do not plan to keep the pregnancy and are a safer alternative to abortion. They should not be taken regularly and more often several times a year - this can provoke hormonal imbalance and other health problems.

    The tablets are packed in a convenient blister and have markings, which allows you to control the intake and, if a tablet is missed, take action on time. Some manufacturers add vitamin preparations to the blister with tablets, which should be used during the seven-day break. You cannot take oral contraceptives without a doctor's prescription. However, once prescribed, the drug, subject to its effectiveness, can be drunk for a long time, often up to menopause. After childbirth, miscarriage, abortion and for therapeutic purposes, oral contraceptives are prescribed according to a special scheme.

    Termination pills

    Pills for early miscarriage are called differently: "Mifegin", "Mifeprex", "Mifolian", but they all have one thing in common - they all contain mifepristone - an antiprogesterone. Pregnancy cannot develop without progesterone. The endometrium "deteriorates", the ovum begins to exfoliate.

    Miscarriage pills are not available in pharmacies. Although there are drugs on the market that also contain mifepristone, but in very small quantities. These are emergency contraceptives. But one tablet, which costs about 200 rubles, contains only 10 mg of mifepristone. And for an abortion, you need 600 mg. And that is not all. For a complete abortion, a second drug is needed, one containing misoprostol.

    Thus, pills for abortion, if you still risk your health and buy analogues in a pharmacy, will cost at least 12,000 rubles. Whereas for a sum 2 times less, you can have a medical abortion under the supervision of a doctor. He examines you. It is worth remembering that there are contraindications to medical abortion. Including the duration of pregnancy. More than 2 weeks after the delay, it is better not to risk it, since there is a huge chance that an incomplete miscarriage will occur and you will have to clean the uterus.

    For a medical abortion at the clinic, the doctor will give you the pills himself. And the miscarriage occurs outside the clinic. Usually within 2-3 days. This waiting time can be difficult for many women. After all, you can change your mind to terminate a pregnancy. But after taking mifepristone, this is not possible, since there is a high probability that the baby will be born with severe malformations. Before causing an early miscarriage at home with pills, you need to properly weigh the pros and cons. Abortion, when the drug is taken, is mandatory even if the pregnancy continues to develop. It is possible to determine whether a complete detachment of the ovum has occurred, whether the uterus has cleared by ultrasound. It is included in the medical abortion service.

    Some women believe that pills for calling menstruation are abortion pills. This is not true. Menstruation is caused when there is no pregnancy, but the bleeding does not start in any way. This happens when there is a lack of progesterone. A woman is first given a drug with this hormone, then it is canceled. And on this cancellation, her menstruation begins.
    And in order for a miscarriage to occur, on the contrary, the drug "antiprogesterone" is prescribed, since progesterone is necessary for the development of pregnancy.

    In order not to make a serious mistake, not to risk your health, do not try to get rid of pregnancy on your own at any time.

    In modern society, more and more girls and women prefer to take contraceptive pills, since this method of contraception has significant advantages over other methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy.

    In the vastness of our homeland, the use of contraceptives in pills is not yet as popular as in the West. A in developed European countries, women have been practicing this for a long time.

    More women are starting to use the contraceptive pill

    For example, according to recent surveys of women living in France, about 75-80% of them have tried or regularly take birth control pills.

    At the beginning of the article we will provide a list of the most common contraceptive pills(names) and their approximate cost in Russia, and later on you can familiarize yourself in more detail with the features of the drugs, their composition, use, contraindications and other useful information on the topic.

    List of contraceptive pills (names and approximate price)

    Name of funds Release form Approximate price (rub.)
    BELARA N21X3Pills1990
    GYNEPRISTON 0.01 N1Pills580
    LOGEST N21Pills820
    MARVELON N21Pills1540
    MERSILON N21Pills1570
    MIDIANA 0.003 + 0.00003 N21Pills730
    REGULON N21Pills470
    RIGEVIDON 21 + 7 N28Pills360
    TRI-REGOL N21X3Pills810
    SILUE 0.002 + 0.00003 N21Pills800
    THREE-MERSY N21Pills1010
    FEMODEN N21Pills824
    CHLOE N28Pills770
    CHAROSETTA 75MKG N28X3Pills4000
    EXLUTON 0.0005 N28Pills4000
    YARINA N21Pills1160

    Types and effects on the body of contraceptives

    The female body has a large number of hormones that influence and control the activity of the reproductive system. That's why in different periods of life, the ratio of hormones is different.

    The pills act on a hormonal level, and each category of women should take their own drugs.

    Combined oral administration (COC)

    The drugs are based on 2 synthetic hormones: estrogen and progesterone. Any of the groups COC acts on the principle of blocking ovulation... The reliability is extremely high thanks to progesterone. Estrogen controls menstruation, does not affect pregnancy.

    Claira tablets

    COC is divided into several groups. The classification is carried out according to the characteristics of women: age, having a child, problems with the balance of hormones.

    Microdose tablets. This group of contraceptives is intended for women who have not given birth but are sexually active. The side effects of the drugs are minimal. These contraceptive pills contain in their list such drugs as (abbreviated names): Klayra, Jace, Dimia.

    Klayra's blisters contain several types of tablets, which must be taken strictly according to the instructions. With pills 2 hormones enter the body - estradiol valerate and dienogest... They suppress ovulation. Dienogest has a positive effect on a woman's appearance. The price of the drug is from 700 rubles.

    James is a primary and secondary pill remedy. The main ones are 24, and the additional 4. The remedy suppresses ovulation... The cost is about 1 thousand rubles.

    Dimia is analogous to James for the same cost. The active substances of the drug are different.

    Low-dose birth control pills. Used by women who do not fit microdose tablets:

    • the presence of discharge with blood;
    • after the birth of a child;
    • late reproductive period.

    The group's drugs include: Yarina, Janin, Silhouette.

    Yarina is taken for 21 days in the order indicated in the instructions. Yarina tablets cannot be combined with other drugs as this reduces reliability and causes bleeding. Costs from 950 rubles.

    Janine is an expensive drug, the price starts from 1650 rubles, depending on the place of purchase. Produced in Germany.

    the tablets contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa and the woman's body as a whole.

    High dosage tablets. As a contraceptive during the period of hormonal imbalance, it is recommended to take such contraceptive pills (list of abbreviations): Tri-regol, Trikvilar, Triziston.
    Tri-Regol costs 200 rubles. There are cheap analogs.

    Triziston is produced in Germany. The action of the drug is aimed at inhibiting the production of gonadotropic hormones... Price - from 500 rubles. Active substances begin to act on the body after 2 hours.

    Note! Highly dosed drugs should only be taken as directed by a doctor!

    Contraceptives with gestagen

    Signs for use:

    • lactation period;
    • recent childbirth or late reproductive age;
    • regular sex life;
    • estrogen is contraindicated;
    • smoking and age over 35 years.

    Preparations with gestagen are called "mil-pili". The list of popular names for these contraceptive pills is as follows: Desogestrel, Desogestrel.

    Hormone-free pills

    There are no hormones in the drugs of this group, they are injected directly into the vagina. Non-hormonal pills are sometimes referred to as spermicides- candles, gels, creams.

    Escapel tablets

    The active substance of non-hormonal drugs is benzalkonium chloride or nonoxynol. Their goal is to destroy the sperm membrane, which prevents pregnancy.

    The list of such contraceptives (names in abbreviated form): Gynecotex, Pharmatex, Postinor, Escapel.

    The latest generation of contraceptives

    Modern contraceptives of the new generation not only hormonally affect the reproductive system, but also create an aggressive environment for sperm.

    The drug "Jess"

    The scheme of action also has an abortive component, in which the sperm cells fall under the influence of the active substance of the drug and die.

    The less synthetic hormones in the preparation that affect the embryo implantation, the higher the abortive effect in the preparation.

    Doses of the active substance fluctuate - if the preparation contains a small amount of a substance that kills sperm, then a large amount of the hormone to act on the embryo.

    Unwanted pregnancies are prevented in two stages.

    The new generation of contraceptive pills is represented by such drugs as (abbreviated list of names): Jess and Jess plus, Marvelon, Novaring, Depo-Check.

    The correct use of contraceptives with hormones

    The main rules for taking most drugs:

    • daily intake;
    • it is advisable to take the drug at the same time;
    • reception lasts 21 or 28 days (depending on the specific drug);
    • there is a pointer on the foil of the package, along which the tablets are taken;
    • 7 or 21 days later, there will be a reaction that resembles menstruation.

    Features of taking drugs 21 days

    Some birth control pills are taken for 21 days. They start drinking after the first day of the onset of menstruation.... After the end of the reception, a break of 7 days is made. Protection during this period is not required.

    Birth control pills for 21 days are represented by the following list of names: Novinet, Yarina, Lindinet 20, Midiana, Rigevidon.

    Contraceptive 28 days

    Birth control pills, which take 28 days, are popular Jess remedies.

    Before you start taking hormonal contraceptives, you should consult a gynecologist... This is due to the different amount of synthetic hormones in the preparations and the way in which they will affect the woman's body both when taken and subsequently.

    Not all pills are suitable for all women... In addition, there are certain risks that should be discussed with a qualified doctor.

    Undesirable effects of drugs on the body and the prohibition of their use

    You should carefully consider the possible side effects of taking a particular drug in order to avoid health complications.

    Not all drugs can be taken by smokers

    Most of the side effects specialists include:

    • lack of menstruation;
    • depression, including a loss of attraction to men as sexual partners;
    • vaginal discharge not during menstruation;
    • headache and blurred vision;
    • unstable blood pressure;
    • change in body weight.

    If the above signs are observed, then you need to immediately consult a doctor who prescribed the drug. He will conduct an examination and, if necessary, replace the drug.

    You should know! Some side effects are observed only during the first 4 months of taking.

    You should consult a doctor immediately if:

    • poisoning;
    • breathing problems;
    • body pain;
    • problems with speech or vision.

    All drugs have contraindications to varying degrees:

    • current pregnancy;
    • liver problems;
    • problems with the cardiovascular system;
    • smoking;
    • age over 35;
    • diabetes;
    • breast cancer;
    • liver disease.

    Emergency contraception and hormone-free drugs

    Emergency contraception differs from interruption in that the first is done when you ovulate. That is at the moment of meeting of the sperm and the egg, they are affected by special preparations.

    Sometimes urgent contraception is required

    Their purpose is to interfere with the meeting or prevent the fixation of the encountered zygote in the uterus. For such drugs to act only 6 days: 3 days the movement of the egg to the uterus and 3 days consolidation.

    If time is lost, then come to resort to abortion early on.

    Arguments FOR and AGAINST taking birth control pills

    Any question has its positive and negative sides. It is the same with protection from unwanted pregnancy. Arguments FOR using birth control pills are as follows:

    • almost one hundred percent efficiency;
    • the ability to use in any age category;
    • comfort during sexual intercourse;
    • stabilization of hormonal balance in a woman's body.

    However, there is also arguments AGAINST using birth control pills:

    • if there are contraindications or side effects, taking pills is prohibited;
    • complications are possible after admission, up to the occurrence of oncological diseases;
    • some vitamins are excreted from the body with tablets;
    • the risk of glaucoma;
    • the risk of genital diseases;
    • the risk of hormonal disruption, weight and mood changes.

    If we weigh the pros and cons, expert advice and women's opinions, it is worth noting that taking birth control pills on a regular basis is only recommended after childbirth... Since in this case, a possible negative effect on the female body and future pregnancy is excluded.

    According to doctors and psychotherapists, termination of pregnancy is a serious step that a woman should only take in extreme circumstances.

    It is easier to prevent unwanted fertilization of the egg by creating unacceptable conditions for sperm inside the vagina than to take birth control pills on a regular basis with the possible risk of worsening women's health.

    And of course, regardless of age and health status, each representative of the beautiful half of humanity, be sure to consult a doctor before taking any medications, even if they are said to be safe.

    This video will tell you about the dangers of birth control pills:

    The following video will tell you about oral pills and how to take them:

    You can learn about the effect of birth control pills in this video:

    Pregnancy is the most joyful and wonderful life period for a woman. However, not for everyone. In some cases, conception becomes a surprise and forces the fairer sex to take emergency measures. This article will focus on what anti-pregnancy pills are after an unprotected act. You will learn how these drugs are used and whether they can be used regularly. It is also worth mentioning what the price of such drugs is and their name will be indicated below.

    A bit of anatomy: how conception occurs

    To begin with, it is worth finding out in what way conception is performed, as a result of which a child may be born. On average, once a month, the average woman undergoes hormonal changes in her body. The production of estrogen is replaced by progesterone, and an egg is released from the follicle. If at this moment sexual contact occurs, then pregnancy may occur. Also, conception can take place if sperm have entered the woman's body a few days before or after the follicle rupture.

    Immediately after ovulation, under the influence of progesterone, active preparation of the endometrium begins. The layer thickens and becomes looser. In this way, the body prepares to receive the fertilized female gamete. If conception has taken place, then the ovum within several days descends to the genital organ through the fallopian tube. Once in the uterus, the embryo is securely attached to the endometrial layer. It is here that he will develop in the coming months if the pregnancy continues.

    How can a conception be interrupted?

    Currently, there are many ways to stop the development of the embryo. It is worth noting that in this case it is better not to engage in amateur performances. Failure to do so can lead to serious health problems.

    One of the most popular abortion methods is curettage or vacuum aspiration. During the procedure, the doctor removes the ovum and part of the endometrium from the uterus. Such a manipulation is carried out up to 12 weeks of embryo development.

    You can also take medication. In this case, a prerequisite is a delay in menstruation for no more than forty days. After taking some drugs, the woman's endometrium with the ovum is rejected and menstruation begins.

    There are also special emergency methods of contraception. In this case, the remedy is taken a few hours after unprotected intercourse. Due to the action of the drugs, the woman begins to reorganize hormones, and menstrual bleeding occurs.

    Emergency contraception

    There are several that allow you to terminate a pregnancy even before the ovum is fixed on the wall of the uterus. Anti-pregnancy pills after an unprotected act have a different effect and method of use. Remember that these medicines cannot be used as permanent protection against unwanted conception. Anti-pregnancy pills should be used after an unprotected act only in emergency cases. Otherwise, you can get serious health problems. Consider what drugs exist for the emergency interruption of the development of the ovum.

    The drug "Postinor"

    This product contains a synthetic progestin. It is this component that affects the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes and the state of the endometrium. Under the influence of a substance called levonorgestrel, the fallopian tubes decrease their mobility and slow down the activity of the fertilized egg. As a result, the ovum dies before it reaches the uterine cavity. If the set of gametes has descended into the genital organ, then levonorgestrel changes the state of the endometrium. The egg is simply not able to attach to such a cavity.

    Postinor tablets should be taken two capsules every 12 hours. This is the same period of action for the above-described substance. The first pill must be drunk no later than 16 hours after intercourse. The course of drug use is three days. During this period, the woman should begin menstrual bleeding. Only then is emergency contraception considered successful.

    Postinor tablets, which cost about 250 rubles, can be purchased at any pharmacy chain. It is worth noting that there are only two capsules in one package of the medicine. This means that you will need 6 packs for the course. In this case, the price for the Postinor tablets increases and amounts to about 1,500 rubles.

    The drug "Escapel"

    These tablets are also based on the action of a substance called levonorgestrel. However, here the dosage of the drug is somewhat different. A woman needs to take one tablet within 24 hours after intercourse. Then you should repeat the procedure twice with a difference of 24 hours.

    For "Escapel" tablets, the price ranges from 250 to 300 rubles. The pack contains one capsule. This means that for the full course you will need three packs of Escapel tablets. The price in this case will be approximately 1000 rubles. It should be noted that this medicine is somewhat cheaper than Postinor.

    The drug "Eskinor F"

    This tool has the same effect as the Escapel tablets. After taking the drug, the reverse transformation of the endometrium begins and the activity of the fallopian tubes decreases.

    It should be noted that this drug is less popular than the first two analogues. However, this does not mean that the effect of the drug will not be as effective.

    Preparations containing mifetpristone

    Anti-pregnancy pills after an unprotected act may have a slightly different effect. These drugs include the following: "Mifegin", "Zhenale", "Miropriston" and others. It should be noted that these funds are most often used for the active substance of such drugs changes the transformation of the endometrium and enhances the contraction of the genital organ. Under this influence, the endometrium is rejected and the egg is released from the female body.

    Unlike preparations containing levonorgestrel, mifepristone tablets can be interrupted even after a delay in menstruation. Thus, the woman has time to make the right decision. These birth control pills are taken once after intercourse. In this case, it is worthwhile to first obtain a doctor's approval for such a correction. If the drug was not taken within the first three days after the sperm enters the woman's body, then the patient will need additional ones that block the production of progesterone.

    These products, which contain mifepristone, are slightly more expensive than previous medicines. So, one package can cost you from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles.

    An alternative method of emergency interruption of egg development

    In addition to the above, there are drugs (contraceptives) to prevent unwanted conception after intercourse. These include the most common, however, doctors strongly do not recommend using such a method because of the possible side effects and complications. These drugs include the following drugs: birth control pills "Yarina", "Logest", "Novinet" and others.

    Use them only after carefully reading the instructions. Here you will need school knowledge of mathematics. It is necessary to calculate the amount of hormones contained in one tablet. After that, you should calculate how many capsules you need to drink at one time to achieve the required dose (as in the Postinor tablets and its analogues). The average woman needs two to five capsules. You need to drink them every 12 hours for three days.

    How effective are pills for pregnancy?

    It should be noted that drugs that interrupt the development of the embryo at the earliest stages have different efficacy. Much depends on the time at which the medicine was taken. So, if you follow the instructions and drink the first dose immediately after intercourse, the effectiveness of the drug will be more than 90 percent. In the event that at least a day has passed after intercourse, the effect of the drug will already be 70-80 percent effective. If the subsequent intake of the substance is violated or you are very late with the use of the first dose, then the probability of a successful outcome will be from 50 to 70 percent.

    It is worth recalling that if the termination of pregnancy at the earliest possible date with the help of the above drugs failed, then doctors strongly recommend scraping. The thing is that these drugs affect not only the female body. The substances that make up the tablets have a detrimental effect on the state of the ovum. If you want to leave the unborn baby, then be prepared for the fact that the baby will be born sick or will have some deviations.

    and prices

    In order to avoid the need to use drugs for emergency contraception, it is necessary to take care of the methods of contraception in advance. If you have a regular sexual partner, then it makes sense to start taking birth control pills. The price for such drugs can be different and range from 200 to 2000 rubles.

    Absolutely all means of preventing pregnancy are divided into combined oral contraceptives and mini-pills. The latter contain a small dose of hormones and not all women are able to block ovulation. However, it is worth noting that such drugs are the only tablets approved for use during breastfeeding. The drugs in the mini-pili group include the following:

    • Charosetta tablets (cost about 800 rubles);
    • the drug "Laktinet" (price about 600 rubles);
    • pills "Orgametril" (cost from 1000 rubles) and many others.

    The effect of combined oral contraceptives is somewhat different. Such drugs completely block the work of the ovaries, preventing ovulation. The active substance of the tablets thickens cervical mucus, preventing sperm from penetrating into the uterine cavity and surviving there. In addition, hormonal drugs affect the state of the endometrium, transforming it so that the fertilized cell cannot attach to the wall of the uterus. All oral contraceptives are divided into monophasic, biphasic and three-phase.

    Monophasic means include the following:

    • Regulon tablets (cost from 300 rubles);
    • pills "Janine" (about 800 rubles);
    • contraceptive pills "35 Diana" (price from 1000 rubles) and others.

    Two-phase means for protection include Regvidon tablets (cost from 200 rubles) and other drugs.

    Three-phase birth control pills include the following:

    • pills "Tri-Regol" (cost from 200 rubles);
    • capsules "Tri-Merci" (price from 400 rubles).

    Also, contraceptives can differ in the content of hormonal substances. So, tablets are micro-dose and low-dose. There is also a group of high-dose drugs.

    Microdosing includes the following:

    • Novinet tablets (cost from 500 rubles);
    • the drug "Logest" (the price is about 900 rubles);
    • pills "Jess" (cost within 1000) and others.

    Low-dose drugs are:

    • contraceptive pills "Yarina" (price from 700 rubles);
    • the drug "Diana 35" (cost from 1000 rubles);
    • means "Janine" (cost within 1000 rubles) and others.

    Such drugs are more often prescribed to women who have given birth or to women after 30 years of age.

    High-dose drugs have the following names:

    • tablets "Trikvilar" (price about 500 rubles);
    • the drug "Non-ovlon" (cost about 700 rubles) and so on.

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