• Development of a 9 months old baby. Child development in the ninth month of life. What's new in mental development


    During the ninth month, the child's body weight will increase on average by 450-500 g, and his height - by 1.5-2 cm. By this age, the child's height and weight should be:


    • height - 71.2-72.3 cm;
    • weight - 9.0-9.5 kg.


    • height - 69.5-70.5 cm;
    • weight - 8.25-8.75 kg.

    Mental development

    The child continues to explore space. He is interested in everything: why does the cabinet end at this turn, the doors move (open and close), the sofa stands motionless in the center of the room, etc. The most fun toddler play is crawling around a chair, chair or kitchen table. And this is not surprising - he, like you, needs to repeat the same action repeatedly in order to learn something and stop by choosing the right solution.

    Children at this age really like the game "Big-Big!" A familiar person (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather) asks the kid: "How big is Yegorushka?" or "Which Yegorushka will grow up big?" The child happily answers the question and raises two hands up, shows how big he will grow up.

    Kids also love to play hide and seek. For example, a child hides behind a door, behind a curtain or behind a sofa and waits until someone asks: “Where is our Vera?”, After the question he heard, the baby shows up from the place where he was hiding.

    In the ninth month, babies not only know how to sit well, they themselves can lie down from a sitting position and sit down from a prone position. The baby's arms are well strengthened. Now, if the child wants to get up, then for this the emu will need a playpen, a sofa, an armchair, that is, something that you can hold on to with your hands. He can do these exercises many times, but it is still difficult for him to stand on his legs for a long time, so the baby lets go of support and falls, then rises again.

    It happens that a child clings to the edge of the arena and rises on his feet, and then begins to cry. What's going on? The answer is simple - the baby has learned to rise on his feet, but he is not yet able to sit down on his own, therefore, not knowing what to do, he is afraid and cries. Parents should help the child to sit down, over time he will learn to do it himself and the baby will have another interesting game.

    The development of speech continues this month. There are not many words in his "dictionary" yet, but new, short words are added to them, denoting loved ones or actions: "dada", "am", "give", "mom", "baba", "dad", etc. .d. The most interesting thing is that each kid has his own "dictionary". The child can try to simulate his own voice, speak softly, in a whisper, or loudly. At the same time, he loves to copy you, the intonation of your voice. After all, this is a little man who loves you infinitely.

    There are two most important tasks in raising a child of 9 months:

    • development of speech;
    • the formation of purposeful movements.

    When you communicate with your child, talk, tell rhymes, try for the baby to try to repeat certain sounds and syllables after you.

    During this period, the baby has a pronounced observation and imitation reaction - he looks at his parents and wants to do as they do. We recommend that you use your child's capabilities to teach him new, more complex activities. Teach your child to take toys out of the locker, put toys in a bucket, press piano keys, push a ball, or spin a baby carousel.

    Teach your little one to move from subject to subject, on a short time leave him unsupported.

    An approximate scheme for feeding a child at 9 month of life provided in the table.

    A baby at 9 months is no longer a helpless baby, but a fairly adequate person. The baby has not only grown physically, he is able to express his emotions vividly and to the place. He can laugh contagiously when dad or mom throw him up, and cry bitterly if he does not give what he wants.

    Babies at 9 months have their own point of view. They take off the interfering hat, choose the path for a walk, strive to get the item they like. Children are selfish by nature. At the 9th month of life, they can already realize what they want, but they do not understand why this is "impossible", that their desires often contradict the interests of other people.

    The child is not yet ready for prohibitions, so you need to try and remove from his field of vision all objects that are dangerous for him or for some other reason should not be in the baby's hands.

    If the toddler does get something forbidden, you need to distract him. At this age, it is still quite easy to do. You can show a toy, interest in the view from the window.

    The child spends a lot of time on the floor, crawling, walking along the furniture, studying the surrounding objects. Mom's hands are freer now, but for safety reasons, you cannot leave one baby.


    The main innovation of 9 months is preparation for walking. The child already knows how to sit well, stand independently for a short time, this is a completely new sensation to which one must get used both psychologically and physically. At 9 months old, the baby can walk, holding onto a sofa or other support, squat, crawl.

    Sitting, the child takes out, takes the toys with his hands, studies them. Increased physical activity slows down the rate of weight gain. During the ninth month, the child gains 0.3-0.5 kg. Weight is about 9 kg, height is about 70.


    What a child can do at this age:

    • Shows parts of the face, body. If the baby still does not know how to do this, this does not mean that he is not sufficiently developed. It's just that no one has shown him yet.
    • He sticks his fingers into any holes, pulls the objects under study into his mouth.
    • Leafing through books.
    • Tears paper, crinkles dough with fingers, plasticine.
    • Holds a cup, food tightly in his hands. He takes objects well with his fingers. And he cannot unclench them yet. Therefore, if the baby grabbed something, it is very difficult to take the object away from him.
    • He babbles, sings, pronounces individual syllables or simple words. Some repeat well after adults. They pronounce sounds and designate certain objects or people with them. In the conversation, intonations appear copied from the speech of adults.
    • Replies with simple gestures: nodding or shaking the head, signifying agreement or denial.
    • Knowing his name, he responds to him, smiles at the same time.
    • Understands simple requests such as “come here”, “take the ball”.
    • Begins to show interest in dressing, helps by putting his hands in the sleeves, in the shoes of his feet. He takes off his hat or sock on his own.
    • Handling toys comes down to learning from properties. A 9-month-old child loves to take them apart, put them inside one another, throw them and watch the flight. This is not harmful - this is how the baby learns the world.
    • The kid likes to play "peek-a-boo", hide and seek. He asks to repeat it many times. The word "ku-ku" evokes a storm of emotions in him. This can be used when the toddler is angry or upset. Remind him of the word, and a smile will definitely appear on his face.
    • By the time the child was 9 months old, he had learned to distinguish between close people and strangers. The toddler is afraid or avoids strangers.

    Daily routine, nutrition

    In order for the baby to develop normally, he must eat well, walk in the air, and get enough sleep. If there is a regime in a child's life, he gets used to a certain sequence of actions every day, does not resist them.

    In a child at 9 months, development and nutrition are closely related. At this age, the baby already eats a lot of "adult" food. The main condition: food should be varied, as useful as possible, include enough fiber and vitamins. The child already has enough teeth to learn to chew. It is necessary to gradually switch from mashed potatoes to more solid foods.

    By the age of 9 months, children sleep at night for about 10 hours, and during the day, twice. Each baby is individual, these numbers may differ. The main thing is that the child is in good mood, developed physically and mentally.

    Babies wake up at night to eat. The reason is not hunger, but psychological dependence on the mother. This is normal and will go away with weaning. Such night feeding usually does not cause much discomfort to a woman. The baby sucks the breast in a dream and sleeps peacefully on.

    Activities and games

    The kid is already able to do something with concentration and enthusiasm for some time. To help in the development of a 9-month-old baby, you need to direct his activity in the right direction:

    • Teach the necessary actions in the future. For example, take off, put on clothes, eat with a spoon. Probably, the child will be interested and want to try on all his things or something from his mother's wardrobe. There is no need to resist it. The more he trains, the faster he learns.
    • Develop hand motor skills. This is an important condition not only for the future ability to write beautifully, but also for the formation of correct speech, for performing everyday actions.

    Children love to rip paper. This is a good developmental method. Give the kid a roll toilet paper... It will captivate him for a long time. It is important here to show the child from the very beginning that books cannot be ripped. It is necessary to form a special attitude towards them, to protect them. It is better if only cardboard books are available for some time, until the baby finally realizes that they cannot be torn.

    Interesting and useful game - sorting out small items. Buttons, beads of different colors, pasta of unusual shapes, pebbles, toothpicks will do. Toddlers like to look at and move small objects.

    But parents must be very careful, the child is able to pull any object into his mouth, try to shove it into his nose or ear.

    The game should be cooperative, controlled. If the baby is tired, it is necessary to fold everything and put it away so that he cannot reach it.

    To accelerate the development of a child at 9 months, the development of his motor skills is helped by modeling, drawing. Mom needs to create with the child. He will like the resulting figures, he will strive to do the same. If you press beads or pasta into the dough, the child will pick them out. He should be able to do it.

    Bath games

    Bathing turns into an entertaining game in 9 months. Rubber animals, molds, cups - everything interests the child. Transferring from containers, washing toys captivates the baby. He may not agree to finish swimming for a long time. To solve this issue without tears, you can invite him to say goodbye to toys. To say that the baby will surely meet with them again soon, wave his hand and calmly take him out of the water. Or quietly drain the water and say that she has already escaped.

    In the morning, you need to teach your child to wash. Show how to do it on yourself. And then help him repeat. You need to tell your baby how important it is to be clean. Praise him for his washed hands and face. To say how handsome he has become.


    The main rule of choice is safety. Toys should not contain sharp corners and parts. A 9-month-old child is interested in everything: clockwork, talking, soft animals, dolls, cars, cubes and pyramids, constructors. You need to teach the little person to play with them. You can show how a car or a locomotive drives, how to assemble a pyramid, how to build, how a doll or a bear "walk", feed them "for fun", wash, regret.

    Children quickly memorize and copy the actions of adults. Soon, the baby will play and invent something new on his own. Both boys and girls must have at least one doll. On it you need to learn to show the eyes, nose, mouth, arms, legs, tummy, back. And then find the same with the child himself, with mom and dad.

    As you grow, you can add smaller details to this list, for example, fingers, knees, eyelashes. A doll is a visual aid for studying the human body. In addition, it will become good friend baby, you can do everything with her, you need to show on the toy what the child himself is not able to do or is afraid of.

    Physical development

    To develop muscles and dexterity, you need to remember about outdoor games. Children like balls of different sizes, colors.

    You need to teach your child to catch and throw the ball, bring and serve, roll it on the floor, so that he understands the difference in these actions. It develops dexterity, coordination and brings a lot of joy to everyone.

    You can make your own "health track". Stick or sew on buttons, pebbles, scraps of fabrics that are different to the touch on a piece of fabric. And let the baby walk on it with bare feet. Until the baby is able to move vertically by himself, you need to support him. And in a couple of months he himself will walk along the path with great pleasure.

    It promotes hardening, is a foot massage, improves coordination and orientation. First, you need to let the baby examine everything with his hands, touch, evaluate. And then you can give commands on what to step on, adding variety to the game.

    Children are attracted to the mirror. You can play with it too:

    • consider the reflection of different objects, people;
    • compare what he saw with the original;
    • make grimaces;
    • show joy, anger, surprise, fear.

    This is very good for developing emotions. Facial exercises encourage good speech.

    A 9 month old baby needs a lot of attention. Mothers often complain that they do not have enough time for all the activities and games. But it is not necessary to break away from homework, you can combine it and communication with the baby. The time given to the child will definitely have a positive effect on his development.

    What can a child at 9 months old do?

    At 9 months old, a child repeats syllables all the time, sorting out vowels and consonants, auk, cries out, sometimes bursts into laughter. And in his own language comments on what is happening around. Some babies "tie" syllables to mom and dad (ma-ma-ma-am) and to their favorite toys (zya-zya-zya - bunny, etc.).

    The child's emotions are richer every day. Most often, the baby is surprised or happy, interested in something, but at times does not hide anger, disgust, sadness, fear. He can be whiny, resentful, fearful, especially if the mother is constantly on edge, but, in general, is balanced, calm and gives a minimum of trouble.

    The kid clearly shows dissatisfaction, aimed at your specific actions: for example, the little one may not like it when you wipe his nose or cut his nails. He will turn away, push your hand away, moo in protest, and turn his head.

    Do not ignore these "tricks" and do not scold your son or daughter for them. Think about it: perhaps something in your actions hurts the baby, and this should be corrected. If the action needs to be continued, accept the negative emotions of your beloved child, say that you understand that he is in pain, unpleasant, that he does not want, but nothing can be done - it is necessary.

    By the way, pay special attention to the actual need for manipulations, especially medical ones, that cause a negative reaction in the baby. For example, you can do a strengthening massage yourself (if the child does not have a serious illness), if the little one has not found " common language"With a nurse. As practice shows, negative emotions often nullify all the benefits of such manipulations.

    Do not ignore the requests of the baby, especially when he is crying. Break away from the phone call, take the child in your arms, kiss, hug, calm, and then continue the conversation.

    Remember and repeat

    Now the child carefully monitors your actions, remembers them, can get the thing hidden in his pocket. He remembers well where you carry objects of interest to him, and tries to get them. For example, knowing that grandmother has an interesting medallion hanging around her neck, she will climb onto her lap and pull on the chain. Or he will reach into the pocket of my father's jacket for a mobile phone ...

    The kid will be happy to tear and wrinkle the paper. Give him old newspapers or magazines, along the way explaining that books should never be ripped. To prevent this from happening "accidentally", give the baby only thick cardboard books for independent play and "reading". He will not be able to turn thin pages himself and will tear simply because his fingers are not yet obedient enough.

    To train fingers, invite your child to pour nuts, buttons, pebbles, beans, gradually moving to smaller objects. Learn to sprinkle not only with your fingers, but also with different spoons, a small scoop.

    Show your baby how to pour water from one plastic cup to another, scoop water from a bowl with a spoon and pour it into a cup. All this will develop fine motor skills and will serve as an excellent service in terms of learning to self-eat.

    At 9 months old, a child can already start learning how to dress. More precisely, undress. Teach him to pull off a sock, take off his hat, take his hand out of the sleeve of an unbuttoned blouse or jacket. Ask you to stretch out the desired handle or leg, put your head in, squeeze the handle into a fist when pushing it into the sleeve. The sooner you teach your baby this, the easier it will be for him to master self-care skills in the future.

    Standing or sitting in the bathroom, the baby can wash her face and hands. Girls often repeat the “washing away” movements of their mother - praise the young cleanliness! Try to make the baby "on an equal footing with everyone" participate in the affairs of the family, more often find himself at the common table - on your example, he will learn to behave, communicate with other people.

    Getting to know the body

    Help the little one get to know his body! This is what the games below are aimed at. Do not forget that the baby learns from the parents how to relate to his body, its needs, urges, signals. If a child is taught to respect his body, to listen to it, this skill remains for life.

    If parents, for the sake of their needs, fears or habits, let the baby understand that his body is “stupid” and “wrong” (through force-feeding, imposing his own rhythm and daily routine, untimely planting on a pot, bathing, bans on active movement, etc. etc.), the child will face difficulties in building further harmonious relationships with himself.

    When playing with your baby, it is important that he be interested. The main condition for the formation of this interest is the emotional involvement of the mother, she should be funny and fun. After all, playing is not a tedious duty!

    Mosquito gifts
    • Dariki-dariki,
    • Oh yes mosquitoes! (clap our hands)
    • ZZZZZ (speech therapy pronunciation of the sound Z!)
    • Curled-curled, (fingers are folded into pinches, we make circular movements with brushes)
    • Baby in the nose (you can call any part of the body)
    • Suddenly they grabbed.

    When the baby has grown up and has learned to run well - especially if he is a fidget - this game can be turned into catch-up tags: the mosquitoes catch up and bite the child.

    • Clapperboards - clappers, (clap your hands)
    • Close your ears (eyes, cheeks, knees and other parts of the body that you are now "learning") - close your ears with your palms.

    While the child is small, you should not call more than 3-4 in one game. If the kid wants to continue playing, repeat the same, but in a different sequence. And next time add one more thing.

    A wake-up game (asleep) to get to know the parts of the face and head
    • FROM good morning eyes,
    • You woke up?
    • Good morning nose
    • Are you woke up? - and then all the parts that you "learn".
    • Good morning, (baby name)
    • Are you woke up!
    • Goodnight, eyes,
    • Go to sleep! etc.
    • Good night, (baby name)
    • Go to sleep!

    We sculpt and draw

    From 9 months you can start games, which then move on to modeling, application, drawing. Show your toddler how to move around with crayons or felt-tip pens on a large sheet of paper. By dipping the child's fingers into special non-toxic paints, give the baby the opportunity to smear them on a sheet, a piece of fabric or your own body (if you are worried about the cleanliness of your home, play with paints in the bathroom - both from the tile, and from the artist himself, they can be immediately washed off warm shower).

    Make a cake from any dough or clay and, placing the little one on your lap, stick curly pasta, beans, nuts, pebbles into it: the baby will be happy to pick them out. Unscrew the lids, put vegetables chopped for soup in a saucepan, pick up matches, toothpicks or beans from the floor and put them on a stool or in a special box, sort out large buttons, throw walnuts or cotton balls into a basket - all these activities perfectly develop fingers and are very exciting babies, especially if mom sets an example.

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    A very interesting period in the life of babies is 9 months. Some children at this age already manage to take their first steps on their own, to pronounce the first words. Others just silently study the world. In this case, parents should not be upset. This is not yet an indicator of the poor development of the crumbs, it just accumulates knowledge. Each child's skills are developed individually. Some at this age are already walking, while others are just getting up. Many young parents are interested in proper nutrition and child development at 9 months. After all, such a mobile and curious baby requires constant attention.

    What can a child at 9 months old do?

    By the age of nine months, the baby changes dramatically. Mom no longer sees him as a clumsy fat man. A curious baby all the time asks to the floor and requires communication. This is a very important period when the child's body prepares for upright posture. Well, let's follow the development and nutrition of the child at 9 months, his basic abilities.

    Holding onto the support, the baby manages to stand and step over. He can crawl in different directions, on all fours he climbs the dais. The child already easily sits down and lies down. Holding on to the support, he can not only stand, but also jump. The kid can stand holding the hand of the parents. He easily repeats the movements of adults: he raises, lowers his arms, claps his palms. What can a child at 9 months old do? By this age, he has formed many sensory, intellectual and social knowledge:

    1. Sensory-motor dexterity.If a child is given a toy at this age, he calmly takes it in his hands. Can slowly draw closer to himself, consider. He manages to take small objects with one pen. Often plays with two toys at once. While crawling, he is able to hold an additional object in his hand. The kid claps his hands perfectly. Able to crawl backward.
    2. Intellectual ability... A 9-month-old baby loves interesting games where you need to repeat simple actions several times. He easily recalls the game he learned a day ago. I especially like to hide behind the palms in the game "Where are you?" With pleasure he shows with pens how big it is. The kid is able to fulfill simple requests: nod his head, wave his pen. The child easily repeats simple words after the parents: give, am, mom, dad. Often the baby has a fear of volumetric space and height.
    3. Social skills.A 9 month old baby is very attached to his parents and loves to play with them. He manages to copy the emotions and gestures of other people. Reacts to laughter with a smile, to crying with tears. Baby no longer plays with all toys in a row, he carefully chooses them. May sneeze or laugh at the parent's request. Sometimes the kid himself takes the initiative to start a new game. If mommy asks him to repeat something, then he will gladly do it.

    Features of mental development

    The 9 month old wonder is constantly exploring the space. He is interested in everything: how doors open and close, why furniture stands motionless. There are a lot of new things in the mental development and nutrition of a 9-month-old child. In conversation, the baby changes his intonation, reacts to his name. If you call him, he immediately turns with a smile on his face. Emotions at this age are gaining certainty. The kid expresses joy, resentment, anger, anger.

    It is very interesting to observe how the child points his finger at the objects he needs with a request to get them. Often he wants to get into a locker or refrigerator. Pockets are a favorite place where he needs to find something. Consent and denial can be shown with a nod of the head. It is getting easier and easier to dress a 9-month-old baby: he puts his arms into the sleeves, guides his leg into the leg, and takes off his hat. The child determines where the adults are by their voice or rustle. She still does not know how to handle toys properly, throws or knocks them.

    Speech ability of a 9-month-old baby

    At 9 months old, hearing his name, the baby can not only turn, but also crawl. If you ask him the question "Where is that (or that)?" He can already, at the request of an adult, choose the right toy among several others. When asked to submit an object, he hands it to his mother. A child at 9 months responds well to words quit, you can’t, give, on, get up, lie down. The baby has a formed knowledge of many objects: bottles, cups, spoons, combs. The baby is already listening carefully to the conversations of adults, watching their lips.

    At this age, the child begins to actively reproduce various sounds of speech. These can be individual syllables or imitation sounds. The kid can specifically sneeze, snort, hum, meow, bark. One pleasure for him is babbling or mumbling.

    Weight and height of a nine month old baby

    Much attention is paid to the development and nutrition of the child at 9 months, because it increases physical activity... In this regard, weight gain is reduced. A baby in a month adds only 300-500 g and grows by 1-2 cm. What is the weight of a baby at 9 months? Much also depends on the gender of the baby. At this age, boys weigh between 7.9 kg and 10.5 kg. Girls have between 7.5 kg and 9.7 kg.

    Many are interested not only in the weight of the child at 9 months, but also in the increase in size. Boys at this age are from 67.5 to 76.5 cm in height. Girls stretch from 65.3 to 75 cm.

    Baby feeding

    Breast milk is still in the 9-month-old baby's diet. But this is no longer the main element of the diet. It is worth teaching your baby to new foods and dishes. What is the baby's diet at 9 months old? Every day it should include milk porridge, mashed vegetables, meat, boiled yolk, cottage cheese. Fruit purees and juices are an excellent addition to your diet. Instead of mother's milk, you can use a highly adapted milk formula.

    During this period, many people practice minced meatballs. The curd is diluted a little with kefir. Wheat and oatmeal cereals are suitable. Semolina porridge is still difficult to digest by the baby's stomach, it is better to wait up to a year. Since the baby can already eat from a spoon, you can practice soup for a 9 month old baby. It's worth experimenting with new flavors and foods. The main thing is to observe the composition and consistency of the dishes. At this age, the baby should not be given an ordinary soup, but a puree soup made from steamed or boiled ingredients. Here's a recipe for the simplest puree soup:

    • potatoes, cabbage, carrots:
    • a little greenery, finely chopped;
    • small bay leaf;
    • 1/2 teaspoon butter or vegetable oil
    • a little salt.

    In addition to the above vegetables, you can use cauliflower, broccoli, green peas, pumpkin, zucchini. It is best to use filtered water for making the soup. After the vegetables are boiled, they are crushed with a blender to a puree consistency. You can already add meatballs, cereals, small pasta to such a soup.

    An important place in the diet of the crumbs is occupied by cereals. Pearl barley, rice, buckwheat are first boiled in water. After the cereal is cooked, it is passed through a strainer. After that, milk is added to the mass and brought to a boil.

    Gradually introduce fish into the baby's diet for 9 months. It is better to use low-fat varieties: hake, cod, pollock, pike perch.

    What kind of fruits can you feed?

    Fragrant and sweet berries and fruits are not just a delicacy for babies. It is a supplier of all kinds of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The very first fruit that is allowed for kids is an apple. They often feed children from 5-6 months. And what kind of fruits can you give to a child of 9 months, except for apples? At this age, chopped raisins, dates, bananas, pears are suitable. You can mix several fruits, such as a pear or an apple with a banana.

    Don't forget about berries. You don't know what to give your baby at 9 months old? At this age, chopped currants, raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, gooseberries are allowed. The main thing is to offer the little one a little new food for the first time.

    Baby's day regimen

    At 9 months of age, babies themselves can already influence wakefulness and sleep patterns. The fact is that they are already beginning to recognize the difference between night and daytime. They are starting to enjoy playing during the day more and more. But nevertheless, the basic rules remain: 2 naps during the day for 2 hours, night sleep up to 11 hours. One of the day dreams is better in the open air.

    It is important to remember the air temperature in the children's room. It should be at +20 ° C. Remember to ventilate the room regularly. Regular daily walks with your baby should be the norm. The duration of the walks, in general, should be up to 3 hours.

    Bathing for crumbs is already becoming a pleasure, it can be done every other day. The kid already loves to splash, dive and swim. Teach your child to wear pajamas and socks at night, because they can open up at night. Do not forget to sing lullabies to him at night.

    Gymnastics for children 9 months

    It is very important for a 9-month-old to do gymnastics and massage. The combination of gymnastics and massage should include the following exercises:

    • swing your hands in a circle;
    • bending and straightening the legs together and alternately;
    • light massage movements on the back;
    • stimulation of crawling;
    • abdominal massage;
    • squats;
    • sliding steps.

    Each exercise should be done 5-7 times daily for 10 minutes.

    The value of games for development

    At this age, communication in games is very important for a child. Provide your baby the required amount toys and objects for his favorite pastime. Little ones often tell themselves what games they want to play. Let the baby start the game himself, so he will get used to independence. Teach your child to use educational toys. At this age, you can already learn to build a pyramid or a tower from cubes.

    Baby development diagnostics

    If you decide to check how developed your 9 month old baby is, use the following test:

    1. Sitting without support, trying to get up, crawling for toys, holding a cup in two hands?
    2. When sitting, turns and picks up objects from the side or from behind?
    3. Repeats your gestures and actions, does some of your simple tasks?
    4. When trying to take a toy away from him, prevents it?
    5. Babbling repetitive syllables?
    6. Reacts to his name, distinguishes between friends and foes?

    If all these questions are answered positively, then everything is in order with the development of your baby.

    Make every effort not only for the physical, but also for the mental development of the 9-month-old baby. Keep holding him, show your love. Talk to the little one, develop his speech. To do this, show him picture books, read rhymes and nursery rhymes with repeated words. Ask the baby to show something in the picture with his finger. Make sure to teach him to crawl. It is also important to encourage the child to spoon, cup and fall asleep without motion sickness.

    Full of not only worries and worries, but also the joy of learning, shared happiness and genuine amazement about the new skills of your beloved offspring.
    So, what to teach a child at 9 months! From this period, the helplessness of the toddler decreases with lightning speed and independence comes to the fore. The formation of personality is in progress ...

    Psychology and Physiology.

    • If a 9 months children are healthy, and nothing bothers them, then they can stay awake for up to 4 hours in a row, without getting tired of their intense activity. At night, they usually wake up 1 time to have a snack.
    • The weight gain is about 500 grams, the height will increase by 1.5-2 cm. The baby's weight is within the range of 9.3 - 10 kg.
    • The vision of a baby at this age is almost identical to that of an adult, he sees both far and close. movement of arms and legs is coordinated.
    • The child already knows how to distinguish his mirror image from another child's image. This suggests that every day he more and more feels like an independent person.
    • Just at this time, the most one appears, which he will not give to anyone and never for a very long time. This touching affection is necessary in order to transfer to her some of the great love that is meant for mom. And thereby show your, albeit tiny, but already quite real independence from your mother, which is a prerequisite for future independence.
    • The child does not take his eyes off his loved ones, memorizing their actions. He can find the thing hidden before his eyes. Or get to the place where it lies. Seeing a beautiful chain on her mother's neck, the baby will reach for her, trying to squeeze it in her fist. Or, noticing how dad puts the phone in his pocket, he will climb up to him for the desired toy.
    • child development at 9 months of age, forms an imitative model of behavior and tracking the manipulations of adults. A child's skills at 9 months are in the exact knowledge of the purpose of all objects, how to handle them and what result his actions will ultimately lead to. It is for this that he most attentively and observes adults, copying their actions.

    Baby skills at 9 months.

    Child development at 9 months of age.

    At 9 months of life the baby is constantly crawling. He can confidently get to his feet from a sitting position, and walk along the furniture in small steps, holding on to it with chubby handles.

    The main criterion for correct physical development a child at 9 months of age is his ability to sit down without assistance. If there is no such skill, you must urgently run to the doctors. This may be due to a neurological disorder acquired while still in the mother's womb.

    Physical therapy () will help significantly strengthen the physical state child.

    What to teach a child at 9 months?

    • The time has come - cubes, simple constructors will be in use. During such games, you need especially careful supervision of the baby, because he drags everything into his mouth and can choke on a small detail. So it’s better to leave small toys for later. fine motor skills is of great importance not only in good coordination of finger movements, which will naturally be needed for writing, drawing and performing other necessary actions, but also for general development.
    • During this period, mother nature begins to prepare the baby to get up on his feet. And here both physical and psychological preparedness plays a huge role - after all, he will have to combine so many small movements in order to take such an unusual vertical position. The main thing here is not to rush events, not to panic, if the skill has not yet been worked out well enough - everything is in its turn.
    • During this time, children are captured by clockwork and musical toys, the child will try to turn them on, so choose them with large keys and buttons. They are also attracted by all kinds of locks, latches and latches, which can be attached to one board or buy a ready-made game with such elements.
    • When forming the correct daily routine for your baby, take into account the child's temperament, its characteristics, and then such a regime will help the physical and psychological development of the baby.
    • To develop the child's speech skills at 9 months, voice everything that the child does, For example: "Let's go to wash", "Turn on some water", "My hands" and so on. In this case, the kid replenishes his vocabulary, learns how to pronounce words correctly, learns the name of new objects and actions.
    • As with the mastery process speech navows, which are impossible without verbal communication, so without the experience of perceiving musical works, the child will not learn to love and understand music. Early musical ability observed in children who received vivid musical impressions at an early age. It will not be difficult for parents to hum something, sing and so on every day. And the baby will soon enter this game himself and pick up a song or a tune. It is best if the house is filled with both classical repertoire and cartoon songs.

    Baby skills at 9 months.

    The child still enjoys making various sounds, imitating the conversation of adults. In his babbling, one can already hear the imitation of sentences, various intonations, a variety of combined sounds.

    By the age of 9 months, a child can show how certain animals talk. For example, pointing at a dog or pussy, he says: "Av-av" and "Meow-meow", respectively.


    IN 9 months It's time for a child to start eating fish. From this time on, the baby's diet begins to resemble an "adult" table. Vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat and fish become available to him. During the day, the baby must eat at least 5 times with an interval of 4 hours.
    Parents are sometimes surprised - how the toddler learns what is drunk, what is chewed, and what is gnawing with special diligence. To consolidate chewing skills, pieces of pulp are added to vegetables and fruits. Chopped bananas or peaches can be put into cereals.

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