• What are the benefits of playing with sand. Sand play: benefits for children and adults. Why is it needed


    Dear mothers! Let's play sand with your baby! How great it is to dig in the sand, ply the cakes, look for each other's hidden hands in the sand and much more to play in the sand. After all, play for a child is the main activity. And the sandbox is also a natural environment where your little one can freely and safely express themselves.

    Games with sand and water are among the most ancient pastimes of mankind. And they still bring pleasure to both children and adults.

    The fundamental idea of \u200b\u200bsand therapy: “Playing with sand provides the child with the opportunity to get rid of psychological trauma by transferring fantasies outside, to the sandbox plane, and forming a sense of connection and control over their inner urges, especially with the archetype of self, and their expression in symbolic form in greatly facilitates the healthy functioning of the psyche. "

    Playing with sand and water, children learn about the world around them, get acquainted with the properties of substances, learn hard work and patience, communication with peers.This has a beneficial effect on the psyche, calms, creates a serene mood, extinguishes negative emotions.

    You can play with sand in the summer in the country or in the yard, or you can build a sandbox at home (winter is long, why waste precious time).

    For sand, you can use a plastic bowl or other convenient container, or you can purchase a ready-made sandbox. The sand can be used from the river, prepared in advance, or purchased at gardening stores. For the safety of the baby's health, before use, sift the sand and calcine it in the oven. It is necessary to choose a play material: shovels, sieves, funnels, various plastic molds, molds for dough, miniature toys (5-10 cm) (toys from "kinder surprises" with children under 3 years old, for safety reasons, do not use!). And with older children, you can use and waste material: pebbles, large buttons, etc.

    Sand games are suitable for children from 1 year old.

    Before you start playing sand, be sure to talk with your baby that sand should not be deliberately thrown out of the sandbox, taken in your mouth, and after playing you must wash your hands.

    To begin with, do everything together in the sandbox "hand in hand", then tell the kid: do as I do (according to the model), in the future, your kid in the sandbox will act independently.

    What do sand classes give:

    Develop fine motor skills;

    Powerfully stimulate tactile sensitivity due to flowability;

    Influence the development of active speech due to fine motor skills and emotional involvement, children 1-1.5 years old use words in a situation of emotional arousal;

    They develop objective actions and thinking (digging with little shovels, equalizing with a rake, making shapes with molds);

    Relieve increased neuropsychic stress, especially with hyperactivity.

    Joint games in the sandbox with the child allow the child to feel the family that he is loved and significant for his parents.

    It is very important that parents have the desire and the mood to play with their baby in the sandbox!

    First, the children sort out the sand with their fingers, then they begin to sculpt some figures using special sets for sand (bucket, spatula, various molds). And only then they begin to form something out of it on their own, using their imagination and children's fantasy.

    Playing with sand, and in particular in the sandbox, develop the child's skills and necessary qualities, such as accuracy, perseverance and diligence.
    But the useful qualities of playing with sand do not end there. While playing in the sandbox, the child develops coordination of movements, fine motor skills, and in this process, he gets acquainted with the objects that are included in the sets for playing with sand. In addition, children learn to connect with other children, which is also necessary for development.

    What sandbox games teach

    As in any other business, adults must first take the initiative and interest their child in the process. In the sandbox, they can make a cake themselves and ask the child to do the same. Then gradually explain what is the difference between a full bucket and an empty one, from which sand it is easier to sculpt wet or dry, etc.
    Small children, precisely because of their age, do not yet understand that it is not good to take someone else's without asking. Parents should explain this to the child. What you need to learn, ask politely, and if not allowed, do not take someone else's and not be capricious at the same time. In other words, playing in the sandbox teaches children the rules of behavior, which is also very important.

    Sand therapy

    Such a concept really exists and is aimed at stabilizing the emotional state of the child. At the same time, nervous tension goes away, which contributes to raising the mood. If you have a country house, then it would be a good idea to organize your own small playground on the site. Today you can buy sandboxes for children by choosing the option you like. There are various models:
    • Compact sandboxes with a canopy
    • With a closable lid to keep sand dry in case of bad weather
    • Sandbox pencil cases where you can leave toys
    • Sandbox courtyards (this is already a mini game complex in a set of several sandboxes, slides and molds)

    Playing with sand, the child gets rid of complexes and throws out the accumulated emotions. He cannot, like adults, break a plate, for example, but it is easy to destroy a newly built figure, then just as quickly, when the anger has passed, to blind it again. Thus, the child not only solves his own psychological problems, but also gets rid of fears.

    Hello dear guests and members of the Eliseyka Club!

    Finally, spring has finally come into its own. Only patches of dirty gray snow left here and there from winter. Yes, and it gradually disappears from the frequent crest of rain. And the earth, yearning for warmth, so greedily absorbs the sun's rays that it does not leave even the smallest puddle from the memories of winter.

    Children poured into the streets in a merry crowd. Some on a swing, some on bicycles, scooters and skateboards, and our cute kids besieged the sandboxes. Armed with buckets, scoops, tins and other sand attributes, little boys and girls scrupulously swarm in the sandbox. Satisfied with the opportunity to sit on a bench and talk to each other, mothers tenderly look at their enthusiastic crumbs, only occasionally intervening to "settle" the conflict situation.

    And with the onset of summer, we will rush to the sandy beaches of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. And here you can't resist playing in the sand and
    parents. Together with the children, having disconnected from our adult worries, we build entire castles and cities on the sand. Or we paint fabulous pictures that are so fond of licking playful waves from the sand.

    Have you ever wondered why children and adults like playing with sand so much? And is there any benefit for kids from playing with sand, and if so, what?

    The natural need for children to play with sand, of course, has its own explanation. This need was studied at one time by the psychoanalyst, the founder of analytical therapy, Carl Jung. He proposed the method of "sand therapy".

    Play with sand was also described by the famous English pediatrician Margaret Lowenfeld and she called her play method "world method".

    Today, the game with sand and other bulk materials is used in their work by many children's specialists: pediatricians, psychologists, psychotherapists, teachers, speech therapists, and neurologists.

    Experts say:

    Playing with sand has a positive effect on the emotional state of a person, and is able to stabilize his emotional well-being. The properties of sand carry a certain mystery and mystery and are able to fascinate a person. Sand, as it were, "grounds" negative energy. Manipulating sand, both wet and dry, soothes impulsive, overly active children and liberates squeezed, shackled and anxious babies.

    *** In order to diagnose, as well as for correction, many teachers, psychologists and psychotherapists use in their work sand therapy. Its essence lies in the fact that in the box, in addition to sand for playing children, various figures, sticks, pebbles, cones, etc. are also used. In the game, a child often, on a subconscious level, begins to play those situations from his life that led him to this or another problem. He doesn't need words for this.

    Losing my story, changing it with my own hands, the child builds what he likes. Thus, the baby finds a way out of a difficult situation, changes it and thereby gets rid of the heavy burden of internal experiences. A specialist observes the child's manipulations and, if necessary, helps him.

    Sand play is good for physical health as well. In medicine, there is even a whole section called psammotherapy - heating with sand. Children feel real delight when they bury their hands, feet, and especially each other in the hot sand. AND sometimes, adults do not lag behind them in this. In addition to fun, both children and adults benefit greatly from it.

    Psammotherapy helps to improve metabolism, helps in the treatment of diathesis, allergies, rickets, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, respiratory system, joints, chronic nephritis, the effects of poliomyelitis, and in women - in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Heating with sand improves the activity of the heart, helps to normalize kidney function. Of course, you must first consult with your doctor. It is imperative to ensure that the child does not overheat.

    Walking barefoot on the sand is also helpful. It is known that there are massage points on a person's foot, each of which corresponds to an organ in our body. In addition to massage of organs, walking barefoot also helps us in the treatment of flat feet, hyper-sweating, musculoskeletal system, diseases of the nervous, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular systems and gastrointestinal tract, as well as colds, flu and even heart attack and stroke.

    But back to the kids.

    Sand play is very useful for developing fine motor skills, tactile sensations and coordination of movements. All this is directly related to the development of speech, thinking, attention, observation, imagination, memory.

    Very useful for the development of speech:

    - draw with your fingers in the sand;

    - pour sand from palm to palm, from one glass to another;

    - dig holes, immerse your hands in the sand;

    - look for small toys buried in the sand;

    - sculpt fences, houses, pies, etc. from wet sand with your hands, it is very good to decorate buildings with small pebbles, shells, chips, etc.

    - pour sand into the bucket with a spatula.

    Sand play has a positive effect on the development of imagination and creativity children. On the sandy range, you can give free rein to your wild imagination. How many things can be sculpted out of wet sand: curly Easter cakes, houses, garages, palaces, cities, sculptures. The complexity of the sand construction increases with the skill of the young architect.

    Playing in the sandbox or on the beach with other children, the child acquires communication skills, socializes. Learns to navigate in conflict situations that regularly arise in playgrounds. The skill is developed to negotiate, concede, share or, on the contrary, defend their rights.

    Here are the benefits of sand! And the best part is that parents do not need to spend a lot of effort for their children to receive
    so much good. Just go outside and walk to the playground. Everything! The session has begun - a session of playing with sand!

    And, if you want to restore your peace of mind, feel free to arm yourself with scoops and create with the children. You will see that all your experiences will dissipate as quickly as dry sand blows off the wind from your palms.

    P.S. Have you ever seen the "Drawings in the Sand" show? Watch this video! You will see, while you look - time will cease to exist for you.

    And how to properly build sand castles, make highways, dig caves and what sand games you can play from the article:.

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    Svetlana Myasnikova

    Midsummer, July. A merry crowd of my pupils from the second junior group kindergarten. And right there, having come to the site of their group, the first thing the lovely kids were happy to lay siege to the sandbox.

    Armed with buckets, scoops, tins and other sand attributes, little Polina, Lena, Vanya, Misha are swarming in the sandbox.

    Together with children, we - educators, psychologists, speech therapists help build on sand city, we sculpt all sorts "Goodies", or play the game "Secret"... Remember how in childhood, they found glass of any color, beautiful pebbles, leaves, flowers, and, having dug out with a scoop, laid out in the sand first a composition from the found "Treasures", covered with glass from above and covered sand... Then, in a friendly crowd, they rummaged in the sandbox and looked for the "Treasures"... Only now we are with the guys instead of glass we use plexiglass, it is not traumatic.

    Have you ever wondered why kids love playing with sandwhy does he so fascinate them? And is there benefit for pupils from playing with sand and if there is, then what? What is it?

    Today play with sand and other bulk materials use in their work, many children specialists: psychologists, psychotherapists, teachers, speech therapists, neurologists.

    Experts say:

    Games with sand positively affect the emotional state of the child, are able to improve his emotional well-being, tune in a good-natured mood. Playing with sand, both wet and dry - soothes impulsive, overly active (hyperactive) children and liberates the squeezed, shackled and anxious.

    For diagnostic purposes, as well as for correction, many psychologists use sand therapy in their work,using which gives good results.

    Games with sand good for physical health. It is very useful to walk on sand barefoot... Remember, we ran without shoes with pleasure in childhood sand and grass, while receiving a surge of vivacity and strength! Everyone knows that there are massage points on a person's foot, each of which corresponds to an organ in our body.

    Games with sand are very necessary for the development of fine motor skills, tactile sensations and coordination of movements of the child. All this is directly related to the development of speech, thinking, attention, observation, imagination, memory.

    Since, in our time, the problem of late-speaking children is becoming more acute, it is necessary for the development of speech, in addition to classes with a speech therapist and reading books with parents, as well as direct communication between an adult and a child and peers:

    Draw with your fingers on sand different shapes;

    Pour sand from palm to palm, from one glass or cup to another cup of bright colors;

    Dig holes, immerse your hands in the sand;

    Search in sand buried small toys (game "Secret");

    Sculpt with wet hands sand fences, houses, pies, etc., it is very good to decorate buildings with small pebbles, shells, chips, leaves, nearby growing plants, etc.

    Pour sand into the bucket with a spatula or palm.

    Games with sand positively affect the development of imagination and creativity of children. A lot of things can be sculpted from wet sand: curly cakes, cakes, houses, garages, cities, etc.

    Playing in the sandbox with other children, the child acquires communication skills and socializes. Learns to navigate in conflict issues that necessarily arise in game situations... The skill is developed to be able to negotiate, concede, share or, on the contrary, defend one's rights. All this will come in handy in life for a growing up man.

    Here are how many useful properties sand! I convinced you, my dear friends and colleagues, to the benefits of playing with sand? We run with our guys from the second junior group to play in the sandbox! I'm sure you will like it in our sandbox! I bring to your attention our photo report.

    Related publications:

    Summer provides favorable opportunities for a variety of activities for children, full of new and vivid impressions. Preschool child.

    Sand therapy in kindergarten. Acquaintance with sand. Sand games TECHNOLOGICAL MAP of the organization of the joint directly educational activities with children Theme (project event): Sand play.

    Games and experiments with sand. Observations while walking. Creative tasks Playing with sand Experience 1. Take a glass of sand and carefully pour some sand on a sheet of paper. Does sand flow easily? Easily. AND.

    Games and exercises with sand. Sand therapy is performed to correct the emotional sphere of children. By playing, the child develops and expresses his own.

    Sand has amazing potential. Games with him help children develop intellectual abilities, speech, imagination, and coordination of movements.

    It is advisable to start this exciting activity with a child at the age of about 1 year.

    So how do you organize this process so that it is beneficial?
    • Important

    Before learning how to create, the baby tries to destroy her mother's crafts, and this is quite normal. In this way he learns the world. A little later, let him know that you can break buildings only with the permission of its owner.

    For outdoor activities, any fenced-in sandbox or clean stretch of beach is suitable. At home, you can pour ordinary sifted, washed, calcined, or special kinesthetic sand into a shallow tray or bowl. For safety reasons, play must be supervised by an adult. We will need: all kinds of household utensils, a scoop, molds and other toys.

    • Playing with dry sand
    First, allow your baby to feel the dry matter by touch. Show him how grains of sand fall through your fingers. Sprinkle them on his hand, gently saying: "Our golden sand flows like a beautiful river." When it's out of sight, dig it up cheerfully. Hide your palm and encourage the baby to find it.

    The toddler will certainly like to pour the material into a transparent plastic bottle using a funnel, and sift it through a sieve. Exercising with a toy sand mill will delight him even more. Even the ordinary movement of a substance from one container to another fascinates babies.

    Draw wavy and straight lines with your child. Then offer to lead the bunny or bear home along an impromptu path, reciting a rhyme:

    "Top! Top! Top! Top! -
    Broad legs walk along a straight road.
    Top! Top! Top! Top! -
    Narrow legs step along the wavy path "

    • Playing with wet sand
    Having moistened the fertile substance with a spray bottle or a watering can, it's time to start creativity. First, introduce your baby to her new plastic property. Demonstrate how to squeeze sand and make clear impressions on it. Take a baby palm and leave a mark with it, then make a print of your hand and compare them.

    The most popular among toddlers is the molding of Easter cakes. Blind several of them, then ask the baby to decorate them with improvised means and admire the result together. Over time, under the guidance of his mother, he will learn how to independently fill the molds and turn them over. You can treat dolls with such "cakes".

    The construction of slides, turrets and holes has gained wide popularity among babies. Dig a toy animal burrow together, a toy car garage. Build a magic castle, bridge over a stream, etc. You can draw a picture on a flat surface, make an applique on cardboard, after having smeared the outline of the drawing with glue.

    Being charged with the healing energy of sand, children become smarter before their eyes, become calmer and more confident in themselves. No wonder psychologists use it in their therapy.

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