• What educational toys are needed up to a year. Choose the developing and necessary toys for children up to the year. Baby Development at Eleven Months


    In infancy, children quickly learn everything new and actively develop. To acquire new skills, it is necessary to ensure optimal conditions. At the first stage, the infants learn to sit, crawl and walk. An important meaning has a children's psyche. In the future, it will influence the perception of sound, image and other sensations. Pigeons with their own hands tactile studies the world. For this, he needs various items. The toy contributes to the proper development of senses. For parents, it is important to correctly produce their choice. Thanks to this, the baby will be able to know the whole world around the world faster.

    The role of toys in the development of the baby

    For a baby, it is important to receive information about the external world. Toys for newborns help not only have fun, but also develop.

    Items must be used in the following cases:

    • Attract the attention of crumbs.
    • Help focus a look at a specific subject.
    • Unusual sounds stimulate the correct development of hearing.
    • The baby becomes an interesting toy, so he tries to reach her. Due to this, motor activity increases markedly.
    • Objects contribute to the development of grabbing reflex.
    • We are needed to directly stimulate shallow hands. The game stimulates the correct development of tactile feelings.

    Educational toys for infants should not offer him in large quantities. In this case, attention is noticeably dissipated. The number of objects should not exceed three. They can be changed only after several days of the active game.

    Basic selection criteria

    The baby begins to understand that toys should not be taken in the mouth, only by three years. During this period, the risk of developing allergies was increased. That is why you should pay attention to the quality of each purchase separately. Parents must study components not only nutrition, but also diapers.

    It is allowed to acquire only those products that are made exclusively from natural materials. Tree is very popular. It cannot lead to the development of allergies or individual intolerance. On the seller's plastic and rubber, all necessary quality certificates should be available.

    In infancy it is best to stop the choice on round shapes. They are completely safe and possess all the necessary aesthetic characteristics. They should be impossible to separate the small part. Such details can without obstacles to get into the mouth and cause choking.

    For proper development, it is recommended to use toys with music. It should be pleasant and soothing. Too loud sound can irritate and frighten the crumb. This version of the product is best used if the baby has already been shown the year.

    An important value is color. Baby scare bright, acid shades. They should not be excessively saturated. Against this, the color perception can be distorted in the future.

    Unusual socks and mittens develop small motor hand

    Selection of toys depending on age

    Toys will develop a child if they correspond to its age. This framework should be taken into account all parents. Otherwise, the necessary effect will not be achieved.

    Toy for the first month of life

    Immediately after the vision of any child is still at the formation stage. He cannot see the item in detail, which is even close to his face. That is why the kid is constantly sleeping and only for a long time trying to study the environment.

    However, during this period, the sense of smell is best. The newborn easily recognizes and remembers the smells. Thanks to them, he can feel in complete safety.

    Only at the end of the month, the baby will be able to focus on a certain subject. To do this, it is recommended to hang various toys over the bed or changing table. Positive impact also have black and white pictures. On them can be depicted geometric shapes or other simple forms.

    Features of choosing toys in the second month of development

    The first stage of adaptation is considered complete, so the crumb begins to more actively be interested in the world around. The child begins to show interest in subjects that are moving slowly. At this age, you can already attach a mobile to the bed. The newborn is delighted with rattles and various pictures with the image in black and white colors.

    Third month of adaptation

    During this period, the muscle tone is noticeably reduced, which is observed in the infants immediately after birth. Against the background of this, there is a clear lack of basic skills. The baby begins to take toys actively. He always squeezes the cam in the event that parents invest in it any item.

    In the third month of the development of the child, it becomes interesting rattles. It is best if they have a different form and publish a wide range of sounds. Fabric, plastic or wood can be used as the main material for their manufacture.

    Breasts begins to gradually hold the head against the background of strengthening the cervical and spine muscles. From this period it is recommended to use a special rug for proper growth and development. Pediatricians recommend not to forget about phytball. This gymnastic ball is advisable to use during games or carrying out morning charging.

    Rattle is used to attract the attention of crumbs

    Features of choosing toys for the fourth month of development

    The baby begins to feel confident even in a lying position on the stomach. Parents are recommended to buy him bright toys. Thanks to them, it is possible to keep the crumb in the desired position. In any store you can buy a nevack, ball or objects with unusual sounds.

    The child will be guaranteed to give bright bracelets, mittens or socks. They can make sounds at the time of touch. Such toys are guaranteed to make interest in crumbs.

    Thanks to them, they manage to teach it to drive his palms together. For their manufacture it is customary to use bright fabrics. Additionally, the product is decorated with buckets, bells and squeakers.

    For the right development of small motility hands, it is advisable to use fabrics with different textures. Parents can make them themselves. It is enough to attach small rings to the patchwork.

    Features of the course of the fifth month of child development

    The period is necessary for crumbling to improve motor skills. In five months, he can easily take any object in hand. Croha is enough objects of small size, so parents are recommended to give him cubes, balls or shelters. It is advisable to use a set of wooden products. To date, toys from vinyl, plastics and plastic are also very popular.

    At the end of the month, the baby will already be able to shift objects from one hand to another. It can also begin to disturb the teeth. For grasania gums use special toys. They are made of rubber and have special ribbed edges. With their help, it is possible to easily eliminate itching on the gums. Children like products inside which have water. To eliminate the dental pain, they are recommended to be pre-cooled in the refrigerator.

    Toys for a semi-annual child

    In this period of development, parents will already be able to detect their child's preferences. Most often they stop their choice on products with sound. They are ready to spend a lot of time on his search.

    It is recommended to buy special bath toys. In this case, the baby will be able to entertain himself. In any kindergarten store you can find a wide range of animals, cetings or fish that are made of rubber. An unusual solution is to use the rug on suction cups. It can easily be fixed on the surface of the bathroom. Due to this, it is reduced to a minimum of the likelihood of sliding. During water procedures, you can also use rubber books.

    At six months, babies will gladly consider bright pictures. They should be able to turn the pages themselves. The product can be made of fabric, wood or cardboard.

    Babies begin to show interest in their own body, so they are pleased to consider themselves in the mirror. An item can be placed on a developing rug or in other subjects.

    Game mat Must be every infant

    Toys for seven-month child development

    Parents can already observe crumb in a vertical position. Thanks to this, it can easily manipulate with toys. It is recommended to buy a doll in the form of a nome. It is best if it will make a pleasant sound.

    For development mental abilities You can buy objects that will be well invested in each other. In this group of toys, cups or turrets are very popular. Psychologists recommend buying game complexes with doors, wheels, mirrors and other unusual objects.

    Features of the eighth month of development

    During this period, each child already has a whole basket with toys. He is constantly interested in new objects and manifests its genuine interest.

    It is recommended to purchase a small pyramid with rings. He is guaranteed to enjoy the top, pegs and hammer. Thanks to such things, small motility has developed. Coordination of vision is also improved.

    Psychologists recommend to concentrate on throwing various items. Some experienced mothers tie a toy to a rope or gum. In this case, it is guaranteed to return to its original position on the Manege. However, there is a danger of confusion. This option can only be used if the woman is confident that the baby will not be able to harm himself.

    The infants will be guaranteed to interesting items with unusual sound. They can also have other functional features. Their number directly depends on the price of the product. You can purchase a whole center that will be similar to a regular phone or playing panel.

    Ninth month of child development

    For of this age Suitable sets with lots of liners. A positive impact on mental activity is provided by matryoshki and cups in the form of a cylinder.

    The kid is already free to move on all fours and directs all his strength on a thorough study of space. Miles offer crumbs to catch up with an automatic machine. It can be replaced by a caterpillar or a turtle.

    Swimming will be fun with your favorite toys

    Cars in nine months are interesting even to girls. They gladly ride them back and forth. Balls helps to improve movement coordination. The work can not only kick them, but also throwing about the wall.

    Toys for a ten-month baby

    In this period, the crumbs begin to develop logical thinking. Parents must speed up the process through the use of special toys. It is recommended to purchase sorters, various frames with wooden holes. Thanks to them, the baby will be able to find elements of the desired form and sort them in size. Some crumbs are explicitly interested in designers.

    For the development of thinking, it is recommended to use cubes. The baby will be able to make a turret from them. After the end of the process, he will enjoy banal contemplation. The child is already available to the game with a banal story. Parents can offer him a rag doll, dishes or strollery.

    Baby Development at Eleven Months

    It is possible to improve visual acuity and data from a special inclined gutter. It is also known as Marbulus. The child will be able to watch the movement of the ball on a different surface. Especially interested it should be wire. He will be interested in guessing the final location of the ball.

    Twelfth month from birth

    When the child approaches the year old age, he already actively begins to master walking. Mommy must take care of toys that will support it at this moment. Today, cars on a special rope are very popular. You can also buy a wand for puppet strollers.

    For the development of shallow motility hands allowed to use fishing. During water procedures, it is advisable to use various plastic and rubber products. There are also wooden fishing products in a dry setting.

    Kids older than one year prefer intellectual and motor games. They like balls, tents for playing with plenty of moves. For the knowledge of the world is a bizeboard. It includes a large number of locks, lightning and other interesting things for the kid. Such a toy can be purchased in the finished form or make yourself.

    Cheerful labels on the walls of the bathroom

    Key points of the correct gameplay

    The presence of all necessary toys does not guarantee the correct mental development. Parents should be able to properly present them. Only mommy may be interested in crumbling a small piece of plastics.

    • The new rattle should not wait immediately. Just just bring it to the face of the baby. He must view it to visually and get used to it. Only after that you can make small hazing. In this case, it must be interested in the produced sound.
    • Already three months the baby can take any interesting subject. To do this, it is enough to put rattles closer to the infant.
    • In five months, the child reacts well to sounds. It becomes interesting to play the game "Ku-ku".
    • As soon as the crumb will learn how to crawl well, he is allowed to play the game to attention. To do this, one of the musical toys put not far from him. After that, he must try to find this item.
    • Psychologists advise to give a child to each hand on a toy. After that, you should stretch to him the third. He must be interested in and take it.
    • The boy and the girl will be interested in folding cubes in the body.
    • All kids love to play with the ball. Thanks to such a game, they will be able to learn to sit confidently, and over time to throw and catch it.

    Basic rules for toy care

    Children B. little Age They seek not only to touch, but also take a toy in the mouth. Such a situation is dangerous, because harmful viruses and bacteria can accumulate on its surface. Avoid a negative situation will allow regular execution of the following manipulations:

    • From soft toys it is best to refuse, because a large amount of dust accumulates in them.
    • Plastics and rubber must be installed regularly in water with detergent. After that, they must be carefully sucked. Street toys are stored separately from home.
    • The tree has a property to swell from long stay in water. The washing procedure should continue not long.
    • If there are batteries in the toy, it should be protected from any liquid. For cleansing, a slightly damp cloth. After drying, the subject can also be placed in the freezer.
    • It is also recommended to use a special disinfecting solution. For its preparation, it is enough to dissolve two spoons of soda in one liter of water.

    All toys home use It should be thoroughly washed once every seven days. For the development of shallow hands and intellectual abilities, psychologists recommend using cubes containing a bulk filler. Baby will be interested in throwing them. On the edges may also contain lime elements. In this case, it will be possible to create an unusual design.


    Review of children's educational toys by month to a year. What to give a child up to a year or birth.

    I decided to write this article for all future moms and for those who have no kids yet, but I want to make the right and interesting gift to the baby. He herself once broke her head What to give to the birth of a child, which is half a year, and that one year old)). What educational toys for children up to a year is better.
    All toys test Maxim, as we grow up and the appearance of interesting new products will share with you!

    0-6 months

      1. I will start with what you need to prepare before the birth of the baby:
      Black and white pictures A4 or cube format, here I will not describe a long time that you need to diversify the surrounding space of the baby, to develop vision, etc., I will only say that Maxim is balded, I looked at it for a very long time in my crib and on the changing table, they periodically They sat down, entertained and gave me the opportunity to relax. Until 1.5 months, he could see them for a very long time, then gradually the interest switched to the home furnishings, flowers, a window, etc. Each child in this is certainly individual. It is these cubes and pictures, in my opinion, a baby teach in the future to concentrate attention.

      Colorful black and white pictures come to replace somewhere in 2.5 months, they are also better printed in advance, because For mom, the first 3 months is "fire"))) Exactly there will be no time for these pictures (so I did not have enough).

      But I bought in advance colored waterproof bathroom stickers. From the month we began to swim with a circle, stickers appeared in the region 2x monthly age And it was love at first glance, especially Max estimated the blue hippopotamus, could stop in front of him and not to tear the eye for five minutes (so in 3 months we have bathed for 40 minutes, while everyone visited everyone, while we pay all the time, and it is also necessary to pay). From 7 months Favorite fun - tear off the sticker.

      Let's go to the crib. Just lying in bed and consider the ceiling no child will agree if you want your child to spend a certain amount of time in the crib, you need to make a cozy nest from it. Comfortable mattress, sides and cavities will create comfort and comfort, they must be calm pastel tones, possibly with bright accents.
      In the first months of life above the bed you need to hang music mobile or suspension,to kid to train eyes, learned to focus a look at moving objects. Now their very large selection on any wallet. If there is no possibility to buy, you can make or attach light toys to the canopy.

      Two-sided soft book On the strings (you can hang from birth, the maximum interest in us was manifested by 3.5 months, when they started to touch it), on the one hand, black and white pictures, with the other color. Mirror inserts are made, fluffy and others, so that the child will be relevant long enough. We turned out that this book just a month came to replace the printed black and white pictures.

      Another important game area is developing rug. We have two of them, one with musical mobile, the other with arcs and hanging toys. I like the second more (" The world of childhood "1500 r.), So from Mobile, the baby is quickly tired quickly, and he likes to pull them to different toys and see them much more, and as he has been growing different functions, first you can just look at toys, then pull or beat on them, Then lying on the tummy to touch the Shanks, press on the sakes, etc. The mat is actively used since the month, I have familiar kids who do not like the rugs. Standing! I usually lie down next to him, I sing a song, talking and showing rattles. By 5 months, the mat has become our favorite place for games, and I haven't had to lie down next to me, Supermax entertained himself (pulled out for the rattles, looked in the mirror, and Bending soft arcs so in general has become our favorite activity). Even very cool chicco floor mats, Bright Starts developing rug "Africa".

      Chaise lounge Empathy thing! There are now very much varieties, I advise you to buy after the birth of a child, trying different variations from friends and acquaintances. Someone will fit the usual without vibrations, melodies, etc., others will like it, others will choose a chaise lounge-swing. When choosing a lounge chairs, be sure to pay attention to its stability. Feedback on the chaise lounge Chicco.

      We have another indispensable toy that came to us by chance for 3 months. Came to visit supermax for a girlfriend and she gave us children's tomy projector. One picture, a few calm melodies, and the effect ... Even in the most severe tantrum soothed per minute! I did not expect him to like him. Now we often play with him in the evening, we catch light and fall asleep with handles.

      Rattles and teethers. You can buy and give it from the very birth, the child itself takes in the handle starts somewhere in 3 months. From 5 months actively rattle the rattles, knocking them on her mother, the table, the crib and forgets himself)) it is very important momentThe child begins to realize his movements, understands that after his actions, a sound or a knock appears (and maybe a bump on the forehead))). Buy not only plastic rattles, but also wooden, they sound quieter and listening, the child trains a rumor.

    KS KIDS clock C 3 months, very cool, in the center of rodents. Similar toys with bracelet are comfortable and practical, always with a child.

    The teethers, which only not tried. Leaders happy Baby Teether Silicone, Happy Baby Rubber Bear, Chicco Ring Cooling with a pen and Tolo Toys Mouse and of course Tiny Love Flower. The rest are also good, but not so favorite as the first five.

    Our most beloved ringing, rustling, tactile toys Tiny Love. (Toys of this company are qualitative, well thought out, the baby falls in love with them at first sight).

    Purchase as much beautiful and bright things for the newborn - a large temptation for young parents.

    In the first month of life, the newborn will need quite a few toys, since most of the day the crumb will spend in a dream. To show interest in toys a child will begin a little later. What kind of toy set worth buying for a newborn?

    What are the requirements to make to high-quality toys?

    The first toys for the newborn

    The lack of need for a large number of toys in a child of 1-2 months is also due to the fact that the newborn has a very poorly developed vision. Because of the immature apparatus of the child, the child is still difficult to focus on specific items, especially those who are further (and closer) an elongated arm.

    Almost all that surrounds children in the first weeks of life is seen as vague spots. Moving items and the child at all does not perceive.

    Take a rattle or a cube of Kroch in the knobs will also be able to not soon, so get acquainted with your first toys the baby will get acquainted only with the participation of adults. Yes, and acquaintance it will last no longer than 10-15 minutes a day.

    Toys for newborns in 1-2 months: Rattles and Mobile

    The very first and most need toys For children in 1-2 months - these are rattles. They can be traditional, with ringing balls or bells, and electronic, with programmed simple melodies. The first rattle for children are produced very small, their diameter is only 6-8 cm.

    Also for the baby can be purchased a rattle made in the form of beads.

    Whole garlands from multicolored balls are attached to a stroller or crib. Preli-pendants are usually attached to a plastic arc.

    A little later, the bracket with suspensions can be otweb from the bed on the playpen.

    The choice of parents falls on such garlands also due to their versatility. From the suspensions, you can remove part of the segments so that in the future the kid used them as ordinary rattles.

    About the new kind Toys for the little ones - Mobile on the crib. They can start the key or work from the batteries.

    The newborn can not yet estimate the variety of colors and the forms of the garland segments, but it will calm the quiet melodies that make a mobile on the bed. Some models of such rattles can reproduce the sounds of nature. Infants it really like: such sounds can be compared with . Musical carousels well affect the nervous crumb system, and also allow you to develop his ability to focus vision: Hearing the sound, the baby begins to look for his source.

    Interesting! Newborn IKET after feeding: what to do?

    Mom can also sew a garland for a crib and strollers. As a filler for fabric or knitted rattles, moms use beads, buttons, and sometimes even peas and rice - they give a more interesting deaf sound. When the baby becomes a little older and can touch the carousel with his hands, fabric rattles will help diversify its tactile sensations.

    And musical carousels, and the garlands of rattles are suspended at a distance of 30 cm above the bed.

    It is important to remember that the newborn is also needed a variety. Even if your baby is perfectly falling asleep with the musical carousel and smiles every time, seeing her, from such a rattle of crumbs need to give rest. It is necessary not to just change the melody, but to hang a more relaxed toy without melodies to the place of the musical carousel.

    How to choose a mobile on a bed for a newborn?

    If parents decided to acquire a mobile for a newborn, they will need to pay attention to the following factors:

    • The color of the suspension should be calm. Bright toys newborn to nothing;
    • The melody that Mobile publishes should be calm and quiet. The ability to adjust the sound is a big plus;
    • Well, if the elements of the garlands are made of different materials with different textures - it is useful for the Motoric of the Toddler's Finger
    • If the lamp-night light is included in the mobile assembly, its light should be soft, well snaps.

    Choosing a musical carousel, inspect it from all sides, including from the bottom - it is in this position that a child will observe her.

    All figures and suspension on a mobile should be not similar to each other.

    If these are fabulous characters, then all of them should be different. This will help diversify the visual impressions of the crumbs. The cost of mobiles for newborns is rather big, but they will be used only in the first months of the lifestyles of crumbs.

    Nothing will happen to be scary if you hang out the baby's conventional garlands over the bed. Negrict musical accompaniment You can enable on a separate device.

    Toys for children 3-4 months

    At this age, children are already starting to touch the toys with their hands and even try to try their taste. Now the rattles in the arsenal of the baby will be held no longer dominant position: they will be added to "pieces", "squeezing", "praise."

    Interesting! How to choose a baby carriage?

    Baby in 2-3 months I really like to play with nevoshai. The kids love to listen to the sounds that make a doll when swaying.

    Good developing toy for a child up to 4 months - ringing rattle-bracelet. Such rattles are made of fabric or very soft silicone. You can wear bracelets on the handles, and on the legs.

    Preli-bracelets will help the baby understand that the sound is published when moving.

    Sometimes children are afraid of such rattles: if you notice that the baby reacts to the bracelet with cry, try to show the baby toy in a few weeks.

    Grass movements are usually developing in infants by 4 months of life. A good option for this age is rattles with a handle that the crumble will try to keep themselves. Make sure that there are no small details on the rattle that the baby could tear: the likelihood is that the child wants to swallow them.

    In 4-5 months, the child can be offered to play with "sakes" (soft rubber toys, publishing sound when pressing).

    The kids at the age approaching by half of the year love to shift objects from place to place, so they will certainly like cubes or parts from the designer. Of course, they should be large enough.

    We have prepared several tips for choosing and care for toys for the smallest:

    1 Do not buy rattles of hard plastic. This material is very fragile and brittle, with any careless movement, a small piece can be broken from it, which is very dangerous for the newborn.

    2 Any toys need to wash it periodically. If it is a carousel or garland, they need to be wiped with a cloth from dust.

    Toys falling into the baby in hand, you need to use hot water daily.

    3 Do not seek to buy the most expensive toy for the child. The kid will not be able to evaluate your costs, and will not be happy to respond to a gift if you just put it next to the bluer.The main acting face in the game with breastfish - his mother. You can create creatively even the simplest rattle, and the newborn will certainly be interested in it.

    Merchandisers and sellers in children's stores do not spend time in a gift, and, hitting the trading hall in search of diapers or diapers for the attached baby, you have no way to avoid rows with toys. And on the shelves, all such bright, beautiful, brilliant, eat and moving!

    Add here to mounted inscriptions on the packs "0+", "develops from birth", "for the smallest", "first toy kid" and now you are already at the checkout with a whole bunch of toys that did not plan to buy. Let's deal with what toys really needed newborn and which will contribute to the development of the kid throughout the first year of life.

    Toys for a child up to the year: 0-3 months

    From birth and up to 3 months for a child best tool Entertainment and development is a native human face - Mamino or Papino. Any household item is like a soft brush, which you combat the baby, the terry mittens, which you wash it, packing paper napkins, etc. It carries a huge developmental potential for the child of the first three months of life and serves as the basis. Remember this when you make a list of essential items before going to the store.

    It can very well be that you yourself make the first toys for the crumbs, but will only get the very minimum or you will bypass completely without buying toys during this period.

    Nevertheless, I will give a list in which necessary toys for a child From birth to 3 months, which can entertain it and serve as a details for your joint educational games. Here you will find brief recommendations on choosing these toys.

    • Mobilefor hanging over the bed. When buying, pay special attention to the music that Mobile publishes - it should not be too loud, cutting, sad, and I must like you - who knows how many times the day you have to listen to :) Also make sure the strength of the mount and the absence of small parts which can break out and fall on the baby. Well, if mobile elements are real, and not fictional characters - for example, flowers, butterflies, fish, etc. And have a natural colors. Ideally, mobile elements should be removable so that you can easily replace them with other interesting items to maintain the novelty effect.
    • Arc with suspended toys For fastening in a crib / stroller / car chair. For this toy, the above recommendations are valid, but it becomes especially relevant to change toys. Daily walks and games make the needed regular cleaning of toys and their periodic replacement - otherwise, the arc will quickly bore the baby.
    • Pendants and garlands with rattles, squeakers, rustlingon the carriage - their baby will be happy to consider, and later to telete and pull in the mouth, so give preference to toys of clean natural colors, from washable durable materials. To maintain the interest of the child, it will be enough to purchase 2-3 garlands and pendants with different sound and content (for example, in one - a squeezing and a safe mirror, to another - a rattle and a lunger, in the third - a bubber and rodent).
    • Balls. For games with a crumb from birth and later you will need balls of different sizes. Purchase a light inflatable "beach" ball with a diameter of 20-25 cm, small hedgehog balls for massage of the handles and legs of the baby, soft textile and knitted balls with different fillers - ringing, rustling friers. Exhaustive list you will learn by reference.
    • Developing rug.Honestly, I did not come across the sale rugs that would meet my high expectations, but maybe you will be lucky. If not - Susch the mat yourself or order from some needlewoman. The price of such a product will be comparable to the price of the factory rug, and the quality and developmental potential is significantly higher.
    • Preliushki. Pick up 3-4 different designs (in the form of dumbbells, bagel, ball with handle, puments on a stick, etc.), colors, sound, preferably from different materials. Let some rattles be complex to capture small fingers - the kid will try to grab the toy and, thus, and the coordination of the "eye-hand". Make sure that the rattles do not publish too loud and sharp sounds that can scare the child, did not have sharp edges and protruding corners.
    • Neva.You can use this wonderful toy now, and later, when the doll-nevalea can become the heroine of plot games. You can buy a couple of dolls - large, tall up to 30 cm, and smaller, convenient for manipulation.

    Toys for a child up to the year: 3-6 months

    At this age, your "Toy Arsenal" can be significantly expanded. The most important criteria that you must continue to be guided by choosing - security for the child and the developing potential of the toy. What will interest and entertain? Firstly, all that you have already bought before, provided that you regularly replace toys on arcs, rug and pendants. After 2-3 days, the "separation", the baby rejoices and explores the forgotten toy as a new one. And here is the list of new acquisitions:

    • Matryoshka.Buy a regular classic wooden matryoshki, painted not too dark colors and immediately remove the little figures, leaving the 3-4 largest.
    • Bath toys.At this floor for swimming, it is advisable to use rubber toys of small size, comfortable for capturing with handles. Buy products of proven manufacturers, pay special attention to the color and smell of toys. Too sharp "aroma" and a fantastic color - a reason to refuse to buy. Carefully follow the cleanness of toys for swimming, wash them with children's detergents, carefully dry after each bathing and replace new ones at the first signs of the appearance of mold. The ideas on the use of these toys can be found in the article "".
    • Cubes. For a first acquaintance, give preference to light plastic cubes with a slightly rounded edges and cubes-balls.
    • Rodzunas. Although it is not quite a toy, but, nevertheless, choose the copies comfortable for the capture of a children's handle, which involve the possibility of cooling in the refrigerator and, of course, sanitation.
    • Animal figures. Purchase or make animal figures that you will use to demonstrate flows, illustrations of fairy tales, etc. Toys should be realistic, not too large (optimal size up to 12-15 cm in height) and causing positive emotions in the baby. To begin with a bear, doggy, kitty, bunny and squirrel or chanterelle.

    Toys for a child up to the year: 6-9 months

    Many toys from the previous period are still interested in the baby, only ways of playing with them change and complicate. For example, a rattle, followed by previously baby I watched with a look, I tried to catch and shifted from one handle to another, now you can learn to ring louder and quieter or even to the music or in the tact of a speech performed by a restless motion. Other necessary toys for grazing crumbs aged 6 to 9 months:

    • Cubes. It is time for wooden cubes. But be careful with sharp corners and irradiated paint. The best choice is cubes from an unpainted tree. Make sure the surface of the cubes is smooth, without jar and scratch, and still do not leave the baby unattended alone with this toy.
    • Constructor. You can purchase the first constructor with a large detail and simple connection mechanism. Do not attempt to design complex figures, there will be enough turrets that the crumb will only break.
    • Cups liners.Mega-toy for all times, which I have not mentioned more than once in the articles and on my webinars. Be sure to purchase it or do something similar from the cups from yogurt-curds, etc. At the age of 6 and 9 months, the baby will be with great pleasure to pull out and try to fold the cups one in one, and a little later will start with you to build turrets from them.
    • Sorter "Box" - house, machine, boat, fungus, etc. With slots of different shapes and a set of small figures that the baby must learn to arch in the appropriate holes. Try to select an option with fairly large items that exclude the possibility of swallowing. Make sure the holes are large enough so that the child can freely push the suitable figures in them, and pay attention to the ability to the child yourself to get the figures from the box to repeat the game.
    • Interactive toys with buttons, keys, levers. Of course, this is not the most necessary toy, provided that you pay a lot of attention to the development of small toddler motors - and water, do regularly finger gymnastics etc. But the kids love these toys, so there will be no harm from 2-3 toys with buttons. Just do not try to buy a toy, as I call them "100 in 1", which are trained and votes of animals, and alphabet, and numbers, and flowers, and forms, and how to say "hello" in 5 languages, etc. Let it be better to be 1-2 functions, but the child's appropriate age, then the toy will be really interesting for him and useful. By the way, to the same category refers toy with a flawless reputation - yula.
    • Pups and accessories for him. Both boys and girls recommend buying the most ordinary pups - with movable handles and legs, without hair, from washing material. For the specified age, you can limit the set of clothing and the crib (which is successfully replaced by the appropriately reversed box from under the shoes), in which the baby will learn to lay its "Lyal".
    • Dolls Bibabo. The glove dolls literally fascinate toddlers, and this will require quite a bit of your acting abilities. On sale there are both separate characters and whole sets of the heroes of fairy tales - choose to your taste and wallet. From myself I will add that sew or link such a doll is not a lot of work.

    At the same age it is appropriate to offer croche first real books - Not book-toys-rattles - diet, but books for reading. Recommendations for the choice of books can be found in the article ""

    Toys for a child up to the year: 9-12 months

    Toddler games with cubes, designer, pyramid, Matryoshkami are becoming more diverse and interesting, and we offer him new educational toys that will allow the baby to develop new skills and skills.

    Have you recently become a kid?

    • Pyramid. For the first, an option is suitable with large, substantially different from each other in size by rings and expanding the book - such a pyramid is simply impossible to collect incorrectly, and it will be easier for you to explain the principle of action to the baby. In the future, it will be possible to purchase another 1-2 pyramids of another size and from other materials.
    • Mosaic. We purchase first desktop or, better, floor mosaic with large elements. We learn to lay out the path, caterpillar, flower and other simple elements.
    • Play toys. Relevant for crawling and beginners to walk children. Get a couple of copies on a stick to roll in front of yourself, and on the rope to drag behind yourself. A good acquisition will be a machine-wheelchair that the baby can push in front of him for a handle or sit on her and ride, pushing off his legs - we still have (from 9 months to 2.5 years) with pleasure we use this car.
    • A set of dishes and toy products. It's time to diversify your pups games (by the way, it can be purchased for another 1-2 pupa) - a set of dishes come in handy (I recommend at least partially to use real dishes - for example, plastic cups, bowls, containers with covers, cutting board, wooden and Silicone blades, sitechko, etc.) and products for the game "In the cook". When buying, pay attention to the compliance of toy products is present in color, form, size ratio. You can make products for the game yourself, for example, sew from a felt, stew out of wool or tie with crochet. You will find a selection of games with toy products.

    Here is a list of toys for a child before the year I got. I do not assume that it is exhaustive to all or that all his items are mandatory to fulfill, but personally it seems to me that. I note that I did not mention it here, and since there are separate publications on this topic in the relevant headings. Also, the list does not mention many toys that can be made with their own hands - there is also it too.

    I invite experienced and future moms to discuss my list in the comments. What items would you add to the list for your child? What and why do you think unnecessary?

    Read other articles about the development of the child by months:

    A toy for a child is the main means of knowing the world, which involves all the senses. It should not be just useful but also safe.

    Only in the first year of life, a small man is capable of growing so rapidly and develop. During this time, the baby will have to master a huge number of skills. And this is not only the ability to sit, crawl or walk. It is important to lay the foundations of future mental processes - to learn how to concentrate on the image, sound, tactile sensations, coordinate actions and perception, analyze the properties of objects. The main means of knowing the world, able to fully engage all the senses, is toy.

    Toy as "food" for development

    Why buy toys baby? "To distract from crying!" - The first thing most parents answer. In fact, children of the first year toys are needed not so much to entertain how much for development. Their main functions:

    • attract attention;
    • teach focusing;
    • get to listen;
    • push motor activity (for example, reach the subject of an interested subject);
    • develop and improve grabbing reflex;
    • stimulate fine motility and tactile feelings.

    A large number of toys only dispel attention. Follow the crumb to surround only 2-3 subjects that need to be changed every few days.

    On the quality and safety of children's toys

    It is only for the two or three years to kid can be explained that items cannot be taken in the mouth. And now, when the child is most susceptible to allergens, it is not less serious to buy toys than to choose diapers or nutrition.

    Give preference to goods made of natural materials; For example, tree. Plastic and rubber samples must necessarily be certified.

    Get toys rounded shapes - they should be not only safe, but also have aesthetic look. Of course, nothing that could break away and get into the mouth.

    Check on the sound all rattles and musical products. Irritating, too loud sound, do not like it, but you can scare a child at all.

    And colors. Avoid acid shades. Calm pastel or saturated main (red, yellow, blue, green) will contribute to the development of kid's color perception.

    What toys will suit children from the first months and up to a year

    To the toy is not just entertainment, but a development tool, you need to approach her choice with the mind, based on age features kid.

    First month

    The vision of the newborn is still too weak to see the subject, even near the baby sees all the blurred stains. Yes, and he has no time to look at him. Kroch sleeps, eats and slowly mastered in the new world.

    The smell is that it works to full now. The newborn hears the mother's smell and calms down, convinced of his safety.

    By the end of the month, the crumb is mastered and will begin to focus a look. Therefore, hang over a changing table or a cot a pair of black and white pictures with a picture of simple geometric shapes.

    Second month

    Adaptation behind, and the baby begins to be interested in the world around. Now the child is able to observe a slowly moving subject, which means it's time to attach a mobile.

    You can still suspend or simply show a croutine rattle, a cardboard figure with a black and white image.

    Third Month

    The muscle tone, inherent in newborns, weakens little. It is time to develop grabbing skills. And let the baby still cannot grab his toy himself, you can put it in a handle.

    It is best for this rattles. Well, if their handles are different in shape, surface relief and manufacturing material (tissue, plastic, wooden).

    The cervical and spine muscles are stronger, the baby still keeps the head longer, so a good acquisition for children for 3 months will be a developing rug with arc. Useful purchase will be and, wherever you can diversify and complicate the morning exercise.

    Fourth month

    At this age, the baby is useful to lie as long as possible on the tummy. Therefore, we need bright toys that distract it and keep in the desired position. It can be a mist, soft beast, ball, sounding items.

    Look in the stores soft bracelets, mittens or socks, which, when moving, emit sound. Such toys stimulate the desire of children to touch the object's interested thing, teach to connect the handles. Usually they are made of bright fabrics and sounding elements (bubrels, bells, diet).

    For shallow motors, offer to the baby objects with tissues of different textures. You can simply cut the flap and attach them to the ring.

    Fifth month

    Coordination of movements is improving, little by little, the Kroch begins to independently take objects. Choose small toys for which a small handcle can grasp. Cubes, balls, lumps are suitable. For example, you can buy a wooden set of figures. There are also vinyl and plastic products.

    By the end of the month, they will be useful to teach the baby to shift the items from one handle to another.

    Many children at this age are beginning to disturb their teeth - the rattles of teethers will help. Their rubber ribbed surfaces will be perfectly squeezed by the baby. Especially popular among product chickens. Chilled in the refrigerator, they will help to relieve toothpow.

    Sixth month

    By this time, most children clearly trace preferences in toys. Musical goods will force the baby to search the sound source and customs to it.

    Entertained crumbling in the bath will help toys for swimming. These are small rubber animals, clarification with ducklings, planting fish. There are special mats on suction cups that are attached to the surface of the bathroom so that the child does not slip. Take a bunch and rubberized books during swimming.

    By the way about books! Children of 6 months already carries bright pictures and turning pages. The smallest buy soft fabric, wooden or books with cardboard pages.

    Semi-annual karapuses love to admire their reflection. The mirror can be found on a developing rug, rattles and other objects of the game.

    Seventh month

    The child goes into a new vertical position for itself, which means that it becomes much more convenient to manipulate objects. Combusts the crumb of the doll-nevosha, which can be ordinary or musical.

    We use items invested in each other. It can be in-ear cups that are built into the turret.

    Now game centers are good with doors, buttons, wheels, mirrors, moving cylinders and a telephone disk.

    Eighth month

    You can replenish the game equipment with a pyramid (as long as with the same rings in size), a wolf, a box with pegs that are clogged with a hammer. Such toys stimulate the development of hands, contribute to the formation of visual motor coordination.

    An important ability to emphasize neurologists is to throw objects. Some resourceful moms, tired of raising and return to the crib (playpen) rattles, even tie them to the rope. Convenient, but there is a danger that the baby is confused and gives himself something.

    The sounding toys most likely already abandoned, and preference is given to musical subjects. The functionality of such goods depends only on the cost. From whole centers, to ordinary phones with buttons or gaming panels.

    Ninth month

    More and more interest is a child manifests in inserts. It can be nesting and cylindrical cups.

    To this age, most children are already actively exploring the space, moving on all fours. Favorite game - catch up with a crown machine (caterpillar, turtle, etc.).

    Incue the child of any gender and cars that can be rolled back and forth. Useful for improving the coordination of movements and balls. Children learn to kick them, throw, throw about the wall.

    Musical instruments can be attributed to the right toys - drum, maracas, tambourine, etc.

    Tenth month

    Finally it's time for development logical thinking. The first developments of this kind are sorters, a wooden frame with holes in which the kid inserts the elements of the desired shape, a mosaic of large sizes, perhaps, will also come up on moral and simple constructors.

    If the cubes have not yet been bought - now it's time. The baby up to the year only with joy destroys the towers of them, but over time will begin and create.

    Do not forget about the story games - dolls (puffs or rags), toy dishes, little stroller.

    Even if you grow a boy, there must be a doll in the house. With her, you teach the child to regret, swing, feed the pups, and also remember the names of the body parts.

    Eleventh month

    The development of vision and cognitive abilities will help the inclined chute with balls - Marbulous. During the game, the baby watches the ball rolls along the inclined surface or the wire, predicting the movement of the subject.

    Games with domestic figures will help the crumb to remember the first sound-speaking words.

    Twelfth month

    By year or a few months earlier, children are mastering a walking skill. Therefore, you need toys for which you can hold the machine on the rope. Popular among one-year-old children and rods, strollers for dolls.

    Magnetic fishing will help to develop a dexterity and fine motility. Plastic and rubber products are suitable for playing in the bathroom, wooden "Aquariums" with fish are convenient for games on "land".

    Thematic material:

    Having mastered the skill of walking, many kids are intelligent prefer motor games. Therefore, boldly give a crumble of different sizes of balls, kegli, game tent with a tunnel. Digging your finger and explore the surrounding world will help, on which the "interest" of the type of locks, lightning, thaw, telephone disks, etc. are attached. Such a manual can not be bought, but to build it yourself.

    Learning to play

    To buy a little toy, you need to be able to create it creatively. Even the most expensive and multifunctional development without mom will only have a piece of plastics abandoned in a couple of minutes.

    • Deciding to introduce a newborn with a new rattle, do not hurry to wave it. Initially, just bring to the face of the baby so that he wondered and managed to get used to it. Then slowly take away from the side to the side so that the baby so much to follow it. Delicately introduce a toy sound.
    • From 3 months you need to stimulate the crumb to reach the toy. Attract his attention to the sound of rattles and put it close to the baby.
      The 5-month karapuz will be played with the game in Ku-ku. At first, my mother hides, then you can hide a toy under the pelleon.
    • When the child learn how to crawl, you can play the game of auditory attention. Turn on the musical toy and hide not far from the baby. He will definitely try to find a sound source.
    • "Third extra" - a game of the development of coordination and smelting. Give a child to the toy in every hand. Then last the third. An interested child should figure out that you need to free one hand to take new toy.
    • Show how to upload cubes into the body, or ride a bear on it.
    • Games with the ball should also be taught. As soon as the baby learned to sit, sneeze near the floor and ride the ball in his direction. Later, show how to throw a ball, beat on it by foot.

    How to care for children's toys

    Children under the year all drags in the mouth, thoroughly licking the dirt with items. All do not disinfect, but also leave the breeders of bacteria near the child up to the year dangerous. What to do?

    • Stuffed Toys . Try to make them the baby as small as possible, because this is the best dust collectors. In addition to the usual washing in the car, they can be regularly vacuuming or freeze in the freezer.
    • Plastic and rubber. Soak them in a basin with water for some time, then wipe with a sponge with baby soap and wipe dry. Discontinue outdoor toys from those with whom the kid playing at home.
    • Wood . Wood products are cleaned similarly to the rest, only it is impossible to soak them for a long time.
    • Toys on batteries. If water gets into the mechanism or electronic part, the toy will be unusable. Such products can be gently cleaned with a damp cloth, and after drying, put in the freezing chamber.
    • Solution for disinfection. In a liter of water, dissolve 4 spoons of soda. With the help of a sponge, clean the surface of the items. Soak products can be in a weak solution of vinegar. Help kill microbes and alcohol.

    Items that are used to play at home enough to handle and wash once a week.

    More couple of usefulness

    In every house where children grow, there must be a Bi-Ba-Bo dolls. These are glove toys that come to life in the parent hand. Such a doll will become best friend Toddler up to school. Until a year, she will delight with fun; will show how to manipulate with objects; Then it will help to master your native speech. Prech school she teaches role-playing games, dialogue.

    For the development of spatial thinking, motility and creativity are good in the balls - large tissue cubes with a soft or bulk filler. They can be thrown, you can fall on them, and the velcro on the edges will help to build more or less strong structures.

    Of course, a variety of toys you need to each child. But it is always better to buy one expensive, but high-quality and long-playing product than three bad toys.

    What would you advise toys to children up to a year? Share ideas with us!

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